How to Write a History Research Paper

  • How do I pick a topic?
  • But I can’t find any material…

Research Guide

Writing guide.

See also: How to Write a Good History Essay

1. How do I pick a topic?

Picking a topic is perhaps the most important step in writing a research paper. To do it well requires several steps of refinement. First you have to determine a general area in which you have an interest (if you aren’t interested, your readers won’t be either). You do not write a paper “about the Civil War,” however, for that is such a large and vague concept that the paper will be too shallow or you will be swamped with information. The next step is to narrow your topic. Are you interested in comparison? battles? social change? politics? causes? biography? Once you reach this stage try to formulate your research topic as a question. For example, suppose that you decide to write a paper on the use of the films of the 1930’s and what they can tell historians about the Great Depression. You might turn that into the following question: “What are the primary values expressed in films of the 1930’s?” Or you might ask a quite different question, “What is the standard of living portrayed in films of the 1930’s?” There are other questions, of course, which you could have asked, but these two clearly illustrate how different two papers on the same general subject might be. By asking yourself a question as a means of starting research on a topic you will help yourself find the answers. You also open the door to loading the evidence one way or another. It will help you decide what kinds of evidence might be pertinent to your question, and it can also twist perceptions of a topic. For example, if you ask a question about economics as motivation, you are not likely to learn much about ideals, and vice versa.

2. But I can’t find any material…

No one should pick a topic without trying to figure out how one could discover pertinent information, nor should anyone settle on a topic before getting some background information about the general area. These two checks should make sure your paper is in the realm of the possible. The trick of good research is detective work and imaginative thinking on how one can find information. First try to figure out what kinds of things you should know about a topic to answer your research question. Are there statistics? Do you need personal letters? What background information should be included? Then if you do not know how to find that particular kind of information, ASK . A reference librarian or professor is much more likely to be able to steer you to the right sources if you can ask a specific question such as “Where can I find statistics on the number of interracial marriages?” than if you say “What can you find on racial attitudes?”

Use the footnotes and bibliographies of general background books as well as reference aids to lead you to special studies. If Carleton does not have the books or sources you need, try ordering through the library minitex. Many sources are also available on-line.

As your research paper takes shape you will find that you need background on people, places, events, etc. Do not just rely on some general survey for all of your background. Check the several good dictionaries of biography for background on people, or see if there is a standard book-length biography. If you are dealing with a legal matter check into the background of the judges who make the court decision and the circumstances surrounding the original incident or law. Try looking for public opinions in newspapers of the time. In other words, each bit of information you find should open the possibility of other research paths.

Learn to use several research techniques. You cannot count on a good research paper coming from browsing on one shelf at the library. A really pertinent book may be hidden in another section of the library due to classification quirks. The Readers’ Guide (Ref. A13 .R4) is not the only source for magazine articles, nor the card catalog for books. There are whole books which are listings of other books on particular topics. There are specialized indexes of magazine articles. Modern History Journals are indexed in the Social Studies and Humanities Index (Ref. A13 .R282) before 1976 After 1976 use the Social Sciences Index (REF A13 .S62) and the Humanities Index (Ref. A13 .H85). See also Historical Abstracts (Ref. D1 .H5). Reference Librarians would love to help you learn to use these research tools. It pays to browse in the reference room at the library and poke into the guides which are on the shelves. It also pays to browse the Internet.

3. Help! How do I put this together?

A. preliminary research:.

If you do not already have a general background on your topic, get the most recent good general source on the topic and read it for general orientation. On the basis of that reading formulate as clearly focused question as you can. You should generally discuss with your professor at that point whether your question is a feasible one.

B. Building a Basic Bibliography:

Use the bibliography/notes in your first general source, MUSE, and especially Historical Abstracts on cd-rom in the Library Reading Room (the computer farthest to the left in the front row as you walk past the Reference Desk — or ask there). If there is a specialized bibliography on your topic, you will certainly want to consult that as well, but these are often a bit dated.

C. Building a Full Bibliography:

Read the recent articles or chapters that seem to focus on your topic best. This will allow you to focus your research question quite a bit. Use the sources cited and/or discussed in this reading to build a full bibliography. Use such tools as Historical Abstracts (or, depending on your topic, the abstracts from a different field) and a large, convenient computer-based national library catalog (e.g. the University of California system from the “Libs” command in your VAX account or the smaller University of Minnesota library through MUSE) to check out your sources fully. For specific article searches “Uncover” (press returns for the “open access”) or possibly (less likely for history) “First Search” through “Connect to Other Resources” in MUSE can also be useful.

D. Major Research:

Now do the bulk of your research. But do not overdo it. Do not fall into the trap of reading and reading to avoid getting started on the writing. After you have the bulk of information you might need, start writing. You can fill in the smaller gaps of your research more effectively later.

A. Outline:

Write a preliminary thesis statement, expressing what you believe your major argument(s) will be. Sketch out a broad outline that indicates the structure — main points and subpoints or your argument as it seems at this time. Do not get too detailed at this point.

B. The First Draft:

On the basis of this thesis statement and outline, start writing, even pieces, as soon as you have enough information to start. Do not wait until you have filled all the research gaps. Keep on writing. If you run into smaller research questions just mark the text with a searchable symbol. It is important that you try to get to the end point of this writing as soon as possible, even if you leave pieces still in outline form at first and then fill the gaps after you get to the end.

Critical advice for larger papers: It is often more effective not to start at the point where the beginning of your paper will be. Especially the introductory paragraph is often best left until later, when you feel ready and inspired.

C. The Second Draft:

The “second draft” is a fully re-thought and rewritten version of your paper. It is at the heart of the writing process.

First, lay your first draft aside for a day or so to gain distance from it. After that break, read it over with a critical eye as you would somebody else’s paper (well, almost!). You will probably find that your first draft is still quite descriptive, rather than argumentative. It is likely to wander; your perspective and usually even the thesis seemed to change/develop as you wrote. Don’t despair. That is perfectly normal even for experienced writers (even after 40 years and a good deal of published work!). You will be frustrated. But keep questioning your paper along the following lines: What precisely are my key questions? What parts of my evidence here are really pertinent to those questions (that is, does it help me answer them)? How or in what order can I structure my paper most effectively to answer those questions most clearly and efficiently for my reader?

At this point you must outline your paper freshly. Mark up your first draft, ask tough questions whether your argument is clear and whether the order in which you present your points is effective! You must write conceptually a new paper at this point, even if you can use paragraphs and especially quotes, factual data in the new draft.

It is critical that in your new draft your paragraphs start with topic sentences that identify the argument you will be making in the particular paragraph (sometimes this can be strings of two or three paragraphs). The individual steps in your argument must be clearly reflected in the topic sentences of your paragraphs (or a couple of them linked).

D. The Third or Final Draft:

You are now ready to check for basic rules of good writing. This is when you need to check the diction, that is, the accuracy and suitability of words. Eliminate unnecessary passive or awkward noun constructions (active-voice, verbal constructions are usually more effective); improve the flow of your transitions; avoid repetitions or split infinitives; correct apostrophes in possessives and such. Make the style clear and smooth. Check that the start of your paper is interesting for the reader. Last but not least, cut out unnecessary verbiage and wordiness. Spell-check and proof-read.

– Diethelm Prowe, 1998

UCLA History Department

Steps for Writing a History Paper

Writing a history paper is a process.  Successful papers are not completed in a single moment of genius or inspiration, but are developed over a series of steps.  When you first read a paper prompt, you might feel overwhelmed or intimidated.  If you think of writing as a process and break it down into smaller steps, you will find that paper-writing is manageable, less daunting, and even enjoyable.  Writing a history paper is your opportunity to do the real work of historians, to roll up your sleeves and dig deep into the past.

What is a History paper?

History papers are driven by arguments.  In a history class, even if you are not writing a paper based on outside research, you are still writing a paper that requires some form of argument.  For example, suppose your professor has asked you to write a paper discussing the differences between colonial New England and colonial Virginia.  It might seem like this paper is straightforward and does not require an argument, that it is simply a matter of finding the “right answer.”  However, even here you need to construct a paper guided by a larger argument.  You might argue that the main differences between colonial New England and Virginia were grounded in contrasting visions of colonization.  Or you might argue that the differences resulted from accidents of geography or from extant alliances between regional Indian groups.  Or you might make an argument that draws on all of these factors.  Regardless, when you make these types of assertions, you are making an argument that requires historical evidence.  Any history paper you write will be driven by an argument demanding evidence from sources.

History writing assignments can vary widely–and you should always follow your professor’s specific instructions–but the following steps are designed to help no matter what kind of history paper you are writing.  Remember that the staff of the History Writing Center is here to assist you at any stage of the writing process.

  • Sometimes professors distribute prompts with several sub-questions surrounding the main question they want you to write about.  The sub-questions are designed to help you think about the topic.  They offer ideas you might consider, but they are not, usually, the key question or questions you need to answer in your paper.  Make sure you distinguish the key questions from the sub-questions.  Otherwise, your paper may sound like a laundry list of short-answer essays rather than a cohesive argument. A helpful way to hone in on the key question is to look for action verbs, such as “analyze” or “investigate” or “formulate.”  Find such words in the paper prompt and circle them.  Then, carefully consider what you are being asked to do.  Write out the key question at the top of your draft and return to it often, using it to guide you in the writing process.  Also, be sure that you are responding to every part of the prompt.  Prompts will often have several questions you need to address in your paper.  If you do not cover all aspects, then you are not responding fully to the assignment.  For more information, visit our section, “Understanding Paper Prompts.”
  • Before you even start researching or drafting, take a few minutes to consider what you already know about the topic.  Make a list of ideas or draw a cluster diagram, using circles and arrows to connect ideas–whatever method works for you.  At this point in the process, it is helpful to write down all of your ideas without stopping to judge or analyze each one in depth.  You want to think big and bring in everything you know or suspect about the topic.  After you have finished, read over what you have created.  Look for patterns or trends or questions that keep coming up.  Based on what you have brainstormed, what do you still need to learn about the topic?  Do you have a tentative argument or response to the paper prompt?  Use this information to guide you as you start your research and develop a thesis.
  • Depending on the paper prompt, you may be required to do outside research or you may be using only the readings you have done in class.  Either way, start by rereading the relevant materials from class.  Find the parts from the textbook, from the primary source readings, and from your notes that relate to the prompt. If you need to do outside research, the UCLA library system offers plenty of resources.  You can begin by plugging key words into the online library catalog.  This process will likely involve some trial and error.  You will want to use search terms that are specific enough to address your topic without being so narrow that you get no results.  If your keywords are too general, you may receive thousands of results and feel overwhelmed.  To help you narrow your search, go back to the key questions in the essay prompt that you wrote down in Step 1.  Think about which terms would help you respond to the prompt.  Also, look at the language your professor used in the prompt.  You might be able to use some of those same words as search terms. Notice that the library website has different databases you can search depending on what type of material you need (such as scholarly articles, newspapers, books) and what subject and time period you are researching (such as eighteenth-century England or ancient Rome).  Searching the database most relevant to your topic will yield the best results.  Visit the library’s History Research Guide for tips on the research process and on using library resources.  You can also schedule an appointment with a librarian to talk specifically about your research project.  Or, make an appointment with staff at the History Writing Center for research help.  Visit our section about using electronic resources as well.
  • By this point, you know what the prompt is asking, you have brainstormed possible responses, and you have done some research.  Now you need to step back, look at the material you have, and develop your argument.  Based on the reading and research you have done, how might you answer the question(s) in the prompt?  What arguments do your sources allow you to make?  Draft a thesis statement in which you clearly and succinctly make an argument that addresses the prompt. If you find writing a thesis daunting, remember that whatever you draft now is not set in stone.  Your thesis will change.  As you do more research, reread your sources, and write your paper, you will learn more about the topic and your argument.  For now, produce a “working thesis,” meaning, a thesis that represents your thinking up to this point.  Remember it will almost certainly change as you move through the writing process.  For more information, visit our section about thesis statements.  Once you have a thesis, you may find that you need to do more research targeted to your specific argument.  Revisit some of the tips from Step 3.
  • Now that you have a working thesis, look back over your sources and identify which ones are most critical to you–the ones you will be grappling with most directly in order to make your argument.  Then, annotate them.  Annotating sources means writing a paragraph that summarizes the main idea of the source as well as shows how you will use the source in your paper.  Think about what the source does for you.  Does it provide evidence in support of your argument?  Does it offer a counterpoint that you can then refute, based on your research?  Does it provide critical historical background that you need in order to make a point?  For more information about annotating sources, visit our section on annotated bibliographies. While it might seem like this step creates more work for you by having to do more writing, it in fact serves two critical purposes: it helps you refine your working thesis by distilling exactly what your sources are saying, and it helps smooth your writing process.  Having dissected your sources and articulated your ideas about them, you can more easily draw upon them when constructing your paper.  Even if you do not have to do outside research and are limited to working with the readings you have done in class, annotating sources is still very useful.  Write down exactly how a particular section in the textbook or in a primary source reader will contribute to your paper.
  • An outline is helpful in giving you a sense of the overall structure of your paper and how best to organize your ideas.  You need to decide how to arrange your argument in a way that will make the most sense to your reader.  Perhaps you decide that your argument is most clear when presented chronologically, or perhaps you find that it works best with a thematic approach.  There is no one right way to organize a history paper; it depends entirely on the prompt, on your sources, and on what you think would be most clear to someone reading it. An effective outline includes the following components: the research question from the prompt (that you wrote down in Step 1), your working thesis, the main idea of each body paragraph, and the evidence (from both primary and secondary sources) you will use to support each body paragraph.  Be as detailed as you can when putting together your outline.

If you have trouble getting started or are feeling overwhelmed, try free writing.  Free writing is a low-stakes writing exercise to help you get past the blank page.  Set a timer for five or ten minutes and write down everything you know about your paper: your argument, your sources, counterarguments, everything.  Do not edit or judge what you are writing as you write; just keep writing until the timer goes off.  You may be surprised to find out how much you knew about your topic.  Of course, this writing will not be polished, so do not be tempted to leave it as it is.  Remember that this draft is your first one, and you will be revising it.

A particularly helpful exercise for global-level revision is to make a reverse outline, which will help you look at your paper as a whole and strengthen the way you have organized and substantiated your argument.  Print out your draft and number each of the paragraphs.  Then, on a separate piece of paper, write down each paragraph number and, next to it, summarize in a phrase or a sentence the main idea of that paragraph.  As you produce this list, notice if any paragraphs attempt to make more than one point: mark those for revision.  Once you have compiled the list, read it over carefully.  Study the order in which you have sequenced your ideas.  Notice if there are ideas that seem out of order or repetitive.  Look for any gaps in your logic.  Does the argument flow and make sense?

