Effects of deforestation on humans and the environment

Forests help make the planet livable for us all, but human activity is destroying them at an alarming rate. Deforestation represents a growing threat to all life on Earth, driving dangerous carbon emissions and exacerbating the climate crisis.

Forest fire in the Amazon, August 2020.

F orests provide a home to millions of diverse flora and fauna around the world. But the benefits of forests extend far beyond the wildlife who live there. They play a vital role in the world’s carbon cycle by balancing greenhouse gas emissions, making the air in our atmosphere breathable, and protecting against climate change. As companies cut down more and more of our forests to make room for agriculture and industry, the whole planet suffers the consequences. Deforestation threatens our environment, impacts human lives, and kills millions of animals every year.

Deforestation destroys ecosystems that are vital to wildlife and humans alike. Lush green forests offer a home to some of the world’s most iconic wild animals, from the jaguar to the panda, along with countless diverse species of vegetation. But the importance of forests doesn’t stop there. Like the ocean, forests absorb excess atmospheric carbon dioxide, serving as a much-needed buffer against irreversible climate change . In short, forests help sustain life around the world—far beyond where their tree lines end.

However, if humans continue to destroy forests at the current rate, forests may reach their breaking point. We cut down more than 15 billion trees each year. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that humans—or, more specifically, the corporations and industries they manage—converted 420 million hectares of forested land for other uses since 1990. That’s over 1 billion acres of forest cleared to make way for strip mines, cattle grazing, and industrial sprawl. And, out of all the industries that drive global deforestation, animal agriculture is one of the biggest culprits .

The meat industry routinely destroys forests to make way for cattle grazing and livestock feed. Since 1970, cattle ranching drove the vast majority of the deforestation in the Amazon . In other words, animal-centric diets are one of the main reasons we are losing our rainforests. “The biggest transformational change is needed in the way in which we produce and consume food,” warns the FAO, which calls agricultural expansion “ the main driver of deforestation .”

What is deforestation?

Deforestation is the mass removal of trees over a wide area. The term most often refers to the clearing of trees by humans, but natural processes such as flooding or fire can take down trees, too. Most frequently, deforestation occurs to clear land for other purposes, like farming, or to collect timber from the fallen trees.

Regardless of what drives deforestation, the end result is always the same: the destruction of an ecosystem that once played a vital role in protecting our planet.

The connection between factory farming pollution and deforestation

Every year, the factory farming industry raises and kills billions of animals for human consumption. Sadly, this process doesn’t just harm animals—it harms our planet, too.

Factory farms force thousands of animals to live together in extreme confinement. These facilities generate so much waste that they poison the surrounding air, water, and land , causing widespread health problems in nearby communities. And the negative impacts of factory farm pollution extend far beyond just the surrounding area. Animal waste emits greenhouse gases that accelerate climate change and pose an existential threat to communities around the world.

Forests defend against the threat of climate change by serving as a “ carbon sink .” The trees absorb carbon dioxide, removing excess greenhouse gas from the atmosphere and turning it into the oxygen we breathe. The “ greenhouse effect ” occurs when too many greenhouse gases remain in the atmosphere, trapping heat from the sun and raising global atmospheric temperatures. Scientists attribute most human-driven climate change to the greenhouse effect. When humans cut down forests, more greenhouse gas emissions from industrial agriculture remain in the atmosphere, further contributing to the climate crisis.

Humans can survive without factory farms , but we can’t survive without healthy, breathable air. If deforestation and factory farming continues unabated, our planet, and our species, are headed for disaster.

What are the causes of deforestation?

In general, human activity is the driving force behind deforestation. Several industries clear and develop forested land for their own purposes, including agriculture, paper, mining, and logging.

Animal agriculture

To feed the global demand for meat, meat producers convert ecologically important forest habitats into land for grazing livestock and growing animal feed like soy and corn. The FAO reports that large-scale commercial agriculture was responsible for 40% of tropical deforestation from 2000–2010, with animal agriculture largely to blame. Tropical rainforests are the most biologically diverse ecosystems in the world, providing home to species of vibrant orchids , tiny amphibians , and majestic great apes . Their destruction threatens thousands of these unique plant and animal species with permanent extinction.

“The quest for more land to graze cattle and grow livestock feed has been a driving force behind the destruction of tropical forests, particularly in Latin America,” the agency said. And the damage doesn’t stop at the destruction of forest: “In a few short years, overgrazing, compaction and nutrient loss turn cleared forest lands into eroded wastelands.”

Livestock ranching

Out of all forms of agriculture, cattle ranching claims the most forested land. Meat producers have cleared over 45 million hectares (or 111 million acres) of lush forests to create room for their cattle to graze. That’s something like 84 million football fields.

Cattle ranching has already wiped out millions of acres of the Amazon rainforest in South America , the world’s largest tropical forest. Whistleblowers called out JBS, the world’s largest meat producer, for illegally clearing protected lands in the Amazon rainforest into land for cattle grazing. The Brazilian company pledged to remove deforestation from its supply chain by the year 2035, but these promises may be too little, too late. Environmentalists argue that the corporate pledge is “ grossly insufficient ,” with deforestation accelerating rapidly and the threat of irreversible climate change growing closer every day.

Growing animal feed

Soybean production accounts for vast amounts of deforestation. While food companies process some of these soybeans into tofu, soy sauce, and other products for human consumption, a majority of soy production—around 75%—goes toward feeding farmed animals.

As soy production took over previously forested land, Brazil’s Cerrado savannah lost half of its forest to agriculture. Investigations into meat industry supply chains reveal the link between deforestation in Cerrado to factory farms the world over. Industrial farms in the UK import soy grown in this region to feed their chickens, which in turn supply meat from factory-farmed chickens to food companies like McDonald’s and Tesco.

Thanks to a new tool from Mighty Earth, it's now possible to see exactly which companies are responsible for the bulk of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon and Cerrado. The Soy & Cattle Deforestation Tracker ranks soy producers and meatpackers according to the amount of land they're responsible for clearing. The world's largest meat company, JBS, tops out the list at 100,711 hectares—74,701 of which, according to Mighty Earth, have likely been cleared illegally.

Unfortunately, as international outcry over deforestation of the Amazon rainforest has drawn many zero-deforestation commitments from companies, these businesses simply began looking elsewhere. While destruction of the Amazon has slowed, deforestation fires have been springing up in the Cerrado and Pantanal wetlands. The Cerrado is now disappearing four times faster than the Amazon. As the raging fires in the Cerrado reached record highs this summer, it's essential that these companies be held accountable for their destructive actions.

If you look at the ingredients of many common household products and processed foods, you’re likely to find palm oil on the list. In fact, according to the World Wildlife Fund , it’s in close to 50% of the packaged products that you’d find at the grocery store, from frozen meals to cosmetics. Derived from the fruit of the palm tree, companies add colorless, odorless palm oil to their products in order to lengthen their products’ shelf life.

Although companies use palm oil because of its relatively low cost, the growth and harvest of palm oil comes at a high price for the world’s tropical rainforests and the animals who call them home. Palm oil plantations cover 27 million hectares of the Earth’s surface . These plantations destroy lush forests and replace them with “green deserts”: areas with no biodiversity whatsoever. This takes away the habitats of several endangered species, such as the orangutan, the pygmy elephant, and the Sumatran rhino, pushing them even closer to extinction.

While there are some efforts to harvest palm oil more sustainably, causing less harm to endangered species and their habitats, we can make the biggest difference by avoiding products with palm oil entirely. The Rainforest Action Network offers several resources for avoiding products and businesses that contribute to palm oil-driven deforestation.

Forest fires

Wildfires occur naturally in untouched forested land. While seemingly destructive, natural blazes actually promote the health of the ecosystem by clearing out dead organic matter and making room for new growth. However, when humans start forest fires, forest ecosystems can suffer from irreversible damage.

While some human-caused forest fires are accidental, farmers and other land developers sometimes intentionally start fires as a way to clear forested land. In a practice known as ‘slash and burn’ agriculture, farmers slash down acres of forest and burn the remnants in hopes of reviving the health of the soil. However, these uncontrolled fires can do more harm than good. Fires can eliminate entire populations of plant and animal species in an area, throwing off ecological balance and decreasing biodiversity. Research has shown that the biodiversity loss resulting from slash-and-burn agriculture can actually have the opposite effect on soil health, resulting in decreased crop yields and profits.

Agriculture-driven fires have taken a large toll on Brazil’s Amazon rainforest. A record number of fires turned the once vibrant, lush forests of the Amazon to ash in 2019. Investigators found that fires were three times more likely in beef-producing zones in the Amazon, pointing to the clearing of land for cattle ranching as one of the main culprits of forest fires.

Forest fires in the Amazon devastate animals and humans alike. Breathing the smoke from these fires is already harmful, but Indigineous communities suffered even further during this year’s fire season. The COVID-19 pandemic disproportionately impacts the Indigenous peoples, as their immune systems may be less equipped to fight off the virus. In Brazil, the combined threats of COVID-19 and air pollution from wildfires has led to increased hospitalization rates for their populations.

Illegal logging

Around the world, logging companies harvest timber and wood from fallen trees. In some regions, national or international laws protect forested areas from logging operations. However, companies continue to illegally harvest and sell timber from these protected areas.

Economists value the illegal logging industry at almost $150 billion, and 15–30% of all timber comes from illegal operations . In a shocking 2016 investigation, US trade representatives found that 90% of the timber imported to the US from Peru came from illegal logging operations. Timber trafficking continues to harm forests, as countries fail to enforce the laws meant to protect the Amazon and other forested lands.

Mining refers to the extraction of minerals and other natural materials from the earth. The mining industry is notorious for subjecting workers to extremely dangerous conditions, while also harming forests and the environment.

Just as ‘slash and burn’ methods clear forests for agricultural use, the mining industry slashes and burns forests to clear land for its operations. While mining causes deforestation at a much smaller scale than agriculture , it generates high amounts of air and water pollution that contaminate surrounding environments.

Paper is one of the most obvious culprits of deforestation—after all, paper is made from trees. In 2019, the US paper industry produced 78 million tons of paper and cardboard. Making one ton of paper requires 24 trees.

The problem with paper doesn’t end at the production process, however. A staggering 17.2 million tons of paper and cardboard ended up in landfills in 2018. As paper and other trash break down in landfills, they release methane—a harmful greenhouse gas that further contributes to climate change.

While it doesn’t totally mitigate the problem , recycling your paper and buying recycled paper certainly helps reduce the impact of paper on deforestation.


As people move from rural areas to urban areas, cities grow and populations increase in a phenomenon known as “urbanization.” When people live in cities, their incomes and consumption habits tend to rise, putting even more pressure on forests .

In order to build structures for a growing population, urban developers turn to the logging and mining industries for wood and metals—encouraging these industries to cut down more forests for their operations. And, when people move from villages to cities, they consume more animal products and processed foods. Large-scale industrial farmers convert surrounding forests for farmland in order to meet the new demand. Overall, the rapid, increased consumption and development associated with urban growth can spell disaster for forested ecosystems.

Desertification of land

Desertification occurs when land with fertile soil becomes an infertile desert. Desertification can happen in response to natural phenomena, such as drought, but human activity can also play a role in accelerating the process. This happens when farmers over-cultivate land—excessively farming one tract of land to the point where the soil degrades completely.

Trees maintain nutrient-rich topsoil by protecting it from wind, rain, or other harsh weather. Therefore, the removal of trees through deforestation drives desertification. And, in a vicious cycle, desertification actually contributes to deforestation. When land is no longer fertile for natural vegetation, industries further encroach onto once-fertile areas and exploit them.

What are the effects of deforestation?

Forests don’t just provide home to millions of wild animal and plant species—their ability to capture greenhouse gas emissions makes the earth livable for us all. When humans harm forests for short-term economic gains, we harm our species’ chances for survival in the long-term.

Effects of deforestation on humans

People who live near forests suffer the most immediate impacts of deforestation. These marginalized and vulnerable communities depend on forests for their livelihoods, as forested land provides resources like fertile soil for food and clean, fresh water for drinking.

When humans destroy their forest habitats, animals and insects seek shelter in the populous villages surrounding forests. Animal migration into human territory leads to an unprecedented amount of contact between humans and wildlife that’s not only unnatural but dangerous. This is because animals can spread pathogens to humans. These pathogens cause illnesses known as zoonotic diseases . "Zoonotic Diseases: Disease Transmitted from Animals to Humans"). A 2021 report from the Harvard School of Public Health cautioned that, in order to prevent the spread of zoonotic disease, we must change our agricultural practices and protect our forests.

Sadly, zoonotic diseases are already more prevalent in areas experiencing deforestation. Mosquitos spread malaria to humans, and mosquito populations flourish when biodiversity drops. A 2020 study found that “deforestation is associated with increased malaria prevalence, suggesting that in some cases forest conservation might belong in a portfolio of anti-malarial interventions.” A 2019 case study in Indonesian villages further solidified the connection between malaria and deforestation: researchers found that a 1% loss in forest cover increased the incidence of malaria by 10%.

