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Describing a House in Spanish: SER + Adjectives

Hola and welcome! In our previous lesson, we covered the most common vocabulary for rooms and parts of the house , “habitaciones y partes de la casa”, as well as how to use the verbs HABER, TENER and ESTAR.  In this lesson, we will learn more about how to use SER with common adjectives to make grammatically correct sentences and paragraphs to describe a house in Spanish and the rooms or areas it has. Apart from reviewing the verbs and vocabulary for this topic, we will also talk a little about likes and dislikes, this time applied to the things we like or dislike about the house in Spanish. Let’s begin…

Vocabulary review: The House in Spanish – La casa

First, we will review the vocabulary related to rooms and parts of the house in Spanish by looking at the picture below. Below each picture, there is a simple description using SER with adjectives (the words in magenta), besides other important verbs we will study in the lesson. Generally speaking, people will use SER with adjectives to describe things or people, e.g. BONITO (beautiful) and DE TEJAS (made with tiles). The examples in the picture also make use of other verbs that are very useful when talking about the house, such as HABER, TENER and ESTAR.

Using SER plus adjectives for describing rooms and parts of the house in Spanish

How to Describe a House in Spanish: SER with adjectives

Common spanish adjectives for the house.

Let’s start by learning some  basic adjectives to describe a house in Spanish and the rooms in it . We could use many adjectives, but possibly the ones that best fit for house descriptions in Spanish are those shown in the image below, some of which can be used to describe the house in general or specific rooms, as shown in the examples at the bottom of the image.

my house spanish essay

One of the main differences when compared to English adjectives is that Spanish adjectives will be placed after the noun we are describing , not before in most cases. For example, to describe a big house in Spanish, we could say “ Yo tengo una casa grande” (I have a big house) not “ Yo tengo una grande casa” . In this sentence, the word GRANDE is the main adjective describing the house in Spanish.

Key verbs to describe houses in Spanish

One of the simplest ways to describe things, particularly for describing a house in Spanish is by using  the verb SER (a form of “to be”) and the grammatical structures:

  • Subject + verb + adjective e.g. La casa es hermosa.
  • Pronoun + verb + noun + adjective e.g. Esta es una casa hermosa.

SER is an irregular verb , and it will be used as “ES” for a single object like CUARTO (room) and “SON” when referring to several objects like CUARTOS. This way, we can create simple sentences using “SER” along with adjectives such as:

  • “La casa es pequeña” (the house is small)
  • “La sala es cómoda” (the living room is comfortable)
  • “Las ventanas son viejas” (the windows are old)

Another way to describe the house in Spanish is with the verb LUCIR (to look). LUCIR will be conjugated as LUCE for a single object and LUCEN for several, as in the sentences:

  • “La casa luce pequeña” (the house looks small)
  • “Las habitaciones lucen espaciosas” (the rooms look spacious)

It is very common regular house description in Spanish, we will also find the verbs HAY and TENER to talk about the things in a room . Both verbs are useful for talking about things in a room. Pay attention to the examples in the following image.

Adjectives and verbs for describing houses in Spanish

Lastly, we will use the verb ESTAR along with prepositions of place to indicate the location of rooms or any object in the house.

Examples of House Descriptions in Spanish – Descripciones de casas

It is time to see how all these things work together in real descriptions. Pay attention to how the vocabulary for the house in Spanish, besides all the things we have discussed, can be used in meaningful sentences. Some of the sentences in these paragraphs will be using “Me gusta + an object” to say what someone likes and “No me gusta + an object” for the opposite.

Example No. 1: Describiendo mi casa

Yo tengo una casa pequeña. Hay cuatro cuartos, una sala, una cocina y cuatro baños. Los baños son pequeños. La sala es espaciosa. La sala tiene un televisor grande y muchos objetos más. La cocina luce pequeña pero en realidad es grande. La cocina está junto a la sala. Cada cuarto tiene baño y una ventana. Hay un pasillo pero es angosto. Me gustan la sala y la cocina de la casa.

Example No. 2: Casa en venta

Vendemos una casa. Tiene 6 habitaciones en el primer piso y 6 habitaciones en el segundo. Tiene garaje y sótano. Hay un jardín en frente. La casa tiene varias ventanas, es cómoda, espaciosa y fresca. Los baños, el techo, las paredes y todas las partes de la casa están en buen estado. La sala tiene una chimenea para que la casa se caliente durante el invierno. La casa luce antigua pero está muy bien cuidada. Hay suficiente espacio para construir aún más. Es bonita y ubicada en un lugar seguro.

Listening Activity: Talking about the house in Spanish

Key expressions in the conversation:.

  • “ ¿Qué le/te parece? ” means “What do you think about it?”
  • “ ¡Eso me gusta! ” means “I like that!”

Extra Practice: Describing the houses in Latin America in Spanish

Write a paragraph describing your house in Spanish and say what you like and dislike about it. Then compare your paragraph with the examples provided in this lesson. Thanks for joining us. 

