GCSE Spanish

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  • How to get top grades in GCSE Spanish


In this article you will discover 21 different ways on how to get the top grades in GCSE Spanish.

Let's dive straight in.

Top tip 1 -  use tener structures

A “tener” structure is a phrase or a sentence which uses the verb tener (to have).

Here are a few examples:

Tengo dieciséis años (I am sixteen years old)

Ian tiene suerte porque va a España para las vacaciones. (Ian is lucky because he goes to Spain for his holidays)

Tengo miedo de viajar en avión ( I am afraid of travelling by plane)

If you are not sure on how to conjugate “tener”, click on the video below.

Information about how to get the top grades in GCSE Spanish by using "tener" expressions

Top tip 2 - Justify your opinion

A good way to score highly in the written and spoken part of the GCSE Spanish exam is to state your opinion and, even better, justify your opinion.

Expressing your opinion

Here are some easy examples of expressing your opinion:

Pienso que  - I think that

Creo que  - I believe that

Opino que  - I think that, in my opinion (old-fashioned English I opine that)

Me parece que  - It seems to me that

If you can memorise these key little phrases, both your spoken and written Spanish will improve.

What's more, if you can justify your opinion, the quality of your Spanish improves just a little more.

Justifying your opinion

Here is an example building on the above, where opinions have been justified.

Pienso que Chelsea es un buen equipo ya que tiene futbolistas de alta calidad.

(I think that Chelsea is a good team because it has some high-quality footballers)

....ya que means because or since and it makes the sentence longer and therefore gains higher marks.

Making your sentence longer also means that you are eating into the word count for the written part of the paper.

The above sentence has 14 words, just short of 10% of the word requirement for the written higher paper (150 words)

Here is another example:

Me parece que España es un país de interés turístico dado que tiene playas bonitas, comida riquísima y monumentos históricos.  (20 words)

(It seems to me that Spanish is an interesting country for tourists given that it has beautiful beaches, excellent food and historic monuments)

.....dado que means given that.

By using "given that" the sentence has been extended and this has given the opportunity to create a more interesting sentence.

This sentence scores highly.

good phrases to use in spanish writing gcse

Top tip 3 -  use "Sin" + infinitive

Sin means "without".

If you use this expression with an infinitive, it is a neat stylistic trick, that the Spanish GCSE examiners love!.

It is simple and easy to use - so why not use it and pick up some easy marks!

Try these as good examples:-

Sin perder un momento, hice mis deberes.

Without wasting any time, I did my homework.

Es mejor vivir sin fumar

It is better to live without smoking.

Sin aprender los verbos irregulares en español, te resultará difîcil sacar buenas notas.

Without learning the Spanish irregular verbs, it will be difficult for you to get good marks.

Information about how to get the top grades in GCSE Spanish by using "sin" plus the infinitive

Top tip 4 - u se "Antes de" + infinitive

"Antes de" means before.  When coupled with an infinitive, a longer, more complex construction is formed, and, accordingly, is rewarded well by GCSE examiners.

Below are a number of examples of its use.

It is recommended that you remember a phrase like this, so that you can put it easily into your writing and speaking.

Antes de ir al colegio, desayuné a las siete y media.

(Before going to school, I had breakfast at half past seven).

Notice the difference between the English and the Spanish. In Spanish, the infinitive is used, but in English, the present participle or gerund is used (-ing words).

Antes de volver a casa después del colegio, fui al polideportivo con mis amigos.

(Before going home after school I went to the sports centre with my friends)

Benefits of "chunking" phrases together

Also, note the way that you can build up sentences by "chunking" phrases together.

The above sentence of 14 words (some 10% of the word count required for the higher papers) is made up of four "chunks:

1 - Antes de volver a casa

2 - después del colegio

3 - fui al polideportivo

4 - con mis amigos

By using "chunks" of language, it is easier to form longer sentences which are accurate and score highly in the exam.

This sentence could be extended even further by adding a "chunk" of time (a las cuatro y media) and developing a reason "chunk for going to the sports centre  (ya que nos llevamos bien y lo pasamos bomba juntos) .

