The Lady, or the Tiger

The Lady, or the Tiger? - Study Guide

Talk about a no-win situation: Frank Stockton 's The Lady, or the Tiger? (1882) is a fairy tale and fascinating allegory. We hope our study guide is particularly useful for teachers and students to fully appreciate the story's quandary and its themes. It's a great persuasive writing prompt.

Read the story: The Lady, or the Tiger? , Character Analysis & Summary , Genre & Themes , Literary Devices , Quotes , Discussion Questions , Paired Readings , Useful Links , and Notes/Teacher Comments

Character Analysis & Summary

The King - The semi-barbaric ruler, who enjoys administering justice by chance, in which the person on trial must blindly choose their fate, whether to die or live with a determined outcome.

The Princess - The King's daughter falls in love with a young man, who, once her father learns of their affair, subjects him to a perilous fate in which he must choose one of two doors. Behind one holds a tiger, who will eat him; the other hides a young maiden whom he must marry. The Princess, who is semi-barbaric as is her father, knows which door hides each creature, and signals the young man to pick the door on the right. Will she show her barbaric side (being impetuous and jeolous), or her humane side (allow her lover to live, but be with another). The reader is left to guess her decision.

The Lady - The lovely young maiden who waits behind one of the doors and would be the Young Man's bride if he chooses her door, is hated by the Princess.

Plot Summary : The story is set in a kingdom ruled by a semi-barbaric king, who rules calmly and wisely for certain things, but relishes public trials of chance to administer justice for things he cares about, primarly for his own pleasure.

The Lady, or the Tiger? Study Guide: The Lady

Genre & Themes

The Lady, or the Tiger? is in the genre of fairy tale, rather than a short story, with the sub-genre of allegory. It has two levels of meaning: the first is the story itself, the second is its symbolic meaning and lessons it offers the reader.

Determinism versus Free Will (alternatively, Fate versus Choice) Since the King presents an out-of-their control, no-win "choice" for the Young Man (determinism), he and the Princess cannot pursue their love for eachother (free will). Ironically, the Princess can exercise free will deciding the fate of her lover, since she knows the secret of what's behind each door and can choose his fate.

Barbarism versus Progressiveness - Stockton emphatically described the King as "semi-barbaric" in his self-serving desires and "exuberant fancy" for public spectacles of cruelty (barbarism). Yet he has a "civilized" side in his commitment to administer justice in an impartial and incorruptible manner by chance, and "develop the mental energies of the people."

Trust versus Betrayal - Though the Princess seems to be deeply in love with the young man, and he trusts her with his life, she is faced with two opposing emotions: jealousy and hatred for the young maiden if her lover survives, or mortal anguish should he be devoured by a Tiger. We learn she has deliberated long and hard over both outcomes. The reader is given more clues that she's leaning towards the Tiger-door option (her barbaric half).

The Lady, or the Tiger? Study Guide: Nathan Hurst, Painted Lady Butterfly

Covet versus True Love - If the reader is pulling for her civilized half, she might opt for the sentimental (butterfly) option: " If you love something, set it free." Wait, would this mean he's "free" to love the maiden? Clearly, it's an unsolvable problem for the Princess, consuming all her energy. Either result is a tragic loss for her. Ironically, the courtier has absolute trust in her decision, whichever it may be.

The Lady, or the Tiger? Study Guide: Alfred Edmund Brehm, 1895

Literary Devices & Vocabulary

Literary devices.

Suppressed ending : Stockton uses the literary device of supressing the ending to create suspense for the reader, which creates more questions than answers. Just as the Princess deliberates on the "right" choice to guide her lover to his fate, the reader is left guessing, and wresting with terrible outcomes (particularly for the Princess). The problem described in his tale has become a literary expression meaning an unsolvable or impossible problem to solve. " Which will it be, the lady or the tiger? "

Symbols : Stockton writes an allegory, two levels of meaning, in which the deeper level is represented by symbols. The doors represent fate, the tiger represents death and punishment, the lady symbolizes innocence and reward (it's not her fault she's lovely and the Princess is jealous). "Doleful iron bells" represent mourning, while "gay brass bells" represent celebration and life. Stockton's symbols help readers broaden their appreciation for the deeper level of the story's meaning, and perhaps relate it to their own life lessons.

