
Essay on Forgiveness

Students are often asked to write an essay on Forgiveness in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

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100 Words Essay on Forgiveness

Understanding forgiveness.

Forgiveness is when we stop feeling anger towards someone who has done something wrong to us. It’s like letting go of a heavy burden.

The Power of Forgiveness

When we forgive, we feel lighter and happier. It helps us to move on and not dwell on past hurts.

Forgiveness and Relationships

Forgiveness strengthens our relationships. It helps us to understand and accept others, despite their mistakes.

Learning to Forgive

Forgiving is not easy, but it’s important. We can learn to forgive by understanding that everyone makes mistakes.

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250 Words Essay on Forgiveness


Forgiveness, a virtue often preached yet seldom practiced, is the act of pardoning an offender. It is a complex psychological phenomenon that involves an intricate interplay between emotions, cognition, and actions.

The Significance of Forgiveness

The importance of forgiveness lies in its ability to release the negative emotions of anger, resentment, and the desire for retribution. This cathartic process promotes emotional well-being, reducing stress, and enhancing interpersonal relationships. It is a testament to human resilience and our capacity for empathy and compassion.

The Psychology of Forgiveness

From a psychological perspective, forgiveness is a conscious, deliberate decision to relinquish feelings of resentment or vengeance. This process involves a cognitive shift, a change in one’s attitude towards the offender, and a willingness to let go of negative emotions. It does not necessarily mean forgetting the offense or reconciling with the offender, but rather, it is about finding inner peace and moving on.

Forgiveness as a Social Construct

Sociologically, forgiveness is a social construct that helps maintain social harmony. It promotes reconciliation and prevents the perpetuation of a cycle of revenge and hostility. In this sense, forgiveness is an essential component of social cohesion and stability.

In conclusion, forgiveness is a powerful tool for personal growth and social harmony. It is a testament to human strength, resilience, and our capacity for empathy. The decision to forgive is a journey towards inner peace, one that requires courage, humility, and a profound understanding of the human condition.

500 Words Essay on Forgiveness

Forgiveness is a multifaceted concept, deeply embedded in human interactions and fundamental to the continuity of social relationships. It is a conscious decision to let go of resentment or vengeance towards an individual or group who has harmed us, regardless of whether they deserve our forgiveness.

The act of forgiveness is a psychological process that involves a change in emotion and attitude towards an offender. It is a voluntary and deliberate act that requires effort and emotional resilience. The process is often complex, involving feelings of hurt, anger, and betrayal. However, it also opens the door to healing, peace, and the possibility of reconciliation.

Psychologists suggest that forgiveness can be a transformative process that promotes mental health, reduces anxiety, and enhances our well-being. It is a coping strategy that allows us to deal with interpersonal conflicts and emotional injuries. By forgiving, we free ourselves from the chains of bitterness, enabling us to move forward without the burden of past hurts.

The Philosophy of Forgiveness

Philosophically, forgiveness is seen as a virtue, an act of grace and compassion. It is a moral decision to absolve another of their wrongdoings, not out of obligation, but out of understanding and empathy. This perspective emphasizes the ethical dimension of forgiveness, viewing it as a moral duty or obligation.

However, forgiveness does not mean forgetting or condoning the wrongdoings. It does not eliminate the need for justice or accountability. Instead, it allows us to separate the person from their actions, acknowledging the harm done while choosing to let go of the resentment it has caused.

Forgiveness in Practice

Practicing forgiveness requires a high degree of emotional intelligence and maturity. It begins with acknowledging the hurt and allowing oneself to feel the pain. The next step is to empathize with the offender, trying to understand their perspective. This is followed by making a conscious decision to forgive, which often involves a verbal or mental declaration of forgiveness.

Forgiveness is a personal journey and there is no right or wrong way to go about it. It can be a slow and challenging process, but it also brings about personal growth and emotional liberation.

In conclusion, forgiveness is a powerful tool for personal and social transformation. It is a complex process that involves a conscious decision to let go of resentment and anger. While it can be challenging, the benefits of forgiveness extend beyond the individual to the broader community, promoting peace, reconciliation, and social harmony. Ultimately, forgiveness is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and its capacity for compassion, understanding, and love.

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Forgiveness Essay

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Topic: Why is forgiveness important

Throughout your life, you will have to forgive people. Often times, forgiveness can be difficult. A wise man once declared, “Holding a grudge does not make you strong; it makes you bitter. Forgiving does not make you weak; it sets you free.” Forgiving others allow you to overcome your anger, to heal spiritual wounds, and to be set free.

First, forgiving others allows you to overcome your anger. If you hold a situation against someone, you begin to also hold a grudge. This is also known as bitterness. Bitterness builds up over time and eventually, you become a negative form of yourself. Anger is not something you should hold in. It’s proven that anger is more than just an emotion, it has physiological effects on you.

Secondly, forgiving allows you to heal spiritual wounds. Matthew 6:14-15 “ For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” Once you forgive others, our Father in Heaven will forgive you. Healing spiritual wounds will allow you to grow closer to Jesus and your family in Christ. With spiritual wounds, you will never be fully whole.

Last, forgiving simply sets you free. Forgiving others will allow weight to come off your shoulders. When you do not forgive, a bad feeling exists inside of you. It makes you feel hatred. One element of life is loving everyone, you cannot do this until you forgive. You have to be a blessing. With bitterness in your thoughts and mind, you cannot do this.

Overall, you will have to forgive people every day. Everyone makes mistakes. You should forgive people as fast as you would want them to forgive you. Forgiving gives you the chance to overcome your anger, to heal your spiritual wounds, and to set you free. Forgiveness is the key to life.

Explain why it is important to forgive

The Freedom of Forgiveness

It is very important to forgive others. Forgiveness means to forget someone’s bad deed or mistake. Life becomes easier when you learn to accept an apology you never received. You react to someone else’s mistake can be vital to your life and the lives of the others around you. Avoiding forgiveness can leave frustration in your heart and destroy your personality. You must learn to forgive others and yourself. It is very important to forgive.