Related Spanish Worksheets:

  • The House and Prepositions of Place – Spanish Worksheet PDF
  • Rooms and Parts of the House in Spanish: PDF Worksheet
  • Describing Houses and Apartments – Spanish Dialogues in PDF

7 thoughts on “Describing a House in Spanish: SER + Adjectives”

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Thanks you very much! It’s cool to know you like what we do. Seguiremos trabajando en hacerlo cada vez mejor. Muchas gracias 😉

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hola alex yo soy kavya , mi estudia en singapura, this is a really very useful link to improve spanish but i would like you to remove the background music because its very disturbing and hence i am not bale to concentrate on the main part it would be a great help if you improve that thanks a lot kavya ?

No problem Kavya. We’ll definitely work on that as it is a common request. Saludos hasta Singapur

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maybe ur bad kiester

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It is really helpful!!

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How to Talk About Your Home in Spanish

Home is where the heart is, isn’t it? Home is where our roots are, where our ancestors are from, and where our family lives. Home is where we create a comfortable space for living. A house may be anything from a high-rise apartment in the center of a pulsating city to a rustic cabin in the middle of nowhere. We make a house into a home with love, kindness, care, and gratitude.

A common reference to home in Spanish that you may already know is Mi casa es tu casa , which is a heart-warming dicho (saying) used in Mexico and other countries in Latin America. It literally translates to “my house is your house,” and invites the guest to feel at home. Yet, an even more popular phrase that you’re likely to hear in conversation is ¡Estás en tu casa! —meaning make yourself at home. Latinxs tend to be super warm and welcoming folks.

Being able to talk about your home in Spanish is a wonderful thing that can help you connect with native speakers in your community or during your travels. Deepen your conversational fluency by learning the myriad ways to discuss the house and home in Spanish! 

Hogar vs Casa

Two words are commonly used to mean “home” in Spanish: el hogar and la casa. In general, the distinction between them is similar to the difference between “home” and “house” (respectively) in English. 

The word “house” refers to the physical building, as opposed to the feelings of warmth and belonging evoked by the concept of “home.” However, hogar and casa are closely related, and they are often used interchangeably in Spanish.

While un hogar typically refers to a residential building of any sort, it can also refer to: 

  • a fireplace or hearth
  • a lobby or gathering space
  • a family unit that lives together

Soy de Texas, pero mi segundo hogar ha sido en Guatemala por los últimos 11 años. I’m from Texas, but my second home has been in Guatemala for the past 11 years.

Nuestra casa está situada cerca del Lago de Atitlán. Our home is located close to Lake Atitlán. 

Con la llegada de Jade nuestro hogar está de fiesta. Our home will be celebrating with Jade’s arrival. 

Quisiera construir otra casa en México. I would like to build another house in Mexico. 

La casa nueva de mis papas es el sitio perfecto para los niños porque tiene una piscina. My parents’ new house is the perfect place for children because it has a pool. 

Ways to Say Home in Spanish

la casa – house, household, place, homestead, home

el hogar – home, hearth, fireplace, fireside, grate, 

el domicilio – domicile, residence, abode, place of residence, residency

la residencia – residence, residency, hostel, hall

la patria – homeland, fatherland, motherland, mother country, native land

la morada – dwelling, abode

el punto inicial – home

Home in Spanish: Adjectives 

casero/a – homemade, domestic

Mi vecina alimenta a sus mascotas con comida casera . My neighbor feeds her pets’ homemade food. 

doméstico/a – domestic, household, menial

La nueva casa de mi tía incluye un teatro doméstico con diez asientos.  My aunt’s new house has a home theater with 10 seats. 

hogareño/a – homey, homelike, domestic, stay-at-home

Su vida hogareña temprana fue difícil. His early home life was difficult. 

de casa (adjective) – household, indoor

Mi esposo es el amo de casa . My husband is the homemaker .

Phrases Related to Home in Spanish

dirección de casa – home address  ¿Cual es tu dirección de casa ? – What is your home address ?

quedarse en casa – stay at home Quédate en casa. – Stay home. (command)

salir de casa – leave home  Yo salgo de casa . – I’m going out of the house .

ven a casa – come home Ven a casa antes de la noche, por favor. – Come home before dark, please.

llegar a casa – get home  Tardé 12 horas en llegar a casa . – It took me 12 hours to get home .

ir a casa – go home  Me voy a casa. – I’m going home. Vete a casa. – Go home. (command) Vamos a casa a las nueve. – We are going home at nine. 

en casa – at home No estoy en casa . – I’m not at home.   Ahora paso mucho tiempo en casa . – Now I spend a lot of time at home .

mudarse de casa – to move (to change houses) Diana va a mudarse a Nueva York . – Diana is going to move to New York.

poner la casa en orden – clean house Tenemos que poner nuestra casa en orden . – We have to put our house in order .

viajar a casa – travel home ¡Que tenga un buen viaje a casa ! – I wish you a safe journey home .

comprar una casa – buy a house Nosotros pensábamos comprar una casa . – We were thinking about buying a house .

esta casa – this house En esta casa crecí. – I grew up in this house .

de casa en casa – from house to house Iba de casa en casa buscándola . – He was looking for her from house to house .

