
Biodiversity Essay

Biodiversity Essay ગુજરાતીમાં | Biodiversity Essay In Gujarati

Biodiversity Essay ગુજરાતીમાં | Biodiversity Essay In Gujarati - 3300 શબ્દોમાં

    જૈવવિવિધતા         એ વિશ્વમાં અથવા ચોક્કસ વસવાટમાં રહેતા છોડ અને પ્રાણીઓની વિશાળ વિવિધતાના મહત્વનો ઉલ્લેખ કરે છે.     આપણા ગ્રહ પર પર્યાવરણીય સંવાદિતાને સંતુલિત કરવા માટે આ સ્તરને જાળવી રાખવું મહત્વપૂર્ણ છે.     જૈવવિવિધતા, જેને જૈવિક વિવિધતા તરીકે પણ ઓળખવામાં આવે છે, તે વ્યાપકપણે પૃથ્વી પરના છોડ અને પ્રાણીઓની વિવિધ પ્રજાતિઓની વિવિધતા અથવા પરિવર્તનશીલતા છે.     કુદરતી વાતાવરણને સુમેળભર્યું સ્થિતિમાં રાખવા માટે ઉચ્ચ સ્તરની જૈવવિવિધતા હોવી જરૂરી છે.    

    અંગ્રેજીમાં જૈવવિવિધતા પર લાંબો અને ટૂંકો નિબંધ    

    તમારા જ્ઞાન અને માહિતી માટે અમે નીચે અંગ્રેજીમાં જૈવવિવિધતા પર ટૂંકો અને લાંબો નિબંધ પ્રદાન કર્યો છે.    

    આ નિબંધો સરળ છતાં અસરકારક અંગ્રેજી ભાષામાં લખવામાં આવ્યા છે જેથી તેમને જરૂર પડે ત્યારે સરળતાથી યાદગાર અને પ્રસ્તુત કરી શકાય.    

    આ જૈવવિવિધતા નિબંધમાંથી પસાર થયા પછી તમે જૈવવિવિધતાને સમજાવી શકશો;     તેના ઘટાડાનું કારણ;     જૈવવિવિધતાને કેવી રીતે સમૃદ્ધ બનાવવી;     શા માટે જૈવવિવિધતા મહત્વપૂર્ણ છે;     આપણે જૈવવિવિધતા કેવી રીતે જાળવી શકીએ વગેરે.    

    અંગ્રેજીમાં આ જૈવવિવિધતા નિબંધો તમને તમારી શાળા, કૉલેજ સોંપણીઓમાં ઘણી મદદ કરશે જેમાં તમારે બોલવું અથવા નિબંધ લખવો અથવા જૈવવિવિધતા પરની ચર્ચામાં ભાગ લેવો જરૂરી છે.    

    જૈવવિવિધતા નિબંધ 1 (100 શબ્દો)    

    જૈવવિવિધતા, જૈવિક વિવિધતા માટે ટૂંકી, પૃથ્વી પર રહેતા છોડ અને પ્રાણીઓની વિવિધ જાતિઓનો ઉલ્લેખ કરે છે.     પર્યાવરણની સરળ કામગીરીની ખાતરી કરવા અને માનવજાતના અસ્તિત્વ માટે ઉચ્ચ સ્તરની જૈવવિવિધતા જાળવવી મહત્વપૂર્ણ છે.    

    જો કે, આપણા ગ્રહ પર વધતા હવા, પાણી અને જમીનના પ્રદૂષણને કારણે જૈવવિવિધતા જાળવવી મુશ્કેલ બની રહી છે.     જૈવવિવિધતામાં ઘટાડા તરફ દોરી જતા ઉપરોક્ત કારણોને લીધે થતા ઝડપી પર્યાવરણીય ફેરફારોના પરિણામે છોડ અને પ્રાણીઓની સંખ્યાબંધ પ્રજાતિઓ લુપ્ત થઈ ગઈ છે.     ગ્રહ અને અહીં રહેતા લોકોને બચાવવા માટે આને નિયંત્રિત કરવાની જરૂર છે.    

    જૈવવિવિધતા નિબંધ 2 (150 શબ્દો)    

    જૈવવિવિધતા એ ઇકોસિસ્ટમમાં હાજર વિવિધ પ્રકારના છોડ, પ્રાણીઓ અને અન્ય સજીવોનું માપ હોવાનું કહેવાય છે.     આ બધા ગ્રહ પર તંદુરસ્ત વાતાવરણ જાળવવામાં ફાળો આપે છે અને આ રીતે મહત્વપૂર્ણ ભૂમિકા ભજવે છે.    

    પૃથ્વી પર હાજર છોડ અને પ્રાણીઓની વિવિધ પ્રજાતિઓ સમાનરૂપે વિતરિત થતી નથી.     આ અસમાન વિતરણનું મુખ્ય કારણ આપણા ગ્રહની આબોહવાની પરિસ્થિતિઓ છે.     વિશ્વના વિવિધ ભાગોમાં આબોહવા ખૂબ જ બદલાય છે અને આમ દરેક ભાગમાં અસ્તિત્વમાં રહેલા જીવનના પ્રકારમાં વિવિધતા છે.     છેલ્લા કેટલાક દાયકાઓમાં આબોહવાની સ્થિતિમાં મોટો ફેરફાર થયો છે અને તેના કારણે જૈવવિવિધતામાં ઘટાડો થયો છે.     વધતી જતી અસંતુલન માનવજાત માટે પણ ખતરો બની શકે છે.    

    પ્રદૂષણને નિયંત્રિત કરીને અને ગ્રહ પર રહેતા તમામ જીવો માટે સલામત અને સુરક્ષિત વાતાવરણનું નિર્માણ કરીને જૈવવિવિધતાની સમૃદ્ધિની ખાતરી કરવી જરૂરી છે.    

    જૈવવિવિધતા નિબંધ 3 (200 શબ્દો)    

    જૈવવિવિધતા પૃથ્વી પરના છોડ અને પ્રાણીઓની વિવિધ પ્રજાતિઓની પરિવર્તનશીલતા અને વિવિધતાને દર્શાવે છે.     આ વિવિધતા આપણા ગ્રહને રહેવા યોગ્ય બનાવવામાં ફાળો આપે છે.    

    વિશ્વના વિવિધ ભાગોમાં વિવિધ જીવોના અસમાન વિતરણનું કારણ વિવિધ આબોહવાની પરિસ્થિતિઓ છે.     વિષુવવૃત્તની નજીક પાર્થિવ જૈવવિવિધતા વધુ છે અને આ ગરમ આબોહવા અને ઉચ્ચ પ્રાથમિક ઉત્પાદકતાને કારણે થાય છે.     બીજી તરફ પશ્ચિમ પેસિફિકના દરિયાકાંઠે દરિયાઈ જૈવવિવિધતા સૌથી વધુ છે કારણ કે તે દરિયાની સપાટીનું સૌથી વધુ તાપમાન ધરાવે છે.     જૈવવિવિધતા મૂળભૂત રીતે હોટસ્પોટ્સમાં ક્લસ્ટર થાય છે અને સંશોધકો જણાવે છે કે તે સમય દરમિયાન વધી રહી છે ત્યારે આવનારા સમયમાં તે ધીમી થવાની સંભાવના છે.    

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    સુમેળભર્યું વાતાવરણ બનાવવા માટે સમૃદ્ધ વિવિધતા જાળવવી જરૂરી છે.     તે મનુષ્યોને તેમની મૂળભૂત જરૂરિયાતો જેમ કે ખોરાક, આશ્રય, દવાઓ વગેરે પૂરી પાડીને તેમના અસ્તિત્વને સક્ષમ બનાવે છે. જો કે, વધતું પ્રદૂષણ જે પર્યાવરણને સતત બગાડે છે તે જૈવવિવિધતા પર પણ નકારાત્મક અસર કરી રહ્યું છે.     પૃથ્વી પર અગાઉ વસતી કેટલીક પ્રજાતિઓ હવે લુપ્ત થઈ ગઈ છે અને બીજી ઘણી પ્રજાતિઓ આવનારા વર્ષોમાં લુપ્ત થવાની ભીતિ છે.     આ પર્યાવરણીય અસંતુલન તરફ દોરી જશે અને માનવ જાતિ માટે જોખમી સાબિત થઈ શકે છે.    

    જૈવવિવિધતા નિબંધ 4 (250 શબ્દો)    

    જૈવવિવિધતા, જેને જૈવિક વિવિધતા તરીકે પણ ઓળખવામાં આવે છે, તે પૃથ્વી પર રહેતા વનસ્પતિ અને પ્રાણીસૃષ્ટિની વિવિધ પ્રજાતિઓ છે.     જૈવવિવિધતા જેટલી સમૃદ્ધ હશે તેટલું વધુ સંતુલિત અને સુમેળભર્યું પર્યાવરણ હશે.     વિવિધ પ્રકારના છોડ અને પ્રાણીઓ ગ્રહને વસવાટ કરવા યોગ્ય બનાવવા માટે પોતાનું યોગદાન આપે છે.     પૃથ્વી પર માનવ જાતિના અસ્તિત્વનું એક મુખ્ય કારણ જૈવવિવિધતા છે.     આ એટલા માટે છે કારણ કે સજીવોની વિવિધ પ્રજાતિઓ તેમની ખોરાક, આશ્રય, કપડા અને અન્ય સંસાધનોની મૂળભૂત જરૂરિયાતો પૂરી કરવામાં મદદ કરે છે.    

    વનસ્પતિની લગભગ 300,000 પ્રજાતિઓ છે જે આજ સુધી જાણીતી છે અને પ્રાણીસૃષ્ટિની અસંખ્ય પ્રજાતિઓ છે જેમાં માત્ર પ્રાણીઓ જ નહીં પણ પક્ષીઓ, માછલીઓ, સરિસૃપો, સસ્તન પ્રાણીઓ, જંતુઓ, મોલસ્ક, ક્રસ્ટેશિયન્સ વગેરેનો પણ સમાવેશ થાય છે. આપણા ગ્રહ પૃથ્વીની રચના લગભગ 4.54 અબજની આસપાસ થઈ હતી. વર્ષો પહેલા અને લગભગ 3.5 અબજ વર્ષો પહેલા જીવનના પુરાવા છે.     પાછલી સદીઓમાં વનસ્પતિ અને પ્રાણીસૃષ્ટિ બંનેની સંખ્યાબંધ પ્રજાતિઓ લુપ્ત થઈ ગઈ છે અને જૈવવિવિધતાના સ્તરને ખલેલ પહોંચાડીને ત્યાં આવનારા સમયમાં લુપ્ત થવાની ધારણા છે.    