Malaria is not the only zoonotic disease that arises from deforestation. A 2017 study linked outbreaks of ebola in Central and West Africa to the recent loss of forests, citing “more frequent contact between infected wild animals and humans” as a probable cause.

Though its origins are still unclear, scientists have hypothesized that the virus that causes COVID-19 , SARS-CoV2, jumped from animals to humans. Our immune systems can’t handle these new, emerging pathogens, leading to the rampant spread of infectious disease that can grow into a global pandemic. The FAO warns that “habitat loss due to forest area change and the expansions of human populations to forest areas” increases the risk of wildlife spreading disease to humans. If we want to avoid future pandemics caused by the spread of zoonotic disease, we must protect habitats from deforestation.

Food insecurity

Forests provide surrounding communities with clean drinking water, food, and jobs. Indigenous peoples harvest food and medicine directly from plant species in the forest, or cultivate crops in the fertile soil. When companies cut down forests, these communities lose resources to cultivate the food they need to survive, pushing them into food insecurity . Hundreds of millions of people rely on tropical forests for food, and the highest concentrations of food insecure populations live in regions with tropical forests.

Deforestation perpetuates another vicious cycle when it comes to food insecurity. Industrial agriculture companies convert forests into land for cattle grazing, palm oil, and soy production in order to feed growing populations of city-dwellers. This process destroys the biodiversity and fertility of the land, making it unsustainable for feeding populations in the long-term. As the FAO stated in a recent report, “forest degradation can be a threat to food security but also a product of efforts to obtain it—the costs of degradation need to be weighed against the value obtained.” In order to produce more food, the industrial agriculture industry is clearing forests—which, in turn, further exacerbates world hunger.

Local people and their livelihoods

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) estimates that nearly 25% of the global population relies on forests for their livelihoods , including many of the world’s poorest communities. The world’s Indigenous populations suffer some of the worst impacts of forest destruction, with deforestation displacing entire Indigenous communities.

In the Amazon regions of Brazil, deforestation is forcing thousands of Indigenous people off their own land. Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro stripped protections for these communities entirely, allowing big industries to encroach even further on forested land. Bolsonaro also removed power from agencies meant to safeguard their rights, pushing Indigenous Brazilians to come together and fight the threat of deforestation on their own.

Effects of deforestation on the environment

Deforestation’s environmental impact extends far beyond the edges of the woods. When we remove forests, we lose out on the vital protection they provide against climate change, soil erosion, and natural disasters like flooding.

Soil erosion

The roots of trees stabilize soil and keep it in place. Removing trees loosens the soil and leaves it exposed to damaging rains and wind. Removing trees on a mass scale through deforestation significantly speeds up soil erosion.

Researchers examined the impacts of deforestation on loess , a soil layer of dust and silt that’s rich in minerals. They found that a combination of agriculture, cattle ranching, and demand for wood drove deforestation on the loess in northeastern Iran, increasing the loss of soil and nutrients.

Developing countries pay an especially harsh price for soil erosion, especially when they lose topsoil, the nutrient-rich layer of soil that is essential for growing crops. The Island of Java in Indonesia lost 770 metric tons of topsoil per year in the late 1980s as a direct result of deforestation. Farmers in the region lost out on an estimated 1.5 million tons of rice, which had the potential to fulfill the nutritional needs of almost 15 million people. These farmers, and the local populations they work to feed, experienced firsthand how detrimental deforestation can be to human life.

Climate change

Trees balance the world’s carbon dioxide (CO2) levels as the gas cycles through the atmosphere and into the oceans, soil, and other living organisms.

Cutting down trees releases their stored CO2 back into the atmosphere. And, when we don’t replant the fallen trees, we lose out on their continued removal of excess carbon from the atmosphere. This leads to the excess carbon emissions that contribute to the greenhouse effect and accelerate climate change.

Removing trees on a mass scale through deforestation takes away one of the most important buffers we have against climate change. If we put an end to deforestation, our annual greenhouse gas emissions would drop by 10%. This action could prove crucial in the fight against climate change, with climate scientists estimating we need to cut greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50% in the next decade to mitigate the crisis at hand.

Trees help to control flooding . Their roots hold soil firm in heavy rains, and the trees themselves absorb some of the rainwater. Their absence can cause disastrous floods.

In 2004, floods killed hundreds of people in Haiti. Reports from the aftermath of the disaster revealed that the removal of 98% of the Island nation’s forests caused the flooding—deeming the floods a “m an-made ecological disaster .” On the other side of the world, deforestation for illegal harvesting also intensified floods in Kashmir, claiming the lives of 18 people in 2015. Researchers are clear that “(w)hen the trees are removed from the environment, the rainy season can have devastating effects.”

Effects of deforestation on biodiversity

Forests are home to thousands of unique flora and fauna that can’t be found in any other ecosystem. Because they house such a diverse variety of life, the destruction of forests can have a devastating impact on the earth’s biodiversity.

Habitat loss

The earth has lost an estimated 80 million hectares of forest since 1990, as industries clear forested land for farming, grazing, mining, drilling, and urbanization. This number doesn’t just represent fallen trees—it represents the decimation of millions of animals’ habitats.

In fact, habitat loss is among the greatest dangers to plant and animal species worldwide, and agriculture is “ the major cause .” When animals lose their habitats, they lose the shelter they need for continued survival. Researchers have observed the decline of entire species’ populations in response to deforestation-driven habitat loss.

Wildlife extinction

Rainforests are home to an estimated 50% of life on land. The FAO reports that forests offer habitat to 80% of the world’s amphibious species, 75% of bird species, and 68% of mammal species.

The habitat loss associated with deforestation doesn’t kill animals directly—instead, their populations die out slowly as “their breeding rates fall and competition for food becomes even more intense.” The habitat destruction caused by deforestation drives 135 plant, animal, and insect species to extinction every day. That’s 50,000 species per year, lost forever.

Acidic oceans

Ocean acidification occurs when the ocean absorbs CO2, lowering the water’s pH level and making it more acidic. Deforestation, along with other human activities such as industrial agriculture and the burning of fossil fuels, accelerates this problem.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric administration , the ocean absorbs around 30% of all atmospheric CO2. As levels of atmospheric CO2 rise, so do levels in the ocean, resulting in further ocean acidification.

Just like the oceans, forests act as a carbon sink, with trees absorbing and storing atmospheric carbon. Deforestation forces our oceans to take on more of the strain of excess greenhouse gases.

Ocean acidification harms ocean biodiversity and ecosystems. When water becomes more acidic, it can actually dissolve the shells and skeletons of organisms like oysters, clams, sea urchins, shallow water corals, deep sea corals, and calcareous plankton. The negative effects of this reverberate through the entire ecosystem, as bigger fish rely on these calcified organisms for food. If deforestation and other human activities continue to drive ocean acidification, the chemistry of the entire ocean may be altered forever.

What animals are affected by deforestation?

Deforestation pushes entire species from their homes, driving them to the brink of extinction. One of the most heartbreaking examples of this is the plight of the orangutan. Orangutans only live on the islands of Sumatra and Borneo, where palm oil production has leveled entire forests. Orangutans suffered a population decline of 25% in a single decade, largely due to deforestation of their homes.

In fact, deforestation impacts all great apes. Between human-caused threats like hunting and deforestation, species like chimpanzees and gorillas also face a “ very high risk of extinction in the wild in the near future, probably within our own lifetime .”

Sadly, so many more iconic and beloved species are suffering the effects of deforestation. The world’s largest eagle species, the harpy eagle, relies on forest cover to locate their prey. Without forests, several harpy eagles have died of starvation . Research also links deforestation to the loss of pandas , monarch butterflies , and jaguars .

How can we stop deforestation?

Researchers warn that, if deforestation continues at current levels, the planet will face an extinction crisis that will “ jeopardize the health and wellbeing of future generations .” In order to avoid irreversible damage from habitat loss and climate change, we need to both halt the loss of forests and promote their restoration. Taking these meaningful steps to restore our forests could contribute to more than one-third of the emissions cuts we need to take to limit global warming to 2 degrees celsius by 2030—the climate change mitigation objective set by the Paris Agreement .

Alongside halting deforestation and starting forest restoration initiatives , government leaders must act to protect remaining forests’ ecosystems, the species that live within them, and the communities that depend on them for survival. Scientists recommend protecting and maintaining at least 50% of land and oceans as intact natural ecosystems to “save the diversity and abundance of life on Earth.”

One of the key actions governments can take to protect and maintain forest ecosystems is restoring land rights to Indigenous peoples, which prevents private interests from clearing the land. A study found that, in Brazil, deforestation rates decreased by two-thirds in areas where Indigenous people fully owned their lands.

While some private companies have committed to ending deforestation in their supply chains, deforestation continues to accelerate. Evidence has shown that we cannot put our trust in private companies to stop plundering Earth’s forests for their own financial gain. We need governments to step up and enforce crucial forest protection and restoration initiatives if we want to put a stop to deforestation.

What has been done so far?

Local, rural communities are already acting to protect the forested land that they depend on for their survival, and governments are enacting more policies to protect forests. As a result, we are making some progress to reduce the harmful effects of deforestation worldwide.

In 2020, seven countries reported decreased deforestation to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Some countries accomplished this by strengthening the enforcement of logging regulations and requiring proof that timber imports were harvested legally. We could also see more governments introduce meaningful forest conservation policies, as 50 countries pledged to protect 30% of the planet by the year 2030 at this year’s One Planet Summit .

While these steps are encouraging, we need to do more, especially when it comes to industrial agriculture and farming interests. The FAO suggests that governments, for example, should create “buffer zones” around protected areas, where no cattle ranching is allowed . And, as individuals, we all have the power to change our broken food system and promote an end to deforestation.

The global demand for meat drives deforestation, especially in the Amazon region. When we eat less meat, or cut meat consumption entirely, the meat industry has less incentive to destroy forests to meet the global demand for its products. In fact, the United Nations climate change report “describes plant-based diets as a major opportunity for mitigating and adapting to climate change,” and it recommends more policies aimed at reducing meat consumption.

What you can do

Widespread deforestation doesn’t just harm forests and the animals that live in them: it harms our entire planet. Thankfully, you can help limit the damage. When you shift your diet away from meat and dairy, you take away financial support from the industrial animal agriculture operations that clear forested land for their own interests—a crucial step towards protecting these habitats. Take action today by starting your plant-based journey .

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Why deforestation matters—and what we can do to stop it

Large scale destruction of trees—deforestation—affects ecosystems, climate, and even increases risk for zoonotic diseases spreading to humans.

As the world seeks to slow the pace of climate change , preserve wildlife, and support more than eight billion people , trees inevitably hold a major part of the answer. Yet the mass destruction of trees—deforestation—continues, sacrificing the long-term benefits of standing trees for short-term gain of fuel, and materials for manufacturing and construction.

We need trees for a variety of reasons, not least of which is that they absorb the carbon dioxide we exhale and the heat-trapping greenhouse gases that human activities emit. As those gases enter the atmosphere, global warming increases, a trend scientists now prefer to call climate change.

There is also the imminent danger of disease caused by deforestation. An estimated 60 percent of emerging infectious diseases come from animals, and a major cause of viruses’ jump from wildlife to humans is habitat loss, often through deforestation.

But we can still save our forests. Aggressive efforts to rewild and reforest are already showing success. Tropical tree cover alone can provide 23 percent of the climate mitigation needed to meet goals set in the Paris Agreement in 2015, according to one estimate .

a melting iceberg

Causes of deforestation

Forests still cover about 30 percent of the world’s land area, but they are disappearing at an alarming rate. Since 1990, the world has lost more than 420 million hectares or about a billion acres of forest, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations —mainly in Africa and South America. About 17 percent of the Amazonian rainforest has been destroyed over the past 50 years, and losses recently have been on the rise . The organization Amazon Conservation reports that destruction rose by 21 percent in 2020 , a loss the size of Israel.

Farming, grazing of livestock, mining, and drilling combined account for more than half of all deforestation . Forestry practices, wildfires and, in small part, urbanization account for the rest. In Malaysia and Indonesia, forests are cut down to make way for producing palm oil , which can be found in everything from shampoo to saltine crackers. In the Amazon, cattle ranching and farms—particularly soy plantations—are key culprits .


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Logging operations, which provide the world’s wood and paper products, also fell countless trees each year. Loggers, some of them acting illegally , also build roads to access more and more remote forests—which leads to further deforestation. Forests are also cut as a result of growing urban sprawl as land is developed for homes.

Not all deforestation is intentional. Some is caused by a combination of human and natural factors like wildfires and overgrazing, which may prevent the growth of young trees.