If we put all of these "chunks" together, a long flowing accurate and highly scoring sentence is produced.

Antes de volver a casa a las cuatro y media después del colegio, fui al polideportivo con mis amigos ya que nos llevamos bien y lo pasamos bomba juntos. (29 words - nearly 20% of the required words for the written higher paper).

Information about how to get the top grades in GCSE Spanish by using "antes de" + the infinitive

​ Top tip 5 -  use "Al" + infinitive 

Another really helpful way of extending the length of your sentences is to use the expression "al"+ the infinitive.

"Al + the infinitive means "on doing something."

Al llegar al colegio, hablé con mis amigos.

(On arriving at school, I spoke to my friends)

This construction scores well in the GCSE Spanish examiners' eyes because of the way the Spanish contrasts with the English.

Al volver a casa, siempre meriendo antes de hacer mis deberes.

(On arriving home from school, I always have a snack before doing my homework).

Information about how to get the top grades in GCSE Spanish by using "al" plus the infinitive

Top tip 6 -  use "Después de" + infinitive

"Después de" means after.

"Después de" followed by the infinitive means "after doing...."

It is another useful construction which scores well in the written part of the exam.

Después de hacer mis deberes, vi la televisión y me acosté.

After doing my homework, I watched TV and went to bed.

Después de charlar con mis amigos durante el recreo, fui a mi clase de espańol.

After chatting with my friends during break, I went to my Spanish class.

good phrases to use in spanish writing gcse

Top tip 7 -  use exclamations

The use of real, authentic exclamations in your written and spoken Spanish can give a real "lift" to your work.

In essence, it makes your work work sound really Spanish.

This tip really does work!   ¡Caramba!

Below is a small list of examples.

Mi amigo quiere ir al cine. ¡Qué buena idea!

(My friend wants to go to the cinema. What a good idea!)

(Mi padre me dio un móvil - ¡qué guay! )

My dad gave me a mobile - how cool!

Quisiera ir a la fiesta de mi amiga pero no puedo. ¡Qué rollo!

I want to go to my friend's party but I can't. What a pain!

A bonus tip - when using this tip, don't forget the neat little upside down exclamation mark. ¡Qué buena idea!

Information about how to get the top grades in GCSE Spanish by using the Information about how to get the top grades in GCSE Spanish by using exclamations!

Top tip 8 - use "a pesar de" + infinitive

A pesar de means "in spite of". Coupled with the infinitive, as in the other tips of this sort, it lends a real authentic "feel" to the Spanish.

And, need it be said, the examiners do like this.

So, "a pesar de hacer mis deberes" means "in spite of doing my homework".

Note that the Spanish is using an infinitive in this construction, whilst the English uses the present participle or gerund.

Some examples:

A pesar de trabajar bien en matemáticas, todavía saco malas notas.

(In spite of working hard in maths, I still get bad marks.)

A pesar de evitar la comida grasa, me resulta difícil.

(In spite of avoiding fatty foods, I find it difficult.)

Information about how to get the top grades in GCSE Spanish by using the Information about how to get the top grades in GCSE Spanish by using the construction "a pesar de" + the infinitive

Top tip 9 -  use "acabar de" + infinitive

"Acabar de" means to have just.

This expression, when followed by an infinitive, means "to have done" followed the meaning of the verb.

To illustrate this, here are some examples:

Acabo de sacar buenas notas en mis exámenes.

(I have just got good marks in my exams.)

Acaban de ganar cinco partidos sin perder.

(They have just won 5 matches without losing).

Notice that I also used tip number 2 .... sin perder .

This leads onto another bonus tip - try and weave together a number of these tips into one sentence to achieve an awesome result, - this will certainly catch the GCSE Spanish examiners' eyes.

This is exactly what I have done with acabar de and sin perder .

Here is a more complicated example form the Identity and Culture theme:

Acabo de darme cuenta de que hay menos diferencias entre los padres y los chicos hoy en día.

(I have just realised that there are less differences between parents and children these days).