First of all, it is important to react in the right way to someone else’s mistake. When you act in a response to an act or mistake, it could cause damage to good and bad sides. Fighting or taking revenge will only make a situation worse and it also means that you would commit a bad deed as well. If you do not fight or take revenge, but choose to forgive, you are at a higher place than the other person. By acting mature and not fighting or taking revenge, you will not damage your self-respect. Also, there will be peace between you and the other person because you both acted in a mature way. It is important to react in the right way to someone else’s mistake.

Secondly, it is important to forgive because avoiding forgiveness causes frustration in your heart and destroys your personality. If you forgive someone, you will feel better about yourself. Your heart and your mind will become more relaxed because you have peace in knowing that you do not have to be angry with anyone. In history, war broke out because countries could not forgive each other. If you simply learn to forgive, your mind and heart will be at peace instead of at war. Forgiveness is very important.

Lastly, forgiveness is important to you and the people around you. If you do not find forgiveness in yourself, others can become victims of your ego and revenge. If you are too prideful to forgive someone, you need to change your mindset. If someone does you wrong, you must treat everyone in a kind way because it is not their fault. If you don’t forgive yourself, you can’t forgive others. Forgiveness is very important to you and the people around you.

In conclusion, it is very important to forgive others. It is important to react in the right way to someone else’s mistake. It is important to never avoid forgiveness. Also, the way you react to forgiveness will affect you and the people around you. It is very important to forgive others.

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Best topics on Forgiveness

1. Reasons to Be Hardworking, Forgiving, Honest and Trustworthy

2. Unforgiveness Steals Away Your Joy, Peace, and Happiness

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4. Gratitude and the Act of Giving on Valentine’s Day

5. The Scarlet Letter: Hester Prynne Deserved and Earned Forgiveness

6. Enright’s Four Stages of Forgiveness: Personal Account

7. Ritualized Forgiveness and Confession in Christianity

8. The Freeing Nature of Genuine Forgiveness

9. The People Who Shaped My Story

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Forgiveness in Martin Luther’s Movement for Rights Blacks Essay


The best way that blacks can learn to forgive is through seeking God. Martin Luther led the movement that blacks had fighting for their rights in America in the 60s. The bible teachings tell us that God exists in the holy trinity and the only way to forgive others is for us to be able to forgive our own transgressions.

God’s grace is the only way that we can achieve forgiveness. Worthington states that forgiveness is achieved when, “we yield ourselves to God and [are] guided by God’s Spirit.” (2009, p. 14) Once we have acquired the skills to be able to forgive ourselves, then, we can learn to forgive others as well. Although Everett Worthington Jr. cautions that forgiving oneself is particularly hard, the driving factor should be the end result.

No hurt or transgression is too big to bear once a person has learnt the art of forgiving him/herself. The best way of working through a hurtful thing like the way that African Americans were during their fight for their rights is to be in a group scenario. The forgiveness of transgressions against other people is very hard to fathom in many. There are transgressions or hurts that people consider too painful to easily forgive.

Martin Luther had a particularly tasking job in attempting to instill forgiveness in the hearts of the African Americans who had been hurt. He insisted repeatedly that the only way that their rights were going to be recognized was through peaceful means. However, a tall order this was, he had to convince his followers that the best option for them was to forgive those people that had hurt them.

There are steps that Everett has developed that are aimed at helping people to become more forgiving in their encounters. The foundation block for this program is that one has to dedicate oneself to discerning God’s heart. As such, one has to be a dedicated Christian for the steps advocated by this writer to work. The major idea here is that god is the most important agent in order to achieve forgiveness. Therefore, one has to allow God to use one’s actions as the vehicle through which he works.

Achieving forgiveness is equated to acquiring any other skill in the course of performing ones duties. Therefore, it is not expected that a person can be forgiving instantaneously. This means that people have to work on their forgiveness skills in order to achieve the forgiveness level that the gospel teaches. Martin Luther had to focus on the religion in order for people to translate the teaching of the bible and apply them in their every day lives so that they are capable of forgiveness.

Forgiveness entails that a person does not seek revenge for a particular hurt that is done to them. This means that although African Americans felt that their rights were not being recognized by the regime in America, they should have desisted from taking any actions to avenge this wrongdoing. The only way that a person can achieve forgiveness is if the action warranting the forgiveness no longer hurts them. Events that are far in the past can be easily forgiven since the hurt occasioned by such wrongs is no longer potent.

Therefore, African Americans should have first work on the hurt that they felt in order for them to be able to forgive the transgressors. Martin Luther was charged with the responsibility of ensuring that any ill feelings that the African Americans may have harbored were not eliciting hurtful sentiments from his followers. If this was achieved, then the process of forgiveness should not have been difficult.

Worthington, E.L. Jr. (2009). A Just Forgiveness: Responsible Healing Without Excusing Injustice . Downers Grove: Intervarsity Press.

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IvyPanda. (2021, August 6). Forgiveness in Martin Luther's Movement for Rights Blacks. https://ivypanda.com/essays/forgiveness/

"Forgiveness in Martin Luther's Movement for Rights Blacks." IvyPanda , 6 Aug. 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/forgiveness/.

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Forgiveness in Martin Luther's Movement for Rights Blacks'. 6 August.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Forgiveness in Martin Luther's Movement for Rights Blacks." August 6, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/forgiveness/.

1. IvyPanda . "Forgiveness in Martin Luther's Movement for Rights Blacks." August 6, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/forgiveness/.


IvyPanda . "Forgiveness in Martin Luther's Movement for Rights Blacks." August 6, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/forgiveness/.

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Essay on Forgiveness | Why it is Important in Our Life?

February 22, 2018 by Study Mentor Leave a Comment

People generally return evil for evil but the noble and most effective kind of revenge is to return good for evil.

If the wrong doer is paid back in his own coin, the gulf between the two parties will widen more and a thirst for revenge will make both of them restless while if good is returned for evil the wrong doer will be filled with shame and remorse and his heart is likely to yearn for his enemy’s forgiveness.

But there are exceptions to this theory where some people cannot be moved by this noble gesture, because they do not understand the underlying nobility in it, and rather take it for weakness on the part of the opponent and become more aggressive in their efforts.

In spite of what can be discussed on the issue from various angles, it is true that forgiveness is nobler than revenge.  