    માનવી વર્ષોથી ટેક્નોલોજી તરફ એટલો પ્રેરિત થઈ ગયો છે કે તે તેના પરિણામોને ભૂલી ગયો છે.     કેટલીક નવી શોધો પર્યાવરણ માટે જોખમી સાબિત થઈ છે અને જૈવવિવિધતા પર નકારાત્મક અસર કરી રહી છે.     આ સમય છે કે માનવીએ પર્યાવરણીય મુદ્દાઓને ગંભીરતાથી લેવાનું શરૂ કરવું જોઈએ અને વાતાવરણને સુધારવામાં પોતાનું યોગદાન આપવું જોઈએ.     સમૃદ્ધ જૈવવિવિધતા વિકસાવવા માટે સ્વસ્થ વાતાવરણ જરૂરી છે જે બદલામાં મનુષ્ય માટે પૃથ્વી પર સુમેળભરી સ્થિતિમાં જીવવા માટે જરૂરી છે.    

    જૈવવિવિધતા નિબંધ 5 (300 શબ્દો)    

    જૈવવિવિધતા એ મૂળભૂત રીતે પૃથ્વી પર રહેતા વિવિધ છોડ, પ્રાણીઓ અને અન્ય સજીવોનું માપ છે.     પૃથ્વી પર હાજર વનસ્પતિ અને પ્રાણીસૃષ્ટિની દરેક જાત સંતુલિત પર્યાવરણ બનાવવા માટે પોતાનું યોગદાન આપે છે જે જીવંત પ્રાણીઓના અસ્તિત્વ માટે યોગ્ય છે.     આ પ્રજાતિઓ એકબીજાની જીવન ટકાવી રાખવાની મૂળભૂત જરૂરિયાતો પૂરી કરવામાં મદદ કરે છે.     તેથી સમૃદ્ધ જૈવવિવિધતા હોવી જરૂરી છે.    

    જૈવવિવિધતા કેવી રીતે ઘટી છે?    

    જ્યારે સમૃદ્ધ જૈવવિવિધતા જાળવવાના મહત્વ પર વારંવાર ભાર મૂકવામાં આવ્યો છે, ત્યારે વર્ષોથી જૈવવિવિધતાના સ્તરમાં ઘટાડો જોવા મળ્યો છે અને આવનારા સમયમાં તે વધુ નીચે જવાની શક્યતા છે.     આનું મુખ્ય કારણ વધતું પ્રદૂષણ છે જે ઔદ્યોગિક કચરો અને વિવિધ નવા યુગની શોધોના ઉપયોગનું પરિણામ છે.     માનવ દ્વારા લાવવામાં આવેલા પર્યાવરણીય ફેરફારોને કારણે તાજેતરના ભૂતકાળમાં છોડ અને પ્રાણીઓની ઘણી પ્રજાતિઓ લુપ્ત થઈ ગઈ છે અને આવનારા સમયમાં ઘણી લુપ્ત થવાનો અંદાજ છે.     આનાથી જૈવવિવિધતામાં વધુ ઘટાડો થશે જે બદલામાં પર્યાવરણમાં અસંતુલન તરફ દોરી જશે અને માનવ જાતિ તેમજ પૃથ્વી પર રહેતા અન્ય સજીવો માટે ખતરો પેદા કરશે.    

    જૈવવિવિધતાની સમૃદ્ધિમાં કેવી રીતે ઉમેરો કરવો?    

    પર્યાવરણીય ચિંતાઓ પ્રત્યે વધુ સંવેદનશીલ બનવું જરૂરી છે.     વિવિધ દેશોની સરકારો તેના વિશે જાગૃતિ ફેલાવી રહી છે અને વિવિધ માધ્યમોનો ઉપયોગ કરીને આ મુદ્દાને કાબૂમાં લેવાનો પ્રયાસ કરી રહી છે.     સામાન્ય માણસની પણ જવાબદારી છે કે તે પર્યાવરણના જતન માટે આગળ આવે.    


    માનવી ટેક્નોલોજીનો ઉપયોગ કરવા માટે એટલો ટેવાઈ ગયો હોય તેવું લાગે છે કે તેણે કુદરતી આસપાસના સંરક્ષણના મહત્વની અવગણના કરી છે.     તે સમજવાની જરૂર છે કે પર્યાવરણ પ્રત્યે અસંવેદનશીલતા એ બીજું કંઈ નથી પરંતુ તમારા પોતાના વિનાશ તરફનો માર્ગ મોકળો છે.     પરિવર્તન લાવવા માટે તમારો પ્રયાસ કરો!    

    જૈવવિવિધતા નિબંધ (400 શબ્દો)    

    જૈવવિવિધતા, જેને જૈવિક વિવિધતા તરીકે પણ ઓળખવામાં આવે છે, તે ચોક્કસ નિવાસસ્થાનમાં અથવા સમગ્ર પૃથ્વી પર હાજર વનસ્પતિ અને પ્રાણીસૃષ્ટિની વિવિધતા છે.     તેણે મોટાભાગે વધુ સ્પષ્ટ રીતે વ્યાખ્યાયિત શબ્દો - પ્રજાતિઓની સમૃદ્ધિ અને પ્રજાતિઓની વિવિધતાને બદલી નાખી છે.    

  • 10 Lines on Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
  • 10 Lines on Importance of Water
  • 10 Lines on Independence Day in India
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    જૈવવિવિધતા - જૈવિક વિવિધતાઓનો એકીકૃત દૃષ્ટિકોણ    

    આ વિવિધતાને વ્યાખ્યાયિત કરવા માટે ઉપયોગમાં લેવાતા અન્ય ઘણા શબ્દો છે.     આમાં ઇકોલોજીકલ વિવિધતા (ઇકોસિસ્ટમ વિવિધતાના પરિપ્રેક્ષ્યથી જોવામાં આવે છે), વર્ગીકરણ વિવિધતા (પ્રજાતિ વિવિધતાના સ્તરે માપવામાં આવે છે), કાર્યાત્મક વિવિધતા (વસ્તીની અંદર કાર્યાત્મક રીતે અસમાન પ્રજાતિઓની ગણતરી) અને મોર્ફોલોજિકલ વિવિધતા (આનુવંશિક વિવિધતામાંથી મેળવેલ) નો સમાવેશ થાય છે.     જૈવવિવિધતા આ તમામ જૈવિક જાતોનો એકીકૃત દૃષ્ટિકોણ આપે છે.    

    જૈવવિવિધતા શા માટે મહત્વપૂર્ણ છે?    

    જૈવવિવિધતા મહત્વપૂર્ણ છે કારણ કે તે ઇકોલોજીકલ સિસ્ટમમાં સંતુલન જાળવવામાં મદદ કરે છે.     વિવિધ છોડ અને પ્રાણીઓ તેમની મૂળભૂત જરૂરિયાતો પૂરી કરવા માટે એકબીજા પર પરસ્પર નિર્ભર છે.     દાખલા તરીકે, મનુષ્ય તેમના ખોરાક, આશ્રય અને વસ્ત્રો માટે વિવિધ વનસ્પતિઓ અને પ્રાણીઓ પર નિર્ભર છે અને તેવી જ રીતે અન્ય ઘણી પ્રજાતિઓ આવા હેતુઓ માટે એકબીજા પર નિર્ભર છે.     જૈવવિવિધતાની સમૃદ્ધિ આપણા ગ્રહને અહીં રહેતી દરેક પ્રજાતિના અસ્તિત્વ માટે યોગ્ય બનાવે છે.    

    જો કે, કમનસીબે વધતા પ્રદૂષણની જૈવવિવિધતા પર નકારાત્મક અસર પડી રહી છે.     આના કારણે સંખ્યાબંધ છોડ અને પ્રાણીઓ લુપ્ત થઈ ગયા છે અને જો પ્રદૂષણનું સ્તર આ રીતે વધતું રહેશે તો આવનારા સમયમાં ઘણા લુપ્ત થઈ જશે તેવી ભીતિ છે.     જેના કારણે જૈવવિવિધતામાં ઘટાડો થશે.    

    જૈવવિવિધતા કેવી રીતે જાળવી શકાય?    

    મનુષ્યે સમૃદ્ધ જૈવવિવિધતા જાળવવાનું મહત્વ સમજવાની જરૂર છે.     વાહનોનો ધુમાડો જે મોટા પાયે વાયુ પ્રદૂષણ તરફ દોરી જાય છે તે વિવિધ પ્રજાતિઓ માટે ખતરો બની રહ્યો છે.     વાતાવરણમાં પ્રદૂષણના સ્તરને નીચે લાવવા માટે આ એક પ્રથમ વસ્તુ છે જેને નિયંત્રિત કરવાની જરૂર છે.     ઔદ્યોગિક કચરો જે દરિયામાં જાય છે તે દરિયાઈ જીવન માટે હાનિકારક છે અને તેથી અન્ય કોઈ માધ્યમોનો ઉપયોગ કરીને તેનો નિકાલ થવો જોઈએ.     તેવી જ રીતે, જમીન અને ધ્વનિ પ્રદૂષણને પણ નિયંત્રિત કરવું આવશ્યક છે.    

    જૈવવિવિધતાના સ્તરમાં ઘટાડા માટે વનનાબૂદી પણ એક મુખ્ય કારણ છે.     તે માત્ર છોડ અને વૃક્ષોની સંખ્યાને ઝડપથી નીચે લાવી રહ્યું છે એટલું જ નહીં પરંતુ તે પ્રાણીઓ પાસેથી આશ્રય પણ છીનવી રહ્યું છે અને તેમના માટે જીવવું મુશ્કેલ બનાવી રહ્યું છે.     પર્યાવરણમાં સંવાદિતા સુનિશ્ચિત કરવા માટે આવી પ્રથાઓને નિયંત્રિત કરવી આવશ્યક છે.    

    વનસ્પતિ અને પ્રાણીસૃષ્ટિની દરેક પ્રજાતિઓ પર્યાવરણની જાળવણી અને તેને જીવવા યોગ્ય બનાવવા માટે તેના અનન્ય હેતુને પૂર્ણ કરે છે.     આમ, સંતુલિત પર્યાવરણ જાળવવા માટે, જૈવવિવિધતાની સમૃદ્ધિ અને સંતુલન જાળવવું મહત્વપૂર્ણ છે.    