Interesting Vocabulary

Semi-barbaric : Half savage or uncivilized, brutal and cruel, the other half civilized or "not quite" barbaric. It's a confusing juxtaposition, which makes it a perfect adjective to describe the King and the Princess.

Barleycorn : While literally a grain of barley or unit of measurement based on the length of the grain, Stockton's description: "...every barleycorn a king, knew no tradition to which he owed more allegiance than pleased his fancy " may also be a reference to an ancient British folksong personifying the ill-fated: John Bar-Ley-Corn

Choristers : A member of a choir, or someone leading singing, used in the story to describe a "good" outcome: " Another door opened beneath the king, and a priest, followed by a band of choristers ' and dancing maidens blowing joyous airs on golden horns and treading an measure. "

Moiety : Each of two parts (another reference to semi-barbaric): " Had it not been for the moiety of barbarism in her nature, it is probable that lady would not have been there."

The Lady, or the Tiger? Study Guide: Frank Stockton

Explain what the following quotes mean and how they relate to the story:

"He was a man of exuberant fancy, and, withal, of an authority so irresistible that, at his will, he turned his varied fancies into facts. He was greatly given to self-communing; and, when he and himself agreed upon any thing, the thing was done."

"The arena of the king was built, not to give the people an opportunity of hearing the rhapsodies of dying gladiators, nor to enable them to view the inevitable conclusion of a conflict between religious opinions and hungry jaws, but for purposes far better adapted to widen and develop the mental energies of the people. This vast amphitheatre, with its encircling galleries, its mysterious vaults, and its unseen passages, was an agent of poetic justice, in which crime was punished. Or virtue rewarded, by the decrees of an impartial and incorruptible chance."

"The moment that the case of the criminal was thus decided, doleful iron bells were clanged, great wails went up from the hired mourners posted on the outer rim of the arena, and the vast audience, with bowed heads and downcast hearts, wended slowly their homeward way, mourning greatly that one so young and fair, or so old and respected, should have merited so dire a fate."

"The decisions of this tribunal were not only fair, they were positively determinate: the accused person was instantly punished if he found himself guilty; and, if innocent, he was rewarded on the spot, whether he liked it or not. There was no escape from the judgments or the king's arena."

"Among his courtiers was a young man of that fineness of blood and lowness of station common to the conventional heroes of romance who love royal maidens. This royal maiden was well satisfied with her lover, for he was handsome and brave to a degree unsurpassed in all this kingdom; and she loved him with an ardor that had enough of barbarism in it to make it exceedingly warm and strong."

"He had loved the Princess, and neither he, she, nor any one else thought of denying the fact; but the king would not think of allowing any fact of this kind to interfere with the workings of the tribunal, in which he took such great delight and satisfaction. "

"Possessed of more power, influence, and force of character than any one who had ever before been interested in such a case, she had done what no other person had done,--she had possessed herself of the secret of the doors."

"It was one of tile fairest and loveliest of the damsels of the court who had been selected as the reward of the accused youth, should he be proved innocent of the crime of aspiring to one so far above him; and the Princess hated her."

"She raised her hand, and made a slight, quick movement toward the right. No one but her lover saw her."

"Think of it, fair reader, not as if the decision of the question depended upon yourself, but upon that hot-blooded, semi-barbaric Princess, her soul at a white heat beneath the combined fires of despair and jealousy. She had lost him, but who should have him?"

The Lady, or the Tiger? Study Guide: Book cover, 1884

Discussion Questions

1. Explain the meaning of " semi-barbaric " and why it's a perfect adjective to describe both the King and the Princess. How can someone be half cruel, brutal and uncivilized, and half not?

2. Stockton begs the question: " Which came out of the opened door,--the lady, or the tiger?" Write a persuasive argument for which choice the Princess ended up making, and why.

3. Explain why this situation poses an unsolvable problem.

4. Determinism versus Free Will is one of the story's themes. Explain both concepts as revealed in this tale. "

5. Think of this tale from the young man's point of view, if he could choose. If he was a Romantic , might he die rather than lose his true love? Or, is he a Realist , settling for survival with a fair maiden? Sure beats being dead.

6. Using the literary device of allegory, the story has two layers of meaning. Explain each layer and what the symbols represent.

7. Relate the concept of "fate" to a situation in your own life where a "choice" wasn't really up to you. Have you ever had to make a "lady or the tiger?" decision?

