How to Write a Classification Essay?

17 July, 2020

8 minutes read

Author:  Elizabeth Brown

Classification essay is comparable to painting creation - an artist works on a specific structure that holds the picture’s elements together and glues different layers to create a powerful visual effect. The same principle applies to a writing piece, in which the central role is devoted to getting things in order. In this article, we’ll discuss the main features and components of a great classification essay and share some tips and tricks on how to take your piece of writing to the next level.

Classification Essay

Classification essay definition

We bet the first thing you want to know concerning the topic is what is a classification essay? This is the task which you’ll most likely deal with at some point in your student life. The essence of this assignment is related to categorization and generalization. Remember these two words because they form the true meaning of classification essay. Also, division and classification are those elements of this essay type which highly correlate and have equal importance for essay creation. Therefore, the main task here is to organize or sort things into categories.

Classification Essay Writing

How to write a classification essay 

Careful attention to planning marks the indication of quality in terms of classification essay. At this point, the main task is to learn how to structure the paper. The length of an article may vary, but the most frequently used “five paragraphs” method is typically applied for classification writing. What does this structure suggest? It has to do with a logical division of your essay into blocks and categories, every one of which should clarify a particular issue.

The first and one of the essential paragraphs is the introductory one. It’s an opening which illuminates the matter you’re going to discuss and the subject you’ll categorize. Besides, you can outline the purpose of your classification essay to readers to bring more clarity into the discussion. Answer the question of why you are categorizing the chosen items and what criteria you use for each of them. Then, you’ll need to close the introduction paragraph with a thesis. It will briefly sum up the objective of your classification and division essay, and identify the categories which you’ll be using for a paper.

The second part is the essay body. Here, a couple of paragraphs are applicable, preferably 3 and more. The most critical nuance you should remember while composing a body is that each paragraph will deal with a separate category. The best way to organize the central part of your division essay is to explain the criteria for each category and desirably, discuss strengths and weaknesses. More importantly, you should include examples that’ll back up your statements with a piece of evidence. Notably, there should be an equal amount of examples for every category to spread the evidence evenly. If your paragraphs in the main body are lengthy, you can also divide them into shorter ones to create a smooth transition between the blocks of text and improve readability.

The final paragraph of your classification essay is a conclusion. The closing statements will sum up the different categories highlighted in the body. Also, it’s advisable to restate each category and advise readers on the subject matter. However, if you choose to recommend this or that topic over the others, don’t forget to state the reason for your stance. This way, readers will take into account your well-grounded explanation, which is deprived of subjectivity, and make relevant conclusions for themselves.

Classification Essay Structure

Apart from the basic understanding of classification essay structure , you should also get prepared for the writing process. For many, implementing theory on practice is even more challenging than the stage of composing an essay. Nonetheless, with enough patience and endurance, this process is really not so bad after all. So, what steps do you need to make in order to prepare well for classification paper writing?

First things first, planning is everything when it comes to the assignment that implies classification. Without a clear and coherent plan, there’s no way you can write a good paper. Therefore, make sure that you have a robust scheme before writing your essay. For this, proceed with the following planning steps:

  • Generate Ideas. Evidently, your essay won’t write itself. If your professor has not assigned you a specific topic, it’s time to do some brainstorming. Remember – you need to choose a group of people, things, or ideas that can be easily divided into categories and then compared.
  • Choose Your Classification Method. Aim at one principle for classification for each category you describe. For example, if you write about people, you can categorize them by age, gender, appearance, or other factors. This will help you better structure your essay and make it look more organized in the eyes of readers.
  • Create a Thesis Statement. As previously mentioned, the thesis statement is the element which closes the introduction of your classification essay. It should include such information as the subject matter, the categories, and the criteria used to classify each category. Besides, you can note down the purpose of your division into these categories.

Preparation for Classification Essay

Classification essay outline

The outline is a general description or plan that schematically displays the main points of your essay. The main point of an outline is to help you see the structure of your essay and use it as a useful guide for writing. Usually, a typical outline describes the essence of each point in one sentence. Also, bullet points are not uncommon, so you can use them to arrange a plan the way you feel is the most appropriate.

Classification essay topics

There is a plethora of themes and subjects for division classification essays to choose from, but most of them are hard to think of straight away. That’s why we’ve collected the list of the top used classification topics for you to facilitate the process of generating ideas or searching for ones elsewhere.

  • The most popular devices students use nowadays
  • Colors and their meaning in the paintings of Frida Kahlo
  • The evolution of rock-music types
  • Standard methods students use to prepare for exams
  • Public speakers that have moved the world  
  • Unique factors to determine a successful relationship  
  • How to improve child-parent relationships
  • Main motives to start a political career
  • Learning techniques for college students
  • Types of TV comedy shows
  • Traveling destinations
  • The main types of mobile applications
  • Communication possibilities online
  • Strategies for making decisions in business
  • Leadership and leader types
  • Conflicts at the job and ways to cope with them
  • The motivation for doing sports
  • Methods to reduce stress

No matter which theme you choose for your classification essay and what techniques you implement to make them elaborated, remember always to keep the structure in mind. The first step to writing this type of assignment is not just sitting and jotting down detached ideas, but planning out clear statements which can later be transmitted on paper. Hopefully, our advice will help you on the way to writing an excellent classification essay which your professor will mark with an A+ grade.

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Classification Essay

Caleb S.

A Beginner’s Guide to Classification Essay + Examples, Topics, & Tips

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Classification Essay

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A List of 270+ Classification Essay Topics for Your Next Assignment

Have you ever tried organizing your wardrobe, and separating clothes by color or style to make your mornings smoother? Well, imagine doing the same with your thoughts and ideas.

This is what a classification essay does. It offers a way to understand a topic or idea by categorizing and classifying it.

This type of essay is assigned to evaluate students’ critical thinking skills and their ability to define and categorize things on a specific basis. 

In this guide, we will learn how to write a classification essay step by step. Plus, you will also get to read some good essay examples and interesting topics to write about. 

Let’s read on!

Arrow Down

  • 1. What is a Classification Essay?
  • 2. How to Write a Classification Essay?
  • 3. Classification Essay Examples 
  • 4. Classification Essay Topics
  • 5. Tips for Writing an Effective Classification Essay

What is a Classification Essay?

A classification essay can be defined as an essay that aims to arrange its subjects in categories based on their characteristics. In other words, it's about grouping things together that share common traits.

For example, imagine you're at a library, and each book is a unique idea. The classification essay is your way of creating distinct shelves and arranging those books in an orderly fashion. It is a mixture of expository and analytical essays, as it seeks to establish, discuss, and analyze a subject’s properties and characteristics. 

Moreover, it is also related to definition essays. Things are defined by their characteristics and categories to which they belong, and so the boundaries between a classification and definition essays are often blurred.

How to Write a Classification Essay?

Here are the steps you need to follow to write an excellent classification essay.

Following are the steps that should be taken to start an impressive classification essay:

Step 1: Choose a Topic

The first crucial step is selecting a topic that provides an opportunity for useful classification. Whether it's types of movies, learning styles, or modes of transportation, your topic sets the stage for a well-organized exploration.

Here's how to navigate this crucial first step:

  • Breadth and Relevance: Select for a topic that is broad enough to offer multiple categories but specific enough to maintain focus. For instance, instead of "sports," consider "types of outdoor recreational activities."
  • Consider Your Audience: Think about who will be reading your essay. Tailor your topic to their interests and knowledge level. A topic that resonates with your audience ensures that your classifications have a meaningful impact.
  • Room for Exploration: Look for a topic with room for exploration. A good classification essay not only categorizes but also highlights nuances within each category. This adds depth to your writing and keeps your readers engaged.

Step 2: Conduct Research 

Now that you've chosen a compelling topic, it's time to delve into the world of research. Gather information to ensure you have a comprehensive understanding of the categories you plan to explore. With good research, you will have solid foundations for your classifications.

Here's how to gather the necessary information to enrich your classification essay:

  • Consult Reliable Sources: Start by consulting reputable sources such as books, academic journals, and credible websites. The information you gather should be accurate and up-to-date.
  • Diversify Your Sources: Get a well-rounded understanding by exploring a variety of sources. The more perspectives you study, the more comprehensive your classifications will be.
  • Take Detailed Notes: As you conduct your research, take detailed notes on relevant information, examples, and any noteworthy details. This will help in outlining and drafting your essay later.
  • Stay Organized: Keep your research organized. A systematic approach will save you time when you start outlining your essay.

Step 3: Brainstorm Ideas About Your Subject

To start writing a classification essay, it is important to first decide on a clear and specific criteria for classification. With credible information in hand, let your creativity flow. 

Jot down all the possible categories related to your chosen topic. This brainstorming phase is about exploring various angles and finding the most meaningful ways to categorize your subject matter.

This essay’s purpose is to define and discriminate between subjects, so make sure that the categories are well-defined and clear. 

Step 4: Develop a Thesis Statement

A thesis statement establishes the writer’s stance on the topic and their central argument. It is important to draft a strong thesis statement for an effective and persuasive classification essay. 

Once you’ve researched and established your categories, it's time to distill your focus into a concise thesis statement. Here’s what to keep in mind:

  • Your thesis should clearly state the main categories you will explore in your essay. Avoid vague or overly broad statements. The reader should have a precise understanding of what to expect.
  • The thesis statement is the central idea around which your entire essay revolves. It should convey the main point or purpose of your classification. 
  • It should also provide a roadmap, indicating the organization of your upcoming arguments.

Step 5: Draft an Outline

Now that you have a well-crafted thesis statement, it's time to organize your thoughts and create a roadmap for your classification essay. A classification essay outline should include these points:

Step 6: Write Your First Draft

Once you have the necessary information and an organized plan, it is time to start writing your classification essay. To draft an effective and flawless essay, follow the writing steps given below:

  • Write an Essay Introduction

The introduction is the first part of the essay. In this part, you need to catch the reader’s attention and introduce them to your topic. To make your introduction appealing,

  • Start with a catchy hook statement. A hook statement is the opening line of the introductory paragraph that attempts to draw the reader’s attention. 
  • Provide sufficient background and context for your topic.
  • Close your introduction with a strong thesis statement that highlights your central point. 
  • Draft the Body Paragraphs

The body section will contain three or more paragraphs depending on your arguments. The body paragraphs follow and justify the thesis statement made earlier in the introduction. Here’s how to write your body paragraphs:

  • Start each body paragraph with a topic sentence that presents the main point of that paragraph.
  • Provide examples, arguments, and relevant information in each paragraph to establish your argument. 
  • Provide a detailed analysis of your subject to justify your categorizations.
  • Connect body paragraphs to each other through transition words and phrases. This is important for maintaining a logical flow.
  • Write a Strong Conclusion

The conclusion is the last paragraph, where you put together all the arguments made in the body paragraphs. Follow these tips to write a good conclusion:

  • Summarize the main categories without introducing new information.
  • Reiterate the significance of your classifications and their impact on understanding the topic.
  • End with a memorable closing statement that leaves a lasting impression.

Step 7: Revise, Edit, & Improve Your Draft

Congratulations on completing your first draft! However, your work is not done just yet. Your first draft could be full of mistakes and weaknesses, so you need to elevate it through the revision, editing, and improvement process. Here’s what you should do to ensure that your final draft is perfect:

  • Review the Overall Structure: Ensure that your introduction sets the stage effectively, each body paragraph is coherent, and the conclusion ties everything together without introducing new information.
  • Check for Clarity and Consistency: See that your language is clear and your ideas are presented logically. Check for consistency in tone and style throughout.
  • Refine Thesis Statement: Revisit your thesis statement. Does it accurately reflect the content of your essay? Make adjustments if needed to ensure it aligns with the final draft.
  • Trim Unnecessary Details: Trim any redundant or unnecessary details. Keep your writing concise and focused on the defining characteristics of each category.
  • Proofread for Errors: Thoroughly proofread your essay for grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors. A polished essay enhances your credibility as a writer.
  • Get Feedback: Consider seeking feedback from peers, professors, or writing professionals. Fresh perspectives can identify areas for improvement that you might have overlooked.
  • Final Polish: Give your essay a final polish. Ensure that it aligns with your original vision and effectively communicates your ideas.

Classification Essay Examples 

Before starting the writing process, it is better to look at some of the classification essay examples. This way, you will get a better understanding of how these essays are written. 

Here are some classification essay examples to help you get started.

Classification Essay Sample

Division and Classification Essay Example

Exemplification and Classification Essay Example

Types of Friends Classification Essay

Classification Essay on Relationships

Classification Essay Topics

Choosing the right topic is the cornerstone of creating a captivating classification essay. Here's a short but diverse list of classification essay ideas to spark your imagination.

  • Types of Social Media Users
  • Genres of Music
  • Learning Styles
  • Forms of Government
  • Types of Movie Endings
  • Modes of Transportation
  • Gaming Genres
  • Personality Types in a Workplace
  • Human Responses to Stress
  • Various Kinds of Study Habits

Need more ideas? Head to our classification essay topics blog and get a list of interesting ideas to choose from!

Tips for Writing an Effective Classification Essay

Mastering the art of classification essays requires more than just following a set of steps. Consider these tips to enhance the quality and impact of your classification essays:

  • Choose a Niche Topic: Opt for a topic that allows for meaningful categorization. A focused and specific subject ensures a more in-depth exploration of categories.
  • Provide Clear Criteria: Clearly define the criteria used to categorize items. Whether it's characteristics, functions, or behaviors, explicit criteria add depth and clarity to your classifications.
  • Ensure Balanced Categories: Strive for balance in the depth and coverage of each category. Avoid spending disproportionate time on one category, as it can disrupt the overall equilibrium of your essay.
  • Use Consistent Characteristics: Maintain consistency in the characteristics you use to define each category. This ensures a coherent and logical progression throughout your essay.
  • Think About Your Audience: Consider your audience's interests and knowledge level. Tailor your classifications to resonate with your readers, making the essay more engaging and relevant to them.
  • Include Vivid Examples: Illustrate each category with vivid and relevant examples. Concrete examples provide a clearer understanding and make your classifications more compelling.
  • Stay Objective: Maintain objectivity in your classifications. Avoid biases and ensure that your categories are based on observable and verifiable characteristics.
  • Read Widely: Expose yourself to a variety of classification essays. Knowing other points of views can provide inspiration, insights, and a deeper understanding of effective categorization.