    સંબંધિત માહિતી:    

    જૈવવિવિધતાના નુકશાન પર નિબંધ    

    વધુ મહિતી:    

    ક્લાઈમેટ ચેન્જ પર નિબંધો    

    ગ્લોબલ વોર્મિંગ નિબંધ    

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Biodiversity Essay ગુજરાતીમાં | Biodiversity Essay In Gujarati

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Gujarat – a wildlife wonderland with incredible biodiversity

Skirted by the arabian sea and the rann of kutch, gujarat is landscaped by a vast terrain of forests, mountains, rivers, and waterfalls, which makes it an ideal home for splendid wildlife as well as one of the most important hotspots of biodiversity in india..

The vast wildlife of Gujarat holds a variety of flora and fauna with over 2,758 species of animals, more than 498 species of birds, including endangered avifauna like Great Indian Bustard, Macqueen’s Bustard, Houbara Bustard, Lesser Florican, and Demoiselle Crane and a huge range of amphibians, reptiles, insects, fishes, and many more.

Gujarat is famous for being the last home of the majestic Asiatic Lion and the Asiatic Wild Ass. The state has 4 National Parks and 21 Wildlife Sanctuaries that include Gir Forest National Park, Marine National Park, Wild Ass Sanctuary, Nal Sarovar Birds Sanctuary, and other well-known sanctuaries and national reserves. 

The famous Rann of Kutch, situated in the region of the Thar Desert is a salty marsh area perfect as a wildlife haven, particularly for the endangered population of Wild Asses.

Gir National Park

Image 4 1 Gujarat - a wildlife wonderland with incredible biodiversity

The king of the jungle resides in this dry deciduous forest region. Home to the rare species, the Asiatic Lion, the Gir National Park is the only abode of the Asiatic Lion in its natural habitat. As of June 2020, the estimated population of Asiatic Lions in Gir was 674. The other famous big cat of the Gir forest is the Leopard, a solitary animal difficult to spot and well known for its hunting skills.

Little Rann Wild Ass Sanctuary

Gujarat - Little Rann Wild Ass Sanctuary

Home to another precious ecosystem and holding the only remaining population of the Indian Wild Ass, The Wild Ass Sanctuary in the Rann of Kutch region in Gujarat has over 3,000 Indian Wild Asses in the Sanctuary. This quiet haven is home to 32 other types of mammals including Chinkara, Desert Fox, and much more.

The Velavadar Blackbuck National Park

Gujarat - The Velavadar Blackbuck National Park

One of the smallest National Parks in the country, covering an area of 34 square km, the Velavadar Blackbuck National Park is an amazing reserve for naturalists and wildlife enthusiasts. Velavadar is a grassland that is one of the finest places to see Blackbucks in their natural habitat.

The Jambughoda Wildlife Sanctuary

  Gujarat - The Jambughoda Wildlife Sanctuary

Ringed by lush forested hills, like Teak, Mahua, and Bamboo thickets the Jambughoda Wildlife Sanctuary in Panchmahal is a magnificent wildlife reserve, which is home to Wild Boar, Nilgai, Jackal, Hyena, Barking Deer, Sloth Bear, Chausingha and Leopard.

The Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary

  Gujarat - The Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary

One of the largest wetland sanctuaries in the country with 120.82 square km of lake, flat plains, wetlands, and marshes, the Nalsarovar Birds Sanctuary is a brilliant bio reserve where you can spot Ducks, Geese, Eagles, Spoonbills, Cranes, Pelicans, and Flamingos. You can often see Wild Ass and Black Buck grazing in the Sanctuary.

The Shoolpaneshwar Sanctuary

Spread for over 608 sq km, this rich deciduous forest with tall trees, rippling streams, and breath-taking waterfalls is home to the shaggy sloth bear. The sanctuary holds over 575 species of flora and 230 species of fauna and is a must-visit in Narmada.

The Barda Wildlife Sanctuary

Considered a second home to the Asiatic Lion, the lush Barda Wildlife Sanctuary is a great attraction for nature lovers as they will be captivated by this splendid reserve that has over 650 plant species.

The Jessore Sloth Bear Sanctuary

 Located at the foot of the ancient Aravalli hills, the Jessore Sloth Bear Sanctuary consists of mixed deciduous and desert thorn forests and is a natural home to the endangered Sloth Bear and many other rare species of flora and fauna.

Vansda National Park

Home to over 115 species of birds, the Vansda National Park is a green oasis of lush vegetation, tall trees, flowers, and a wide range of flora and fauna. Visitors can enjoy the birdlife paradise as they spot the Great Black Woodpecker, Emerald Dove, Grey Hornbill, Racket-Tailed Drongo, Paradise Flycatcher, and Leaf birds.

Marine National Park

Gujarat - Marine National Park

Spread over 458 sq km, India’s first Marine Wildlife Sanctuary and first Marine National Park is a wonderland holding seven species of mangroves that provide nurseries and shelter to prawns, fishes, birds, and other marine life, including colourful sponges and corals. Visitors will be awe-struck looking at all the unimaginably rich marine life. Many colourful species of the marine world are spotted here during the low tide.

The Great Indian Bustard Sanctuary

This 2 sq km Bird Sanctuary is one of the smallest bird sanctuaries in India. The Great Indian Bustard Sanctuary is one of the two sanctuaries for the conservation of the Indian Bustard and serves as a perfect adobe for the birds as it feeds on the cereal crops that grow in this semi-desert region.

Gaga Wild Sanctuary

Gujarat- Gaga Wild Sanctuary

This bird lovers’ paradise is an ornithologist’s dream. This is a must-visit Sanctuary as it is home to over 88 bird species, like the Great Indian Bustard, Larks, Partridges, Sand Grouses, and Flamingos.

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Translating Gujarat: On Raising Visibility and Sharing Literary Wealth

Gujarat boasts a vibrantly active and industrious 24% of India’s overall seacoast. At 1,600 kilometers, this is the longest coastline of all Indian states and, since ancient times, has invited an unceasing influx of travelers, traders, and warriors from all over the world. The region connects with present-day Afghanistan and Pakistan via northbound land routes through the Sindh desert and what is presently known as Rajasthan. Its eastern mainland adjoins the rest of northern and central India. And in the south, it neighbors agriculturally productive and highly industrialized towns and cities like present-day, cosmopolitan Mumbai. The state’s topography is also filled with extremes and contrasts, from the salt deserts and marshes of Kutch in the northwest to the arid and semiarid scrublands of the western Kathiawad peninsula to the forested mountains and fertile plains in the southeast. Frequented by migratory tribes and clans of pastoralist warriors, pilgrims, and traders, these age-old routes and vastly diverse ecologies have allowed for a fascinating hybridization of cultures and languages from all around the country and the world. Even the name Gujarat originates from a tribal dynasty, the Gurjara-Pratiharas, who came from the north in the mid-eighth century to defeat the local rulers and rule the region along with much of northern India.

Given all of the above, the Gujarati language has never been a discrete or stable entity despite the pre-Independence attempts by British colonial officers, Gandhi, and other Indian nationalist leaders to codify it as such. As scholars like Riho Isaka, Samira Sheikh, Sitanshu Yashaschandra, Rita Kothari, Aparna Kapadia, et al. have proved, the language is a richly complex linguistic system without fixed boundaries that has evolved through centuries of economic, political, and cultural interactions between speakers of Sanskrit, Prakrit, Gujari, Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Portuguese, Dutch, Urdu, Sindhi, Hindi, and more.

This plurality enabled the flourishing of numerous ethnolinguistic identities within the region, which, in turn, have engendered diverse literatures and cultural artifacts through the centuries. Arguably, though, Gujarat had its major literary renaissance in the late 1800s. In part, this was due to cross-pollination with the growing number of literary translations from English and other Indian and European languages. And, in part, it was due to a sociopolitical awakening among Gujarat’s literati—most of whom were educated elites—driven by anti-colonialism, nationalism, and the independence movement. Both of these factors led to a profuse blossoming of the modern Gujarati short story, groundbreaking first novels and memoirs, literary criticism approached as a rigorous art form in itself, travelogues that became established as a literary genre, and modern poetic forms that deviated from all previous traditions. Writers, poets, critics, and dramatists like Dalpat, Narmad, Nilkanth Sr., Navalram Pandya, Nandshankar Mehta, and others led the initial charge.

During this pre-Independence peak era of literary output, the historical novel genre became notably dominant because it also grappled with identity-building, a sense of nationalism, and state formation. Gujarati historical novels of this time are, in themselves, sources of history—beyond the stories they contained, they were also modes of collective consciousness, social reform, and earnest attempts to transcend history itself. This pre-Independence rise of Gujarati historical fiction was deeply influenced by the likes of Scott, Tolstoy, Cervantes, and others. The first-ever Gujarati novel, Nandshankar Mehta’s Karan Ghelo, published in 1866, was historical fiction. Next came the canonical, near-historical novel quartet Sarasvatichandra,  by Govardhanram Madhavram Tripathi, published from 1887 to 1901. With over 150 characters and 2,000 pages, its length surpassed Tolstoy’s War and Peace and it preceded Proust’s In Search of Lost Time . Writers like K. M. Munshi and Dhumketu published several historical fiction series set in pre-British India. Jhaverchand Meghani painstakingly collected ancient oral folklore from different regional communities into multi-volume works. Gunvantrai Acharya created swashbuckling tales of the nautical adventures of Gujaratis who traveled far and wide.

Yet, the first-ever English (or any language) translations of a handful of these works have only emerged in the last decade or so. The rest remain like faint memories of long-buried treasures despite the recovery and preservation efforts of a few stalwarts in every generation. In particular, many works remain unknown even to the Gujarati readership because they came from marginalized Gujarati communities—for example, the Parsi Gujarati community, which was much smaller than the Hindu majority but produced relatively more books at the time.

We can draw a line connecting the aforementioned Acharya to his daughter, the celebrated and prolific author Varsha Adalja, whose fiction opened this collection. Crossroad is a multi-generational historical novel set during the time of India’s independence movement. Written when the author was in her seventies, the work is groundbreaking for several reasons. In particular, despite Gujarat giving India its two most well-known Independence leaders—Mahatma Gandhi and Muhammad Ali Jinnah—and Sabarmati Ashram in Ahmedabad being Gandhi’s political base, this is among the handful of contemporary Gujarati novels to carefully explore those volatile times. That it does so mostly through the lives and experiences of women is another singular feat. Adalja’s prose is colloquially lyrical and true to its time and place. It is also cinematic and immersive, while not shying away from the worst sociopolitical issues like the infanticide and rape of young girls. As I finish my translation of the novel, I am frequently struck by the depth of her craft and research. And I am reminded of how much we still need to learn about Gujarat during those decades beyond the lives and works of Gandhi, Jinnah, and the intelligentsia.

