
Essay on Entertainment

Students are often asked to write an essay on Entertainment in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

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100 Words Essay on Entertainment

What is entertainment.

Entertainment is an activity that provides joy and amusement. It includes various forms like music, movies, sports, and games. It’s a way to relax and escape from daily stress.

Types of Entertainment

There are many types of entertainment. Movies and TV shows entertain us visually. Music provides auditory entertainment. Sports and games engage us physically and mentally.

The Importance of Entertainment

Entertainment is important as it brings happiness, reduces stress, and helps us learn new things. It also strengthens bonds when shared with family and friends.

Entertainment and Technology

Technology has transformed entertainment. Now, we can enjoy movies, music, and games on our devices, making entertainment more accessible and diverse.

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250 Words Essay on Entertainment


Entertainment, a ubiquitous aspect of human life, serves as a powerful tool for relaxation, education, and social interaction. It is the medium through which we escape the mundanity of everyday life, immerse ourselves in different worlds, and experience a wide spectrum of emotions.

The Evolution of Entertainment

Historically, entertainment was limited to live performances, such as theater, music, and dance. The advent of technology has dramatically transformed this landscape. Today, we can access a plethora of entertainment forms, from movies and music to video games and virtual reality, all at our fingertips.

The Psychological Impact of Entertainment

Entertainment plays a vital role in our psychological well-being. It helps reduce stress, provides a means for self-expression, and fosters creativity. Moreover, it can influence our attitudes and perceptions, making it a potent tool for social change.

Entertainment and Society

Entertainment also serves as a reflection of society. It can both shape and be shaped by cultural, political, and social contexts. Entertainment mediums like films, books, and music often mirror societal issues, providing a platform for discourse and potential change.

In conclusion, entertainment is more than just a means of amusement. It is a dynamic construct that has evolved with time, impacting our psychological health and societal structures. As we continue to explore new forms of entertainment in the digital age, we must also consider its profound influence on our lives.

500 Words Essay on Entertainment

The concept of entertainment, as a means of occupying one’s leisure time with activities that bring pleasure and relaxation, has been a part of human life since time immemorial. From the ancient Greek dramas to today’s virtual reality games, entertainment has evolved with society, reflecting cultural shifts and technological advancements.

Traditional Forms of Entertainment

Historically, entertainment was largely communal. People gathered in public spaces for theatrical performances, sport events, and musical concerts. These activities not only provided amusement but also served as an important medium for social interaction and cultural exchange. Literature, too, was a significant source of entertainment, with epic poems, novels, and short stories capturing the imagination of readers and transporting them to different worlds.

The Impact of Technology on Entertainment

The advent of technology revolutionized the entertainment industry. The invention of the printing press democratized access to literature, making books affordable and widely available. The emergence of radio and television brought entertainment into the domestic sphere, allowing individuals to enjoy music, news, and shows from the comfort of their homes. Furthermore, the rise of the internet and digital platforms has drastically changed the way we consume entertainment. Streaming services like Netflix and Spotify offer a plethora of choices at our fingertips, while social media platforms provide a stage for user-generated content.

The Future of Entertainment

The future of entertainment is being shaped by advancements in artificial intelligence and virtual reality. AI is being used to create hyper-personalized content, tailoring recommendations based on individual preferences. Virtual reality, on the other hand, promises immersive experiences, blurring the line between the virtual and real world.

The Role of Entertainment in Society

Entertainment plays a crucial role in society. It provides a much-needed break from the mundane, offering an escape into realms of fantasy and adventure. It fosters creativity and imagination, provoking thought and inspiring ideas. Moreover, entertainment has the power to influence societal norms and values. Movies, TV shows, and music often reflect and comment on societal issues, shaping public opinion and driving social change.

Entertainment and Mental Health

In today’s fast-paced world, entertainment also serves as a stress-buster. Engaging in leisure activities, be it watching a movie, reading a book, or playing a video game, can have therapeutic effects, reducing anxiety and improving mood. Research has shown that entertainment can contribute to mental wellbeing, underscoring its importance in our lives.

In conclusion, entertainment, in its various forms, has been and continues to be an integral part of human existence. Its evolution mirrors the progression of society, and its impact extends beyond mere amusement. As technology continues to evolve, the face of entertainment is set to change, promising exciting possibilities for the future.

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50, 100, 500 Words Essay on Entertainment In English

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An entertainment activity, such as a show, is something that entertains or is enjoyable for an audience. In order to live a tension-free life, we must keep engaging ourselves. We will be able to maintain a healthy lifestyle. There is no problem in life that can affect your quality of life if you are entertained.

“The entertainment industry is vast and is a reflection of the society we live in” (Karrine Steffans).

50 Words Essay on Entertainment

Human life is filled with entertainment. Happy hormones are released as a result. Our mental health is maintained by it. An individual’s nature is determined by how he or she entertains himself or herself. the entertainment industry is one of the most effective ways to reduce stress in today’s hectic world. world. 

Without entertainment, our lives are also colorless. Entertainment appeals to everyone, whether they are kids, young people, or old people. Different mediums are used by different people to entertain themselves or to be entertained.

100 Words Essay on Entertainment

We can escape the daily monotony of our mundane lives by enjoying entertainment. Nowadays, life is very complicated and tiring, and people often seek relief from these troubles.

Dance, singing, watching television, and other entertainment activities are often used to refresh them and give them a break. People often engage in these activities to recharge their minds and take a break from their daily routine. It is also problematic when people are exposed to too much entertainment, as it hinders their ability to concentrate their power.

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500 Words Essay on Entertainment

As a form of entertainment, it is anything that is capable of holding the attention and interest of an audience, as well as giving them pleasure and delight. Whether it is an idea or a task, the most effective way to keep an audience’s interest is to engage them with an activity or event created over thousands of years specifically to do so. 

write an essay about entertainment

There are many forms of entertainment that hold people’s attention since they all have different tastes and preferences. Most forms are recognizable and familiar, however, because people have varying tastes in entertainment. Cultures around the world have forms of performance including storytelling, music, drama, dance, and other kinds of performance that originated in royal courts and became sophisticated over time and became available to all.

Modern entertainment industries record and sell entertainment products, which accelerates the process. In modern entertainment, an individual can choose a private performance from a large selection of prerecorded products; a banquet for two; a party for any number or size; or even a performance for thousands.

A very strong association has developed between amusement and entertainment, so fun and laughter have become common understandings. Despite this, there are a number of serious purposes behind some entertainments. This could be seen in various kinds of ceremonies, celebrations, religious festivals, or even satire. It may therefore be possible to achieve insight or intellectual growth through what appears to be entertainment.

Adding entertainment to a private leisure activity or recreation is the role of an audience. As an audience member, you may play a passive role, such as watching a play, opera, television show, or film; or you may play an active role, such as playing a game in which the participant/audience roles are routinely reversed. Scripted, formal entertainment such as performances at theatres and concerts; or unscripted and spontaneous, such as children’s games, can take place in public or privately.

There have been many forms of entertainment throughout history, evolving due to changes in culture, technology, and fashion. Stage magic is an example of a form of entertainment that has persisted over the centuries. The stories in films and video games are still told, dramas are presented, and music is still played despite the use of newer media. It is possible to enjoy a number of consecutive days of entertainment at a festival devoted to music, film, or dance.

The public realm has been removed from some activities once viewed as entertaining, for example punishments. Earlier skills such as fencing and archery, now considered serious sports and professions by many, have also developed as entertainment with a broader appeal to a wider audience.

 Similar to this, other necessary skills, such as cooking, have been staged as global competitions, broadcast for entertainment, and even transformed into performances among professionals. An individual or group may view entertainment as work, while another may view it as entertainment.