When revising at the local level, check that you are using strong topic sentences and transitions, that you have adequately integrated and analyzed quotations, and that your paper is free from grammar and spelling errors that might distract the reader or even impede your ability to communicate your point.  One helpful exercise for revising on the local level is to read your paper out loud.  Hearing your paper will help you catch grammatical errors and awkward sentences.

Here is a checklist of questions to ask yourself while revising on both the global and local levels:

– Does my thesis clearly state my argument and its significance?

– Does the main argument in each body paragraph support my thesis?

– Do I have enough evidence within each body paragraph to make my point?

– Have I properly introduced, analyzed, and cited every quotation I use?

– Do my topic sentences effectively introduce the main point of each paragraph?

– Do I have transitions between paragraphs?

– Is my paper free of grammar and spelling errors?

  • Congratulate yourself. You have written a history paper!

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How to Write a History Essay

Last Updated: December 27, 2022 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Emily Listmann, MA . Emily Listmann is a private tutor in San Carlos, California. She has worked as a Social Studies Teacher, Curriculum Coordinator, and an SAT Prep Teacher. She received her MA in Education from the Stanford Graduate School of Education in 2014. There are 8 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 243,008 times.

Writing a history essay requires you to include a lot of details and historical information within a given number of words or required pages. It's important to provide all the needed information, but also to present it in a cohesive, intelligent way. Know how to write a history essay that demonstrates your writing skills and your understanding of the material.

Preparing to Write Your Essay

Step 1 Evaluate the essay question.

  • The key words will often need to be defined at the start of your essay, and will serve as its boundaries. [2] X Research source
  • For example, if the question was "To what extent was the First World War a Total War?", the key terms are "First World War", and "Total War".
  • Do this before you begin conducting your research to ensure that your reading is closely focussed to the question and you don't waste time.

Step 2 Consider what the question is asking you.

  • Explain: provide an explanation of why something happened or didn't happen.
  • Interpret: analyse information within a larger framework to contextualise it.
  • Evaluate: present and support a value-judgement.
  • Argue: take a clear position on a debate and justify it. [3] X Research source

Step 3 Try to summarise your key argument.

  • Your thesis statement should clearly address the essay prompt and provide supporting arguments. These supporting arguments will become body paragraphs in your essay, where you’ll elaborate and provide concrete evidence. [4] X Trustworthy Source Purdue Online Writing Lab Trusted resource for writing and citation guidelines Go to source
  • Your argument may change or become more nuanced as your write your essay, but having a clear thesis statement which you can refer back to is very helpful.
  • For example, your summary could be something like "The First World War was a 'total war' because civilian populations were mobilized both in the battlefield and on the home front".

Step 4 Make an essay...

  • Pick out some key quotes that make your argument precisely and persuasively. [5] X Research source
  • When writing your plan, you should already be thinking about how your essay will flow, and how each point will connect together.

Doing Your Research

Step 1 Distinguish between primary and secondary sources.

  • Primary source material refers to any texts, films, pictures, or any other kind of evidence that was produced in the historical period, or by someone who participated in the events of the period, that you are writing about.
  • Secondary material is the work by historians or other writers analysing events in the past. The body of historical work on a period or event is known as the historiography.
  • It is not unusual to write a literature review or historiographical essay which does not directly draw on primary material.
  • Typically a research essay would need significant primary material.

Step 2 Find your sources.

  • Start with the core texts in your reading list or course bibliography. Your teacher will have carefully selected these so you should start there.
  • Look in footnotes and bibliographies. When you are reading be sure to pay attention to the footnotes and bibliographies which can guide you to further sources a give you a clear picture of the important texts.
  • Use the library. If you have access to a library at your school or college, be sure to make the most of it. Search online catalogues and speak to librarians.
  • Access online journal databases. If you are in college it is likely that you will have access to academic journals online. These are an excellent and easy to navigate resources.
  • Use online sources with discretion. Try using free scholarly databases, like Google Scholar, which offer quality academic sources, but avoid using the non-trustworthy websites that come up when you simply search your topic online.
  • Avoid using crowd-sourced sites like Wikipedia as sources. However, you can look at the sources cited on a Wikipedia page and use them instead, if they seem credible.

Step 3 Evaluate your secondary sources.

  • Who is the author? Is it written by an academic with a position at a University? Search for the author online.
  • Who is the publisher? Is the book published by an established academic press? Look in the cover to check the publisher, if it is published by a University Press that is a good sign.
  • If it's an article, where is published? If you are using an article check that it has been published in an academic journal. [8] X Research source
  • If the article is online, what is the URL? Government sources with .gov addresses are good sources, as are .edu sites.

Step 4 Read critically.

  • Ask yourself why the author is making this argument. Evaluate the text by placing it into a broader intellectual context. Is it part of a certain tradition in historiography? Is it a response to a particular idea?
  • Consider where there are weaknesses and limitations to the argument. Always keep a critical mindset and try to identify areas where you think the argument is overly stretched or the evidence doesn't match the author's claims. [9] X Research source

Step 5 Take thorough notes.

  • Label all your notes with the page numbers and precise bibliographic information on the source.
  • If you have a quote but can't remember where you found it, imagine trying to skip back through everything you have read to find that one line.
  • If you use something and don't reference it fully you risk plagiarism. [10] X Research source

Writing the Introduction

Step 1 Start with a strong first sentence.

  • For example you could start by saying "In the First World War new technologies and the mass mobilization of populations meant that the war was not fought solely by standing armies".
  • This first sentences introduces the topic of your essay in a broad way which you can start focus to in on more.

Step 2 Outline what you are going to argue.

  • This will lead to an outline of the structure of your essay and your argument.
  • Here you will explain the particular approach you have taken to the essay.
  • For example, if you are using case studies you should explain this and give a brief overview of which case studies you will be using and why.

Step 3 Provide some brief context for your work.

Writing the Essay

Step 1 Have a clear structure.

  • Try to include a sentence that concludes each paragraph and links it to the next paragraph.
  • When you are organising your essay think of each paragraph as addressing one element of the essay question.
  • Keeping a close focus like this will also help you avoid drifting away from the topic of the essay and will encourage you to write in precise and concise prose.
  • Don't forget to write in the past tense when referring to something that has already happened.

Step 3 Use source material as evidence to back up your thesis.

  • Don't drop a quote from a primary source into your prose without introducing it and discussing it, and try to avoid long quotations. Use only the quotes that best illustrate your point.
  • If you are referring to a secondary source, you can usually summarise in your own words rather than quoting directly.
  • Be sure to fully cite anything you refer to, including if you do not quote it directly.

Step 4 Make your essay flow.

  • Think about the first and last sentence in every paragraph and how they connect to the previous and next paragraph.
  • Try to avoid beginning paragraphs with simple phrases that make your essay appear more like a list. For example, limit your use of words like: "Additionally", "Moreover", "Furthermore".
  • Give an indication of where your essay is going and how you are building on what you have already said. [15] X Research source

Step 5 Conclude succinctly.

  • Briefly outline the implications of your argument and it's significance in relation to the historiography, but avoid grand sweeping statements. [16] X Research source
  • A conclusion also provides the opportunity to point to areas beyond the scope of your essay where the research could be developed in the future.

Proofreading and Evaluating Your Essay

Step 1 Proofread your essay.

  • Try to cut down any overly long sentences or run-on sentences. Instead, try to write clear and accurate prose and avoid unnecessary words.
  • Concentrate on developing a clear, simple and highly readable prose style first before you think about developing your writing further. [17] X Research source
  • Reading your essay out load can help you get a clearer picture of awkward phrasing and overly long sentences. [18] X Research source

Step 2 Analyse don't describe.

  • When you read through your essay look at each paragraph and ask yourself, "what point this paragraph is making".
  • You might have produced a nice piece of narrative writing, but if you are not directly answering the question it is not going to help your grade.

Step 3 Check your references and bibliography.

  • A bibliography will typically have primary sources first, followed by secondary sources. [19] X Research source
  • Double and triple check that you have included all the necessary references in the text. If you forgot to include a reference you risk being reported for plagiarism.

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About This Article

Emily Listmann, MA

To write a history essay, read the essay question carefully and use source materials to research the topic, taking thorough notes as you go. Next, formulate a thesis statement that summarizes your key argument in 1-2 concise sentences and create a structured outline to help you stay on topic. Open with a strong introduction that introduces your thesis, present your argument, and back it up with sourced material. Then, end with a succinct conclusion that restates and summarizes your position! For more tips on creating a thesis statement, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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how to write a history term paper

How to Write a Term Paper From Start to Finish

how to write a history term paper

The term paper, often regarded as the culmination of a semester's hard work, is a rite of passage for students in pursuit of higher education. Here's an interesting fact to kick things off: Did you know that the term paper's origins can be traced back to ancient Greece, where scholars like Plato and Aristotle utilized written works to explore and document their philosophical musings? Just as these great minds once wrote their thoughts on parchment, you, too, can embark on this intellectual voyage with confidence and skill.

How to Write a Term Paper: Short Description

In this article, we'll delve into the core purpose of this kind of assignment – to showcase your understanding of a subject, your research abilities, and your capacity to communicate complex ideas effectively. But it doesn't stop there. We'll also guide you in the art of creating a well-structured term paper format, a roadmap that will not only keep you on track but also ensure your ideas flow seamlessly and logically. Packed with valuable tips on writing, organization, and time management, this resource promises to equip you with the tools needed to excel in your academic writing.

Understanding What Is a Term Paper

A term paper, a crucial component of your college education, is often assigned towards the conclusion of a semester. It's a vehicle through which educators gauge your comprehension of the course content. Imagine it as a bridge between what you've learned in class and your ability to apply that knowledge to real-world topics.

For instance, in a history course, you might be asked to delve into the causes and consequences of a significant historical event, such as World War II. In a psychology class, your term paper might explore the effects of stress on mental health, or in an environmental science course, you could analyze the impact of climate change on a specific region.

Writing a term paper isn't just about summarizing facts. It requires a blend of organization, deep research, and the art of presenting your findings in a way that's both clear and analytical. This means structuring your arguments logically, citing relevant sources, and critically evaluating the information you've gathered.

For further guidance, we've prepared an insightful guide for you authored by our expert essay writer . It's brimming with practical tips and valuable insights to help you stand out in this academic endeavor and earn the recognition you deserve.

How to Start a Term Paper

Before you start, keep the guidelines for the term paper format firmly in mind. If you have any doubts, don't hesitate to reach out to your instructor for clarification before you begin your research and writing process. And remember, procrastination is your worst enemy in this endeavor. If you're aiming to produce an exceptional piece and secure a top grade, it's essential to plan ahead and allocate dedicated time each day to work on it. Now, let our term paper writing services provide you with some valuable tips to help you on your journey:

start a term paper

  • Hone Your Topic : Start by cultivating a learning mindset that empowers you to effectively organize your thoughts. Discover how to research a topic in the section below.
  • Hook Your Readers: Initiate a brainstorming session and unleash a barrage of creative ideas to captivate your audience right from the outset. Pose intriguing questions, share compelling anecdotes, offer persuasive statistics, and more.
  • Craft a Concise Thesis Statement Example : If you find yourself struggling to encapsulate the main idea of your paper in just a sentence or two, it's time to revisit your initial topic and consider narrowing it down.
  • Understand Style Requirements: Your work must adhere to specific formatting guidelines. Delve into details about the APA format and other pertinent regulations in the section provided.
  • Delve Deeper with Research : Equipped with a clearer understanding of your objectives, dive into your subject matter with a discerning eye. Ensure that you draw from reputable and reliable sources.
  • Begin Writing: Don't obsess over perfection from the get-go. Just start writing, and don't worry about initial imperfections. You can always revise or remove those early sentences later. The key is to initiate the term papers as soon as you've amassed sufficient information.

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Term Paper Topics

Selecting the right topic for your term paper is a critical step, one that can significantly impact your overall experience and the quality of your work. While instructors sometimes provide specific topics, there are instances when you have the freedom to choose your own. To guide you on how to write a term paper, consider the following factors when deciding on your dissertation topics :

choose a term paper topic

  • Relevance to Assignment Length: Begin by considering the required length of your paper. Whether it's a substantial 10-page paper or a more concise 5-page one, understanding the word count will help you determine the appropriate scope for your subject. This will inform whether your topic should be broad or more narrowly focused.
  • Availability of Resources : Investigate the resources at your disposal. Check your school or community library for books and materials that can support your research. Additionally, explore online sources to ensure you have access to a variety of reference materials.
  • Complexity and Clarity : Ensure you can effectively explain your chosen topic, regardless of how complex it may seem. If you encounter areas that are challenging to grasp fully, don't hesitate to seek guidance from experts or your professor. Clarity and understanding are key to producing a well-structured term paper.
  • Avoiding Overused Concepts : Refrain from choosing overly trendy or overused topics. Mainstream subjects often fail to captivate the interest of your readers or instructors, as they can lead to repetitive content. Instead, opt for a unique angle or approach that adds depth to your paper.
  • Manageability and Passion : While passion can drive your choice of topic, it's important to ensure that it is manageable within the given time frame and with the available resources. If necessary, consider scaling down a topic that remains intriguing and motivating to you, ensuring it aligns with your course objectives and personal interests.

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Term Paper Outline

Before embarking on the journey of writing a term paper, it's crucial to establish a well-structured outline. Be mindful of any specific formatting requirements your teacher may have in mind, as these will guide your outline's structure. Here's a basic format to help you get started:

  • Cover Page: Begin with a cover page featuring your name, course number, teacher's name, and the deadline date, centered at the top.
  • Abstract: Craft a concise summary of your work that informs readers about your paper's topic, its significance, and the key points you'll explore.
  • Introduction: Commence your term paper introduction with a clear and compelling statement of your chosen topic. Explain why it's relevant and outline your approach to addressing it.
  • Body: This section serves as the meat of academic papers, where you present the primary findings from your research. Provide detailed information about the topic to enhance the reader's understanding. Ensure you incorporate various viewpoints on the issue and conduct a thorough analysis of your research.
  • Results: Share the insights and conclusions that your research has led you to. Discuss any shifts in your perspective or understanding that have occurred during the course of your project.
  • Discussion: Conclude your term paper with a comprehensive summary of the topic and your findings. You can wrap up with a thought-provoking question or encourage readers to explore the subject further through their own research.

How to Write a Term Paper with 5 Steps

Before you begin your term paper, it's crucial to understand what a term paper proposal entails. This proposal serves as your way to introduce and justify your chosen topic to your instructor, and it must gain approval before you start writing the actual paper.