Immediately after independence from the British in 1947, Gujarat became part of Bombay State, and the Mahagujarat Movement for a separate state became the next big political drive. From 1947 to 1960, a Sanskritized version of the language became more standardized, relegating the many regional variations to dialect status. This is also when, as translator Meena Desai writes in her introduction to a ghazal by Befaam (the pen name of Barkat Ali Ghulam Husain Virani), the Gujarati ghazal form came into its own as part of the “burgeoning movement toward an independent identity of a much-colonized country.” Tracing its origins back to seventh-century Arabic love poetry, the ghazal had gathered Persian influences as it spread across South Asia in the twelfth century through Sufi mystics and Islamic Sultanate courtiers. Ghazals continue to enjoy popularity today—especially in Bollywood—in different languages and regions of India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Even noted American poets have composed ghazals in English. Though difficult to translate because of their layered meanings, repetitions, and symbolism, Gujarati ghazals continue to flourish both in India and among the diaspora.

Shortly after Independence, another upheaval in Gujarat—particularly the large regions of Kathiawad and Saurashtra—involved the unification of more than two hundred independent princely states. In British India, these states had functioned more like allies rather than subordinates of the British Raj. The newly-formed Indian government pushed hard to integrate the nearly six hundred total princely states, which made up more than half the country. But legacies, traditions, and memories lingered on, as we see in an excerpt of Hasmukh Shah’s upcoming memoir, Dithu Mai . . . ( From the Margins of History ), translated by Mira Desai. Shah describes markers of a world that was quickly disappearing at that time—a Muslim ruler, his integrated team of Hindu and Muslim drivers from across caste and class hierarchies, and his garage filled with expensive and difficult-to-maintain British and American vehicles. From the child narrator’s innocent point of view, all of this is fascinating and impressive. We know the child grew up to become a key staff member for three separate Indian prime ministers. Undoubtedly, some of his diplomatic and negotiation skills had begun developing in those humble yet culturally syncretic beginnings.

That idea of cultural syncretism is also brought forth in Bharat Trivedi’s poem about Ahmedabad , an ancient city with a rich history named after a fifteenth-century Muzaffarid Sultan. As Mira Desai writes in her translator’s note, “Beyond the Hindu, Muslim, and Maratha dynasties and the British colonial rulers, there were also the Siddis, descendants of shipwrecked Africans, who bequeathed an intricate and famous carved stone screen (referenced here as Siddi Sayyed ni jali) to the city.” Though it has seen much communal tension in the last two decades, Ahmedabad has always been a political and intellectual hotbed, particularly during the Gandhi years. And while it is a constant muse for poets, writers, filmmakers, and songmakers, the walls of this city guard many untold stories still. I lived in the sprawling outskirts from mid-2014 to early 2020 and continue to explore its past and present in my own fiction. Once it grabs hold of your imagination, Ahmedabad remains a perpetual state of mind.

The third poet we’ve featured, Jayesh Jeevibahen Solanki, grew up in a village close to Ahmedabad and was a prominent, brave voice in the Gujarat Dalit Movement for most of his adult life. As translator Gopika Jadeja writes in her introductory note , “These poems give us a glimpse into a promising young mind, a poet and activist who envisioned a different future for Dalit and marginalized communities in India.” The objects described starkly in these two poems—stolen mangoes, torn kites, ice lollies for a rupee, a shirtless torso, and shoeless feet—all reveal the impoverishment that Solanki experienced throughout his life, which he tragically ended in October 2020. During my time in Ahmedabad, when I was fictionalizing the 2014 Dalit flogging incident in Una for a short story, I found a few videos of Solanki talking to journalists and reciting his poetry. His grounded convictions and passionate energy will forever haunt all who encountered him, virtually or in person.

It takes both a deep passion and a certain kind of energy to persist as a bilingual poet and writer, as Pratishtha Pandya writes in her personal essay, “ Writing in Mother Tongue and an Other Tongue .” Pandya traces her lifelong encounters with different languages and literatures to understand how her translation practice made her “more attuned to the sounds, nuances, and even limitations of the languages I was working with.” More profoundly, she investigates how there are things she can write in the “other tongue” that she cannot approach in her mother tongue because of cultural conditioning. This linguistic hopscotching about may feel ungainly at times, she writes. Still, there is joy in the spontaneous discoveries it can yield for those willing to jump past boundary constructs and land on just the right words to express themselves fully.

Sachin Ketkar also talked about the pleasures and challenges of bilingualism in my interview with him. As a Marathi-speaking Maharashtrian who grew up speaking Gujarati in Gujarat and working with English as a scholar and academic, Dr. Ketkar experienced “subtractive bilingualism”—a phenomenon I have also experienced since leaving India in 1991 but had not been able to name until this conversation. This is when, as he told me, the acquisition of an elite and powerful language like English results in the depletion and deprivation of linguistic, cultural, and creative resources of the language(s) in which one is raised. We discussed his own literary and translation journey and how intricate questions of cultural identity, tradition, modernity, and relevance stared at him with every step of that journey. Translation, for him, is primarily a creative process of negotiating through those questions. As he also shares in the interview: while creative bilingualism or multilingualism has been additive in nature for literatures in other Indian languages (e.g. Tamil, Hindi, Bangla, Marathi, and more), it has not been the same with Gujarati literature for various reasons.

In a country with so many languages, translation is, as Rita Kothari put it in my interview with her, “an un-self-conscious act [that’s] in the air, in the cosmos. And it’s hidden by being most proximate and natural.” As a multilingual scholar, translator, academic, and author, she has written extensively about Gujarati literature and translation theory. She has also co-translated, with Abhijit Kothari, the most famous historical fiction in our literary canon: K. M. Munshi’s Patan trilogy. Here, we discussed the evolution and craft of Gujarati literature in translation . This is my third interview with Dr. Kothari, and one of the recurring themes is how she sees languages as sociopolitical constructs that are, beyond their uses for communication, about power and identity. Given the evolutionary aspects I described above, this is truer than ever for the Gujarati language. In closing, Dr. Kothari recommends another great Gujarati-to-English translator, to whom we turn next.

Tridip Suhrud is renowned for his Gandhian scholarship. He is also the only Gujarati-to-English translator who has been brave enough to take on the work of translating the canonical Gujarati historical quartet, Sarasvatichandra , which I mentioned earlier. In this interview , we discussed some of his milestone translations, and I asked him where Gujarati literature stands with respect to literatures from other Indian languages in terms of creativity, innovation, diversity, volume, and recognition. He reflected on the Gujarati intellectual tradition overall, and said that “. . . we in Gujarat [ . . . ] have not thought about ourselves in our tongue with as much rigor and originality as we ought to have, or the seriousness with which language communities like Marathi, Bangla, Kannada, Tamil, and Malayalam have done.” Regarding the Gujarati translation scene, he has also discussed elsewhere how we Gujaratis are very good at bringing literary wealth from other cultures into ours, but not so good at sharing our own wealth.

Though that last bit was also a good-humored dig at the age-old Gujarati stereotype as the mercantile, business-minded community, when we look at the three Gujarati-to-English translations published in 2022 (excluding my own Dhumketu translation, which was the US edition of the 2020 Indian publication), it bears out. In her omnibus review , Shalvi Shah writes that they were “all written and translated by men and the only literary works translated from Gujarati to English in India in 2022 were published and are set more than five decades ago.” As a young translator herself, she calls out the difficulties of finding daring, new, experimental works. Sadly, this latter point also bears out, although I’m grateful that we have rare translations of books by a Gujarati Parsi and a Gujarati Dalit among those three.

Earlier, I mentioned a literary renaissance period for Gujarati literature as the independence movement got underway. The next big turning point came in the post-Gandhian era of the 1950s and 1960s with avant-garde writers like Mohammad Mankad and Suresh Joshi. Though Joshi was trained and well-read in Western literary traditions, he chose to write in Gujarati. To date, there has been no other who can match Joshi’s experimental aesthetics and prolific works of fiction, literary prose, literary criticism, and translations from several languages. In his 1992 essay collection, Imaginary Homelands , Salman Rushdie writes this about meeting Joshi:

To go on in this vein: it strikes me that, at the moment, the greatest area of friction in Indian literature has nothing to do with English literature, but with the effects of the hegemony of Hindi on the literatures of other Indian languages, particularly other North Indian languages. I recently met the distinguished Gujarati novelist Suresh Joshi. He told me that he could write in Hindi but felt obliged to write in Gujarati because it was a language under threat. Not from English, or the West: from Hindi. In two or three generations, he said, Gujarati could easily die. And he compared it, interestingly, to the state of the Czech language under the yoke of Russian, as described by Milan Kundera.

(Joshi’s stance predates that of contemporary writers like J. M. Coetzee, Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o, and Minae Mizumura, who have all also made the political choice to write against the hegemony of English by first publishing their books in Spanish, Gikuyu, and Japanese respectively.)

Today, there is still a language pyramid in India where Bangla, Hindi, Urdu, Tamil, Malayalam, and others sit at the top. The language and history scholars I mentioned earlier have explored the whys and wherefores in their various books and papers. Globalization continues to diminish the ranks of Gujarati readers and writers by increasing the dominance of English. A quick check on Amazon India shows that, beyond academic texts, the Gujarati-language bestsellers are self-help and how-to books translated from English alongside the perennial favorite books about Steve Jobs and Elon Musk. With each generation, the body of Gujarati literature seems to become less abundant, vibrant, and innovative than it was during Joshi’s time. The Indian government and a handful of Gujarati literary institutions do what they can. For example, in 2007, the Gujarati Sahitya Akademi created a prize to recognize and encourage Gujarati authors and poets below the age of thirty . At last count, there are at least twenty different Gujarati literary awards . The Gujarati Sahitya Parishad, the oldest literary organization, has at least thirty different literary awards .

And yet, consider this: Gujarati has fifty-six million speakers worldwide. It is the sixth most spoken language in South Asia and the third most spoken language in the South Asian American diaspora . By some accounts, the Gujarati diaspora is spread over 125 countries . But my 2022 translation, The Shehnai Virtuoso and Other Stories by Dhumketu, was the first ever Gujarati-to-English literary translation to be published in the US. It was also the first ever book-length translation of this modern Gujarati short story pioneer, who published nearly twenty-six volumes of short stories alone.