Entertainment’s familiar forms transcend different media and are capable of being remixed in seemingly endless ways. In this way, many themes, images, and structures have remained relevant and timeless.

However, entertainment can be distinguished from other activities, such as teaching and marketing, despite the fact that they can use the appeal of entertainment to achieve their goals. There are times when entertainment combines both. Entertainment has been recognized as an invaluable and influential influence by scholars, as well as in other fields such as museology, which has benefitted from its increasing sophistication.


There are advantages and disadvantages to entertainment media. There are some forms of media, however, that encourage the divide between American culture and individual values, despite their potential to bring society together.

It is the primary mission of the media, in general, to communicate information to the public. To achieve its mission, media propaganda must do what it takes to continue to discuss or accept a topic. The media affects and prejudges many who are not aware.

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Best topics on Entertainment

1. Themes in “The Good Doctor”

2. 12 Years a Slave Movie Summary: A Tale of Endurance and Injustice

3. “12 Years a Slave” Movie Analysis: Confronting the Horrors of Slavery

4. Comparison of “V for Vendetta” and “1984”

5. A 50 First Dates Psychology: Unlocking the Complexities

6. “300” Movie Summary: Defiance, Valor, and the Battle of Thermopylae

7. “The 13th”: A Summary and Analysis

8. “13 Reasons Why”: A Thoughtful Book Review

9. Navigating the Contours of Music Censorship

10. Why DC is Better Than Marvel: Celebrating DC’s Rich Legacy

11. Why Child Beauty Pageants Should Be Banned: Ethical Considerations

12. The Dark Side of Virtual Realms: Exploring the Negative Effects of Online Games

13. Summary of “The Mask You Live In” Documentary

14. Provoking Reflection: “Do the Right Thing” Film Analysis

15. Marvel vs. DC: Compare and Contrast Analysis of the Two Universes

  • Smoke Signals
  • Bridge to Terabithia

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7.5 Writing Process: Thinking Critically About Entertainment

Learning outcomes.

By the end of this section, you will be able to:

  • Compose a review based on a thesis supported by analysis and evaluation.
  • Demonstrate the steps of the writing process: invention, drafting, revising, and editing.
  • Participate in the collaborative and social aspects of writing processes.
  • Give and act on productive feedback to works in progress.
  • Adapt composing processes for a variety of technologies and modalities.

Throughout this chapter, you have learned about the review genre. You have learned that reviews evaluate a variety of items. In addition to books, films, and TV shows, people look to reviews to buy cars, choose restaurants, hire plumbers, and more. In this section, you will have the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the review genre by composing your own review.

Summary of Assignment: Review of Primary Media Source

Write a review of a specific film, book, TV series, podcast, play, or video game that you think contributes something significant to the genre and to the culture at large. Show how the subject—the primary source—of your review illustrates something compelling or exceptional about a particular idea or theme common to the genre. For example, the CW series Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (2015–2019) is a romantic comedy that eschews and even satirizes traditional romantic comedy tropes such as the “grand gesture,” doing something out of love for someone. Use specific evidence from your primary source to support a central idea, or thesis. In an essay of about 1,200 to 1,500 words, provide an overall judgment about your subject and support it with evidence from the primary source and from secondary sources if applicable. In addition, explore how your specific source has contributed something significant to its genre. In other words, why is this subject interesting, different, or worthy of analysis? Be sure to demonstrate awareness of your source’s cultural and historical context as well. For example, if your review is about a romantic comedy, provide relevant information about the history, conventions, or expectations of that genre. Think about and explain the ways your topic adheres to or breaks from audience expectations.

Another Lens 1. Create a three-to-five-minute podcast review of a specific film , book , TV series, album , podcast, play, or video game. How does the subject of your review illustrate something interesting or unique about a particular idea or theme common to the genre? Integrate specific evidence from the primary source and secondary sources, if applicable, to support a main idea, or thesis.

To record your podcast review, use either a simple recording method, such as the voice memo app on your smartphone, or something more sophisticated, such as Garage Band or iMovie. To become more familiar with this genre of reviewing, listen to one or two of the examples linked above. Note how this genre is somewhat different from an academic essay. For example, the speaker’s voice is more conversational and engages the audience auditorily by stressing particular words or syllables. In your review podcast, take advantage of the opportunity to present a more informal tone than you might use in an academic essay. Podcast hosts are often successful because of their personality and ability to connect with their audience. Draft a script for your review podcast that reflects your personality and use of language, rather than formal language. For example, use contractions, first- or second-person pronouns, and appropriate slang.

Finally, to maximize the effect of your podcast, consider incorporating short clips from the subject of your review. Upload your podcast review to SoundCloud and share your review with the class. For more direction on public speaking, consult Scripting for the Public Forum: Writing to Speak .

Another Lens 2. Instead of a straightforward review of a single primary source, review several sources in the same genre, as Caelia Marshall has done in her essay. Or compare a film to the book on which it is based and evaluate it. Select your sources from films, books, television programs, video games, or any other form of entertainment, focusing your review essay on a single area, such as social context, character development, or screenplay vs. original text. Choose other genre-specific evaluation criteria as well, and address them in your essay, as Marshall does. Use specific evidence from your primary sources and secondary sources, as needed, to support your main idea, or thesis. In other words, why is this source interesting, different, or worthy of analysis?

Quick Launch: Developing Evaluative Criteria

To write an effective review, you need clear and relevant evaluation criteria. To help you establish your review criteria, fill in a table similar to Table 7.3 by following these steps:

  • Write the name of your primary source.
  • In the left-hand column, write the genre category to which your topic belongs (horror, action, biography, etc.).
  • Under the genre, brainstorm as many characteristics of the genre as you can.
  • In the right-hand column, write “Examples.”
  • Brainstorm as much evidence from your primary source as you can think of.
  • Create a second table called “Subgenre.” For example, if your topic is a horror film, some possible subgenres might be “ghost horror,” “monster horror,” or “slasher horror.” Add a colon after Subgenre , and write the subgenre type.
  • Label the left-hand column “Subgenre Elements” and the right-hand column “How to Evaluate.”
  • In the Subgenre Elements column, brainstorm for as many characteristics of the subgenre as you can. You can use some relevant characteristics from step 3, but try to focus on unique characteristics of the subgenre. For example, what makes a horror film about a ghost, such as The Grudge (2020), different from a slasher horror film, such as The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)?
  • In the right-hand column, develop questions to assess characteristics.
  • Select three to five genre characteristics with the most evidence, and focus on them as you look closely at your primary sources. Take notes and gather evidence to support your evaluation.

Evaluation Criteria for The Texas Chainsaw Massacre :

The Killer (Leatherface): How effective is he at scaring the audience? How does he scare the audience (backstory, appearance, weapon, etc.)?

Images/Setting: How do the filmmakers create a creepy setting? How does the setting add to the fear?

The Victims: How do they project fear (screaming, etc.)? How effective or convincing is their fear?

Drafting: Thesis Statement, Analysis, and Supporting Examples

After you have selected a topic and decided on the evaluation criteria, spend some time looking closely at your primary source (the film, TV show, book, etc. you have chosen to review). With these criteria in mind, view/read/listen to your primary source. Take notes on how your selected evaluation criteria apply to your source. When you come across strong and relevant examples, write down vivid, detailed descriptions of the scene and quote applicable dialogue. By looking closely at your primary source and taking notes now, you will have solid and specific examples to illustrate your points later when you draft your review.

Also, while you are looking closely at your primary source, think about the features that appeal to you. Is there a character that is particularly interesting? Do you see an interesting viewpoint on a theme or idea? Is the writing or the use of language interesting, different, or clever? How does it keep your attention or provide something unexpected? The answers to these questions can lead you to your overall evaluation and thesis.