Information about how to get the top grades in GCSE Spanish by using the Information about how to get the top grades in GCSE Spanish by using the construction "acabar de" + the infinitive

Top tip 10 -  use "estar a punto de" + infinitive

"Estar a punto de" + infinitive means "to be about to" or "to be on the point of" doing something.

Two examples from the Identity and Culture theme are below:

Estoy a punto de ir al cine con mis amigos. ¡Qué bien!

(I am about to go to the cinema with my friends. Great!)

Estaban a punto de salir, cuando llegaron sus abuelos.

They were about to leave when their grandparents arrived.

Information about how to get the top grades in GCSE Spanish by using "estar a punto de"

Top tip 11 - u se comparatives

A comparative is when you compare one thing with another.

For example in English we say:

"I am taller than my brother."

The way you can normally spot a comparative in English is when an adjective has -er as a suffix (on the end of the word)

Examples of the comparative in English:

In Spanish you put the word más in front of the adjective to form the comparative, as follows:

(taller) - más alto

(shorter) - más bajo 

(quicker) - más rápido

With this tip in mind, you can construct a sentence which will score highly in the written or spoken exam.

Soy más alto que mi hermano, pero más bajo que mi hemana mayor.

(I am taller than my brother, but shorter than my elder sister)

El tren es más rápido que el coche, pero el avión es más rápido que el tren.

(The train is quicker than the car, but the plane is quicker than the train).

Note that in both of these sentences "than" is translated by "que".

Information about how to get the top grades in GCSE Spanish by using the Information about how to get the top grades in GCSE Spanish by using comparatives

Top tip 12 - use superlatives 

A superlative is when you say that something is the best.

"He is the quickest in the class."

"He is the most intelligent in the class"

The way you can normally spot a superlative in English is when an adjective has -est as a suffix (on the end of the word), or has the word "most" before it (as in example two above)

most intelligent

In Spanish you put the word el más or la más or los más or las más (as appropriate) in front of the adjective to form the comparative, as follows:

El chico es el más alto (the boy is the tallest)

La chica es la más baja (the girl is the shortest)

Los trenes son los más rápidos (the trains are the quickest)

With this particular tip in mind, you can construct a sentence which will score highly in the written or spoken exam.

Es el chico el más inteligente de la clase.

(He is the most intelligent boy in the class)

Hussain Bolt es el hombre más rápido del mundo.

(Hussain Bolt is the quickest man in the world).

Madrid es la ciudad la más grande de España.

(Madrid is the largest city in Spain.

Para mí, España es el país el más hermoso de Europa

(I think that Spain is the prettiest country in Europe.

Information about how to get the top grades in GCSE Spanish by using the Information about how to get the top grades in GCSE Spanish by using superlatives

Top tip 13 - use negatives 

A good way of boosting your grade in the written or the spoken papers is to use a negative phrase, but something more adventurous than using the simple "no".

Here are couple of good examples:

Mi hermana no hace nunca sus deberes y por eso no saca buenas notas en los exámenes.

(My sister never does her homework and therefore she does not get good marks in the exams).

No me gustan las matemáticas ni las ciencias ya que prefiero los idiomas.

(I do not like maths or sciences because I prefer languages)

No no conozco a nadie dado que acabo de llegar en el colegio.

(I don't know anybody because I have just arrived at school.)

Information about how to get the top grades in GCSE Spanish by using the Information about how to get the top grades in GCSE Spanish by using negatives

Top tip 14 - use a subjunctive

This little tip is worth its weight in gold.

Examiners love the subjunctive.

Whilst you do not really have to know how it is formed (this is "A" Spanish level work), if you can remember two or three phrases, it will really pay off in the exam.

Cuando tenga dieciocho años voy a hacer un ańo sabático.

When I am eighteen, I will take a year off.

(...and, yes, if you were wondering, tengA is not a typo! The last letter is an a and not an o.

Si tuviera bastante dinero iría a Argentina para conocer a la gente allí.

(If I had enough money I would go to Argentina to get to know the people there.

¡Ojalá ganemos la lotería!