For any literary culture to thrive, its readership must grow within its own societies and beyond with more translations into and from the language. This first-ever collection at Words Without Borders is a cultural intervention to bring these works to a wider readership, and to also help raise visibility within Gujarati society, especially the global diaspora. For translators from under-represented languages like ours, the act of translation can also be a mode of recovery and reclamation. Together, this small sample reveals rich glimpses of the diverse, complex, and ever-evolving literary traditions of Gujarat. It is an effort to share some of our literary wealth and celebrate our Gujarati ways of being.

Copyright © 2023 by Jenny Bhatt. All rights reserved.

Jenny Bhatt

Jenny Bhatt is a writer, literary translator, book critic, and the founder of Desi Books, a global multimedia forum for South Asian literature.

Into English: Sachin Ketkar on Bilingual Translation

Aimé césaire: thinking through resonance, thinking outside of history, out of this world: international science fiction.

Essay on Biodiversity for Students and Children

500+ words essay on biodiversity.

Essay on Biodiversity – Biodiversity is the presence of different species of plants and animals on the earth. Moreover, it is also called biological diversity as it is related to the variety of species of flora and fauna. Biodiversity plays a major role in maintaining the balance of the earth.

Essay on Biodiversity

Furthermore, everything depends upon the biological diversity of different plants and animals. But due to some reasons, biodiversity is decreasing day by day. If it does not stop then our earth could no longer be a place to live in. Therefore different measures help in increasing the biodiversity of the earth.

Methods to Increase Biodiversity

Building wildlife corridors- This means to build connections between wildlife spaces. In other words, many animals are incapable to cross huge barriers. Therefore they are no able to migrate the barrier and breed. So different engineering techniques can make wildlife corridors. Also, help animals to move from one place to the other.

Set up gardens- Setting up gardens in the houses is the easiest way to increase biodiversity. You can grow different types of plants and animals in the yard or even in the balcony. Further, this would help in increasing the amount of fresh air in the house.

Get the huge list of more than 500 Essay Topics and Ideas

Protected areas- protected areas like wildlife sanctuaries and zoo conserve biodiversity. For instance, they maintain the natural habitat of plants and animals. Furthermore, these places are away from any human civilization. Therefore the ecosystem is well maintained which makes it a perfect breeding ground for flora and fauna. In our country, their various wildlife sanctuaries are build that is today spread over a vast area. Moreover, these areas are the only reason some of the animal species are not getting extinct. Therefore the protected areas should increase all over the globe.

Re-wilding – Re-wilding is necessary to avert the damage that has been taking place over centuries. Furthermore, the meaning of re-wilding is introducing the endangered species in the areas where it is extinct. Over the past years, by various human activities like hunting and cutting down of trees the biodiversity is in danger. So we must take the necessary steps to conserve our wildlife and different species of plants.

Importance of Biodiversity

Biodiversity is extremely important to maintain the ecological system. Most Noteworthy many species of plants and animals are dependent on each other.

Therefore if one of them gets extinct, the others will start getting endangered too. Moreover, it is important for humans too because our survival depends on plants and animals. For instance, the human needs food to survive which we get from plants. If the earth does not give us a favorable environment then we cannot grow any crops. As a result, it will no longer be possible for us to sustain on this planet.

Biodiversity in flora and fauna is the need of the hour. Therefore we should take various countermeasures to stop the reduction of endangering of species. Furthermore, pollution from vehicles should decrease. So that animals can get fresh air to breathe. Moreover, it will also decrease global warming which is the major cause of the extinction of the species.

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Gujarati Culture, Dress and Food - The Heart and Soul of Gujarat

The diverse and vibrant state of Gujarat has a significant contribution to the cultural aspect of India. The sheer simplicity and amiability of Gujaratis have made them a flourishing community. The state of Gujarat boasts a vibrant art, architecture, culture, and heritage; all of which is quite evident in the day-to-day lives of the locals. The diversity exhibited by Gujarat is a result of the various ethnic groups constituting Gujarat's population; including Indic and Dravidian groups. 

1. Art and Culture of Gujarat

gujarati culture

Dance Forms 

gujarat culture

  • Dandiya Raas is performed by both men and women and utilizes the movement of bamboo sticks, known as Dandiyas. It has ancient roots and was believed to be played by the beloved Gopis of Lord Krishna.
  • Garba is usually performed by the females in a circular formation. It is performed with reverence of the feminine form of the divinity.
  • Garbi is traditionally performed by only the men and incorporates the use of instruments like dhol and manjiras.
  • Padhar is mainly performed by the rural communities near Nal Lake.

2. Customs and Traditions of Gujarat

3. languages and religions.

  • Although Gujarati is the mother tongue of the natives of Gujarat, many other languages are widely spoken throughout the state. Gujarati is an Indo-Aryan language derived from Sanskrit and is the 26th most widely used language in the world. Gujarati has about 11 different dialects, spoken in various parts of the state.
  • Since the state of Gujarat shares its border with Maharashtra , Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan ; a small section of its population speak the native languages of the neighbouring states, namely Marwari, Marathi, Hindi along with Urdu and Sindhi.
  • The natives of Kutch-a semi-arid region in Gujarat-speaks Kachchi language, which is quite an important language of the area.

4. Fairs and Festivals

gujarat culture, gujarati culture

The fairs and festivals of Gujarat showcase the real vibrancy and colours of its diverse culture. Thousands of people flock to Gujarat to witness the extravaganza during festivals like Navratri Mahotsav, Deepawali, Rathyatra and Kite festival. There are some fairs as well that are organized in the state every year, namely- Shamlaji Melo, Bhadra Purnima Fair, and Mahadev Fair. The Rann Utsav is a major festival and witnesses an exquisite carnival of music, dance and natural beauty.

5. Food of Gujarat

gujarati culture food

A traditional and authentic Gujarati meal consists of dal, roti, rice, vegetables, salad, chaas, farsan followed by a sweet dish. Gujarati cuisine is quite similar to that of Maharashtra, and most of the Gujaratis are vegetarian. Some of the famous Gujarati delicacies include dhokla, fafda, khandvi, dhal Dhokli, Undhiyu, handvo, Ganthia, dal Wada, khakhra, and Thepla. In Gujarati dishes, the flavors are a blend of sweet, spicy and sour tastes. Each region of the state has a distinctive flavor associated with its local food. A typical Gujarati dinner includes bhakri-shak or khichdi-kadhi. The Gujaratis are noted for their sweet tongue, and hence every meal is followed by a sweet dish or sometimes even jaggery.

6. Cultural Dresses of Gujarat

gujarati cultural dress

  • Patola Silk or popularly known as 'Queen of all silks' forms a major part of traditional Gujarati attire. Gujarati brides are adorned with silk and zari woven sarees of Gharchola and Panetar.
  • The traditional attires often incorporate tie-dye or traditional block prints.
  • The region of Kutch has a distinctive traditional outfit adorned by women known as Abhas. Chania Cholis are a popular choice of outfit during the festive season of Navratri Mahotsav.
  • Men also wear unique attire known as Kediya dress during the Navratri season.
  • A prevalent Gujarati trend is the silver Pachchikam jewellery that originated in Kutch.
  • 7. Gujarati Engagement and Wedding Ceremony

Engagement Ceremony

Wedding ceremony.

Gujarati Culture Engagement and Wedding

The wedding ceremony in the Gujarati culture is probably the most awaited event for the couple and its family but for all the guests as well. Like every Indian wedding, the rituals go back to the Vedic times, and the ceremonies kick off with the ( Varghodo ) wedding procession, that goes from the groom's house to the bride's house where the ceremonies take place. On arrival, the groom is welcomed by the bride's family ( Swagatam ) after which the bride's father performs a ritual involves him handing over his daughter to the groom ( Kanya Daan ) in front of the guest. After this, the rituals ( Ganesh Puja ) commences, this is known as the Vivaan. During the Vivaan, the couple performs the Mangal Phera where they go around the sacred fire and go through the most important part of the ritual, the Saptapadi or the seven sacred steps. The religious part of the ceremony comes to a close with the holy thread ( Mangalsutra ) being tied around the neck of the bride by the groom and he places the red dot ( tika ) on the wife's forehead, as a declaration of her new married status (Suhaag). The ceremony comes to a close when the couple goes to the groom's parents who will bless the couple ( Aashirvaad ).

8. Gujarati Cinema

Gujarati Culture Cinema

This post was published by Shelly Mehandiratta

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ભારતીય સંસ્ક્રુતિના પાયા

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Essays on the value of Indian civilisation and culture. This volume consists of various essays: 'Is India Civilised?', 'A Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture', 'Defence of Indian Culture', 'Indian Culture and External Influence' and 'The Renaissance in India'. They were first published in the monthly review Arya between 1918 and 1921.

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  • The Renaissance in India
  • 1997 Edition
  • The Foundations of Indian Culture
  • 1972 Edition

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  •   Les Fondements de la culture indienne    Français

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Essays on the value of Indian civilisation and culture.


  Sri Aurobindo




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biodiversity - Meaning in Gujarati

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biodiversity essay in gujarati

Biodiversity or biological diversity is the variety and variability of life on Earth. Biodiversity is a measure of variation at the genetic, species, and ecosystem levels. Biodiversity is not distributed evenly on Earth; it is usually greater in the tropics as a result of the warm climate and high primary productivity in the region near the equator. Tropical forest ecosystems cover less than 10% of Earth's terrestrial surface and contain about 50% of the world's species. There are latitudinal gradients in species diversity for both marine and terrestrial taxa. Marine coastal biodiversity is highest globally speaking in the Western Pacific ocean steered mainly by the higher surface temperatures. In all oceans across the planet, marine species diversity peaks in the mid-latitudinal zones. Terrestrial species threatened with mass extinction can be observed in exceptionally dense regional biodiversity hotspots, with high levels of species endemism under threat. There are 36 such hotspot regions which require the world's attention in order to secure global biodiversity.

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  • Biodiversity Essay


Essay on Biodiversity

Biodiversity is a term made up of two words - Bio meaning Life, and Diversity meaning Variety. The term biodiversity refers to the variety of life on Earth. Plants, animals, microbes, and fungi are all examples of living species on the planet.

Types of Biodiversity  

Genetic Biodiversity- Genetic diversity is the variation in genes and genotypes within a species, e.g., every human looks different from the other. 