8. Read the sequel to this story, The Discourager of Hesitancy , and compare the King's "choice" offered to a visiting prince requesting a wife, with the young man's in this story.

9. Think of a story, book, or movie in which the ending was withheld, leaving the reader or audience to determine the ending, or guessing what happens next. (Can't think of one? Try the Harry Potter series). Discuss why this is an appealing technique to keep us coming back for more?

The Lady, or the Tiger? sequel, The Discourager of Hesitancy

Paired Reading Suggestions

Compare The Lady, or the Tiger? themes and literary devices to these stories:

The Discourager of Hesitancy , the story's sequel, in which the reader eagerly hopes to discover which fate the Princess chose for her lover in the first story.

The Monkey's Paw by W.W. Jacobs , which shares the literary device of a dramatically suppressed ending, leaving the reader to figure it out.

Marjorie Daw by Thomas Bailey Aldrich , offers a dramatic surprise ending.

The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell , another story with an impossible "choice"-- both of deadly consequence.

The Travelling Companion by Hans Christian Andersen , compare the Princesses' character, motives, and "evilness."

The Cunning Little Tailor by The Brothers Grimm , compare the riddling Princess, and whether both stories share aspects of the fairy tale genre.

Choose one of these Morality Tales and compare its lesson to this story.

The Lady, or the Tiger? Study Guide, Barbarism and Civilization

Useful Links

Biography and Works by Frank Stockton

Lesson Plans and Activities for The Lady, or the Tiger?

Barbarism and Civilization in The Lady, or the Tiger?

Storyboard That Differentiated Lesson Plan

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Notes/Teacher Comments

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Interesting Literature

A Summary and Analysis of Frank R. Stockton’s ‘The Lady, or the Tiger?’

By Dr Oliver Tearle (Loughborough University)

‘The Lady, or the Tiger?’ is a widely studied short story by the American writer Frank R. Stockton (1834-1902). This classic short story, which was first published in The Century magazine in 1882, began life as a story Stockton told at a party; he published it when it received a strong response from his friends.

In ‘The Lady, or the Tiger?’, we are presented with an ancient system of justice whereby a suspected criminal has to choose one of two doors. Behind one is a lady, whom he will marry; behind the other is a tiger, which will devour him.

Plot summary

Some time in the past, a ‘semi-barbaric’ king has an arena built, in which justice is administered. Any man arrested on suspicion of committing a crime has to choose one of two doors in the amphitheatre, without knowing what is concealed behind the two doors. All he knows is that behind one door is a lady, and behind the other door, a tiger.

Behind one door is a lady, who has been handpicked from the population as a suitable bride for the man. If he chooses this door, he will be married to the lady immediately in a wedding ceremony performed in front of the crowd. Even if he already has a wife, he must marry this new bride and be with her.

The alternative is far worse. For behind the other door is a tiger, which – if he chooses this door – will leap upon him and devour him in front of the audience. This is the king’s way of serving justice in his realm: effectively, he places responsibility for their fate into the criminal’s own hands, although of course it is purely a matter of chance as to which ‘prize’ they get.

One day, the king learns that his daughter, the princess, has fallen in love with a young courtier. He is horrified that a princess could have been led astray by a commoner like this, and he has the young man arrested. It is announced that he will face his justice before the whole kingdom, in the arena, and men are immediately dispatched to find a suitable potential bride for him. Meanwhile, the fiercest tiger in the whole land is sought out.

The princess, who loves the young man, is at the arena on the day of her lover’s ‘sentencing’. When the young man sees the princess, he can tell that she has done as he expected her to do: that she has used money and her powerful status at court to discover which door hides the lady and which the tiger. When he makes eye contact with her, he asks her, ‘Which?’, and she gestures to her right.

So she has signalled which door he should choose. But at this point, the third-person narrator of the story tells us that he cannot tell us whether the princess directed her lover to choose the ‘lady’ door or the ‘tiger’ door. He tells us, though, that she knows the identity of the lady concealed behind one of the doors, and it’s a beautiful lady at court who is clearly attracted to the young man; what’s more, the princess has suspected for a while that her lover likes this lady, too.

So, did she help him to escape the fate of the tiger’s jaws, and effectively give the man she loves to another woman, with whom he will probably be perfectly happy? Or did her jealousy get the better of her, and she gestured to the door behind which the tiger waits to devour him? The narrator leaves this question unanswered, instead encouraging us to think for ourselves about which decision the princess would have made.