Use a graphic organizer like Table 7.4 to plan your draft. Then, you will use the notes you took earlier to help you brainstorm for the main points that support the thesis and provide specific, concrete evidence.

Planning the Main Points and Body Paragraphs

Your main points should be your topic sentences, expressed as one sentence at the beginning of each paragraph. Preview these main points by adding because to your thesis statement as illustrated below.

  • Because romantic comedies such as Knocked Up (2007) depict their leads as unquestionably “good” people . . .
  • Because Rebecca Bunch is sometimes selfish . . .
  • Because Rebecca Bunch is sometimes promiscuous . . .
  • Because despite these flaws, men still seek her attention . . .
  • Because the audience sees Rebecca as realistic, they root for her . . .

Now complete a graphic organizer like Table 7.5 by adding your main points from your primary source.

As you continue to plan your review, consider these questions: Depending upon your audience, how much background or context should you provide about your topic? Are they likely or unlikely to have knowledge about the topic? Do you need to summarize anything about your primary source? Do you need to provide historical or cultural context? Use the notes you took earlier as your draft your essay. Remember, you can change things! It is up to you to decide how to organize your argument and where to present specific evidence.

Your review will contain both summary/observation (objectivity) and evaluation/analysis (subjectivity). Practice determining whether statements are summary or observation as opposed to evaluation or analysis.

Secondary Source Evidence

Once you form your own opinions, you may want to look for additional sources to support your review. Secondary sources, or sources that contain the opinions and analyses of others, are frequently used in academic writing to help writers support a point or provide background and context. Scholarly, peer-reviewed secondary sources give your review greater credibility because the articles are written by experts in their fields. Use your college library’s databases, or ask a librarian whether your college provides access to journals that publish articles on movies, television, and culture. Most colleges have access to JSTOR, a database search engine focused on the humanities. In addition, the MLA International Bibliography is a common database of journals related to culture. Research Process: Accessing and Recording Information and Annotated Bibliography: Gathering, Evaluating, and Documenting Sources provide more information about finding sources.

Another, less academic, place to look for secondary sources is in Recap . In recent years, recapping has become a popular way to join the conversation about TV shows, with sites such as The AV Club , The Huffington Post , Slate , The Verge , and Vox dedicating staff to summarizing and discussing popular shows. Fans engage with each other and recap writers by commenting on and sharing the articles.

Note, too, that well-known publications, such as The New York Times , review not only movies and TV shows but also products such as those you may have chosen to write your review about. In addition, Consumer Reports is one of the longest-running magazines dedicated to reviewing products of all kinds. Many websites, as well, review video games and consoles.

Drafting the Introduction

The introduction should interest readers in your topic and make them eager to learn more about it. If you were proposing this idea to a company, what would your “elevator pitch” be? What might you say to quickly pique audience interest? You might describe the part that convinced you it was good. You might explain why your audience would find the topic relatable.

Be sure readers know by the end of the introduction what specifically you are reviewing. Provide the title and necessary background/context: when it was made, the medium (film, book, podcast), the genre, and how to find it (Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu). Include your overall evaluation: Did you like it or not, and why overall?

Then present your thesis at the end of your introduction.

student sample text Introduction example. Many people love romantic comedies, but what happens when real life isn’t like the movies? We are conditioned to believe there is one person we are destined to be with. Disney movies, TV shows like The Office , Hallmark Channel Christmas movies, and traditional romantic comedies reinforce the notion that for the believer, true love is right around the corner. But everyone knows the pain of rejection or of pining for a person who doesn’t seem to notice them. The CW series Crazy Ex-Girlfriend shows what it’s like when love is more complicated than what we see in the movies. The show follows Rebecca Bunch, a successful but unhappy—and far from virtuous or admirable—New York lawyer who instantly abandons her life to move to West Covina, California, to pursue Josh Chan, her summer-camp crush from long ago. Rebecca cooks up crazy, desperate schemes to get the attention of the aloof and clueless Josh. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend masterfully taps into our inner crazy ex by making good comedy out of Instagram stalking, relationship sabotage, and infatuation. end student sample text

Now, write your introduction:

General statement: ________

Background or context: ________

Brief summary: ________

Evaluation: ________

Thesis: ________

Drafting the Body

For the body of the review, provide more background and context wherever you think such information is necessary. Because the purpose of this part of the review is to present the main points that support the thesis, be sure to show how these points explain the criteria on which you have based your evaluation. Back up the main points with specific, concrete evidence from your primary source. At this point, return to your early notes and use the descriptions and quotations you gathered. You will likely have collected more evidence as well. Use a graphic organizer like Table 7.6 to create your draft. Main points 1 and 2 should be your topic sentences.

Drafting the Conclusion

For the conclusion, summarize briefly how the criteria you used led you to your evaluation, rephrase or validate your thesis, and make a recommendation.

student sample text Conclusion example. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is a refreshing take on the romantic comedy genre. It elevates comedy by using catchy, original songs to accompany clever dialogue. Though Rebecca is intense and extreme, her situation is relatable, and she comes across as more sympathetic than not, proving that people don’t have to be perfect to be deserving of love. The departures from the romantic comedy playbook leave the audience guessing what will happen next, ensuring the show never feels tired or stale. What comes after the grand gesture and big kiss? That’s a question this show tries to answer, and sooner than you might expect. If you’re looking for a new binge-worthy show, clear your calendar for the next week and give Crazy Ex-Girlfriend a try. end student sample text

Now, write your conclusion.

Brief summary of criteria and evaluation: ________

Restate or validate thesis: ________

Make a recommendation: ________

Peer Review: Conferencing with a Partner

After you finish your draft, receiving feedback from a peer will help you identify the strengths and weaknesses in your review. Because writers sometimes find it hard to review their work from the perspective of their audience, peer feedback will help you see your writing in ways not obvious to you. As a peer reviewer yourself, try to offer suggestions to make the essay more like something you would want to read.

To give and receive the most effective feedback, use the following guidelines:

  • On your own draft, note the areas you are unsure about and where you especially want feedback. It’s a good idea to have specific questions so that your peer can focus on what you think will help you.
  • When you are assigned a peer, read their essay at least once without commenting, just to get a sense of what the essay is about.
  • Read the essay a second time. In the margins, add any comments or reactions to the essay.
  • In what ways are the first few sentences engaging?
  • Would you want to keep reading to learn more? Why or why not?
  • In what ways does the introduction clearly establish what is being reviewed? Does it provide sufficient background information? In what ways does the thesis make a judgment or an evaluation with a reason that leads to the judgment or evaluation?
  • Mark what you think the thesis is. If you find no clear thesis, mark something for the writer to focus on to arrive at a thesis.
  • Jot down one or two prodding, open-ended questions to help the writer develop or revise the thesis.
  • Is enough background provided, either in the introduction or early in the body, to give you a complete sense of what the writer is evaluating?
  • If there is not enough background, jot down a few questions that could be answered with additional background and context.
  • What is the main point of each body paragraph?
  • In what ways do the main points support the thesis (my thesis is true because . . .)?
  • Do the body paragraphs contain specific, concrete details from the primary source to support the main points?
  • If the body needs more specific details, mark places where the writer can add more detail.
  • Does the conclusion clearly tie up the main points?
  • If not, how might the writer revise the conclusion?
  • Although your task is not to edit the essay or mark every error, point out any consistent patterns of grammatical errors.
  • When you have finished, summarize your comments at the end of the review by writing three things on which your peer can focus when revising.