Why it matters

There are some 250 million people who live in forest and savannah areas and depend on them for subsistence and income—many of them among the world’s rural poor.

Eighty percent of Earth’s land animals and plants live in forests , and deforestation threatens species including the orangutan , Sumatran tiger , and many species of birds. Removing trees deprives the forest of portions of its canopy, which blocks the sun’s rays during the day and retains heat at night. That disruption leads to more extreme temperature swings that can be harmful to plants and animals.

With wild habitats destroyed and human life ever expanding, the line between animal and human areas blurs, opening the door to zoonotic diseases . In 2014, for example, the Ebola virus killed over 11,000 people in West Africa after fruit bats transmitted the disease to a toddler who was playing near trees where bats were roosting.

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Some scientists believe there could be as many as 1.7 million currently “undiscovered” viruses in mammals and birds, of which up to 827,000 could have the ability to infect people, according to a 2018 study .

Deforestation’s effects reach far beyond the people and animals where trees are cut. The South American rainforest, for example, influences regional and perhaps even global water cycles, and it's key to the water supply in Brazilian cities and neighboring countries. The Amazon actually helps furnish water to some of the soy farmers and beef ranchers who are clearing the forest. The loss of clean water and biodiversity from all forests could have many other effects we can’t foresee, touching even your morning cup of coffee .

In terms of climate change, cutting trees both adds carbon dioxide to the air and removes the ability to absorb existing carbon dioxide. If tropical deforestation were a country, according to the World Resources Institute , it would rank third in carbon dioxide-equivalent emissions, behind China and the U.S.

What can be done

The numbers are grim, but many conservationists see reasons for hope . A movement is under way to preserve existing forest ecosystems and restore lost tree cover by first reforesting (replanting trees) and ultimately rewilding (a more comprehensive mission to restore entire ecosystems).

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Organizations and activists are working to fight illegal mining and logging—National Geographic Explorer Topher White, for example, has come up with a way to use recycled cell phones to monitor for chainsaws . In Tanzania, the residents of Kokota have planted more than 2 million trees on their small island over a decade, aiming to repair previous damage. And in Brazil, conservationists are rallying in the face of ominous signals that the government may roll back forest protections.

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Stopping deforestation before it reaches a critical point will play a key role in avoiding the next zoonotic pandemic. A November 2022 study showed that when bats struggle to find suitable habitat, they travel closer to human communities where diseases are more likely to spillover. Inversely, when bats’ native habitats were left intact, they stayed away from humans. This research is the first to show how we can predict and avoid spillovers through monitoring and maintaining wildlife habitats.

For consumers, it makes sense to examine the products and meats you buy, looking for sustainably produced sources when you can. Nonprofit groups such as the Forest Stewardship Council and the Rainforest Alliance certify products they consider sustainable, while the World Wildlife Fund has a palm oil scorecard for consumer brands.

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Essay on Effects of Deforestation for Students and Children

500 words essay on the effects of deforestation.

The world is losing most of its natural resources as and when you read this. There are many factors which are making this happen, however, one major concern is that of deforestation. Human activities are resulting in deforestation at a very rapid rate. Moreover, the effects of this activity are very dangerous. We do not realize the damage we are causing to living beings as well as the vegetation by cutting down trees. It will be clearer if we understand the impact of deforestation and make attempts to prevent it.

essay on effects of deforestation

Impact of Deforestation

When we cut down even a single tree , the impact it has is huge. Now imagine if we clear out whole forests only altogether, how damaging would that be. We cut down forests to meet the needs of humans. In order to fulfill the agricultural , commercial , industrial , residential and other needs we remove forests . Most of the earth was covered with forests until a hundred years ago, however, now we don’t have much of them left.

Deforestation causes disruption in the ecological balance. Moreover, it also interferes with the lives of wildlife and human beings as well. Firstly, when there won’t be many forests left, the water cycle of the earth will get disturbed. There won’t be enough trees left to absorb the water. Moreover, it will cause floods and droughts too. Similarly, soil erosion will be another effect of deforestation.

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Other than that, the climate will experience massive change. Global warming is also happening partly due to deforestation only. The oxygen level in the atmosphere will drop down by a great number and thus naturally carbon dioxide levels will increase. Most importantly, the wildlife is losing their habitats due to deforestation. Forests are their only home and with no place left to go, they either lose their lives or wreak havoc in the cities.

Therefore, we must all come together to stop this from happening and saving our earth as well as our lives. Humans must not be so selfish so as to make other animals homeless to shelter themselves. We must not damage our vegetation to create a beautiful garden for ourselves.

How to Prevent Deforestation?

We can do a lot of things that will contribute to preventing deforestation. To begin with, do not waste paper. The more demand there will be the more supply will happen. This way, trees will keep getting cut to meet these needs.

Similarly, the government must put a ban on deforestation so the big firms can find other alternatives instead of clearing forests for commercial and industrial needs. The laws must be made stringent enough and also implemented properly to prevent it.

Moreover, there must be measures taken to control the increasing population . As there are more mouths to feed and fewer resources, our nature and forests are getting burdened. There is not adequate supply to meet the ever-increasing demands of the population. Thus, the lesser the demand, the better the conditions of the forests as well.

FAQs on Effects of Deforestation

Q.1 What is the impact of deforestation?

A.1 Deforestation has many seriously damaging effects. It disrupts the water cycle and increases the level of carbon dioxide and decreases oxygen levels. Further, it also causes floods, droughts, soil erosion and more.

Q.2 How can we prevent deforestation?

A.2 We can do a joint effort to prevent deforestation. Do not waste paper so there will be lesser cutting of trees. The government must put a ban on deforestation. The government must practice population control so as to not burden forests to meet the ever-increasing needs.

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How Does Deforestation Affect the Environment?

How Does Deforestation Affect the Environment?

Forests, a vital component of life on Earth, cover approximately 31% of our planet’s land area . However, more than 75% of the Earth’s surface has been modified and degraded by human activities such as deforestation. Destroying forests alters weather patterns, destroys habitats, and negatively affects rural communities, leading to food insecurity and causing irreversible damage to entire ecosystems. So how does deforestation affect the environment and what threats does it pose to living species?

To answer the question of how deforestation affects the environment, it is important to look at why humans need forests in the first place. Deforestation is the purposeful cleaning of forest land for other uses. Among the main reasons for this damaging practice are agricultural expansion and cattle breeding as well as to obtain raw materials such as palm oil, a key ingredient in cosmetics and food products widely used around the world, and timber used for fuel, manufacturing, and infrastructure development. Studies show that 15,3 billion trees are chopped down every year and over the past 12,000 years, nearly 50% of the world’s trees have been purposefully cleared by humans. This practice threatens our environment, from altering the climate and various ecosystems to compromising the existence of millions of humans and animals.

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1. Effects on Climate Change

The scientific consensus on deforestation is that it intensifies climate change at a dramatic rate. The Global Forest Watch made it clear: protecting tropical rainforests is essential for achieving the climate goals of the Paris Agreement. Trees are known for their capacity to absorb carbon dioxide through photosynthesis. Healthy forests act as extremely valuable carbon sinks, with the Amazon rainforest being one of the world’s most important ones. However, deforestation is turning these sinks into huge net emitters , something that can have huge implications for slowing the pace of climate change and contributing to a steep rise in global temperatures. The current rate of rainforest-loss generated emissions is nearly 25% higher than those generated in the European Union and just slightly below US levels. Deforestation also increases the risk of uncontrollable wildfires because of humans burning vegetation. This, in turn, contributes to destroying forests, intensifying deforestation even more.

Tropical primary forest loss

2. Effects on Soil Pollution and the Water Cycle

In addition to their role as carbon sinks, forests are a crucial component of the water cycle and have the all important function of preventing desertification. Cutting down trees can disrupt the cycle by decreasing precipitation and affecting river flow and water volume. In the case of the Amazon rainforest, research shows that at least 80% of its trees would be needed in order to keep the hydrological cycle going. With nearly 17% of the forest lost already, the Amazon is currently at its tipping point . Statistics show that deforestation in the tropics reduces precipitation over the Amazon by around 10% , or 138 millimeter, every year. In the South Asian Monsoon region, the reduction in rainfall is even higher, with around 18% less rain recorded in India in a single year.

Aside from their contribution to the water flow, trees help the land retain water and sustain forest life by supplying the soil with rich nutrients. Deforestation deprives the land of its cover, leaving the soil exposed to wind and rain. This makes soil vulnerable to being washed away, and prone to erosion. According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), as much as half of the world’s topsoil has been lost as a consequence of the nearly 4 million square miles of forest that have been lost since the beginning of the 20th century.

3. The Effects on Humans 

In answering the question of how does deforestation affect the environment, you may discover that in fact, it also has a direct impact on the human population. With the loss of trees and entire forests, homelands are also being destroyed in the process. Indigenous communities who live in forests and depend on them to sustain their life bear the brunt of impacts from deforestation. As their houses are destroyed and resources compromised, these tribes are forced to migrate elsewhere and find other ways to sustain themselves. The Amazon rainforest is home to over one million Indigenous people , mostly of Indian descent, divided into more than 400 indigenous tribes. They live in settled villages by the rivers, and grow and hunt their food. These “uncontacted” tribes live by the rules of nature but are becoming increasingly vulnerable to deforestation, which has forced many of them to migrate. While some of them move into areas occupied by other tribes, straining the land’s resources, others are forced to relocate to urban settings and completely change their way of living.

4. The Effects on Animals and Plants

Along with Indigenous tribes, animals are some of the biggest victims of deforestation. Forests around the world are home to more than 80% of all terrestrial animal, plant, and insect species . However, the rapid destruction of forests is contributing to a decline in biodiversity never seen before. The main effect of deforestation on animals and plants is the loss of their habitat. Many factors related to cutting down trees contribute to driving species to extinction. Through land erosion, the soil is depleted of its nutrients, a huge source of nourishment for animals and plants. Furthermore, many animal species are heavily reliant on specific plants and their fruits for food sources. When these resources are lost, animals become weaker, more vulnerable to diseases and often succumb to starvation. Another important role of trees is to regulate the temperature of forests and maintain it constant. When deforestation occurs, temperature variates more drastically from day to night and this extreme change can often prove fatal for many animal species.  

5. The Effects on Food Security

One last major effect of deforestation is its impact on food security through the loss of biodiversity. While food availability for Indigenous tribes and animals that live in forests is reduced in the process of deforestation, its effects on weather patterns and soil degradation also drastically decrease agricultural productivity. Populations located in the proximity of tropical forests are mostly impacted by the worsening trend. Indeed, millions of people living in these areas depend almost entirely on agriculture and are thus extremely vulnerable to the impact of deforestation on food security, struggling to grow enough food and prevent crops from damage. It has been shown that the deforestation of the Amazon contributes to a decline in pasture productivity of about 39% as well as a drop of soy yields of nearly 25% in over half of the Amazon region and of a staggering 60% in a third of the area.

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Can We Halt Deforestation?

Knowing how deforestation affect the environment more than one way and its catastrophic effects on the planet, it is crucial that people around the world take action to mitigate its impact. This can be done on an individual level, for example by reducing meat consumption, going paperless and recycling products as much as possible, opting for natural products that do not contain ingredients such as palm oil and supporting organisations and sustainable companies that are committed to reducing this dangerous practice. On a governmental level, the consequences of deforestation can be mitigated by introducing policies that protect natural forests and regulate mining and logging operations as well as other operations that require the destruction of tree plantations.

Featured image: Global Water for Sustainability 

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effect of deforestation essay

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Deforestation is the intentional clearing of forested land.

Biology, Ecology, Conservation

Trees are cut down for timber, waiting to be transported and sold.

Photograph by Esemelwe

Trees are cut down for timber, waiting to be transported and sold.

Deforestation is the purposeful clearing of forested land. Throughout history and into modern times, forests have been razed to make space for agriculture and animal grazing, and to obtain wood for fuel, manufacturing, and construction.

Deforestation has greatly altered landscapes around the world. About 2,000 years ago, 80 percent of Western Europe was forested; today the figure is 34 percent. In North America, about half of the forests in the eastern part of the continent were cut down from the 1600s to the 1870s for timber and agriculture. China has lost great expanses of its forests over the past 4,000 years and now just over 20 percent of it is forested. Much of Earth’s farmland was once forests.

Today, the greatest amount of deforestation is occurring in tropical rainforests, aided by extensive road construction into regions that were once almost inaccessible. Building or upgrading roads into forests makes them more accessible for exploitation. Slash-and-burn agriculture is a big contributor to deforestation in the tropics. With this agricultural method, farmers burn large swaths of forest, allowing the ash to fertilize the land for crops. The land is only fertile for a few years, however, after which the farmers move on to repeat the process elsewhere. Tropical forests are also cleared to make way for logging, cattle ranching, and oil palm and rubber tree plantations.