In many ways, ‘The Lady, or the Tiger?’ resembles a fable or fairy tale, and indeed the story’s author, Frank R. Stockton, wrote a number of fairy tales for children. But this is a fairy tale with a difference, since Stockton concludes the story without providing us with the final denouement. We are left wondering what the fate of the young man was: did he marry a beautiful woman (albeit not the princess), or was he eaten alive by a tiger?

But in subverting the reader’s expectations on the final page, Stockton is doing more than providing a nice talking-point for dinner-party conversations (to hark back to the supposed origins of the story). Instead, he is tacitly inviting us to pause and consider narrative conventions by taking a step back from the story itself and acknowledging that it is just that: story, narrative, fiction.

The princess, king, and youth who appear in the story never existed, and are merely products of an author’s imagination. So, too, then, are their fates, including the unspecified fate of the youth who loved the princess. Most stories are what the French literary theorist Roland Barthes calls readerly texts: they provide the reader with everything he or she needs to understand the story, and the reader can passively sit back and simply enjoy being entertained.

By contrast, writerly texts – to use Barthes’ term – are those fictions which engage the reader more actively in the events of the story or novel. In a writerly text, the reader will have to work harder to make sense of the narrative. For the most part, critics apply Barthes’ term ‘writerly’ to the works of those authors who deliberately make us work hard from page one: Samuel Beckett, James Joyce, and other modernists.

What is curious about ‘The Lady, or the Tiger?’ is that it begins, in Barthesian terms, as a readerly text, but then at the last moment Stockton subverts our readerly expectations and the story becomes a writerly text, throwing the onus on us to determine what we think happened to the young man.

If Stockton had simply told us that what door the man had opened, we would have been told what the princes had decided to do. But by withholding this crucial piece of narrative information from us, Stockton makes us examine the princess’s mental and emotional state more closely, based on the information we have been given, in order to deduce what she would be most likely to have done.

Of course, we still cannot answer the question posed in the story’s title, ‘The Lady, or the Tiger?’, for certain (and note how even the question mark in the story primes us for a more active role than we might otherwise be used to when reading, or even analysing, a short story). This is what makes the story such a perennial favourite in classrooms: readers are unlikely to reach a consensus on what the princess decided to do.

But in withholding this information, Stockton created, in ‘The Lady, or the Tiger?’, a forerunner to many twentieth-century modernist stories which would be similarly open-ended and ambiguous. Perhaps even without fully realising it himself, Stockton toppled the author from his godlike pedestal and made us , the readers of his story, the final ‘authors’ of the story’s conclusion.

In this, too, he anticipates Barthes, whose 1960s essay ‘ The Death of the Author ’ would argue that the godlike authority of the author must be resisted in favour of ‘the birth of the reader’.

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the lady or the tiger essay prompt

The Lady or the Tiger?

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Welcome to the LitCharts study guide on Frank Stockton's The Lady or the Tiger? . Created by the original team behind SparkNotes, LitCharts are the world's best literature guides.

The Lady or the Tiger?: Introduction

The lady or the tiger: plot summary, the lady or the tiger: detailed summary & analysis, the lady or the tiger: themes, the lady or the tiger: quotes, the lady or the tiger: characters, the lady or the tiger: symbols, the lady or the tiger: theme wheel, brief biography of frank stockton.

The Lady or the Tiger? PDF

Historical Context of The Lady or the Tiger?

Other books related to the lady or the tiger.

  • Full Title: “The Lady or the Tiger?”
  • When Published: 1882
  • Literary Period: Victorian
  • Genre: Short story; fairy tale; children’s literature
  • Setting: An unnamed semi-barbaric kingdom, especially the king’s public arena located within the kingdom
  • Climax: The princess instructs the young man to open the door on the right in the arena, and he does so—but does the lady or the tiger greet him?
  • Antagonist: The king’s semi-barbaric and unjust administration of justice by chance as manifested in the public arena; the deviousness of human passion and jealousy
  • Point of View: Mostly third person limited, with an essay on the princess’s decision toward the story’s end that includes the first person

Extra Credit for The Lady or the Tiger?