In your proposal, include recent studies or research related to your topic, along with proper references. Clearly explain the topic's relevance to your course, outline your objectives, and organize your ideas effectively. This helps your instructor grasp your term paper's direction. If needed, you can also seek assistance from our expert writers and buy term paper .

how to write a term paper

Draft the Abstract

The abstract is a critical element while writing a term paper, and it plays a crucial role in piquing the reader's interest. To create a captivating abstract, consider these key points from our dissertation writing service :

  • Conciseness: Keep it short and to the point, around 150-250 words. No need for lengthy explanations.
  • Highlight Key Elements: Summarize the problem you're addressing, your research methods, and primary findings or conclusions. For instance, if your paper discusses the impact of social media on mental health, mention your research methods and significant findings.
  • Engagement: Make your abstract engaging. Use language that draws readers in. For example, if your paper explores the effects of artificial intelligence on the job market, you might begin with a question like, 'Is AI revolutionizing our work landscape, or should we prepare for the robots to take over?'
  • Clarity: Avoid excessive jargon or technical terms to ensure accessibility to a wider audience.

Craft the Introduction

The introduction sets the stage for your entire term paper and should engage readers from the outset. To craft an intriguing introduction, consider these tips:

  • Hook Your Audience: Start with a captivating hook, such as a thought-provoking question or a compelling statistic. For example, if your paper explores the impact of smartphone addiction, you could begin with, 'Can you remember the last time you went a whole day without checking your phone?'
  • State Your Purpose: Clearly state the purpose of your paper and its relevance. If your term paper is about renewable energy's role in combating climate change, explain why this topic is essential in today's world.
  • Provide a Roadmap: Briefly outline how your paper is structured. For instance, if your paper discusses the benefits of mindfulness meditation, mention that you will explore its effects on stress reduction, emotional well-being, and cognitive performance.
  • Thesis Statement: Conclude your introduction with a concise thesis statement that encapsulates the central argument or message of your paper. In the case of a term paper on the impact of online education, your thesis might be: 'Online education is revolutionizing learning by providing accessibility, flexibility, and innovative teaching methods.'

Develop the Body Sections: Brainstorming Concepts and Content

Generate ideas and compose text: body sections.

The body of your term paper is where you present your research, arguments, and analysis. To generate ideas and write engaging text in the body sections, consider these strategies from our research paper writer :

  • Structure Your Ideas: Organize your paper into sections or paragraphs, each addressing a specific aspect of your topic. For example, if your term paper explores the impact of social media on interpersonal relationships, you might have sections on communication patterns, privacy concerns, and emotional well-being.
  • Support with Evidence: Back up your arguments with credible evidence, such as data, research findings, or expert opinions. For instance, when discussing the effects of social media on mental health, you can include statistics on social media usage and its correlation with anxiety or depression.
  • Offer Diverse Perspectives: Acknowledge and explore various viewpoints on the topic. When writing about the pros and cons of genetic engineering, present both the potential benefits, like disease prevention, and the ethical concerns associated with altering human genetics.
  • Use Engaging Examples: Incorporate real-life examples to illustrate your points. If your paper discusses the consequences of climate change, share specific instances of extreme weather events or environmental degradation to make the topic relatable.
  • Ask Thought-Provoking Questions: Integrate questions throughout your text to engage readers and stimulate critical thinking. In a term paper on the future of artificial intelligence, you might ask, 'How will AI impact job markets and the concept of work in the coming years?'

Formulate the Conclusion

The conclusion section should provide a satisfying wrap-up of your arguments and insights. To craft a compelling term paper example conclusion, follow these steps:

  • Revisit Your Thesis: Begin by restating your thesis statement. This reinforces the central message of your paper. For example, if your thesis is about the importance of biodiversity conservation, reiterate that biodiversity is crucial for ecological balance and human well-being.
  • Summarize Key Points: Briefly recap the main points you've discussed in the body of your paper. For instance, if you've been exploring the impact of globalization on local economies, summarize the effects on industries, job markets, and cultural diversity.
  • Emphasize Your Main Argument: Reaffirm the significance of your thesis and the overall message of your paper. Discuss why your findings are important or relevant in a broader context. If your term paper discusses the advantages of renewable energy, underscore its potential to combat climate change and reduce our reliance on fossil fuels.
  • Offer a Thoughtful Reflection: Share your own reflections or insights about the topic. How has your understanding evolved during your research? Have you uncovered any unexpected findings or implications? If your paper discusses the future of space exploration, consider what it means for humanity's quest to explore the cosmos.
  • End with Impact: Conclude your term paper with a powerful closing statement. You can leave the reader with a thought-provoking question, a call to action, or a reflection on the broader implications of your topic. For instance, if your paper is about the ethics of artificial intelligence, you could finish by asking, 'As AI continues to advance, what ethical considerations will guide our choices and decisions?'

Edit and Enhance the Initial Draft

After completing your initial draft, the revision and polishing phase is essential for improving your paper. Here's how to refine your work efficiently:

  • Take a Break: Step back and return to your paper with a fresh perspective.
  • Structure Check: Ensure your paper flows logically and transitions smoothly from the introduction to the conclusion.
  • Clarity and Conciseness: Trim excess words for clarity and precision.
  • Grammar and Style: Proofread for errors and ensure consistent style.
  • Citations and References: Double-check your citations and reference list.
  • Peer Review: Seek feedback from peers or professors for valuable insights.
  • Enhance Intro and Conclusion: Make your introduction and conclusion engaging and impactful.
  • Coherence Check: Ensure your arguments support your thesis consistently.
  • Read Aloud: Reading your paper aloud helps identify issues.
  • Final Proofread: Perform a thorough proofread to catch any remaining errors.

Term Paper Format

When formatting your term paper, consider its length and the required citation style, which depends on your research topic. Proper referencing is crucial to avoid plagiarism in academic writing. Common citation styles include APA and MLA.

If unsure how to cite term paper for social sciences, use the APA format, including the author's name, book title, publication year, publisher, and location when citing a book.

For liberal arts and humanities, MLA is common, requiring the publication name, date, and location for referencing.

Adhering to the appropriate term paper format and citation style ensures an organized and academically sound paper. Follow your instructor's guidelines for a polished and successful paper.

Term Paper Example

To access our term paper example, simply click the button below.

The timeline of events from 1776 to 1861, that, in the end, prompted the American Civil War, describes and relates to a number of subjects modern historians acknowledge as the origins and causes of the Civil War. In fact, pre-Civil War events had both long-term and short-term influences on the War—such as the election of Abraham Lincoln as the American president in 1860 that led to the Fall of Fort Sumter in April of the same year. In that period, contentions that surrounded states’ rights progressively exploded in Congress—since they were the initial events that formed after independence. Congress focused on resolving significant issues that affected the states, which led to further issues. In that order, the US’s history from 1776 to 1861 provides a rich history, as politicians brought forth dissimilarities, dissections, and tensions between the Southern US & the people of slave states, and the Northern states that were loyal to the Union. The events that unfolded from the period of 1776 to 1861 involved a series of issues because they promoted the great sectional crisis that led to political divisions and the build-up to the Civil War that made the North and the South seem like distinctive and timeless regions that predated the crisis itself.

Final Thoughts

In closing, approach the task of writing term papers with determination and a positive outlook. Begin well in advance, maintain organization, and have faith in your capabilities. Don't hesitate to seek assistance if required, and express your individual perspective with confidence. You're more than capable of succeeding in this endeavor!

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How to Write a History Term Paper: Guidelines and Topic Ideas

How to Write a History Term Paper: Guidelines and Helpful Tips

Table of contents.

History Term Paper and Its Peculiarities Step-by-Step Guide to History Term Paper Writing Preparatory Stage Writing the Paper Editing and Proofreading History Term Paper Topics: How to Select the Best One World History Term Paper Topics Ancient History Term Paper Topics US History Term Paper Topics European History Term Paper Topics Art History Term Paper Topics Military History Class Term Paper Topics Interesting Events in History to Make a Term Paper Easy History Term Paper Topics Conclusion

Term paper writing is one of the most typical assignments college students will have to deal with during their studying. When it comes to history essay creation, one should remember that precision, accuracy, and relevance are critical. Profound research of the topic, analysis of a certain period of time, and reasonable conclusions should be carried out. 

While some students consider it to be another academic project to accomplish, others struggle at every single stage of its writing. Plenty of dates, facts, and events can sometimes be overwhelming for learners. Additionally, it is vital to remember that paper creation is not only about the presentation of historical concepts and phenomena but also about the structured and logical succession of ideas. 

If the assignment seems complicated, one should look through a detailed guide that will help you detect the most interesting and appealing history term paper topics, peculiarities of the paper structure, formatting, and other aspects that will help you thrive with the project.

If this won't help, you can always opt for the alternative of placing your term paper order with a reliable writing service.

History Term Paper and Its Peculiarities

A history term paper is another academic assignment that is aimed at estimating the student’s awareness of the topic and ability to answer historical questions. Unlike other types of academic assignments, history essays are about evidence and accuracy only. Analyzing valid sources of information and reading the claims of other scholars, students can come up with a comprehensive paper. Personal standpoint and understanding of the topic are a must here, as you should know the perspective you emphasize and defend in the text. 

Striving to provide readers with a relevant, up-to-date, and coherent term paper, the writer should follow certain guidelines, paying attention to the following aspects:

  • thesis statement
  • introduction
  • citation style
  • grammatical excellence

These factors will influence the quality of your writing and may potentially draw you closer to the desired results. However, before you dive into the writing process, you should realize that choosing the theme is one of the fundamental points that will either help you thrive or will completely ruin your work. Irrespective of the variety of history term paper topics available on the web, finding the right one may be an overwhelming task. Keep reading to get a few tips on how to make the choice you will not regret. Additionally, you will get an extensive list of the most relevant and up-to-date topics for inspiration.

Step-by-Step Guide to History Term Paper Writing

How to start writing a history term paper? What should the essay look like? What are the constituent parts to be included? These are some of the most common questions college students ask when they get an assignment. Learners frequently have no idea what to start the paper writing with, which results in poor performance and tons of critical mistakes. Fortunately, there is always an opportunity to find effective tips and beneficial guidelines that will help you gain the desired result stress-free. 

Are you ready to start working on the assignment? There is no need to rush into analyzing the available history term paper topics and outlining your paper. Consideration, concern, and attention to detail are the factors that matter a lot here. 

Preparatory Stage

Before you dive into the essay writing process, you should realize that success with the preparatory stage is halfway to flawless results. So, if you are still confused about how to write a history term paper, mind the following points. 

Familiarizing yourself with the requirements of the paper is the first and the most significant step that will give you a better understanding of the assignment and its specifications. Double-check the formatting peculiarities and other options that may influence the quality of your work. Ignoring this stage, you increase the risk of missing something and getting a lower mark for the paper. Once you define the fundamental requirements and choose to stick to them, you are ready to move to the next point. 

Choosing a relevant and appealing topic is another step on the way to success. An important rule you should remember is to stay within the context. Talk about the historic event you are aware of and interested in. Avoid controversial and ambiguous themes that can add you problems. 

Searching for relevant and valid historical facts is the final stage of the preparatory phase. Do profound, in-depth research on the topic. Divide the theme into subtopics, which will help you create a well-structured and coherent outline. Make sure all the data included in the paper is taken from reliable and trusted sources. 

Writing the Paper

Once you are done with the preliminary stages, you can proceed to writing a history term paper. At this point, it is indispensable to single out a few critical elements, including a thesis and outline, which may predetermine the success of the undertaking. 

Take your time to analyze the theme and single out fundamental points. Formulate your opinion on the theme, singling out an argument that will serve as a thesis. Make it short, distinct, and comprehensible.

On successful completion of this stage, you can proceed to writing a history term paper outline. It is the exact point that will guide you and help you create a well-structured and consistent paper worth appreciation. Follow the instructions given by the professor to make the history paper comply with the requirements. Divide the essay into paragraphs, each presenting a different idea linked with the previous one, though.  

Finally, you are ready to start the actual writing process. Create a catchy and appealing history term paper introduction that will unveil some information about the paper but will not reveal all the facts. A consistent body and meaningful conclusion will add to the quality of your work. 

Editing and Proofreading

Once you are done with the first draft of your history term paper, it is the right time to start editing and proofreading it. Double-check the whole paper for any inaccuracies in the names, dates, and other history-related facts that can make a prominent difference. Additionally, watch for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors and typos that can also affect the relevance of the paper. Use online tools and instruments that can help you succeed with the process fast and easily. 

History Term Paper Topics: How to Select the Best One

As an experienced college student, you might know that choosing the most appealing and relevant topic for the history term paper is always a real challenge. At this point, it is indispensable to opt for a theme that is not only interesting but also definite. There is a risk of making the assignment even more overwhelming if you select an ambiguous topic that is hard to discuss. 

Considering American history term paper topics, for instance, you should focus on the options that seem appealing to you. Additionally, make sure you can find some data from valid sources so that you have enough material to work with. Surf the web, reading sample history paper topics that will keep you inspired. Check out a comprehensive list of good term paper topics that will guide you to the right choice below.