(If only we could win the lottery!)

Ojalá haga buen tiempo mañana ya que estoy harto de la lluvia.

(I hope the weather is good tomorrow because I am fed up with the rain.)

Information about how to get the top grades in GCSE Spanish by using the Information about how to get the top grades in GCSE Spanish by a subjunctive

Top tip 15 - use "desde hace" 

This is a classic high scoring phrase which can be easily woven into your speaking and writing.

It scores well because there is a contrast between the way English and Spanish deal with the same concept.

Vivo en Londres desde hace muchos años.

(I have been living in London for many years).

Note in Spanish the idea is conveyed by using the present tense. This contrasts with the use of the past tense in English.

Estudio español desde hace cinco años.

(I have been studying Spanish for five years).

good phrases to use in spanish writing gcse

Top tip 16 - use "hace" + time 

Hace is the third person singular of the irregular verb "hacer" (to do/ make).

It therefore can mean he / she / you (usted) make or do.

However, it can also mean "ago" when used with a time phrase.

Hace un año, durante el mes de agosto, fui a España en avión con mis padres.

A year ago I went to Spain by plane with my parents.

Notice the way I "chunked" this sentence - the result being a 16 word phrase, which is correct and under control. Also, coming in at 16 words it is more than 10% of the word count requirement for the higher paper.

Bonus tip - learn "chunks" of Spanish so that you can build up fluency when speaking and it also make writing a lot easier.

Hace cinco años empecé mis estudios de español.

Five years ago, I started my Spanish studies.

Information about how to get the top grades in GCSE Spanish by using the Information about how to get the top grades in GCSE Spanish by the construction "hace" + time

Top tip 17 - use connectives

Connectives are the key to making your GCSE Spanish speaking and writing flow.

And, what's more, the examiners love them.

Because the use of connectives means that your work will flow naturally and be organised so that it is easy to read for the examiner.

And, we all know that it is important to keep the examiners happy!

Also, sensible use of connectives means that you can eat into the word count in your Spanish writing really quickly.

Let's demonstrate that particular point.

Here are a few favourites:

Por un lado .... por otro lado (on the one hand ...and on the other hand)

Lo malo es que ... lo bueno es que .... (the good thing is that ... the bad thing is that)

De vez en cuando (from time to time)

El año que viene (next year).

En la actualidad - currently

Un montón de - a lot of (uses up more words than plain old "mucho"!)

Useful Spanish writing expressions especially for GCSE Spanish

All of these phrases quickly eat into the word count.

Look at these phrases and see how, through chunking, it is quite easy to build up some long and accurate phrases.

Por un lado, me gusta jugar al golf con mis amigos de vez en cuando pero lo malo es que pierdo mucho tiempo en el campo de golf y suelo tener un montón de deberes. (35 palabras)

(On the one hand, I like to play golf with my friends from time to time, but the bad thing is that I waste a lot on time on the golf course and I usually have a load of homework)

Mientras que en la actualidad suelo pasar dos o tres horas en Facebook, el año que viene voy a reducir el número de horas ya que tengo mis exámenes y quiero sacar buenas notas. (35 palabras).

(Whilst I currently normally spend two or three hours on Facebook, next year I am going to reduce the number of hours because I have exams and I want to get good marks).

Information about how to get the top grades in GCSE Spanish by using the Information about how to get the top grades in GCSE Spanish by using connectives

Top tip 18 - use "para" + infinitive 

Para can mean "for".

For example "for me" is para mí.

However, in this top tip para means "to" or even better "in order to".

So, when para is followed by an infinitive, it creates a constructive which is authentically Spanish and which, of course, the examiners love!

There is, therefore, every reason to use the odd para + infinitive or two in your Spanish writing and speaking.

Para jugar bien al fútbol hay que practicar de vez en cuando, comer sano y beber mucho agua.

(In order) to play football well, you have to practise from time to time, eat healthily and drink lots of water.

Para escribir bien en español tienes que aprender usar frases útiles para asegurar la calidad de lo que escribes.