Species Biodiversity- Species Diversity is the variety of species within a habitat or a region. It is the biodiversity observed within a community.

Ecosystem Biodiversity- Ecological biodiversity refers to the variations in the plant and animal species living together and connected by food chains and food webs.

Importance of Biodiversity 

Biodiversity is an integral part of cultural identity. Human cultures co-evolve with their environment and conservation is a priority for cultural identity. Biodiversity is used for Medicinal purposes.

Many plants and animals are used for medicinal purposes, like vitamins and painkillers. It contributes to climate stability. It helps in controlling the effects of climate change and managing greenhouse gases. 

Biodiversity provides more food resources. It supplies many vital ecosystems, such as creating and maintaining soil quality, controlling pests, and providing habitat for wildlife. Biodiversity has a relationship with Industry. Biological sources provide many Industrial materials including rubber, cotton, leather, food, paper, etc.

There are many economic benefits of Biodiversity. Biodiversity also helps in controlling pollution. Biodiversity helps in forming a healthy ecosystem. Biodiversity also acts as a source of recreation. Along with other factors, biodiversity helps in improving soil quality.

Long Essay on Biodiversity 

There are many economic benefits of Biodiversity. Biodiversity is a source of economic wealth for many regions of the world. Biodiversity facilitates Tourism and the Recreational industry. Natural Reserves and National Parks benefit a lot from it. Forest, wildlife, biosphere reserve, sanctuaries are prime spots for ecotourism, photography, painting, filmmaking, and literary works.

Biodiversity plays a vital role in the maintenance of the gaseous composition of the atmosphere, breakdown of waste material, and removal of pollutants.

Conservation of Biodiversity  

Biodiversity is very important for human existence as all life forms are interlinked with each other and one single disturbance can have multiple effects on another. If we fail to protect our biodiversity, we can endanger our plants, animals, and environment, as well as human life. Therefore, it is necessary to protect our biodiversity at all costs. Conservation of Biodiversity can be done by educating the people to adopt more environment-friendly methods and activities and develop a more harmonious and empathetic nature towards the environment. The involvement and cooperation of communities are very important. The process of continuous protection of Biodiversity is the need of the hour.

The Government of India, along with 155 other nations, has signed the convention of Biodiversity at the Earth Summit to protect it. According to the summit, efforts should be made in preserving endangered species. 

The preservation and proper management methods for wildlife should be made. Food crops, animals, and plants should be preserved. Usage of various food crops should be kept at a minimum. Every country must realize the importance of protecting the ecosystem and safeguarding the habitat. 

The Government of India has launched the Wild Life Protection Act 1972 to protect, preserve, and propagate a variety of species. The Government has also launched a scheme to protect national parks and sanctuaries. There are 12 countries - Mexico, Columbia, Peru, Brasil, Ecuador, Democratic Republic of Congo, Madagascar, India, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Australia, in which Mega Diversity Centres are located. These countries are tropical and they possess a large number of the world’s species.

Various hotspots have been made to protect the vegetation. There are various methods for conserving biodiversity. 

If biodiversity conservation is not done efficiently, each species would eventually become extinct due to a lack of appetite and hunger. This scenario has been a big issue for the last few decades, and many unique species have already become extinct. As a result of a lack of biodiversity protection, several species are still on the verge of extinction.


FAQs on Biodiversity Essay

1. What are the three types of Biodiversity?

Biodiversity is referred to as the variability that exists between the living organisms from different sources of nature, such as terrestrial, marine, and other aquatic ecosystems. Biodiversity has three levels, which are genetic, species, and ecosystem diversity. This is also considered as the type of ecosystem.

2. What is Biodiversity and why is it important?

Biodiversity is responsible for boosting the productivity of the ecosystems in which every species, no matter how small, has an important role to play. For example, a greater variety of crops can be obtained from a plant species which is in large numbers. If species diversity is in a greater amount, then it ensures natural sustainability for all life forms.

3. What is the connection between Biodiversity and the Food Chain?

If a single species goes extinct from the food chain, it will have an impact on the species that survive on it, putting them on the verge of extinction.

4. How are human beings affecting biodiversity?

Pollution- Pollution not only affects human beings, but also affects our flora and fauna, and we should control the pollution to conserve our biodiversity.

Population- Population control is a must to maintain a balance in our ecological system. Humans contribute to pollution by bursting crackers and by not following all the traffic rules.

5. How does Deforestation affect biodiversity?

Deforestation- Trees are very important for survival. They help in balancing out the ecosystem. Deforestation leads to the destruction of habitat. Deforestation should be stopped to protect our animals and plants. Deforestation not only removes vegetation that is important for removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, but it also emits greenhouse gases.

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NPR in Turmoil After It Is Accused of Liberal Bias

An essay from an editor at the broadcaster has generated a firestorm of criticism about the network on social media, especially among conservatives.

Uri Berliner, wearing a dark zipped sweater over a white T-shirt, sits in a darkened room, a big plant and a yellow sofa behind him.

By Benjamin Mullin and Katie Robertson

NPR is facing both internal tumult and a fusillade of attacks by prominent conservatives this week after a senior editor publicly claimed the broadcaster had allowed liberal bias to affect its coverage, risking its trust with audiences.

Uri Berliner, a senior business editor who has worked at NPR for 25 years, wrote in an essay published Tuesday by The Free Press, a popular Substack publication, that “people at every level of NPR have comfortably coalesced around the progressive worldview.”

Mr. Berliner, a Peabody Award-winning journalist, castigated NPR for what he said was a litany of journalistic missteps around coverage of several major news events, including the origins of Covid-19 and the war in Gaza. He also said the internal culture at NPR had placed race and identity as “paramount in nearly every aspect of the workplace.”

Mr. Berliner’s essay has ignited a firestorm of criticism of NPR on social media, especially among conservatives who have long accused the network of political bias in its reporting. Former President Donald J. Trump took to his social media platform, Truth Social, to argue that NPR’s government funding should be rescinded, an argument he has made in the past.

NPR has forcefully pushed back on Mr. Berliner’s accusations and the criticism.

“We’re proud to stand behind the exceptional work that our desks and shows do to cover a wide range of challenging stories,” Edith Chapin, the organization’s editor in chief, said in an email to staff on Tuesday. “We believe that inclusion — among our staff, with our sourcing, and in our overall coverage — is critical to telling the nuanced stories of this country and our world.” Some other NPR journalists also criticized the essay publicly, including Eric Deggans, its TV critic, who faulted Mr. Berliner for not giving NPR an opportunity to comment on the piece.

In an interview on Thursday, Mr. Berliner expressed no regrets about publishing the essay, saying he loved NPR and hoped to make it better by airing criticisms that have gone unheeded by leaders for years. He called NPR a “national trust” that people rely on for fair reporting and superb storytelling.

“I decided to go out and publish it in hopes that something would change, and that we get a broader conversation going about how the news is covered,” Mr. Berliner said.

He said he had not been disciplined by managers, though he said he had received a note from his supervisor reminding him that NPR requires employees to clear speaking appearances and media requests with standards and media relations. He said he didn’t run his remarks to The New York Times by network spokespeople.

When the hosts of NPR’s biggest shows, including “Morning Edition” and “All Things Considered,” convened on Wednesday afternoon for a long-scheduled meet-and-greet with the network’s new chief executive, Katherine Maher , conversation soon turned to Mr. Berliner’s essay, according to two people with knowledge of the meeting. During the lunch, Ms. Chapin told the hosts that she didn’t want Mr. Berliner to become a “martyr,” the people said.

Mr. Berliner’s essay also sent critical Slack messages whizzing through some of the same employee affinity groups focused on racial and sexual identity that he cited in his essay. In one group, several staff members disputed Mr. Berliner’s points about a lack of ideological diversity and said efforts to recruit more people of color would make NPR’s journalism better.

On Wednesday, staff members from “Morning Edition” convened to discuss the fallout from Mr. Berliner’s essay. During the meeting, an NPR producer took issue with Mr. Berliner’s argument for why NPR’s listenership has fallen off, describing a variety of factors that have contributed to the change.

Mr. Berliner’s remarks prompted vehement pushback from several news executives. Tony Cavin, NPR’s managing editor of standards and practices, said in an interview that he rejected all of Mr. Berliner’s claims of unfairness, adding that his remarks would probably make it harder for NPR journalists to do their jobs.

“The next time one of our people calls up a Republican congressman or something and tries to get an answer from them, they may well say, ‘Oh, I read these stories, you guys aren’t fair, so I’m not going to talk to you,’” Mr. Cavin said.

Some journalists have defended Mr. Berliner’s essay. Jeffrey A. Dvorkin, NPR’s former ombudsman, said Mr. Berliner was “not wrong” on social media. Chuck Holmes, a former managing editor at NPR, called Mr. Berliner’s essay “brave” on Facebook.

Mr. Berliner’s criticism was the latest salvo within NPR, which is no stranger to internal division. In October, Mr. Berliner took part in a lengthy debate over whether NPR should defer to language proposed by the Arab and Middle Eastern Journalists Association while covering the conflict in Gaza.

“We don’t need to rely on an advocacy group’s guidance,” Mr. Berliner wrote, according to a copy of the email exchange viewed by The Times. “Our job is to seek out the facts and report them.” The debate didn’t change NPR’s language guidance, which is made by editors who weren’t part of the discussion. And in a statement on Thursday, the Arab and Middle Eastern Journalists Association said it is a professional association for journalists, not a political advocacy group.

Mr. Berliner’s public criticism has highlighted broader concerns within NPR about the public broadcaster’s mission amid continued financial struggles. Last year, NPR cut 10 percent of its staff and canceled four podcasts, including the popular “Invisibilia,” as it tried to make up for a $30 million budget shortfall. Listeners have drifted away from traditional radio to podcasts, and the advertising market has been unsteady.

In his essay, Mr. Berliner laid some of the blame at the feet of NPR’s former chief executive, John Lansing, who said he was retiring at the end of last year after four years in the role. He was replaced by Ms. Maher, who started on March 25.

During a meeting with employees in her first week, Ms. Maher was asked what she thought about decisions to give a platform to political figures like Ronna McDaniel, the former Republican Party chair whose position as a political analyst at NBC News became untenable after an on-air revolt from hosts who criticized her efforts to undermine the 2020 election.

“I think that this conversation has been one that does not have an easy answer,” Ms. Maher responded.

