
7th Grade Worksheets

Solving Crimes Word Prompts

Solving Crimes

Smart Phone Prompts

Smartphones And Their Impact

School Writing Prompts

School Life

7th Grade Writing Prompt #1

If I Could Change…

7th Grade Writing Prompt #2

A Subject To Learn

7th Grade Writing Prompt #3

Compare And Contrast

7th Grade Writing Prompt #4

Thank You Letter

7th Grade Writing Prompt #6

Just One Food

7th Grade Writing Prompt #7

No More Uniforms

7th Grade Writing Prompt #8

My Favorite Food

7th Grade Writing Prompt #9

Social Media

7th Grade Writing Prompt #10

Meaning Of Friendship

7th Grade Writing Prompt #11

Growth Mindset

7th Grade Writing Prompt #12

Honesty Or Responsibility

7th Grade Writing Prompt #13

Alien Interaction

7th Grade Writing Prompt #14

Value Of Sports

7th Grade Writing Prompt #15

Middle School Blues

All about these 15 worksheets.

These worksheets typically contain a variety of writing prompts that encourage students to think critically, express their thoughts, and practice different writing styles.

Here are some common features and examples of 7th grade writing prompt worksheets:

Prompts – Worksheets include a series of writing prompts, which can be in the form of questions, statements, or scenarios. Prompts may cover various genres such as narrative, expository, persuasive, or descriptive writing.

Example – “Describe a place you have visited that had a significant impact on you. Explain why this place was meaningful and how it affected you.”

Instructions – Worksheets provide clear instructions on how to approach the writing task. They may include guidelines on organization, structure, and language usage.

Example – “Write a persuasive essay expressing your opinion on whether students should be required to wear school uniforms. Use at least three strong arguments to support your viewpoint. Remember to include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.”

Word limits – Some worksheets may specify a word limit for the writing assignment, helping students practice concise and focused writing.

Example – “Write a short story in which a character discovers a magical object. Your story should be between 300 and 500 words.”

Graphic organizers – Worksheets may include graphic organizers or planning templates to assist students in organizing their ideas before writing. These can include story maps, outlines, or concept maps.

Example – A graphic organizer with sections for introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion to help students structure their persuasive essay effectively.

Revision and editing tasks – Some worksheets may include exercises for revising and editing written work. These activities aim to improve grammar, spelling, punctuation, and overall writing quality.

Example – “Read the paragraph below and identify any errors in grammar or punctuation. Rewrite the paragraph with the corrections.”

7th grade writing prompt worksheets are valuable tools for teachers and students to enhance writing skills, explore different writing styles, and develop critical thinking abilities. They provide structured practice opportunities and help students build confidence in expressing their thoughts through writing.

How Do You Best Approach These Types of Writing Prompts?

When teaching students how to respond to a writing prompt, it’s important to guide them through a step-by-step process. Here’s a general approach to teaching students how to effectively respond to a writing prompt:

Understand the prompt – Start by ensuring that students thoroughly understand the writing prompt. Encourage them to read it multiple times and underline or highlight key instructions, keywords, or specific requirements.

Analyze the prompt – Help students analyze the prompt by breaking it down into its components. Discuss the type of writing (e.g., narrative, persuasive, expository), the purpose of the writing (e.g., inform, persuade, entertain), and the intended audience. This analysis will guide their approach and content.

Generate ideas and plan – Encourage students to brainstorm ideas related to the prompt. They can create outlines, mind maps, or lists to organize their thoughts and determine the main points they want to cover in their response. Planning helps students structure their writing and ensures they include all the relevant information.

Develop a thesis statement or main idea – In prompts that require an argument or opinion, guide students in formulating a clear thesis statement or main idea that reflects their stance on the topic. The thesis statement should provide a roadmap for the rest of their response.

Gather evidence and examples – For prompts that require supporting evidence or examples, teach students how to gather relevant information from credible sources such as books, articles, or personal experiences. Encourage them to find specific examples that strengthen their arguments or illustrate their points.

Organize the response – Teach students the importance of organizing their writing in a coherent and logical manner. Discuss the structure of different writing formats (e.g., introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion) and guide them in arranging their ideas accordingly. Provide them with templates, graphic organizers, or models to support their organization.

Write a draft – Encourage students to write a draft of their response, focusing on expressing their ideas without worrying too much about grammar or spelling at this stage. Emphasize the importance of revising and editing later.

Revise and edit – Teach students how to review their draft critically. Encourage them to revise their content for clarity, coherence, and supporting evidence. Additionally, guide them in editing for grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, and vocabulary usage. Peer feedback or teacher conferences can be valuable during this stage.

Proofread and publish – In the final step, teach students how to proofread their revised drafts to correct any remaining errors. Encourage them to read their response aloud or have someone else read it to identify mistakes or areas that need improvement. Finally, guide them through formatting and presenting their response in a neat and organized manner.

Writing Prompts for 7th Grade

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7th grade writing prompts with passages

By seventh grade, students should be refining the core writing skills of brainstorming , researching, outlining, drafting, and revising. In order to hone these skills, seventh-grade students need regular practice writing a variety of essay styles, including narrative, persuasive, expository , and creative essays. The following essay prompts offer age-appropriate starting points to help seventh graders flex their writing muscles.

Narrative Essay Writing Prompts

Narrative essays share a personal experience to tell a story, usually to make a point rather than merely to entertain. These narrative essay prompts encourage students to describe and reflect on a story that's meaningful to them.

  • Embarrassing Pasts - As people get older, they are sometimes embarrassed by things they used to like, such as toys, television shows, or nicknames. Describe something that you used to enjoy that you now find embarrassing. Why is it embarrassing now?
  • Bonds of Hardship - Sometimes difficulties draw families closer. Describe something that your family endured together that strengthened your relationships.
  • There’s No Place Like Home - What makes your hometown special? Explain this special quality.
  • New Kid in Town - Being new to a town or school can be challenging because you don’t know anyone, or exciting because no one knows you and your past. Describe a time when you were the new kid.
  • Finders Keepers -  Write about a time when you lost (or found) something of value. How did that experience affect your opinion of the saying, “Finders keepers; losers weepers?"
  • Follow the Leader -  Describe a time when you were in a leadership role. How did it make you feel? What did you learn from the experience?
  • April Fools -  Write about the best prank you’ve ever played on someone (or had played on you). What made it so clever or funny?
  • Bon Appetit - Special meals can be powerful memory-makers. Write about a specific meal that stands out in your memory. What made it so unforgettable?
  • Bon Voyage - Family trips and vacations also create lasting memories. Write an essay detailing your favorite family vacation memory.
  • Batter Up -  Write about a valuable lesson that you learned while playing your favorite sport.
  • Best Friends Forever -  Describe your friendship with your BFF and what makes it so important to you.
  • The Real Me -  What is one thing you wish your parents, teachers, or coaches really understood or knew about you?
  • TV -  Explain what makes your favorite television show so enjoyable or relatable to you.