A Famous Admirer. The Englishman Robert Browning, perhaps the greatest of all the Victorian poets, admired Stockton’s fairy tale. He claimed to have “had no hesitation in supposing that such a princess under such circumstances would direct her lover to the tiger’s door.” Such a claim, of course, probably tells us more about Browning than Stockton’s princess.

Sequel. Stockton composed a sequel to “The Lady or the Tiger?” entitled “The Discourager of Hesitancy,” in which a monarch and his companions travel to the semi-barbaric kingdom of the earlier story to ask whether the young man opened the door to find the lady or the tiger. In turn, “a high officer” presents them with yet another tale that ends with yet another dilemma, promising to answer the question of the lady or the tiger only if the monarch and his companions can decide the solution to this second dilemma. “At the latest accounts,” the narrator reports at the end of the sequel, “the five strangers had not yet decided.”

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Discussion Questions

Analyze how typical fairy tale tropes are used and/or subverted in “The Lady, or the Tiger?”

Pay attention to the description of the king and his actions. How does the narrator feel about the king? Is the reader supposed to feel the same way? Use evidence from the text to support your argument.

“The decisions of this tribunal were not only fair, they were positively determinate: the accused person was instantly punished if he found himself guilty, and, if innocent, he was rewarded on the spot, whether he liked it or not” (Paragraph 7). How is fairness defined in this story?

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A Beautiful Summary and Analysis of ‘The Lady, or the Tiger?’

Frank R. Stockton's short story "The Lady, or the Tiger?" has won critical acclaim for its captivating narration and speculative suspense at the end. Penlighten helps you understand the story better by giving a summary and further analysis on it.

Summary and Analysis of 'The Lady, or the Tiger?'

Frank R. Stockton’s short story "The Lady, or the Tiger?" has won critical acclaim for its captivating narration and speculative suspense at the end. Penlighten helps you understand the story better by giving a summary and further analysis on it.

Mystery Unraveled!

Frank R. Stockton, an American writer and humorist was discouraged from taking up a career in writing by his father despite the fact that besides being a Methodist minister, he was a writer himself.

Until 1860, Stockton worked as a wood engraver and after his father’s death took to writing again. 1867 saw Stockton’s launch as a writer in his brother’s newspaper and the publication of his very first fairy tale, Ting-a-ling.

The Lady, or the Tiger? , a short-story penned by Frank R. Stockton (1834-1902), was published in The Century Magazine in 1882. It was included as the title story in Stockton’s 1884 collection of twelve stories. This intriguing story describes the brutal ways of a half-barbaric king in imputing justice, and the struggle of a princess to free her lover from awaiting doom.

The story takes the readers by surprise with a speculative end, leaving it to them to decide the outcome. Let us find out more about the story…

Analysis: The Lady, or the Tiger?

Plot summary.

◆ The story is narrated in the third person addressing the readers directly. The story is set in the ancient times. It begins with the narrator introducing a semi-barbaric king, semi-barbaric because he has a civilized Latin influence on his life. However, he unleashes his barbaric side by exercising an unusual system of justice on his people when found guilty of any crime.

The accused is placed in an arena all by himself, which has two doors. The accused is faced with the task of choosing one of the doors which would lead him to freedom. The other, of course, would be sure death. The door that leads to freedom has a maiden sitting behind it, whom the accused would have to marry right away leaving no room for his opinion. Whereas, the other door has a ferocious, hungry tiger behind it. The doors are identical, and this is what gives the story a nail-biting finish.

◆ This system of justice enthralled the audience as the fate of the accused was in his own hands. They loved the experience of sitting at the edge of their chairs to witness the outcome―freedom or death.

◆ The story proceeds further with an interesting twist to it where the king’s daughter―the princess―falls in love with a commoner. When the king discovers this affair, he turns livid and summons his soldiers to arrest the commoner and put him behind bars. He calls for the game to begin. In the meanwhile, he sends out his soldiers to find the most ferocious and dangerous man-eating tiger to be put behind one of the doors. The softer side of him chooses one of the most beautiful maidens for the young man to be put behind the other door.

The princess being madly in love with her lover, plots to free him. She secretly, with power and money, finds the door to freedom and the maiden who would be sitting behind it. Unfortunately for her, the maiden is also in love with the commoner, and the princess detests her for that.

◆ Finally, on the day of the trial, she sits along with her father―the king―in the arena to witness the final outcome. As the accused lover is presented before the king, he looks up to her, and she signals with her right hand indicating that he should take the right door. As the young lover moves forward to open it, the narrator abruptly stops the story. Thus, leaving it to the readers to decide on the conclusion―Liberty or Doom.