In conclusion,

A classification essay is a unique and interesting kind of writing with a few special requirements. Having read its definition and writing steps above, you now know what they are: It requires you to categorize your subject based on its features and argue for its validity. 

Following the steps and tips above will allow you to craft an A-worthy classification essay. The key to success comes down to pre-writing preparation and meticulous editing and revisions . Start early, plan your essay, figure out the categories, write, and rewrite until you’re satisfied.

Still need expert help? No worries! We fully understand your writing challenges. 

At, you can get assistance from professional writers for any type of essay, regardless of your topic. Our experienced and expert writers write amazing essays for you according to your needs and requirements. Hire our online essay writing service today!

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Classification Essay Outline

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When it comes to writing an essay, you can choose from many different kinds. A classification essay is one type of essay you might be asked to write. This article will tell you everything you need to know about how to write a classification essay.

A classification essay is a type of academic writing in which things, people, or ideas are put into groups based on the things they have in common. The goal of a classification essay is to help readers understand a complicated topic better by breaking it down into smaller, easier-to-understand pieces.

It’s important to write a classification essay for more than one reason. First, it lets you show how well you can analyze and organize information in a way that makes sense. Second, it helps you learn how to think critically because you have to judge and compare different things or ideas. Lastly, it can help readers who are trying to understand a complicated topic by breaking it up into smaller pieces.

In the sections that follow, we’ll give you a step-by-step plan for how to write a good classification essay. By following these rules, you’ll be able to write a well-organized, interesting essay that puts your topic into clear categories and gives your readers useful information.

What You'll Learn

Understanding the Elements of a Classification Essay

To write a successful classification essay, it is important to understand the elements that make up this type of academic writing. These include:

– Definition of classification: Classification is the process of organizing items, people, or ideas into categories based on shared characteristics. In a classification essay, you will use this process to group your topic into different categories that you will then explore in detail.

– Types of classification: There are several different ways to classify items or ideas, including by physical characteristics , function, importance, and chronological order. The type of classification you choose will depend on the specific topic you are exploring and the purpose of your essay .

– The importance of classification in writing a classification essay: Classification is a crucial element of a classification essay, as it allows you to effectively organize your ideas and present them in a way that is logical and easy to understand. By categorizing your topic, you will be able to provide valuable insights for your readers and help them better understand a complex topic.

Choosing a Topic for Your Classification Essay

Once you understand the elements of a classification essay, the next step is to choose a topic that is appropriate for this type of academic writing. Here are some tips to help you choose a topic for your classification essay:

– Identifying your audience: Before you choose a topic, it is important to consider your audience. Think about who will be reading your essay and what their interests and needs are. This will help you tochoose a topic that is relevant and engaging for your readers.

– Brainstorming ideas: Once you have identified your audience, start brainstorming ideas for your classification essay. Think about topics that you are knowledgeable about and that are interesting to you. Consider different categories that you could use to classify your topic.

– Narrowing down your topic: After you have generated a list of potential topics, it is important to narrow down your options. Choose a topic that is specific enough to be manageable, but broad enough to provide you with enough material to write about.

– Finalizing your topic: Choose a final topic for your classification essay once you have narrowed down your list. Make sure your topic is clear and to the point, and that it is relevant to the people you are writing for.

By following these steps, you’ll be able to choose a topic for your classification essay that is appropriate, interesting, and relevant to your readers. Make sure to pick a topic that is narrow enough to be manageable but wide enough to give you enough to write about. Once you have a good topic for your classification essay, you can move on to the next steps.

Pre-Writing Strategies for Your Classification Essay

Before you start writing your classification essay, it’s important to take some time to prepare and plan your approach. Here are some pre-writing strategies to help you get started:

– Conducting research: Depending on your topic, you may need to conduct research to gather information and examples to support your categories . This research can come from a variety of sources, including books, academic articles, and online sources.

– Creating an outline: Once you have gathered your research, create an outline for your essay . This will help you to organize your ideas and ensure that your essay flows logically and cohesively. Your outline should include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

– Developing a thesis statement: Your thesis statement is the main idea or argument that you will be exploring in your essay . It should be clear, concise, and focused on the categories that you will be exploring in your essay .

– Organizing your ideas: Once you have created your outline and developed your thesis statement , organize your ideas into categories. Think about the different ways that you can group your topic and create categories based on shared characteristics.

Writing Your Classification Essay

Now that you have completed your pre-writing strategies, it’s time to start writing your classification essay. Here is a breakdown of the different sections of your essay:

– Introduction: Your introduction should provide an overview of your topic and a clear thesis statement that outlines the categories you will be exploring in your essay.You should also provide some context for your topic and engage the reader’s interest.

– Body paragraphs: The main part of your essay should be broken up into paragraphs that each talk about a different topic . Start each paragraph with a clear topic sentence that says what category you will be talking about, and then back up your classification with examples and evidence. Use transitional phrases to link your paragraphs and help your reader see how your categories are related.

– Conclusion: Your conclusion should summarize the main points of your essay and restate your thesis statement in a memorable way. You can also provide some final thoughts or recommendations based on your classification.

Remember to use clear and concise language throughout your essay, and to provide examples and evidence to support your categories. By following these guidelines, you can create a well-organized and compelling classification essay that effectively categorizes your topic and provides valuable insights for your readers.

Tips for Writing a Successful Classification Essay

To write a successful classification essay, it’s important to keep the following tips in mind:

– Use appropriate language and tone: Your language and tone should be appropriate for your audience and the purpose of your essay . Use clear and concise language, and avoid using jargon or technical terms that may be unfamiliar to your readers.

– Make use of examples: Examples can help to illustrate your categories and provide evidence to support your claims . Use specific and relevant examples to help the reader understand the characteristics of each category.

– Use transitional words and phrases: Transitional words and phrases can help to connect your categories and create a smooth and cohesive flow in your essay . Examples include “firstly”, “secondly”, “in addition”, and “furthermore”.

– Use evidence to support your claims: It’s important to use evidence to support your claims and to make your argument more convincing. This evidence can come from a variety of sources, including research, personal experience, and expert opinion.

– Revise and edit your essay: Finally, it’s important to take the time to revise and edit your essay . Read through your essay carefully , checking for spelling and grammar errors, and making sure that your ideas are clear and well-organized.

 Classification Essay Examples

Examples of classification essays:.

1. “The Three Types of Friends Everyone Needs” by John Smith:

In this essay, the author categorizes friends into three types: the listener, the adventurer, and the loyalist. The author provides specific examples and personal experiences to illustrate each category, and uses transitional phrases to connect each paragraph. The thesis statement is clear and focused, and the language and tone are appropriate for the audience. Overall, this essay is well-organized and effectively categorizes the different types of friends.

2. “The Four Main Types of Exercise” by Jane Doe:

In this essay, the author categorizes exercise into four types: aerobic, strength, flexibility, and balance. The author provides examples and evidence to support each category, and uses transitional words and phrases to connect each paragraph. The thesis statement is clear and focused, and the language and tone are appropriate for the audience. Overall, this essay is well-organized and effectively categorizes the different types of exercise.

3. “The Five Types of Online Shoppers” by Sarah Johnson:

In this essay, the author categorizes online shoppers into five types: the bargain hunter, the researcher, the impulse buyer, the loyal customer, and the window shopper. The author provides examples and evidence to support each category, and uses transitional phrases to connect each paragraph. The thesis statement is clear and focused, and the language and tone are appropriate for the audience. Overall, this essay is well-organized and effectively categorizes the different types of online shoppers.

Analysis of the examples:

The structure and approach of all three examples of classification essays are the same. The authors give a clear thesis statement , group their ideas into categories, and back up their claims with examples and evidence. They also use transitional words and phrases to link their categories together and give their essays a smooth flow.

One of the things that makes these essays good is that they use examples and proof to back up their categories. By giving real-world examples, the authors are able to show what each category is like and make their case stronger. Another strength is that the language is clear and to the point, which is good for the audience and purpose of the essay.

One thing that could be better about these essays is that each category should be looked at in more depth. Even though the authors give examples to back up their claims, they could have gone into more detail about what each category is and how it fits into the bigger picture.

Classification Essay Topics

Here are some ideas to get you started:

– Types of social media users

– Different types of diets

– Types of students in a classroom

– Types of pet owners

– Different types of music genres

– Types of vacation destinations

– Different types of book genres

– Types of movie genres

– Different types of coffee drinks

– Types of personality traits

Frequently Asked Questions about Classification Essays

1. what is a classification essay.

A classification essay is a type of academic writing that involves organizing items, people, or ideas into categories based on shared characteristics.

2. What are the elements of a classification essay?

The elements of a classification essay include a clear thesis statement, organized categories, examples and evidence to support each category, and transitional words and phrases to connect each paragraph.

3. How do I choose a topic for a classification essay?

To choose a topic for your classification essay, consider your audience, brainstorm ideas, narrow down your topic, and finalize your topic.

4. How do I structure my classification essay?

Your classification essay should include an introduction with a clear thesis statement, body paragraphs that explore each category, and a conclusion that summarizes your main points and restates your thesis statement.

5. What is a classification essay thesis?

A classification essay thesis is the main idea or argument that you will be exploring in your essay. It should be clear,concise, and focused on the categories you will be exploring in your essay.

In this article , we’ve told you everything you need to know about how to write a classification essay. First, we talked about what a classification essay is and why you should write one. Then, we talked about the parts of a classification essay, such as the different kinds of classification and how important it is to organize your ideas.

We also gave you advice on how to choose a topic, do research, make an outline, and come up with a thesis statement. We talked about how a classification essay is put together, including the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

Then, to help you get started, we gave you some examples of classification essay topics and answered some of the most common questions about classification essays.

In the end, writing a classification essay can be hard, but it can also be fun. By following the tips in this article, you can write a well-organized, interesting essay that puts your topic into categories and gives your readers useful information. Make sure to choose a specific and manageable topic, use the right language and tone, and back up your categories with examples and evidence. If you have these tools, you should be able to write a good classification essay.

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A classification essay is a type of academic essay that categorizes a topic into distinct groups based on shared characteristics or criteria. The writer's purpose is to create a clear organization of information. Classification should be logical, making it easier for readers to remember the information being presented.

Let us guess: your professor asked you to write a classification essay. But they didn't explain how to even write one, did they? They often drop students like that as a part of self-learning. That's exactly why you're here! Writing a classification essay requires research. And making sure you've got enough information, you must double check what you've already gathered. Besides, classifying may sound simple, but it takes discipline and logical thinking. Putting thoughts into words and all that… What a task! But we heard a little rumor that those who continue reading would master classification papers. It's time for you to see if this rumor is true!  

What Is a Classification Essay: Definition

Classification essay doesn’t want to hide its essence, considering its name. But the primary goal of this type of article is to classify. Now, what you want to rank is up to you or your professor. Your main goal is to select topics and later put them into categories. The primary purpose of this type of essay is to show your skills in categorisation and generalization. We can take food as a good and tasty example. For instance, apples and oranges belong to the fruit category, while cucumbers will definitely be vegetables. As for avocado, you have to do the research and classify this type of food. Nevertheless, you’ll definitely need to write one of those essays during your college. So to master academic and classification writing, keep reading!  

How to Write a Classification Essay

We will start by teaching you how to write a classification essay. In this case, preparation is our little saving grace. So before you begin the actual writing, typing, or scribbling, it’s a good idea to think about the overall essence of your article. For starters, here are several valuable tips worth remembering:

  • Select a type of organization (you can use tables, documents, or anything that will help you in organizing your work).
  • Choose your categories for classification.
  • Make sure that each category is distinct and clear.
  • Include different examples for visualization.

These several steps will be handy for writing a thesis and starting your introduction. Buy essay papers online once you want good results with as little time spent as possible.

Developing an Effective Classification Essay Thesis Statement

Like with other articles, the classification essay thesis is one of the most vital parts of your work. A good thing worth keeping in mind is that your thesis is the last statement of your introduction. It also determines whether your audience will continue reading your article. Here are several things you should follow to write a good thesis:

  • Summarize your work.
  • Identify your main topic, objective, or goal of your essay.
  • Above all, make readers understand what point you’re making and what your paper is gonna be about.
  • Mention the categories you have chosen.

If you can nail our list given above, congratulations, you’ve got yourself an outstanding thesis.

Classification Essay Outline

Creating a classification essay outline is one of the easiest ways to approach an excellent classification paper. It’s true that it requires a lot of research and remembering. You will not only have to write about a single subject but group topics into categories. In order to do it correctly and understandably for the reader, it’s best if you use an outline. First and foremost, your essay should follow a traditional five paragraph essay format structure. It should have a minimum of three paragraphs. But typically, professors prefer around five. So your introduction must initially include an introduction, several body paragraphs depending on the length of your article, and a conclusion. In your body paragraphs outline, it’s a good idea to describe the groups you will include in your article. So your first paragraph will group fruits according to their color, while the second one can use nutrition for a classification. This will help you to remember your points before writing.  