Home in Spanish Dichos

Hogar dulce hogar – Home sweet home

Especialidad de la casa – Specialty of the house

Un error grande como una casa – a huge mistake (A mistake the size of a house)

Anda como Pedro por su casa – Acts like he owns the place (Goes around like Pedro in his house)

More Uses of “Home” in Spanish

1. To refer to institutional residences, hogar typically is used (although casa can be, too).

La entrada de un abuelo en un hogar de ancianos puede ser una experiencia traumática.

The entry of a grandparent into a nursing home can be a traumatic experience. 

2. When “home” refers to the center or original place, various translations can be used:

Hollywood es el centro de las películas. Hollywood is the home of movies.

Mi esposo es de Nariño, Colombia, la tierra de las papas riquísimas. My husband is from Nariño, Colombia, home of delicious potatoes.

Wendy’s es el creador de la hamburguesa cuadrada. Wendy’s is the home of the square hamburger.

3. In board games and sports like baseball where reaching “home” is the goal of the game, home is usually la meta or el final .

4. The most common terms for “homeless” are sin hogar , sin casa, and sin vivienda . The formal term you’d hear on the news for homeless people is los sinhogares, but they are more commonly referred to as gente de la calle in everyday language.

5. In the online world, the “home page” is the página principal or página inicial . A link to a Spanish site’s home page is often labeled Inicio .

Home Sweet Home

¿Dónde vives? ¿Cómo está tu casa? What’s your favorite part of your current home life? Leave me a comment below in Spanish!

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There’s something I can’t get an answer to … you might be able to decipher what my question is. Nominally, it’s about the use of “de” in Spanish , of course. When constructing sentences using what I will call a two word noun (though quickly you’ll find a better word for what I mean), I often have a hard time knowing whether the second half of the two-word noun* needs a definite or indefinite article. They say knowing when something requires a definite or indefinite article is the answer, but I´m not seeing a consistent pattern. doctor´s wife, esposa de médico in general, so no definite article, right? eye doctor, doctor de ojos also general school friends, amigas de la escuela also general but takes a definite article? cheese factory, fábrica de queso I guess it´s not a specific company´s factory, but it is specific to cheese so I would believe it if Google translate said fábrica del queso

Where am I going wrong? I think I´m not seeing a pattern because I´m no asking the question right, or there´s a missing link. Any ideas?

Hi Mary! “de” is not an article but a preposition. You may be thinking of the article “del” which means “de el”. Definite or indefinite articles are used to indicate specificity and gender, so let’s look at the cheese factory example:

fábrica de queso > cheese factory (no article, you could be talking about any factory)

fábrica del queso > cheese factory (referring to a specific cheese)

“de” isn’t an article so nothing is being specified, unlike “del” where there’s a specific kind of cheese that’s being talked about.

Let me knonw if this helped, and if you have any more questions!

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my house spanish essay

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My Dream House In Spanish

How to say “my dream house” in spanish, introduction: when learning a new language, it is essential to expand your vocabulary by acquiring words and phrases related to various topics. in this article, we will explore how to say “my dream house” in spanish. whether you are a student, traveler, or language enthusiast, this knowledge will help you express your ideas and describe your ideal living space to spanish speakers. so let’s get started, word by word translation: if you want to translate “my dream house” word by word, you would say “mi casa de ensueño.” this translation captures the essence of the english phrase while maintaining the correct spanish grammar structure. it is a simple and accurate way to express the concept of a dream house in spanish., alternative phrases: apart from the word-by-word translation, there are alternative phrases you can use to describe your dream house in spanish. here are a few examples: 1. “mi casa ideal”: this phrase means “my ideal house” and gives a broader sense of perfection and personalization. you can use it to describe not only your dream house but also the ideal living conditions or features you desire. 2. “la casa de mis sueños”: this phrase directly translates to “the house of my dreams.” it is a slightly more poetic way to express the concept and invokes a sense of longing and aspiration for your dream house., describing your dream house: now that you know how to express “my dream house” in spanish, let’s explore some common adjectives and phrases you can use to describe it: 1. “grande” – big: if your dream house is spacious and grand, use the word “grande” to describe its size. 2. “moderna” – modern: if you prefer sleek and contemporary designs, use the word “moderna” to convey the modernity of your dream house. 3. “acogedora” – cozy: if you envision your dream house as warm and inviting, use this adjective to describe its cozy atmosphere. 4. “rodeada de naturaleza” – surrounded by nature: if you desire a house nestled in a serene and natural environment, use this phrase to express your preference. 5. “con una piscina” – with a pool: if you dream of having a swimming pool in your house, use this phrase to highlight that feature., conclusion: learning how to say “my dream house” in spanish opens up new possibilities for communication and expression. whether you opt for the word-by-word translation “mi casa de ensueño” or use alternative phrases like “mi casa ideal” or “la casa de mis sueños,” you can confidently describe your dream living space in spanish. additionally, by incorporating descriptive adjectives like “grande,” “moderna,” “acogedora,” “rodeada de naturaleza,” or “con una piscina,” you can paint a vivid picture of your ideal house to spanish speakers. so go ahead, practice these phrases, and let your imagination roam freely as you describe your dream house in spanish (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); my first time in spanish (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});.