Benjamin Mullin reports on the major companies behind news and entertainment. Contact Ben securely on Signal at +1 530-961-3223 or email at [email protected] . More about Benjamin Mullin

Katie Robertson covers the media industry for The Times. Email:  [email protected]   More about Katie Robertson

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NPR CEO slams editor who exposed bias. Looks like truth is 'profoundly disrespectful'

Editor's note: This essay was first published on the author's blog Res ipsa loquitur. 

This weekend, I wrote a column on the continuing controversy at NPR and the bias detailed in a recent bombshell essay by respected editor Uri Berliner. The company has long been criticized for its partisan coverage, including running debunked stories. Now NPR CEO Katherine Maher has responded and appeared to confirm that the publicly supported media company has no intention of bringing greater balance to its coverage or editorial staff.

Berliner detailed the complete exclusion of any Republicans among the editors of NPR’s Washington office and various examples of raw bias in favor of Democratic narratives and claims.

Maher responded to none of these specific points in substance. Instead, she attacks Berliner as "profoundly disrespectful, hurtful, and demeaning" to his colleagues by calling out the company for its political bias.


In  a memo Friday , Maher told the staff that Berliner attacked not only "the quality of our editorial process and the integrity of our journalists" but "our people on the basis of who we are."


In dismissing the criticism of bias, Maher adopted a spin that is common on law faculties where Republicans and conservatives have been largely purged. When confronted on the lack of ideological diversity, faculty often express disbelief that anyone would assume that they are biased simply because they continue to effectively bar republicans, libertarians, or conservatives.

Many also insist that there are more important forms of diversity than ideological or political perspectives. The result is, the faculties today largely stretch from the left to the far left in terms of diversity.


Maher offered a similar spin while suggesting (falsely) that Berliner was somehow opposed to a diverse workplace:

"It is deeply simplistic to assert that the diversity of America can be reduced to any particular set of beliefs, and faulty reasoning to infer that identity is determinative of one’s thoughts or political leanings. Each of our colleagues are here because they are excellent, accomplished professionals with an intense commitment to our work: we are stronger because of the work we do together, and we owe each other our utmost respect. We fulfill our mission best when we look and sound like the country we serve."

Maher’s response was hardly surprising. She was a controversial hire at NPR. Many had hoped that NPR would seek a CEO who could steer the company away from its partisan and activistic trend. The prospect could have brought moderates and conservatives back into NPR’s listening audience. Maher, however, was part of that trend.


Shannon Thaler at the New York Post reassembled Maher’s deleted social media postings including a 2018 declaration that " Donald Trump is a racist" and a variety of race-based commentary. That included a statement that appeared to excuse looting.

She is also quoted for saying that "white silence is complicity." She has described her own "hysteric white woman voice." She further stated: "I was taught to do it. I’ve done it. It’s a disturbing recognition. While I don’t recall ever using it to deliberately expose another person to immediate physical harm on my own cognizance, it’s not impossible. That is whiteness."


She further stated "I grew up feeling superior (hah, how white of me) because I was from New England and my part of the country didn’t have slaves, or so I’d been taught."

In her latest message, Maher refers to the unique (and controversial) status of being a state-supported media outlet. She noted "We recognize that this work is a public trust, one established by Congress more than 50 years ago with the creation of the public broadcasting system. In order to hold that trust, we owe it our continued, rigorous accountability."

Yet, she made it clear that both she and NPR will not change or alter the course of the company. Despite a falling audience (that is now composed of almost 70 percent self-identified liberals), Maher made clear that she sees no problem in its exclusion of Republicans as editors or its slanted coverage.


Reducing the size and diversity of your audience can be a good thing for editors or reporters if you have the government supporting your budget . You can then play to your smaller audience without any push back on coverage or accuracy.

As discussed in this weekend’s column, the question is why the public should finance this one media outlet over any of its competitors. NPR’s take on the news is largely the same as MSNBC or CNN. That is within its editorial judgment and NPR has every right to slant coverage like many news outlets today from the left or the right. Personally, I wish it would have retained a modicum of balance because I have been a fan of some of its shows. Yet, the media market has changed with consumer demands in favor of more opinion in coverage.

However, unlike those other outlets, NPR is being funded by tax dollars. While dismissing concerns over the exclusion of conservative or dissenting viewpoints, Maher suggests that NPR is still fulfilling its "public trust" with its largely one-sided reporting.

In the end, the real question is not the bias of NPR but the fundamental question of why we should be subsidizing any media outlet. NPR has long held a curious position as America’s de facto state media outlet (with Voice of America). The recent controversy should allow us to have a meaningful debate over the need and danger of a state-funded media.


Original article source: NPR CEO slams editor who exposed bias. Looks like truth is 'profoundly disrespectful'

Uri Berliner, the senior business editor and a 25-year NPR veteran, accused his employer of liberal groupthink.

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NPR defends its journalism after senior editor says it has lost the public's trust

David Folkenflik 2018 square

David Folkenflik

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NPR is defending its journalism and integrity after a senior editor wrote an essay accusing it of losing the public's trust. Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images hide caption

NPR is defending its journalism and integrity after a senior editor wrote an essay accusing it of losing the public's trust.

NPR's top news executive defended its journalism and its commitment to reflecting a diverse array of views on Tuesday after a senior NPR editor wrote a broad critique of how the network has covered some of the most important stories of the age.

"An open-minded spirit no longer exists within NPR, and now, predictably, we don't have an audience that reflects America," writes Uri Berliner.

A strategic emphasis on diversity and inclusion on the basis of race, ethnicity and sexual orientation, promoted by NPR's former CEO, John Lansing, has fed "the absence of viewpoint diversity," Berliner writes.

NPR's chief news executive, Edith Chapin, wrote in a memo to staff Tuesday afternoon that she and the news leadership team strongly reject Berliner's assessment.

"We're proud to stand behind the exceptional work that our desks and shows do to cover a wide range of challenging stories," she wrote. "We believe that inclusion — among our staff, with our sourcing, and in our overall coverage — is critical to telling the nuanced stories of this country and our world."

NPR names tech executive Katherine Maher to lead in turbulent era

NPR names tech executive Katherine Maher to lead in turbulent era

She added, "None of our work is above scrutiny or critique. We must have vigorous discussions in the newsroom about how we serve the public as a whole."

A spokesperson for NPR said Chapin, who also serves as the network's chief content officer, would have no further comment.

Praised by NPR's critics

Berliner is a senior editor on NPR's Business Desk. (Disclosure: I, too, am part of the Business Desk, and Berliner has edited many of my past stories. He did not see any version of this article or participate in its preparation before it was posted publicly.)

Berliner's essay , titled "I've Been at NPR for 25 years. Here's How We Lost America's Trust," was published by The Free Press, a website that has welcomed journalists who have concluded that mainstream news outlets have become reflexively liberal.

Berliner writes that as a Subaru-driving, Sarah Lawrence College graduate who "was raised by a lesbian peace activist mother ," he fits the mold of a loyal NPR fan.

Yet Berliner says NPR's news coverage has fallen short on some of the most controversial stories of recent years, from the question of whether former President Donald Trump colluded with Russia in the 2016 election, to the origins of the virus that causes COVID-19, to the significance and provenance of emails leaked from a laptop owned by Hunter Biden weeks before the 2020 election. In addition, he blasted NPR's coverage of the Israel-Hamas conflict.

On each of these stories, Berliner asserts, NPR has suffered from groupthink due to too little diversity of viewpoints in the newsroom.

The essay ricocheted Tuesday around conservative media , with some labeling Berliner a whistleblower . Others picked it up on social media, including Elon Musk, who has lambasted NPR for leaving his social media site, X. (Musk emailed another NPR reporter a link to Berliner's article with a gibe that the reporter was a "quisling" — a World War II reference to someone who collaborates with the enemy.)

When asked for further comment late Tuesday, Berliner declined, saying the essay spoke for itself.

The arguments he raises — and counters — have percolated across U.S. newsrooms in recent years. The #MeToo sexual harassment scandals of 2016 and 2017 forced newsrooms to listen to and heed more junior colleagues. The social justice movement prompted by the killing of George Floyd in 2020 inspired a reckoning in many places. Newsroom leaders often appeared to stand on shaky ground.

Leaders at many newsrooms, including top editors at The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times , lost their jobs. Legendary Washington Post Executive Editor Martin Baron wrote in his memoir that he feared his bonds with the staff were "frayed beyond repair," especially over the degree of self-expression his journalists expected to exert on social media, before he decided to step down in early 2021.

Since then, Baron and others — including leaders of some of these newsrooms — have suggested that the pendulum has swung too far.

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Legendary editor marty baron describes his 'collision of power' with trump and bezos.

New York Times publisher A.G. Sulzberger warned last year against journalists embracing a stance of what he calls "one-side-ism": "where journalists are demonstrating that they're on the side of the righteous."

"I really think that that can create blind spots and echo chambers," he said.

Internal arguments at The Times over the strength of its reporting on accusations that Hamas engaged in sexual assaults as part of a strategy for its Oct. 7 attack on Israel erupted publicly . The paper conducted an investigation to determine the source of a leak over a planned episode of the paper's podcast The Daily on the subject, which months later has not been released. The newsroom guild accused the paper of "targeted interrogation" of journalists of Middle Eastern descent.

Heated pushback in NPR's newsroom

Given Berliner's account of private conversations, several NPR journalists question whether they can now trust him with unguarded assessments about stories in real time. Others express frustration that he had not sought out comment in advance of publication. Berliner acknowledged to me that for this story, he did not seek NPR's approval to publish the piece, nor did he give the network advance notice.

Some of Berliner's NPR colleagues are responding heatedly. Fernando Alfonso, a senior supervising editor for digital news, wrote that he wholeheartedly rejected Berliner's critique of the coverage of the Israel-Hamas conflict, for which NPR's journalists, like their peers, periodically put themselves at risk.

Alfonso also took issue with Berliner's concern over the focus on diversity at NPR.

"As a person of color who has often worked in newsrooms with little to no people who look like me, the efforts NPR has made to diversify its workforce and its sources are unique and appropriate given the news industry's long-standing lack of diversity," Alfonso says. "These efforts should be celebrated and not denigrated as Uri has done."

After this story was first published, Berliner contested Alfonso's characterization, saying his criticism of NPR is about the lack of diversity of viewpoints, not its diversity itself.

"I never criticized NPR's priority of achieving a more diverse workforce in terms of race, ethnicity and sexual orientation. I have not 'denigrated' NPR's newsroom diversity goals," Berliner said. "That's wrong."