As you work, be detailed and specific in your comments so that your peer can use them to make revisions:

  • What specifically is working or not working?
  • Why is it working or not working?
  • What can the writer do specifically to revise?

If you are having trouble finding something to comment on, remember that you can make comments about what the writer does well. Be sure to explain in detail why you think it’s working. Be sure to consult Evaluation: Effect on Audience as well.

Revising: Maintaining Ownership

When you receive your reviewed essay, look over the comments. Remember that they are merely suggestions; your revisions are ultimately up to you. For example, a sentence fragment, while technically incorrect, could be an effective way to emphasize a point. It is your call to decide whether your use of language is appropriate for your audience and purpose. With that said, however, it’s possible your peer pointed out something you did not notice.

As you revise, keep in mind the following success criteria. Ensure your essay has them:

  • Specific topic : The essay is about a specific TV show, film, book, podcast, video game, or other primary source(s).
  • Interesting lead : You show your audience why this topic interests you and try to capture their attention.
  • Thesis : You present a clear, debatable, and specific thesis about your topic.
  • Body : The body supports the thesis with clear main points. Summary is used effectively to provide background and context.
  • Specific details : You support your main points with relevant and ample details (in the form of quotations, paraphrases, vivid descriptions, etc.) from the primary source or sources as well as secondary sources, if you have used them.
  • Citation : Sources are cited correctly in the text.

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  • Authors: Michelle Bachelor Robinson, Maria Jerskey, featuring Toby Fulwiler
  • Publisher/website: OpenStax
  • Book title: Writing Guide with Handbook
  • Publication date: Dec 21, 2021
  • Location: Houston, Texas
  • Book URL: https://openstax.org/books/writing-guide/pages/1-unit-introduction
  • Section URL: https://openstax.org/books/writing-guide/pages/7-5-writing-process-thinking-critically-about-entertainment

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Free Media & Entertainment Essay: Prompts, Ideas, and Samples

Can you imagine your life without entertainment? No TV, no video games, no opera, or even newspapers. We could say that leisure has become an integral part of our lives. This and other related ideas can be an engaging issue to explore in the paragraphs of an entertainment essay.

What is the best way to define entertainment?

In essence, it is any kind of activity that brings pleasure and delight. It can be a task, an idea, an event, or anything that brings out positive emotions in people. Nowadays, it has become its own industry, with entertainment news, media, and articles becoming more and more widespread.

If you read entertainment articles, topics for your essay won’t be a problem to find. However, we want to broaden your horizons and offer you an even wider selection. Here, our team has gathered the best entertainment essay topics and writing prompts. Also, you can find free samples below. So, get inspired and compose your outstanding entertainment essay.

7 Entertainment Writing Example Prompts

Need to write an entertainment essay but have no idea what to start with? Feeling overwhelmed, confused, or lost? Take a look at our prompts!

See some ideas and entertainment writing examples below:

  • The role of leisure in our lives.

It is a general topic that can cover a wide range of issues. Just create a simple outline to organize all your ideas. Explain why entertainment is vital for numerous people, if not everyone. How did it happen? Develop each argument and back up your opinion with supporting evidence.

  • Modern entertainment vs. entertainment in the past.

Write a comparison and contrast essay on how entertainment has been changing throughout time. Explore the role of technology in the development of the entertainment industry. How do you think leisure activities will look like in 10 years?

  • Sports as entertainment : advantages and disadvantages essay.

Explore the theme of sport as the type of entertainment. Can professional athleticism be considered leisure? What are the benefits of doing sports in your free time? What are some drawbacks?

  • Entertainment and media in modern days.

Investigate the role of social media in modern society. Compare and contrast different social media networks. For example, consider TikTok vs. Instagram, Twitter vs. Facebook, etc. Also, you can discuss the issue of social media addiction.

  • Can entertainment bring money?

How do you think, when a hobby turns into a job, can it be considered entertainment? Can you receive the same pleasure from your hobby when it’s your source of income? In your opinion, is it good when a hobby becomes your job?

  • What brings me pleasure and inspiration.

Tell your readers about your hobby. Using descriptive writing techniques, convey your feelings and emotions in words. Why do you like this activity? Does it bring you pleasure, inspiration, help you relax? Write a memorable introduction and a powerful conclusion to make your essay more impressive.

  • Why does quality family entertainment play an essential role in creating a positive environment at home?

Investigate the importance of having common hobbies. How can leisure and entertainment strengthen familial bonds? Offer some tips on how to find common hobbies for all the family members.

19 Media & Entertainment Essay Topics

In this section, we’ve gathered the most effective entertainment essay topics to write about. For more ideas, you can try our title generator .

Try to discuss the following topics:

  • Zoos should be banned because animals used for entertainment suffer a lot.
  • Video games as a kind of entertainment: pros and cons.
  • Violence on television and its impact on children.
  • The influence of music on people’s mental health.
  • Online entertainment vs. regular activities: is a virtual world more interesting than the real world?
  • The most appropriate entertaining activities for students.
  • Censorship in reality TV shows.
  • Art and entertainment: how to take maximum advantage from visiting art galleries?
  • Should entertainment for children carry out a value?
  • Reading is the best free time activity: your favorite book, its summary, and analysis.
  • The role of the Internet in the development of the entertainment industry.
  • Can shopping be considered a form of entertainment?
  • The significance of parents’ control over children’s leisure time.
  • How to make entertainment meaningful?
  • Gambling as an addictive form of entertainment and how to overcome this addiction.
  • How do TV series form our personalities?
  • The most unusual entertainments in the 21st century.
  • Extreme sports: are emotions worth the danger?
  • The control of news and information flow on social media: do we have freedom of speech?

Thank you for reading our article! We hope that our prompts and ideas were useful. Check the entertainment essay example below, and good luck with your assignment.

3359 Best Essay Examples on Entertainment & Media

How does media influence culture and society.

  • Subjects: Media and Society
  • Words: 1683

Facebook Should Be Banned Essay (Privacy Invasion, Social Effects, etc.)

  • Subjects: Advertising

How Do Celebrities Influence Society? Celebrity Culture Positive Effects

  • Subjects: Pop Culture
  • Words: 1734

The Impact of Media on Society

Should video games be considered a sport.

  • Subjects: Games
  • Words: 1477

Analyzing the Political Cartoon “School Begins”

  • Subjects: Cartoons

The Corporation Documentary Essay: Reflection Paper on the 2003 Movie

  • Subjects: Documentaries

“The Corporation” a Film by Mark Achbar, Jennifer Abbott and Joel Bakan

Positive & negative effects of social media on teens.

  • Subjects: Media Influences
  • Words: 1415

Role of Media in Society

  • Words: 2586

Role of ICT in Communication Essay

  • Subjects: Journalism
  • Words: 1962

Social Media and Interpersonal Relationships

  • Subjects: Social Media Issues

The Influence of Media Advertising on Teenagers – Essay

  • Subjects: Advertising Effect
  • Words: 4440

Role of Advertising in Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly Advertising

Addiction to online gaming: a review of literature.

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Event Planning and Implementation: Wedding

  • Subjects: Events
  • Words: 1620

Traditional Media vs. New Media

  • Words: 1393

Facebook Should Be Banned

  • Words: 3209

Facebook Essay

Is watching tv bad or good.

  • Subjects: TV

“Wit” by Margaret Edson: Ethical and Legal Issues

  • Subjects: Movies
  • Words: 3379

McDonald’s Company: Bandwagon Technique

Mother india: a representation of the whole country, “it’s okay to not be okay”: psychological analysis of main characters.