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Spanish Describing your House Writing Activities - cómo es la casa print digital

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This is a document with 2 pages of writing exercises for students to practice describing houses with the verb ser. There are both paper and digital Google Slides versions. Rooms of the house and furniture vocabulary are also included. An answer key is included. The writing activities are an editable Word document.

Adjectives include:

Furniture vocabulary includes:

  • el escritorio
  • las plantas

Rooms of the House vocabulary includes:

  • la habitación
  • el dormitorio

Activities include:

  • read a short paragraph about a house and then write if that house would be right for families or not
  • read a short paragraph about a house and answer questions about it
  • write a short paragraph describing your own house

This lesson is ideal for a Spanish 1 class in middle or high school.

This activity is included in my Spanish Describing your House Lesson .

Questions & Answers

Miss senorita.

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My Home Essay

500 words on my home essay.

A home is a place that gives comfort to everyone. It is because a home is filled with love and life. Much like every lucky person, I also have a home and a loving family. Through My Home Essay, I will take you through what my home is like and how much it means to me.

my home essay

A Place I Call Home

My home is situated in the city. It is not too big nor too small, just the perfect size. My family lives in the home. It comprises of my father, mother, sister and grandparents. We live in our ancestral home so my home is very vintage.

It is very old but remains to be super strong. There are six rooms in my home. Each family member has a unique room which they have decorated as per their liking. For instance, my elder sister is a big fan of music, so her walls are filled with posters of musicians like BTS, RM, and more.

Our drawing room is a large one with a high ceiling. We still use the vintage sofa set which my grandmother got as a wedding gift. Similarly, there is a vintage TV and radio which she uses till date.

Adjoining the drawing room is my bedroom. It is my favourite room because it contains everything that I love. I have a pet guinea pig which lives in a cage in my room. We also have a storeroom which is filled with things we don’t use but also cannot discard.

Our lawn in front of the house has a little garden. In that garden , my mother is growing her own kitchen garden. She is passionate about it and brings different seeds every month to grow them out and use them in our food.

The fondest memories I have in a place is my terrace. Our terrace is huge with many plants. I remember all the good times we have spent there as a family. Moreover, we play there a lot when my cousins come over. Thus, every nook and corner of my home is special to me.

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Appreciation Towards My Home

I know a lot of people who do not have homes or not as big as mine. It makes me more grateful and appreciates my home more. Not everyone gets the fortune to have a good home and a loving family, but luckily, I have been blessed with both.

I am thankful for my home because when I grow up, I can look back at the wonderful memories I made here. The walk down the memory lane will be a sweet one because of the safety and security my home has given me. It is indeed an ideal home.

Conclusion of My Home Essay

My home is important to me because for better or worse, it helps me belong. It makes me understand my place in time and connect with the world and the universe at large. Thus, I am grateful to have a place I can call home.

FAQ on My Home Essay

Question 1: What is the importance of a home?

Answer 1: Home offers us security, belonging and privacy in addition to other essential things. Most importantly, it gives us a place with a centring where we leave every morning and long to return every night .

Question 2: Why is home important to a family?

Answer 2: A home signifies a lot more than a house. It is because we find comfort in our home as it contains memories and a place where our bonds strengthen. It is where we get plenty of benefits.

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Essay on My House in English: Check 300, 500 & 800 Words Essay

Home is where the heart is, and within the sanctuary of our homes lies a special place that holds memories, shelter, and comfort – my house. From the architectural style to the interior design, every aspect of the house speaks volumes about who we are and what we value. But beyond its physical attributes, the house holds a deeper significance in our lives. It’s where we create cherished memories, celebrate milestones, and forge bonds with loved ones. A house is more than just a place to live; it’s a symbol of stability, love, and the countless moments that make life worth living.

In this article, we’ll explore writing an essay on my house, exploring its significance, structure, and the role it plays in shaping our lives.

Table of Content

Important Terms for House

10 lines on my house, 500 word essay on my house, 800 word essay on my house.

Here are some terms that can help you write an essay on my house:

  • House: A building or structure where people live, providing shelter and accommodation.
  • Home: Not just a physical structure, but also a place of belonging, comfort, and emotional attachment.
  • Architecture: The art and science of designing and constructing buildings.
  • Interior Design: The arrangement and decoration of the interior spaces of a house to create a functional and aesthetically pleasing environment.
  • Floor Plan: A diagram showing the layout of rooms and spaces within a house, including dimensions and furniture placement.