In order to write Spanish well, you have to use helpful phrases to ensure the quality of what you are writing.

Para celebrar el cumpeaños de mi hermano fuimos al restaurante en el centro de la ciudad.

To celebrate my brother's birthday, we went to the Italian restaurant in the centre of town.

Information about how to get the top grades in GCSE Spanish by using the construction "para" + the infinitive

Top tip 19 - use pronouns

A pronoun replaces a noun.

There can be two different sorts of pronouns - direct and indirect.

Here is a list of the direct object pronouns

te - you (singular, informal)

lo - him or it or you (formal)

la - her or it or you (formal)

os - you (plural, informal)

los - them or you (formal, plural)

las - them or you (formal, plural)

Here is a list of the indirect object pronouns

me - (to/for) me

te - (to/for) you (singular, informal)

le - (to/for) him or her or it or you (formal)

nos -  (to/for) us

os - (to/for) you (plural, informal)

les - (to/for) them or you (formal, plural)

Here are a trio examples of how pronouns can be used:

Voy a llevarlos - I am going to wear them (direct pronoun)

¿El autobús? Nunca lo tomo - voy a pie - The bus? I never take it - I go on foot. (direct pronoun)

Voy a darle mis deberes - I am going to give (to) him my homework (indirect pronoun)

Information about how to get the top grades in GCSE Spanish by using pronouns

Top tip 20 - use opinions 

There are lots of different ways to express your opinion in Spanish.

If you can use various expressions to express your opinion in Spanish, your grades will automatically soar!

Try an sprinkle some of the following expressions into your writing and speaking.

Creo que....

Pienso que....

Desde mi punto de vista ...

A mi modo de ver ...

Opino que....

I believe that ....

I think that that ....

From my point of view ...

I believe that ...

Information about how to get the top grades in GCSE Spanish by using your own opinions

Top tip 21 - use idiomatic expressions 

First up - what is an idiom / idiomatic expression?

A quick search on the internet gave this as a definition:

An idiom (also called idiomatic expression) is an expression, word, or phrase that has a figurative meaning conventionally understood by native speakers.

This meaning is different from the literal meaning of the idiom's individual elements.

In other words, idioms don't mean exactly what the words say.

This is why using idiomatic expressions scores highly in the GCSE Spanish exam.

Here are some examples of idioms in English:

At the drop of a hat

Meaning: without any hesitation; instantly.

Barking up the wrong tree

Meaning : Looking in the wrong place. Accusing the wrong person

good phrases to use in spanish writing gcse

Here are a trio of tasty Spanish idioms:

Estar mojado hasta los huesos - to be soaked to the skin (literally "to the bones")

Llueve a cántaros - it is raining cats and dogs (literally "it is jugging it down"!)

Tomar el pelo - to pull someone's leg (literally "to pull someone's hair")

To wrap up this article, here is a great list of Spanish idioms from Fluentu.

Spanish idioms

Information about how to get the top grades in GCSE Spanish by using idiomatic expressions

So there you have it!

.....21 top tips on how to score high grades in the Spanish GCSE exam.

Used liberally in your writing, you are guaranteed success.

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  • Oct 5, 2020

Ten Tips to Help You Revise for the Spanish GCSE Writing Exam and Achieve Top Grades

Welcome to the My Spanish Tutor blog. I hope you find it supportive and helpful as you revise for your Spanish GCSE. In this article I'll be focusing on the writing section of the qualification, to give you the best chance to maximize your grade.

The writing exam offers a great opportunity to show off all the Spanish you have learnt. However, it does help to have an idea what the examiners are looking for and how they will mark your work. Here are my top ten tips to help you maximize your grade.

good phrases to use in spanish writing gcse

Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash

1. Practice Past Papers

good phrases to use in spanish writing gcse

If you become familiar with the format of the exam paper and the potential questions that may be asked, you will have a head start when completing your exam. You can download past papers from exam board websites to practice.