History has been the witness to many such incidents where the act of forgiveness has worked wonders.

There have been many such noble men who taught people to chivalry that lies in the act of forgiveness and practiced it themselves too.  

Table of Contents

Example of forgiveness

Nelson mandela .

Former South African leader Nelson Mandela was sent to prison in 1963 on charges of trying to sabotage the nation’s government, which advocated a policy called apartheid that treated people of different races differently (Mandela advocated a democratic society in which all people would be treated equally).

Mandela spent the next twenty seven years in prison, but after he was released in 1990, he forgave the people who had imprisoned him.

Mandela later became South Africa’s president and delivered speeches internationally in which he urged people to forgive each other because forgiveness is God’s plan and therefore always the right thing to do.  

Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi  was known as the father of the nation. He was the one who taught us to fight back but through a path of peace and not violence.

Revenge through forgiveness and not through violence. He said when someone slaps you in one cheek give your second cheek to him.

So that he is filled with remorse. He said never to reply violence with violence. Instead reply violence with love. This will teach the wrong doer a lesson. Gandhiji didn’t curse the person who had shot him.

Even at that moment when he was hit by bullet he didn’t utter a word of hatred. Instead he uttered “hey ram”. This shows the amount of kindness and forgiveness one has to bear in one’s heart.  

Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa was the epitome of forgiveness. Once there was an incident where Mother Teresa approached a wealthy shopkeeper near Kalighat area to ask for some money to help the leper that she found on the roads.

She held out her hands asking some help. The shopkeeper just spat on her hand and shooed her off.

She was asking help for others and not for herself; still she got treated in that way. She went away from there without uttering a word.

Later when she had established herself that same shopkeeper showed up and asked for forgiveness as at that time he didn’t know who she was. She forgave him immediately without a second thought.  

Jesus Christ

He is one of the biggest instance of forgivers that we ever came across. Jesus Christ not only preached forgiveness but also set an example for us to follow.

His story of forgiveness is famous worldwide. When he was taken on the cross, and being nailed to it even at that time he kept on praying for his wrong doers.

When he was left to starve he raised his head to the sky and said “father please forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing”.

He forgave all of his wrong doers even though they were responsible for his tragic death. His kindness and forgiveness lead the wrong doers to rethink about their action and feel remorse.

It is at that time that they realized what a sin they have committed.  

These are a few examples of famous men and women who have created instances for centuries to follow.

What they have achieved at that age to hard to achieve but we can always try to better ourselves keeping them in mind and making them our ideal role models.  

But there has been some instance where a person didn’t understand the meaning of forgiveness and took it to be a sign of weakness of his opponent.

In that case he became more aggressive and more persistent in his efforts. And this ultimately leads to his downfall. Such people are shame on the society.

They lack the basic humanity. That is the reason why they fail to recognize an act of forgiveness.  

History has been witness of such people as well for example  – Adolf Hitler .

Adolf Hitler was the most hated person every in history. He was responsible for the deaths of millions of innocent lives. People didn’t revolt against his power.

He took it for granted. He kept on living Jews as much as he could. There was no end to his torture. He kept on thinking the common people to be weak and kept on exercising his wrong deeds.

The more lives he slaughtered the more daring and sinful he became. But what was the result? Ultimately it leads to his downfall. He couldn’t survive.

One day or other you have to fall when you are overburdened by your wrong deeds. His major downfall was such that he had to shoot himself by his own hands.   

Such terrible are stories of people who have ignored the acts of forgiveness shown to them and have continued in their rampant brustalistic approaches with hatred and sin.  


A true act of forgiveness has never excited violence or hatred in return. It has always returned love and remorse in the part of the wrong doer.

We can correct the wrongs and change the wrong doer for life by such a virtue.

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The Ethics of Forgiveness: A Collection of Essays

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Christel Fricke (ed.), The Ethics of Forgiveness: A Collection of Essays , Routledge, 2011, 212pp., $125.00 (hbk), ISBN 9780415885430.

Reviewed by Linda Radzik, Texas A&M University

Christel Fricke's rich collection of essays arose from a conference held in Oslo in 2008 on Charles L. Griswold's 2007 book Forgiveness . However, very little of the text is spent critiquing Griswold's work. Instead, Fricke's authors use Griswold's text as a map that points to areas worthy of further exploration. Like Griswold, most of these writers resist the temptation to develop simple, unified accounts of forgiveness and instead dedicate themselves to plotting the complexities of human interaction in the aftermath of wrongdoing. The examples the authors use along the way range from subtle, personal failings to large-scale atrocities. While most of the contributions are works in moral theory, the volume also represents other disciplinary approaches to issues of forgiveness, including literary criticism and linguistics. The result is a satisfyingly diverse range of perspectives on the nature, justification and limits of forgiveness.

Part I includes a pair of essays dedicated to the interpretation of particular, historical traditions of forgiveness. In "Forgiveness and Forbearance in Ancient China," Christoph Harbsmeier surveys the language of forgiveness in Chinese, arguing that, "for a Chinese person to forgive, is always to forgive 'in terms of' one of the concepts outlined" (21). Harbsmeier goes on to present twenty-nine different terms in ancient and modern Chinese related to "forgiveness." To me, their differences were not as remarkable as their similarity. All seemed to portray forgiveness as a matter of letting the wrongdoer off, in some way, from the possible consequences of wrongdoing. Shù , which Harbsmeier suggests as the best translation for 'forgiveness,' involves a general sort of empathetic forbearance.

So far, the virtue of shù will seem familiar enough to contemporary Westerners. But Harbsmeier emphasizes that it must be understood in a hierarchically structured culture, where, he tells us, "egalitarianism is not in any way envisaged or aspired to at any level, practical or psychological" (13). Shù is something one shows to people below oneself on the social scale. What one owes to people above oneself is, in contrast, zhong , "doing one's moral best" (22). When those above oneself commit wrongs, then, the question of forgiveness does not really arise. Instead the question for the underling is how to continue to do his duty to his superior in this new context. Harbsmeier's analysis helps explain, for example, why in China the question "whether they forgive or do not forgive Deng Xiaoping [for the Tiananmen Square massacre of 1989] has become purely academic (i.e., quite irrelevant)" (14).