World History Term Paper Topics

  • Britain and Spain as the Two Parties in the Battle of the Seas
  • The Colonization of South Africa and Its Consequences
  • Mexican-American War: Features and Outcomes
  • The Influence of the Shogun on the Development of Japanese
  • The Mutual Impact of Roman, Egyptian, and Greek Cultures
  • Possible Ways to Prevent World War II
  • Gandhi and His Contribution to the World Peace
  • Aftershocks of Cold War
  • Medieval Europe and Social Relationship at the Time
  • Ancient Civilizations and Use of Weapons

World History Term Paper Topics 1400 and Earlier

  • The Gnostic Gospels
  • The Human Evolution in Mesopotamia
  • Pompeii: Its Rise and Fall
  • The Expansion of Latin and Its Prominence for the World History
  • Roman Emperors and the Way They Changed the World
  • Paganism: Critical Peculiarities of the Notion
  • The Great Wall of China and Its Historical Prominence
  • Medieval Europe and Life at the Time
  • The Stages of Byzantine Empire Development
  • Ancient Conquests: How They Changed the Modern Life

World History from 1500 Term Paper Topics

  • Major Events in Europe in the 1500s
  • Peculiarities of World Dominance in 1500 Years
  • The History of the US Development from 1500
  • The Prominence of the Industrial Revolution
  • The Rise of the West in the World History
  • The Discovery Age: Key Facts, Features, and Consequences
  • Central Historical Characters of the Time
  • Gallipoli Campaign and Its Impact on the World History
  • Politics in Europe: Its Establishment and Development
  • Social Inequality and Other Problems of the Time

20th Century World History Term Paper Topics

  • The Exploration of Space: The Competition between Different Countries
  • Caribbean Islands and Their Independence
  • Nelson Mandela and the Impact He Made on the World History
  • Scientific Advancement of the 20th Century that Changed the World
  • The World War I and the Preceding Events
  • President Nixon and His Impeachment
  • Cold War: Positive and Negative Aspects
  • The Role of the US in the Vietnam War
  • Martin Luther King and the Impact of His Speeches on Society
  • The USSR Breakup and Its Main Causes

Ancient History Term Paper Topics

  • Ancient Egypt and Its Symbolism
  • Culture and Traditions of Sumerians
  • The History of Palestine
  • Ancient Egypt: Death and Immortality
  • Analyzing the Power in Assyria to Byzantium
  • Prehistoric Britain and the Role of Women in Its Development
  • Distribution of Responsibilities in the Iron Age
  • A Comprehensive Analysis of the Near Eastern Civilizations
  • Central Anatolia and Its Water Sources
  • Religion, Culture, and History of the Ancient World

US History Term Paper Topics

  • Declaration of Independence in 1776 and Its Role in the Further Development of the Country
  • The assassination of Abraham Lincoln
  • Equality Issues in the Declaration of Independence
  • Civil War: Basic Facts, Problems and Controversies
  • Key Features and Events of the Atlanta Campaign
  • Homestead Act and Its Prominence: Detailed Analysis of the Historical Event
  • Interwar Period: Peculiarities and Perspectives
  • Emancipation Proclamation as a Beginning of the New Era
  • The Influence of Industrialization on the American Social Movement
  • Causes of the Civil War

Early American History Term Paper Topics

  • The Impact of Reformation on the US History, Culture, and Religion
  • The Middle Ground and Native Americans
  • Christianity in the US: Its Influence on the Development of the Country
  • The Role of the Constitution on US Society
  • Bill of Rights and Its Prominence for the Development of the Country
  • The History of Railroads Creation in America
  • Cotton Industry in the USA
  • American Economy: The History of Its Advancement
  • Central Historic Personalities that Changed the US Formation
  • Social, Political, and Economic Situation in the USA

Term Paper Topics for Colonial U.S. History

  • Colonial America and the Contribution of Slaves
  • Mercantilism and Its Development in Colonial US
  • The Economic Situation in Colonies
  • Colonial Unrest in New York
  • The History of Colonial America: Social, Economic and Political Situations
  • Colonization and Its Peculiarities
  • The Life of People in Colonial America
  • The Importance of the Colonization Process
  • From Colonial America to the United States
  • Loss of Connection to the Land for Aboriginal People

American History Term Paper Topics about Great Depression

  • Great Depression in the USA: Reasons for Its Occurrence
  • The Impact of the Great Depression on the Contemporary Minorities
  • The Cost of the Great Depression: Economic Situation of the Time
  • Great Depression and World War II: The Impact on the US Economy
  • The History of the Great Depression for Americans
  • Main Consequences of the Great Depression for the US Citizens
  • The Influence of the Great Depression on Education
  • The Way Great Depression Changed the Society
  • Central Historic Figures during the Times of Great Depression
  • Great Depression as It Was: Features, Events, and Outcomes

European History Term Paper Topics

  • Literacy in Europe: Peculiarities of Its Development
  • The Witch Hunts of the Catholic Church
  • Nationalistic Trends in Europe
  • Military Advancements between the Wars
  • The Question of Gender and Its Role in Europe Throughout the History
  •  Empiricism and Its Rise: Causes and Results
  • Propaganda in Europe: Impact on the Contemporary Society
  • French Revolution: Peculiarities of the Force Distribution
  • A Comprehensive Analysis of the Mid-Tudor Crises
  • Civil Rights of Women in Europe during Different Historic Periods

Art History Term Paper Topics

  • Mayan Culture and History in Art
  • The History of the Modern Art in Europe
  • Christian Symbols and Their Significance for the Renaissance Art
  • Early Works of Leonardo da Vinci
  • History of Printmaking: Features of the Techniques Used at the Time
  • Art Fairs and Their Establishment
  • The Changes in Beauty Standards in the History
  • Mesoamerican and Egyptian Pyramids: Similarities and Discrepancies
  • Philosophy and Its Influence on Art
  • The Significance of the Sculptures in Ancient Greece

Military History Class Term Paper Topics

  • Prerequisites and Outcomes of the World War I
  • Main Stages of the Military History
  • Waging Wars and Their Role in the Formation of Nations
  • Franco-Prussian War and Its Role in the World History
  • The Cases of Diplomatic Decisions that Prevented Potential Conflicts
  • The Shortest and Longest Wars in the History
  • Hitler and His Role in the World War II
  • Military Theory: Basic Peculiarities of the Concept
  • Military Achievements of Different Historic Figures
  • The Collapse of the Soviet Union and Later History of the Independent Countries
Read also: Writing guide and topics list for your anthropology term paper

Interesting Events in History to Make a Term Paper

  • Key Thoughts and Ideas of Abraham Lincoln in American History 
  • Events that Lead to the Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Apartheid of South Africa: Its Influence on the Further Development of the Country
  • The Relationship between China and Japan: Peculiarities of Their Establishment and Development
  • African American Soldiers Fighting in World War II
  • Main Reasons for the Empires to Fall
  • Ancient Conquests and Their Outcomes for the Modern Society
  • Women’s Rights Movement and Its Achievements
  • Nuclear Weapons: Impact on the World Politics
  • Civilian Population in World War I and II

Easy History Term Paper Topics

  • Medieval Church and the Influence It Had on Society
  • The Role of Women on Different Stages of History
  • Black Death and Its Outcomes
  • Islamic Empire and Its Role in the World History
  • The History of Medieval Economy
  • Papal Monarchy: Core Features and Specifications
  • Justinian I: The Reign of Byzantine Emperor 
  • Hundred Years War: Causes and Outcomes
  • Crusades and Their Impact on the Contemporary Society
  • Medieval Warfare
  • Reformation and Its Prominence for the World History
  • Impacts of Roman, Greek and Egyptian Cultures
  • Medieval Philosophy and Its Influence on the Political Situation
  •  Medieval Educational System: The History of Its Development
  • The Time of Enlightenment
  • Papal Monarchy and Its Specifications
  • Hundred-Year War and Its Influence on the Route of the History
  • The Role of a Woman in the History
  • Crimean War: Key Causes and Results
  • The Changes in the Laws and Regulations in Europe throughout the History

Following the history term paper guidelines and recommendations specified above, creating a flawless paper seems to be much easier. However, even if you are inspired by impressive topics and helpful tips, history term paper writing may remain challenging. Fortunately, with the development of technology, there is always a chance to get professional help online. 

No matter if you lack the time or desire to accomplish your project, you can contact the representatives of our support team and ask for help. Qualified and experienced term paper writers will deliver the most influential and efficient papers worth the highest grades.


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Term Paper – Format, Examples and Writing Guide

Table of Contents



Term paper is a type of academic writing assignment that is typically assigned to students at the end of a semester or term. It is usually a research-based paper that is meant to demonstrate the student’s understanding of a particular topic, as well as their ability to analyze and synthesize information from various sources.

Term papers are usually longer than other types of academic writing assignments and can range anywhere from 5 to 20 pages or more, depending on the level of study and the specific requirements of the assignment. They often require extensive research and the use of a variety of sources, including books, articles, and other academic publications.

Term Paper Format

The format of a term paper may vary depending on the specific requirements of your professor or institution. However, a typical term paper usually consists of the following sections:

  • Title page: This should include the title of your paper, your name, the course name and number, your instructor’s name, and the date.
  • Abstract : This is a brief summary of your paper, usually no more than 250 words. It should provide an overview of your topic, the research question or hypothesis, your methodology, and your main findings or conclusions.
  • Introduction : This section should introduce your topic and provide background information on the subject. You should also state your research question or hypothesis and explain the importance of your research.
  • Literature review : This section should review the existing literature on your topic. You should summarize the key findings and arguments made by other scholars and identify any gaps in the literature that your research aims to address.
  • Methodology: This section should describe the methods you used to collect and analyze your data. You should explain your research design, sampling strategy, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques.
  • Results : This section should present your findings. You can use tables, graphs, and charts to illustrate your data.
  • Discussion : This section should interpret your findings and explain what they mean in relation to your research question or hypothesis. You should also discuss any limitations of your study and suggest areas for future research.
  • Conclusion : This section should summarize your main findings and conclusions. You should also restate the importance of your research and its implications for the field.
  • References : This section should list all the sources you cited in your paper using a specific citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).
  • Appendices : This section should include any additional materials that are relevant to your study but not essential to your main argument (e.g., survey questions, interview transcripts).

Structure of Term Paper

Here’s an example structure for a term paper:

I. Introduction

A. Background information on the topic

B. Thesis statement

II. Literature Review

A. Overview of current literature on the topic

B. Discussion of key themes and findings from literature

C. Identification of gaps in current literature

III. Methodology

A. Description of research design

B. Discussion of data collection methods

C. Explanation of data analysis techniques

IV. Results

A. Presentation of findings

B. Analysis and interpretation of results

C. Comparison of results with previous studies

V. Discussion

A. Summary of key findings

B. Explanation of how results address the research questions

C. Implications of results for the field

VI. Conclusion

A. Recap of key points

B. Significance of findings

C. Future directions for research

VII. References

A. List of sources cited in the paper

How to Write Term Paper

Here are some steps to help you write a term paper:

  • Choose a topic: Choose a topic that interests you and is relevant to your course. If your professor has assigned a topic, make sure you understand it and clarify any doubts before you start.
  • Research : Conduct research on your topic by gathering information from various sources such as books, academic journals, and online resources. Take notes and organize your information systematically.
  • Create an outline : Create an outline of your term paper by arranging your ideas and information in a logical sequence. Your outline should include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
  • Write a thesis statement: Write a clear and concise thesis statement that states the main idea of your paper. Your thesis statement should be included in your introduction.
  • Write the introduction: The introduction should grab the reader’s attention, provide background information on your topic, and introduce your thesis statement.
  • Write the body : The body of your paper should provide supporting evidence for your thesis statement. Use your research to provide details and examples to support your argument. Make sure to organize your ideas logically and use transition words to connect paragraphs.
  • Write the conclusion : The conclusion should summarize your main points and restate your thesis statement. Avoid introducing new information in the conclusion.
  • Edit and proofread: Edit and proofread your term paper carefully to ensure that it is free of errors and flows smoothly. Check for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.
  • Format and cite your sources: Follow the formatting guidelines provided by your professor and cite your sources properly using the appropriate citation style.
  • Submit your paper : Submit your paper on time and according to the instructions provided by your professor.

Term Paper Example

Here’s an example of a term paper:

Title : The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity

As the world becomes more digitally interconnected, cybersecurity threats are increasing in frequency and sophistication. Traditional security measures are no longer enough to protect against these threats. This paper explores the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in cybersecurity, including how AI can be used to detect and respond to threats in real-time, the challenges of implementing AI in cybersecurity, and the potential ethical implications of AI-powered security systems. The paper concludes with recommendations for organizations looking to integrate AI into their cybersecurity strategies.

Introduction :

The increasing number of cybersecurity threats in recent years has led to a growing interest in the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to improve cybersecurity. AI has the ability to analyze vast amounts of data and identify patterns and anomalies that may indicate a security breach. Additionally, AI can automate responses to threats, allowing for faster and more effective mitigation of security incidents. However, there are also challenges associated with implementing AI in cybersecurity, such as the need for large amounts of high-quality data, the potential for AI systems to make mistakes, and the ethical considerations surrounding the use of AI in security.

Literature Review:

This section of the paper reviews existing research on the use of AI in cybersecurity. It begins by discussing the types of AI techniques used in cybersecurity, including machine learning, natural language processing, and neural networks. The literature review then explores the advantages of using AI in cybersecurity, such as its ability to detect previously unknown threats and its potential to reduce the workload of security analysts. However, the review also highlights some of the challenges associated with implementing AI in cybersecurity, such as the need for high-quality training data and the potential for AI systems to be fooled by sophisticated attacks.

Methodology :

To better understand the challenges and opportunities associated with using AI in cybersecurity, this paper conducted a survey of cybersecurity professionals working in a variety of industries. The survey included questions about the types of AI techniques used in their organizations, the challenges they faced when implementing AI in cybersecurity, and their perceptions of the ethical implications of using AI in security.

The results of the survey showed that while many organizations are interested in using AI in cybersecurity, they face several challenges when implementing these systems. These challenges include the need for high-quality training data, the potential for AI systems to be fooled by sophisticated attacks, and the difficulty of integrating AI with existing security systems. Additionally, many respondents expressed concerns about the ethical implications of using AI in security, such as the potential for AI to be biased or to make decisions that are harmful to individuals or society as a whole.

Discussion :

Based on the results of the survey and the existing literature, this paper discusses the potential benefits and risks of using AI in cybersecurity. It also provides recommendations for organizations looking to integrate AI into their security strategies, such as the need to prioritize data quality and to ensure that AI systems are transparent and accountable.

Conclusion :

While there are challenges associated with implementing AI in cybersecurity, the potential benefits of using these systems are significant. AI can help organizations detect and respond to threats more quickly and effectively, reducing the risk of security breaches. However, it is important for organizations to be aware of the potential ethical implications of using AI in security and to take steps to ensure that these systems are transparent and accountable.


  • Alkhaldi, S., Al-Daraiseh, A., & Lutfiyya, H. (2019). A Survey on Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Cyber Security. Journal of Information Security, 10(03), 191-207.
  • Gartner. (2019). Gartner Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2020. Retrieved from
  • Kshetri, N. (2018). Blockchain’s roles in meeting key supply chain management objectives. International Journal of Information Management, 39, 80-89.
  • Lipton, Z. C. (2018). The mythos of model interpretability. arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.03490.
  • Schneier, B. (2019). Click Here to Kill Everybody: Security and Survival in a Hyper-Connected World. WW Norton & Company.
  • Wahab, M. A., Rahman, M. S., & Islam, M. R. (2020). A Survey on AI Techniques in Cybersecurity. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 11(2), 22-27.

When to Write Term Paper

A term paper is usually a lengthy research paper that is assigned to students at the end of a term or semester. There are several situations when writing a term paper may be required, including:

  • As a course requirement: In most cases, a term paper is required as part of the coursework for a particular course. It may be assigned by the instructor as a way of assessing the student’s understanding of the course material.
  • To explore a specific topic : A term paper can be an excellent opportunity for students to explore a specific topic of interest in-depth. It allows them to conduct extensive research on the topic and develop their understanding of it.
  • To develop critical thinking skills : Writing a term paper requires students to engage in critical thinking and analysis. It helps them to develop their ability to evaluate and interpret information, as well as to present their ideas in a clear and coherent manner.
  • To prepare for future academic or professional pursuits: Writing a term paper can be an excellent way for students to prepare for future academic or professional pursuits. It can help them to develop the research and writing skills necessary for success in higher education or in a professional career.