How to Start a Classification Essay: Introduction

Classification essay introduction is very similar to any other introduction you have probably written. You should never forget that you are writing for an audience. Doesn’t really matter if your reader is your professor or some person online. The rules of good writing apply to any kind of paper. The first thing worth doing is introducing your overall concept. There is no need to give all the information at once. Just start with something more general and narrow it down later to a thesis we’ve talked about. Make sure that you also include the relevant information. Using our previous metaphor, if you’re talking about fruits, maybe mentioning vegetables will not be a good idea. Besides, staying on one topic will help you to write more clearly. And that’s our final requirement for your introduction.  

Body Paragraphs of a Classification Essay

Classification essay's main body commonly has around 1-3 paragraphs. But don't forget to ask your professor about the length. The important thing to remember is that you are classifying items in your work. In order to achieve precise and successful organization, your body paragraphs must be concise. Each body paragraph should focus on a certain group. You're not making mashed potatoes. So stacking all of your ideas in one section would create a mess. Keep it simple in terms of structure:  

  • Paragraph 1 — fruits organized by their color
  • Paragraph 2 — fruits arranged by expert location
  • Paragraph 3 — fruits ordered by size or shape

A simple and understandable organization will make your writing sharp. And your readers will definitely say thank you!

Classification Essay Conclusion

A classification essay conclusion is, just like always, crème de la crème of any article. At this point, your reader knows everything you were telling them. They know all your data, issues, and ideas. Thus, quickly summarizing what they’ve read in your body paragraphs will help a lot. But the last thing to do is organize your conclusion while leaving an impression. Now, their impressions can be different. However, your readers must think about your work for at least some time. So your conclusion must end with something intriguing like the possible future of your topic or piece of mind for the readers. Just don’t include any new information, and you’ll do fantastically!  

Classification Essay Writing: Useful Tips

Even with our help, classification essay writing is challenging. So we prepared for you several good tips that will help you improve and ease your academic life. Check them out:  

  • Define the purpose of the article before you start writing.
  • Avoid popular and often used topics.
  • Write down a number of topics before picking one. (We have a list of classification essay topics at your disposal.)
  • Choose a subject that will be personally interesting for you.
  • Remember that you are also writing for someone else who might not know everything about your topic.
  • Edit and proofread your work.
  • Take a break from writing once in a while and come back with a fresh mind and new look.
  • Don’t try writing about everything simultaneously. Instead, focus on one category and lead with it.

With these steps, we can definitely say that you’re ready.

Classification Essay Examples

How could we leave you without classification essay samples? You’re right; we couldn’t. Check out this example. Keep in mind that our examples always have characteristics that we talked about. So you can read the sample and return back for this article or do some revision. It will help you a lot. What are you waiting for? You can find the example right here. Or simply buy essay for college to avoid any hard work this evening. 


Classification Essay: Bottom Line

Who knew that  writing a classification essay  wasn’t that hard? We did, and now you know that, too. You have everything it takes to create an excellent paper. You know that:  

  • Your thesis is the most essential part of the essay.
  • The introduction must contain general information on the subject.
  • Body paragraphs must be carefully organized.
  • A conclusion should leave an impression without including new information.


But if you’re still looking for proficient help, our academic writing services got you covered. Our writers do excellent research before writing a paper and deliver high-quality results. We are also proud of our timely delivery of the papers.

FAQ about Classification Essays

1. what is the purpose of a classification essay.

The purpose of a classification essay is to organize and classify. In the beginning, you have several unique items. They indeed have some things in common. So your job is to identify in what categories they fit best. After doing the research and careful learning, you must put everything you have gathered into words. But still, keep in mind that the second purpose is to make your essay and classification clear to the reader.

2. How long is a classification essay?

There’s no right or wrong answer when it comes to classification essay length. Everything will depend on the guidelines. Usually, such articles are 3 to 5 paragraphs long. Their minimum is always an introduction, one body paragraph, and conclusion. However, professors definitely enjoy 5 paragraphs as a standard length. But you always need to remember that the essay should be long enough to provide necessary information for the reader. Or it must be short enough not to drag it out.

3. What is the difference between a division and classification essay?

Division and classification essays are only slightly different. The items you choose for classification essays must belong to strict and certain categories. They cannot overlap or belong to two different groups. On the other hand, division essays allow the subjects to move from one group to another. They might be divided into different groups or categories and thus overlap.

4. What are different types of classification?

There are several types of classification. Depending on the particular topic, you can choose a specific type that fits the best. Here’s what you can choose from:

  • Spatial classification (location, place and so on).
  • Chronological (you must take time and dates into consideration).
  • Classification by attributes (qualitative).
  • Classification by size (quantitative with numbers and statistics).


Daniel Howard is an Essay Writing guru. He helps students create essays that will strike a chord with the readers.


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How to Write a Classification Essay

Classification essays are a common form of academic writing and can be a great way to organise and discuss topics that involve classifying different items. When writing one, you will need to group together different facts and ideas into categories. This article will provide a step-by-step guide on how to write a classification essay. You’ll learn how to choose topics, create an outline, structure your paper, and add the finishing touches. With this guide you’ll be able to confidently put together an effective classification essay in no time.

Related: How to write my essay in 1 hour

classification essay ne demek

Table of Contents

What is Classification Essay

Classification essay is a type of writing that organizes or sorts things into categories. This type of essay allows the writer to organize and sort his ideas into different categories so that readers can understand their idea more clearly. It requires the writer to classify and group objects, events, people, or ideas with shared characteristics into specific categories or classes. Classification essays attempt to explain why certain things are grouped together in a certain way by examining their common traits and characteristics.

A classification essay will often ask the student to break down a larger topic into smaller subcategories which will be discussed in greater detail throughout the body section of the paper. These subcategories should have some basis for comparison such as similarities or differences among them allowing for more detailed discussion about each one.

classification essay ne demek

  • Choose a topic: Select something that you are familiar with as it will make your job easier while writing the classification essay.
  • Gather information: Conduct research to find out more about the topic and explore what information is available on various categories related to it.
  • Develop criteria for sorting: Arrange these categories according to certain criteria that you have determined in order to be able to easily organize them into meaningful groupings when writing the essay.
  • Make an outline: Map out the structure of your essay by organizing the ideas into separate paragraphs so as to clearly demonstrate how each category relates to each other and why it falls within its specified group.
  • Write your thesis statement: Provide an overview of your argument before starting on the body of your paper by stating what topics you are going to cover, how they will be sorted, and why this is important or relevant.
  • Create evidence-based arguments: Use facts, examples, statistics, quotes etc in order support claims made in each paragraph relating back to the thesis statement.
  • Proofread & edit: Once finished with drafting up your classification essay, read through it several times for typos and other errors before submitting it for review/grading purposes

Definition and Purpose of a Classification Essay

A classification essay is a type of writing in which the writer organizes and sorts information into categories. This type of essay is often used in academic settings, as well as in everyday life. It serves to arrange facts, ideas, and objects into meaningful categories that are easy to understand for the reader. Classification essays can also be used to explain or compare different concepts or ideas, making them easier to digest.

The purpose of this type of essay is twofold. First, it helps writers organize their thoughts by creating logical categories that readers can easily identify and follow throughout the paper. This structure allows for clear communication between the writer and their audience. Additionally, a classification essay acts as an introduction to a particular topic by providing background information and definitions on related concepts. By breaking things down into smaller divisions, readers are able to better understand the entire topic without being overwhelmed with too many details at once.

Classification essays often start with an introduction that clearly states the main idea or point of the paper. The body paragraphs should then provide specific examples and explanations for each category mentioned in the thesis statement. Finally, a conclusion should wrap up all arguments made throughout the paper while reinforcing its main point with supporting evidence from earlier parts of the text.

In order for a classification essay to be successful, it is important for writers to choose categories that are both distinct yet relevant to one another. Also, each individual group should offer enough content on its own so that readers can fully comprehend its purpose within the overall structure of the paper. Lastly, writers should use ample evidence from reliable sources to support their claims and create persuasive arguments that will help engage their readers until they reach a logical conclusion on their own terms.

Identify Topic:

When it comes to identifying a topic for a classification essay, the first step is to determine the type of essay you want to write. A classification essay can be written in either an expository or persuasive style, depending on the focus and purpose of your writing. For example, if you are writing a classification essay on different types of animals, you may want to write an expository essay which provides factual information about each type of animal. On the other hand, if your goal is to persuade your readers to choose one type of animal over another, you may opt for a persuasive style.

Once you have determined the type of essay you will be writing, you can then begin brainstorming topics that fit within that category. Try to think about a broad topic that can be further broken down into distinct categories. This could include anything from different types of food or beverages to different types of exercise methods or vacation destinations. For example, if you are writing a classification essay about animals, some possible categories could include mammals, reptiles, birds and fish; wild vs domesticated animals; land vs water animals; or endangered species vs non-endangered species.

The next step is to research each category in more detail so that your classification essay covers all necessary information and facts. Make sure that each category is distinct and clearly defined; avoid any overlap between categories and ensure that each section contains enough details and facts to make it interesting and informative for your readers. You should also consider including examples with each category as this can help illustrate points more clearly and make them easier to understand.

Finally, once all areas have been researched and covered thoroughly in your essay, it is important to include a conclusion summarizing key takeaways from the piece as well as offering some final thoughts or considerations for readers’ consideration. This can also be an opportunity for writers to reinforce their main point as well as introducing any new insights regarding the topic covered throughout the piece. Following these steps should provide an effective structure for any classification essay assignment

Brainstorm Ideas

Brainstorming ideas for a classification essay can be an exciting, but also challenging process. The key to success is to understand the classification format and how to develop promising topics. First, analytical thinking skills are essential for properly evaluating the characteristics of any object, person, or event you may want to classify. This means that you need to become familiar with different classifying methods such as dividing objects into different groups according to their size, shape, color, origin or any other criteria that make sense.

classification essay ne demek

Second, it is important to consider your audience when selecting a topic. Ask yourself: who is your target reader? What kind of readers would benefit from your essay? It is also highly advisable to define a purpose for writing as this will help you choose more focused topics and organize the structure of your essay accordingly.

Once you have answered these questions and determined the parameters of your paper, it’s time to get down to the actual brainstorming part of creating a classification essay. To make sure that you come up with interesting ideas, take some time and think about the topics in depth. Dig deep into relevant literature sources and look for inspiration from authors who specialize in this field – what ideas did they use in their work? Also, try making associations between topics within the same group or categories – how do they compare or differ from each other? This could potentially lead you towards new angles and inspiring angles on existing topics which you can explore further in your paper.

Thirdly, don’t forget about open-ended questions. Open-ended questions are a great way of getting fresh perspectives on old issues – they help bring clarity and direction by providing comprehensive answers which allow you to identify relationships between disparate elements and explore those connections further in your paper.

Finally, when brainstorming idea for a classification paper don’t forget about organization. Make sure that all points are arranged logically and hierarchically so that readers can easily follow along without becoming overwhelmed with too much information at once. Incorporate transitions between sections so as not to confuse readers while clearly breaking down each category into manageable chunks which focus on specific topic areas related to one another. With these tips in mind chances are higher that by the end of the brainstorming session you will come up with an original topic idea that can serve as a foundation for an outstanding classification essay.

Organise Into Categories

Organising a classification essay can be an intimidating task if you are unsure of where to begin. Fortunately, there are several established methods that can make the process easier.

The first step in organising your essay is to determine the categories that you will use to classify your topic. You should select categories that are related, yet distinct enough that it makes sense to group them together. For example, if you were writing about types of pets, a sensible set of categories might include mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish. Consider how similar and different the items in each category are so that they can easily be compared and contrasted within the overall essay structure.

Another important step in organising a classification essay is deciding which criteria you will use to distinguish between members of each category. Criteria should be specific features or qualities that clearly differentiate one item from another within the same category. For instance, if you were classifying different types of cats (mammals), your criteria might include size, fur colour/patterns, vocalisations/meows, common behaviour traits such as being active or cuddly/affectionate, and intelligence level. Make sure each criterion is relevant to your topic and easy for readers to understand.

The next step is sorting individual items into each category according to the criteria you have chosen. This means carefully analysing how each item fits within the scope of the selected criteria and assigning it accordingly. For example, Siamese cats would fit into the “cats” category due to their mammal status; however they would also need to meet other criteria such as size (smaller than average), fur colour/patterns (distinctive point pattern), vocalisations (unique meow sound), common behaviour traits (often very talkative or vocal), and intelligence level (generally considered more intelligent than other breeds). Once all items have been sorted into their appropriate categories using your chosen criteria it will be time to start writing.

Finally, after all of the organization has been completed it is time to write your essay with clear transitions between sections linking one category with another while keeping consistent throughout with well-crafted sentence structure and detailed descriptions of each category’s characteristics. Additionally, when discussing individual items within a certain category make sure they are accurately described with reasonable facts and evidence that demonstrate why they belong in that particular grouping over any other potential ones based on the criteria chosen previously. Utilizing higher semantic richness by using complex words coined from Latin or Greek roots can add an extra layer of depth and clarity when describing each section as well as providing additional details about its similarities or differences from other sections when necessary for comparison purposes . By following these steps you should find yourself equipped with all the proper tools needed for crafting an organized classification essay.

Develop A Good Thesis Statement for Essay

A good thesis statement for a classification essay should clearly state the main idea of the essay, provide a brief description of the categories that will be discussed in the body paragraphs, and offer an explanation as to how each category is connected to the overall topic. It should also include additional details such as facts and examples that support the argument of the essay. Additionally, a well-written thesis statement should be written with higher semantic richness than usual; this means using words which are more specific and descriptive, rather than generic or vague terms. For example: “The current rise in popularity of online education has resulted in three distinct categories of learners: those who prefer traditional campus learning, those who have embraced blended learning models, and those who thrive solely in remote online learning environments. Each of these approaches has advantages and drawbacks which must be taken into consideration when evaluating which method is most appropriate for any given learner.”