Ilaria E. Ramelli's contribution on forgiveness in Christian thought argues that what is almost invariably labeled as "the Christian view" is historically inaccurate. It is commonplace for contemporary writers on the ethics of forgiveness to assert that Christianity requires its followers to forgive wrongs unconditionally , that is, to forgive whether or not their abusers have met any conditions, such as apologizing, repenting or making amends. Ramelli painstakingly reviews an impressive range of ancient sources to show that, throughout the early history of Christianity, forgiveness was always predicated on repentance. Her argument is so convincing that I was left wondering how it has come to be that most contemporary writers -- and, I would add, all my students who self-identify as Christians -- have come to see a commitment to unconditional forgiveness as central to Christianity.

Part II on "Forgiveness and Selfhood" begins with Fricke's contribution, "What We Cannot Do to Each Other: On Forgiveness and Moral Vulnerability." Fricke provides an admirable description of the normative terrain of forgiveness and specifically the interconnections between moral and social norms. Fricke anchors her discussion of forgiveness in a social, relational understanding of the nature and consequences of moral wrongdoing. Wrongdoing damages the trust that normally marks relations among victims, wrongdoers and their communities; forgiveness is one way of repairing that damage.

Fricke goes on to emphasize that, as complex selves, we relate to one another, not just as moral agents, but also as friends, partners and neighbors. This leads her to distinguish between personal forgiveness, in which personal relationships such as friendships are repaired, and moral forgiveness, in which victims come to once again see their abusers as having intrinsic moral value as human beings. She argues plausibly that one may morally forgive a wrongdoer without personally forgiving. I was less convinced by her claim that "personal forgiveness always implies moral forgiveness" because "any close personal relationship includes mutual respect of moral value or dignity" (63). Might not someone who does not value humanity as such (say, a mafia hitman) value his personal relationships (with other mafiosos)? This combination of attitudes may not be able to be held in a fully, rationally consistent way, but it seems psychologically possible. The last portion of the essay poses the question of whether wrongdoers can deserve forgiveness and victims can be morally required to forgive in either of the two senses of forgiveness; however, Fricke provides no clear answers to those questions.

The next pair of articles pursues Griswold's claim that forgiveness requires a narration of the past, one which will both acknowledge its wrongful character yet allow for the forgiver to overcome her negative attitudes toward the wrongdoer. Garry L. Hagberg and Peter Goldie each ask how this might work in cases of self-forgiveness. Both worry whether "in self-forgiveness there is not the possibility of a narrative accounting from an appropriate distanced perspective" (Goldie, 83-4). In "Self-Forgiveness and the Narrative Sense of Self," Goldie suggests that such distancing is enabled by the wrongdoer's ability to think about herself in a way that is "essentially ironic" and involves seeing one's past, wrongdoing self as, in a sense, another person (87):

This opens up the epistemic and evaluative ironic gap that is at the heart of the notion of narrative: an epistemic gap because one now knows what one did not know then; and an evaluative gap because one can now take an evaluative stance which differs from the stance that one took then (87).

Hagberg, in "Forgiveness and the Constitution of Selfhood," rejects this dyadic view of the self as phenomenologically inaccurate. Instead, he believes that self-forgiveness is enabled by "one identity seeing bi-focally, not two persons gazing from a distance upon each other" (75). Hagberg draws on literary concepts to explain his view, comparing self-forgiveness to the experience of reading fiction, wherein "we simultaneously identify with a character in fiction but also stand apart from that narratively-entwined persona" (75). For Hagberg, this narrative process is not performed by a later self that is independently distinguishable from the wrongdoing self, but is instead what constitutes the new, forgivable self. Both Goldie's and Hagberg's essays provide satisfyingly complex examples of processes of self-forgiveness. Goldie's essay is also notable for its discussion of the odd case of self-pardoning, in which one regards one's own action as involuntary on the grounds that the circumstances overstrained one's nature without actually undermining one's freedom.

Part III includes six essays that address the limits of forgiveness, that is, a variety of possible restrictions on the possibility or permissibility of forgiveness. For example, almost all theorists of forgiveness claim that forgiveness is not possible where there is no wrong. But in "Forgiveness Without Blame," Espen Gamlund defends the position that forgiveness can occur even when harm-causing is not blameworthy but rather excused or justified. Cases of agent-regret (such as the regret felt by an unlucky driver who faultlessly kills a child), disagreements over culpability between the harmed and the harm-causer, and moral dilemmas all present disruptions to peace of mind and social relations that can be solved by the sorts of interactions and changes in view that we associate with forgiveness and self-forgiveness. While critics may insist that forgiveness requires culpability by definition, Gamlund's discussion will lead many readers to find such a stipulation unsatisfying.

A major debate in the literature on forgiveness is whether forgiveness is "conditional," meaning that forgiveness is only appropriate in cases where the wrongdoer has met some sort of requirement, such as repentance or moral improvement. Jerome Neu's essay, "On Loving Our Enemies," defends the conditional view. Drawing on work by Jeffrie Murphy, Neu argues that resentment is a morally appropriate reaction to being victimized that can be set aside only for a moral reason. Also working within a conditional framework, Arne Johan Vetlesen asks whether there are cases where no moral reason could justify forgiveness and where forgiveness is, therefore, wrong. In this rather unwieldy essay, Vetlesen emphasizes the relevance of the characteristics of the wrongful acts themselves, rather than the characteristics of the agents who perform the acts, claiming that "some acts are worse, morally speaking, than any individual agent" (161).

Eve Garrard and David McNaughton, in contrast to Neu and Vetlesen, defend the position that forgiveness is unconditional by addressing objections posed by Griswold and others. The authors argue that some critics of unconditional forgiveness conflate two senses in which forgiveness can be unconditional: "(1) forgiving no matter what condition the wrongdoer is in; and (2) forgiving no matter what the reason for doing so is" (102). While defending the view that "there is sufficient reason to forgive a wrongdoer whatever his state of mind" (97), Garrard and McNaughton go on to identify reasons for extending such unmerited forgiveness. While the points made in favor of unconditional forgiveness are perhaps not novel, the skill with which the issues are explained and defended makes this essay a good candidate for course syllabuses on forgiveness.