Persuasive Essay Writing Prompts

Persuasive essays use facts and reasoning to convince the reader to embrace the writer’s opinion or take a course of action. These essay prompts empower seventh graders to write persuasively about an issue they genuinely care about. 

  • Outdated Laws - What is one law or family or school rule that you think needs to be changed? Convince lawmakers, your parents, or school leaders to make the change.
  • Bad Ads - Advertising can have a powerful impact on consumers. What is a product that you’ve seen advertised that you don’t think should be? Explain why the media should quit showing these ads.
  • Puppy Love - You want a pet, but your parents don’t think you need one. What would you say to change their minds?
  • Lights, Camera - What is your favorite book of all time? Write an essay convincing a producer to make a movie about it.
  • Snooze Button - Studies have shown that tweens and teens need more sleep. Write a proposal for a later school start time.
  • Body Shop - Magazines can negatively impact their readers’ body image by using edited images of models. Convince a teen magazine publisher that they should not use heavily-edited model images in their publication.
  • It Can’t Be Over - The network is canceling your favorite television show. Write a paper convincing the station that they’re making a mistake.
  • Curfews -  Some malls have policies forbidding kids under 18 to be at the mall without adult supervision during certain times. Do you think this is fair or unfair? Defend your position.
  • Team Spirit - Should homeschooled students be allowed to play sports on public or private school teams? Why or why not?
  • Smartphones - All of your friends have the latest smartphone, but you only have a “dumb phone.” Should your parents upgrade your phone, or are smartphones for middle school kids a bad idea?
  • Bullies - Some dogs, such as pit bulls or Dobermans, are labeled “bully breeds.” Is this label deserved or undeserved?
  • Money Can’t Buy You Love - People say that money can’t buy happiness, but some studies have shown that people with higher incomes may be happier . Do you think this is true? Why or why not?
  • Ratings -  There are age restrictions on movies and video games, ratings on television shows, and warning labels on music. Computers and smartphones offer parental controls. Do adults have too much control over what kids watch and listen to or do these restrictions serve a valuable purpose?

Expository Essay Writing Prompts

Expository essays describe a process or provide factual information. These prompts can serve as jumping-off points for the explanatory process. 

  • School’s in Session - Would you rather attend public school, private school, or be homeschooled. Explain the benefits of your choice.
  • Admiration -  Who do you admire from your life or history? Write an essay describing how their character or contributions to their community have earned your respect.
  • Global Community -  If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? Write about your dream hometown and why you want to live there.
  • Peer Problems - Peer pressure and bullying can make life as a middle school student difficult. Describe a time you were pressured or bullied and how it affected you.
  • Order Up -  A friend wants to learn how to make your favorite food. Detail the process, step-by-step, so your friend can recreate the dish.
  • Addictions - Many people are impacted by drug or alcohol addictions. Share facts about how the use of these substances negatively affects families or communities. 
  • Serve Others - Community service is a valuable experience. Describe a time you volunteered. What did you do and how did it make you feel?
  • City or Country Mouse - Do you live in a big city or a small town? Explain why you do or don’t like living there.
  • Aspirations - What do you want to be when you’re an adult? Explain why you’d choose that career  or what you’ll do to prepare for it.
  • Point in Time - Sometimes people bury time capsules so future generations can learn about the past. What would you include to give an accurate snapshot of life in the current time?
  • Hobbyist -  You’re friend wants to take up your favorite hobby. Explain it to him.
  • SOS - A natural disaster has destroyed homes and businesses in a nearby city. Describe what you can do to help.
  • Wonder Twin Power - Some superheroes can fly or become invisible. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

Creative Essay Writing Prompts

Creative essays are fictional stories. They use plot, character, and dialog to engage and entertain the reader. These prompts will get the creative juices flowing. 

  • Fan Fic -  Write a story about your favorite characters from a book, film, or television show.
  • Cats vs. Dogs - You have two pets of different species. Write a story from their point of view about a day at home alone.
  • Time Travel - You find a time machine in your backyard. What happens when you step inside?
  • Dream State - Think about a time when you woke in the middle of a vivid dream. What would have happened if the dream hadn’t been interrupted?
  • New Door -  You’ve just discovered a door that you’ve never seen before. What happens when you walk through it?
  • Secret Keeper - You find out your best friend has kept a secret from you. What is the secret and why didn’t your friend tell you?
  • Fridge Fun - Write a story from the perspective of an item in your refrigerator.
  • Desert Island - You’ve just discovered an uncharted island. What happens next?
  • Fly on the Wall - You see two people talking excitedly, but you can’t hear what they’re saying. Write a story about what they might be saying.
  • Special Delivery - You receive a battered package in the mail. Write a story about its journey from the sender to you.
  • A Mile in My Shoes - You find a pair of shoes in the thrift store and put them on. Suddenly you find yourself transported into someone else’s life. Describe what happens.
  • Mission to Mars - Imagine that you’re a pioneer to start a colony on Mars. Write about a typical day on your new planet.
  • Snow Days - You find yourself snowed in for a week with your family. There is no electricity or phone service. What do you do for fun?
  • Fun March Writing Prompts for Journaling
  • 24 Journal Prompts for Creative Writing in the Elementary Classroom
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  • Expository Essay Genre With Suggested Prompts
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Reading Worksheets, Spelling, Grammar, Comprehension, Lesson Plans

7th Grade Writing

For seventh graders, this Common Core area helps students gain mastery of writing skills by working collaboratively and producing written texts, understanding syntax and vocabulary, and organizing their ideas. Among the complete standards for this grade, seventh graders will be asked to: use precise language for written work, including formal style, use appropriate technology to publish writing and to collaborate on written projects, demonstrate keyboarding skill, go through the process of writing, editing and revision for their written work, conduct short research projects to answer a question, quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of supporting texts while avoiding plagiarism and using proper citation, use evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

Abraham Lincoln Bio Poem

Abraham Lincoln Bio Poem

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Back to School Diamante Poem

Back to School Diamante Poem

Teach your students a fun way to write diamante poems using our new back to school worksheet.

Bio Poem: My Mother

Bio Poem: My Mother

A fun Mother’s Day bio poem activity for your students!

Bio Poem: Pilgrim

Bio Poem: Pilgrim

A biography poem, also called a bio poem, is a short poem which describes a person or thing. This printable Thanksgiving Activity guides students through creating a bio poem about Pilgrims.

Bio Poem: Someone You Know

Bio Poem: Someone You Know

Students will write a bio poem about someone they know using the format set in this worksheet.