Purpose of Term Paper

The main purposes of a term paper are:

  • Demonstrate mastery of a subject: A term paper provides an opportunity for students to showcase their knowledge and understanding of a particular subject. It requires students to research and analyze the topic, and then present their findings in a clear and organized manner.
  • Develop critical thinking skills: Writing a term paper requires students to think critically about their subject matter, analyzing various sources and viewpoints, and evaluating evidence to support their arguments.
  • Improve writing skills : Writing a term paper helps students improve their writing skills, including organization, clarity, and coherence. It also requires them to follow specific formatting and citation guidelines, which can be valuable skills for future academic and professional endeavors.
  • Contribute to academic discourse : A well-written term paper can contribute to academic discourse by presenting new insights, ideas, and arguments that add to the existing body of knowledge on a particular topic.
  • Prepare for future research : Writing a term paper can help prepare students for future research, by teaching them how to conduct a literature review, evaluate sources, and formulate research questions and hypotheses. It can also help them develop research skills that they can apply in future academic or professional endeavors.

Advantages of Term Paper

There are several advantages of writing a term paper, including:

  • In-depth exploration: Writing a term paper allows you to delve deeper into a specific topic, allowing you to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.
  • Improved writing skills: Writing a term paper involves extensive research, critical thinking, and the organization of ideas into a cohesive written document. As a result, writing a term paper can improve your writing skills significantly.
  • Demonstration of knowledge: A well-written term paper demonstrates your knowledge and understanding of the subject matter, which can be beneficial for academic or professional purposes.
  • Development of research skills : Writing a term paper requires conducting thorough research, analyzing data, and synthesizing information from various sources. This process can help you develop essential research skills that can be applied in many other areas.
  • Enhancement of critical thinking : Writing a term paper encourages you to think critically, evaluate information, and develop well-supported arguments. These skills can be useful in many areas of life, including personal and professional decision-making.
  • Preparation for further academic work : Writing a term paper is excellent preparation for more extensive academic projects, such as a thesis or dissertation.

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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  • A Research Guide
  • Writing Guide
  • Assignment Writing

How to Write a Term Paper

  • Purpose of a term paper
  • How to start a term paper
  • Structure and outline

Step-by-step writing guide

Standard term paper format.

  • Term paper examples
  • Writing tips

What is the purpose of a term paper?

How to start a term paper correctly.

  • Choose your topic by focusing on what inspires you unless you are already given a topic.
  • Take time to research and analyze your subject.
  • Start with a term paper outline (see our templates in the next sections).
  • Come up with a strong thesis statement before writing anything for body paragraphs.
  • Provide topic sentences and practical examples.
  • Provide a strong lesson in the conclusion if it suits the subject you write about.
  • Edit and proofread available information for trustworthiness.

Term paper structure and outline

  • Introduction. This is where you talk about the subject and a problem you are researching. It helps to introduce your thesis statement and explain the objectives that have been set.
  • Body Paragraphs. As a rule, in writing college term papers, one must write down several subheadings and headings to divide ideas and arguments into several (at least four) paragraphs. As done below, each body paragraph should contain one idea and a strong topic sentence.
  • Heading 1: History of the argument and background.
  • Heading 2: Extent of the problem that you write about.
  • Heading 3: Effects of the problem and possible causes.
  • Heading 4: Possible solutions and outcomes.
  • Conclusion. The final part should represent a strong summary and a response to your thesis statement.

Step 1: Data collection

Step 2: explaining research relevance, step 3: introducing your subject, step 4: literature review preparation, step 5: offering results and conclusions, step 6: structural term paper evaluation, step 7: check your citations and references.


Helpful term paper examples

  • Term paper examples that earned an A grade from the University of Delaware
  • Sample term paper offered by the Justus-Liebig Universitat Giessen
  • Purdue Owl Lab Citation Formats Database
  • Simon Fraser University Sample Term Paper

Term paper writing tips

  • Choose a topic that inspires you if you have an opportunity. If you have been given an already existing prompt to write, research your subject online and ask about the use of course materials. It will help you to narrow things down and already have source materials for referencing purposes.
  • If you can choose a subject to write a final paper for your course, think about something you can support with statistical data and some practical evidence.
  • Most importantly, keep your term paper relevant to the main objectives of your study course.
  • Keep your tone reflective and natural as you write.
  • Double-check your grading rubric regarding limitations and obligatory requirements that must be met.
  • Always proofread your term paper aloud!
  • If you have an opportunity, consider editing your term paper with the help of a friend or a fellow college student.

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How to Write a Term Paper 101: A Tutorial to Takeover

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As the end of the semester draws closer, many students are losing their sleep over the thought of writing a term paper. But you’re worrying pointlessly because  PaperPerk  has brought expert help to your doorstep! 

Our comprehensive guide on how to write a term paper is sure to help you with every step. So read this article thoroughly because we cover everything from definition to steps on composition and templates with examples.

Table of Contents

What Is a Term Paper?

A term paper is a written project required at the end of a semester. It is designed to evaluate a student’s knowledge and understanding of a particular subject. Typically, it takes the form of a discussion or analysis of an assigned topic. 

But it can also resemble a scientific report,  reflective essay , or even a research paper. As an essential component of a student’s academic journey, a term paper is characterized by its in-depth exploration of a specific subject matter.

Key Characteristics

One of the key features of a term paper is that it requires a significant amount of research , as it aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the topic. This research-intensive nature of the term paper sets it apart from other academic assignments. 

Additionally, term papers demand technical writing skills, as they need to be well-organized, structured, and adhere to specific formatting requirements. A high-quality term paper should be well-written, thoroughly researched, and analytical. 

It should demonstrate critical thinking and provide valuable insights into the subject matter. With an Impactful term paper, a student showcases their ability to synthesize and analyze information, ultimately contributing to their overall academic success.

How to Write a Term Paper: A Comprehensive Guide

The biggest step in learning how to write a term paper is to understand the importance of creating a term paper outline. This  research paper outline  is the beacon that will guide through your writing process. The following part of this post contains steps on composing an outline and its component. 

How to Write a Term Paper: Outlining a Term Paper

Below are the essential components of an outline. Once you gather your information, you’ll incorporate it within these compartments to avoid creating a chaotic cluster of random data. 


Let’s look at these a bit more closely and understand how to use these elements in the best way. 

Also known as the  title page , the cover page of a term paper is the first impression of the paper. It provides all the necessary information about the paper along with a neat and professional look. It should include the following information:

  • Title of the paper
  • Course name and code
  • Instructor’s name
  • Date of submission

Steps to compose a cover page:

  • Centrally align the title of your paper in the middle of the page.
  • Add your name, course name, and number below the title.
  • Include your instructor’s name and the date of submission at the bottom.

You might be required to add more than these common elements if your professor asks you to. Many students additionally write the name of the university, department or other relevant details. 

The abstract is a brief summary of your term paper, usually between 150-250 words. It should highlight the main points, including the research question, methods, results, and conclusions. 

Using an  abstract  optimally allows readers to quickly grasp the main points and significance of your term paper. The abstract is usually placed at the beginning of the paper, right after the cover page. 

Steps to compose an abstract:

  • Write a concise summary of your paper’s purpose and research question.
  • Briefly describe the methods used in your research.
  • Summarize the main findings or results.
  • Conclude with a brief statement of your paper’s implications or significance.

Ensure that all the information you incorporate within your abstract accurately reflects the content and findings within your paper. Double-check that there is consistency between the abstract and the main body of the paper in terms of the research objectives, methodology, and conclusions. 

The  introduction  sets the stage for your term paper. It provides background information, states the research question, depicts the purpose of the study and explains the paper’s significance. 

Steps to compose an introduction:

  • Begin with a hook to capture the reader’s attention.
  • Provide background information on your topic.
  • Clearly state your research question.
  • Explain the significance of your research and its contribution to the field.

The body of your term paper is where you present your arguments , evidence, and analysis. It should be organized into sections or subheadings, each focusing on a specific aspect of your research.

Steps to compose the body:

  • Organize your content into logical sections or subheadings.
  • Present your arguments and support them with evidence from your research.
  • Analyze the evidence and explain its relevance to your research question.
  • Use appropriate citations to acknowledge the sources of your information.

The results section presents the outcomes and the findings of your research study. It should be clear, concise, and focused on the data collected during your study.

Steps to compose the results section:

  • Summarize the data collected during your research.
  • Use tables, charts, or graphs to visually represent your findings.
  • Describe any patterns, trends, or relationships observed in the data.
  • Ensure that your results are relevant to your research question.
  • Avoid repetition of any information. 

The  discussion section  interprets the results of your term paper and explains their implications. It should also address any limitations of your research and suggest areas for future study.

Steps to compose the discussion section:

  • Interpret your results and explain their significance.
  • Discuss any limitations or weaknesses in your research.
  • Compare your findings to previous studies and explain any differences.
  • Suggest areas for future research based on your findings.

The  conclusion  brings your term paper to a close by summarizing the main points. This final section of your paper also restates the significance of your research.

Steps to compose a conclusion:

  • Restate your research question and summarize the main points of your paper.
  • Emphasize the significance of your research and its contribution to the field.
  • Offer recommendations or suggestions for future research.
  • End with a strong closing statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

By following this comprehensive guide, you can write a well-structured and impactful term paper that demonstrates your understanding of the subject and contributes valuable insights to the field.

How to Write a Term Paper Proposal: A Tutorial

A term paper proposal serves as a blueprint for your research. It helps in organizing your thoughts and ideas. Lets focus on the essential features of a term paper proposal and understand steps on how to compose each part.

Essential Features of a Term Paper Proposal

Relevance and importance.

The title of your term paper proposal should attract your readers and provide them with a clear idea of your work. It should be clear, concise, and accurately reflect the subject of your research.

Steps to compose a title:

  • Identify the main topic or theme of your research.
  • Choose relevant keywords that represent the key concepts of your research.
  • Combine these keywords to create a clear and informative title.
  • Ensure that your  title  is not too long or overly complex.
  • Consider your audience’s ability to understand your title.

The objectives section outlines the specific goals of your research. These goals should be clear, measurable, and achievable within the scope of your term paper.

Steps to compose objectives:

  • Begin by stating the general purpose of your research.
  • Break down this purpose into specific, measurable objectives.
  • Ensure that your objectives are achievable within the timeframe and resources available for your term paper.
  • Keep your objectives focused and relevant to your research question.

The relevance and importance section demonstrates the significance of your research within the context of your field of study. It should explain why your research is necessary and how it contributes to the existing body of knowledge.

Steps to compose the relevance and importance section:

  • Explain the context of your research by providing background information on the topic.
  • Identify gaps or limitations in the existing literature that your research aims to address.
  • Explain how your research contributes to the field by offering new insights or perspectives.
  • Emphasize the potential impact of your research on the broader academic community or society as a whole.

Putting It All Together: Writing a Term Paper Proposal

Now that you clearly understand the essential features of a term paper  proposal , it’s time to put it all together. Follow these steps to create a well-structured and compelling proposal:

  • Begin by writing a clear and concise title that accurately reflects the subject of your research.
  • Compose a brief introduction that overviews your research topic and its significance. This introduction should also include a clear statement of your research question.
  • Outline the specific objectives of your research, ensuring that they are clear, measurable, and achievable within the scope of your term paper.
  • Explain the relevance and importance of your research by demonstrating its significance within your field of study. Highlight the gaps or limitations in the existing literature that your research aims to address.
  • Provide a brief overview of your research methodology, including the methods you plan to use for data collection and analysis.
  • Include a tentative timeline for your research, outlining the milestones and deadlines for each project stage.
  • Conclude your proposal with a summary of the main points and a restatement of the significance of your research.

By following these comprehensive steps, you can create a well-structured and persuasive term paper proposal that demonstrates the importance of your research and sets the stage for a successful term paper.

How to Write a Term Paper: Formatting

A term paper format refers to the set of rules and standards that dictate the structure and presentation of a term paper. Formatting is essential to learn how to write a term paper as it ensures consistency, enhances readability, and maintains a professional appearance. 

A proper structure allows readers to concentrate on the content rather than the presentation. Several formatting styles are used in term papers, with the American Psychological Association (APA) style and the Modern Language Association (MLA) style being the most common.

Using APA Style in a Term Paper:

  • Choose a standard font, such as 11-point Calibri, 11-point Arial, or 12-point Times New Roman.
  • Apply double-spacing throughout the paper, including the abstract, main text, quotes, tables, figures, and references.
  • Create a title page containing the paper’s title, author’s name, affiliated institution, and a running head.
  • Organize the content using headings that adhere to  APA guidelines for different heading levels.
  • Incorporate the author-date citation method for in-text citations and format the reference list according to APA guidelines.

Using MLA Style in a Term Paper:

  • Opt for a standard font, such as 12-point Times New Roman.
  • Double-space the entire paper, including the main text, quotes, and the Works Cited page.
  • Include a header with the last name of the author and page number on the top right corner of all pages.
  • Use parenthetical citations within the text and format according to  MLA guidelines .
  • Follow MLA guidelines for formatting headings and subheadings, if applicable.

Adhering to the appropriate style guide when formatting term papers is crucial for maintaining academic integrity and ensuring that your work is easily comprehended and properly cited.

Choosing the Perfect Term Paper Topics

Writing a term paper can be a daunting task, but choosing the right term paper topics can make all the difference. In this part, we will provide you with some useful tips and tricks to make the process as smooth as possible.

The Starting Point

In most cases, students are assigned term papers by their professors. These topics are related to course outline to assess pupil’s understanding of the course material. As well as their ability to think critically and conduct research on a specific subject. 

Other times, teachers provide students a chance to choose a topic of their liking. But before you go on and pick a topic for your term paper, put the following concerns at the forefront. 

  • The course objective 
  • Your own interest. 

The Course Objective

Your term paper is essentially assigned to assess your command on the subject. Prioritize your course outline or objective before picking your  research paper topics . This will ensure that your paper is relevant and reflects what you have learnt so far about the subject. 

Your Interests

Your personal interests play a significant role in the success of your term paper. When you choose a topic that genuinely interests you, you are more likely to engage in  writing a research paper . This enthusiasm will not only make the writing process more enjoyable but also result in a higher quality term paper. 

Before picking a specific topic, make sure to conduct thorough research and align your personal liking to your course objective. The following tips on how to pick the perfect term paper topic will assist you in acing your grade.

Tips for Choosing the Perfect Term Paper Topic

While picking a topic for yourself, be mindful of certain things:

Adjusting Topic Length

Consider if the topic would adjust your required length for a term paper. Suppose you’re to write a  10-page research paper , what kind of topic would adjust within those 10 pages? Registering the narrowness or broadness of the topic can help.

Authentic Resources

The second thing you need to consider is the resources of your information. Check if the source you’re working with is authentic. Reliable  sources for a research paper  include academic journals, books, think tanks, and reputable websites.

Complexity of the Subject

To ensure the clarity of your topic, consider its complexity. It is important that the chosen subject can be effectively presented to your audience. Additionally, ensure that you have a solid understanding of the subject matter yourself.

By considering the length, resources, and complexity of your chosen topic, you can ensure that your term paper is engaging, informative, and well-researched. So, take the time to select the perfect topic and get ready to ace your term paper!

How to Write a Term Paper: A Template With Example

This template also contains examples that are highlighted in a different color. 

Title Page 

Abstract .