Geoffrey Scarre strays slightly from the theme of forgiveness to look at issues of apology. In "Apologising for Historic Injustices," Scarre dives into the controversy surrounding Australia's official apology to the "Stolen Generations," which addressed the century-long practice of removing aboriginal children from their parents' care, a practice that ended only in the late 1960s or early 1970s. In 2008, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd delivered an official apology for this history, which was met with general approval from both the aboriginal and settler populations. Scarre argues that the apology was not appropriate because the people doing the apologizing did not have "ownership" of the wrongful deeds. While he defends the legitimacy of "insider-regret," a particular form of negative reactive attitude towards one's group's historical injustices, Scarre denies that this attitude can ground the practice of apology. Debates about the nature of collective responsibility are well established in the literature and are not much advanced by the arguments to be found here. However, Scarre's essay does provide opportunity for reflection on the nature and functions of apology. Scarre's clear and straightforward account of when an apology can be given and what functions it can perform is quite narrow and so leaves the reader reflecting on what a broader concept of apology might look like.

Finally, literary scholar Jakob Lothe provides a reading of W. G. Sebald's novel Austerlitz . Sebald was a writer who was born in Germany in 1944 but who lived most of his adult life in England. His fiction and non-fiction writings have become important to current discussions of how German identity has been shaped by the memory of World War II and the Holocaust. The narrator of the novel, who, like Sebald, is a German exile of the immediate postwar generation, develops an unusual friendship with a Jewish man who survived the Holocaust as a child and is now attempting to recover the story of his parents' lives and deaths in the camps. Lothe argues that Sebald's narrative techniques reveal that the main theme of the novel is forgiveness. This claim remains puzzling for much of the essay, but by the end it becomes clear that Lothe's theme is not 'what is involved in granting forgiveness,' but instead 'what it is like to feel the need to be forgiven for the injustices of previous generations.' As such, the essay is fruitfully paired with Scarre's contribution.

Griswold, C. L., Forgiveness: A Philosophical Exploration , Cambridge University Press, (2007).

Murphy, J. G. and J. Hampton (eds.), Forgiveness and Mercy , Cambridge University Pres, (1988).

Murphy, J. G., Getting Even , Oxford University Press, (2003).

English Summary

100 Words Essay on Forgiveness in English

Forgiveness can mean different things to different people but in the psychological sense it means to go through a change of feeling and attitude in emotion that it is okay and that one is able to move on from an occurrence that was done intentionally or unintentionally that could have hurt a person. Forgiveness is important because in life, it is evident that one will come across another that would or may hurt that person. Through this, holding a grudge towards the person would do one no good even to one’s mental health. Therefore, it is through forgiveness that sets a person’s life free from the control of the person who has harmed you. Forgiveness is vital for all life’s journey and should be taught to children to let them grow into good human beings. One thing to keep in mind is that, forgiveness does not mean to forget, rather as much as it is difficult to forgive another that has done the harm, one learns courage and one learns from another mistake.

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Rossinavi Just Unveiled a New Marine Brand—With 5 New Aluminum Yachts

The nolimits range will begin with five crossovers designed for transoceanic voyages., rachel cormack.

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Nolimits Fleet

The Rossi family is pushing the limits of yacht design once again.

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“After a long experience in building yachts from 500 to over 2,000 GT, it is time to carry this kind of technical vision also into yachts from 30 to 45 meters,” Rossinavi COO Federico Rossi said in a statement. “Vessels suitable for long voyages and spending long periods offshore, while maintaining the same philosophy of luxury and functionality of a superyacht category.”

The Nolimits Fleet

The initial Nolimits lineup includes the 98-foot NL30, the 121-foot NL37 and NL37+, and the 148-foot NL45 and NL45+. The “plus” versions have a raised pilothouse that allows for a different layout on the upper deck: The 37+ has an indoor skylounge with panoramic views, while the 45+ has a VIP cabin with a private deck.

All fleet members feature wide hulls to increase stability and space. Each yacht is outfitted with generous guest and crew areas to ensure comfort even on lengthy, global voyages. In addition, the vessels sport expansive panoramic windows and spacious sundecks to connect guests with the sea. The sundecks will be fitted with pools, bars, BBQs, sunbeds, and even windbreakers for protection against the elements.

In terms of performance, the Nolimits cruisers will be equipped with heavy-duty engines and generators, a double stabilization system for smooth sailing, and two independent rudders to increase maneuverability. In addition, each yacht has an impressive fuel capacity that enables transatlantic crossings, noise technology that dramatically reduces sound, and an A/C system with chillers that can operate at 150 percent capacity for fast refreshment.

Click here to see all photos of the Nolimits fleet.

Nolimits Fleet

Rachel Cormack is a digital editor at Robb Report. She cut her teeth writing for HuffPost, Concrete Playground, and several other online publications in Australia, before moving to New York at the…

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"Absolutely brilliant! Mike at Global Yacht Services was recommended to me when I was stuck in one of those typical yachting dilemmas when you need something totally random resolved almost immediately but nobody in the ‘real world’ seems to understand the urgency. Thank you so much for getting me out of that spot of bother when it was mid-season and everything was starting to seem a little too much!" − Lucy Simmonds, Chief Stewardess M/Y Mirage
"I have had a long and fruitful relationship with Mike and his team at Global. Not only does Mike look after us when we are in the US or Caribbean, but also supplies us when we are in Europe, more often than not with more competitive prices than his European counterparts. Mike gives the personal touch to his business and nothing is too much trouble. He will often just pop down to the boat on his way somewhere else to make sure all is well and to find out if there is anything we need. I consider Mike to be a friend and we always go out for dinner or go on a little adventure whenever we are in town." − Captain Richard Humphreys, S/Y Salute
"I have been working with Mike at Global Yacht Services for many years now on a variety of yachts and am grateful for his consistent professional and personal service. Whether it was a refrigerator being delivered half way across the world or a last minute one of a kind part being personally delivered to the yacht on a Sunday night in Florida, Mike and Global Yacht Services are constantly on the ball. I find it liberating working with a company that considers customer service it’s number 1 priority rather than being lost in a crowd. Keep up the great work Mike…" − Mike O'Neill, Captain, Yacht Penny Mae
"The best endorsement I can give for Global Yacht Services is they are yet to disappoint. Mike has consistently delivered on his promises in the most effective and efficient manner; and has got our fleet out of some interesting situations, and with a smile all the way. Keep up the good work Mike and thanks for years of support...." − Andrew Cosgreave, fleet captain


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Since Huckins was first launched in 1928, our yachts have been and continue to be as unique as the people for whom they are created. By designing and building yachts with our customers — not just for them — we champion individuality in a world that sees fewer examples every day.