Here are 10 lines that can help you write an essay on My House:

1. My house is a cozy place where I feel safe and happy.

2. It has a welcoming door and colorful flowers in the garden.

3. Inside, there’s a living room where my family plays games and watches TV together.

4. The kitchen smells delicious with Mom’s cooking, and I love helping her sometimes.

5. Upstairs, my bedroom is my favorite spot, filled with my toys and books.

6. From my window, I can see the trees and birds chirping in the morning.

7. Outside, there’s a swing where I love to play with my friends.

8. Sometimes, we have a barbecue in the backyard, and it’s so much fun!

9. My house is where I make lots of happy memories with my family.

10. I’m grateful for my house because it’s where I feel loved and cozy every day.

My small house may be tiny in size, but it is bursting with charm and coziness that make it a special place for me. Situated in a quiet corner of the neighborhood, my cute little house stands out with its colorful exterior and welcoming front porch that beckons visitors with its friendly vibe.

As I step through the front door, I am greeted by a snug living room that feels like a warm hug. The space may be small, but it is filled with love and laughter, making it the heart of our home. A comfy sofa sits against the wall, inviting me to sink into its soft cushions and relax after a long day at school. The kitchen, though compact, is a bustling hub of activity where delicious meals are cooked with care and shared with family. Every inch of space is cleverly utilized, from the neatly organized cabinets to the cozy dining nook where we gather for meals and conversations. The aroma of freshly baked cookies or simmering soup fills the air, creating a sense of comfort and warmth. Upstairs, my bedroom is a cozy retreat that reflects my personality and interests. The limited space has been transformed into a magical haven where I can dream, play, and unwind. A colorful bedspread adorns my bed, while shelves filled with books and toys add a touch of whimsy to the room.

One of the most delightful features of my small house is its backyard, a tiny oasis of greenery and tranquility where nature’s wonders unfold. A small garden patch blooms with vibrant flowers and fragrant herbs, attracting butterflies and bees that flit about in the sunshine. A swing set beneath a shady tree offers hours of fun and laughter as I soar through the air with glee. Despite its size, my small house is filled with big memories and moments that make it truly special. From family movie nights in the living room to impromptu picnics in the backyard, every corner of my house is alive with joy, love, and togetherness.

In conclusion, my small house may be petite in size, but it is grand in charm, coziness, and character that make it a cherished haven for me. Its compact layout encourages creativity and imagination in design, while its warm ambiance fosters a sense of comfort and belonging. My cute little house may be small on the outside, but it is mighty in love, laughter, and happiness – qualities that truly make it feel like home.

My house in Delhi is not a grand mansion, but a cozy middle-class home that holds a special place in my heart. Situated in a bustling neighborhood, it stands tall with four floors that offer ample space for my family and me to live, play, and create memories together. Despite its modest size, our house is filled with love, laughter, and warmth that make it a cherished haven for us.

As I walk through the front door of our house, I am greeted by a cozy living room on the ground floor that serves as the heart of our home. The walls are adorned with family photos and colorful artwork, creating a cheerful and inviting atmosphere. A comfortable sofa and a small coffee table sit in the center of the room, inviting us to relax and unwind after a long day at school or work.

The kitchen, located on the first floor, is a bustling hub of activity where delicious meals are prepared with love and care. The aroma of spices and cooking fills the air as we gather around the dining table to share stories and laughter. Despite its compact size, the kitchen is well-equipped with all the essentials needed to whip up our favorite dishes and treats.

Each floor of our house has its own unique charm and purpose. The second floor houses our bedrooms – cozy retreats where we rest and recharge after a busy day. My room is filled with my favorite toys, books, and posters that reflect my interests and personality. From my bed by the window, I can watch the world go by and daydream about adventures yet to come.

The third floor is a versatile space that serves as a family room where we come together to watch movies, play games, or simply spend quality time with each other. The walls are lined with shelves filled with board games, books, and family photos that tell the story of our lives. It is a space where memories are made and bonds are strengthened through shared experiences and laughter.

The fourth floor leads to our rooftop terrace – a hidden gem that offers panoramic views of the city skyline. From here, we can watch the sunset paint the sky in hues of orange and pink, listen to the sounds of the city below, or simply bask in the warmth of the sun on lazy afternoons. It is a peaceful retreat where we can escape the hustle and bustle of daily life and enjoy moments of tranquility together.

In conclusion, my house in Delhi may not be extravagant or luxurious, but it is filled with love, laughter, and cherished moments that make it truly special. Its four floors offer ample space for us to live, play, and grow together as a family. From cozy bedrooms to bustling kitchens, from family rooms to rooftop terraces, every corner of our house holds memories and experiences that shape who we are and bring us closer together. Our middle-class home may not be grand in size or stature, but it is rich in love, warmth, and happiness – qualities that truly make it feel like home for me and my family.