  • Remember to never exceed the abstract more than 250 words.

1.1 Background

1.2 problem statement, 1.3 objectives, 2. literature review, 3. methodology, 5. discussion, 6. conclusion, 7. references.

  • The references section uses the appropriate citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).

8. Appendices

  • If necessary, this section includes additional material such as raw data, survey questionnaires, interview transcripts, or any other supplementary information that supports the research.

This guide on how to write a term paper must have been helpful to you. But we understand that wrapping your head around something so detailed can be difficult when you’re stressed out. And most students are stressed out by the end of the semester due to multiple deadlines.  That’s why we have brought you our  term paper writing service  so you can relax and focus more on your upcoming exams. Our experts are dedicated to helping students excel academically with quality content and on-time submission. Check us out today and bid goodbye to academic worries!

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How to Write a Term Paper - Guide by Studyfy

How to Write a Term Paper

how to write a history term paper

How to Write a Term Paper - Getting to the Basics

A term paper is generally structured with an opening introduction, followed by several body paragraphs, and culminates with a conclusion. It articulates a central thesis statement, bolstered by corroborative evidence and critical analysis. The writing is formal in nature, adheres to a designated formatting style like APA or MLA, and is complemented by accurate citations and a comprehensive bibliography.

Writing a term paper is a structured process that demands careful planning and execution. Here’s a step-by-step approach to guide you:

  • Understand the Assignment : Ensure you grasp the requirements, the topic's scope, and the deadline.
  • Choose a Topic : Select a topic that is interesting to you and meets the assignment's criteria. It should be narrow enough to explore fully within the paper's constraints.
  • Conduct Preliminary Research : Gather background information to further refine your topic, develop a thesis, and create a research question.
  • Develop a Thesis Statement : This is the central argument or claim of your paper. It should be clear, concise, and arguable.
  • Create an Outline : Organize your main points and supporting details into an outline. This will serve as a roadmap for your term paper.
  • Conduct Detailed Research : Use credible sources to collect evidence and information that support your thesis. Take careful notes and keep track of your sources for citations.
  • Write the Introduction : Start with a hook to grab the reader's interest, provide background information, and present your thesis statement.
  • Write the Body : Each paragraph should focus on a single point that supports your thesis. Use evidence and analysis to back up each point.
  • Write the Conclusion : Summarize your main points and restate the thesis in the context of the evidence you provided. Discuss the implications of your findings or future directions for research.
  • Revise and Edit : Look for any gaps in logic or content, check for clarity and flow, and ensure each part of the paper supports your thesis. Edit for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.
  • Format Your Paper : Follow the required citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.) for your discipline, and ensure your paper adheres to all formatting guidelines.
  • Final Review : Give your paper a final read-through, checking for coherence, structure, and formatting.
  • Submit : Turn in your paper by the deadline, and ensure you have a copy saved for your records.

You always hear the word “term paper,” and in the most basic sense, it is the paper that sums up everything you have learned in a term or semester. Think of it as the ‘gate pass’ for a checkpoint in a game: you need to secure one by finishing one important challenge.

As every game requires, that particular challenge is not similar to other challenges you have encountered. Thus, you must conserve every remaining energy and time to prepare for the challenge.

Going back to our topic, term papers require your knowledge, effort, and time. You can only produce a faultless and astounding term paper once you have mastered the fundamental things you will continuously see in every paper you will be crafting in the coming semesters.


In a term paper, you may not want to ditch your personal experiences or observations when integrating what you have learned in a single term or semester. Most of the time, integrating salient findings and concepts from literature and other scholarly sources may be required depending on the type of paper you are asked to write.

A topic, especially if it is purely theoretical or academic, may warrant you to do a literature review and background research. Fret not, though, as this blog will guide you through making your term paper a work of research.

Since a term paper is research-based, it is almost always impossible not to involve critical thinking and analysis on a certain topic. After all, the best way to discuss a topic, especially if it is complex, is to break it down into pieces. Once disassembled, you can evaluate the evidence, examine its validity, and draw reasoned conclusions based on your findings.

Thesis Statement

You might be able to equate a term paper to an essay. They seem to get along, especially with the structure and purpose of writing. However, you can never go wrong with formulating a good thesis statement for your term paper.

As it is more similar to a research paper, a term paper can be quite long, so having a good thesis statement reinstates the main argument or purpose of your writing. It guides the entire direction of your paper and helps your reader grasp its focus– no matter how long and winding his or her experience will be.

Logical Flow

We may love a fun, creative, and often chaotic way of writing, especially when reading a narrative essay as a coursework assignment. Sorry to burst your bubbles, but a term paper may not follow the same route.

As a standard term paper is full of concepts, terms, arguments, and ideas, it deserves great attention to logic and organization. This means that each section of the paper must build up from the previous one, and transitions between paragraphs and sections should observe smoothness and coherence.

What is a Term Paper In Terms of Its Various Types and Forms

Writing a term paper entails preparation. You can only wish that you have a ton of brain cells and resources to help you finalize your paper that is good for submission– and a stellar score.

However, preparation is only one thing in the long-lasting process of term paper writing.

The term paper structure will still depend on the scope of analysis, as well as the categories of the term paper. Yes, you saw it correctly: types or categories of term papers may have different structures or, in most cases, purposes.

This part of your journey in term paper writing will acquaint you with different types of term papers according to purpose and structure. 

Analytical Paper

From the word itself, an analytical paper requires you to break down a concept, theory, or phenomenon into several parts. These parts may come in the form of elements, experiences, principles, and many other related components.

An analytical paper aims to examine these parts critically and evaluate them accordingly. Analytical papers are often found in social sciences and humanities, and they are mostly requested for a term paper writing service .

Possible topics that resemble your future topic under the mentioned fields are critiquing a philosophical theory or analyzing globalization's impact on a specific country's pop culture.

Argumentative Paper

What is a term paper without presenting a stance? In an argumentative term paper, your professor might give you a debatable or controversial topic that requires your critical thinking and persuasive skills to be utilized.

In this type of term paper, you must integrate a literature review and empirical evidence to support your stance and counter several opposing views. Argumentations are often found in several branches of the social sciences, such as law, ethics, and literature.

You may stumble upon topics like augmenting a controversial public policy or defending a particular interpretation of a literary piece.

Descriptive Paper

Fulfilling this type of term paper entails more than injecting fancy adjectives, imageries, and vivid narrations. When dealing with descriptive term papers, you must provide a detailed overview of a particular topic, event, phenomenon, or concept.

If you ask me how to format a term paper of this kind, the descriptive language used must be realistic and accurate, not just merely ornamental. This orientation would provide a seamless and truthful picture for the reader of your paper.

Although your term paper may be descriptive, objectivity should not be taken away. Descriptive term papers are mostly required in the natural sciences, such as physics, chemistry, Earth science, and biology. A perfect example is the description of the geological features of a national park. 

Comparative Papers

True to its name, this type of term paper compares and contrasts two or more theories, subjects, schools of thought, and approaches.

Upon taking the two major steps, you will need to analyze the similarities and differences between the elements, and you may formulate conclusions regarding their significance or implications. Comparative term papers are commonly seen in economics, political science, literature, sociology, and history.

A prime example might be comparing two distinct economic systems or analyzing the similarities and differences between political theories, such as Republicanism and Democracy.

Expository Papers

How to start a term paper of this type? We just have to take a hint at its name: it ‘exposes’ a piece of information. Elaborating on this, term papers adhering to this type explain or inform the prospective audience about a specific topic, concept, process, or phenomenon.

Since we are dealing with information, it has to be ensured that the latter must be accurate, truthful, and sufficient. Writing expository papers may also entail a handful of related writing tasks, such as defining key terms and organizing information according to related themes.

The fields that most likely require expository term papers are education, communication arts, journalism, and several liberal arts areas.

Grasping each type of term paper above may be quite a handful. Apart from preparing a term paper, you are confronted with a big challenge to choose a type or, in some cases, integrate one type into another.

Regardless of your writing decisions, you are always in for a treat: your term paper proposal will not be a failure if you are more than familiar with your purpose of writing one.

In addition, writing services like Studyfy let you access term paper help like no other. From your term paper outline to the final touches, an array of professional writers are present to provide personalized writing services for negotiable pricing.

What’s The Proper Term Paper Format? From the Ground Up

I am fully aware that you have been wired up with all the information you need to know about term papers, but do not falter yet, as we are just in the most needed part of this blog: formatting your term paper.

Writing a term paper will not be as polished and organized if you do not prepare your format ahead of your writing preparations. So, from conceptualizing your title to proofreading your paper, our tips and tricks will propel you to the towering heights of marks you have always aimed for.

Start Strong with Your Title Page

A well-established term paper will not be realized without a strong facade through a title page. Many students are seen as not focusing on this part of the paper, thinking that it does not hold as much importance as other parts, but if you are thinking the same, you need to change your mind.

Some instructors and professors look at the title page to check if you adhere to the formatting guidelines. If you are less likely to notice such inconsistencies, your professor might think you are not keen enough to eye important details in the rest of your paper.

Pro-Tip: As early as creating your title page, be sure to follow any specific formatting guidelines provided by your professor or academic institution, such as font size, spacing, and margin specifications.

Abstract– Concise Yet Complete

An abstract is likewise an important component of a term paper, just as in a research paper. It encapsulates the crucial pieces of information that the reader must know. It includes the background of the paper, methods, results, and implications of the findings.

While the abstract may require a specific word count that differs from one academic institution to another, it is generally preferred to keep everything short yet complete. Remember: the term paper itself will likely become wordy and extensive, so let us spare space for urgency on the paper’s abstract.

Pro-Tip : Keep everything concise and elaborate on the findings more than the background. The usual word count for an abstract is 150-200 words.

Term Paper’s Background: Where the Thesis Statement is Cleared Its Way

Term paper writing will get as fired up at this point since this part introduces the rationale or context of the paper, asking the question, “What is the topic all about?” In presenting the background, the introduction of the paper's main argument is given– the thesis statement.

This crucial part of the paper is often written as a declarative sentence or a question. To make everything clear and articulated, the paper’s background must provide an extensive exploration of the topic that could lead to formulating the thesis statement. There should be a profound connection between the rationale of the paper and its main purpose.

Pro-Tip : Term papers are more flexible than research papers and journal articles in terms of structuring their introduction. You may hook the reader's attention by putting an engaging opening sentence or anecdote.

Arranging Lit Review: To Each Its Own

Regardless of whether the literature review section of a term paper is separated or integrated into the introduction, this part must provide an extensive overview of existing research and scholarship relevant to the topic.

While one can put empirical and observational studies into the review, it is important to put a premium on reputable articles and research reports that are peer-reviewed and published in indexed journals. When no single guideline talks about a window period for acceptable literature, you may set one for yourself as a guide. 

Pro-Tip: Arrange the literature review thematically, chronologically, or topically, depending on the ways that you desire to highlight some aspects of your term paper.

To an Extensive Results and Discussion Section

Term papers will not be complete without the discussion section. This part seals the deal and is an important piece of a complex puzzle. It interprets the results in conjunction with the questions at hand and assesses their value by comparing them with previous studies according to their agreement or disagreement. 

Pro-Tip: When sourcing previous studies as points of reference for the results, always strive to find ones that both agree or disagree with them. This ensures the polarity and absence of bias in the reporting of the results.

Closing the Curtains with the Paper’s Conclusion

When concluding your term paper writing, always restate the thesis statement. It always feels right and justifiable if the main purpose of the entire term paper is reiterated in the last part of the paper. Apart from that, recommendations and final thoughts may be included in this section.

The conclusion section, deemed shorter than other key sections in the term paper, may come in a short paragraph or bullet format, depending on your guidelines.

Pro-Tip: New information that is not previously included in the paper is not welcome in the conclusion. You might need to write my term paper again if I committed a mistake. You may instead synthesize the key points and results and leave a lasting impression on your reader by either providing a strong closing statement or a reinforcement of the main argument of the term paper.

References and Appendices: Two Pieces That Complete

One may argue that writing term papers may not need references and appendices sections, but the material they provide may prove otherwise. Without the references, sources will not be identified nor assessed, leaving no room for integrity on the writer's part. 

Having no appendices section, on the other hand, does not provide enough context or additional information about the important plans that were executed during the creation of the paper. It is in these sections that small things matter.

Pro-Tip: Double-check the veracity of the references and appendices section. This may entail using the proper citation style for the reference titles and labeling the materials under the appendices section.

What’s a term paper? How to write a successful term paper?

A: A term paper is a type of academic paper that a student, typically from a higher academic institution such as a university, completes at the end of a semester or a term. Since it is considered a terminal requirement, writing a term paper requires one to conduct research, utilize higher-order thinking skills such as analysis, and present findings on a topic or subject by incorporating the knowledge and skills throughout the entirety of the term. 

Since a term paper qualifies as an academic paper, writing services offer custom term paper assistance whenever needed. It is only through tailor-fit writing assistance and professional guidance from seasoned writers that you can achieve a stellar grade without getting down a rough route, thanks to Studyfy.

How to write a term paper if there is a word count?

A word count may be a bummer for some, but it can motivate you to budget how you will use your words efficiently. Make sure to allocate several words strategically. It is recommended that the discussion section gets the highest allocation among all the term paper sections.

Your research and writing process can be influenced by the term paper format and word count. As academic papers often have a specific set of rules, make sure to follow them to the dot.

What is the general structure of a term paper? Is it the same as a research paper?

The universally accepted structure of a term paper is quite similar to a research report: title page, rationale/background, literature review, methodology, results and discussion, and references. An appendices section is optional but necessary for other fields of interest.

A good term paper is like a good research paper. Research papers, like other academic papers, follow the named predictable pattern; just make sure to present your own research through engaging body paragraphs and state primary and secondary sources, including other research papers you used while writing.

Are term papers similar to research papers? How similar and different is the writing process?

Term paper writing is similar to research writing in terms of structure and purpose. However, they differ in scope, audience, and length. While a term paper has a broader scope and is meant to be seen by the course instructor, a research paper has a narrower scope and is written for a wider academic audience. However, what's crucial is the thorough research process.

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How to Write a Term Paper: A Complete Guide With Examples

You just got your term paper assignment and have no idea what to do or how to start? This guide will navigate you through every step of the process, from idea formation to final editing and proofreading. We will start with outlining, drafting and brainstorming, and get you through the writing part in no time. So, let’s dive into the question of how to write a term paper.

If you want to know everything you will need about term papers, this guide, written by the writers at the best essay writing service will help you along.

Table of Contents

What is a term paper.

A term paper is an academic milestone more so than anything else. As a student, you are tasked with learning and then transmitting that knowledge to others. A term paper is just that, a way to show what you have learnt, and disseminate the knowledge to others. Unlike other types of academic writing , a term paper is more detailed, requires more research, and is generally seen as the hardest piece of written work aside from a thesis.