Christmas Tree Bio Poem

Christmas Tree Bio Poem

A biography poem, also called a bio poem, is a short poem which describes a person or thing. Sometimes writing a bio pem can be tricky! This printable Christmas Activity guides students through creating a bio poem about a Christmas tree.

Correct the Transition Words Mistakes – Worksheet

Correct the Transition Words Mistakes – Worksheet

Have your students revise sentences and correct transition word mistakes with this educational writing activity.

Diamante Poem: Antonyms

Diamante Poem: Antonyms

Students write an antonym diamante poem in the space provided.

Diamante Poem: Synonyms

Diamante Poem: Synonyms

A diamante poem takes its name from the shape it makes: a diamond. Diamante poems were introduced in 1969 by Iris Tiedt. Students write a synonym diamante poem in the space provided.

Edgar Allan Poe; Journalist Trickster

Edgar Allan Poe; Journalist Trickster

Students read about one of Edgar Allan Poe’s hoaxes when he was a journalist. Each student then write’s their own hoax!

Edgar Allan Poe: Secrets in Poetry

Edgar Allan Poe: Secrets in Poetry

Students read from Edgar Allan Poe’s “An Enigma” and decipher the name of the woman’s whose name is hidden within the text.

Father’s Day Bio Poem: My Father

Father’s Day Bio Poem: My Father

Enhance your students’ writing skills with this fun Father’s Day Biography Poem activity.

Fourth of July Bio Poem: America

Fourth of July Bio Poem: America

Encourage your students to learn about America with this Fourth of July Biography Poem activity.

George Washington Bio Poem

George Washington Bio Poem

Your students will write a bio poem about George Washington.

George Washington’s List of Rules

George Washington’s List of Rules

When George Washington was a young boy, he made a list of rules for himself. Students choose one of the rules and write what it means.

Halloween Bio Poem Activity: Ghost

Halloween Bio Poem Activity: Ghost

Create a bio poem about your own personal ghost with our fun Halloween printable activity!

Main Idea Organizer

Main Idea Organizer

Teach your students how to organize their writing with this helpful Main Idea Organizer. Students will be asked to complete the worksheet by writing their own main idea, three details, and a summary. This will help your students better understand how to organize their ideas for writing in the future, especially when writing an essay!

Newspaper Reporter: An Interview With President Lincoln

Newspaper Reporter: An Interview With President Lincoln

Your student is now an official reporter and their task is to interview President Abraham Lincoln! Students write three questions they would ask him and what his replies would be.

Transition Words: Complete the Sentence

Transition Words: Complete the Sentence

Enhance your students’ writing skills with this “Complete the Sentence” transition words activity.

Using Transition Words

Using Transition Words

In this worksheet, your students will learn how to properly use transition words in a sentence.

Unlocking Ideas: 100+ Prompts Tailored for the 7th-Grade Mind

By: Author Valerie Forgeard

Posted on August 17, 2023

Categories Writing

You’re about to dive into the world of writing prompts for 7th graders. You’ll discover their importance, explore various types, and learn how to choose the right one. This article aims to help you encourage creativity and boost critical thinking skills in your classroom or at home.

Key Takeaways

  • Writing prompts ignite creativity and improve writing skills.
  • Prompt categorization helps identify strengths and weaknesses.
  • Challenging prompts can be rewarding.
  • Understanding student interests is crucial for engaging 7th graders.

100 Writing Prompts for 7th Graders

Personal writing is like opening a window into your soul, allowing fresh insights to pour in and old doubts to flutter out. Every prompt is an invitation, a beckoning to delve deeper into your own psyche, experiences, and aspirations.

From your bravest moments to your most profound failures, these questions aim to guide you through a labyrinth of emotions, dreams, and memories.

Whether you’re a seasoned journal enthusiast or someone looking to start, this collection ensures that every day becomes an opportunity for introspection. Embrace the quest of understanding oneself, and let these prompts light your path.

  • Write about a time you ventured out of your comfort zone.
  • Reflect on your proudest achievement to date.
  • If you could switch lives with someone, who would it be?
  • Describe your ultimate leisure activity in detail.
  • Recall a time fear gripped you.
  • Sketch out your dream holiday scenario.
  • Share a pivotal life lesson and its source.
  • Narrate a day from your pet’s perspective.
  • Envision an invention to better our world.
  • List traits of a true friend.
  • Reflect on a moment you swelled with pride.
  • If you could reside anywhere, where would that be?
  • Set a goal for this academic year.
  • Talk about a moment of sheer disappointment.
  • Dream up your superhero persona.
  • Which possession holds great sentimental value?
  • Plan your ideal weekend.
  • Remember an instance when inspiration struck.
  • Jot down things that tickle your funny bone.
  • Offer a piece of advice for newcomers to your school.
  • Paint a picture of your serene natural spot.
  • Revisit a moment of profound gratitude.
  • Describe your envisioned career path.
  • Reflect on a holiday that warms your heart.
  • Recall an experience with a hard-hitting lesson.
  • Compliment yourself on a unique quality.
  • Describe an unforgettable gesture of kindness towards you.
  • Share feelings from a lonesome period.
  • Define the markers of a commendable teacher.
  • Take a trip down a cherished childhood memory lane.
  • Introduce yourself to your role model.
  • If you had a global platform for a day, what’s your message?
  • Confront your greatest phobia.
  • Chronicle a burst of creativity.
  • Savor the memory of your most delectable meal.
  • Celebrate what sets you apart from the crowd.
  • Open up about facing and overcoming adversity.
  • Rekindle one of life’s joyful milestones.
  • If time travel were possible, where and when would you go?
  • Describe your birthday bash of dreams.
  • Recommend an unforgettable book.
  • Unravel feelings from an anxious episode.
  • Choose your dinner companion from any point in history.
  • Revel in your favorite season’s charms.
  • Salute your bravest act.
  • Share three happiness sources.
  • Reflect on a treasured family custom.
  • If the zoo gates opened, which animal becomes your pet?
  • Define the essence of friendship.
  • If there’s one item in infinite supply, what’s your pick?
  • Describe your ultimate weekend blueprint.
  • Embark on your most thrilling adventure again.
  • Spell out your most anticipated month.
  • Recall a moment that tested your mettle.
  • Who would attend your ideal birthday celebration?
  • What qualities form a steadfast friend?
  • Introduce your safe haven or retreat.
  • If you were to compete in the Olympics, your sport is?
  • Ponder upon a transformative experience.
  • Which tune resonates with your soul?
  • If any subject was available, what’s your elective?
  • Share your strategy against looming fears.
  • Detail your fantasy expedition.
  • Reiterate a life-changing piece of advice.
  • Unearth memories of a creative spree.
  • Spotlight a goal for the upcoming year.
  • Who stands as the beacon of heroism in your life?
  • Set three targets for your current educational phase.
  • Envision an unrestricted course for the next term.
  • What activity makes weekends special for you?
  • Recall a testing moment and its aftermath.
  • Who’s the beacon of heroism in your world?
  • Draft an action plan for an imminent objective.
  • Explore an instance when motivation fueled you.
  • If you could decode any subject next term, what would it be?
  • Revisit an encounter that changed your perspective.
  • If you could amplify a single trait, which would it be?
  • What does an average day in your life look like?
  • Share a moment when you stood up for something.
  • Pen down your thoughts about personal growth.
  • Recall an incident that evoked strong emotions.
  • Describe a challenge and its valuable lessons.
  • List hobbies that relax and rejuvenate you.
  • Reflect on a time you surpassed your own expectations.
  • Describe an act that left a lasting impact on you.
  • Which creature comforts bring you the most joy?
  • Share insights from an eye-opening book.
  • Describe a random act of kindness you’ve recently witnessed.
  • Chronicle a moment of sheer determination.
  • If you were a novel character, who would you be?
  • Reflect on an experience with a profound impact.
  • Which fantasy realm would you reside in?
  • Recall a time when a movie deeply moved you.
  • If you authored a book, what’s its core message?
  • Share your feelings on an unresolved personal challenge.
  • Remember a moment that tested your patience.
  • Explore feelings from a challenging transitional phase.
  • Share an unexpected source of inspiration.
  • Describe a ritual that centers and grounds you.
  • Reflect on a time you stepped up as a leader.