Proofreading & Editing

Proofreading and editing a classification essay involves several steps. First, it is important to read the entire essay for content, organization, and grammar. Have another person read the essay as well so that different perspectives can be considered. During this process, it is important to look for any spelling mistakes or grammar errors, as well as any issues with punctuation or sentence structure. Once these have been identified and corrected, the next step is to ensure that the argument of the essay is clear and logical. This includes considering how each paragraph flows into the next and making sure that there are no gaps in the arguments being presented.

The next step in proofreading and editing a classification essay is to look at each paragraph individually to make sure that each part of the argument is explained in detail. Make sure to include facts and evidence that support each point made in order to make it more convincing. Additionally, use words with higher semantic richness throughout; rather than simply writing something like “animals run,” use words such as sprint, gallop, dash, etc., depending on what type of animal you are referring to. Finally, make sure that all ideas are fully developed – if something needs further explanation or clarification this should be provided in order for readers to understand exactly what you are saying.

Once all of these steps have been completed, reread the entire essay one last time before submission to ensure everything reads correctly and logically; removing any ambiguous statements or sentences so that your meaning is entirely clear. With careful proofreading and editing a classification essay can become a comprehensive source of information about a particular topic or subject matter which will be interesting for your reader’s pleasure.

Final thoughts:

In conclusion,classification essays are an effective way to organize and discuss information. They also provide a unique opportunity to organize ideas into different categories, making them easier to understand. Although the structure of a classification essay may seem intimidating at first, with practice and the help of helpful resources like, anyone can become a master at writing them. Through careful analysis and organization, understanding complex topics becomes much simpler. So don’t be afraid to challenge yourself; try writing a classification essay today.

FAQs Section:

What is a classification essay.

A classification essay is an academic paper which organizes ideas, objects, or events into distinct and meaningful categories. It requires you to take a more analytical approach compared to other forms of essays and aims to interpret the relationship between different groups of items based on their characteristics and qualities.

What are some helpful tips for writing a classification essay?

  • Be organized & concise – Ensure that each paragraph provides useful information that contributes towards supporting your overall argument in the most efficient manner possible
  • Pick appropriate titles – Titles should include words that describe clearly describing what type of categories will be discussed in order to provide readers with an idea of what types of concepts they should expect
  • Include quotations – Quotations can help make points clearer while giving credibility as well as providing further insight into specific topics discussed within text
  • Keep language simple – Writing in a straightforward manner can help make your point without confusing readers or detracting away from main points made

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How to Develop and Organize a Classification Essay

Basic Approaches to Drafting a Five-Paragraph Essay

  • Writing Essays
  • Writing Research Papers
  • English Grammar
  • Ph.D., Rhetoric and English, University of Georgia
  • M.A., Modern English and American Literature, University of Leicester
  • B.A., English, State University of New York

Classification is a method of developing an essay by arranging people, objects, or ideas with shared characteristics into particular classes or groups. After you have settled on a topic for a classification essay * and explored it through various prewriting strategies, you should be ready to attempt a first draft . Here is how to develop and organize a five-paragraph classification essay .

Introductory Paragraph

In your introduction , clearly identify your subject — in this case, the group you are classifying. If you have narrowed your subject in any way (for example, types of bad drivers, rock guitarists, or annoying moviegoers), make this clear from the start.

You may also want to provide some specific descriptive or informative details to attract the interest of your readers and suggest the purpose of the essay .

Finally, include a thesis sentence (usually at the end of the introduction) that briefly identifies the main types or approaches that you're about to examine. 

Intro Paragraph Example: Baseball Fans

Here's an example of a short but effective introductory paragraph to a classification essay:

It's a warm evening in July, and all across the country Americans are gathering to watch a game of professional baseball. Armed with hot dogs and cold drinks, they stroll to their seats, some in grand stadiums, others in cozy minor-league parks. But no matter where the game is played, you will find the same three types of baseball fan: the Party Rooter, the Sunshine Supporter, and the Diehard Fan.

Notice how this introduction creates certain expectations. The specific details provide a setting (a ballpark on "a warm evening in July") in which we expect to see the various fans described. In addition, the labels assigned to these fans (the Party Rooter , the Sunshine Supporter , and the Diehard Fan ) lead us to expect descriptions of each type in the order they're given. A good writer will go on to fulfill these expectations in the body of the essay.

Body Paragraphs

Begin each body paragraph with a topic sentence that identifies a particular type of approach. Then  illustrate each type with specific details.

Arrange your body paragraphs in whatever order strikes you as clear and logical — say, from the least effective approach to the most effective, or from the most common type to the least familiar (or the other way around). Just make sure that the order of your body paragraphs matches the arrangement promised in your thesis sentence.

Body Paragraphs Example: Types of Fans

Here, in the body of the essay on baseball fans, you can see that the writer has fulfilled the expectations set up in the introduction. (In each body paragraph, the topic sentence is in italics.)

The Party Rooter goes to games for the hot dogs, the gimmicks, the giveaways, and the companionship; he's not really that interested in the ballgame itself. The Party Rooter is the sort of fan who shows up on Buck-a-Brew Night, often with a gang of fellow partiers. He cracks jokes, hurls peanuts at the team mascot, applauds the exploding scoreboard, blasts an electronic horn whenever he pleases—and occasionally nudges a companion and asks, "Hey, who's winning?" The Party Rooter often wanders out of the park in the sixth or seventh inning to continue his celebrations in the car on the way home. The Sunshine Supporter, usually a more common type than the Party Rooter, goes to the park to cheer on a winning team and bask in its glory. When the home side is on a winning streak and still in contention for a playoff spot, the stadium will be packed with this sort of fan. As long as her team is winning, the Sunshine Supporter will be roaring at every play, waving her pennant and shouting out the names of her heroes. However, as the name implies, the Sunshine Supporter is a fickle fan, and her cheers quickly turn to boos when a hero strikes out or drops a line drive. She will stay around until the end of the game to celebrate a victory, but should her team fall a few runs behind, she's likely to slip out to the parking lot during the seventh-inning stretch.​ Diehard Fans are also strong supporters of the local team, but they go to the park to watch good baseball, not just to root for a winner.  More attentive to the game than other fans, Diehards will study the stance of a power hitter, note the finesse of a quick fielder, and anticipate the strategy of a pitcher who has fallen behind in the count. While the Party Rooter is chugging a beer or dropping wisecracks, Diehards may be filling in a scorecard or commenting on a player's RBI tally over the past few months. And when a Sunshine Supporter boos an opposing player for tagging out a local hero, Diehards may be quietly applauding the expert moves of this "enemy" infielder. No matter what the score is, Diehard Fans remain in their seats until the last batter is out, and they may still be talking about the game long after it's over.​

Comparisons Ensure Cohesion

Notice how the writer uses comparisons to ensure cohesion in the body of the essay. The topic sentence in both the second and third paragraphs refers to the preceding paragraph. Likewise, in the third body paragraph, the writer draws explicit contrasts between the Diehards and the other two types of baseball fans.

Such comparisons not only provide smooth transitions from one paragraph to the next but also reveal the sympathies of the writer. He begins with the type of fan he likes the least and ends with the one he most admires. We now expect the writer to justify his attitudes in the conclusion.

Concluding Paragraph

The concluding paragraph gives you an opportunity to draw together the various types and approaches you have been examining in the body of the essay. You may choose to offer a final brief comment on each one, summarizing its value or its limitations. Or you may want to recommend one approach over the others and explain why. In any case, make sure that your conclusion clearly emphasizes the purpose of your classification.

Concluding Paragraph: Only the Diehard Fans Remain

In the concluding paragraph to "Baseball Fans," consider whether the author has been successful in his effort to tie his observations together.

Professional baseball would have trouble surviving without all three types of fans. The Party Rooters provide much of the money that owners need to hire talented players. The Sunshine Supporters bring a stadium to life and help boost the morale of the home team. But only the Diehard Fans maintain their support all season long, year in and year out. By late September in most ballparks, enduring chilly winds, rain delays, and sometimes humiliating losses, only the Diehards remain.

Connecting the Conclusion to the Introduction

Notice how the writer hooks his conclusion back to the introduction by contrasting the chilly night in September with the warm evening in July. Connections such as this help to unify an essay and give it a sense of completeness.

As you develop and organize your draft , experiment with various strategies, but keep this basic format in mind: an introduction that identifies your subject and the different types of approaches; three (or more) body paragraphs that rely on specific details to describe or illustrate the types; and a conclusion that draws your points together and makes the overall purpose of the classification clear.

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  • From Topic to Publication: Classification Essay Handbook
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Classification essays are among the common types of essays that students are assigned as a part of academic assessments. Although classification essays are quite simple and straightforward, there is a proper structure and format that you need to follow. Following the right format will give you an ultimate opportunity to score well in your classification essay tasks.

Table of Contents

  • What is a classification essay
  • How to write a classification essay
  • Hook of a classification essay
  • Thesis statement of a classification essay
  • Outline of a classification essay
  • Body of a classification essay
  • Conclusion of a classification essay

Having said that, this is your all-inclusive guide to writing excellent classification essays that can serve as a perfect template for your fellow students. So, let us get started without further ado.

What is a classification essay?

What is a classification essay?

As the name suggests, in a classification essay, you need to organize a topic or idea into different classes or categories. The topic here can correlate to tangible things like types (classes) of cars, supercomputers, constructions, or aircraft. Alternatively, the topic can also relate to some intangible concepts like psychological behaviors, leadership theories , motivators, or determinants of cognitive development.

Let us look at a few examples of classification essay prompts

  • Discuss the various types of political systems prevalent in the world
  • Shed light on the different types of democracies
  • Discuss the various classes of leadership styles
  • Discuss different types of child abuse and a possible response to the same

So, as you can see, each of these examples is asking you to discuss a topic in a way that you present the different classifications of the topic in a descriptive way along with examples if possible.

Like any other essay, a classification essay also has three sections inclusive of the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

Going ahead, this guide takes you through the entire process of writing an impressive classification essay starting with an impactful introduction. Further, the guide will discuss how you can arrange the topic into different categories in the body paragraphs. Lastly, the guide delineates how you can conclude a classification essay in an impressive manner.

How to write the introduction of a classification essay?

Let us now look at a section-wise approach to writing a classification essay beginning with the introduction. For better understanding, we can take an example essay prompt to explain what needs to be included in each section.

Example essay prompt: Shed light on the different types of democracies

An effective introduction is one that can create an immediate influence on the readers such that they feel enticed to read the entire essay with great curiosity. Besides, a great introduction should clearly explain to the reader what the essay is about and the key aspects it will be delineating.

So, if we talk about classification essays, the introduction should clearly establish the topic or the idea that you are organizing into different classifications. So, if we take our example prompt into account, the introduction will clearly state that the essay will delve deep into the different classifications of democracy.

Before we proceed ahead with the introduction, you need to know that an impactful introduction has the following elements:

  • Background brief
  • Thesis statement

Introduction element: Hook of a classification essay

A hook is the very first statement of the essay introduction that is aimed at creating an immediate impact. A hook can be made around statistics relevant to the topic, a strong claim, an unexplored fact, or even something humorous subject to the context of the essay.

The hook of your classification essay should introduce the broader topic in an effective manner to create importance around the topic. So, as per our essay prompt, the hook should make a strong claim about democracy or present an insightful fact relating to democracy. Let us look at a sample hook.

Example hook

In Greek history, while some cities were termed democracies, others were termed oligarchies and that is where democracy finds its origin.

In this hook, we have talked about the origin of democracy as a concept and it presents a little-known fact to the readers to grab instant attention. After the hook, you will include the background brief of the topic followed by the purpose of the essay. So, if we talk about this essay topic, you will then give a background brief of democracy and how democratic virtues have evolved over the years in a concise way, and how your essay aims at delving deep into the different forms of democracies. After the purpose, comes the thesis statement which is explained in the subsequent section.

Introduction element: Thesis statement of a classification essay

In the general context, a thesis statement concisely explains the central theme of the essay highlighting the main ideas that are discussed in the body paragraphs. For a classification essay, a thesis statement will explain how the essay sheds light on the different classifications of the topic at hand and also introduces the classes you will be mentioning. You need to specify the names of the classification and also explain the basis of classifications. The thesis statement basically labels the classes or categories that you are bifurcating the central top into.

You will get greater clarity when you look at the sample thesis statement of the classification essay prompt we have chosen as our example.

Sample thesis statement

The essay discusses the prominent classifications of democracy which include participative democracy, representative democracy, and direct democracy, and how they differ from each other.

This thesis statement establishes a clear understanding of the various classes of the central idea that will be discussed in the essay. Next comes the outline of the essay with which you conclude your introductory paragraph.

Introduction element: outline of a classification essay

In the outline of the essay, you need to explain the structure of the body paragraphs. Simply put, the outline defines what the body paragraphs will include. In the usual sense, an essay includes three to five body paragraphs. So, the outline will clearly demarcate what each body paragraph will include.

Let us look at the outline of our example essay prompt to establish a better understanding of how to explain the outline of the essay at the end of the essay introduction .

Sample outline

First, the essay elaborates on participative democracy along with examples of countries where participative democracy is prevalent. Secondly, the essay explains representative democracy and lists a few countries where this class of democracy prevails. Lastly, the essay elucidates direct democracy along with examples of countries where this class of democracy exists.

How to write the body of a classification essay?

Next comes the body paragraphs of a classification essay. This is where you need to organize the different classifications of the topic into different body paragraphs. In the usual sense, a classification essay includes three to four body paragraphs. So, if there are three or four classifications, you can conveniently add one classification to each body paragraph. However, there can be cases when there are seven to eight classifications of a topic. In that case, you need to club the classifications in a way that you can cover them in three to four paragraphs.