Try to practice with the same time restrictions so you can get used to completing the paper in the allocated time. Make sure you read each question carefully and answer all sections. Some sections will offer different options of which question to answer, but you only have to complete one of the options.

good phrases to use in spanish writing gcse

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Use a variety of tenses in each section to show off the range of your Spanish. Examiners will be looking for you to write in the past, present and future to reach the top marks. Try to look at which tenses are being used in the question as this can help you to identify how you might answer the question with multiple different of verb forms.

3. Connective Words

good phrases to use in spanish writing gcse

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

You can prepare for the writing exam by learning a few connective words. This will allow you to create more complicated sentences. These could include:

tal como (such as)

también (also)

aunque (although)

además (moreover)

por lo tanto (therefore)

sin embargo (however)

así que (so)

entonces (then)

antes (before)

después (after)

por ejemplo (for example)

4. Synonyms

Try not to use the same word too many times in your written piece. Instead, think of synonyms you could include i.e. words that mean the same thing. If you show the ability to express the same concept in different ways this will demonstrate the range and variety of your Spanish. For more tips on how to expand your Spanish vocabulary take a look at this article with some good methods for increasing the range of your language.

5. Be Opinionated

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

good phrases to use in spanish writing gcse

Expressing your opinion is a key criteria that you will be graded on in the exam. You cannot get top marks without demonstrating that you can express what you think about the topic. You can prepare by creating and learning some opinion sentences on each topic ahead of time. This way you will have some phrases that you can adapt to the requirements of the exam.

Use a variety of different opinion phrases not just “I think that” (pienso que). Here are a few ideas:

A mi modo de ver (as I see it)

Me parece que (it seems to me that)

En mi opinión (in my opinion)

Me molesta que (it annoys me that)

Creo que (I believe that)

6. Justify your Opinions

good phrases to use in spanish writing gcse

In addition to expressing your views on the given topic, you should aim to explain or justify these. Why do you think this? What are your reasons for having this opinion?

Here is an example:

Me parece que España es un país interesante dado que tiene playas bonitas y una cultura muy diversa.

(It seems to me that Spain is an interesting country given that it has beautiful beaches and a very diverse culture.)

You can use connecting phrases such as those below to create longer sentences which justify your opinions:

Porque (because)

Dado que (given that)

Ya que (as)

7. Use comparative structures.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

good phrases to use in spanish writing gcse

Another area that will improve your grade is comparative structures. By this I mean phrases to compare people and things. Learning and using these in your exam can improve your mark.

Take a look at these examples:

Ella es más habladora que yo.

(She is more talkative than me)

El pasaje de tren cuesta menos que el de avion.

(The train fare costs less than the one for the aeroplane)

8. Show Off

Take a moment before you start writing to consider how best to demonstrate your Spanish knowledge and use some of the key structures and phrases. This is your opportunity to show off what you know. Complexity of sentence structures and variety of vocabulary will help you obtain the top marks. Try to make your exam answer a showcase of what you know.

good phrases to use in spanish writing gcse

Photo by Benjamin Davies on Unsplash

9. Double check

good phrases to use in spanish writing gcse

Photo by Marten Newhall on Unsplash

When you have finished your exam make sure you read it through and look out for any little spelling errors or mistakes. Take a breath and slowly work your way through what you have written. This can help you to spot any changes needed and dramatically improve your score for accuracy.

10. Look after yourself!

Revising for exams can feel stressful. Taking breaks from your revision is just as important as the work itself. Make sure you regularly take time out to do things that help you feel sane. Talk to friends, family, or teachers, if you are finding things hard. Don't be afraid to ask questions, however small!

good phrases to use in spanish writing gcse

Photo by Max van den Oetelaar on Unsplash

For more tips to help with GCSE revision click here .

The blog also includes more information to improve your accuracy such as:

How to Choose Between The Verbs Ser and Estar

Identifying The Gender of Spanish Verbs

good phrases to use in spanish writing gcse

Hi, I am Karen. I am a languages tutor and blogger. I offer online tuition for students across the UK. I live in Tonbridge, in Kent, with my husband and my son. For me learning Spanish has meant fun, adventure, friendship and fulfilling work. I love sharing all that I have learnt with my students and via my blog. If you would like to receive 10% off your first online lesson, as well as regular updates and tips for learning Spanish, subscribe here .