Understanding the Importance of Writing Prompts

 Notebook With A Pencil Poised Above, Surrounded By Seven Colorful, Thought-Bubble-Shaped Sticky Notes, Each Containing Various Icons Symbolizing Writing Prompts And Elements Of Storytelling

It’s vital for 7th graders to understand that writing prompts aren’t just school tasks, they’re tools to ignite their creativity and improve their writing skills. Prompt categorization helps you identify your strengths and weaknesses in different areas of writing. For instance, are you better at descriptive or narrative pieces? Use these prompts as a pathway to discover your unique voice.

Prompt diversity is also crucial. By responding to various types of prompts – from persuasive essays about current events to creative stories about imaginary worlds – you’ll become a more versatile writer. Don’t shy away from challenging ones; they can sometimes be the most rewarding!

Exploring Different Types of Writing Prompts

Ize A 7Th Grader Sitting Under A Tree, Different Types Of Writing Prompts Like Narratives, Expository, And Persuasive Prompts Floating Around In Thought Bubbles

Let’s delve into the various kinds of assignments they’ll encounter. The key to prompt variety is understanding its role in student engagement.

You see, diverse prompts can cater to different learning styles and interests, making writing tasks more appealing.

Consider narrative prompts that encourage students to fabricate a story or share personal experiences. These stimulate creativity and self-expression.

Descriptive prompts, on the other hand, refine sensory observation skills as students paint vivid images with words.

Compare-contrast prompts foster critical thinking by analyzing similarities and differences between subjects.

Lastly, persuasive prompts develop argumentation skills as students defend their standpoints.

Tips to Choose the Right Writing Prompt

 An Image Showing A 7Th Grader, Surrounded By Various Writing Prompts, Thoughtfully Selecting The One Glowing With A Golden Light

You’re about to dive into the art of choosing the right writing prompt, and it’s crucial you understand three key factors: student interests, difficulty level, and learning outcome.

It’s not enough to pick a prompt at random; you’ve got to hone in on what your students are passionate about to truly engage them.

Balancing their interests with an appropriate challenge and clear learning goals will make all the difference in their educational journey.

Understanding Student Interests

Understanding your students’ interests can significantly enhance your ability to create engaging writing prompts. It’s essential to consider student hobbies and extracurricular activities while crafting these prompts. This step not only fosters a connection between you and your pupils, but it also makes the learning process more enjoyable for them.

Here are some ways to explore their interests:

  • Conduct surveys or questionnaires
  • Keep an eye out for what they get excited about in class
  • Engage with parents or caregivers about student hobbies outside school
  • Observe their participation in extracurricular activities

Difficulty Level Consideration

It’s equally important to take into account the difficulty level of the tasks you’re assigning. You must strike a balance with prompt complexity to encourage student adaptability, not frustration. Too simple, and they’re bored; too hard, and they may give up.

Consider their academic abilities: Are they struggling or excelling? This requires adjusting your expectations and prompts accordingly. Engage them with challenges that stretch their capabilities but remain within reach.

Also, diversify task types — mix easier tasks with complex ones. This approach fosters resilience as students navigate different levels of challenge while boosting their confidence when they complete trickier assignments successfully.

Prompt’s Learning Outcome

Right on the heels of considering the difficulty level, you’re now ready to tackle ‘Prompt’s Learning Outcome.’

Understanding the outcome is paramount in prompt evaluation and curriculum integration. So, how can you ensure that your writing prompts are pedagogically effective?

  • Start by aligning them with specific learning objectives.
  • Next, consider how they fit into wider units or themes in your curriculum.
  • Evaluate whether they encourage critical thinking and creativity.
  • Lastly, think about their potential for engaging students and sparking interest.

Encouraging Creativity in 7th Graders

Ize A Dynamic Swirl Of Vibrant Crayons, Pencils, And Paintbrushes, With 7Th Graders Brainstorming Under A Light Bulb, Symbolizing Their Creativity Being Ignited

You’re about to explore three essential elements that can ignite the spark of creativity in your 7th graders: boosting creative thinking, innovative writing exercises, and nurturing artistic expression.

Each component is designed not only to enhance their academic skills but also to unleash their imaginative power.

Boosting Creative Thinking

Boosting creative thinking is often achieved through engaging in various forms of art, such as painting and music. But let’s not forget about writing too! You can overcome creativity barriers by using unconventional prompts.

Here are a few tips to help you:

  • Break the norm: Use prompts that challenge traditional thinking. This could be an unusual scenario or a different perspective.
  • Embrace randomness: Let unpredictability fuel your imagination. A random word or image can spark unique ideas.
  • Think visually: Drawings or photos can serve as great prompts too, stimulating your visual intelligence.
  • Be open to failures: Don’t fear making mistakes; they’re part of the creative process.

Innovative Writing Exercises

Let’s dive into some innovative exercises that’ll surely ignite your creative writing skills. Experiment with prompt variations and storytelling techniques to stretch your imagination.

For instance, try altering a well-known fairy tale by changing its setting or ending. This engages your creativity and helps you explore different narrative possibilities.

Another exercise is to use an object in your room as the central element of a story. Describe it vividly, give it a backstory, make it the hero or villain – there’re no limits!

Also consider retelling an event from multiple perspectives. It can be any historical event or even something mundane like making breakfast.

These exercises aren’t just fun but also great training in perspective-switching, character development, and plot creation. Give it a shot!