Also, after the number of paragraphs, the order of paragraphs is also a key consideration in a classification essay. The order can be from the least relevant to the most relevant or the other way around. This order needs to be coherent with the basis of the classification.

Having said that, you need to follow the right structure for writing a body paragraph. Speaking of the structure of a body paragraph, you need to include the following aspects.

  • Topic sentence
  • Evidence in support/ examples
  • Concluding sentence

So, in a classification essay, the topic sentence will clearly explain the class that the body paragraph will be discussing along with the examples. In this way, by reading the first line of the body paragraph, the readers will clearly know what the body paragraph is about. You then need to define the category in a clear and concise way.

Going ahead, after the evidence and analysis, you need to give a brief conclusion at the end of the body paragraph. So, in a classification essay, you can conclude by discussing the merits, demerits, future implications, or changes in the current state of the category of the overall topic discussed in that particular body paragraph. Also, in an expository essay , it is imperative to end each paragraph with a transition sentence.

Let us understand the composition of the body paragraph of a classification essay through a sample.

Sample body paragraph

Participative democracy is one of the most prevalent types of democracies in contemporary times and empowers citizens to have a direct influence on political decision-making. To substantiate, in a participative democracy or participatory democracy, citizens participate directly in framing the political policies of the country (Martinez et al., 2008). In a participative democracy, the citizens have access to policymakers through different access points like town hall meetings. Further, citizens can also voice their concerns and influence political decision-making referendums and memorandums (Morel, 2012). It is analyzed that participative democracy exists in varying magnitudes across the globe with the most prominent examples being Spain and Italy. Countries all over the world are now making efforts to make their democracies more participative in nature and citizens also share the same ambition. However, there are also some limitations of participatory democracy that need to be taken into consideration. The participation of the public in policy measures can lead to unprecedented delays in decision-making and additional expenditure to create access points. Hence, countries need to maintain the right balance between participation in a democracy and other power-sharing arrangements.

As you can see, the body paragraph talks only about one classification of democracy discussing its definition, implications and limitations. Ultimately, there is a brief conclusion to the body paragraph. In a similar manner, you need to arrange every class (type) into different body paragraphs along the structure of a classification essay.

Lastly, after organizing every classification in body paragraphs, you then need to give an overall conclusion to the essay. The next section discusses how you need to go about the conclusion of a classification essay.

How to write the conclusion of a classification essay?

The conclusion of the essay needs to basically restate the thesis statement and the key ideas that have been discussed in the body paragraphs. What you can do differently in a classification essay’s conclusion is, you can draw a concise comparison between different categories or classes discussed in the body paragraphs.

So, if your classification essay is on the types of business automation tools , you can conclude along the lines of which classes of automation tools are the best. Alternatively, you can conclude by discussing which automation tools are in the highest demand in contemporary times. Let us make it clearer for you by putting forth the conclusion for our example essay prompt.

Sample conclusion

To conclude, all three classifications of democracy discussed in this essay have striking contrasts in terms of their features, feasibility, and context. It is analyzed that these forms of democracy can also co-exist in the same political system in varying magnitudes as different local governments in a country may exercise different forms of democracy. From the citizens' perspective, participative democracy is the most effective and desirable form of democratic governance as it gives them direct participation in political decision-making with respect to political measures.

We are sure that you already feel like an expert at writing classification essays having gone through this guide diligently. Irrespective of the topic, now you exactly know how you need to go about writing an excellent classification essay.

Recommended Readings

How to write an argumentative essay

How to write a narrative essay

What makes classification essays different from other types of essays?

Most essays focus on discussing a point or evaluating a topic, while on the other hand classification essays solely focus on arranging and explaining various categories within the subject matter. They present information systematically and organized, allowing readers to comprehend the topic's different facets.

What are some effective strategies for transitioning between categories in my essay?

Effective transitions are vital to maintaining a smooth flow in your classification essay. You can use transitional words and phrases like "firstly," "next," "similarly," "on the other hand," "in contrast," "finally," etc. These transitional cues help readers understand the shift from one category to another.


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To classify means to divide something into groups or categories. The classification is normally made according to one or more criteria. It is often necessary in academic English to classify something you are writing about in order to make comparisons and draw conclusions. This could be done in one or two sentences, a paragraph, or even a whole essay. This page gives information about how to classify , language for classification , and essay structure (if the classification is used for a whole essay).

How to classify

When classifying something, it is important to understand what criterion (or criteria , if there is more than one) that you are using to divide the thing into different groups. There may be more than one way to classify, and you will need to choose the criteria which make most sense for what you are writing about. For example, if you were to classify students in a university class, they could be divided according to any of the following criteria:

  • nationality
  • favourite colour

Classifying according to gender would divide the students into 'male' and 'female'. Dividing according to age is more complex, as you may need to specify age ranges, for example 'between 18 and 21', 'between 22 and 25', etc.

Language for classifying

The language used for classifying depends on whether you are describing the criterion or the result of applying the criterion. Compare the following examples.

  • The students in the class can be classified according to gender. [ criterion ]
  • The students in the class can be classified into male and female. [ result ]

The phrase 'according to' shows that you are talking about the criterion, while the word 'into' shows you are talking about the result. The following are further examples of language for classification using a criterion.

  • The students in the class may be classified on the basis of gender. [ criterion ]
  • The students in the class can be classified depending on gender. [ criterion ]

The following are further examples of language for classification showing the result.

  • Economics consists of two kinds: micro-economics and macro-economics. [ result ]
  • Economics consists of micro-economics and macro-economics. [ result ]
  • Economics comprises micro-economics and macro-economics. [ result ]

It may be necessary to classify when there is no name for the criterion you are using. For example, you may wish to divide a group into Asian and non-Asian students, but there is no category 'Asian-ness' which you can use as your criterion. In this case, you can use the construction 'according to whether... or not' to define the criterion. The language for stating the result is the same. See the following examples:

  • The students in the class can be classified according to whether they are Asian or not . [ criterion ]
  • The students in the class can be classified into Asian and non-Asian. [ result ]

Finally, it may be necessary to sub-divide, that is, to divide something which has already been divided. In this case, use 'sub-divided' for the second classification, and 'further sub-divided' for the next. See this example:

  • The students in the class can be classified according to gender. They can be sub-divided according to whether they are Asian or not . They can be further sub-divided according to age, into those who are below 25 years of age and those who are above 25.

According to this classification, we will end up with eight groups: Asian males under 25, Asian males over 25, non-Asian males under 25, etc. This is summarised in the following diagram.


There are two main ways to structure a classification essay. The first way, shown in the diagram below (left), is when a single criterion (or single way of categorising) is used, resulting in distinct categories. The purpose of this type of structure is to show understanding of the categories, or justify the method of classification, by giving the categories and describing their characteristics. Sometimes the categories may be sub-divided into sub-categories, which may be listed or described. For the single-criterion classification essay, the criterion (if there is one) should be given in the general background of the introduction, and the thesis statement should list the categories which will be described in the main body. Each body paragraph will usually describe one category in detail.

The second way, shown in the diagram below (right), is when multiple criteria are used to classify the topic in different ways. The purpose of this type of classification is to show understanding of how the topic can be categorised, or justify the criteria for classification, by giving the criteria and showing examples of groupings using these criteria. For the multiple-criteria classification essay, the thesis statement should list the criteria which are described in the main body. Each body paragraph will usually describe the criteria and the groups it leads to. Depending on the level of detail, the examples might be broken down into separate paragraphs.

The two types of structure are shown in the diagram below.

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Below is a checklist for classification. Use it to check your own writing, or get a peer (another student) to help you.

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Author: Sheldon Smith    ‖    Last modified: 31 October 2019.

Sheldon Smith is the founder and editor of He has been teaching English for Academic Purposes since 2004. Find out more about him in the about section and connect with him on Twitter , Facebook and LinkedIn .

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How to write a classification essay: From beginner to a professional

How to write a classification essay quickly, easily and with no stress

Students are often assigned classification essays to evaluate their ability of data categorization. Even if it seems hard first, in reality, this is rather a simple task if you know what to do. Classification is defined as the way of arranging a number of objects together as long as they share some similar features or source. A classification essay is a paper that deals with arranging several topics in one academic setting sharing common characteristics.

Students prefer to write essays they are accustomed to, like narrative, reflective , or argumentative ones. The classification essay example is not popular but it is not that difficult if to look deeper. The basic goal of this assignment is to help organize thoughts, ideas and other things into categories to pass the right message to those people who would read and analyze it.

What is a classification essay?

Let’s figure out what is a classification essay from an academic viewpoint? This is a classification paper that identifies ideas, objects, characters, and things with shared specific features and divides them into certain groups and categories. Probably, the simplest way to give an explanation is to call it a formal academic paper aimed to demonstrate your categorization skills.

When writing, you will have to arrange given subjects into groups and suggest your own classification essay samples that fall under each one. You choose what criteria to apply for classification and you also have to explain the reasons why you did one way and not another. The basic idea here is to clarify the general principle of categorization, identify a method you will evaluate it and choose the right categories.

Main parts of classification paper

Now when you got the answer to the question “What is a classification essay?”, let`s move to the stage when you create a writing plan and start your paper . In the academic field, this is called a classification essay outline: a mini-plan you will use to base your thoughts upon, its structure or skeleton. Having this plan is critical for any writer, beginner or professional, as it helps you easily plan the paper by paragraphs and move step by step. Basically, a classification essay outline is not different from other paper types: it still has the introduction part, the main body with at least three paragraphs, and the conclusion.

Each section consists of the necessary elements to be included in your paper:

  • Introduction. This is the very start when a reader should grasp a basic concept of your classification essay idea. The main goal is to attract attention, get the readers interested and eager to be guided through the whole analysis. Comment what you will be categorizing and why, and also give a brief description of groups criteria and close it with a thesis;
  • The body. There may be three or more pieces based on the number of categories. The best way here will be to devote one paragraph to one category to make it clear and more relevant for the reader. Provide the criteria and begin with analyzing different examples. Check whether you created smooth transitions between categories going to a new paragraph;
  • Conclusion. In the final part of your classification essay, you bring all the categories together from the main part and give a brief rundown on each of them. You may suggest your readers choose one and provide arguments proving your recommendation. It must be as powerful as the introduction; however, there is no place for fresh ideas, just end here.

Schematically, it will look like this:

  • Introduction + thesis;
  • Body paragraph one + one category;
  • Body paragraph two + one category;
  • Body paragraph three + one category;
  • Conclusion;
  • References.

Most popular classification essay topics

Not all your ideas can be good for an academic paper, especially for a classification paper. However, to make this task easier for you, we narrowed down their list to the following most common classification essay topics students usually choose:

  • Sports ( kinds of sports in different countries , gyms, sports competitions, sports reality shows, kinds of exercises for different parts of the body, etc);
  • Movies (TV series, different movie genres, movie makers, actors, movies with a particular actor starring, movies about love, anime movies, best comedy movies, US movies, etc);
  • Meals (ways of eating, best restaurants, hot meals, meal delivery, meals that lead to diabetes, healthy meals, etc);
  • Music (famous composers, types of instruments, music genres, famous US singers, religious music, female rock singers, groups, etc);
  • Animals (wild animals, pets, rare species, river species, ancient animals, types of cats, animals that live only in Australia, etc).

Just pick one sample classification essay topics or choose yours.

How to write a classification essay?

Besides the 5-paragraph structure, your essay should include:

Definition of the categories/classes

It is important to have all classes and not to leave any out of your classification essay. As an example, if you talk about traditional English sports and mention polo, golf and tennis but forget about cricket, the paper will be incomplete as cricket is especially important for the English culture. However, try to avoid classification essay topics with many categories as your paper will be way too long.

One approach for all categories

Check whether all categories fall into the same principle of structuring. For instance, if the topic is food, there is no need to create a category for drinks.

Everything needs an example

Share the same number of patterns for all categories. The more examples you provide, the better your readers will understand your point.

Learning more on how to write a classification essay, you understand that this not a type of paper when you can just begin with no plan in mind. Once you defined one of classification essay topics, consider the following:

  • Choose the categories. Imagine that you have picked female rock singers. How will you categorize them? Probably by age, appearance, location, popularity, etc;
  • Get categories in order. What sequence will you be following when placing the categories? Think about connecting words and sentences you will use to smoothly transit from one category to another. The best way will be to go from the most significant material to least;
  • Create a thesis. As a part of your introduction, it will shape all your approach of categorization, so developing a good one will keep your writing on track. In your thesis, you can explain the criteria of classification or the purpose and you can always refine it as the writing goes.

Structure Your Classification Essay

General tips on easy writing

Building up your classification essay, there are some simple things to remember:

  • Do as much research as possible on all categories;
  • Don`t jump between the ideas. Go straight from one thought to another one not to create a chaotic impression;
  • Clearly separate the ending of one paragraph and the beginning of another one;
  • Do not use such expressions as “I guess” or “I assume”. they only make readers doubt your opinion;
  • Do not exceed the limited number of words;
  • Don`t forget about grammar and punctuation typos;
  • More, more examples!
  • Use the compare and contrast method;
  • Read a classification essay example to have an overall idea;
  • Leave the most important category for the end.

The process of writing a classification essay may be really messy as there are many ideas to put together. Following this guide is likely to make this task easier and bring you a good grade. If you're looking for someone who can do my essay, you can contact us and we'll help you write the paper you need.

Classification Essay

Caleb S.

Classification Essay - Outline, Topics & Writing Tips

Published on: Jan 2, 2022

Last updated on: Jan 31, 2024

Classification Essay

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Classification Essay Outline - A Step-by-Step Guide

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Most high school and college students are often assigned to write a classification essay at some point in their academic life. Teachers assign this task to evaluate the student’s skills to categorize things. It can be a daunting task, but with the help of basic techniques, you can make the writing process easier.