But don't let Huckins' classic elegance give you the wrong impression. This is not your grandfather's yacht, and our high-performance hulls certainly aren't hewn from wood. Huckins has been utilizing fiberglass composite core construction for 40 years (initially AIREX ® and today Corecell ™ ), and we were one of the first powerboat builders to do so. All of our yachts are built from the most modern materials available to reduce weight, increase strength and maximize fuel efficiency.

A Huckins isn't for everyone, but we make no apologies. For those who appreciate uniqueness and custom craftsmanship, our yachts represent timeless elegance. Visions come to life. And dreams come true. Not to mention the lightest, sweetest-handling and fuel-stingiest yachts ever to put miles between you and the fuel dock.

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58' Huckins Offshore "Kemosabe"

This 3 stateroom/3 head layout radiates elegance and distinction. Late model classic Huckins repowered in 2010 with QSM11 Cummins 670 HP. Epoxy glassed exterior and epoxy bilges when built. Traditional mahogany paneling in salon and owners stateroom. The fly-bridge and large cockpit make her a practical fishing boat as well as a fast, seaworthy, blue water family cruiser.

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Search for sailors after yacht hijacked by escaped prisoners

There are fears for the safety of two people who were on board a yacht that was hijacked by escaped prisoners from the Caribbean island of Grenada.

Saturday 24 February 2024 20:46, UK

FILE - This photo taken Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2012 shows a part of Grenada&#39;s western coastline. Authorities in the eastern Caribbean said they were trying to locate two people believed to be U.S. citizens who were aboard a yacht that was hijacked by three escaped prisoners from Grenada. The Royal Grenada Police Force said in a statement released on Friday, Feb. 23, 2024 that they were working on leads “that suggest” the two occupants of the yacht may have been killed.(Colin Perkel/The Canadian Pre

Two sailors are missing in the eastern Caribbean after the yacht they were on was hijacked by three escaped prisoners.

The two occupants of the boat are believed to be US citizens but their whereabouts and condition are unconfirmed.

The three prisoners, who have been arrested, are believed to have seized the yacht from Grenada's capital, St George's, and sailed 80 miles to the neighbouring island of St Vincent.

The owners of the yacht haven't been officially identified, but the non-profit Salty Dawg Sailing Association identified them as Ralph Hendry and Kathy Brandel.

It said they are "veteran cruisers" and longtime members of the association, calling them "warm-hearted and capable".

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The association said a cruising skipper had contacted the association about a member's yacht, Simplicity, which was found "anchored and abandoned" off a beach on the island of St Vincent.

"The good Samaritan had boarded the boat and noted that the owners … were not onboard and found evidence of apparent violence," the association said in a statement.

"This is a very upsetting event and details are still unconfirmed by the authorities, but this does appear to be a tragic event," said Bob Osborn, the association's president. "In all my years of cruising the Caribbean, I have never heard of anything like this."

The authorities in Grenada said they dispatched investigators St Vincent, where the escaped prisoners were arrested on Wednesday.

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The prisoners, ages 19, 25 and 30, were charged with one count of robbery with violence. The eldest also was charged with one count of rape, three counts of attempted rape and two counts of indecent assault and causing harm, police in Grenada said.

The three men escaped from their holding cell on 18 February, according to police.

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Capital One will buy Discover for $35 billion in deal that combines major US credit card companies

FILE - A branch office of Capital One Bank is pictured on May 7, 2009, in New York. Capital One Financial is buying Discover Financial Services for $35 billion, in a deal that would bring together two of the nation's biggest lenders and credit card issuers, according to a news release issued by the companies Monday, Feb. 19, 2024. (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan, File)

FILE - A branch office of Capital One Bank is pictured on May 7, 2009, in New York. Capital One Financial is buying Discover Financial Services for $35 billion, in a deal that would bring together two of the nation’s biggest lenders and credit card issuers, according to a news release issued by the companies Monday, Feb. 19, 2024. (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan, File)

FILE - The logo for Capital One Financial is displayed above a trading post on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, July 30, 2019. Capital One Financial is buying Discover Financial Services for $35 billion, in a deal that would bring together two of the nation’s biggest lenders and credit card issuers, according to a news release issued by the companies Monday, Feb. 19, 2024. (AP Photo/Richard Drew, File)

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NEW YORK (AP) — Capital One Financial said it will buy Discover Financial Services for $35 billion, in a deal that would bring together two of the nation’s credit card companies as well as potentially shake up the payments industry , which is largely dominated by Visa and Mastercard.

Under the terms of the all-stock transaction, Discover Financial shareholders will receive Capital One shares valued at nearly $140. That’s a significant premium to the $110.49 that Discover shares closed at Friday.

The deal marries two of the largest credit card companies that aren’t banks first, like JPMorgan Chase and Citigroup, with the notable exception of American Express. It also brings together two companies whose customers are largely similar: often Americans who are looking for cash back or modest travel rewards, compared to the premium credit cards dominated by AmEx, Citi and Chase.

“This marketplace that’s dominated by the big players is going to shrink a little bit more now,” said Matt Schulz, chief credit card analyst at LendingTree.

Capital One credit cards are shown in Mount Prospect, Ill., Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2024. Capital One Financial is buying Discover Financial Services for $35 billion, in a deal that would bring together two of the nation’s biggest lenders and credit card issuers. (AP Photo/Nam Y. Huh)

It also will give Discover’s payment network a major credit card partner in a way that could make the payment network a major competitor once again. The U.S. credit card industry is dominated by the Visa-Mastercard duopoly with AmEx being a distance third place and Discover an even more distant fourth place. It’s unclear whether Capitol One will adopt the Discover payment system or may set up a payment network that allows parallel use of Discover and a second payment network like Visa.