  • Words: 1421

Celebrity Culture Is Harmful to Society

  • Words: 1001

Social Media and Globalization: Positive and Negative Effects Essay

  • Words: 3161

Advantage and Disadvantage of Facebook

  • Words: 1373

The Effects of Advertisement for Children

Internet journalism: the impact of new media.

  • Subjects: World News
  • Words: 2442

Movie Grave of the Fireflies

Attend a cultural event: different ethnic communities’ identities, freedom of speech in social media essay.

  • Words: 1799

A Beautiful Mind

The medium is the message essay.

  • Words: 2511

Is It Fair to Cover Famous People’s Private Lives in Mass Media?

  • Words: 1397

Social Media: Negative and Positive Impacts

Will tv succumb to the internet, the effects of mass media glorifying crime and criminal lifestyle.

  • Words: 4854

Aladdin as the Contemporary Example of Orientalism

  • Words: 1100

The Advantages and disadvantages of Using Celebrities in Advertisements

  • Subjects: Theories of Advertising
  • Words: 1775

Analysis of the Movie “Wit”

  • Words: 1190

“Frozen 2”: Concept and Plot Analysis

Successful interview skills, effects of advertising on people.

  • Words: 1726

“Shakespeare in Love”: Movie Analysis

Role of gender in “mulan” by walt disney.

  • Words: 1702

Festivals and Their Importance for Modern Culture

  • Words: 2238

Film “In the Mood for Love” (“Corridor Glance”)

  • Words: 1608

Crest Toothpaste Advertisement’s Rhetorical Analysis

  • Words: 1201

The History of Print Media and Its Competition With the Internet

  • Words: 2779

How Social Media Harms Children

Smartest guys in the room.

  • Words: 1969

Wedding planning project

  • Words: 4267

Media Role in Social Construction of Reality

  • Words: 9799

A Rhetorical Analysis: “Chevy Commercial 2014”

  • Words: 1495

Mental Retardation in the Movie “Forrest Gump”

  • Words: 1345

“Watching TV Makes You Smarter” by Steven Johnson

  • Words: 1934

Arts and Crafts Festival Event

Themes in ava duvernay’s “13th”.

  • Words: 1181

Coca-Cola: Advertisement Critique

  • Words: 1930

Beth Harmon Character Analysis in the Queens Gambit

  • Words: 1169

Rhetorical Analysis of an Image

Importance of investigative journalism in today’s world.

  • Words: 2513

The Resistance of Batman and Joker as a Moral Dilemma

Essay on media ethics and principles of media companies.

  • Subjects: Mass Media Advertising
  • Words: 1240

A Semiotic Analysis of an Advertisement

Subway surfer and temple run mobile games.

  • Words: 1408

The Effect of Social Media on Today’s Youth

  • Words: 2165

Lessons Learnt from the “3 Idiots” Movie

Causes of the popularity of tom & jerry.

  • Words: 1082

Forrest Gump by Robert Zemeckis

  • Words: 1229

My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002) Cultural Analysis

Audience in media essay.

  • Words: 1855

“Pather Panchali” by Satyajit Ray

Sources of information: impact on public.

  • Words: 2735

“Sicko” a Documentary by Michael Moore

Water advertisement, people’s responsibility in the social media world and its effects on the reputation.

  • Words: 1426

Movies as a Medium of Mass Communication

Social media and democracy, celebrity culture and its influence on society, social media replacing traditional journalism.

  • Words: 2390

“Factory City: EUPA”: How the Documentary Can Be Helpful

Cinematic techniques in tarantino’s “pulp fiction”, lessons from “the pursuit of happyness” movie, role of the media in informing the public.

  • Words: 3054

Horror Movies’ Negative Effects on Children’s Health

  • Words: 2191

Sexual Imagery in Advertising

  • Words: 2885

Social Media Impacts in the “Cyberbully” Film

  • Words: 1179

Structuralism and Post-Structuralism in Media

The role of advertising in our daily life.

  • Words: 1580

Coca-Cola Company’s Advertising Effectiveness

The unsung hero commercial analysis, ramadan celebration: the religious festival, media convergence with film and cinema.

  • Words: 1212

PepsiCo Inc.’s Kendall Jenner Advertisement

  • Words: 2212

Television Effects on Society

  • Words: 1123

“Battle of the Brains: The Case for Multiple Intelligences” by BBCW

Summary of “we were soldiers” movie.

  • Words: 1379

“Brain on Fire”: Movie Analysis

  • Words: 1405

“The Internship” by Shawn Levy

  • Words: 1710

Media Portrayal of Youth in Australia

  • Words: 1989

Sociological Perspectives on the Mass Media

  • Words: 1765

The Film “Salud!” and the Cuban Healthcare System

The century of the self: video summary, radio and information, technology and society.

  • Words: 3683

Analysis of the Magazine Cover

  • Words: 1064

Aladdin’s Philosophical Concept

Analysis the movie “thirteen” by catherine hardwicke, analysis of coca-cola’s advertisement image.

  • Words: 1115

Print and Broadcast Computer Advertisements

  • Words: 1538

“The American Factory”: Plot and Issues Portrayed

  • Words: 1069

Violence in Movies and Its Effects

The documentary “age 7 in america” by phil joanou, waterfall vs. agile: game development, twitter and instagram advantages and disadvantages.

  • Subjects: Social Media Networks
  • Words: 1515

Advertising Analysis: Real Beauty Sketches by Dove

  • Words: 1424

Facebook’s Negative and Positive Effects on Children

  • Words: 1207

“Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema” by Laura Mulvey

  • Words: 1648

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  • Entertainment

Essays on Entertainment

As you go about writing your entertainment essay, remember that people were after “bread and circuses” since the 1st century CE. There is no surprise that the entertainment industry has been on the rise ever since, captivating people's attention with cinema, theatre, music, and other ways to spice up the routine. Many entertainment essays nowadays feature more contemporary forms of entertainment – TV shows, YouTube videos, podcasts, live streams, etc. Writing good essays on entertainment is not easy, as this topic provides an extra requirement for your work – entertainment essay should be not just informative, but also fun to read. We prepared some entertainment essay samples you can draw inspiration from. Our best samples of essays on entertainment are presented below for your viewing pleasure!

This research will explore feminism and Porngraphy, looking at how porn links to feminist politics and thus, shows gender equality. The study will explore the sociological context of pornography and how various feminist theories interlink. The study aims to analyse pornography as something which is created and interpreted within the...

Words: 1624

This research aims to do an in-depth analysis of the role of the impact of social media on a product's promotional activities (Wood, 2012). It seeks to analyze how the social interaction of the various consumers through social media platforms can be taken advantage of to boost the sales of...

There is a phenomenal success of social media regarding adoption and usage levels. They cause standard swing: for instance, how they segment ideas, how brands have involved with them, goods and businesses, and even how persons connect and connect with each other. Furthermore, significant customer knowledge is developed by social...

Words: 4369

Concerns Over Aggressiveness of American Teenagers Playing Violent Video Games There have been significant concerns among the Americans over the aggressiveness of the American teenagers who indulge in playing violent video games because they tend to imitate or engage in the violent activities they observe during the gameplay. An APA Taskforce...

Words: 1354

The utilization of social networks is an essential tool that helps businesses to reach thousands of customers across the globe. The dissemination of system developments, at the natural level, which incorporates institutional and administrative elements, is profoundly mind-boggling and has ignored the role of Social Media. The paper points, through...

Words: 5001

The topic was selected on the basis of relevance. Online social networks such as Facebook and Twitter are already popular with many individuals due to their ability to help people build connections based on common interests. The researcher is also working in the Beauty industry. By conducting research on current...