Here are a few tips and guidelines that you can use to structure your classification essays properly. You have to plan your essay and figure out the categories beforehand to complete this assignment easily.

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Classification Essay Definition

A classification essay is a formal piece of writing used to evaluate your categorizing and generalization skills. It mainly aims to arrange various subjects and objects with similar characteristics.

For this, a writer needs to categorize and classify things into different groups and mention examples that fit into each. Similarly, you are also required to follow a single categorizing approach throughout the content. However, it is up to you to decide on criteria for classification to explain the reasoning and logic.

The entire process of classification essay writing is not very different from any other type of essay. Like other academic papers, the principles of essay writing remain the same, but it requires extensive research and analysis.

How to Start a Classification Essay?

Here are some important steps that you should follow to start a classification essay.

Most professors assign you a specific topic to write your classification essay. If you are not assigned, brainstorm different ideas and come up with an engaging topic. Decide on a group of things that can be logically divided into groups. Also, come up with something that has definitive categories for comparison.

After choosing a topic, decide on classification criteria. Think about all the possible categories in which the topic can split up. Some topic ideas have several options; thus, you will have to determine the exact angle to approach the essay’s theme. Furthermore, make sure that none of the categories is overlapping.

A  thesis statement  is the main argument of the writer on the topic. It is the stance that supports your entire essay, including the main body. Therefore, it is important to draft a strong statement. Also, use examples and evidence to make your essay effective and persuasive.

The next step is to conduct thorough research to gather interesting information for the audience. However, make sure to collect data from credible and authentic sources. It will further strengthen the content of your essay by making it more convincing and logical.

After collecting relevant information, you are now required to structure and organize it properly. Thus, write down the main ideas and present a logical connection between them. Eliminate unnecessary ideas if there are any.

Check out the following template outline that you can use for your division and classification essay.

  • Introductory paragraph - (A hook statement and thesis)
  • Body paragraph 1/Category number 1
  • Body paragraph 2/Category number 2
  • Body paragraph 3/Category number 3

How to Write a Classification Essay?

After planning out the basic structure, start the writing process. Follow the below-given steps to write a perfect classification essay.

The introduction is the first and the most important section of the classification essay. Here, you have to identify the subject and mention the objects to be categorized.

State an interesting hook statement to make your introduction appealing. Such as strong opening line will grab the reader’s attention towards the essay. After this, provide the purpose of the essay and explain the reason for categorizing the items.

Lastly, write a strong thesis statement to highlight the subject matter in the discussion. Develop this statement early during the writing process as it will help the writer stay in the right direction.

The body section of the classification essay comprises three or more paragraphs depending on the categories. All the paragraph provides relevant information, examples, and evidence to justify the thesis statement. Also, start each paragraph with a topic sentence.

The right approach is to discuss the most important category in the last paragraph. Use classification essay transition words to ensure that the data flows logically from one paragraph to another.

The following are some common transition phrases. Apply them each time you arrange things into groups and provide examples related to each class.

  • The 1st kind, the 2nd kind, the 3rd kind
  • The 1st group, the 2nd group, the 3rd group
  • The 1st category, the 2nd category, the 3rd category

It is the last section of a classification essay where you put together all the categories mentioned in the main body. Here, a writer will summarize all the central arguments and restate the thesis statement.

Also, mention the various types and approaches that you have examined in your classification essay. Recommend the particular one over the others, depending on the subject matter. However, make sure to emphasize why you have come to that conclusion.

The first draft of your classification essay is full of mistakes, but you can fix it up by editing and revising. For this, read your essay twice or thrice and ensure that it includes all the important points highlighted in the outline.

Eliminate all the language, punctuation, and spelling mistakes to give it a professional look. Similarly, get rid of all the unnecessary and overly complex words and phrases before the final submission.

Classification Essay Examples

Have a look at the following classification essay examples to understand writing a good one in no time.

Classification Essay Sample

Classification Essay Example About Students

Classification Essay About Food

Classification Essay Topics

Not all ideas can be good topics. Here we have mentioned some of the best topics for a classification essay, divided into several categories. It will help you choose a unique one for your essay.

  • Olympic games
  • Different genres of modern music
  • Rare species of animals
  • Types of dogs
  • Ways to treat obesity
  • Types of human relationships
  • Common phobias
  • Psychological disorders
  • Movies about memory loss
  • Meals that may lead to diabetes

Tips for Writing a Classification Essay

Keep in mind the expert tips given below while writing a good classification essay. It will make your essay stand out and draw the reader’s attention.

  • It is better to avoid choosing complex topics because extremely narrow or broad topics are hard to deal with.
  • Conduct extensive research to gather factual data for the essay.
  • Make sure to define and describe all the categories.
  • Provide authentic evidence and examples for each classified group. Make sure it offers a typical representation of the class.
  • Use credible sources of information.
  • Draft a perfect outline to organize the data properly.
  • Use a comparison and contrast technique to point out various similarities and differences between each category.
  • Proofread and revise your essay to make it perfect.

These are a few guidelines that will help you write an A-worthy classification essay. Planning out the assignment early and figuring out the categories is the key to success.

However, if you are still unsure about your research or writing skills, get quality help from our classification essay writing service now!

Our classification essay writers will help you submit a comprehensive piece of paper that will get you the grade you deserve. 

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When confronted with a complicated subject, we are often overwhelmed with information. A classification essay is designed to take a complex topic and break it down into more manageable and understandable categories, digestible pieces that a reader can easily break down.

This method of organization can be seen in how we structure and categorize our everyday lives. Take the Jefferson Learning Commons, as an example. The library houses thousands of books, which would be hard to browse if they were thrown haphazardly on shelves. Instead, all the fiction is organized alphabetically by author on the first floor, while the second floor houses all the non-fiction organized by subject. This allows a student to find the book they are looking for without searching every shelf.

Topics: When choosing a topic make sure the topic is complex enough to be divided into categories, while not being so broad that the reader is overwhelmed with categories.

Categories: Since a classification essay breaks a topic or subject into categories, it is important for each category to be distinct from one another. Categories that overlap will be nebulous and difficult for a reader to understand. Topics can be broken down many ways. If one way isn’t working, try brainstorming a new way to divide the topic.

Good Topic: Transportation


  • Taxi (Uber or Lyft)
  • Personal Automobile

Each category is distinct from one another, with a single defining feature.

Bad Topic: Video game genres

  • Roleplay (RPG)
  • Japanese RPG (JRPG)

The differences of some categories are very murky. A RPG is defined by things like character creation and level progression. However, these two elements are found in many soulslike games. This makes the topic of video game genres difficult to breakdown into easily definable categories.

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10.4 Classification

Learning objectives.

  • Determine the purpose and structure of the classification essay.
  • Understand how to write a classification essay.

The Purpose of Classification in Writing

The purpose of classification is to break down broad subjects into smaller, more manageable, more specific parts. We classify things in our daily lives all the time, often without even thinking about it. Cell phones, for example, have now become part of a broad category. They can be classified as feature phones, media phones, and smartphones.

Smaller categories, and the way in which these categories are created, help us make sense of the world. Keep both of these elements in mind when writing a classification essay.

Choose topics that you know well when writing classification essays. The more you know about a topic, the more you can break it into smaller, more interesting parts. Adding interest and insight will enhance your classification essays.

On a separate sheet of paper, break the following categories into smaller classifications.

  • The United States
  • Colleges and universities

The Structure of a Classification Essay

The classification essay opens with an introductory paragraph that introduces the broader topic. The thesis should then explain how that topic is divided into subgroups and why. Take the following introductory paragraph, for example:

When people think of New York, they often think of only New York City. But New York is actually a diverse state with a full range of activities to do, sights to see, and cultures to explore. In order to better understand the diversity of New York state, it is helpful to break it into these five separate regions: Long Island, New York City, Western New York, Central New York, and Northern New York.

The underlined thesis explains not only the category and subcategory but also the rationale for breaking it into those categories. Through this classification essay, the writer hopes to show his or her readers a different way of considering the state.

Each body paragraph of a classification essay is dedicated to fully illustrating each of the subcategories. In the previous example, then, each region of New York would have its own paragraph.

The conclusion should bring all the categories and subcategories back together again to show the reader the big picture. In the previous example, the conclusion might explain how the various sights and activities of each region of New York add to its diversity and complexity.

To avoid settling for an overly simplistic classification, make sure you break down any given topic at least three different ways. This will help you think outside the box and perhaps even learn something entirely new about a subject.

Using your classifications from Note 10.43 “Exercise 1” , write a brief paragraph explaining why you chose to organize each main category in the way that you did.

Writing a Classification Essay

Start with an engaging opening that will adequately introduce the general topic that you will be dividing into smaller subcategories. Your thesis should come at the end of your introduction. It should include the topic, your subtopics, and the reason you are choosing to break down the topic in the way that you are. Use the following classification thesis equation:

topic + subtopics + rationale for the subtopics = thesis.

The organizing strategy of a classification essay is dictated by the initial topic and the subsequent subtopics. Each body paragraph is dedicated to fully illustrating each of the subtopics. In a way, coming up with a strong topic pays double rewards in a classification essay. Not only do you have a good topic, but you also have a solid organizational structure within which to write.

Be sure you use strong details and explanations for each subcategory paragraph that help explain and support your thesis. Also, be sure to give examples to illustrate your points. Finally, write a conclusion that links all the subgroups together again. The conclusion should successfully wrap up your essay by connecting it to your topic initially discussed in the introduction. See Chapter 15 “Readings: Examples of Essays” to read a sample classification essay.

Building on Note 10.43 “Exercise 1” and Note 10.46 “Exercise 2” , write a five-paragraph classification essay about one of the four original topics. In your thesis, make sure to include the topic, subtopics, and rationale for your breakdown. And make sure that your essay is organized into paragraphs that each describes a subtopic.

Key Takeaways

  • The purpose of classification is to break a subject into smaller, more manageable, more specific parts.
  • Smaller subcategories help us make sense of the world, and the way in which these subcategories are created also helps us make sense of the world.
  • A classification essay is organized by its subcategories.

Writing for Success Copyright © 2015 by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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The Purpose of Classification in Writing

The purpose of classification is to break down broad subjects into smaller, more manageable, more specific parts. We classify things in our daily lives all the time, often without even thinking about it. It is important, however, to be sure to use a single basis for the division of categories; otherwise, you may end up with items that fall into multiple categories. For example, cars can be classified by type (convertible, sedan, station-wagon, or SUV) or by the fuel they use (diesel, petrol, electric, or hybrid). Smaller categories, and the way in which these categories are created, help us make sense of the world. Keep both of these elements in mind when writing a classification essay. It’s best to choose topics that you know well when writing classification essays. The more you know about a topic, the more you can break it into smaller, more interesting parts. Adding interest and insight will enhance your classification essays.

On a separate sheet of paper, break the following categories into smaller classifications.

  • The United States
  • Colleges and universities

The Structure of a Classification Essay

The classification essay opens with a paragraph that introduces the broader topic. The thesis should then explain how that topic is divided into subgroups and why. Take the following introductory paragraph, for example:

Example \(\PageIndex{1}\):

When people think of New York, they often think of only New York City. But New York is actually a diverse state with a full range of activities to do, sights to see, and cultures to explore. In order to better understand the diversity of New York State, it is helpful to break it into these five separate regions: Long Island, New York City, Western New York, Central New York, and Northern New York.

The underlined thesis explains not only the category and subcategory, but also the rationale for breaking the topic into those categories. Through this classification essay, the writer hopes to show the readers a different way of considering the state of New York.

Each body paragraph of a classification essay is dedicated to fully illustrating each of the subcategories. In the previous example, then, each region of New York would have its own paragraph. To avoid settling for an overly simplistic classification, make sure you break down any given topic at least three different ways. This will help you think outside the box and perhaps even learn something entirely new about a subject.

The conclusion should bring all of the categories and subcategories back together again to show the reader the big picture. In the previous example, the conclusion might explain how the various sights and activities of each region of New York add to its diversity and complexity.

Using your classifications from Exercise 1, write a brief paragraph explaining why you chose to organize each main category in the way that you did.

Consider things that are a part of your daily life. Create a list that classifies these items both as overall categories and then within sub-topics.

Contributors and Attributions    

Adapted from  Successful College Composition (Crowther et al.) . Sourced from  LibreTexts , licensed under  CC BY-NC-SA  .

Adapted from  Let's Get Writing (Browning, DeVries, Boylan, Kurtz and Burton) . Sourced from  LibreTexts , licensed under  CC BY-NC-SA  .

Essay Danışmanlık Hizmeti - Essay Sepeti

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Essay Nasıl Yazılır [7 Essay Türünde Örneklerle Anlatım]

Essay’inizi yazmaya başlamadan önce, essay’e nasıl yaklaşacağınızı ve odak noktanızın ne olacağını iyice düşünmeniz gerekmektedir; bunun için de ödevin ayrıntılarını iyice anlamalısınız. Bir konu seçtikten sonra, biraz araştırma yapın ve yazmak istediğiniz ana argümanları daraltın. Ardından, essay’e başlamadan önce essay’in yapısını daha iyi kavramak için ve essay yazarken kolaylık sağlaması için bir outline hazırlamanız gerekir. Essay’de ise bir introduction, body paragrafları ve bir conclusion yazmanız gerekmektedir.

Daha önceki makalemizde essay ne demek sorusunun cevabını vermiştik, bu makalemizde de essay nasıl yazılır sorusunun cevabını arayacağız.