The aim of a term paper is to showcase your understanding of the subject matter and how well you handle pressure and deadlines. In this context, a term paper proves invaluable. In terms of scope, term papers may zero in on an important historical event – if you’re studying history – a scientific concept, or a contentious argument. The choice hinges on the prompt created by your academic advisor. The typical length of a term paper can stretch to five or seven pages, and is generally the prerequisite to attend end-of-semester examination. But, it is also a part of the weighted grade you’ll receive, which only adds to its importance.

For the average student, writing a term paper takes around two weeks, and is a process many do not fully understand. Term paper starts from a very basic element, a question.

Say your teacher wants you to analyze the arguments for and against US involvement in World War II. How would you start? By asking a question; something like: Why did the US enter the war? Or, why did the US waive its neutrality and entered the war.

This opens the door for you and allows you to find an article or two that then leads to the second step, and so on and so on, until you are done. The problem is many students do not know how the process works, or what skills are needed to get the job done. To write an excellent paper you need to plan carefully, adapt to new conditions, be analytical yet persuasive, and understand how referencing works. In addition, the paper has to be formatted to specifications of your chosen citation style – APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard, etc. This is a lot of work!

What is the Purpose of a Term Paper

At its core, a term paper serves to test your ability to understand arguments and defend them using written constructs within a pre-determined time period. Put simply, it tests your ability to navigate complex ideas when faced with a deadline – something that comes in handy in almost every job you’ll ever have later in life. If you can understand a complex event, a scientific theory, or a debatable stance, based on the directive from your academic mentor, you can manage pretty much anything that is thrown your way.

A typical term paper will be between five to seven pages, and represents the pinnacle of writing tasks in the semester. The process of term paper writing, even when the topic is prescribed, can be an arduous and time-consuming undertaking. To succeed you need meticulous planning, good composition skills, and scrupulous analysis, structure, and edit

Doing the Basics Right Saves You Time

As Seneca famously said, “Luck Is What Happens When Preparation Meets Opportunity.” In short, prepare, prepare, prepare. To create a perfect term paper you need to know, well in advance, how it will look, what will it be about, and how will it be structured. This then allows you to simply fill in the blanks as you go. But, if you start a day before submission, you’re toast – or, you can always ask for help from us J – because the result will be Red Bull frenzy induced compilation of internet’s best hits. And trust me when I say, your teacher has those stored in memory; you’re not the first student to turn a deaf ear on old Seneca….


So, let’s see how to start your term paper:

  • Select your topic – If possible choose something that you’re personally interested in. When you choose early, all the good topics are still free, so keep that in mind.
  • Research your topic – Once chosen, sit at your computer and run through Google Scholar or your University Library for anything that pops up when you type in your exact topic.
  • Create an outline – When you have a basic understanding of the topic, prepare an outline. It’s always going to be fairly standard, so once you get it right, you can re-use whenever you need to in the future.
  • Thesis statement – Now starts the tricky part. Just kidding, this is still the Top Lane, we’re not even close to the Jungle. Thesis statements are always pretty similar. Jolt down your guiding question and then, based on what you’ve read, write a one sentence argument. For example, if writing about solar and wind, you might go with: Solar and wind power are the future of energy production because fossil fuels are unsustainable.
  • Topics, topic sentences, and paragraphs – Every paragraph starts with a topic sentence that describes what the paragraph is talking about. The easiest way to understand is this. If writing a paper about wind and solar, you would need at least three topic sentences – 1)Wind 2)Solar 3)Benefits of using wind and solar. Naturally, a term paper needs much more than just three, but you get the idea.
  •   Conclusion – Once you’ve written down the topic sentences and outlined the paper, note your own expectations of what you’ll find in the conclusion. This will help you understand what is happening, and when you’re actually writing the conclusion it will tell you if you were right or wrong.

Pro tip: If all of this is too much for you, there is always the possibility of asking professionals for help. Our team of term paper writers are here to help, so feel free to reach out!

Structure of a Term Paper

As you’ve probably guessed by now, every paper has to have a specific structure. In general, you can expect to have at least three parts – introduction, body, and a conclusion. However, longer papers may need several sub-sections, perhaps even an abstract or a summary, and a page dedicated to bibliography.

A typical term paper has three to five body paragraphs that form the backbone of your arguments and analytical discourse. A bibliography is always needed, even if your sources predominantly comprise course materials or excerpts from consulted textbooks. Depending on the chosen style, you will need either a Works Cited page (MLA), a Reference page (APA) or a Bibliography (Harvard, Chicago). Given its pivotal role in determining your final course grade, make sure to adhere to the highest writing and editing standards.

Term Paper Outline

  • Title page – this is where you enter your name, teacher name, school, class, and date. The formatting will depend on your chosen style
  • Introduction – Introduction sets the stage for your arguments. This is where you present statistics, define helpful terms, and finally present your thesis statement. IMPORTANT: Thesis statement is always the last sentence in the introduction.
  • Body 1: Historical setting or development
  • Body 2: Current state of knowledge about the problem
  • Body 3: Main argument and potential implications
  • Body 4: Argument for
  • Body 5: Argument against
  • Body 6: Summary
  • Conclusion : Bring all of the body arguments together and restate your thesis statement.
  • Bibliography : Provide references for all sources cited in the term paper using the style of your choice

Now let’s get to the nitty gritty of the writing process.

Topic Selection – In most cases teachers or instructors will provide students with a list of pre-approved topics to choose from. But, in some cases you will get the opportunity to choose for yourself. This is both a blessing and a curse, because it can lead you into a deep pit of despair if you are not careful.

Length – Every paper will have an assigned length. You should never go under the minimum or the maximum word/page count, as that will take points away from your final score. If the prompt asks for 10 pages, write that.

Sources – Consult your school library, Google Scholar, and any other database that has access to journals and books on your topic.

Simplify – While it is admirable to be able to write in a high-brow voice, it’s much better to use plain language as much as possible, but staying within the confines of academic jargon. No don’t’s, couldnt’s, or should’ve. If something is too complicated to explain simply, you do not understand it properly. Ask for clarification.

Do not be afraid to wander – Choosing a common topic may be a safe bet, but your teacher will grade you higher if you take a topic nobody else even though about. Brownie points are there for the taking. Just make sure you know what you’re talking about!

Don’t overextend – While the entire combined histories of all monastic orders may seem like an interesting topic (well, to us at least), it is waaaaaaay too broad to cover in 5 or 10 pages. Heck, that would probably take an entire compendium with multiple volumes. In short, don’t be a megalomaniac and choose a topic that fits in 5 pages.


How to Write a Term Paper: The Writing Process

Before starting your write up, the teacher will expect a proposal. This is a very short summary of the topic, your thesis statement, and a few sources. The goal is to present a topic that you can defend and ask the teacher to approve it.

So how do you write a proposal? Start by writing down your thesis statement and guiding question. Then identify three to four sources and jolt down key statistics and pieces of information that are linked to your thesis statement. The goal is to show you’ve done the work. The proposal will generally have a full outline (see above) so that the teacher knows what you are planning to do. If you explain what the topic is and why it is important in writing , the teacher will accept the proposal.

Introduction, well, Introduces the Term Paper

Your essay has to start strong, which is why 99.99%  of all introductions start with a hook that captivates the audience. A hook can be anything, a statistic (like 40% of people in the US have no savings whatsoever, which means around 140 million people are completely broke – now that’s a hook, line, and sinker).

Once you know the reader is hooked, you present a brief overview of the topic you will discuss. This is where you bring statistics, data, and broader theories or concepts that may relate.

The end of the introduction is always reserved for the thesis statement, which is the last sentence of the introduction.

Try to be concise – not more than ¾ of a page (cca 200-250 words), but detailed enough so that the reader understands what the paper is about.

Writing the Body Sections

When you are certain you can understand the concepts and arguments presented in the literature, it’s time to write your body paragraphs.

The goal is to provide the reader with enough context and argumentation to prove your point. So, if you’re writing about the advantages of nuclear energy, you have to provide evidence from the literature as well as a thorough analysis of all benefits and drawbacks. The goal is to be as objective as possible, while ensuring your results are accurate.

Do not dwell on too much detail, you cannot fit all of the information in a 5 – 10 page paper. Isolate the most important pieces of evidence, maybe 3-4 and focus on those.

As a rule of thumb, you will aim for 4 – 5 body paragraphs minimum, but in most cases you will need more. The first section should be the literature review, where you analyze state-of-the-art of the topic you are writing about.

Following the literature review is your analysis, which draws from the information you’ve collected. It’s important to note, do not try and make up new stuff, or draw conclusions in this section. Simply analyze and summarize the findings in your own voice.

The last paragraph of the body section can be your own summary, where you present a different opinion. Be concise and do not go into too much detail, simply note if you think there are any discrepancies in the literature.

Remember : Always start your paragraphs with a topic sentence and try to contain the information within the paragraph to the topic.

Writing the Conclusion

Conclusion is the most important part of the term paper, even though many do not give it enough attention. This is where you put everything you’ve written together and summarize key findings.

Important : Conclusion is not the place to add new information or knowledge!

To write a good conclusion keep in mind your initial research question and thesis statement. The goal of the term paper is to answer the question and prove your thesis statement is correct. Has your paper done this? Write it down and explain why or why not your initial proposal was correct. A thesis statement can be wrong, and you must acknowledge this in your conclusion.

In the conclusion:

  • Summarize your findings
  • Discuss implications for future reseasrch

Editing and Finalization

The final word of the conclusion has been written, references added and alphabetized, the paper and the title page formatted. You are finally done. Or, maybe not! Now is the time for the final edit.

Teachers, above everything else, hate reading papers with spelling mistakes and poor grammar. To make sure your paper does not annoy the teacher (you don’t want a lower grade), make sure it is completely free of any errors.

The best way to do this is by using a machine learning tool combined with close reading on your own. The machine will weed out the glaring errors, and you will finish the job.

Read through the draft carefully. Remove any fluff or excess words that add nothing to the argument. You will likely find several sentences you will want to change. Do this now. Once done, start the second read-through.

In this read-through you will hone in on the arguments. Do they make sense? Are statistics properly cited, and do you sound coherent? If the answer is no, you will want to fix the mistakes until satisfied.

Now, finally, you are done! Congratulations. Pat yourself on the back. Oh, wait, we forgot about the abstract!

Abstract Comes First, or Last

In no uncertain terms, do not write the abstract before you’ve completed the term paper. This is always the last part of the writing process, but strangely enough the one your paper starts with. Go figure.

When you do get to this stage, use our secret formula. Well, it’s not really secret but we like to think so. The abstract needs three parts to work well, the introduction, the method/procedure, and the conclusion/findings. Depending on the topic these will vary slightly but you will always find them in an abstract.

Introduce your topic and what you plan to do in two to three sentences.

Describe what method you will use – such as literature review, an experiment, or something else. Two to three sentences.

Define the results you obtained after using the method. Two to three sentences.

Remember : The abstract should be between 120 and 200 words in length, no more is needed.

No, they are not. A research paper is an original piece of writing that comes after some type of original research has been done. Maybe you’ve found a new civilization during a dig, or a new chemical element. The research paper is meant to publicize this finding so other scientists can critique, refute, or confirm its validity. A term paper is a much simpler version that requires no original research. But, a term paper is your preparation for writing a research paper later in life.

This will depend on your teacher. In many cases, you will get a pre-defined format to follow, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago. If not, we recommend using APA or Harvard, as they are relatively simple to learn and have a ton of resources to help you along.

It is important to remember you are not writing a book, so keep the topic narrow. For example, if writing about renewable energy, choose only one type of energy or just one region. Do not try to cram everything into 5-10 pages; it won’t work.

Writing a term paper is certainly a challenge, but it is also manageable if you dedicate yourself to the process. Prepare well in advance, read a lot, and do not be afraid to ask for help if you get stuck. Your teachers are paid to help you, so email them if you get stuck. Above everything, make sure you are interested in the topic, as that will make the process so much easier.


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Writing a Term Paper: What You Need to Know

If you've landed here by searching on Google for tips on how to write term paper, you're in the right spot! You can be upfront about your deadline and share the number of pages you need to complete with us.

This article will analyze and cover every aspect of the term paper writing process. Here, you can learn how to create an outline, structure every paragraph, and what to include in each section. After finishing the article, you can create a perfect paper yourself. But if you prefer a professional to write it instead of you, just use the magic words ' write my term paper ,' and it'll be done perfectly for you.

To write it yourself next time, let's dive in to learn every aspect of writing academic papers.

Understanding What is Term Paper

The first question we must answer to start our article is - what is term paper?! According to the definition, a term paper is a research paper you write at the end of a semester or academic year. This task will evaluate your understanding of the course material and assess your proficiency in the curriculum's essential components.

In addition to its primary goal, writing a term paper also has other purposes. It enhances your critical, analytical thinking, and writing abilities, which are valuable not only during your academic journey but also in your professional career beyond university. As you work on the parts of the document, you delve further into the subject matter and familiarize yourself with its key issues and complexities.

Depending on the course content, your professor may assign you a particular topic to write about. On other occasions, you may be free to choose a topic of your own or select a narrower theme from a more extensive list of options.

Term Paper Format

It’s imperative to grasp the meaning of a term paper format when delving into the realm of academic paper writing. A crucial initial step in formatting your paper is to consult your professor regarding specific requirements. Notably, certain term papers necessitate the inclusion of visual aids such as pictures and diagrams, as well as an abstract, while others may prefer a minimalist approach with minimal to no visual elements and no separate abstract.

The fundamental and prevalent components of the format encompass the following:

Title Page : This section contains essential information, including the author's name, the course name, the date of submission, and the instructor's name.

Abstract : An encapsulation of the paper's content, offering a concise overview.

Literature Review : This segment involves an analysis of prior research conducted by others, providing context for your study.

Methodology : In this section, the paper discusses the methods and approaches employed in the student's research.

Results : The substantive portion of the term paper, where the findings and their implications are thoroughly discussed.

Future Recommendations : This segment offers insights and guidance for those intending to pursue further study in the same field.

References List : This section compiles all the sources utilized in the research. It is essential that these sources have a correct MLA or APA format citation listed alphabetically for easy reference.

Term Paper Outline

To make any term paper writing process easier, outlining is your way out. When your term paper format is created, including writing the title page, you can start outlining your thoughts and ideas. Brainstorm the theme you're exploring, look for different ideas from various sources, further research the topic, and organize them all together.



Starting is always challenging, and beginning the writing of a research paper is no exception. Many students, and sometimes even professionals, often face difficulties with how to start a term paper or any kind of writing. Fortunately, this brief guide will explain the purpose of the term paper format and its introduction and offer helpful tips for creating a strong one.

The introduction of the term paper is where you should set up your topic and approach for your audience; it must include the following:

Introduce the topic - The intro's initial goal is to communicate the topic's significance and interest to the reader, usually with a catchy hook .