Words: 2574

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The study is a critical analysis of how online gaming has changed the perspectives of the community, especially in the case of e-sports. The researcher used questionnaires, observations, and focus groups to harness information from 40 respondents majorly drawn from classmates and friends. Collecting information was based on a face-to-face...

Words: 4625

The society regards women differently from their male counterparts. Even on social media platforms, the images the two gender members post differ significantly. Evidently, a woman appears as a lesser human as compared to their male counterparts. Perhaps we could blame this tendency on the conventional patriarchal society we live....

Words: 3968

The social media platform acts as a frontline in marketing goods and services in the business firms. Business industries can now access resources that were unavailable building worthiness and creating strategic relationships between the customers and suppliers through interaction. Understanding the social media is a rising necessity for business owners...

Words: 4115

The research study of the most common factors affecting popular contemporary vocalist in maintaining a healthy voice and delivering successful live performances Dissertation Question Is it possible to discern the most detrimental extra-musical factors that affect contemporary vocalist and if so is the extent of their detriment be gauged in a live...

The music industry has been faced with numerous challenges. However, the revenue from music shows, social events, clubs as well as gatherings has improved both the economic status of the United Kingdom, the artists as well as the music industry at large. The thesis for this paper, therefore, will try...

Words: 4922

The modern world is technologically driven, and social network sites have since become avenues for businesspeople to extend their marketing crusades to an array of clients. Chi (2011, 46) characterizes social media marketing as a “link between clients and brands while giving not only a personal channel but also currency...

Words: 3935

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Entertainment essay

One of the most frustrating things for any college student is academic writing. In fact, there are those who get overwhelmed with assignments, choosing to terminate their studies in their entirety. While assignments can be challenging, particularly for those who choose to combine work and studies, you can learn to complete them on time. If you have been asked to write an essay on entertainment but you don’t know how to start, read this article. Here, we consider useful insights on how to create exceptional assignments that will impress your professor.

Read and Understand the Requirements

Professors issue essay prompts for a reason — to guide students and make sure that all learning outcomes are covered. It is, therefore, not possible to get a good grade without understanding what is expected. The first step to consider when it comes to creating an impressive entertainment essay is reading and understanding the prompt. What does your instructor expect from the task? Is the essay argumentative, persuasive, or descriptive?

Once you know what is expected in terms of content, wordcount, formatting, and citations, you are ready to start working on the task. If the project seems too complicated, consider hiring professionals to deliver custom essay writing service UK .

Choose a Good Topic for Your Essay

The topic you choose for your essay will determine the success of your project. Approach the process of choosing topics methodically, considering the interests of your audience as well as the instructions for the task. Strive for relevance and clarity, making sure that your paper will answer the research questions given by your professor. Also, choose to write about something that you already find interesting. Remember, you may have to work on the paper for a while. Choosing a topic that appeals to you will make the research and writing processes more interesting.

Brainstorm for Ideas

write an essay about entertainment

Wondering how to get started on your essay? Brainstorming is a process that combines a relaxed and informal approach to problem-solving with imaginative thinking . Now that you have understood what your professor expects and have identified an ideal topic, note down everything you already know on the subject. Come up with ideas, even when they seem crazy at first. You can then sift through your notes, choosing the best ideas for your essay. Some of the ideas will be transformed into creative solutions for your research project, while others will lead to more critical thinking and research.

Create an Interesting Thesis Statement

The thesis statement is an important element of the academic essay writing process. It summarizes your main ideas, showing the audience what your paper is about. Presented as a sentence or two at the end of an introduction, thesis statements should be concise, arguable, and interesting. Use this aspect of your paper to summarize your paper and introduce your points. Of course, at this stage of the project, you will only need a working thesis to guide the research process. It can be finetuned as you gather more data and encounter various perspectives in your research.

Create an Outline

To help with speeding up the research and writing processes, consider creating an outline . Outlining serves the same purpose for a writer as a recipe does for a chef. It is used for reference, guiding the process of data collection and making sure that you don’t digress when creating a draft. With a clear outline, you will not miss any important points.

Research Widely

Academic essays require the use of evidence, examples, and theories to support arguments. You want your essay to present believable arguments, and this may mean consulting studies done by authorities in your field. As you conduct your research, use keywords to find the most relevant sources from electronic databases. Also, consult a variety of sources, combining information from journal articles with evidence from books, government publications, and newspaper articles. Take notes as you research, making sure that you record information that will help with citations.

Start Working on Your Draft

If you have followed the steps outlined in the prewriting phase, the process of creating your initial draft should be simple and fast. Start by organizing the information from your research, using the outline to create main sections and supporting arguments. After that, you can start working on the paper, using transitions between paragraphs. Remember, every paragraph in your essay should contain only one main idea. Also, make sure to cite all the sources you consult as you write your paper.

Here, we have looked at a few steps to follow if you want to create exceptional entertainment essays. Don’t forget to proofread and edit your work. Keep working on your writing skills.

How to Write an Entertainment Research Paper

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A list of great argumentative essay topics on entertainment.

A lot can be said about the entertainment industry. Over the years as a matter of fact this is one of the industries that have undergone lots of changes to get where it is today. There are a lot of aspects to entertainment that can make up a very good argumentative essay for you. What you need to do is to select a good point of view and use that to present your paper just the way you want it to be done. When you come to think about it, entertainment is all over the place. The following are some of the ideas that you can present which will help you deliver a really good argumentative piece:

  • Beauty pageants are an unethical part of the society, and we should get rid of them altogether for misleading young girls into fallacies
  • They say sex sells. With respect to this industry, how much skin is too much for the screen?
  • Discuss some of the advancements that have taken place in the industry over the past decade
  • What notable positive influence do the celebrities in the entertainment industry have on their followers?
  • Can an individual ever be modest after tasting the fame and glory that comes with this industry?
  • Discuss any 5 charities that are run by notable members of the elite in this industry, and showcase how they have helped a lot of destitute people turn their lives around
  • Discuss how television can be considered mindless entertainment
  • Can TV really be considered an educational tool or just an entertainment portal that serves no educational value
  • Discuss the plight of Muslim women in the entertainment industry and how they cope with the pressures
  • Discuss how Japan reinvented itself from their loss in World War II and rebuilt their entertainment industry
  • Discuss the standards that have since been set with regard to beauty in the entertainment industry and the impact that this has on the young generation
  • Discuss how the digital entertainment industry has been advancing over the years
  • Recently 4K UHD TVs were introduced into the entertainment industry. Explain the benefits of using some of the latest devices like these ones over their immediate predecessors such as the LED TV, or is it just a waste of money, paying too much for something that might become outdated and obsolete in a matter of years?

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Entertainment in Our Modern World

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Published: Mar 14, 2019

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How to Write Entertainment Articles

Entertainment is a very broad term. The "entertainment industry" usually refers to celebrities, music, movies and television. Entertainment can also mean video games, DVDs, books and other pastimes that amuse us and keep us occupied. In order to write a good entertainment article or review, research the topic fully to provide factual information about your subject.

Review Your Favorite Book, Movie or Video Game

Become intimately familiar with the sources of entertainment about which you plan to write. This could include reading a book, watching a movie or playing a video game several times until you know the plot points inside out.

Take notes on the item you are reviewing while you are using it, so you do not forget certain details before you write your review. This can include the appropriate age group for the material, the quality of graphics on a video game and the type of extra features included on a DVD.

Write a brief summary of the basic storyline so that readers will be intrigued with the book, game or movie and want to experience it themselves. Avoid giving away surprise endings.

Tell the readers why you think certain sections of the material were good and why other areas did not work. Use language that supports your position, such as "the actress did not bring enough emotion to the role," rather than "I hate this actress."