“Our acquisition of Discover is a singular opportunity to bring together two very successful companies with complementary capabilities and franchises, and to build a payments network that can compete with the largest payments networks and payments companies,” said Richard Fairbank, the chairman and CEO of Capital One, in a statement.

With its purchase of Discover, Capital One is betting that Americans’ will continue to increasingly use their credit cards and keep balances on those accounts to collect interest. In the fourth quarter of 2023, Americans held $1.13 trillion on their credit cards, and aggregate household debt balances increased by $212 billion, up 1.2%, according to the latest data from the New York Federal Reserve.

As they run up their card balances, consumers are also paying higher interest rates. The average interest rate on a bank credit card is roughly 21.5%, the highest it’s been since the Federal Reserve started tracking the data in 1994.

Capital One has long has a business model looking for customers who will keep a balance on their cards, aiming for customers with lower credit scores than American Express or even Discover.

At the same time, the two lenders have had to boost their reserves against the possibility of rising borrower defaults. After battling inflation for more than two years, many lower- and middle-income Americans have run through their savings and are increasingly running up their credit card balances and taking on personal loans.

The additional reserves have weighed on both banks’ profits. Last year, Capital One’s net income available to common shareholders slumped 35% versus 2022, as its provisions for loan losses soared 78% to $10.4 billion. Discover’s full-year profit sank 33.6% versus its 2022 results as its provisions for credit losses more than doubled to $6.02 billion.

Discover’s customers are carrying $102 billion in balances on their credit cards, up 13% from a year earlier. Meanwhile, the charge-off rates and 30-day delinquency rates have climbed.

Beyond boosting bank deposits and loan accounts, the acquisition would give Capital One access to the Discover payment processing network. While smaller than industry giants Visa and Mastercard, the Discover network will enable Capital One to get revenue from fees charged for every merchant transaction that runs on the network.

Discover has been operating under heightened scrutiny from regulators. Last summer, the company disclosed that beginning around mid-2007, it incorrectly classified certain card accounts into its highest merchant pricing tiers. The company also received an unrelated consent order from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation over its customer compliance management.

Analysts at Citigroup say the regulatory issues may have prompted the sale.

“We are surprised that DFS would sell, but suppose that its regulatory challenges such as its recent October FDIC consent order and the card product misclassification issue may have opened the door for the board to consider strategic alternatives that it may not have in the past,” wrote analysts Arren Cyganovich and Kaili Wang in a note to clients.

It’s unclear whether the deal will pass regulatory scrutiny. Nearly every bank issues a credit card to customers but few companies are credit card companies first, and banks second. Both Discover — which was long ago the Sears Card — and Capital One started off as credit card companies that expanded into other financial offerings like checking and savings accounts.

Consumer groups are expected to put heavy pressure on the Biden Administration to make sure the deal is good for consumers as well as shareholders.

“The deal also poses massive anti-trust concerns, given the vertical integration of Capital One’s credit card lending with Discover’s credit card network,” said Jesse Van Tol, president and CEO of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition.

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PGA Unveils Healthcare Initiative For Qualified Producers; Blumhouse, Legendary, Macro & Berlanti Sign On In First Round

By Dominic Patten

Dominic Patten

Senior Editor, Legal & TV Critic

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The Producers Guild Announces Groundbreaking Initiative To Fund Health Insurance For Producers

Nearly 74 years after the Producers Guild of America was formed, its members learned Sunday night that they finally be getting closer to getting healthcare coverage.

PGA presidents Stephanie Allain and Donald De Line announced at the trade organization’s 35th annual Award ceremony that the group has launched an initiative to eventually see every health insurance benefits for all full-time producers in the film and TV biz.

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“No one should go without these essential benefits. Producing is challenging enough without the added anxiety of wondering how you are going to obtain health coverage for you and your family,” they added.

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On this long march toward achieving industry consensus and providing coverage, which Allain and De Line call a “groundbreaking step,” the PGA says powerhouses Blumhouse , Legendary , Charles D. King’s Macro and Berlanti Productions already have signed on and pledged to include health insurance contributions in their budgets.

“Producers are the only group of creative professionals without a union on set, so we have to look out for each other,” Blumhouse founder and CEO Jason Blum noted Sunday. “Taking care of our own is good business, good for families and good for our industry, and I’m proud to be part of the group leading this initiative.”

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Unlike the WGA , DGA or SAG-AFTRA, the Producers Guild of America is not a union and doesn’t participate in collective bargaining, due in no small part to the dual roles as managers and otherwise that many of its members have. In fact, the PGA exists as a guild literally in the medieval definition of the term — which limits its ability to offer consistent protections and benefits to its membership.

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As Blumhouse, Berlanti, Macro and Legendary are now doing, the PGA is recommending that companies put forth a production budget line item contribution of “at least $3.33/hour/producer for eligible full-time producers to be used towards the purchase of a health insurance plan.” 

No timeline has been set yet for the PGA’s move to get more companies on board.

However, after years of health insurance efforts by the likes of former board members Harvey Wilson, I hear that the organization is intending to give the at least a year to achieve critical mass. The big-picture aim is to see the majority of qualified members covered by 2026.

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While a number of members and leadership have long advocated for such healthcare, the PGA’s status has left the group left pushing for MPI eligibility or partnering up with other organizations. It’s a reality that in good times and not-so-good times is far from ideal or stable for the more than 8,400 members the PGA has across the scripted, nonfiction, documentary, animation, and emerging-media fields.

Health insurance has been one of the major gains for Hollywood guilds in various contracts over the decades. Eligible hours and contributions have changed over the years, but, as the most recent WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes and subsequent new agreements made very clear, healthcare access remains one of the vital tenets of Tinseltown economic security.

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54 people taken to hospital after hazmat situation in Lehigh County

6abc Digital Staff Image

UPPER MACUNGIE TWP., Pennsylvania (WPVI) -- Fifty-four people have been taken to the hospital after a hazmat incident was reported Friday afternoon in Upper Macungie Township, Lehigh County, according to police.

Crews responded to Sharp Packaging Solutions at 7451 Keebler Way around noon for a report of a chemical odor and multiple employees feeling ill.