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My House Essay- FAQs

What is a house.

A house is a structure designed for human habitation, providing shelter, comfort, and privacy. It typically consists of rooms for living, sleeping, cooking, and other activities.

What are the different types of houses?

There are various types of houses, including single-family homes, apartments, townhouses, condominiums, and mobile homes. Each type has its own layout, size, and ownership structure.

What factors influence the design of a house?

The design of a house is influenced by factors such as location, climate, cultural preferences, budget, and the needs of the occupants. These factors determine aspects like architectural style, materials used, and layout.

How does a house contribute to our well-being?

A well-designed house can contribute to our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It provides a safe and comfortable environment for rest, relaxation, and social interaction, promoting overall quality of life.

What are some common household maintenance tasks?

Common household maintenance tasks include cleaning, repairs, landscaping, and regular inspections of systems such as plumbing, electrical, and HVAC. These tasks help ensure the safety, functionality, and longevity of the house.

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36 Hours in San Juan, Puerto Rico

By Luisita Lopez Torregrosa April 4, 2024

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People stand on a pile of rocks by a seashore. The sky is orange and many palm trees are visible at a distant shore.

By Luisita Lopez Torregrosa Photographs by Scott McIntyre

Luisita Lopez Torregrosa was born in Puerto Rico and has written a memoir recalling her childhood on the island.

There’s new optimism in this Caribbean capital. Tourists are coming in record numbers, and the city is recovering the energy it lost after the devastation of hurricanes Maria and Irma in 2017; the emigration of tens of thousands to the mainland; a bankrupt economy; and the pandemic. In Old San Juan, the 500-year-old colonial enclave of pastel-colored architecture and ancient forts, and beyond, eclectic restaurants, experimental art and celebrated gritty bars like La Factoría are firing up the Puerto Rican spirit. Calle Cerra, a street in the former working-class barrio of Santurce, is now the epicenter of the island’s public art movement, featuring giant murals alongside a lively nightlife scene where you can join in on the chinchorreo, a local term for bar hopping and street dancing.


  • Galería Botello , housed in a 350-year-old mansion in Old San Juan, shows paintings, prints, ceramics and a collection of Puerto Rican santos, hand-carved wooden figures, by the Galician artist Ángel Botello.
  • Cocina al Fondo , with a James Beard Award-winning chef, reconstructs Puerto Rican cuisine, but remains loyal to the traditions of the island.
  • Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico has the island’s most important collection of paintings, sculptures and carvings by Puerto Rican and Caribbean artists.
  • Calle Cerra is the street that is the epicenter of Puerto Rican urban public art and a hot nightlife destination. It is also the site of the annual street art festival Santurce Es Ley (Santurce Is Law) in May.
  • Paseo de la Princesa is a bayside promenade in Old San Juan with fountains and sculptures like Fuente Raices (Roots Fountain), which represents the ancestral roots of Puerto Rican identity: Spanish, African and Taino.
  • Castillo San Felipe del Morro , one of the largest fortifications built by Spain in the Caribbean, has six levels of barracks, dungeons and storerooms. Kite-flying on the fort’s lawn is free.
  • Parque del Indio , off Ashford Avenue in the Condado neighborhood, is a refuge from the crowds with a pristine beach, kitesurfing and games of pickleball and volleyball.
  • Marmalade , arguably the best restaurant in San Juan, is reinventing local dishes, injecting Japanese, French and Moroccan accents.
  • Bodegas Compostela is a classic Spanish restaurant with outstanding wines, lamb chops, crisp suckling pig and chocolate soufflé.
  • Primitivo , an intimate tapas bar, specializes in nigiri and crudo appetizers and specialty cocktails like silky Negronis.
  • Pio Pio , a chic wine bar across Plaza de Armas in Old San Juan, offers quiet sophistication, luxurious bites and special wines and cocktails.
  • La Casita Blanca , a local favorite, is rooted in traditional Puerto Rican dishes served in a homey and friendly atmosphere.
  • La Factoría is a popular nightspot in Old San Juan that houses six bars connected by dark passageways.
  • Botánico is a bar and restaurant with Central American dishes and an open-air dance floor.
  • Esquina Watusi is an iconic dive bar that often hosts the crazy chinchorreo, a street dancing-and-drinking scene.
  • Puerto Rican Art and Crafts stocks acrylic paintings, ceramics and vejigantes, folkloric masks that resemble the faces of colorful demons.
  • Avenida Ashford , in Condado, is San Juan’s shopping and tourist gold coast, from Cartier to boutiques like Wild Side , in the hotel Condado Vanderbilt, where you may find exclusive handmade gold and silver jewelry by the local artist María Blondet.
  • Calle Loiza , in Santurce, is lined with shops carrying locally made accessories, bags and clothing. Don’t miss the free sidewalk used-book library.
  • The Condado Vanderbilt sweeps you in with an open view of the ocean from its opulent pink marble Art Deco lobby. Opened in 1919, the hotel was renovated and reopened in 2014. It is still San Juan’s premier hotel. Rooms in April start at $651.
  • O :LV Fifty-Five , a design marvel with a black-and-white marble Art Deco lobby, features a romantic rooftop with a plunge pool and soaring views of the Condado Lagoon and the skylines of Condado and Miramar. Adults only. Rooms start at $449.
  • El Convento , a bright yellow Spanish colonial landmark in Old San Juan, has a serene courtyard and beautiful 17th-century arched doorways and beamed ceilings. Rooms start at $278.
  • For short-term rentals , search in the neighborhoods of Old San Juan, Condado, Santurce and Miramar.
  • Old San Juan, Condado, Miramar and Santurce are clustered within 15 minutes of one another by car, depending on traffic. Taxis prefer cash. Many won’t take credit cards. The car ride from Old San Juan to Santurce runs $18 to $25. Ride-hailing apps like Uber and rental cars are easily available. Public transportation is subpar .