Deforestation can result in more carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere. That is because trees take in carbon dioxide from the air for photosynthesis , and carbon is locked chemically in their wood. When trees are burned, this carbon returns to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide . With fewer trees around to take in the carbon dioxide , this greenhouse gas accumulates in the atmosphere and accelerates global warming.

Deforestation also threatens the world’s biodiversity . Tropical forests are home to great numbers of animal and plant species. When forests are logged or burned, it can drive many of those species into extinction. Some scientists say we are already in the midst of a mass-extinction episode.

More immediately, the loss of trees from a forest can leave soil more prone to erosion . This causes the remaining plants to become more vulnerable to fire as the forest shifts from being a closed, moist environment to an open, dry one.

While deforestation can be permanent, this is not always the case. In North America, for example, forests in many areas are returning thanks to conservation efforts.

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Deforestation Essay

The deliberate clearance of forested terrain is known as deforestation. Forests have been cleared throughout history and into the present era to make room for agriculture and animal grazing as well as to obtain wood for fuel, manufacture, and construction. Our best opportunity to protect the rights of forest communities and preserve wildlife is to stop this destruction. Here are a few sample essays on the topic ‘Deforestation’.

100 Words Essay On Deforestation

200 words essay on deforestation, 500 words essay on deforestation.

Deforestation Essay

Deforestation is the conversion of a forested area to land that is not forested. Deforestation can refer to natural or man-made causes. When speaking about natural causes, it typically refers to the result of a wildfire. On the other hand, man-made causes of deforestation are almost always the result of logging, both legal and illegal. Since ancient times, forests have played a significant role in human history. They are used for a variety of daily tasks, including producing paper, building ships, housing, and heating fuel. For us and our future generations to enjoy and live a healthy, tranquil existence in a clean environment free of pollution, forests are considered essential.

Deforestation is the large-scale clearance of forests through plant logging or forest fires to satisfy individual requirements. Deforestation can refer to the natural loss of trees, as well as the potential destruction of forests due to the practices of people. The management of the environment's natural equilibrium and the welfare of the entire human race depend greatly on forests. But despite knowing the negative repercussions on society and the environment, people constantly cut down trees. The most common cause of deforestation is the conversion of forested land to agricultural land or other uses.

Agricultural expansion is a major driver of deforestation in many developing countries. In Latin America, for example, small farmers clear forests to create new pastureland or cropland to support their families and communities. In some cases, large-scale commercial agriculture operations drive deforestation. For example, cattle ranching and soybean production are responsible for much of the Amazon rainforest deforestation. Other causes of deforestation include illegal logging, forest fires, and the building of roads and other infrastructure projects in or near forests. The consequences of deforestation are far-reaching and affect both people and the environment. Deforestation can lead to soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, and climate change. It also negatively impacts the livelihoods of people who depend on forests for their food, shelter, and income.

Deforestation is the process of converting a forested area to unforested land. Deforestation is the permanent destruction of forests in order to make the land available for other uses. The most common cause of deforestation is conversion of forest land to farms, ranching and urbanization. Other causes include mining, logging and the burning of forests to clear land for palm oil plantations. The effects of deforestation are vast and devastating. It contributes to global warming, as trees play a vital role in absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Deforestation also increases soil erosion, destroys habitats and decreases biodiversity. Additionally, it can lead to flash flooding and mudslides.

Causes of Deforestation

Clearing For Agriculture | Forested land is cleared for crops or pasture. This is the primary cause of deforestation in many countries, including Indonesia, India, and Brazil.

Cutting Trees For Timber | Trees are cut down for lumber and wood products. This is a major cause of deforestation in most of the countries.

Building Roads And Other Infrastructure | Roads and other forms of development require the clear-cutting of trees and other vegetation. This can lead to deforestation in areas where this development takes place.

Forest Fire | Both natural and human-caused fires can contribute to deforestation. In some cases, forested areas are purposefully set on fire in order to clear the land for other uses.

Effects Of Deforestation

Loss Of Habitat | Deforestation can lead to the loss of habitat for animals, as well as plants. This can threaten species with extinction and disrupt ecosystems. Climate Change | Deforestation can contribute to climate change by releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Additionally, trees play an important role in regulating the climate, so the loss of trees can further contribute to climate change.

Soil Erosion | Without trees to help anchor the soil, deforestation can lead to soil erosion. This can cause problems with flooding and make it difficult to grow crops or grasses in the affected areas.

How To Prevent Deforestation | There are many ways to prevent deforestation.

One way is to support responsible forestry practices that ensure trees are sustainably harvested. Another way is to reduce your consumption of products that contribute to deforestation, such as palm oil. You can also support organisations working to protect forests. By making wise decisions every day, you can contribute to the effort to safeguard forests. We can all contribute to the campaign to safeguard forests by using less, eliminating single-use packaging, eating sustainably, and choosing goods made of recycled or ethically harvested wood.

Deforestation is caused by a variety of factors, including logging, agriculture, and mining. The effects of deforestation are far-reaching and devastating, impacting both the environment and the people who live in it. Deforestation can lead to soil erosion, decreased water quality, loss of biodiversity, and climate change. It also contributes to poverty and social conflict. To prevent deforestation, we must work to protect forests and promote sustainable land use practices. Governments must play a role if we are to reduce deforestation. To live in a future free from severe climate disruption, we need world leaders to support ambitious national and international forest conservation policies based on the most recent scientific research.

Explore Career Options (By Industry)

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Bio Medical Engineer

The field of biomedical engineering opens up a universe of expert chances. An Individual in the biomedical engineering career path work in the field of engineering as well as medicine, in order to find out solutions to common problems of the two fields. The biomedical engineering job opportunities are to collaborate with doctors and researchers to develop medical systems, equipment, or devices that can solve clinical problems. Here we will be discussing jobs after biomedical engineering, how to get a job in biomedical engineering, biomedical engineering scope, and salary. 

Data Administrator

Database professionals use software to store and organise data such as financial information, and customer shipping records. Individuals who opt for a career as data administrators ensure that data is available for users and secured from unauthorised sales. DB administrators may work in various types of industries. It may involve computer systems design, service firms, insurance companies, banks and hospitals.

Ethical Hacker

A career as ethical hacker involves various challenges and provides lucrative opportunities in the digital era where every giant business and startup owns its cyberspace on the world wide web. Individuals in the ethical hacker career path try to find the vulnerabilities in the cyber system to get its authority. If he or she succeeds in it then he or she gets its illegal authority. Individuals in the ethical hacker career path then steal information or delete the file that could affect the business, functioning, or services of the organization.

Data Analyst

The invention of the database has given fresh breath to the people involved in the data analytics career path. Analysis refers to splitting up a whole into its individual components for individual analysis. Data analysis is a method through which raw data are processed and transformed into information that would be beneficial for user strategic thinking.

Data are collected and examined to respond to questions, evaluate hypotheses or contradict theories. It is a tool for analyzing, transforming, modeling, and arranging data with useful knowledge, to assist in decision-making and methods, encompassing various strategies, and is used in different fields of business, research, and social science.

Geothermal Engineer

Individuals who opt for a career as geothermal engineers are the professionals involved in the processing of geothermal energy. The responsibilities of geothermal engineers may vary depending on the workplace location. Those who work in fields design facilities to process and distribute geothermal energy. They oversee the functioning of machinery used in the field.

Remote Sensing Technician

Individuals who opt for a career as a remote sensing technician possess unique personalities. Remote sensing analysts seem to be rational human beings, they are strong, independent, persistent, sincere, realistic and resourceful. Some of them are analytical as well, which means they are intelligent, introspective and inquisitive. 

Remote sensing scientists use remote sensing technology to support scientists in fields such as community planning, flight planning or the management of natural resources. Analysing data collected from aircraft, satellites or ground-based platforms using statistical analysis software, image analysis software or Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is a significant part of their work. Do you want to learn how to become remote sensing technician? There's no need to be concerned; we've devised a simple remote sensing technician career path for you. Scroll through the pages and read.

Geotechnical engineer

The role of geotechnical engineer starts with reviewing the projects needed to define the required material properties. The work responsibilities are followed by a site investigation of rock, soil, fault distribution and bedrock properties on and below an area of interest. The investigation is aimed to improve the ground engineering design and determine their engineering properties that include how they will interact with, on or in a proposed construction. 

The role of geotechnical engineer in mining includes designing and determining the type of foundations, earthworks, and or pavement subgrades required for the intended man-made structures to be made. Geotechnical engineering jobs are involved in earthen and concrete dam construction projects, working under a range of normal and extreme loading conditions. 


How fascinating it is to represent the whole world on just a piece of paper or a sphere. With the help of maps, we are able to represent the real world on a much smaller scale. Individuals who opt for a career as a cartographer are those who make maps. But, cartography is not just limited to maps, it is about a mixture of art , science , and technology. As a cartographer, not only you will create maps but use various geodetic surveys and remote sensing systems to measure, analyse, and create different maps for political, cultural or educational purposes.

Budget Analyst

Budget analysis, in a nutshell, entails thoroughly analyzing the details of a financial budget. The budget analysis aims to better understand and manage revenue. Budget analysts assist in the achievement of financial targets, the preservation of profitability, and the pursuit of long-term growth for a business. Budget analysts generally have a bachelor's degree in accounting, finance, economics, or a closely related field. Knowledge of Financial Management is of prime importance in this career.

Product Manager

A Product Manager is a professional responsible for product planning and marketing. He or she manages the product throughout the Product Life Cycle, gathering and prioritising the product. A product manager job description includes defining the product vision and working closely with team members of other departments to deliver winning products.  


An underwriter is a person who assesses and evaluates the risk of insurance in his or her field like mortgage, loan, health policy, investment, and so on and so forth. The underwriter career path does involve risks as analysing the risks means finding out if there is a way for the insurance underwriter jobs to recover the money from its clients. If the risk turns out to be too much for the company then in the future it is an underwriter who will be held accountable for it. Therefore, one must carry out his or her job with a lot of attention and diligence.

Finance Executive

Operations manager.

Individuals in the operations manager jobs are responsible for ensuring the efficiency of each department to acquire its optimal goal. They plan the use of resources and distribution of materials. The operations manager's job description includes managing budgets, negotiating contracts, and performing administrative tasks.

Bank Probationary Officer (PO)

Investment director.

An investment director is a person who helps corporations and individuals manage their finances. They can help them develop a strategy to achieve their goals, including paying off debts and investing in the future. In addition, he or she can help individuals make informed decisions.

Welding Engineer

Welding Engineer Job Description: A Welding Engineer work involves managing welding projects and supervising welding teams. He or she is responsible for reviewing welding procedures, processes and documentation. A career as Welding Engineer involves conducting failure analyses and causes on welding issues. 

Transportation Planner

A career as Transportation Planner requires technical application of science and technology in engineering, particularly the concepts, equipment and technologies involved in the production of products and services. In fields like land use, infrastructure review, ecological standards and street design, he or she considers issues of health, environment and performance. A Transportation Planner assigns resources for implementing and designing programmes. He or she is responsible for assessing needs, preparing plans and forecasts and compliance with regulations.

An expert in plumbing is aware of building regulations and safety standards and works to make sure these standards are upheld. Testing pipes for leakage using air pressure and other gauges, and also the ability to construct new pipe systems by cutting, fitting, measuring and threading pipes are some of the other more involved aspects of plumbing. Individuals in the plumber career path are self-employed or work for a small business employing less than ten people, though some might find working for larger entities or the government more desirable.

Construction Manager

Individuals who opt for a career as construction managers have a senior-level management role offered in construction firms. Responsibilities in the construction management career path are assigning tasks to workers, inspecting their work, and coordinating with other professionals including architects, subcontractors, and building services engineers.

Urban Planner

Urban Planning careers revolve around the idea of developing a plan to use the land optimally, without affecting the environment. Urban planning jobs are offered to those candidates who are skilled in making the right use of land to distribute the growing population, to create various communities. 

Urban planning careers come with the opportunity to make changes to the existing cities and towns. They identify various community needs and make short and long-term plans accordingly.

Highway Engineer

Highway Engineer Job Description:  A Highway Engineer is a civil engineer who specialises in planning and building thousands of miles of roads that support connectivity and allow transportation across the country. He or she ensures that traffic management schemes are effectively planned concerning economic sustainability and successful implementation.

Environmental Engineer

Individuals who opt for a career as an environmental engineer are construction professionals who utilise the skills and knowledge of biology, soil science, chemistry and the concept of engineering to design and develop projects that serve as solutions to various environmental problems. 

Naval Architect

A Naval Architect is a professional who designs, produces and repairs safe and sea-worthy surfaces or underwater structures. A Naval Architect stays involved in creating and designing ships, ferries, submarines and yachts with implementation of various principles such as gravity, ideal hull form, buoyancy and stability. 