Nurturing Artistic Expression

Nurturing artistic expression isn’t only about mastering technical skills. It’s also about exploring one’s emotions and experiences in a creative way. As you facilitate your 7th grader’s artistic development, consider employing different expression techniques that will help them convey their thoughts and feelings effectively.

Here are some strategies to guide you:

  • Encourage open-ended creativity: Don’t limit them to traditional forms of art.
  • Provide an environment that fosters imagination: Surround them with inspiring materials and resources.
  • Teach them how to use various tools: Brushes, pens, clay – the choices are endless.
  • Promote emotional intelligence: Help them understand their feelings and translate those into art.

Writing Prompts to Boost Critical Thinking Skills

N Notebook, A Poised Pencil, A Magnifying Glass Over A Brain On One Page, And Diverse Question Marks Floating Out Of The Other Page

Encouraging critical thinking skills in 7th graders can be achieved through well-crafted writing prompts. Promoting empathy and digital literacy is a great way to do this.

Begin by presenting situations that require students to step into someone else’s shoes. Ask them how they’d feel, react, or handle those circumstances. This will not only stimulate their imagination but also foster understanding and compassion.

Incorporating digital literacy is equally important. You can assign tasks where they’ll need to evaluate the credibility of online sources or identify fake news. As they navigate these challenges, they’re honing their ability to discern truth from falsehood—an essential skill for the 21st century.

Narrative Writing Prompts for 7th Graders

7Th Graders Sitting In A Circle, Each Holding A Glowing Orb Projecting An Imaginative Narrative Scene, All In A Cozy, Creative Classroom Setting

You’re about to embark on a journey through narrative writing prompts specifically designed for 7th graders.

We’ll delve into the exploration of personal experiences, create imaginative scenarios, and reflect deeply through journal entries.

Get ready, as this adventure will not only hone your writing skills but also give you a chance to introspect and voice your thoughts in an engaging way.

Exploring Personal Experiences

Think about a time when you’ve faced a tough decision and what you learned from that experience. Exploring personal experiences can be an insightful journey into your own personal growth documentation, often revealing unseen perspectives.

When writing about personal experiences, consider these elements:

  • Describe the situation in detail
  • Identify the choices you had available
  • Explain why it was a challenging choice
  • Share what you learned from this experience

Writing about your own life isn’t just engaging for others to read, it’s also enlightening for yourself. It allows exploration of unseen perspectives and provides invaluable documentation of your personal growth.

Imaginative Scenario Prompts

Let’s dive into imaginative scenario prompts. They’re a fantastic way to spark creativity and broaden your horizons.

Picture this: you’re exploring alien encounters on a distant planet. How do you communicate? What does their society look like? These prompts push you to think outside the box and concoct wildly inventive narratives.

Now, let’s take a deep breath and plunge into underwater adventures. You’re swimming among vibrant coral reefs, encountering mysterious sea creatures. How do you navigate this new environment? What undiscovered species might lurk in the depths?

These scenarios aren’t just fun; they enhance critical thinking and writing skills. So next time you need inspiration, remember these unique scenarios. They’ll certainly stretch your imagination!

Reflective Journal Entries

Reflective journal entries can be quite enlightening. They’re an excellent tool for processing your thoughts and emotions. As a 7th grader, these can help you understand your emotional intelligence and navigate peer interactions better.

Consider the following prompts for your reflective journal entries:

  • Reflect on a recent situation where you effectively managed your emotions.
  • Narrate an incident involving a peer interaction that led to personal growth.
  • Discuss how understanding others’ emotions has improved your relationships.
  • Ponder over the role of empathy in enhancing emotional intelligence.

Writing about these will not only refine your writing skills but also boost self-awareness. So, grab a pen and start exploring yourself through words! Remember, it’s not just about recording events but recognizing feelings too.

Persuasive Writing Prompts for 7th Graders

 Notebook With A Pen, A Gavel, And A Speech Bubble, Surrounded By 7Th Graders In Deep Thought And Discussion

You’ll find these persuasive writing prompts for 7th graders engaging and challenging. They are specially designed to have cultural relevance, making them more relatable and interesting for your students. For instance, one prompt could be debating the significance of celebrating diverse cultures in schools.

Moreover, incorporating humor into these prompts can make the learning process more enjoyable. You can ask your students to write a persuasive essay on why their favorite comedian should be considered a national treasure. This task will surely spark their interest and creativity.

Using these tactics not only enhances their critical thinking but also improves their ability to communicate effectively with others. It’s an excellent way to prepare them for real-world situations while keeping things fun and engaging!

Expository Writing Prompts for 7th Graders

Room Setting With 7Th Graders At Their Desks, Hands Raised, A Teacher Pointing At A Chalkboard Filled With Expository Writing Structures, Brainstorming Bubbles, And A Large Hourglass

Switching gears, expository tasks encourage your 7th grade students to investigate an idea, evaluate evidence, and present a clear point of view on the subject. Here’s where prompt selection strategies come into play. Selecting the right expository writing prompts can trigger their imagination and analytical skills.

Expository writing benefits are plenty:

  • It enhances critical thinking.
  • Boosts research skills.
  • Improves clarity in communication.
  • Increases knowledge on various topics.

You’ll find that it’s not just about improving their writing but also enriching their understanding of the world around them. So don’t hesitate to challenge them with diverse topics from technology to social issues. Remember, the goal is to make learning enjoyable and engaging while fostering intellectual growth.

Dealing With Writer’s Block

Ate A Frustrated 7Th Grader At A Desk, Crumpled Papers Around, With A Bright Light Bulb Emerging From A Thought Bubble Above Their Head

When tackling writer’s block, it’s important that you don’t let it intimidate you; instead, view it as a challenge to overcome. Consider this block overcoming strategy: seek inspiration from different sources and ignite your creativity. Maybe read a book or watch a movie that excites you. Take a walk in nature or listen to some music. You’d be surprised how these little things can spark your creative ignition.

How to Use Writing Prompts Effectively

 Notebook With Brainstorming Doodles, A Sharpened Pencil, A Lit Lamp, And A Young Teen Absorbed In Thought, Holding A List Of Intriguing Writing Prompts

Utilizing thought-provoking questions effectively can significantly aid in overcoming writer’s block and reigniting your creativity. To make the most of writing prompts, consider prompt personalization. Tailor each prompt to resonate with your interests or experiences.

Here are some tips on how to use writing prompts effectively:

  • Personalize the scenario: Change the characters or setting to something more relatable.
  • Use it as a jumping-off point: Let the prompt inspire you, but don’t feel limited by it.
  • Add a twist: Modify the prompt to add an unexpected element that sparks your creativity.
  • Set a timer: This can increase your writing motivation by creating a sense of urgency.