◆ The story ends in a suspense, and the narrator sets out the princess’s dilemma. The princess was aware that she will be asked for help by her lover. The princess loved the commoner; however, she had a barbaric streak in her. She had imagined the horror of the tiger eating her lover, and on the other hand, she was tormented by the thought of her lover marrying someone else whom she hated. In any case, the princess had lost her lover. However, it was in her power to decide to whom she would lose her lover.

◆ The narrator describes the princess’s anguish and dilemma from the time her lover was cast into prison. The endless nights of sleeplessness, the will and power that she exudes to free her lover, the agony of losing him to another woman, and the fear of seeing her lover being devoured by a tiger― the choice was hers. She knew she had to decide and that she did. The softer, angelic nature in her overcame the barbaric, jealous one, and she set her lover free.

The end still remains a mystery. Did the door open to a beautiful maiden or a fierce tiger ready to tear the young man to pieces?

◆ The story develops around more than one theme.

  • Cruel and Kind : Juxtaposition of the king’s (can be taken as the society’s) cruel and kind. The lady behind one door depicts kindness, tame, mellow beautiful; whereas, the tiger represents cruelty in its worst form―anger, merciless, savage.
  • Selflessness vs. Selfishness : The princess’s prompt raising of the hand towards the right door for her lover to be set free shows the selfless nature in her. The inner pangs of jealousy, agony of losing her lover to the woman she hates, brings out the possessive, selfish side of her nature.
  • Life and Death : The two identical doors―one leading to life and the other to death―the choice of which ultimately rests on the accused.

◆ The story is divided in three parts.

  • The first part discusses the king’s nature and his justice system.
  • The second part narrates the affair of the princess and the commoner, the king’s discovery, and the lover’s trial in the arena.
  • The third part throws the light on the princess’s decision. The story ends with the narrator challenging the readers to finish the story.

◆ The story takes place in unspecified land at an unspecified time.

◆ The three main characters of the story are the king, the princess, and the commoner.

◆ The king is described as outwardly sophisticated and polished with a hidden murderous, savage nature.

◆ The commoner is described as a handsome young man who loves the princess deeply.

◆ Both characters are stereotypes, and do not undergo much change in the story.

◆ The princess’s character has more shades than any other character in the story. The emotional upheavals of losing her lover to another woman or the tiger, brings out both sides to her nature. From the possessive, detesting side to a merciful, loving one, the princess’s emotions are tossed from side to side like a storm causing the boat to rock from side to side.

◆ The entire story is based on conflicts―the conflicting nature in the king, the conflict of emotions in the princess who has to take a decision, and the doors depicting conflicts of life and death.

◆ Irony is present throughout the story. For example: the lover’s complete trust in the princess to show him the correct door. The trial day unfolds the truth of the princess’s revelation on which of the doors would either set her lover free or kill him. Worst still, is her decision to let him marry the maiden and not let the tiger tear him to pieces.

◆ Most stories depict the characters being influenced by outer forces, uncontrollable situation or destiny. However, this story focuses on the power of choice. The king allows the accused to choose his verdict (in a way). The entire story is based on choices, not knowing which side the scales will tilt. The narrator ends the story in suspense, letting the readers decide the outcome. The message is clear that life is based on the choices we make.

Stockton said: “If you decide which it was―the lady or the tiger―you find out what kind of person you are yourself.” Well, he definitely did not have an answer. Though, he had planned an appropriate ending to the story, he could not write one, as he states further “for I had not the advantage of being either semi-barbaric or a woman.” meaning he left the choice to the reader to let the shrewd, wicked side of one take precedence over the harmless dove-like side or vice-versa.

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the lady or the tiger essay prompt

The Lady or the Tiger? Frank Richard Stockton

The Lady or the Tiger? essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of The Lady or the Tiger? by F Stockton.

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The Lady or the Tiger? Essays

The lady or the tiger: an analysis of relationships between characters anonymous 8th grade, the lady or the tiger.