Orthotist and Prosthetist

Orthotists and Prosthetists are professionals who provide aid to patients with disabilities. They fix them to artificial limbs (prosthetics) and help them to regain stability. There are times when people lose their limbs in an accident. In some other occasions, they are born without a limb or orthopaedic impairment. Orthotists and prosthetists play a crucial role in their lives with fixing them to assistive devices and provide mobility.

Veterinary Doctor


A career in pathology in India is filled with several responsibilities as it is a medical branch and affects human lives. The demand for pathologists has been increasing over the past few years as people are getting more aware of different diseases. Not only that, but an increase in population and lifestyle changes have also contributed to the increase in a pathologist’s demand. The pathology careers provide an extremely huge number of opportunities and if you want to be a part of the medical field you can consider being a pathologist. If you want to know more about a career in pathology in India then continue reading this article.

Speech Therapist


Gynaecology can be defined as the study of the female body. The job outlook for gynaecology is excellent since there is evergreen demand for one because of their responsibility of dealing with not only women’s health but also fertility and pregnancy issues. Although most women prefer to have a women obstetrician gynaecologist as their doctor, men also explore a career as a gynaecologist and there are ample amounts of male doctors in the field who are gynaecologists and aid women during delivery and childbirth. 

An oncologist is a specialised doctor responsible for providing medical care to patients diagnosed with cancer. He or she uses several therapies to control the cancer and its effect on the human body such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiation therapy and biopsy. An oncologist designs a treatment plan based on a pathology report after diagnosing the type of cancer and where it is spreading inside the body.


The audiologist career involves audiology professionals who are responsible to treat hearing loss and proactively preventing the relevant damage. Individuals who opt for a career as an audiologist use various testing strategies with the aim to determine if someone has a normal sensitivity to sounds or not. After the identification of hearing loss, a hearing doctor is required to determine which sections of the hearing are affected, to what extent they are affected, and where the wound causing the hearing loss is found. As soon as the hearing loss is identified, the patients are provided with recommendations for interventions and rehabilitation such as hearing aids, cochlear implants, and appropriate medical referrals. While audiology is a branch of science that studies and researches hearing, balance, and related disorders.

Hospital Administrator

The hospital Administrator is in charge of organising and supervising the daily operations of medical services and facilities. This organising includes managing of organisation’s staff and its members in service, budgets, service reports, departmental reporting and taking reminders of patient care and services.

For an individual who opts for a career as an actor, the primary responsibility is to completely speak to the character he or she is playing and to persuade the crowd that the character is genuine by connecting with them and bringing them into the story. This applies to significant roles and littler parts, as all roles join to make an effective creation. Here in this article, we will discuss how to become an actor in India, actor exams, actor salary in India, and actor jobs. 

Individuals who opt for a career as acrobats create and direct original routines for themselves, in addition to developing interpretations of existing routines. The work of circus acrobats can be seen in a variety of performance settings, including circus, reality shows, sports events like the Olympics, movies and commercials. Individuals who opt for a career as acrobats must be prepared to face rejections and intermittent periods of work. The creativity of acrobats may extend to other aspects of the performance. For example, acrobats in the circus may work with gym trainers, celebrities or collaborate with other professionals to enhance such performance elements as costume and or maybe at the teaching end of the career.

Video Game Designer

Career as a video game designer is filled with excitement as well as responsibilities. A video game designer is someone who is involved in the process of creating a game from day one. He or she is responsible for fulfilling duties like designing the character of the game, the several levels involved, plot, art and similar other elements. Individuals who opt for a career as a video game designer may also write the codes for the game using different programming languages.

Depending on the video game designer job description and experience they may also have to lead a team and do the early testing of the game in order to suggest changes and find loopholes.

Radio Jockey

Radio Jockey is an exciting, promising career and a great challenge for music lovers. If you are really interested in a career as radio jockey, then it is very important for an RJ to have an automatic, fun, and friendly personality. If you want to get a job done in this field, a strong command of the language and a good voice are always good things. Apart from this, in order to be a good radio jockey, you will also listen to good radio jockeys so that you can understand their style and later make your own by practicing.

A career as radio jockey has a lot to offer to deserving candidates. If you want to know more about a career as radio jockey, and how to become a radio jockey then continue reading the article.


The word “choreography" actually comes from Greek words that mean “dance writing." Individuals who opt for a career as a choreographer create and direct original dances, in addition to developing interpretations of existing dances. A Choreographer dances and utilises his or her creativity in other aspects of dance performance. For example, he or she may work with the music director to select music or collaborate with other famous choreographers to enhance such performance elements as lighting, costume and set design.


Multimedia specialist.

A multimedia specialist is a media professional who creates, audio, videos, graphic image files, computer animations for multimedia applications. He or she is responsible for planning, producing, and maintaining websites and applications. 

Social Media Manager

A career as social media manager involves implementing the company’s or brand’s marketing plan across all social media channels. Social media managers help in building or improving a brand’s or a company’s website traffic, build brand awareness, create and implement marketing and brand strategy. Social media managers are key to important social communication as well.

Copy Writer

In a career as a copywriter, one has to consult with the client and understand the brief well. A career as a copywriter has a lot to offer to deserving candidates. Several new mediums of advertising are opening therefore making it a lucrative career choice. Students can pursue various copywriter courses such as Journalism , Advertising , Marketing Management . Here, we have discussed how to become a freelance copywriter, copywriter career path, how to become a copywriter in India, and copywriting career outlook. 

Careers in journalism are filled with excitement as well as responsibilities. One cannot afford to miss out on the details. As it is the small details that provide insights into a story. Depending on those insights a journalist goes about writing a news article. A journalism career can be stressful at times but if you are someone who is passionate about it then it is the right choice for you. If you want to know more about the media field and journalist career then continue reading this article.

For publishing books, newspapers, magazines and digital material, editorial and commercial strategies are set by publishers. Individuals in publishing career paths make choices about the markets their businesses will reach and the type of content that their audience will be served. Individuals in book publisher careers collaborate with editorial staff, designers, authors, and freelance contributors who develop and manage the creation of content.

In a career as a vlogger, one generally works for himself or herself. However, once an individual has gained viewership there are several brands and companies that approach them for paid collaboration. It is one of those fields where an individual can earn well while following his or her passion. 

Ever since internet costs got reduced the viewership for these types of content has increased on a large scale. Therefore, a career as a vlogger has a lot to offer. If you want to know more about the Vlogger eligibility, roles and responsibilities then continue reading the article. 

Individuals in the editor career path is an unsung hero of the news industry who polishes the language of the news stories provided by stringers, reporters, copywriters and content writers and also news agencies. Individuals who opt for a career as an editor make it more persuasive, concise and clear for readers. In this article, we will discuss the details of the editor's career path such as how to become an editor in India, editor salary in India and editor skills and qualities.

Linguistic meaning is related to language or Linguistics which is the study of languages. A career as a linguistic meaning, a profession that is based on the scientific study of language, and it's a very broad field with many specialities. Famous linguists work in academia, researching and teaching different areas of language, such as phonetics (sounds), syntax (word order) and semantics (meaning). 

Other researchers focus on specialities like computational linguistics, which seeks to better match human and computer language capacities, or applied linguistics, which is concerned with improving language education. Still, others work as language experts for the government, advertising companies, dictionary publishers and various other private enterprises. Some might work from home as freelance linguists. Philologist, phonologist, and dialectician are some of Linguist synonym. Linguists can study French , German , Italian . 

Public Relation Executive

Travel journalist.

The career of a travel journalist is full of passion, excitement and responsibility. Journalism as a career could be challenging at times, but if you're someone who has been genuinely enthusiastic about all this, then it is the best decision for you. Travel journalism jobs are all about insightful, artfully written, informative narratives designed to cover the travel industry. Travel Journalist is someone who explores, gathers and presents information as a news article.

Quality Controller

A quality controller plays a crucial role in an organisation. He or she is responsible for performing quality checks on manufactured products. He or she identifies the defects in a product and rejects the product. 

A quality controller records detailed information about products with defects and sends it to the supervisor or plant manager to take necessary actions to improve the production process.

Production Manager


A QA Lead is in charge of the QA Team. The role of QA Lead comes with the responsibility of assessing services and products in order to determine that he or she meets the quality standards. He or she develops, implements and manages test plans. 

Metallurgical Engineer

A metallurgical engineer is a professional who studies and produces materials that bring power to our world. He or she extracts metals from ores and rocks and transforms them into alloys, high-purity metals and other materials used in developing infrastructure, transportation and healthcare equipment. 

Azure Administrator

An Azure Administrator is a professional responsible for implementing, monitoring, and maintaining Azure Solutions. He or she manages cloud infrastructure service instances and various cloud servers as well as sets up public and private cloud systems. 

AWS Solution Architect

An AWS Solution Architect is someone who specializes in developing and implementing cloud computing systems. He or she has a good understanding of the various aspects of cloud computing and can confidently deploy and manage their systems. He or she troubleshoots the issues and evaluates the risk from the third party. 

Computer Programmer

Careers in computer programming primarily refer to the systematic act of writing code and moreover include wider computer science areas. The word 'programmer' or 'coder' has entered into practice with the growing number of newly self-taught tech enthusiasts. Computer programming careers involve the use of designs created by software developers and engineers and transforming them into commands that can be implemented by computers. These commands result in regular usage of social media sites, word-processing applications and browsers.

ITSM Manager

Information security manager.

Individuals in the information security manager career path involves in overseeing and controlling all aspects of computer security. The IT security manager job description includes planning and carrying out security measures to protect the business data and information from corruption, theft, unauthorised access, and deliberate attack 

Business Intelligence Developer

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500+ Words Essay on Deforestation For Students

Deep within the lush heart of the Amazon rainforest, the relentless rhythm of chainsaws echoes through the canopy, signaling a destructive force that is rapidly altering the face of our planet. Deforestation, the large-scale clearing of forests, is a global crisis that threatens not only the delicate ecosystems that sustain life but also the very future of our world. In this blog, you will get essay writing tips for Essays on Deforestation.

Table of Content

Causes of Deforestation

Effects of deforestation, precautions and solutions, 500+ words essay on deforestation.

The underlying causes of deforestation are complex and multifaceted, driven by a combination of human activities and economic pressures. One of the primary drivers is agricultural expansion, as vast swaths of forestland are cleared to make way for crops and grazing lands. The demand for commodities such as palm oil, soybeans, and beef has fueled the rapid conversion of forests into monoculture plantations and pastures.

Another significant contributor to deforestation is illegal logging, driven by the insatiable demand for timber and the lucrative profits that can be derived from this illicit trade. Poverty and lack of economic opportunities in rural areas also play a role, as communities turn to unsustainable practices like slash-and-burn agriculture to eke out a living.

Furthermore, the construction of roads, mining operations, and infrastructure development projects often encroach upon forested areas, leading to further destruction and fragmentation of these vital ecosystems.

The consequences of deforestation are far-reaching and devastating, impacting not only the environment but also the well-being of countless species and human communities.

One of the most alarming effects of deforestation is its contribution to climate change. Forests act as carbon sinks, absorbing and storing vast amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. When these forests are cleared, the stored carbon is released back into the air, exacerbating the greenhouse effect and accelerating global warming.

Deforestation also poses a grave threat to biodiversity. Forests are home to an astounding array of plant and animal species, many of which are found nowhere else on Earth. As their habitats are destroyed, these species face the risk of extinction, irreversibly diminishing the planet’s rich tapestry of life.

The loss of forests has severe implications for indigenous communities and local populations who rely on these ecosystems for their livelihoods, food, and traditional practices. Deforestation disrupts the delicate balance of these communities, often leading to displacement, loss of resources, and cultural erosion.

In addition, deforestation can have far-reaching impacts on water cycles and soil stability. Without the protective canopy of trees, the land becomes more susceptible to erosion, leading to sedimentation and degradation of water sources. This, in turn, can exacerbate the risk of floods and droughts, further compounding the environmental and social challenges.

Addressing the issue of deforestation requires a multifaceted approach that involves stakeholders at all levels, from governments and international organizations to local communities and individuals.

One crucial step is the implementation of stringent laws and regulations to protect forests and promote sustainable land management practices. Governments must prioritize the enforcement of these laws and hold accountable those who engage in illegal logging or unsanctioned deforestation activities.

Furthermore, there is a pressing need to support and incentivize sustainable agriculture and forestry practices. This can include promoting agroforestry systems, which integrate trees and crops on the same land, as well as encouraging the cultivation of crops that do not require extensive land clearing.

Efforts must also be made to empower and engage local communities in conservation efforts. By recognizing the traditional knowledge and practices of indigenous peoples, and involving them in decision-making processes, we can foster a sense of ownership and stewardship over these invaluable natural resources.

On a global scale, initiatives such as REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) aim to provide financial incentives to developing countries that implement policies and measures to protect their forests and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and forest degradation.