Questions of diversity

Under former CEO John Lansing, NPR made increasing diversity, both of its staff and its audience, its "North Star" mission. Berliner says in the essay that NPR failed to consider broader diversity of viewpoint, noting, "In D.C., where NPR is headquartered and many of us live, I found 87 registered Democrats working in editorial positions and zero Republicans."

Berliner cited audience estimates that suggested a concurrent falloff in listening by Republicans. (The number of people listening to NPR broadcasts and terrestrial radio broadly has declined since the start of the pandemic.)

Former NPR vice president for news and ombudsman Jeffrey Dvorkin tweeted , "I know Uri. He's not wrong."

Others questioned Berliner's logic. "This probably gets causality somewhat backward," tweeted Semafor Washington editor Jordan Weissmann . "I'd guess that a lot of NPR listeners who voted for [Mitt] Romney have changed how they identify politically."

Similarly, Nieman Lab founder Joshua Benton suggested the rise of Trump alienated many NPR-appreciating Republicans from the GOP.

In recent years, NPR has greatly enhanced the percentage of people of color in its workforce and its executive ranks. Four out of 10 staffers are people of color; nearly half of NPR's leadership team identifies as Black, Asian or Latino.

"The philosophy is: Do you want to serve all of America and make sure it sounds like all of America, or not?" Lansing, who stepped down last month, says in response to Berliner's piece. "I'd welcome the argument against that."

"On radio, we were really lagging in our representation of an audience that makes us look like what America looks like today," Lansing says. The U.S. looks and sounds a lot different than it did in 1971, when NPR's first show was broadcast, Lansing says.

A network spokesperson says new NPR CEO Katherine Maher supports Chapin and her response to Berliner's critique.

The spokesperson says that Maher "believes that it's a healthy thing for a public service newsroom to engage in rigorous consideration of the needs of our audiences, including where we serve our mission well and where we can serve it better."

Disclosure: This story was reported and written by NPR Media Correspondent David Folkenflik and edited by Deputy Business Editor Emily Kopp and Managing Editor Gerry Holmes. Under NPR's protocol for reporting on itself, no NPR corporate official or news executive reviewed this story before it was posted publicly.

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Essay on My State Gujarat

Students are often asked to write an essay on My State Gujarat in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My State Gujarat


Gujarat, located in the western part of India, is known for its rich culture, heritage, and history. It’s the birthplace of Mahatma Gandhi, the father of our nation.

Gujarat is surrounded by the Arabian Sea on the west, making it a coastal state. It has diverse landscapes, including forests, deserts, and fertile plains.

Gujarat’s vibrant culture is reflected in its folk dances like Garba and Dandiya. The state is also known for its delicious cuisine, including Dhokla and Khakhra.

Gujarat is one of India’s most industrialized states. It contributes significantly to India’s textile, petrochemical, and pharmaceutical industries.

250 Words Essay on My State Gujarat

Introduction to gujarat.

Gujarat, located on India’s western coastline, is a state known for its rich cultural heritage, vibrant traditions, and rapid industrial growth. The birthplace of Mahatma Gandhi, Gujarat’s history is steeped in nonviolent resistance and progressive thought.

Cultural Richness

Gujarat’s culture is a colorful tapestry of music, dance, and cuisine. The state’s traditional Garba dance, performed during Navratri, is a spectacle of rhythm and grace. The culinary scene is equally diverse, with dishes like Dhokla and Thepla gaining global recognition.

Economic Progress

Gujarat’s economy is one of the most robust in India. The state is a leader in various industrial sectors, including textiles, petrochemicals, and pharmaceuticals. Gujarat’s progressive policies have fostered an environment conducive to entrepreneurship, earning it the nickname “Growth Engine of India”.

Natural and Architectural Beauty

Gujarat’s natural beauty ranges from the white sands of the Rann of Kutch to the lush greenery of Gir National Park, home to the Asiatic Lion. The state’s architectural marvels, like the Sun Temple of Modhera and the intricate stepwells, reflect its rich historical legacy.

In conclusion, Gujarat is a state that beautifully balances tradition and modernity. Its vibrant culture, dynamic economy, and breathtaking landscapes make it a microcosm of India’s diversity and potential. This balance makes Gujarat a fascinating study in preserving cultural heritage while embracing progress.

500 Words Essay on My State Gujarat

Gujarat, located on the western coast of India, is a state of great historical significance and cultural richness. It is the birthplace of Mahatma Gandhi and Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, two towering figures in India’s freedom struggle. Gujarat’s geographical diversity, vibrant culture, and rapid economic progress make it a fascinating subject of study.

Geographical Diversity

Gujarat’s geographical diversity is remarkable. It boasts the longest coastline in India, stretching about 1600 kilometers. The state is home to a variety of landscapes, from the arid expanses of the Rann of Kutch to the lush greenery of the Gir Forest, the only abode of the Asiatic lion. Gujarat’s geography also includes fertile plains and hilly regions, offering a rich tapestry of ecological diversity.

Gujarat’s culture is a vibrant amalgamation of music, art, dance, and cuisine. The state is renowned for its traditional dance forms like Garba and Dandiya, which have gained international recognition. Gujarati cuisine, known for its distinct flavor palette that balances sweet, sour, and spicy tastes, is another cultural highlight. The state is also famous for its handicrafts, including Bandhani textiles, Kutch embroidery, and Patola silk sarees, all of which embody the artistic spirit of Gujarat.

Historical Significance

Gujarat’s historical significance is immense. It was a major center of the Indus Valley Civilization, one of the world’s oldest urban civilizations. The ancient ports of Lothal and Dholavira bear testimony to Gujarat’s maritime prowess and its role in international trade in antiquity. The state’s rich historical legacy is also reflected in its many forts, palaces, and architectural marvels like the Sun Temple of Modhera and the Rani ki Vav in Patan.

In recent years, Gujarat has emerged as one of India’s most economically progressive states. It is a leading industrial hub, with key sectors including textiles, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, and information technology contributing significantly to its economy. Gujarat’s entrepreneurial spirit is well-known, and it is often referred to as the ‘Growth Engine of India’. The state’s commitment to sustainable development is evident in its initiatives to harness solar energy and its efforts towards water conservation.

Gujarat, with its diverse geography, rich culture, historical significance, and economic dynamism, presents a unique blend of tradition and modernity. It stands as a testament to India’s pluralistic ethos and developmental aspirations. The state’s journey from the ancient cradle of civilization to a modern economic powerhouse is indeed a fascinating narrative that continues to unfold.

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The blocky, modernist headquarters of NPR in Washington DC.

Senior NPR editor claims public broadcaster lacks ‘viewpoint diversity’

Uri Berliner said in a letter that Americans no longer trusted broadcaster because of its ‘distilled worldview’ and liberal bent

A debate about media bias has broken out at National Public Radio after a longtime employee published a scathing letter accusing the broadcaster of a “distilled worldview of a very small segment of the US population” and “telling people how to think”, prompting an impassioned defense of the station from its editor-in-chief.

In the letter published on Free Press , NPR’s senior business editor Uri Berliner claimed Americans no longer trust NPR – which is partly publicly funded – because of its lack of “viewpoint diversity” and its embrace of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives.

Berliner wrote that “an open-minded spirit no longer exists within NPR , and now, predictably, we don’t have an audience that reflects America”. He acknowledged that NPR’s audience had always tilted left, but was now no longer able to make any claim to ideological neutrality.

In the piece on Free Press, a site run by Bari Weiss, a former opinion editor at the New York Times, Berliner noted that in 2011 the public broadcaster’s audience identified as 26% conservative, 23% as middle of the road and 37% liberal. Last year it identified as 11% very or somewhat conservative, 21% as middle of the road, and 67% very or somewhat liberal.

“We weren’t just losing conservatives; we were also losing moderates and traditional liberals,” Berliner wrote, and described a new listener stereotype: “EV-driving, Wordle-playing, tote bag–carrying coastal elite.”

This would not be a problem, he said, if the radio broadcaster was an “openly polemical news outlet serving a niche audience”, but for a public broadcaster, “which purports to consider all things, it’s devastating both for its journalism and its business model”.

“I’ve become a visible wrong-thinker at a place I love,” he wrote.

The letter, which mirrors a recent critique of the New York Times by former editor James Bennet in the Economist and aspects of a recent lecture by the paper’s publisher, AG Sulzberger , has provoked a fierce backlash from NPR editorial staff.

NPR’s editor-in-chief, Edith Chapin, wrote in a memo to staff that she “strongly disagreed” with Berliner’s assessment, stood behind the outlet’s “exceptional work” and said she believed that “inclusion – among our staff, with our sourcing, and in our overall coverage – is critical to telling the nuanced stories of this country and our world”.

Chapin added that the radio broadcasters’ work was not above scrutiny or critique. “We must have vigorous discussions in the newsroom about how we serve the public as a whole, fostering a culture of conversation that breaks down the silos that we sometimes end up retreating to,” she said.

Chapin was appointed editor last year after a period of turbulence at NPR over what it acknowledged were clashes between its news and programming divisions over “priorities, resources and need to innovate”.

“We all aim every day to serve our audience with information and moments of joy that are useful and relevant,” Chapin said at the time.

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Berliner identified the station’s coverage of the Covid-19 lab leak theory, Hunter Biden’s laptop and allegations that Donald Trump colluded with Russia in the 2016 election as all examples of how “politics were blotting out the curiosity and independence that ought to have been driving our work”.

He also identified DEI and use of language advanced by affiliated groups as evidence that “people at every level of NPR have comfortably coalesced around the progressive worldview”. Berliner said that when he brought up his survey of newsroom political voter registration at a 2021 all-staff meeting, showing there were no Republicans, he claimed he was met with “profound indifference”.

“The messages were of the ‘Oh wow, that’s weird’ variety, as if the lopsided tally was a random anomaly rather than a critical failure of our diversity North Star,” he wrote.

Berliner later told the NewsNation host Chris Cuomo that he was not surprised by the negative response he had received from NPR editorial management, saying, “they’re certainly entitled to their perspective.”

But, he added, “I’ve had a lot of support from colleagues, and many of them unexpected, who say they agree with me. Some of them say this confidentially, but I think there’s been a lot of response saying, look, these are things that need to be addressed.”

In her letter to staff, Chapin wrote that NPR’s efforts to expand the diversity of perspectives and subjects now included tracking sources. “We have these internal debates, enforce strong editorial standards, and engage in processes that measure our work precisely because we recognize that nobody has the ‘view from nowhere.’”

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