Analyze the background - Provide some background information about the theme you're exploring and why this specific topic is essential.

Define the Problem - This part specifies how your research fits in and what problem it aims to solve.

State the Thesis Statement - The introduction should end with a thesis statement, representing the position you'll provide evidence and arguments for.

Considering these tips, you can create a perfect paper, but if you don't have time and deadlines are approaching, just text us - ' write my research paper for me ' and consider it done.

In term paper writing, body paragraphs are your central part. The worth of your entire paper depends on the information you present in these sections. When you start creating your term paper outline, always remember to include these parts in your body paragraphs:

Literature Review - This part examines scholarly articles, relevant books, and other sources related to a specific issue, research area, or theory. It presents a detailed overview, assessment, and summary of these works concerning the research problem being investigated.

Methodology Section - In this section, you should describe how you conducted the research. This information enables readers to verify the accuracy and reliability of your approach. An effective methodology can increase the reader's confidence in the validity of your findings.

Results - Here, you provide what you found while analyzing the data and answer the question posed in the introduction using the data collected.

Discussion - This section involves your analysis, description, and interpretation of your findings. They explain the significance of the results and connect them back to the research question.

Writing a term paper conclusion can often be tricky. It should be clear and summarize what you've already presented in previous sections. Every term paper needs a concluding paragraph, so let's analyze what you should include there:

Restate the research topic - A concise statement can effectively reiterate the topic, but it's essential to explain why this topic is important.

Restate the thesis statement - Write your thesis statement in different words and make it just one sentence long.

Summarize the main points of the research - Include the main arguments and facts presented in your writing and remind the reader of the significance of your topic.

Concluding sentence - Create a thought-provoking concluding sentence to make an impression on readers and leave them with something to think about.     

Many students consider restating the thesis statement to be one of the most challenging parts of writing a conclusion. So, we prepared an article on how to write a thesis statement where our experts shared their tips and personal tricks of the trade.

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How to Write a Term Paper?

Prior to immersing yourself in the process of research and writing, it is imperative to prepare a term paper proposal. Essentially, it serves as a means to present and substantiate your chosen topic to your instructor, a crucial step before commencing the actual manuscript.

In your proposal, it is vital to incorporate recent studies or research findings pertaining to your selected topic, along with appropriate references to support your assertions. Clearly articulate the relevance of your chosen topic to the course through the submission of a concise article. Additionally, delineate your objectives and adeptly structure the progression of your ideas, facilitating your instructor's comprehension of the trajectory you intend to pursue in your writing.

Should you require assistance, consider the option of procuring a term paper from our proficient writers as an alternative solution!

Start with the Abstract

In the initial section addressing the art of writing term paper, your primary objective revolves around elucidating the essence of your research. However, it is advisable to compose this section after completing all subsequent components. Ensure to highlight the principal discoveries of your research, making them accessible to readers unacquainted with the subject matter. Simplicity and informativeness are key considerations.

An effectively structured abstract should encompass the following elements:

Introduction: Introduce the problem you are tackling in your paper and elucidate the significance of your chosen topic. Furthermore, expound on the practical, scientific, or theoretical objectives of your research.

Body: Emphasize the core aspects of your research and outline your investigative approach. Provide an overview of the nature of your findings.

Conclusion: Elaborate on the practical applications or implications of your results.

When composing a term paper abstract, revisit your paper and identify pivotal statements related to your research objectives, methods, findings, and conclusions. Extract these sentences, and you will have the initial draft of your abstract.

PRO TIP: Adhere to the assignment instructions, ensuring your abstract falls within the prescribed word limit of 120-250 words.

What sets the introduction apart from the abstract? The abstract encapsulates the essence of your paper, succinctly presenting its key elements and encompassing results and conclusions. Conversely, the introduction provides contextual information about the topic, introduces the proposition (or thesis statement), and outlines the primary issues to be explored in the paper.

Write an Introduction

Prepare to captivate your readers right from the outset with a compelling term paper introduction. A robust beginning can create a compelling inertia, making it difficult for them to divert their attention from your paper. So, how can you arouse their interest and sustain their engagement?

  • Seize attention: Commence with a captivating fact, a startling statement, or a thought-provoking paradox that underscores the significance of your subject matter. Initiate their curiosity from the very first sentence in your term paper.
  • Offer an overview: Provide a succinct delineation of the issue you are tackling and articulate the principal objective of your paper. Additionally, elucidate how your specific topic interconnects with broader contexts, establishing the framework for a more profound exploration.
  • Formulate the thesis statement: Express the fundamental argument or central question that your paper will address. Provide a glimpse of what lies ahead without divulging all the intricacies.

It's essential to bear in mind that the term paper introduction should be both inviting and concise. Avoid excessive examples or superfluous details that may obscure the initial impact.

Proceed to the Main Body

Once you have gathered your research results and notes, it's time to conduct a meticulous examination of your findings. Capture the essential outcomes of your research while eliminating any superfluous materials, thereby streamlining your work.

To write term paper body sections, an effective approach involves initiating the process by formulating topic sentences based on your outline. Subsequently, expand these topic sentences into full-fledged paragraphs, incorporating pertinent supporting details to reinforce your arguments.

The number of paragraphs required for your body section can vary, contingent on the specific topic and the instructions provided in the assignment. In many instances, a term paper's body entails a literature review followed by the presentation of your research results.

Here's a valuable tip for maintaining coherence and lucidity: Initiate each paragraph with a well-crafted topic sentence. This serves as a clear introduction to the central idea of the paragraph, ensuring a seamless progression of ideas throughout your paper. By employing this technique, your term paper will exhibit a well-structured organization and will be easily comprehensible for your readers.

Finish with a Conclusion

As you draw the main body of your term paper to a close, it is paramount to deliver a considerate and succinct conclusion. This conclusion should serve to recapitulate the information presented and explore the broader ramifications of your research. Here are key considerations for shaping your conclusion:


  • Avoid introducing any novel information in this section.
  • Summarize the final outcomes of your research.
  • Articulate the implications for future investigations.

Now, take a moment to assess your research findings by reflecting on the following inquiries:

What significance does my research hold?

How does my chosen topic intersect with other relevant subjects or domains?

Ultimately, bring all these elements together with a potent concluding sentence that leaves a lasting and resonant impression.

Upon successfully completing your initial draft and finding yourself with some remaining time, it's crucial to recognize the significance of proofreading your text. Devoting a moment to reviewing paper can yield remarkable results. After all, many professors perceive misspellings, punctuation errors, and grammatical inaccuracies as reflections of negligence, potentially overshadowing your original ideas and substantial findings. Let's elevate the quality of your text!

Begin by meticulously perusing your first draft and considering how to refine your paper for greater clarity and persuasiveness. Identify ideas that may not seamlessly fit the context and either eliminate or adapt them accordingly. Additionally, pinpoint areas where more comprehensive support is needed. To enhance the fluidity of your paper, incorporate transitional phrases or words to ensure a smooth connection of ideas.

Subsequently, once your content is logically structured, it's time to rectify any errors. Thoroughly address all grammatical, punctuation, and spelling mistakes with care.

Lastly, ensure that your paper adheres to the correct format (e.g., Chicago style format ) and layout. Verify the accuracy of page numbering and make certain that any visual elements, such as images, tables, and diagrams, are appropriately numbered and titled. Just as you do when finalizing your term paper, devote the same level of attention to these details during the proofreading process. Your dedication will culminate in a polished and impressive final paper.

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Term Paper Writing Tips

You can create the best term paper by considering all the tips and structures we provided for you, and you must now be able to craft a term paper template that can impress your professor.

To better immerse how to write a term paper, we have some additional tips you can use to practice your writing skills and make the writing process easier:


  • Implement Mind Mapping Strategies - Develop 3-5 main ideas and use a mind mapping strategy to connect them and choose the one you'll explore in your paper.
  • Use Case Studies - Case studies can not only help in writing your paper, but they can also help to create a term paper proposal to make the significance of the theme more plausible.
  • Choose a Doable Topic - Pick a subject you can effectively address within the given time frame. Narrow down a topic that is captivating and inspiring to you.
  • Avoid Being Wordy - Are your sentences concise? Evaluate each one and determine if you've used a minimum number of words necessary to convey meaning.
  • Double-check and Proofread - Run a spelling-checker to eliminate errors in your paper. Ask someone else to read it for you and listen to their feedback. You can also use AI to make it read your paper and listen to how every word and sentence sounds and if anything needs to be corrected.

How to Choose Sources for Citing in Your Term Papers

Prioritizing the search for the most effective sources is of utmost importance when you write a term paper. Before delving into the writing process, it is imperative to assemble all the sources you require, as they will serve as the foundation for constructing the Literature Review chapter. But how do you discern the most credible and influential sources?

Rely on reputable databases: Look to trusted databases such as JSTOR and Google Scholar as exemplary sources of credibility. These repositories host the latest peer-reviewed articles, expediting your research process.

Verify the site's address: Pay close attention to the website's URL. Links with .gov, .org, and .edu domains typically offer reliable and authoritative information. Conversely, steer clear of sources such as news portals, blogs, and Wikipedia, as they often contain personal opinions without substantial evidence.

Do impartial research: Authors frequently imbue their work with their personal political and social beliefs. In the context of your article, prioritize sources with minimal bias. Investigate the author's background and assess their trustworthiness.

Seek most recent sources: Given the dynamic nature of many research fields, aim for sources not exceeding five years. This is particularly crucial if your paper pertains to the sciences, where up-to-date studies are paramount.

Stay on topic: Remember that your term paper essay must adhere closely to the chosen subject. Even if a source appears impressive, it is incompatible with your paper if it slightly relates to your topic.

Use Our Academic Help

Now, you have all the information to begin writing your first draft for a successful term paper. But if writing a term paper definitely isn't a thing you want to be doing right now, you can text us and your assignment will be perfectly done with no further effort on your behalf.

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How to Write a Term Paper

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A term paper is a research project written by students over an academic term, typically accounting for a significant part of a grade. It is intended to describe an event, a concept, or argue a point. The paper is usually original research involving a detailed study of a subject, requiring a considerable amount of preparation and effort.

The length and complexity of a term paper can vary but it's generally more comprehensive and detailed than regular academic essays. It usually includes an introduction, body, conclusion, and a bibliography citing the sources used.

Writing a term paper can be a piece of cake if you know how to properly structure it and where to begin. Browse this guide and learn how to write a term paper worth a A+.

Discover How to Write a Term Paper & What It Is

Students who earn Cs (70 per cent equivalent) do obtain degrees, but they barely get valuable, interesting job offers. Tell Granny to get ready with the magnets: we are about to start our amazing academic adventure! What is a term paper ? It is an effective method to increase the overall great point average and professional skills every student should not ignore. What is a term paper? Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines the word this way: “A major written assignment in a school/college course representative of a student's achievement during a semester.” No matter which is your personal answer to “what is a termpaper,” it is the last chance to fix the final course grade. There will be no other chance to improve the academic performance as it is the final assignment to pop up during the semester. The need to learn how to write a term paper appears closer to of the educational year’s finish; try to be ahead of your class by reviewing the steps to writing a term paper earlier! Or you can simply get the best term paper writing service .

Accepted Essay’s Format

How to write an outline for a term paper? Do not bother – have a look at the helpful guide prepared by the talented scholars to understand what the main parts of the good final projects are! Here are five main parts of this process. Please do not be confused with five paragraph essay. Term paper help can get your assignment written in half a day, by the way.

Brief (1/3 of A4 page) description of the written work. Wonder how to write an abstract ? Write down what the topic is, reasons to discuss it (how it is related to the core college discipline/major), and your results.


What is a termpaper without a powerful introduction? It does not make any sense; stick to the following checklist to avoid missing an important introduction element: 

  • Define the problem.
  • Include a literature review made of recent thoughts, findings, and approaches to the solution.
  • Is the chosen issue significant?
  • Write about the ways you plan to handle the existing problem.

Buy term papers online if that doesn't seem interesting for you at the moment. 

  • Explain the methods used to research corresponding sources plus the ways you selected the relevant data.
  • Describe the impression of the tool, relevance, and quality of the gathered information.
  • Write down the steps required to choose/utilize the information.

In this section, list the results of the experiment (trying to solve the problem) and the obstacles faced on the way while trying to answer every related question.

In the final part, the student is willing to do whatever they think is relevant. In personal words, it is important to explain what the findings mean, make a summary of the main points, draw some conclusions, & interpret the role of the findings in the context of the studied subject. The outline will prevent the student from falling off the topic, forgetting the next item in the line to discuss. Need some help with it? Call online academic writing services to allow them explain how to write a term paper by developing the most powerful essay!

“What Is a Term Paper?” on the Essay Examples

To understand a topic better, it is critical to have great examples in front of your nose. You may know how to write a term paper, having an idea of the outline, but choosing a good topic might be a challenge. A topic reflects the title, which is the face of your writing. Do not hope that your teachers/professors will give a list of great topics every time the end of the semester is closer. Modern instructors prefer to leave freedom of choice to their students. Many ways exist to help with the choice of topic:

  • Recent articles
  • Current news
  • Favorite literature
  • Movies & documentaries
  • Conferences

If you decide to pick one of the sources as your primary source of information, do not forget to cite the quotes. It is important to add a Reference list on the last page. The basic rule of choosing the appropriate topic is to have the one, which fulfills the purposes of the college course and is the subject of the student’s interest. It makes no sense to select the topic you do not know at the advanced level. It is important to understand the criteria of choosing a topic to realize how to write a term paper. In case your head goes spinning from all the new information, simply shop for custom written term papers and call it a day.

Selecting the Topic: Criteria

What length are you planning to handle? What is a termpaper regarding of volume? It is not a typical argumentative, narrative essay ; a project of this type is a lengthy document, which contains no less than 5-10 pages. If your teacher asks for the certain amount of words, leave the word count to your Microsoft Word app. If writing huge pieces does not inspire you, try to select narrower topics. Take into account the length and plan how many words you plan to include into each part. Resources: school, college, or community libraries are no longer the best places to look for the relevant information. The modern world offers high technologies! Go to the Internet, open Google, type whatever you wish to research, and you will get millions of results. Remember: every source requires a reference. These are the top resources that will help to write a great term paper: 

  • Class notes
  • Academic journals
  • Documentaries

The final page of your essay should contain a full Bibliography made of the cited sources. The last thing to think about is the complexity level. It is better to avoid topics you are not expert in; try choosing something you know from your personal experience & life examples, what can be explored in details. In case of any questions, professionals working in the field of your study may help. Teachers put extra credits to the works with interviews & surveys. Do not use primary sources only! Wish to learn how to write a history term paper, biology lab report , art movie review, capstone project , or how to write a dissertation in psychology? Buy a ready solution online!


Joe Eckel is an expert on Dissertations writing. He makes sure that each student gets precious insights on composing A-grade academic writing.

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