Bu konuda danışmanlık almak isterseniz sağ altta bulunan mesaj bölümünden, iletişim kısmından ya da  [email protected] ’dan bize ulaşabilirsiniz. Essay nasıl yazılır adım adım anlatan bu makaleyi okurken kendi essay’inizi yazmak isterseniz Essay Sepeti’nin uzman hocalarınız hazırladığı  essay outline kullanarak kendi essay’inizi yazabilirsiniz.

Artık adım adım ve detaylı olarak anlatacağımız essay nasıl yazılır makalemize başlayabiliriz.

Bir essay yazmak için aşağıdaki aşağıdaki bölümleri kullanırız:

  • Nasıl bir essay yazacağımıza karar vermeliyiz
  • Konu üzerine brainstorm yapmalıyız
  • Konuyu araştırmalıyız
  • Bir thesis statement yazmalıyız
  • Bir outline yazmalıyız
  • Son olarak essay’imizi yazabiliriz.
  • Essay’den sonra da grammer ve spelling hatalarını kontrol etmeliyiz


  • 1.1.1 Essay’inizde ne yazmanız isteniyor iyice okuyun.
  • 1.1.2 Essay’in formatının ve yazma stilinin nasıl olduğunu kontrol etmeliyiz.
  • 1.1.3 Konunuzu daraltın, böylece essay’inizin net bir odak noktası olacaktır.
  • 1.2.1 Essay’inizde kullanmak için kaynaklar bulun.
  • 1.2.2 Kaynaklardan araştırma yaparken not alın.
  • 1.2.3 Yanıtlanacak bir soru veya ele alınacak bir sorun seçin.
  • 1.2.4 Essay’iniz için bir outline hazırlayın.
  • 1.3.1 Öncelikle introduction paragrafı yazmalıyız.
  • 1.3.2 Body paragrafındaki argümanlarınızı detaylıca yazın.
  • 1.3.3 Paragraflar arasında transition sentence’lar kullanın.
  • 1.3.4 Olası counter-argument’lardan bahsedin.
  • 1.3.5 Kaynaklarınızı düzgün bir şekilde belirtin.
  • 2 Essay Konuları – Essay Topics
  • 3 Argumentative Essay Nasıl Yazılır
  • 4 Opinion Essay Nasıl Yazılır
  • 5 Compare and Contrast Essay Nasıl Yazılır
  • 6 Cause and Effect Essay Nasıl Yazılır
  • 7 Problem Solution Essay Nasıl Yazılır
  • 8 Advantages and Disadvantages Essay

İngilizce Essay Nasıl Yazılır: Adım Adım Detaylı Anlatım

1. adım: öncelikle ödevde istenenlerin ne olduğunu iyice anlamalıyız., essay’inizde ne yazmanız isteniyor iyice okuyun..

Essay’inizin stili, yapısı ve odak noktası, yazdığınız essay’in türüne bağlı olarak değişecektir. Bir ders için bir essay yazmanız gerekiyorsa, essay’de istenenleri dikkatlice gözden geçirin ve essay’in hangi türde yazılacağını hakkında bilgi arayın. Birkaç yaygın essay kısaca şunlardır:

  • Cause and effect essay : Cause and effecy essay, belirli bir konunun nedenlerini ve sonuçlarını araştıran bir tür akademik yazıdır. Cause and effecy essay, konu ile ilgili mevcut kanıtları araştırır ve konuyla ilgili mantıklı iddialar geliştirmeyi amaçlar. Cause and effect essay hakkında daha fazla bilgi almak için bu konuda yazılmış ve konuyu adım adım, detaylı ve örneklerle anlatan makalemize cause and effect essay linkine tıklayarak ulaşabilirsiniz.
  • Narrative essay : Narrative essay’ler bir hikaye anlatır ve genellikle yazabileceğiniz en kişisel essay türüdür çünkü yaratıcılığınızı ve hayal gücünüzü kullanmanıza izin verirler. Narrative essay’ler, “İlk kez kendi başınıza araba sürdüğünüz zaman hakkında bir essay yazın”  veya “Bir korkunun üstesinden gelmek zorunda kaldığınız bir zaman hakkında bir essay yazın” gibi daha açık uçlu bir isteği temel alabilir. Üniversite veya lisansüstü okul başvuruları için öyküleyici bir essay (genellikle letter of intent diye anılır) göndermeniz gerekebilir.
  • Argumentative essay : Yazarın okuyucuyu kendi bakış açısına ikna etmek için kanıt ve örnekler kullandığı tartışmacı essay türü. Argumentative essay hakkında daha fazla bilgi almak için bu konuda yazılmış ve konuyu adım adım, detaylı ve örneklerle anlatan makalemize argumentative essay nasıl yazılır linkine tıklayarak ulaşabilirsiniz.
  • Critical essay : Bir şeyi (bir metin veya sanat eseri gibi) ayrıntılı olarak inceleyen eleştirel veya analitik essay türüdür. Bu tür bir essay, konuyla ilgili belirli soruları yanıtlamaya veya daha genel olarak anlamı üzerine odaklanmaya çalışabilir.
  • Informative essay : Okuyucuyu bir konu hakkında eğiten bilgilendirici makale.
  • Problem solution essay: Bu essay türünde size bir problem verilir ve bu problemi bir çözüme ulaştırmanız istenir. Eğer ürettiğiniz çözüm yollarının zorluklarından da bahsederseniz daha iyi bir problem solution essay elde edersiniz.
  • Advantage and disadvantage essay: Bu essay türü cause and effect essay türüne çok benzerdir. Bir durumun veya bir olayın avantajlarını ve dezavantajlarını karşılaştırmanız beklenir.
  • Descriptive essay: Bu essay türünde sizden bir olayı, bir durumu, bir zamanı veya herhangi başka bir şeyi tarif etmeniz beklenir.
  • Persuasive essay: Persuasive essay, okuyucuları gerçekleri kullanarak bir fikri benimsemeye veya taraf tutmaya ikna etmeyi amaçlayan essay türüdür. Bir argümanı veya amacı desteklemek için yazılan persuasive essay, okuyucuyu ikna etmek için ahlaki ve duygusal akıl yürütme tekniklerini içerebilir.
  • Process essay: Başka bir expository essay türü olan process essay, bir şeyin nasıl yapıldığını veya bir şeyin nasıl çalıştığını açıklayan essay türüdür.

Essay’in formatının ve yazma stilinin nasıl olduğunu kontrol etmeliyiz.

Bir ders için bir essay yazıyorsanız, uymanız gereken belirli biçimlendirme ve stil gereksinimleri olabilir. Aşağıdaki gibi gereksinimleri anladığınızdan emin olmak için ödevinizi dikkatlice okuyun:

  • Yazınız ne kadar uzun olmalı?
  • Hangi alıntı stili kullanılacak?
  • Kenar boşluğu boyutu, satır aralığı ve yazı tipi boyutu ve türü gibi biçimlendirme gereksinimleri nelerdir?

Konunuzu daraltın, böylece essay’inizin net bir odak noktası olacaktır.

Ödevin istediklerine bağlı olarak, zaten yazmanız gereken belirli bir konunuz olabilir veya genel bir tema veya konu hakkında yazmanız istenebilir. Essay konunuzu belirtmiyorsa, beyin fırtınası yapmak için biraz zaman ayırın. Size özel, ilginizi çeken ve üzerinde bol materyal bulabileceğiniz bir konu seçmeye çalışın.

  • Araştırmaya dayalı bir deneme yapıyorsanız, konuyla ilgili bazı ana kaynakları okumaktan isteyebilirsiniz. Bunlar hocanızın derste verdiği article’lar ya da dersin slide’ları olabilir. Essay derse ne kadar paralel olursa o kadar iyi not alır. Bilgi her ne kadar evrensel olsa da hocalar anlattıklarını kağıtta görmek isterler.
  • Critical essay için, tartışmakta olduğunuz konudaki belirli bir temaya odaklanmayı veya belirli bir pasajın anlamını analiz etmeyi seçebilirsiniz.

2. Adım: Essay’inizi Planlayın

Essay’inizde kullanmak için kaynaklar bulun..

İddialarınızı kanıt ve örneklerle desteklemenizi gerektiren bir akademik essay veya herhangi bir essay türü yazıyorsanız, essay’inizi araştırmalarla desteklemeniz gerekecektir. Konunuz hakkında doğrulanabilir bilgiler sağlayan güncel ve saygın kaynakları, akademik makaleleri, kitapları ya da peer reviewed akademik journal’ları bulmak için okulunuzun database’ine girebilirsiniz.

  • Akademik kitaplar ve dergiler iyi birer bilgi kaynaklarıdır. Basılı kaynaklara ek olarak, JSTOR ve Google Scholar gibi bilimsel veri tabanlarında da güvenilir bilgiler bulabilirsiniz.
  • Ayrıca mektuplar, görgü tanığı cronic’leri ve fotoğraflar gibi birincil kaynak belgeleri de kullanabilirsiniz.
  • Kaynaklarınızı daima eleştirel olarak değerlendirin. Saygın akademisyenlerin araştırma makaleleri bile gizli önyargılar, güncel olmayan bilgiler ve basit hatalar veya hatalı mantık içerebilir.

İpucu: Genel olarak, Wikipedia makaleleri akademik yazı için uygun kaynaklar olarak kabul edilmez. Ancak, makalenin sonundaki “Kaynaklar” bölümünde faydalı kaynaklar bulabilirsiniz.

Kaynaklardan araştırma yaparken not alın.

Konunuzu araştırırken, ilgili bilgiler, ilginizi çeken fikirler ve daha fazla keşfetmeniz gereken sorular hakkında ayrıntılı notlar tutun. Essay’inizde bulduğunuz bilgilerden herhangi birini kullanmayı planlıyorsanız, ayrıntılı olarak citation yapın. Bu, bilgiyi tekrar bulmanızı ve doğru şekilde alıntı yapmanızı sağlayacaktır.

  • Notlarınızı tek tek not kartlarına yazmayı veya bunları bilgisayarınızdaki bir metin belgesine girmek yararlı olabilir, böylece istediğiniz şekilde kolayca kopyalayabilir, yapıştırabilir ve yeniden düzenleyebilirsiniz.
  • Odaklanmak istediğiniz belirli fikirleri belirleyebilmeniz için notlarınızı farklı kategoriler halinde düzenlemeyi deneyin. Örneğin, kısa bir hikayeyi analiz ediyorsanız, tüm notlarınızı belirli bir tema veya karaktere koyabilirsiniz.

Yanıtlanacak bir soru veya ele alınacak bir sorun seçin.

Araştırmanızı yaparken, muhtemelen odağınızı daha da daralttığınızı göreceksiniz. Örneğin, cevaplamak istediğiniz belirli bir soru olduğunu bulabilir veya konunuz hakkında çürütmek istediğiniz popüler bir argüman veya teori olduğunu keşfedebilirsiniz. Bu soru veya konu essay’inizin veya ana argümanınızın temelini oluşturacaktır.

Örneğin, makaleniz eski Orta Doğu’da Tunç Çağı’nın sona ermesine neden olan faktörlerle ilgiliyse, “Geç Tunç Çağı toplumunun çöküşünde doğal afetler nasıl bir rol oynadı?” sorusuna odaklanabilirsiniz.

Ana argümanınızı özetleyen bir thesis statement oluşturun.

Essay’inizde ele almak istediğiniz belirli bir soru veya fikre ulaştıktan sonra, araştırmanıza bakın ve öne sürmek istediğiniz main point’ler veya argümanlar hakkında düşünün. Main point’lerinizi kısaca 1-2 cümleyle özetlemeye çalışın. Bu sizin thesis statement’iniz olacak. Thesis statement nasıl yazılır ayrıntılı olarak öğrenmek istiyorsanız thesis statement nedir ve nasıl yazılır makalemize bakabilirsiniz.

Bir thesis statement yazmanın kolay bir yolu, ele almak istediğiniz ana soruyu kısaca cevaplamaktır.

Örneğin, soru “Geç Tunç Çağı toplumunun çöküşünde doğal afetler nasıl bir rol oynadı?” ise. o zaman teziniz, “Geç Tunç Çağı’ndaki doğal afetler, bölgedeki yerel ekonomileri istikrarsızlaştırdı. Bu, birkaç büyük Tunç Çağı siyasi merkezinin çöküşüne katkıda bulunan yaygın çatışmalar yaratarak, farklı halkların bir dizi kitlesel göçünü harekete geçirdi.”

şeklinde yazabilirsiniz.

Essay’iniz için bir outline hazırlayın.

Main point’leri düzenlemenize yardımcı olacak bir outline hazırlayın. Net bir thesis statement oluşturduktan sonra, essay’inizde yapacağınız ana noktaları kısaca listeleyin. Çok fazla ayrıntı eklemenize gerek yok – her noktanın veya argümanın ne olacağını özetleyen 1-2 cümle, hatta birkaç kelime yazın. Her nokta için kullanacağınız kanıtları ve örnekleri ele alan alt noktaları ekleyin.

Outline nasıl hazırlanır yazımızdan da detaylıca ve adım adım outline nasıl hazırlanır öğrenebilirsiniz.

Outline yazarken, essay’inizi nasıl düzenlemek istediğinizi düşünün. Örneğin, en güçlü argümanlarınızla başlayabilir ve ardından en zayıf argümanlarınıza geçebilirsiniz. Veya, analiz ettiğiniz kaynağa genel bir bakışla başlayabilir ve ardından çalışmanın ana temalarını, tonunu ve stilini ele almaya devam edebilirsiniz.

Outline’ınız şöyle olabilir:

  • Introduction
  • Destekleyici örneklerle 1. nokta (sub-point)
  • Destekleyici örneklerle 2. nokta(sub-point)
  • Destekleyici örneklerle 3. nokta (sub-point)
  • Tezinizle ilgili başlıca karşı argüman(lar)
  • Karşı argüman(lar)a karşı çürütücüleriniz


Essay Nasıl Yazılır? Essay Sepeti

3. Adım Essay Nasıl Yazılır: Essay’i Yazma

Öncelikle introduction paragrafı yazmalıyız..