People stand in the narrow entrance of a turret in an old-looking stone wall that overlooks ocean.

Castillo San Felipe del Morro

Old San Juan is easily walkable. Start at the Paseo de la Princesa , a promenade with fountains and sculptures that runs along San Juan Bay and the city’s fortress walls. It goes by La Fortaleza , the 16th-century governor’s mansion, and comes close to the Catedral de San Juan Bautista , where it is said the bones of Juan Ponce de León, the Spanish conquistador who became Puerto Rico’s first governor, are buried. The stroll ends on Punta del Morro, a waterfront path that culminates at the bottom of the Castillo San Felipe del Morro , also known as El Morro, a 16th-century fortress. It still has some original cannons facing the Atlantic. Entry, $10; two-and-a-half-hour tours , $49. Or just relax on the expansive green lawn where kite-flying is popular.

From El Morro, descend the single-file sidewalks on Calle del Cristo, with its galleries, bars and outdoor cafes. Take a brief break inside El Convento hotel’s serene courtyard, or on a tree-shaded bench at the intersecting Calle Caleta. Continue down Cristo to Galería Botello , a free museum in a 350-year-old house dedicated to Ángel Botello, the Galician artist who came to San Juan in the 1950s and was known as the “Caribbean Gauguin” for his paintings of Haitian women. Botello prints run $50 to $125, and his santos, carved wooden figures, sell for $500 to $3,000. Nearby, the Puerto Rican Art and Crafts stocks acrylic paintings, ceramics and vejigantes, folkloric masks that resemble the faces of colorful demons, sporting horns. Masks from $15 to $44.

People drink at a bar that is illuminated by a pink neon side that reads "Pio Pio."

Across Plaza de Armas, the chic wine bar Pio Pio , a secluded space that declares its name with a Barbie-pink sign over the bar, has luxury plates like lobster rolls with sturgeon caviar ($32), unusual wines (including Llopart Corpinnat Rose, an organic sparkling rose from Catalunya, Spain, $14 a glass), and cocktails like a vodka martini that hits the spot with a dash of orange bitters ($17).

A dish served in a white tagine that is garnished with leaves and pomegranate seeds.

By this time, the celebrated bar La Factoría , inside a century-old building, already has a line down the sidewalk. It’s worth waiting to enjoy the signature Lavender Mule (ginger tea, vodka, lavender and citrus; $12.80) in the bar’s standing-room-only scruffy main room or one of its smaller drinking dens, reached via dark passageways. Then stroll downhill to Marmalade , whose pale rooms of arches and alcoves evoke Moorish Andalusia. The ahi tuna tartare, seasoned with harissa (North African chile paste), and the bite-size pieces of paella served like sushi rolls are memorable. Leave room for the Choco-L8, eight flavors of local organic chocolate with hazelnut accents. Five courses (each course has eight to 10 choices), $135. Wine pairings, $79 per person. Reservations recommended.

A couple dances under red lights at a bar while other people drink or watch.

People dance to salsa music at La Factoría.

A person wearing a black bathing suit sits on a deck chair overlooking the ocean.

The sun deck at the Condado Vanderbilt hotel

Enjoy an espresso ($1.50) with a fresh mallorca pastry (a spiral sweet bun; $3.50) at Sobao , an indoor-outdoor cafe at the AC Hotel by Marriott, then walk along Avenida Ashford until you reach a small park called Ventanas al Mar (Windows to the Sea), which has a path that leads to the beach. It is packed, mainly with hotel guests, but anyone may rent a chair for $5 and an umbrella for $10. (All beaches in Puerto Rico are public, even those claimed by hotels.) In the lobby of the Condado Vanderbilt hotel next door check out Wild Side , a boutique that carries fine beachwear and sculptural jewelry in gold and silver by the Puerto Rican artist María Blondet .

The Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico , in a neo-Classical building in Santurce, a center of the arts and nightlife, exhibits the major works of artists from different generations, periods and media (entry, $12). Absorb the haunting self-portrait “Azabache,” by the Puerto Rican painter Arnaldo Roche Rabell. Walk to another hall to find “No Crying in the Barber Shop,” a room-size installation depicting a Bronx barbershop, by the Puerto Rican artist Pepon Osorio, exploring the Latino culture’s machismo. Before leaving the museum, visit the quiet sculpture garden and stop by La Tienda, the museum shop, which stocks locally made works like the brightly colored tiles depicting a still life of red flowers, by Susana López Castells ($40).

The exterior of a building with a gold front door. A sign that is decorated with a glass of red wine reads "Bodegas Compostela."

Bodegas Compostela , in the Condado neighborhood, is a fixture among San Juan’s high-end restaurants, with a classic, understated dining room favored for family gatherings, birthdays and business lunches. Start with the Galician-style octopus, cooked with olive oil, paprika and potatoes ($23.95), and follow it with the roast suckling pig, with crackling skin and juicy meat ($74.95), and a rich chocolate soufflé ($15.95) for dessert. If all that seems too much, order the fresh and light lobster salad ($42.95). Compostela is also known for its fine wines. Try Attis, an albariño from Spain, $51.95 a bottle. Reservations recommended.

Calle Cerra , not long ago a street of rundown buildings and abandoned shops, is now a hotbed of nightlife and the center of the island’s urban art movement. Stroll to take in the street art, much of it exploring political and social issues. An imposing mural painted on a water tower shows a boy carrying a glacier on his back while the ice melts around him. A building-wide mural of three skeletons sinking in the sea symbolizes colonialism and slavery. At the end of one block, a pinkish high-rise, covered from ground to roof with graffiti, murals, swirls and scrawls, looks abandoned. People live in it. At the top of the strip, take a break at Café con Cé with an iced latte ($4.50) and a vegan pastry ($4).

A white plate that holds meat, rice molded into a half-sphere and slices of yellow plantain.

Dine in the open patio at Cocina al Fondo , a restaurant in Santurce, whose chef, Natalia Vallejo, last year became the first Puerto Rican to win a 2023 James Beard Award for Best Chef: South. Try traditional favorites like pastelillos de calabaza (pumpkin fritters, $15) and jarrete de cerdo al caldero (ham hock with rice and beans and ripe plantain; $42), familiar dishes made with a local, farm-to-table ethos. Reservations recommended.

A person stands behind a bar peeling an orange. Glassware is suspended upside-down above the bar.

After dinner at Cocina al Fondo, wander back to Calle Cerra, which draws bar-hoppers to its cocktail clubs and salons until the wee hours. Young crowds gather at Botánico , where a giant mural of a face overlooks an open-air dance floor. Farther down the street, where chickens roam free and an old church stands on a corner, are several more bars, including Machete , Graziani and Galeria , and the crazy chinchorreo — what locals call the street dancing-and-drinking scene — is often centered on Esquina Watusi , an iconic dive bar. After the hubbub of Cerra, walk or take a taxi to the secluded tapas bar Primitivo , in the Miramar neighborhood nearby. Sample the nigiri, a slice of tuna set over a tiny alcapurria fritter, a Puerto Rican favorite ($14), and sip a silky Negroni ($15).

People walk down the sidewalks of a cobblestone street that is illuminated in red and purple at night.

People walk down a street in Old San Juan, the colonial enclave of pastel-colored architecture and ancient forts.

A person sits on a beach chair under a wide orange umbrella on a sandy shore. Small waves crash in the ocean in front of them, and two people in bathing suits walk by.

A beach near Parque del Indio

Parque del Indio , in Condado, is a refuge, a neighborhood beach park on Avenida Ashford in Condado at Calle C.F. Krug. It’s a favorite of children, dog walkers, pickleball and volleyball players. Rent a chair ($5) and an umbrella ($10) and watch the waves, read a book, or take a long walk on a beach that goes on for miles, along seafront homes, informal grills and beachside guesthouses.

Three people sit at a restaurant table with a floral patterned table cloth. There is a display cabinet in the restaurant with many knick-knacks.

Everyone in San Juan knows La Casita Blanca , one of the city’s most popular home-style restaurants. It is so popular that it won’t take reservations. Guests wait chatting in line on the sidewalk along the restaurant, which is in a modest white house with a facade draped in flowers, on a busy corner of the densely congested Santurce, where traffic is bumper to bumper. Every day the restaurant posts 10 to 12 dishes on a blackboard. The biftec encebollado (well-done filet cooked with onions, $18.95) is a favorite. Another standby, mofongo (mashed plantains, $5.95) and the arepas con bacalao (cod fritters, $12.95) seem unchanged over the decades. And the friendly staff waves goodbye with smiles and hugs, like family.

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