Consumer awareness and responsible consumption play a pivotal role in addressing deforestation. By making informed choices and supporting products and companies that prioritize sustainable practices, we can collectively reduce the demand for goods that contribute to deforestation.

Reforestation and restoration efforts are also critical in mitigating the impacts of deforestation. Organizations and governments must prioritize the planting of new trees and the restoration of degraded landscapes, helping to replenish the invaluable ecosystem services provided by forests.

With each resounding crash of a felled tree, the world’s forests are diminishing at an alarming rate, stripped away by the insatiable appetite of human activities. Deforestation, the large-scale clearing of forested areas, is a grave environmental crisis that demands immediate attention and action.

The primary driver behind deforestation is the expansion of agricultural land, as vast swaths of forests are cleared to make way for crops, grazing pastures, and plantations. The demand for commodities such as palm oil, soybeans, and beef has fueled this destructive process, leading to the rapid conversion of once-thriving ecosystems into monoculture landscapes.

Another significant contributor to deforestation is illegal logging, driven by the lucrative profits that can be derived from this illicit trade. Poverty and lack of economic opportunities in rural areas also compel communities to engage in unsustainable practices like slash-and-burn agriculture, further exacerbating the problem.

The consequences of deforestation are far-reaching and devastating. Forests act as essential carbon sinks, absorbing and storing vast amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. When these forests are cleared, the stored carbon is released back into the air, exacerbating the greenhouse effect and accelerating global warming, which in turn contributes to more extreme weather patterns and rising sea levels.

Furthermore, deforestation poses a grave threat to biodiversity. Forests are home to an astounding array of plant and animal species, many of which are found nowhere else on Earth. As their habitats are destroyed, these species face the risk of extinction, irreversibly diminishing the planet’s rich tapestry of life.

The loss of forests also has severe implications for indigenous communities and local populations who rely on these ecosystems for their livelihoods, food, and traditional practices. Deforestation disrupts the delicate balance of these communities, often leading to displacement, loss of resources, and cultural erosion.

Addressing the issue of deforestation requires a multifaceted approach that involves stakeholders at all levels. Governments must prioritize the implementation and enforcement of stringent laws and regulations to protect forests and promote sustainable land management practices. Efforts must also be made to support and incentivize sustainable agriculture and forestry practices, such as agroforestry systems that integrate trees and crops on the same land.

Moreover, consumer awareness and responsible consumption play a pivotal role in reducing the demand for goods that contribute to deforestation. By making informed choices and supporting products and companies that prioritize sustainable practices, we can collectively drive positive change.

Ultimately, the preservation of our forests is not just an environmental imperative; it is a moral obligation to safeguard the intricate web of life that sustains our planet. As we confront the realities of deforestation, we must summon a renewed sense of urgency and collective action, recognizing that the fate of our forests, and ultimately our own fate, is inextricably intertwined with the health of our planet.

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Deforestation is a global crisis that demands our immediate attention and collective action. The consequences of our actions today will echo through generations to come, shaping the very future of our planet. It is our responsibility to serve as stewards of these vital ecosystems, ensuring that the majestic forests that grace our world are preserved for the benefit of all life.

By addressing the underlying drivers of deforestation, implementing sustainable land management practices, empowering local communities, and fostering global cooperation, we can begin to reverse the tide of destruction. It is a daunting task, but one that is essential for the survival of countless species, the preservation of invaluable cultural heritage, and the maintenance of the delicate balance that sustains life on Earth.

The time to act is now. Let us embrace the challenge with unwavering determination, recognizing that the fate of our forests, and ultimately our own fate, is inextricably intertwined. Together, we can forge a path towards a greener, more sustainable future, where the majestic canopies of our forests continue to flourish, providing sanctuary, sustenance, and hope for generations to come.

Essay on Deforestation- FAQs

What is deforestation in a paragraph.

Deforestation is the deliberate clearing of wooded areas. Throughout history and into the present, woods have been cleared to create way for agriculture and animal grazing, as well as to obtain wood for fuel, manufacture, and construction.

How do you write an introduction to deforestation?

Deforestation is gradually becoming one of the most serious environmental issues in the world. Humans frequently deforest for land development, roads, and railroads, as well as for economic reasons. Every year, almost eighteen million acres of forest are lost, having severe consequences.

Why deforestation is a problem?

The loss of trees and other vegetation can lead to climate change, desertification, soil erosion, less harvests, flooding, higher greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere, and a variety of other issues for Indigenous people. Deforestation happens for a variety of reasons.

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Home — Essay Samples — Environment — Deforestation — The Pros And Cons Of Deforestation


The Pros and Cons of Deforestation

  • Categories: Biodiversity Deforestation

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Words: 427 |

Published: Mar 16, 2024

Words: 427 | Page: 1 | 3 min read

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Pros of deforestation, cons of deforestation.

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effect of deforestation essay

Essay on Deforestation

Deforestation is cutting down a large number of trees and clearing out forest areas. The various reasons behind these human activities are increasing the space for human usage like logging or wood extraction, agricultural expansion, infrastructure expansion etc. Deforestation is harmful to the environment because it causes a lot of carbon emissions and alters the natural ecosystem. It also contributes to global warming and climate change because plants release the stored carbon into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide when they are cutting down. The deforestation essay urges us to learn the causes, effects and preventive measures of deforestation.

Deforestation is a severe problem, and we must stop cutting down precious trees. Trees are destroyed to make way for urban development and the cultivation of crops. To expand the land area and construct buildings, production houses and manufacturing plants, we are cutting down trees, and the government is trying its best to avoid deforestation. The process of deforestation also increases the atmospheric level of carbon dioxide that contributes to climate change on the planet. Once the kids have understood the causes and effects of this issue, you can engage them in writing an essay on deforestation by referring to BYJU’S deforestation essay pdf.

Table of Contents

Causes of deforestation, effects of deforestation, preventive measures to avoid deforestation.

Deforestation is a global phenomenon, and one of the leading causes of deforestation is the expansion of cities. People want to live in cities, but they often don’t realise how dangerous this can be to the environment and contributes to environmental pollution . Let us learn the causes that have led to deforestation and destroying the planet by reading the deforestation essay in English.

Other causes of deforestation are urbanisation, farming and a massive population explosion at a global level. As the population increases at a tremendous rate, the space for people to live is shrinking. Hence, people destroy forests to create living space, roads and excellent infrastructure.

As our wants and greed have increased, it has destroyed the environment. Mining is one of the main causes of deforestation and is destroying mother Earth . Another cause of deforestation is wood harvesting or logging for domestic fuel (charcoal).

As we have learned about the causes of deforestation, let us move on to the next segment – the effects of deforestation by reading the deforestation effects essay.

Deforestation has had many adverse effects on the planet. Significant effects of deforestation are climate change, soil erosion, global warming , wildlife extinction and underground water depletion. Besides, there are other consequences such as flooding, shrinking wildlife habitats, and reduced water quality. The essay on deforestation explains the negative effects of deforestation on the Earth.

The decrease in trees and vegetation can lead to an increase in the emission of greenhouse gases and other forms of pollution . Moreover, trees are essential and provide habitats for countless species, and they lose their habitats because of these human activities. They also store large amounts of carbon that can be used as a renewable energy source. When forests are destroyed, carbon is released into the atmosphere, contributing to climate change and global warming.

After learning about the adverse effects of deforestation by reading BYJU’S deforestation effects essay , let us move on to learn how to prevent deforestation.

To maintain the ecological balance, we need to take preventative measures to avoid deforestation. Deforestation can be eradicated by taking the necessary steps to save Earth . The government has to take strict action against deforestation and encourage people to plant more trees. This certainly helps in resolving the after-effects of the loss of trees. In addition, we can start growing plants at home and help our environment heal from the loss of trees and forests .

To conclude, deforestation is a major concern. Hence, we all must join hands in eradicating this issue and help our planet retain its ability to thrive. Provide the little ones with a deforestation essay pdf, and for more kids learning activities, visit BYJU’S website.

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Essay on Effects of Deforestation

effect of deforestation essay

Table of Contents

Essay on Effects of Deforestation: Deforestation refers to the cutting of forested areas to utilize them for various purposes such as agriculture, urbanization and industrialization. Deforestation is harming humans as well as animals alike. Deforestation is having numerous negative repercussions on our environment. Our forests play an important role in keeping the environment clean and green. They provide the life giving oxygen and are a home for the wildlife. Cutting these at a rapid speed in the name of development is a cause of great concern.

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Long and Short Essay on Effects of Deforestation in English

Here are essays on Effects of Deforestation of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can select any Effects of Deforestation essay as per your need:

Short Essay on Effects of Deforestation – Essay 1 (200 words)

Deforestation means cutting down the forests that are home to the large chunks of oxygen giving trees, plants and numerous wild animals and birds.

Human beings are cutting down forests around the world for various purposes. One of the main purposes of cutting vast forest areas is to use the land for agriculture. With the growing population there is a need to grow more crops to satisfy the demands of the people. This can only be done if we have enough land for agriculture. In an attempt to expand the agriculture sector and meet the demands of the people, we humans are cutting the forests. Forests are also being cut to build towns and cities to accommodate people and for setting up offices and factories.

To be precise, we are damaging the beautiful natural surrounding and turning it into a concrete jungle. Causing harm to the natural surroundings means disrupting the natural processes such as water cycle, carbon cycle and eco system. Deforestation is mainly impacting our climate and biodiversity. A large number of species of plants and animals are getting extinct because of deforestation as their habitats are getting destroyed.

It is time we must mull over the harmful impacts of deforestation on our environment and put an end to it.

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Essay on Impact of Deforestation on Environment – Essay 2 (300 words)


Deforestation, the act of clearing the forest land to serve different purposes, is a growing concern worldwide. It has led to numerous environmental problems. Some of these include the loss of wildlife, impact on biodiversity, climate change, global warming and impact on the water cycle.

Deforestation: Leading Cause of Climate Change

Deforestation has disrupted the water cycle as well as the carbon cycle and thus attributed to climate change which in turn is causing numerous problems for humans as well as animals.

Plants and tress inhale carbon dioxide and release oxygen which is one of the essentials for the human survival. Trees also absorb other harmful gases from the atmosphere thus making it cleaner. Deforestation is leading to the loss of vast number of trees which in turn is leading to an increase in the amount of carbon and poisonous gases such as methane in the atmosphere. This has contributed a great deal to the global warming.

Forests also play a significant role in managing the water cycle. Continuous cutting of forests is leading to disruption in the water cycle which is leading to erratic rainfalls in different regions.

Deforestation: Causing Environmental Imbalance

Deforestation is also causing environmental imbalance by affecting the biodiversity adversely. Forests serve as safe habitats for a large species of flora and fauna. Clearing away the forest lands is damaging the habitat of these innocent creatures. Several species of animals and plants are dying each day due to loss of habitat and lack of food. Our planet needs to sustain rich biodiversity in order to strike environmental balance. Deforestation is thus creating an imbalance in the environment.

Deforestation is deteriorating our environment in many ways. It is high time we humans must realize the severity of the issue and control deforestation. If we do not stop this now, our environment will deteriorate further and the future generations will suffer heavily.

Essay on Effects of Deforestation on Biodiversity – Essay 3 (400 words)

Biodiversity, also known as biological diversity, means the importance of sustaining vast variety of flora and fauna on Earth as a whole and also in different regions and habitats. This plays an important role in the food chain and helps in striking a balance in the environment. God has created innumerable species of plants and animals that rely on each other for various needs and contribute in maintaining harmony on Earth. However, man is playing with this law of nature. Various human activities are leading to extinction of many of these species. Deforestation is one such human activity that has impacted biodiversity vastly.

Effects of Deforestation on Biodiversity

Animals and plants require a certain climate and environment to live peacefully. Forests serve as habitats for vast species of plants and animals. Clearing of forest land is resulting in clearing of the safe abode of the wild creatures that live there, thereby impacting the biodiversity. While some of them move to other places to survive, others are unable to adapt to the environmental changes and get extinct. The loss of various species of plants and animals owing to deforestation disrupts the food chain adversely. Herbivorous animals find it hard to look for food on cleared lands. They often starve to death. This in turn impacts the carnivorous animals that rely on the flesh of the herbivorous animals. With herbivorous animals going extinct or starving, the carnivorous are also unable to get the required diet. Thus, not only are these wild animals deprived of their habitat but also of food.

Wild Animals Gone Extinct due to Deforestation

Statistics reveal that forests are home for around eighty percent of animals and plants around the world. Deforestation is thus impacting a vast number of species which is affecting biodiversity badly. Researchers claim that more than a hundred species of animals are getting extinct each day. If we do not stop deforestation, around 10% of the species of animals will lose their life in the next two decades.