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Spanish Essay Phrases: 40 Useful Phrases for an Impressive Writeup


May 30, 2019

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Do you need to write a lot of essays in Spanish? If you do, don’t worry. It's about to get a little bit easier for you because here in this article, we’ve listed many useful Spanish essay phrases that you can readily use in your essays.

Essay Phrases

Feel free to pepper your essays with the words and expressions from this list. It would certainly elevate your essays and impress your teachers. You're welcome!

Get the PDF ( + MP3!)

No time to read now? Then you might opt to get the list in PDF instead. If you sign up to the newsletter, you'll get the list of Spanish essay phrases in PDF format plus free audio files. 

Spanish Essay Phrases

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Additional Resources

You can also check out the following resources:

84 Spanish Expressions for Agreeing and Disagreeing

Common Spanish Verbs

Expresiones útiles para escribir en español

Looking for more Spanish phrases? Check out this e-book with audio!

Try to use the essay phrases in Spanish that you learned in this lesson and write a few example sentences in the comments section!

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About the author 

Janey is a fan of different languages and studied Spanish, German, Mandarin, and Japanese in college. She has now added French into the mix, though English will always be her first love. She loves reading anything (including product labels).

VERY VERY useful !! Gracias

Amazing! This will definitely help me in tomorrow’s spanish test 🙂

Sounds good

Thanks for the assistance, in learning Spanish.

Amazing article! Very helpful! Also, this website is great for Spanish Beginners.

It’s easy when you put it that way

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10 tips to get a top grade in your GCSE Spanish writing exam!

1) use two tenses in the same sentence:.

Impress the examiner by using two different tenses in the same sentence. For example, you could use both the preterite and imperfect tenses:

E.g. Fuimos a San Sebastián que era bonito pero bastante caro. We went to San Sebastian which was pretty but quite expensive.

2) Create more complex sentences by linking with “donde” or “cuando”:

E.g. Pasé el verano en un pueblo en el sur de Francia donde tengo unos amigos. I spent the summer in a village in the south of France where I have friends.

3) Refer to other people:

Talk about a variety of people by changing the subject of the sentence. Make sure you use the correct verb ending.

E.g. A mí me gusta nadar pero mi amiga prefiere jugar al voleibol. I like swimming but my friend prefers to play volleyball.

4) Use a variety of connectives such as:

También (also) , además (moreover) , pero (but) , sin embargo (however) , por eso / por lo tanto (therefore) , así que (so) , entonces (then) , luego (later) , aunque (although) , aún (even) , antes , (before) , después (after) , por ejemplo (for example) , tal como (such as) and so on.

5) Use exclamation expressions to show surprise, fear, happiness etc.:

¡Qué horror! – How awful! ¡Qué miedo! – How scary! ¡Qué bien! – Great! ¡Qué suerte! – How lucky! ¡Qué pena! – What a shame!

6) Use the subjunctive.

Try to include a subjunctive verb if possible. Easy ways to use the subjunctive involve the following expressions:

Es importante que … (It is important that …) Es probable que … (It is likely that …) Espero que … (I hope that …) Quiero que … (I want …) No creo que … (I don’t believe that …)

7) Remember to justify your opinions:

E.g. Me encanta viajar a otros países para practicar la lengua y para conocer otras culturas. I love travelling to other countries to practice the language and to learn about other cultures.

8) Use a wide range of vocabulary, show off to the examiner just how many different words you know!

9) use a variety of opinions phrases, don’t just stick to “pienso que…” (i think that …):.

Creo que – I believe that Opino que – I give the opinion that A mi modo de ver – As I see it En mi opinión – In my opinion Me parece que – It seems to me that Para mí –   As for me (No) Estoy de acuerdo –  I agree (I don’t agree) Me molesta que – It bothers me that No aguanto – I can’t stand No soporto – I can’t tolerate

10) Use comparative structures.

Más + adjective + que :

Mi hermano es más trabajador que yo. My brother is more hardworking than me.