Research previous works by the same author, director or creator. Draw comparisons to the current work to give the reader a feeling for how the material you are reviewing fits into a larger scheme. Many readers of book reviews, for example, like to see how a new book compares to the author's previous titles.

Be consistent with your formatting of punctuation. Find out if the publication you write articles for prefers a particular format.

Write About Your Favorite Celebrity

Gain access to an interview with the celebrity you want to write about. Unless you are already an established entertainment writer, this is very difficult to do. Personal interviews are a key factor in securing factual information about a person in the entertainment world.

Research biographical information about your entertainment personality's life. Many well-known entertainers have had their biographies published. Information obtained from authorized biographies is more likely to be accurate than that from unauthorized accounts.

Watch the subject of your entertainment article on television talk shows, especially if she is promoting an upcoming movie. This is a good source for information if you cannot conduct a personal interview.

Determine what angle you are going to use for your article. Like feature articles, entertainment pieces need to have a narrow focus. Write about a humanitarian issue you know the celebrity is involved in, for instance, and how he is helping the cause.

Use the notes you have gathered to form an outline for your article. Outlining a large task helps make it seem smaller and easier to handle.

Write out a rough draft of your article, knowing that you can edit it later. Concern yourself with getting the facts down on paper and worry about fixing typos and smoothing transitions later.

Proofread, check your facts and correct any mistakes in your writing as you prepare the final draft of your entertainment article.

  • Be very careful about making accusations or implications about a celebrity's behavior or intentions in entertainment articles. Libel, defined as the defamation of character in a printed source, is a serious offense that can lead to legal action taken against you.

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Student Essays


Essay on Entertainment [ Concept, Benefits, Stay Positive ]

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This essay on Entertainment talks about Entertainment, Meaning and Concept, Benefits of Entertainment for a Healthy Life, How to avoid stress and stay entertained always. This essay is written in simple English and in easy to understand words for children and students.

List of Topics

Essay on Entertainment | Concept, Benefits & Staying Positive

Joy, fun and entertainment are the three words that come to our mind when we think about entertainment. It is an activity that helps us forget our worries, relax and enjoy our free time. Entertainment can be anything that gives us pleasure and makes us happy. It can be watching a movie, reading a book, playing a sport or listening to music.

The Entertainment: Meaning & Concept

Entertainment is a form of activity that holds the attention and interest of an audience, or gives pleasure and delight. It can be an idea or a task, but is more likely to be one of the activities or events that have developed over thousands of years specifically for the purpose of keeping an audience’s attention. Although people’s attention is held by different things, because individuals have different preferences in entertainment, most forms are recognisable and common in society.

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Most forms of entertainment have persisted over many centuries, evolving due to changes in culture, technology, and fashion. Film, television, and video games, for example, although they use newer media, continue to tell stories, present drama, and play music. Festivals devoted to music, film, or dance allow audiences to be entertained over a period of time.

Some activities that were once considered entertaining, particularly public executions, have been removed from the public arena. Others, such as fencing or archery, once necessary skills for some, have become serious sports and even professions for the participants, at the same time developing into entertainment with wider appeal for bigger audiences.

In the same way, other necessary skills, such as cooking, have developed into performances among professionals, staged as global competitions and then become entertainment open to amateurs. What is entertaining about watching someone else cook on a television show?

The concept of entertainment is relatively new. In olden times, people did not have the same leisure time or money to spend on entertainment. Even today, in many parts of the world, people do not have access to the same level of entertainment.

The benefits of entertainment

Entertainment is beneficial for a number of reasons. It helps to release stress and tension, it can be used as a form of relaxation, and it can also help to improve our mood and emotional state. Additionally, entertainment can provide us with a much-needed break from the mundane tasks of daily life, potentially helping to increase our overall levels of productivity.

In order to get the most out of our leisure time, it is important to choose activities that are suited to our individual needs and interests. For some people, this may mean spending time with friends and family, participating in sports or other physical activities, or engaging in creative pursuits such as painting or writing. Others may prefer to spend their free time alone, pursuing more introspective activities such as reading or meditation.

Whatever our individual preferences, the important thing is that we make time for activities that bring us joy and help us to relax. When used in this way, entertainment can be a powerful tool for achieving a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Avoiding Stress & Staying Entertained Always

There are a number of ways to avoid stress and stay entertained. One way is to make sure that you schedule in time for relaxation and fun activities every day. This may mean setting aside an hour or two each day to watch your favorite television show, take a walk in the park, or read a good book.

It is also important to find ways to enjoy the company of others. Spending time with friends and loved ones can help to reduce stress levels and improve our mood. If you find yourself feeling isolated or lonely, consider joining a club or group that meets regularly to pursue a shared activity or interest.

Finally, it is important to be mindful of our physical health and make sure that we are getting enough exercise and rest. When our bodies are healthy, we are better able to cope with stress and anxiety.

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Entertainment is important for our overall well-being. It can help to reduce stress, improve our mood, and provide us with a much-needed break from the everyday grind. In order to get the most out of our leisure time, it is important to choose activities that are suited to our individual needs and interests.

Essay on Entertainment

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How to Write a Quality Entertainment Essay: A Comprehensive Guide

Rose Tillerson Bankson

An entertainment essay is a written piece that explores topics related to movies, music, television shows, video games, and more. Writing a quality entertainment essay requires a unique combination of creativity and academic rigor, as it must both entertain and inform the reader. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the key elements required to write a quality entertainment essay, from understanding the audience to balancing entertainment value with academic integrity.

Writing a quality essay is not an easy task. It requires a deep understanding of the target audience, a well-researched and informative topic, creative and engaging language, proper structure, supporting evidence, avoidance of plagiarism, and revision and editing. In this article, domyessay will provides a comprehensive guide that covers all the necessary elements required to write a quality entertainment essay.

Understanding the Audience

The target audience is a key consideration when writing an entertainment essay. Understanding their interests, age range, and cultural background can help tailor the essay to their preferences. It is essential to research and analyze what your audience is looking for in an essay.

Choosing an Interesting and Informative Topic

A topic that is both interesting and informative is crucial for a quality essay on entertainment. A unique angle on a common topic, up-to-date information, and relevance to the audience are some of the aspects to consider when choosing a topic. The topic should be well researched and provide the reader with valuable information and entertainment.

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A comprehensive guide to obtaining a dual diploma in high school, how modern private schools are embracing technology in the classroom, the importance of professional translation services in a globalized world, using creative and engaging language.

Creative and engaging language is necessary for making this type of essay stand out. The use of descriptive language to paint a vivid picture, varying sentence structure to create flow and rhythm, and the use of humor or anecdotes to add entertainment value are some of the essential aspects to consider.

Structuring the Essay

The structure of an entertainment essay is critical to its success. The essay should have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. A hook, background information, and a thesis statement are necessary for the introduction. The body should consist of subtopics supported by evidence and analysis, while the conclusion should restate the thesis, summarize the main points, and provide a final thought.

Providing Evidence and Examples

Providing supporting evidence and examples is crucial for a quality entertainment essay. Credible sources, statistics or data, and specific examples to illustrate points are essential for backing up arguments and providing value to the reader.

Avoiding Plagiarism and Citing Sources

Avoiding plagiarism and citing sources is vital for maintaining academic integrity and credibility. It is essential to understand plagiarism and its consequences and properly cite sources. Using a plagiarism checker can help ensure originality.

Revising and Editing the Essay

Revising and editing an entertainment essay is necessary to ensure clarity and coherence. Eliminating redundancies or inconsistencies, correcting grammatical and spelling errors, and polishing language are some of the essential aspects to consider.