Thus, we see deforestation has affected the biodiversity to a great extent. Man is destroying the beautiful creations of God without any inhibition just to satisfy his need and make life comfortable for himself. What he isn’t realizing is that this act of his is affecting biodiversity which is creating an imbalance in the Earth’s environment. If the process of deforestation continues at this rate, our planet will not remain fit for survival of the human beings as well as other living beings in the times to come.

Essay on Impact of Deforestation on Wildlife – Essay 4 (500 words)

Deforestation started centuries back when man stopped relying on hunting to satiate his hunger and took to agriculture. Forests were cleared to make way for agricultural land. However, it did not pose much threat to the environment back then. With time, the need for deforestation has increased manifolds owing to various reasons. The rapid increase in population is one of the main reasons for deforestation.

In order to accommodate the growing population and satisfy their needs, the forests are being cleared and turned into agricultural land and residential colonies. The advancement in technology is another reason for deforestation. More and more industries are being set up and new products are being made. Deforestation is done to make place for these industries and also to derive various plant and tree based products. The wildlife is the worst affected due to deforestation.

Impact of Deforestation on Wildlife

Here are the impacts of deforestation on wildlife:

Loss of Habitat

Forests are home for a variety of flora and fauna. Clearing the forests means destroying the habitat of the wild creatures. Deforestation has taken away the habitat of several wild animals and birds. It is a pity that in an attempt to build his own home, man is destroying the habitat of the innocent animals.

Extinction of Wild Animals

Most of the animals and birds require a particular climate and place to live comfortably. They are unable to adapt to the changes in the environment and incur various illnesses if put in a different place. Due to loss of habitat, many wild animals haven’t been able to survive. Many species of animals have gone extinct and many others are struggling to survive due to deforestation.

Extinction of Flora

It is unfortunate that we have lost numerous species of beautiful plants and trees that added beauty to our planet. Many species of plants grow only in a particular climate and soil in the forests. Thus, due to deforestation many such species have gone extinct.

The biodiversity has been affected badly due to deforestation. Many animals feed on particular animals, birds, insects and plants and loss of the species they survive on has led to their starvation. Many wild animals are having a hard time finding food and are starving to death.

Increased conflict between Humans and Wildlife

As forests are cleared to build residential or industrial areas many wild animals move to other greener areas to live while some species of animals roam around in the neighbouring places and are often seen entering the residential areas. Thus, this has increased the incidences of conflict between humans and wildlife which is neither good for the wildlife nor humans. Each of them remains in constant fear of being attacked by the other.

To conclude, we can say that many species of wild animals and plants have been impacted due to deforestation. Some of them have lost their homes, others have incurred diseases and yet others have gone extinct. They are suffering at the hands of humans because of just no fault of their own. We must stop this torture on animals by controlling deforestation.

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Essay on Harmful/Ill Effects of Deforestation – Essay 5 (600 words)

Deforestation is the clearing of forests to satisfy various human needs. These largely include the need to expand the agricultural land, increase the number of residential colonies, set up new industries and derive various products from trees and plants. While man is indulging in deforestation to meet the demands of the growing population and to make life comfortable, this process is having several ill effects on our environment.

Ill Effects of Deforestation

Here are some of the ill effects of deforestation:

Global Warming

Trees are a rich source of oxygen. They exhale the life-giving oxygen and absorb the harmful gases from the environment thereby making it cleaner. They particularly balance the amount of carbon in the environment by the process of photosynthesis. Cutting more and more trees mean causing imbalance in the carbon cycle. Deforestation is resulting in lesser absorption of carbon and other harmful gases by the trees which is adding to global warming.

Soil Erosion

When vast numbers of trees that hold the soil with their roots are uprooted it results in soil erosion. Deforestation has caused huge soil erosion across the world especially in the past few decades. Soil erosion results in numerous problems. When heavy rain falls on the cleared forests it carries the soil with it to the rivers. This disrupts the irrigation process. It also raises the river bed that increases the risk of floods. Besides, the accumulation of sediments in the rivers cause harm to the fish eggs. As this soiled water reaches the oceans, it dirties the water there and harms the coral reefs.

Threat to Wildlife

One of the most harmful effects of deforestation is the loss of life of various wildlife animals due to the loss of their habitat. Forests are home for numerous species of animals that are unable to adapt elsewhere. Many species of wild animals have gone extinct because of deforestation and many others are struggling to survive in their new surroundings.

Impact on Water Cycle

Trees play a vital role in balancing the water level in the atmosphere. Forests that contain vast numbers of trees and plants release large amount of water into the atmosphere by way of plant transpiration. This refills the clouds and causes rain which is essential for life on Earth. The continual cutting of tress is disrupting the water cycle. This in turn is causing dryer soil which is a big concern for the agriculturists. Lack of rain also causes numerous other problems.

Increased Risk of Floods

Forests play a significant role in maintaining the Earth’s climate. The average temperature of Earth has increased significantly due to deforestation in the last few decades. If we do not control the clearing of forest land this will further increase the Earth’s temperature. Increase in temperature results in melting of ice caps and glaciers which further results in the increase in ocean and sea levels. The increase in sea level is already causing frequent floods in the coastal areas. Further, it can result in submergence of the coastal areas under water.

Hence, we see that there is a tremendous need to save our forests. Deforestation has led us to the verge of destruction. If we do not stop it now we will be destroying our environment further and it will be difficult for us to survive.

Deforestation is a global problem. Both tropical and rain forests are being cut year after year to fulfil various human needs. The government of different countries around the world must make a collective effort to overcome this problem. Though the cutting of trees cannot be stopped completely, it can definitely be reduced with proper planning and efforts.

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Climate Forward

Why palm oil is still a big problem.

The ubiquitous ingredient contributes to the loss of tropical forests.

effect of deforestation essay

By Manuela Andreoni

Palm oil — the ubiquitous ingredient for all things spreadable, from toothpaste to ice cream — is now the commodity consumed by Americans that contributes most to the loss of tropical forests.

That’s the conclusion of a new analysis by Global Witness, an environmental watchdog organization, and Trase, a nonprofit that analyzes supply chains. Cattle products, especially from Brazil and Australia, are a close second. Colombian coffee had a big footprint, too.

Researchers looked at import data and deforestation rates and found that palm oil bought by Americans may have caused 103,000 acres of deforestation, mostly in Indonesia. That’s an area half the size of New York City, and a conservative estimate because it doesn’t count all imports of manufactured products that contain palm oil.

I want to focus on palm oil today because we’ve known about this problem for a long time . Palm oil is environmentally destructive, grown on vast plantations after rainforests have been flattened and burned. And after years of hard-won progress, the deforestation associated with palm oil production in Indonesia is ticking up again.

“Palm oil has been a pervasive problem for a while,” said Ashley Thomson, a senior policy adviser at Global Witness. “What this analysis shows, in the other commodities as well, is just how complex deforestation is.”

Why the tropics matter

Deforestation anywhere is terrible for the climate and biodiversity. I’m bringing your attention to the loss of tropical forests specifically because it has more lasting consequences than deforestation in most places.

The humid forests of the tropics store a quarter of all terrestrial carbon on the planet, regulate rain patterns across the world and are home to a huge share of the planet’s animal and plant species.

Indonesia has been in the hot seat because of its deforestation rates for years. You may remember the 2018 article in The New York Times Magazine that showed how biofuels made of palm oil had a huge detrimental impact on the country’s forests.

But Indonesia also became one of the countries that has made the most progress to curb deforestation in recent years. In 2011, the Indonesian government established a ban on new palm oil permits in virgin forests. Some companies started their own system to certify sustainable palm oil . (My colleague Dionne Searcy reported this month that there are also companies trying to produce palm oil without palm trees .)

In 2021, the Indonesian government reported that deforestation rates fell by 75 percent to its lowest level since monitoring started in 1990, according to the news site Mongabay .

A concerning shift

But in 2023, deforestation caused by single-crop palm oil plantations started ticking up again, as measured by TheTreeMap , a company based in France that monitors forests.

It’s too early to say for sure if the numbers are showing a new trend of deforestation. I called David Gaveau, the researcher who runs the company and who was once kicked out of Indonesia because of his work tracking wildfires , to understand more.

He told me there are several loopholes that allow deforestation associated with palm oil to continue. Permits that were issued before the moratorium are still being used. The policy didn’t protect many biodiverse forests because they had been logged in the past. Many countries are still buying palm oil without checking if it is deforestation-free. And several investigations have revealed companies secretly circumventing sustainability initiatives to continue profiting from deforestation.

A recent study published by Gaveau and his colleagues also showed there was also a strong correlation with prices. After the pandemic, palm oil prices went through the roof, creating a big incentive to skirt the rules.

“Palm oil driven deforestation has gone down in the last 10 years. But it’s not going down to zero,” Gaveau said. “More needs to be done.”

Importing countries react

Though countries in the tropics have been working on policies to curb deforestation for years, it was only recently that importing nations started acting, too.

The European Union will soon start enforcing a law it passed last year that blocks imports of commodities associated with recent deforestation.

“The hope is that if Europe is leading the way, that other countries will follow suit,” Gaveau told me.

China seems to be starting to take steps in the same direction, signing an agreement with Brazil to stop illegal trade that fuels deforestation . And senators in the United States reintroduced a bill last year to stop imports from illegally deforested areas, though it hasn’t gained traction. (The U.S. already has the Lacey Act, which forbids imports of illegal timber .)

Some tropical countries have protested the European law, as my colleague Patricia Cohen’s reporting in Malaysia showed . They say they are concerned about the effects on smallholder farmers, who depend on these commodities to survive but don’t have the resources to comply with complex requirements.

But Gaveau’s study shows most deforestation in Indonesia is caused by i ndustrial plantations , not small farmers.

There is clearly no one answer to the deforestation problem. Still, Gaveau told me, we can’t rely on regulation alone — we also need to rethink how we farm. A recent study showed , for example, that incorporating clusters of protected forests known as tree islands into larger farms is good for biodiversity and doesn’t affect palm oil yields. It may also help farmers avoid soil degradation that gradually chips away at productivity.

“It’s a win-win situation,” he said. “It’s the future.”

Related: These startups want to make palm oil without palm trees .

Saving seals from marine debris

Men sprint across a windswept beach, holding what look like outsize butterfly nets, and wrestle with their quarry: Seals entangled by fishing gear and other maritime garbage, whose fortunes are about to be reversed.

As one man pins down a panicked animal, another cuts away the plastic deeply embedded in its neck. “Buddy, life’s going to get so much better,” one rescuer says after rescuing a seal from torn disposable overalls.

Videos of the rescues show the heartbreaking damage wrought by marine debris.

There are seals ensnared in gill nets, plastic bags, ropes, a metal kitchen strainer, bands of cling wrap, packaging straps, thick shark fishing wire, steel cables, bungee cords, plastic straps from hard hats, and miles of fishing line around their necks, jaws, snouts and mouths.

The videos often end with a freed seal triumphantly returning to the ocean.

Ocean Conservation Namibia, a nonprofit group based on the central coast of Namibia, estimates it has rescued around 3,000 seals entangled in marine garbage since 2020. Videos of its rescues posted online became a sensation during the pandemic, suggesting that the group has threaded a tricky needle: calling attention to the growing crisis of marine trash but with a feel-good ending for the affected animals.— Cara Buckley

Read the full article here .

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Wired reports that people hate the idea of car-free cities — until they live in one .

The Biden administration is blocking the world’s cheapest electric car from the U.S. market, Vox reports .

Manuela Andreoni is a Times climate and environmental reporter and a writer for the Climate Forward newsletter. More about Manuela Andreoni

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In Indonesia, deforestation is intensifying disasters from severe weather, climate change

A woman walks near logs swept into a neighborhood by a flash flood in West Sumatra, Indonesia.

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Roads turned to murky brown rivers, homes were swept away by strong currents and bodies were pulled from mud during deadly flash floods and landslides after torrential rains hit West Sumatra in early March, marking one of the latest deadly natural disasters in Indonesia.

Government officials blamed the floods on heavy rainfall, but environmental groups have cited the disaster as the latest example of deforestation and environmental degradation intensifying the effects of severe weather across Indonesia.

“This disaster occurred not only because of extreme weather factors, but because of the ecological crisis,” Indonesian environmental rights group Indonesian Forum for the Environment wrote in a statement. “If the environment continues to be ignored, then we will continue to reap ecological disasters.”

A vast tropical archipelago stretching across the equator, Indonesia is home to the world’s third-largest rainforest, with a variety of endangered wildlife and plants, including orangutans, elephants, giant and blooming forest flowers. Some live nowhere else.

For generations the forests have also provided livelihoods, food and medicine while playing a central role in cultural practices for millions of Indigenous residents in Indonesia.

Since 1950, more than 285,700 square miles of Indonesian rainforest — an area twice the size of Germany — have been logged, burned or degraded for development of palm oil, paper and rubber plantations, mining and other commodities, according to Global Forest Watch.