The Role of Feedback in Writing

 Notebook With A Pencil, A Magnifying Glass Highlighting Marked Paragraphs, And Two Speech Bubbles, One With A Check Mark, Another With A Light Bulb

It’s critical to understand the role of feedback in the writing process, as it offers a fresh perspective and can help hone one’s skills. Peer evaluation plays a significant part here. It allows you to receive reactions from someone who is on an equal footing with you and understands your position.

Feedback interpretation is another crucial aspect. You shouldn’t take criticism personally, instead see it as an opportunity for growth. Understand that each piece of advice given is meant to improve your writing abilities.

Example Writing Prompts and Responses

N Notebook, Pencil Poised Above, Surrounded By Crumpled Paper Balls, An Apple, A Desk Lamp And A Classroom Chalkboard Displaying Vague, Unfinished Sentences

You’re going to find examples of prompts and responses incredibly useful for understanding the concept better. When it comes to prompt selection, it’s crucial to choose ones that will spark student motivation and push their thinking boundaries. Remember, you want your students not only to write but also to enjoy the process.

Here are a few example prompts:

  • Write about a time when you had to make a tough decision.
  • Describe a place that makes you feel happy.
  • Imagine what life would be like if we could live on another planet.
  • Craft an argument for or against school uniforms.

The aim is not just completion, but engagement. So, always consider students’ interests and aspirations when selecting prompts. This approach ensures they stay motivated throughout their writing journey.

The Benefits of Regular Writing Practice

7Th Grader Sitting Under A Tree, Pen In Hand, Writing In A Journal

After exploring various writing prompts and seeing how they can be tackled, let’s now dive into the benefits of regular writing practice.

As a 7th grader, you’re likely encountering more complex language tasks. Regular writing doesn’t just improve your ability to craft engaging stories or persuasive arguments; it also contributes significantly to your language development and vocabulary enhancement.

By consistently practicing, you’ll naturally expand your vocabulary as you strive to express yourself accurately and eloquently. You’re not just jotting down words—you’re learning how they interact, how they convey nuanced meanings, and how best to use them in different contexts.

So keep sharpening that pen (or keyboard!). The benefits are manifold: better academic performance, improved communication skills, even enhanced critical thinking.

Embrace the journey!

So, you’re all set to boost your 7th grader’s writing skills. Remember, the perfect prompt can ignite their creativity and critical thinking. Use them effectively, give constructive feedback, and encourage regular practice.

Dive into this exciting world of words together and watch them grow as confident, articulate writers!

Teacher's Notepad

45 Narrative Writing Prompts for 7th Grade

Preteens and teenagers have a lot to say, but they don’t always know just how to express their emotions or say what’s on their mind.

By implementing narrative writing into your curriculum, you give your students an outlet to experiment with in a safe and structured environment.

Below, you will find a list of narrative writing prompts to help your 7th graders let out some of their thoughts and get them writing about something that matters to them.

Using This Guide

You can use this guide to help students come out of their shell, or keep it handy for when they have some down time in between activities.

Consider challenging your students to write using one prompt a day for an entire school week, and express to them the importance of thinking deeply about the things they think, feel, and remember.

The Writing Prompts

  • Write about a time when you felt proud of yourself.
  • Tell the story of how you met your best friend.
  • Write about a time when you felt left out of a group.
  • Do you consider yourself to be a good ally? Explain.
  • When was the last time you felt afraid? Write about what happened.
  • If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Why?
  • What is the thing you like most about yourself? What are some things you could do to improve this quality?
  • Talk about a time when you felt misunderstood by an adult or authority figure.
  • Explain what it means to be a good friend.
  • What do you think is your worst habit? What steps could you take to break this habit?
  • Write about a time when you realized you let someone down. How did you feel? How do you think they felt?
  • If you could be a part of any fictional family, which would you choose? Why?
  • What is your favorite way to spend time with your friends? Why?
  • Write the step-by-step process of preparing your favorite food.
  • Write about the last time you felt an adrenaline rush.
  • Do you think social media is good or bad for teenagers? Explain your answer.
  • What does school spirit mean to you? What are some ways you could show more school spirit?
  • Write about a time when you felt publicly embarrassed. How was the situation resolved?
  • What do you think it means to be successful in life? Use examples.
  • Write about a time when you got in trouble for something that you didn’t do.
  • Describe the funniest thing you’ve ever seen.
  • Why is it important to keep trying even when something seems too hard?
  • How do you normally spend New Year’s Eve?
  • How is middle school different from elementary school? How are they the same?
  • Write about the last time you apologized to someone. How did you both feel after?
  • Have you ever been a victim of racial profiling? How did it make you feel?
  • Talk about the last gift you received. Who was it from? Did you like it?
  • Have you ever felt like someone invaded your privacy? Write about what happened.
  • Is there a teacher who has made an impact on your education? What makes them special?
  • Have you ever visited another country? What was it like? If you haven’t, where would you like to visit? Why?
  • What would you do if you woke up tomorrow and discovered you were invisible?
  • What is your favorite holiday? What makes it special?
  • If you found $200 on the ground, what would you do with it? Explain your answer.
  • Think of an important family photo. Write the story behind it.
  • If your best friend were a season, which would they be? Why?
  • How do you define failure? What are some steps you could take to ensure you succeed instead of failing?
  • Describe your idea of the perfect snow day.
  • Write about the last time you had a misunderstanding with someone. How was it resolved?
  • If you could make one new rule for your school, what would it be? Why?
  • Is there anything specific that makes you feel anxious? How do you face this thing?
  • If you could get rid of one school rule, what would it be? Why?
  • Do you think it’s more important to explore space or to explore the oceans? Explain your answer.
  • Has anyone ever spoken over you or cut you off while you were saying something important? How did it make you feel?
  • Have you ever performed on stage? Write about your experience.
  • What is the scariest thing you’ve ever done?

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59 Writing Prompts For 7th Graders

By Suzanne Brown | Last Updated May 4, 2022

Children will be inspired to reflect on their experiences and consider their future objectives due to the seventh-grade writing prompts. 7th grade symbolizes the start of academic education and the transition to secondary school. It presents unique difficulties for many children. This is the ideal moment to encourage pupils to begin a notebook in which they can reflect on their daily activities and moods.

As seventh graders prepare to enter their difficult adolescent years, teachers must do all possible to keep their children focused and grounded. For many children, seventh grade is a very difficult year—they may feel a newfound maturity and pride. Still, they will also likely feel the burdens of higher demands and greater obligations.

59 Writing Prompts For 7th Graders

These 60 writing prompts will educate your pupils on how to express themselves via their writing and how the power of words can help them through both difficult and happy situations.

1. Who would you prefer to meet if you had the opportunity to meet anyone on this planet?

Who would you prefer to meet if you had the opportunity to meet anyone on this planet?

2. Consider the last time you sat down with one of your grandparents and had a talk with them. How did you know? What were the subjects of your discussion?