As humans, the power of love often overpowers the responsibility of thought. In “The Lady, Or The Tiger,” by Frank Stockton, the strong affection that bonded the several characters into relationships drives them apart ending in a scene with two...

the lady or the tiger essay prompt

The Lady or the Tiger Writing Prompt and Rubric

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  1. The Lady or the Tiger? Essay.docx

    the lady or the tiger essay prompt

  2. Lady or the Tiger Essay

    the lady or the tiger essay prompt

  3. the lady of the tiger frank stockton reading activities

    the lady or the tiger essay prompt

  4. Lady or the Tiger Essay

    the lady or the tiger essay prompt

  5. "The Lady or the Tiger" Short Story Analysis Worksheets

    the lady or the tiger essay prompt

  6. The Lady or the Tiger: What Really Happened?

    the lady or the tiger essay prompt


  1. DEADLY VENOM VERSUS LADY TIGER (1970s Martial Arts Film)

  2. The Lady or The Tiger தமிழில் By Frank R Stockton Summary in Tamil Narration By Tamilarasan

  3. Essay on the tiger 💖💖💖

  4. Essay On The Tiger

  5. Short essay on tiger in english||10 lines on tiger in english|| English essay


  1. The Lady or the Tiger? Essay Questions

    Essay Questions. 1. What do you think was behind the door on the right? The lady or the tiger? Why? It is likely that the door on the right was hiding the tiger. The narrator of "The Lady, or the Tiger?" places so much emphasis on the fact that the princess had barbaric tendencies.

  2. DOC "The Lady or the Tiger" Debate Prep/ Essay Prep Chart

    "The Lady or the Tiger" Essay Prep and Prompt. Prompt: Based on evidence from the story to back up your position, write an essay in which you argue whether the lady or the tiger came out the door when the young man opened it. This should be a four paragraph essay—a three-sentence introduction, two evidence-filled body paragraphs, and a ...

  3. The Lady, or the Tiger? Study Guide

    The Lady, or the Tiger? - Study Guide. Talk about a no-win situation: Frank Stockton 's The Lady, or the Tiger? (1882) is a fairy tale and fascinating allegory. We hope our study guide is particularly useful for teachers and students to fully appreciate the story's quandary and its themes. It's a great persuasive writing prompt.

  4. DOCX Study Guide for "The Lady, or the Tiger"

    The Lady, or the Tiger? Essay Assignment. At the end of the story, "The Lady, or the Tiger?" by Frank R. Stockton, the author cautions the reader to carefully consider the question of whether it was the lady or the tiger that came out of the arena door. Although he never explicitly answers the question himself, he does provide evidence for ...

  5. The Lady, or the Tiger? Essays and Criticism

    Conventional fairy-tale kings act decisively in the face of trouble; they determine ways to resolve conflict and bring about justice, even if that justice is sometimes harsh and violent. Stockton ...

  6. A Summary and Analysis of Frank R. Stockton's 'The Lady, or the Tiger?'

    In 'The Lady, or the Tiger?', we are presented with an ancient system of justice whereby a suspected criminal has to choose one of two doors. Behind one is a lady, whom he will marry; behind the other is a tiger, which will devour him. Plot summary. Some time in the past, a 'semi-barbaric' king has an arena built, in which justice is ...

  7. The Lady or the Tiger? Summary & Analysis

    A huge audience gathered to watch. The young man was released into the public arena, to the admiration and anxiety of the audience—they thought him a grand youth, and thought it terrible for him to be in the arena. The young man, as was customary, bowed to the king, but was looking all the while at the princess.

  8. The Lady or the Tiger? Study Guide

    "The Lady or the Tiger?" is a fairy tale set in an exotic, vaguely Oriental kingdom, and as such gestures back to what is perhaps the most influential collection of such tales ever to be published in English, the One Thousand and One Nights, originally compiled in Arabic and later translated into English by Edward Lane (1840, 1859), John Payne (1882), and Richard Burton (1885), among others.

  9. The Lady or the Tiger? "The Lady, or the Tiger ...

    The door that the man chooses decides both his fate and his guilt: in the king's view, the innocent men will choose the door hiding the lady and the guilty will choose the tiger. The king's method of deciding justice depends entirely on chance. Whatever the outcome, the accused person automatically receives his punishment or reward.

  10. The Lady, or the Tiger? Essay Topics

    Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Study Guide of "The Lady, or the Tiger?" by Frank R. Stockton. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

  11. The Lady, or the Tiger?

    The Lady or the Tiger is a one-act play adapted from Stockton's short story and published by Lazy Bee Scripts in 2010. [8] "The Purr-fect Crime", Season 1, Episode 19 of the U.S. television series Batman ends with a cliffhanger in which Catwoman has Batman locked in a room with two doors; one of which opens to her, and the other opens to a tiger.