Menos + adjective + que:

E.g. Mi amiga Ana es menos hablador a que yo. My friend Ana is less talkative than me.

• Make sure the adjective agrees with the noun it is describing.

Tan + adjective + como: (as … as):

E.g. La chaquet a es tan car a como el abrigo. The jacket is as expensive as the coat.

Tanto/a/os/as + noun + como: (as much/many as):

Hay tantos pisos como casas. There are as many flats as houses.

Superlative strucutres: The most/least … of all:

E.g. Es el estudiante más trabajador de la clase. He is the most hard-working student in the class.

E.g.  El español es la asignatura más fácil de todas. Spanish is the easiest subject of all.

¡Suerte a todos!

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A GCSE Spanish Writing Exam Checklist

The GCSE Spanish Writing exam focuses on both showing off and accuracy . In terms of showing off, this includes both vocabulary and grammatical constructions. In terms of accuracy, this means ensuring you have used the correct spelling, gender/plural agreements, and verb conjugations.

Here are my tips for what to check to make sure you have access to the top marks in your Spanish GCSE Writing Assessment.

  • have I covered all of the bullet points?
  • have I stayed at the word limit?
  • have I written in the tense that I was asked for?
  • have I written in the style that I was asked for?

Gender/plural agreements

  • have I used the correct gender for all nouns mentioned?
  • have I made sure all adjectives and past participles agree with the gender and plurality?

Spelling & accents

  • have I checked the spelling of everything written? (taking special care with double letters because there are very few double letters in Spanish)
  • have I correctly used accents (especially to show verb tenses)?
  • have I used a variety of vocabulary and avoided repeating any words/verbs?
  • have I included advanced, topic-specific vocabulary? (for topic-specific vocabulary, use the specification to memorise key vocabulary)
  • have I used a variety of tenses in a variety of verbs?


  • have I made good use of conjunctions to separate my ideas?

Opinion phrases

  • have I shown my own ideas and opinions if asked to?


  • could I use a comparative?

Present subjunctive

  • could I correctly use a set phrase that needs a subjunctive?

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GCSE Spanish Shiny phrases / advanced language mat for Speaking and Writing

GCSE Spanish Shiny phrases / advanced language mat for Speaking and Writing

Subject: Spanish

Age range: 14-16

Resource type: Visual aid/Display

TheExamAttic's Shop

Last updated

8 October 2023

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good phrases to use in spanish writing gcse

Introducing the GCSE Speaking/Writing Mat: Empowering Your Spanish Students for Success!

Unlocking the full potential of your students is easier than ever with the GCSE Speaking Mat. As dedicated educators, you understand the importance of fostering fluency and confidence in your students’ language skills. Our mat is tailored specifically to the needs of GCSE Spanish students, equipping them with the tools to navigate advanced vocabulary and intricate grammar structures with ease.

Here’s why the GCSE Speaking Mat is a must in your teaching toolkit:

Complex phrases: Our mat provides an extensive list of advanced Spanish phrases that can be used in a wide range of topics: your students will have a treasure trove of words at their fingertips. Grammar Mastery: This visual aid helps students understand and apply intricate grammatical concepts effortlessly, both in their speaking and writing. Structured Speaking Prompts: The Speaking Mat is equipped with thoughtfully designed conversation prompts. It encourages students to engage in meaningful dialogues using the advanced vocabulary and grammar they’ve learned, enhancing their speaking skills and confidence. Writing Assistance: Beyond speaking, our mat also supports writing proficiency. It offers guidelines for constructing well-structured and complex compositions. Increased Confidence: By equipping your students with the tools to express themselves confidently and accurately, the GCSE Speaking Mat boosts their self-esteem, motivation, and overall performance. Incorporate the GCSE Speaking Mat into your teaching toolkit, and watch your students flourish in their Spanish language journey. Prepare them not just for exams but for a lifetime of effective communication in one of the world’s most widely spoken languages.

Visit our shop to find more IGCSE, GCSE, and A level exam resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/TheExamAttic

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