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When emergency services arrived, they were informed that several employees were experiencing nausea, vomiting and headaches.

As a result of these symptoms, 54 employees were transported to local hospitals for evaluation, police said.

The building has 154 employees.

Fire personnel and Lehigh County Special Operations found no abnormal readings during their investigation.

The cause of the odor has not yet been determined, police said.


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Essay on Forgiveness

English , Essays 0

Last Updated on March 31, 2020

Forgiving is not easy. It is an act of Godliness. Here comes an essay about “Forgiveness”. We have added this in multiple format. They are 5 lines, short essay and long essay.

  • Forgiveness is an act of pardoning someone for their wrongful act.
  • It is one of the important quality that needs to be cultivated for a peaceful relationship.
  • Forgiveness includes forgetting other’s mistakes and treating them equally.
  • Forgiving someone gives self-fulfillment and a higher level of respect.
  • Also forgiving others brings more peace to the mind and relationships.

Short essay

Forgiveness is the act of letting go of a person and their wrongdoings. When we find someone hurting or doing wrong to us, we get angry at them. But when we forgive them, we are letting go of that hateful feeling. Also, it will bring peace to our own minds. On the other hand, forgiveness makes us a better person than others. We will feel a sense of self-respect and self-worth in forgiving others. Without forgiving, our hateful emotions will become more intense making us revenge for what was done. It will finally damage both our life and others who belong to us. So, the best thing we can do to people who hurt us is to forgive them. Indeed, forgiving should be accompanied by forgetting. That means, you should not only forgive them but forget what was done to us and lead our life as usual.

Forgiveness means pardoning someone for their mistakes or wrongful act. In life, there will be so many persons who do wrong to us. They hurt us, lie to us, and even cheat us. It can be anyone from family members, friends, or outsiders. Whoever it is, we cannot change them or change what was done to us. All we can do is forgive them. When we forgive someone, we are letting out the hurt we have in heart. This will make us peaceful. On the other hand, when we forgive others, we are getting a higher level of respect. It is a kind of self-fulfillment that helps us stay in peace with those around us.

Forgiveness is an act that lets us not revenge or punish for the bad deed or mistake done to us. For students, forgiveness means not punish your friends for their bad behavior towards you. Sometimes, people do things that hurt us, but we need to forget such things and move on in life. Because when you don’t forgive, you keep that hatred in heart and lead to revenging them. Such acts can cause damage to both persons. When we fight with those who argue, we are no different from them. We need to leave them and that will make a positive difference and make us a more respectable person.

Forgiveness must be accompanied by forgetting. Forgiving without forgetting the things that happened is of no use. So we must always forgive and forget those who have done wrong to us. This makes us a better person without ego and revenge.

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Biden Approves $5.8 Billion in Additional Student Debt Cancellation

The incremental relief brings the canceled total to $143.6 billion for nearly four million Americans.

Students walk across a street and plaza on a college campus.

By Tara Siegel Bernard

The Biden administration continued its effort to extend student debt relief on Thursday, erasing an additional $5.8 billion in federal loans for nearly 78,000 borrowers, including teachers, firefighters and others who largely work in the public sector.

To date, the administration has canceled $143.6 billion in loans for nearly four million borrowers through various actions, fixes and federal relief programs. That’s the largest amount of student debt eliminated since the government began backing loans more than six decades ago, but it’s still far less than President Biden’s initial proposal, which would have canceled up to $400 billion in debt for 43 million borrowers but was blocked by the Supreme Court.

The latest debt erasures apply to government and nonprofit employees in the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program, which can eliminate their balance after 120 payments. The P.S.L.F. program, which was plagued with administrative and other problems, has improved in recent years after the administration made a series of fixes .

“For too long, our nation’s teachers, nurses, social workers, firefighters and other public servants faced logistical troubles and trap doors when they tried to access the debt relief they were entitled to under the law,” Education Secretary Miguel Cardona said.

Since those October 2021, more than 871,000 public service and nonprofit workers have received debt cancellation totaling $62.5 billion; before that, just 7,000 had reached forgiveness since the program was created more than 15 years ago.

Starting next week, borrowers who are set to receive the latest round of debt cancellation through the P.S.L.F. program will receive an email notification from Mr. Biden — a reminder of his administration’s work just eight months before the presidential election.

An additional 380,000 federal borrowers in the P.S.L.F program who are on track to have their loans forgiven in less than two years will receive emails from the president notifying them that they will be eligible for debt cancellation if they continue their public service work within that period.

Many of these borrowers have been helped by programs that tried to address past errors that may have failed to credit individuals for payments. As a result, many borrowers received account adjustments, or additional credits, pushing them closer to the repayment finish line.

Millions of borrowers with certain types of loans are still eligible for some of those adjustments, but they will need to apply to consolidate those loans by April 30 to qualify.

“There are a lot of people who need to consolidate by this deadline to benefit and potentially access life-changing student loan relief,” said Abby Shafroth, co-director of advocacy at the National Consumer Law Center. They include borrowers with privately held loans in the Federal Family and Education Loan , Perkins Loan and Health Education Assistance Loan programs, she added. (People with direct loans or loans held by the Education Department don’t need to do anything to have their payment counts adjusted; it happens automatically.)

Besides P.S.L.F., the administration has extended relief through a variety of other federal relief programs: About 935,500 borrowers were approved for $45.6 billion in debt cancellation through income-driven repayment plans, which base monthly payments on a borrower’s earnings and household size. After a set period of repayment, usually 20 years, any remaining debt is erased.

Another 1.3 million people had $22.5 billion wiped out through the federal borrower defense program, which provides relief to those defrauded by their schools.

The administration’s latest round of completed debt relief comes on the heels of its bungled rollout of the new Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA, which was supposed to simplify the process. Instead, technical and other problems have created delays, leaving colleges without student financial information that they need to make aid offers. Students have been left in limbo, unable to make decisions on where they’ll attend college.

Tara Siegel Bernard writes about personal finance, from saving for college to paying for retirement and everything in between. More about Tara Siegel Bernard

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The Importance of Forgiveness (in 100 Words)

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Published: Mar 17, 2023

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