Consider the last time you sat down with one of your grandparents and had a talk with them. How did you know? What were the subjects of your discussion?

3. Have you ever felt compelled to take action in response to a friend’s request? Express your feelings in writing

Have you ever felt compelled to take action in response to a friend's request? Express your feelings in writing.

4. When it comes to spending time with a friend, what is the most enjoyable activity? Why?

When it comes to spending time with a friend, what is the most enjoyable activity? Why?

5. Take five minutes to survey the classroom. Have you observed anything you hadn’t noticed before? Have you noticed something familiar in a different light?

Take five minutes to survey the classroom. Have you observed anything you hadn't noticed before? Have you noticed something familiar in a different light?

6. Do you believe that people are getting more united or more divided due to technology?

Do you believe that people are getting more united or more divided due to technology?

7. What does “school spirit” mean? How can you demonstrate your school pride?

What does "school spirit" mean? How can you demonstrate your school pride?

8. Concerning your life, what are the things that you are most enthusiastic about?

Concerning your life, what are the things that you are most enthusiastic about?

9. Write a profile of someone you admire. How can you aspire to be like him or her?

Write a profile of someone you admire. How can you aspire to be like him or her?

10. Tell me about the impact the most important person in your life has on you. What caused them?

Tell me about the impact the most important person in your life has on you. What caused them?

11. Would you accept the option to be home-schooled through high school? What are your reasons for or against it?

Would you accept the option to be home-schooled through high school? What are your reasons for or against it?

12. Have you ever been bereft of a friend? What transpired? How did you feel as a result?

 Have you ever been bereft of a friend? What transpired? How did you feel as a result?

13. How frequently do you volunteer your time or money to help others? Who do you support and why?

How frequently do you volunteer your time or money to help others? Who do you support and why?

14. Write about a time when you behaved differently at home than you did at school

Write about a time when you behaved differently at home than you did at school

15. Which of the following is your strongest conviction? Justify your position by writing about why you’re so adamant about it

Which of the following is your strongest conviction? Justify your position by writing about why you're so adamant about it

16. Write about how technological advancements have altered the way pupils learn nowadays

Write about how technological advancements have altered the way pupils learn nowadays

17. Compose a poem about the process of maturation

Compose a poem about the process of maturation

18. Create a story about when you were caught doing something you shouldn’t have been doing at the time

Create a story about when you were caught doing something you shouldn't have been doing at the time

19. Consider a period when you were aware that you had disappointed someone. What emotions were you experiencing?

Consider a period when you were aware that you had disappointed someone. What emotions were you experiencing?

20. Do you believe in the existence of God?

Do you believe in the existence of God?

21. Why do you believe there is such a great deal of suffering if God exists?

Why do you believe there is such a great deal of suffering if God exists?

22. Make a list of the activities you would do to help the environment. For example, when not in use, turn off the lights

Make a list of the activities you would do to help the environment. For example, when not in use, turn off the lights

23. Which three books would you choose if you had to take three with you to a desert island and why?

Which three books would you choose if you had to take three with you to a desert island and why?

24. Do you believe that climate change is a real phenomenon?

Do you believe that climate change is a real phenomenon?

25. Do you believe your school can make a difference in making the globe a more environmentally friendly place?

Do you believe your school can make a difference in making the globe a more environmentally friendly place?

26. Why is participation in extracurricular activities critical for students?

Why is participation in extracurricular activities critical for students?

27. Write about an instance when being “nice” prevented you from expressing an opinion. How did you feel about that?

Write about an instance when being "nice" prevented you from expressing an opinion. How did you feel about that?

28. Write a review of the most recent film or television show you enjoyed – and attempt to get others to see it

Write a review of the most recent film or television show you enjoyed - and attempt to get others to see it

29. Write about an instance when you stepped in to assist a friend. What emotions did it elicit in you?

Write about an instance when you stepped in to assist a friend. What emotions did it elicit in you?

30. Write a review of the most recent film or television show you detested – and attempt to convince others not to see it

 Write a review of the most recent film or television show you detested - and attempt to convince others not to see it

31. What is your most admired characteristic about yourself? Why?

What is your most admired characteristic about yourself? Why?

32. If you were to become the leader of your country, what would you change about it?

 If you were to become the leader of your country, what would you change about it?

33. Which of your characteristics is your least favorite? How can you make it better?

Which of your characteristics is your least favorite? How can you make it better?

34. Which aspects of school administration will you change if you become your school’s principal?

Which aspects of school administration will you change if you become your school's principal?

35. What would you do with $500 if you discovered it on the ground? What if you were unable to locate the owner?

What would you do with $500 if you discovered it on the ground? What if you were unable to locate the owner?

36. Make a list of three items you would like to see improved in your classroom

Make a list of three items you would like to see improved in your classroom

37. Write about a time when you pushed yourself to accomplish something difficult. How did you feel as a result?

Write about a time when you pushed yourself to accomplish something difficult. How did you feel as a result?

38. Create a poem about the sensations you experience when sitting down to take a test

Create a poem about the sensations you experience when sitting down to take a test

39. What are the three things you are most grateful for in your life?

What are the three things you are most grateful for in your life?

40. Write about an instance when you made an incorrect judgment about someone based on their appearance. What did you discover?

Write about an instance when you made an incorrect judgment about someone based on their appearance. What did you discover?

41. Write a story about a little boy who never gave up on his ambitions and aspirations

Write a story about a little boy who never gave up on his ambitions and aspirations

42. When it comes to the modern world, why is space exploration so important?

When it comes to the modern world, why is space exploration so important?

43. Create a list of the current issues you encounter that you feel you can’t share with anybody else

Create a list of the current issues you encounter that you feel you can't share with anybody else

44. Would you change anything about your history if you could travel back in time? If you were to alter anything, what would you change and why? If not, why would you want to?

 Would you change anything about your history if you could travel back in time? If you were to alter anything, what would you change and why? If not, why would you want to?

45. Make a list of the things that make you anxious

Make a list of the things that make you anxious

46. What is your definition of success?

What is your definition of success?

47. Are you a public speaker that enjoys your job? Why are you or are you not?

Are you a public speaker that enjoys your job? Why are you or are you not?

48. If you could have one birthday wish, what would it be?

If you could have one birthday wish, what would it be?

49. Consider an area where you excel and write about how you could teach another person to achieve the same thing

Consider an area where you excel and write about how you could teach another person to achieve the same thing

50. What is one aspect of your life that your parents do not comprehend? Why do you believe they have difficulty connecting with you on this subject?

What is one aspect of your life that your parents do not comprehend? Why do you believe they have difficulty connecting with you on this subject?

51. What characteristics define a good parent?

What characteristics define a good parent?