Indonesia is the biggest producer of palm oil, one of the largest exporters of coal and a top producer of pulp for paper. It also exports oil and gas, rubber, tin and other resources. And it also has the world’s largest reserves of nickel — a crucial material for electric vehicles, solar panels and other goods needed for the green energy transition.

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Indonesia has consistently ranked as one of the largest global emitters of plant-warming greenhouse gases, with its emissions stemming from the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation and peatland fires, according to the Global Carbon Project.

It’s also highly vulnerable to climate change impacts, including extreme events such as floods and droughts, long-term changes from sea level rise, shifts in rainfall patterns and increasing temperatures, according to the World Bank. In recent decades the country has already seen the effects of climate change: more intense rains, landslides and floods during rainy season, and more fires during a longer dry season.

But forests can help play a vital role in reducing the impact of some extreme weather events, said Aida Greenbury, a sustainability expert focusing on Indonesia.

Flooding can be slowed by trees and vegetation soaking up rainwater and reducing erosion. In dry season, forests release moisture that helps mitigate the effects of droughts, including fires.

But when forests diminish, those benefits do as well.

A 2017 study reported that forest conversion and deforestation expose bare soil to rainfall, causing soil erosion. Frequent harvesting activities — such as done on palm oil plantations — and the removal of ground vegetation lead to further soil compaction, causing rain to run off the surface instead of entering groundwater reservoirs. Downstream erosion also increases sediment in rivers, making them shallower and increasing flood risks, according to the research.

After the deadly floods in Sumatra in early March, West Sumatra Gov. Mahyeldi Ansharullah said there were strong indications of illegal logging around locations affected by floods and landslides. That, combined with extreme rainfall, inadequate drainage systems and improper housing development, contributed to the disaster, he said.

Experts and environmental activists have pointed to deforestation worsening disasters in other regions of Indonesia as well: In 2021 environmental activists partially blamed deadly floods in Kalimantan on environmental degradation caused by large-scale mining and palm oil operations. In Papua, deforestation was partially blamed for floods and landslides that killed more than 100 people in 2019.

There have been some signs of progress: In 2018 Indonesian President Joko Widodo, known as Jokowi, put a three-year freeze on new permits for palm oil plantations. And the rate of deforestation slowed in 2021-22, according to government data.

But experts warn that it’s unlikely deforestation in Indonesia will stop anytime soon as the government continues to move forward with new mining and infrastructure projects such as new nickel smelters and cement factories.

“A lot of land use and land-based investment permits have already been given to businesses, and a lot of these areas are already prone to disasters,” said Arie Rompas, an Indonesia-based forestry expert at Greenpeace.

President-elect Prabowo Subianto , who is scheduled to take office in October , has promised to continue Jokowi’s policy of development, include large-scale food estates, mining and other infrastructure development that are all linked to deforestation.

Environmental watchdogs also warn that environmental protections in Indonesia are weakening, including the passing of the controversial Omnibus Law, which eliminated an article of the Forestry Law regarding the minimum area of forest that must be maintained at development projects.

“The removal of that article makes us very worried [about deforestation] for the years to come,” Rompas said.

While experts and activists recognize that development is essential for Indonesia’s economy to continue to go, they argue that it should be done in a way that considers the environment and incorporates better land planning.

“We can’t continue down the same path we’ve been on,” said Greenbury, the sustainability expert. “We need to make sure that the soil, the land in the forest doesn’t become extinct.”

Milko writes for the Associated Press.

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LODI, CA - MARCH 25, 2024: Lodi winegrape Commissioner Stuart Spencer walks past rows of unpicked shriveled grapes left on a vineyard on March 25, 2024 in Lodi, California. "What's aggravating is that we have grapes that didn't get picked or sold while the biggest wineries in the state are bringing in cheap bulk wine from overseas," said Spencer.(Gina Ferazzi / Los Angeles Times)

Climate & Environment

Global wine glut compounds headaches for struggling California vineyards

HONOLULU, HI - OCTOBER 22: at Kahanamoku Beach in Waikiki on the southern shore of the island of Oahu on Thursday, Oct. 22, 2020 in Honolulu, HI. Amid the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, the State of Hawaii is trying to restart its tourism economy; October 15 was the start of a new traveler testing program, with thousands of people expected to arrive to the state. (Kent Nishimura / Los Angeles Times)

World & Nation

The Hawaiian steel guitar changed American music. Can one man keep that tradition alive?

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL -- MARCH 31, 2024: Protesters run away as a police water canon truck sprays skunk water onto the sit in protest blocking a highway during an anti-government demonstration in Jerusalem, Israel, Sunday, March 31, 2024. Thousands of Israelis attended the demonstration in Jerusalem with the aim to oust Netanyahu's government, call for elections and demand that Israeli hostages be returned. (MARCUS YAM / LOS ANGELES TIMES)

Israelis stage largest protest since war began to increase pressure on Netanyahu

March 31, 2024


  1. Effects Of Deforestation Essay Example In English For Students

    effect of deforestation essay

  2. Deforestation Essay In English 350 Words

    effect of deforestation essay

  3. Essay on Effects of Deforestation

    effect of deforestation essay

  4. Essay on Effects of Deforestation

    effect of deforestation essay

  5. Deforestation: Causes and Effects Free Essay Example

    effect of deforestation essay

  6. Essay on Deforestation For Students

    effect of deforestation essay


  1. Deforestation, Definition, Causes, Effects and Control Measure

  2. The human cost: The effect of deforestation on Disease Spread

  3. Essay on deforestation in English 2023 deforestation causes and effects what is deforestation

  4. Best essay writing on Deforestation || Essay on Deforestation in English •||•

  5. Deforestation

  6. Essay on Deforestation in English || Deforestation paragraph || Deforestation cause and effect


  1. Effects of deforestation on humans and the environment

    Deforestation is the mass removal of trees over a wide area. The term most often refers to the clearing of trees by humans, but natural processes such as flooding or fire can take down trees, too. Most frequently, deforestation occurs to clear land for other purposes, like farming, or to collect timber from the fallen trees.

  2. Deforestation Essay

    Some of the most common causes of deforestation are globalization, urbanization, overpopulation and climate. Trees are being cut down for construction purpose, lands are cleared for growing crops and trees are also used as firewood. Globalization in many countries has lead to deforestation as many industries and factories are build which emit ...

  3. Why deforestation matters—and what we can do to stop it

    Deforestation's effects reach far beyond the people and animals where trees are cut. The South American rainforest, for example, influences regional and perhaps even global water cycles, ...

  4. Essay on Effects of Deforestation for Students

    A.1 Deforestation has many seriously damaging effects. It disrupts the water cycle and increases the level of carbon dioxide and decreases oxygen levels. Further, it also causes floods, droughts, soil erosion and more.

  5. How Does Deforestation Affect the Environment?

    3. The Effects on Humans. In answering the question of how does deforestation affect the environment, you may discover that in fact, it also has a direct impact on the human population. With the loss of trees and entire forests, homelands are also being destroyed in the process. Indigenous communities who live in forests and depend on them to ...

  6. Deforestation

    Deforestation is the purposeful clearing of forested land. Throughout history and into modern times, forests have been razed to make space for agriculture and animal grazing, and to obtain wood for fuel, manufacturing, and construction.. Deforestation has greatly altered landscapes around the world. About 2,000 years ago, 80 percent of Western Europe was forested; today the figure is 34 percent.

  7. Deforestation

    deforestation, the clearing or thinning of forests by humans. Deforestation represents one of the largest issues in global land use.Estimates of deforestation traditionally are based on the area of forest cleared for human use, including removal of the trees for wood products and for croplands and grazing lands. In the practice of clear-cutting, all the trees are removed from the land, which ...

  8. Deforestation Causes and Effects

    Deforestation Causes and Effects Essay. Deforestation refers to the act of clearing trees without replacing them. This often happens when someone is creating land for uses such as settlement and cultivation, among others (Spilsbury 9). Currently, it is one of the biggest threats to human life, owing to the fact that forests provide a support ...

  9. Deforestation Essays

    Deforestation, Its Effects, and Strategies to Deal with. 1 page / 603 words. Deforestation is the cutting down of trees. The condition is caused by both natural and human activities. The activities might either be direct or indirect. As a way of sourcing food, human beings engage in cultivations and livestock farming.

  10. Deforestation Effects and Solutions

    Deforestation Effects and Solutions Essay. Over the past several centuries, humans have turned the world into a forest of concrete buildings scattered across the globe. Urban areas are constantly expanding, and this translates into the development of vast areas with tall buildings replacing natural vegetation.

  11. Essay on Deforestation: 8 Selected Essays on Deforestation

    Essay on Deforestation: Causes and Effects - Essay 7 (750 Words) Introduction: Deforestation is also known as clearing or clearance of trees. It can be said to mean removal of strands of trees or forests and the conversion of such area of land to a use that is totally non-forest in nature. Some deforestation examples are the converting of ...

  12. Deforestation Essay

    500 Words Essay On Deforestation. Deforestation is the process of converting a forested area to unforested land. Deforestation is the permanent destruction of forests in order to make the land available for other uses. The most common cause of deforestation is conversion of forest land to farms, ranching and urbanization.

  13. Essay on Effects of Deforestation

    500 Words Essay on Effects of Deforestation Introduction. Deforestation, the large-scale removal of forests, has been a global issue for decades, leading to a range of environmental, social and economic problems. It is driven by a variety of factors, including agricultural expansion, logging, and urbanization. The effects of deforestation are ...

  14. About Deforestation: Pros and Cons: [Essay Example], 494 words

    Deforestation is the process of clearing forests and converting the land to other uses such as agriculture, mining, or urban development. This practice has both positive and negative impacts on the environment, society, and the economy. In this essay, we will explore the pros and cons of deforestation, backed by well-researched evidence ...

  15. 500+ Words Essay on Deforestation For Students

    Effects of Deforestation. The consequences of deforestation are far-reaching and devastating, impacting not only the environment but also the well-being of countless species and human communities. ... 500+ Words Essay on Deforestation. With each resounding crash of a felled tree, the world's forests are diminishing at an alarming rate ...

  16. Essay on Effects of Deforestation

    Long Essay on Effects of Deforestation is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. The word deforestation is defined as the process of burning and cutting down the trees in woodland and forest and converting the land to other use. Forests still cover about 30 per cent of the Earth'sEarth's surface, but each year about 13 million hectors of ...

  17. PDF Deforestation: Causes, Effects and Control Strategies

    2. World deforestation According to Professor Norman Myers, one of the foremost authorities on rates of deforestation in tropical forests, the annual destruction rates seems set to accelerate further and could well double in another decade (Myers, 1992). Mostly deforestation has occurred in the temperate and sub-tropical areas.

  18. The Impact of Logging and Deforestations on an Ecosystem Essay

    The ability to understand and address the effects of deforestation and logging forms the basis towards sustainability of resources, greater social-economic development, political stability and ecological sanctity in the fast globalizing society. ... We will write a custom essay on your topic a custom Critical Writing on The Impact of Logging ...

  19. The Pros And Cons Of Deforestation: [Essay Example], 427 words

    Furthermore, deforestation contributes to climate change by releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Trees act as carbon sinks, absorbing carbon dioxide and mitigating the effects of greenhouse gases. When forests are cleared, this vital function is compromised, leading to increased greenhouse gas emissions and global warming.

  20. Essay on Effects of Deforestation

    Deforestation is a major global problem with serious consequences to the planet. These consequences have a negative effect on the climate, biodiversity, the atmosphere and threatens the cultural and physical survival of life. Deforestation is the permanent destruction of indigenous forests and woodlands.

  21. Deforestation Essay

    The essay on deforestation explains the negative effects of deforestation on the Earth. The decrease in trees and vegetation can lead to an increase in the emission of greenhouse gases and other forms of pollution. Moreover, trees are essential and provide habitats for countless species, and they lose their habitats because of these human ...

  22. Essay On Deforestation

    1365 Words6 Pages. Abstract: Now a day, deforestation becomes the global concern all around the globe and affects the earth's climate. The change of climate effect the habitat of the flora and fauna and it forced several animals to migrate from their native environment. Deforestation is simply the conversion of forest areas to non-forest areas.

  23. Essay on Effects of Deforestation

    Short Essay on Effects of Deforestation - Essay 1 (200 words) Deforestation means cutting down the forests that are home to the large chunks of oxygen giving trees, plants and numerous wild animals and birds. Human beings are cutting down forests around the world for various purposes. One of the main purposes of cutting vast forest areas is ...

  24. Why Palm Oil Is Still a Big Problem

    A concerning shift. But in 2023, deforestation caused by single-crop palm oil plantations started ticking up again, as measured by TheTreeMap, a company based in France that monitors forests.. It ...

  25. Indonesia's deforestation is intensifying natural disasters

    In Indonesia, environmental groups say deforestation is worsening the effects of natural disasters such as floods, landslides, drought and forest fires.