  12. The Lady or the Tiger? Themes

    Human Nature. Another theme of "The Lady, or the Tiger" is human nature. In fact, the story's question depends upon the reader's understanding of human nature more than anything else. The story does not give us a definite answer to the question of the young man's fate at the end of the story: that question is left for readers to interpret and ...

  13. Exploration of Literary Devices in "The Lady and The Tiger: [Essay

    Frank R. Stockton's short story, "The Lady or The Tiger," is a literary masterpiece that skillfully employs various literary devices to captivate the reader's imagination. This essay embarks on an in-depth analysis of the narrative, focusing on the author's use of suspense, symbolism, and ambiguity to craft a compelling and thought-provoking tale.

  14. PDF The Lady Or The Tiger? By Frank Stockton

    door stood the tiger, and behind which waited the lady. Gold, and the power of a woman's will, had brought the secret to the princess. She also knew who the lady was. The lady was one of the loveliest in the kingdom. Now and then the princess had seen her looking at and talking to the young man. The princess hated the woman behind that silent door.

  15. The Lady or The Tiger: Discussion Questions & Answer Key [PDF]

    Download the PDF for 'The Lady or The Tiger' by Frank R. Stockton. Get the 11th grade discussion questions, answer keys, and more on CommonLit. Adopting a new curriculum? Roll out our research-backed curriculum, CommonLit 360 with data tracking tools and personalized PD for just $6,500 / year.

  16. The Lady, or the Tiger? Essay

    Chloe Popov Ms. Walker ENG3U1- Friday, February 17th, 2017 The Barbaric Reasoning Behind Brutality, in "The Lady, or the Tiger?" The ultimate choice- an arranged marriage or death. In "The Lady, or the Tiger?" by Frank R. Stockton, there is a princess whose father, the King, puts her lover on trial, and she holds the decision to her ...

  17. A Beautiful Summary and Analysis of 'The Lady, or the Tiger?'

    The lady behind one door depicts kindness, tame, mellow beautiful; whereas, the tiger represents cruelty in its worst form―anger, merciless, savage. Selflessness vs. Selfishness: The princess's prompt raising of the hand towards the right door for her lover to be set free shows the selfless nature in her. The inner pangs of jealousy, agony ...

  18. The Story of The Lady, or the Tiger: [Essay Example], 536 words

    The Story of The Lady, Or The Tiger. The story The Lady, or the Tiger? reveals foreshadowing in the beginning when the king's arena is introduced stating that, "When a subject was accused of a crime of sufficient importance to interest the king, public notice was given that on an appointed day the fate of the accused person would be decided ...

  19. The Lady or the Tiger? by Frank Stockton Post-Reading Creative ...

    Description. Delve into the world of The Lady or the Tiger? by Frank Stockon with these engaging creative writing prompts. Immerse your students in the multifaceted layers of the narrative, fostering critical analysis, character exploration, and imaginative storytelling within the context of this classic Shakespearean work.

  20. The Lady or the Tiger? Essays

    Essays. The Lady Or The Tiger?: An Analysis of Relationships Between Characters Anonymous 8th Grade. The Lady or the Tiger? As humans, the power of love often overpowers the responsibility of thought. In "The Lady, Or The Tiger," by Frank Stockton, the strong affection that bonded the several characters into relationships drives them apart ...

  21. The Lady or the Tiger Writing Prompt and Rubric

    Description. This resource was created to be used with the short story, "The Lady or the Tiger" by Frank Stockton. The Writing Prompt and Rubric provide the students with a creative way to end the story. The student Writing Prompt is ready to duplicate for classroom use and teacher key for the test is included.

  22. What is a comparative claim thesis for "The Lady, or the Tiger

    A thesis for this topic might look something like the following: While "The Lady, or the Tiger?" is reminiscent of a fairy tale through its setting and characterization, the ending sharply ...

  23. The Lady or the TigerHW1 2 .doc

    View Homework Help - The Lady or the TigerHW1 (2).doc from MATH 140 at Kapiolani Community College. "The Lady or the Tiger" Essay Prep and Prompt Prompt: Based on evidence from the story to back up