52. Write a short narrative about an imaginary city where everyone shares a surprising trait

Write a short narrative about an imaginary city where everyone shares a surprising trait

53. Do you believe it is improper to speak negatively of someone behind their back?

Do you believe it is improper to speak negatively of someone behind their back?

54. Make a note of a time when you felt deceived

Make a note of a time when you felt deceived

55. What are the advantages and disadvantages of homework? Should teachers provide homework to their students?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of homework? Should teachers provide homework to their students?

56. Create a story about when you stood up for a buddy

Create a story about when you stood up for a buddy

57. Which memory is your all-time favorite? Why is it so vital to you?

Which memory is your all-time favorite? Why is it so vital to you?

58. Consider a time when you accomplished something so tough that no one expected you to succeed

Consider a time when you accomplished something so tough that no one expected you to succeed

59. Select an object that identifies you – and explain why it is a good fit for your personality

Select an object that identifies you - and explain why it is a good fit for your personality

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7th Grade Writing Prompts Worksheets

Our printable writing prompts worksheets for grade 7 empower children to write better narratives, reports, and essays. Write arguments with clear reasons and relevant evidence. Support claims with logical reasoning and relevant examples. Practice toggling between formal and informal styles as required. Use a range of transition words and phrases to allow for clarity and cohesion. Master the art of writing excellent introductions and conclusions. Write a range of essays like expository, opinion, and more. Try our free 7th grade writing prompt worksheet and see what's in store for you!

How to Deal with the Generation Gap

How to Deal with the Generation Gap

In this 7th grade writing prompt pdf worksheet, write about how people can deal with the problems caused by the generation gap. Organize the reasons and evidence logically. Use cohesive devices effectively.


Digital Literacy and Netiquette

It's more important than ever to be digitally literate and stay away from bad netiquette. Write a research report on the topic. Be sure to use search terms correctly while you look for information.

Alone in the Woods

Alone in the Woods

This writing prompt worksheet for grade 7 is sure to get the budding writer enlivened! The woods and their myriad themes are ideal material for children to improve their storytelling craft with.

Junk Food

Today, children are more addicted to junk food than ever. What problems does eating junk food cause? What is the best way for us to get kids to eat more healthy food? Write an essay.

Book Report 7

Book Report 7

Help shake up your repertoire of book-related activities with this grade 7 writing prompt printable! Let kids write about their favorite characters and more. Rev up their enthusiasm for writing!

Story Prompt 1

Story Prompt 1

Introduce children to story writing with this fun prompt - a cave that wouldn't open until you enter a passcode. Expand this inciting incident into an enthralling plot with an exciting climax.


Discuss the pros and cons of lockdown during a pandemic. Write your opinion. Introduce claims and acknowledge opposing claims. Establish and maintain a formal style throughout.

Packing for a Holiday

Packing for a Holiday

In this grade 7 writing prompt worksheet pdf, kids write about the essentials they would carry while going on a holiday. Write an informative text by carefully selecting what things to include.

John F. Kennedy

John F. Kennedy

For many, JFK is America's most loved president. In 1957, Kennedy was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for his book, Profiles in Courage. Improve your writing with this engaging 7th grade writing prompt pdf worksheet!

Visiting the Countryside

Visiting the Countryside

This part of our printable writing prompts worksheets is a narrative essay about the pleasure and pain of living in the countryside. Use relevant description to develop experiences or events.


This writing task is a research report about the Olympics. Assess the credibility and accuracy of each source that you use to gather details. Draw on several resources for additional information.

Story Prompt 2

Story Prompt 2

What amazing things did you and the fairy do together? Get your creative juices flowing with this fabulous story starter! A worksheet that will promote imagination and adventure!

Is Veganism the Way Forward?

Is Veganism the Way Forward?

A growing number of people advocate veganism for healthy life. Do you agree? Explain in this grade 7 writing prompt pdf worksheet. Write a conclusion to reiterate the arguments presented.

Pros and Cons of Smart Phones

Pros and Cons of Smart Phones

Write an essay on the benefits and detriments of smartphones. Include relevant reasons and examples to support your answer. Spend more time developing your ideas than listing them.

A Nightmare

A Nightmare

Write about the most terrifying nightmare you have had. Engage the reader by establishing a context and introducing a narrator and/or characters. Let your narrative unfold naturally.

Story Prompt 3

Story Prompt 3

Access this printable 7th grade writing prompt worksheet and guarantee children the pleasure of writing something interesting! Let them master outlining, drafting, and revising.

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Writing Prompt A Great Memory

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Marla Brennan

Write about your favourite memory with your brother. Be sure to included details about the setting and use imagery to create a clear picture of the memory. 

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7th grade writing prompts with passages

Solar Eclipse 2024 Reading Comprehension Passages, Writing & Research Activities

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What educators are saying


Get your students excited and informed about the Solar Eclipse 2024 with ready-to-use reading comprehension passages with questions , linked articles/videos, creative writing prompts, and other engaging activities! 

Students love learning about the world around them! This solar eclipse mini unit creates an opportunity for students to learn about a unique science experience. You can complete the solar eclipse elements in one day or spread them out longer. 

Give students an opportunity to get excited about the solar eclipse by using it as a teachable experience. Students can get immersed in the solar eclipse through reading, writing and drawing. Students will love learning about the solar eclipse! 

Here's what you'll get:

  • 3 Reading passages and questions -Answer Keys
  • Directed Drawing with 3 writing prompts -Printable -Slides to display
  • Selfie Writing 
  • Video of the Day -3 Turn and Talk prompts -3 Writing prompts -Slides to display
  • Mini Research Google Slides -1 Article with questions & Answer key -1 Video with questions & Answer Key

Your students will enjoy learning all about the solar eclipse. This is a unique opportunity that can get students excited and engaged about science with little work for you. Students can work in small groups, partners or even independently. The students will be engaged while using real-life applications.

Prep is quick and easy... Just assign the research project to your students, print or display!


You may also like…

→ Weather Research Project

→ Hero Research Project

→ Research Bundle

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  1. 30 Powerful Writing Prompts for 7th Grade » JournalBuddies.com

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  3. 7th Grade Writing Prompt Worksheets

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  18. 7th Grade Writing Prompts Worksheets

    Our printable writing prompts worksheets for grade 7 empower children to write better narratives, reports, and essays. Write arguments with clear reasons and relevant evidence. Support claims with logical reasoning and relevant examples. Practice toggling between formal and informal styles as required. Use a range of transition words and ...

  19. Results for informational writing 7th grade prompts and passages

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  22. Solar Eclipse 2024 Reading Comprehension Passages, Writing ...

    Get your students excited and informed about the Solar Eclipse 2024 with ready-to-use reading comprehension passages with questions, linked articles/videos, creative writing prompts, and other engaging activities!. Students love learning about the world around them! This solar eclipse mini unit creates an opportunity for students to learn about a unique science experience.

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