Incorporating Multimedia Elements

Multimedia elements such as images or videos can enhance an entertainment essay. It is essential to ensure that they are relevant and add value to the essay. Proper citation of multimedia sources is necessary.

Seeking Feedback and Incorporating Criticism

Sharing the essay with peers or professors and incorporating constructive criticism is necessary to improve the quality of the essay. Revision based on feedback can help make the essay more informative and entertaining.

Balancing Entertainment Value and Academic Rigor

Maintaining a balance between entertainment value and academic rigor is necessary for a quality entertainment essay. The essay should be entertaining while also informative, and academic integrity should not be compromised.

In conclusion, writing a quality entertainment essay requires a range of skills and techniques, including understanding the target audience, choosing an interesting and informative topic, using creative and engaging language , providing evidence and examples, avoiding plagiarism, revising and editing, incorporating multimedia elements, seeking feedback, and balancing entertainment value and academic rigor. By following the steps outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can craft an essay that is both entertaining and informative, engaging the reader while also providing valuable insights and analysis. Remember, a quality entertainment essay is a combination of art and science, and with practice and dedication, you can master this unique and rewarding form of writing.

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Best Compare and Contrast Essay Examples

Essay on entertainment.

766 words | 3 page(s)

In this modern era, there are many ways a person can be entertained including simple ways like reading a book to more complicated ways like video games. People can also watch various forms of visual media like television shows or movies. Technology has given us the ability to do all these things on mobile devices as well, like Kindle readers, playing games or streaming video on your phone, or streaming video on your laptop. You can also still actually pick up a physical book or go to the movie theater and be entertained those ways. From all these choices, you can pick and choose. Let’s say you’re trying to decide between reading a book, like Harry Potter & the Sorcerer’s Stone, and watching the movie adaptation of the book. Which do you choose? Which one is better? Books are better, when you compare them to movies.

The first reason that books are better than movies is that they stimulate your mind and imagination. As you read the book, you begin to image what the characters and setting look like, what the characters might sound like, and what different places might be like. You create a picture in your mind, putting your creativity to work. If there’s a mystery or a problem in the story – like trying to figure out about the Mirror of Erised, or what’s going on between Quirrel and Snape – your brain goes to work paying attention to details that might help you solve the mystery. The movie, on the other hand, does a lot of that creative work for you. You see the characters and how they look and sound; you see what and hear what Hermione, Ron, and Harry are like. You see the setting and what different places are like, like Platform 9 ¾ or Diagon Alley. Because it’s already presented to you visually and audibly, you don’t have to as much. You may still be challenged to solve the mystery, but that’s about it.

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Another reason that books are better than movies is that you can physically interact with books, both physically and electronically. You can underline or highlight favorite parts or quotations in books and revisit those parts again and again; you can even do that with ebooks, as most e-readers have those abilities, too. Rewinding a DVD over and over again doesn’t really have the same effect. Also, you can make notes and write in the margins of books. Whenever Dumbledore says something really wise and meaningful to Harry, I underline it. If I think I’ve found a clue to the mystery, I might make a note of it in the margin, to see if I was right later when the mystery is solved in the story. You can’t do that with a movie, unless you keep a journal and make notes about the movie in a journal which, again, doesn’t have the same effect as it does in a book.

Another thing about books that’s better than movies is that print books are simple and truly portable. Sure, you can watch a movie on your phone, but in a lot of cases, you have to have access to wifi, and your phone’s battery will die. You can watch DVDs on most laptops, so the Internet connection isn’t such a big deal, but again: the battery will die. Books don’t have to be charged and don’t have to have wifi. As long as you have enough light to see, you can read a book. Also, phones and laptops and other mobile devices can crash, lose data, and otherwise malfunction. Books don’t crash, lose data, or otherwise malfunction. Your print book isn’t going to get a virus or have corrupted files. It’s also much easier to skip parts or save your place in a book than it is on video.

Ultimately, these reasons for books being better than movies have to do with them being tangible. You watch a movie, and that’s it; that’s the experience. But when you read a book, especially when you’re reading a print book, there’s so much more interaction. Watching a movie is more passive and static, while reading a book is more active and dynamic. Reading a book stimulates your mind, while movies do a lot of the mental work for you. You can physically interact with books. They are truly portable and simple; though movies can be, too, it can get complicated. To me, these reasons make books better than movies.

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Student Opinion

Is True Crime As a Form of Entertainment Ethical?

A writer and activist says the genre can be harmful to victims and their families. What do you think?

An illustration of a woman’s profile in silhouette, containing a framed portrait of a faceless woman, with hands reaching for the portrait.

By Natalie Proulx

True crime entertainment seems to be everywhere these days. Are you a fan? Do you listen to podcasts, read books, or watch documentaries, TV shows and movies that tell the stories of real-life victims and perpetrators?

If so, have you ever wrestled with whether your consumption of this content is ethical?

In “ My Sister Was Murdered 30 Years Ago. True Crime Repackages Our Pain as Entertainment ,” Annie Nichol, a writer and activist, says the genre can be harmful to victims and their families:

In the 1990s you would have been hard-pressed to find someone who didn’t know the name of my sister Polly Klaas. I was 6 years old when a stranger abducted 12-year-old Polly from our bedroom on the evening of Oct. 1, 1993. Her face quickly became a fixture on nightly news, her name featured prominently in headlines alongside fearmongering about crime rates. News crews broadcast from our living room and remained camped in front of our house during the two-month search before her body was found. Though the media frenzy should have ended there, it only intensified, fueling a political climate primed for reactionary reprisal. Polly’s kidnapping from our middle-class, white, suburban community triggered a national outcry for punishment and retribution. In the next few years, true crime began to morph into the media obsession it is today. Last year, The Hollywood Reporter alerted its readers to “30 True-Crime Series to Binge Right Now.” As I write this, nearly half of Apple’s top 20 podcasts in the United States are devoted to true crime, and the internet is saturated with recommendations for the best new true crime books to read. One might argue that this genre honors victims and those who solved or sought to solve the cases. However, as a survivor whose tragedy continues to be exploited by creators of true crime stories, I know the personal pain of this appropriation, as well as how coverage of these high-profile cases can contribute to broader injustices. The exploitation of victims’ stories often carries a steep cost for their families as their tragedies are commodified and their privacy repeatedly violated for mass consumption. In 2022, for instance, the release of “Dahmer — Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story” on Netflix caused profound distress among many family members of Dahmer’s victims, who felt that the show was profiting from their pain, misrepresenting actual events and retraumatizing those who had lived through the horror of Dahmer’s crimes. On top of those harms, the stories that don’t fit with true crime’s cultural emphasis on white female victimhood too often go untold.

Students, read the entire article and then tell us:

What is your reaction to Ms. Nichol’s essay? What in it surprised, moved or resonated with you most?

Does her story make you think any differently about your own consumption of true crime? Why or why not?

What do you think explains the media obsession with true crime?

What, in your opinion, are the biggest issues with true crime as a genre?

What good, if any, do you think can come from true crime entertainment? Can you think of any examples?

When you weigh the positives with the negatives, do you think true crime as entertainment — whether books, documentaries, movies, TV shows or podcasts — is ethical? Do you think it’s possible for people to create and consume true crime content in a responsible way? If so, how? If not, why not?

Students 13 and older in the United States and Britain, and 16 and older elsewhere, are invited to comment. All comments are moderated by the Learning Network staff, but please keep in mind that once your comment is accepted, it will be made public and may appear in print.

Find more Student Opinion questions here. Teachers, check out this guide to learn how you can incorporate these prompts into your classroom.

Natalie Proulx joined The Learning Network as a staff editor in 2017 after working as an English language arts teacher and curriculum writer. More about Natalie Proulx


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