Thesis statement’inizi ve outline’ınızı yazdıktan sonra, şimdi de essay’imize bir introduction yazıyoruz. Introduction, thesis statement’iniz ile birlikte konunuz hakkında kısa ve genel bir genel bakış içermelidir. Introduction, okuyucuyu yönlendirmeye ve essay’inizin geri kalanını bağlama oturtmaya yardımcı olacak bilgileri sağlayan yerdir.

  • Örneğin, bir sanat eseri hakkında critical essay yazıyorsanız, introduction paragrafı eseri kimin yarattığı, ne zaman ve nerede yaratıldığı gibi bazı temel bilgiler ve eserin kendisinin kısa bir açıklaması ile başlayabilir. Oradan, ele almak istediğiniz çalışmayla ilgili soru(lar)ı tanıtıp thesis statement’inizi yazabilirsiniz.
  • Güçlü bir introduction paragrafı, vurgulamak istediğiniz ilk nokta veya argümana bir bağlantı oluşturan kısa bir transition sentence de içermelidir. Örneğin, bir sanat eserinde renk kullanımını tartışıyorsanız, diğer sanatçıların çağdaş eserlerinde sembolik renk kullanımına genel bir bakışla başlamak istediğinizi söyleyerek başlayın.

Body paragrafındaki argümanlarınızı detaylıca yazın.

Outline’ınızdan yola çıkarak, vurgulamak istediğiniz ana noktaların (main point) her birine değinen bir dizi body paragrafı yazın. Her paragraf, bir topic sentence içermelidir – bu paragrafınızda anlatmaya çalıştığınız konuyu kısaca açıklar. Görüşünüzü desteklemek için topic sentence inizi birkaç somut örnekle desteklemelisiniz.

  • Örneğin, topic sentence’iniz, “Arthur Conan Doyle’un Sherlock Holmes hikayeleri, P. G. Wodehouse’un Jeeves romanlarını yakından etkilemektedir” gibi bir şey olabilir. Daha sonra Sherlock Holmes’a atıfta bulunan bir pasajdan alıntı yaparak bunu destekleyebilirsiniz.
  • Her paragraftaki argümanların makalenizin ana tezine nasıl bağlandığını göstermeye çalışın.

Paragraflar arasında transition sentence’lar kullanın.

Paragraflar arasında geçiş cümleleri (transition sentence) kullanın. Argümanlarınız arasında bağlantılar veya yumuşak geçişler kurarsanız, essay’iniz daha iyi akacaktır. Her paragrafı veya konuyu bir önceki veya sonraki paragrafa bağlamanın yollarını bulmaya çalışın.

  • Geçişler oluştururken geçiş cümleleri yardımcı olabilir. Örneğin, “in addition”, “therefore”, “similarly”, “subsequently” veya “as a result” gibi kelimeler ve ifadeler kullanın.
  • Örneğin, bir sanat eserinde kontrast oluşturmak için renk kullanımını tartıştıysanız, sonraki paragrafa “In addition to color, the artist likewise employs diverse line weights to differentiate between the more dynamic and static figures in the scene”

Olası counter-argument’lardan bahsedin.

Argumentative essay yazıyorsanız, bakış açınıza karşı olan temel argümanları da bilmelisiniz. Bu karşı savları essay’inize dahil etmeniz ve onlara karşı ikna edici kanıtlar sunmanız gerekir.

Örneğin, belirli bir tür karidesin bir eşi cezbetmek için kabuğunu kırmızı alglerle süslediğini savunuyorsanız, kabuk dekorasyonunun aslında yırtıcı hayvanlar için bir uyarı olduğu şeklindeki karşı savı ele almanız gerekir. Bunu, kırmızı karidesin aslında, kabukları süslenmemiş karideslerden daha fazla yendiğine dair kanıt sunarak yapabilirsiniz.

Bir conclusion paragrafı ile essay’inizi tamamlayın.

Essay’inizi bitirmek için, essay’inizin main idea’sını ve thesis statement’inizi kısaca yineleyen bir paragraf yazmalısınız. Argümanlarınızın thesis statement’inizi nasıl desteklediğini belirtin ve ana görüşlerinizi veya argümanlarınızı kısaca özetleyin. Ayrıca hala cevaplanmamış soruları veya daha fazla keşfedilmeyi hak eden fikirleri tartışabilirsiniz.

  • Conclusion’ınızı kısa tutun. Uygun uzunluk, makalenin uzunluğuna göre değişse de, genellikle 1-2 paragraftan uzun olmamalıdır.
  • Örneğin, 1000 kelimelik bir deneme yazıyorsanız, sonucunuz yaklaşık 4-5 cümle uzunluğunda ve bir paragraf olmalıdır.

Kaynaklarınızı düzgün bir şekilde belirtin.

Başka birinin fikirlerini veya başka bir kaynaktan edindiğiniz bilgileri kullanmayı planlıyorsanız, bilgilerinizin kaynağını belirtmeniz gerekir. Bu, ister doğrudan başka bir kaynaktan alıntı yapıyor olun, ister basitçe onların kelimelerini veya fikirlerini özetliyor veya başka sözcüklerle ifade ediyor olun gerekli olan bir kısımdır.

  • Kaynaklarınızı alıntılama şekliniz, kullandığınız alıntı stiline bağlı olarak değişecektir. Tipik olarak, yazarın adını, kaynağın başlığını ve yayın tarihini ve bilgilerin göründüğü sayfa numarası gibi konum bilgilerini eklemeniz gerekir.
  • Genel olarak, ortak bilgilerden alıntı yapmanıza gerek yoktur. Örneğin, “Zebra bir tür memelidir” derseniz, bir kaynak belirtmeniz gerekmeyecektir.
  • Essay’de herhangi bir kaynaktan alıntı yaptıysanız, alıntı yapılan çalışmaların bir listesini (veya bir kaynakça) sonuna eklemeniz gerekir.

Argumentative essay,  literature essay, opinion essay, admission essay, cause and effect essay, comparison essay, persuasive essay, critical essay, deductive essay, definition essay, exploratory essay,  response essay, expository essay, informal essay, narrative essay, personal essay, research essay, scholarship essay,  classification essay gibi essay’lerin hemen hepsi bu yöntemle kolaylıkla yazılabilir.

Dolayısı ile tüm essay türleri için bu makaleyi bir essay guide gibi kullanabilir, argumentative essay nasıl yazılır, opinion essay nasıl yazılır, cause and effect essay nasıl yazılır buradan adım adım öğrenebilirsiniz.


Essay Nasıl Yazılır – Essay Sepeti

Essay Konuları – Essay Topics

En çok karşılaşılan essay konularına Modern Society, Employment, Education, Parents / Children, Gender Issues, Government, Environment, Technology gibi örnekler verilebilir. Bunların üzerine okumak ve genel kültür sahibi olmak essay yazmanızı çok kolaylaştıracaktır.

Argumentative Essay Nasıl Yazılır

Argumentative essay iki fikrin çatıştığı ve bunların bize göre iyi ve kötü yönlerini neden iyi veya kötü olduğunu anlattığımız essay türüdür. Argumentative essay nasıl yazılır merak edenler aşağıda linkini verdiğimiz yazımızdan ayrıntılı okuyabilirler.

Argumentative essay nasıl yazılır konusunda yazdığımız ve argumentative essay yazmayı basamak basamak örneklerle açıklayan makalemize tıklayarak ulaşabilirsiniz.

Ürettiğimiz fikirlere göre 2 veya 3 body yapıp conclusion kısmında da bunları tekrar kısaca ele alıp essay’imizi bitirebiliriz. On the other hand, in spite of the fact that, however gibi kelimeler argumentative essay yazarken bize yardımcı olacak kelime kalıplarıdır. Bu essay türünde danışmanlık ve destek almak için bizimle irtibata geçebilirsiniz.

Opinion Essay Nasıl Yazılır

Opinion essay nasıl yazılır merak edenlere bu bölümde yardımcı oluyoruz. Opinion essay türünde karsı tarafa empoze etmek aktarmak istediğimiz fikri akademik araştırmalara, eski olaylara ve donelere dayanarak anlatıyoruz.

Opinion essay nasıl yazılır konusunda yazdığımız ve opinion essay yazmayı basamak basamak örneklerle açıklayan makalemize tıklayarak ulaşabilirsiniz.

Daha giriş paragrafında savunduğumuz fikri açıkça vererek yazmaya başlıyoruz.  Daha sonra body paragraflarında;

  • i believe that,
  • It is worth bearing in mind that,
  • So / Therefore / As a result / Consequently / For this reason

gibi kalıpları kullanarak fikrimizi daha da güçlendirme yoluna gidebiliriz. Daha sonra fikrimizi özetleyen bir conclusion paragrafı yaparak essay’imizi bitirebiliriz.


Opinion Essay Nasıl Yazılır? – Essay Sepeti

Compare and Contrast Essay Nasıl Yazılır

Compare and contrast essay nasıl yazılır sorusunun cevabı öncekilerden farklı değildir. Bu türde zıt görüşleri karşılaştırıp bir sonuca varmaya calısıyoruz. “We will discus” kalbını introduction paragrafında kullanarak niyetimizi belirtebiliriz.

  • İlk body paragrafında görüşlerin benzeyen yönlerini,
  • İkincisinde zıtlıklarını üçüncüsünde ise ikisini karsılastırıp yeni örnekler vererek body kısımlarını bitirebiliriz.
  • Conclusion’da ise bunları derleyip önemli yerlerine dokunarak essay’imizi bitirebiliriz.

Bu essay türünde yardım almak için bizimle irtibata gecebilirsiniz.

Cause and Effect Essay Nasıl Yazılır

Cause and effect essay nasıl yazılır diye sorduğumuzda, bu türde introduction’da bir sorunu ele alıyoruz, mesela crystal meth kullanmanın sağlığımızın bozulmasına olan etkileri.

  • Birinci paragrafta c meth içmenin hayat kalitemize olan kötü etkileri,
  • İkinci paragrafta c meth’in sağlığımıza olan kötü etkileri,
  • Üçüncü paragrafta da bizi hapse attırabilecek bir uyusturucu olduğunu anlatıp
  • Conclusion’da da kısa bir özet geçtikten sonra essay’imizi bitirebiliriz.

Cause and effect essay nasıl yazılır konusunda yazdığımız ve opinion essay yazmayı basamak basamak örneklerle açıklayan makalemize tıklayarak ulaşabilirsiniz.


Cause and effect essay nasıl yazılır?

Problem Solution Essay Nasıl Yazılır

Problem solution essay nasıl yazılır diye sorduğumuzda, bu türde yazmak için yapmamız gereken birkaç basamak var.

  • Önce introduction paragrafında bir hook atıp okuyanın ilgisini çektikten sonra problemleri sıralıyoruz, kaç tane bulduysak.
  • Daha sonra body paragraflarında bu söylediğimiz sorunlara çözümlerimizi yazıyoruz ve okuyanı bu çözümler için harekete geçmeye çağırıyoruz.
  • Daha sonra conclusion paragrafında da yazdıklarımızın kısa bir özetini geçip essay’imizi bitiriyoruz.

Problem solution essay’lerinizden en iyi sonucu almak için bizden danışmanlık alabilirsiniz.

Advantages and Disadvantages Essay

Advantages and disadvantages essay nasıl yazılır diye sorduğumuzda, öncelikle, introduction’da her zamanki gibi konuyu bir hook ile anlattıktan sonra body’lerde; ilk body advantages yani iyi yanları öteki body’de disadvantages yani kötü yönlerini anlatıp bunları conclusion paragrafında summarize edip bitiriyoruz. Bunu yaparken “one of the main advantages/disadvantages”, “however”, “moreover” gibi terimleri de kullanabiliriz.

Siz de bu tür essay’leriniz için danışmanlık hizmeti almak istiyorsanız bizimle iletişim sayfadasından iletişime gecebilir, ya da aşağıdaki mesaj eklentisi aracılığı ile mesaj atabilirsiniz.

4 thoughts on “ Essay Nasıl Yazılır [7 Essay Türünde Örneklerle Anlatım] ”

hocam thesis yapısı bir essay türünden ötekine fark eder mi? ederse nasıl eder? Sağolun şimdiden.

Yılmaz merhabalar,

Evet ediyor. Mesela argumentative essay’de karşıt görüşü de thesis statement’te geçirmek thesis’imizi güçlendirecektir. Aynısı opinion essay için de geçerli. Sadece savunduğumuz görüşü anlatmamalıyız thesis yazarken.

Çok sağolun çok işime yaradı : )

Buna sevindik Leyla Hanım, öteki yazılarımızdan da her essay türü nasıl yazılır ayrıntılı olarak öğrenebilirsiniz.

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  22. 4.5: Classification

    Sourced from LibreTexts , licensed under CC BY-NC-SA . 4.5: Classification is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts. The purpose of classification is to break down broad subjects into smaller, more manageable, more specific parts. We classify things in our daily lives all the time, often ...

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    İçindekiler. 1 İngilizce Essay Nasıl Yazılır: Adım Adım Detaylı Anlatım. 1.1 1. Adım: Öncelikle ödevde istenenlerin ne olduğunu iyice anlamalıyız. 1.1.1 Essay'inizde ne yazmanız isteniyor iyice okuyun.; 1.1.2 Essay'in formatının ve yazma stilinin nasıl olduğunu kontrol etmeliyiz.; 1.1.3 Konunuzu daraltın, böylece essay'inizin net bir odak noktası olacaktır.