Tobacco Smoking and Its Dangers Essay

Introduction, the dangers of smoking, possible pro-tobacco arguments, annotated bibliography.

Tobacco use, including smoking, has become a universally recognized issue that endangers the health of the population of our entire planet through both active and second-hand smoking. Pro-tobacco arguments are next to non-existent, while its harm is well-documented and proven through past and contemporary studies (Jha et al., 2013). Despite this fact, smoking remains a widespread habit that involves about one billion smokers all over the world, even though lower-income countries are disproportionally affected (World Health Organization [WHO], 2016). In this essay, I will review the dangers of tobacco use and consider some of the remaining pro-tobacco arguments to demonstrate that no reason can explain or support the choice to smoke, which endangers the smoker and other people.

Almost every organ and system in the human body is negatively affected by tobacco, which is why smoking is reported to cause up to six million deaths on an annual basis (WHO, 2016, para. 2). The figure is expected to grow and increase by two million within the next fifteen years (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2016a). Smoking can cause cancer in at least sixteen organs (including the respiratory and digestive systems), autoimmune diseases (including diabetes), numerous heart and blood problems (including stroke and hypertension); in addition, it damages lungs, vision, and bones, and leads to reproductive issues (including stillbirth) (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, 2016).

Moreover, nicotine is addictive, and its withdrawal symptoms include anxiety, which tends to cumulate and contribute to stress (Parrott & Murphy, 2012). Other symptoms may involve mood swings and increased hunger, as well as thinking difficulties (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2016b). Sufficient evidence also indicates that smoking is correlated with alcohol use and that it is capable of affecting one’s mental state to the point of heightening the risks of development of disorders (Cavazos-Rehg et al., 2014).

In the end, smoking reduces the human lifespan, as a result of which smokers are twice as likely as non-smokers to die between the ages of 25 and 79 (Jha et al., 2013, p. 341). Fortunately, smoking cessation tends to add up to ten years of life for former smokers, if they were to give up smoking before they turned 40 (Jha et al., 2013, p. 349). Similarly, the risk of developing mental issues also tends to be reversed to an extent, but it is not clear if it becomes completely eliminated or not (Cavazos-Rehg et al., 2014). The CDC (2016b) also reports that smoking cessation results in an improved respiratory condition and lower risks of developing cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and infertility.

At the same time, Cavazos-Rehg et al. (2014) state that there is not sufficient evidence to indicate that smoking cessation may cause mental issues, which implies that ceasing to smoke is likely to be a very good decision. Unfortunately, it is not always easy; many people make several attempts at quitting, experiencing difficulties because of abstinence symptoms, and in the process may gain weight and may require the help of professional doctors and counselors (CDC, 2016b). It is also noteworthy that only twenty-four countries in the world have comprehensive services aimed specifically at smoking cessation assistance (WHO, 2016, para. 18).

To sum up, tobacco is a drug that is harmful to people’s health, but it is also the basis of a gigantic industry that is subject to taxes, which implies that governments are typically interested in its development (CDC, 2016a). As a result, their spending in the field of prevention and cessation activities may not live up to expectations, despite the fact that governments have multiple means of reducing tobacco consumption, in particular, banning ads, adding taxes, and eliminating illicit trade (WHO, 2016). In the meantime, people who smoke search for arguments in order to rationalize their choice, which contributes to the deterioration of their own health and that of their communities.

It Is Not That Dangerous

It is admittedly difficult to find a reputable source that would promote smoking, which is understandable. However, certain pro-tobacco arguments can be suggested for the sake of attempting to understand the reasons for the phenomenon. For example, given the obvious lack of positive judgments, it may be hinted that the problem is overrated and the horrors of tobacco use are exaggerated. In this case, it is implied that scientific studies that highlight the dangers of smoking are not trustworthy to some extent. In fact, it cannot be denied that untrustworthy studies exist, but the scientific community does its best to eliminate them.

For example, the article by Moylan, Jacka, Pasco, and Berk (2012) contains a critique of 47 studies, which allows the authors to conclude that some research studies do not introduce sufficient controls. Despite this, the authors maintain that there is satisfactory evidence that indicates a correlation between certain mental disorders and smoking. They also admit that the evidence is less homogenous for some disorders, and suggest carrying out a further examination. As a result, it appears possible to consider the effects of tobacco use that are described by reputable organizations and peer-reviewed articles to be correct, which implies that all the horrible outcomes are indeed a possibility.

Tobacco Has Positive Effects

Given the information about tobacco’s negative effects, any number of positive ones that it may have appears insignificant. However, these may still be regarded as a pro-tobacco argument. One example is a calming, “feeling-good” effect that smokers tend to report. Parrott and Murphy (2012) explore this phenomenon, along with other mood-related effects of tobacco use, and explain that the feeling of calmness is the result of abstinence symptoms abatement.

In other words, smokers do not experience calmness when they get a cigarette; instead, they just stop experiencing abstinence-related anxiety. Moreover, apart from causing anxiety as an abstinence symptom, smoking tends to heighten the risks of various mental disorders, including anxiety disorder (Moylan et al., 2012), and alcohol use disorder (Cavazos-Rehg et al., 2014). It may be suggested that the belief in the positive effects of smoking is likely to result from the lack of education on the matter (WHO, 2016).

It Is My Free Choice

The freedom of choice is important to defend, and some may argue that they like the taste of the smoke or enjoy some of its effects (like the above-mentioned calming one), and they have the right to make a choice with regard to what they are going to do with their lives. Unfortunately, there is a factor that makes their choice more socially significant: Second-hand smoke intake also can affect people’s health in a negative way.

WHO (2016) estimates that about 600,000 non-smoking people, who never chose to smoke but were forced to inhale some second-hand smoke, die every year because of smoking-related issues (para. 2). In 2004, twenty-eight percent of second-hand smoke victims were children (WHO, 2016, para. 14). In other words, a smoker needs to be cautious and attempt to ensure that no deaths are caused by his or her free choice.

Moreover, even the freedom of the choice to smoke is sometimes questionable. In particular, the media has been accused of creating alluring images of smoking, which impairs the ability of people to make their own decisions (Malaspina, 2014). Similarly, the phenomenon of social smoking is explained by the wish to fit in within a community, to which teenage persons are especially prone (Nichter, 2015). As a result, the free choice argument may be regarded as typically invalid, which makes tobacco smoking even less reasonable or defensible.

It is extremely simple to argue against tobacco use: The activity has virtually no pluses, and any advantage that can be discovered by a diligent researcher would probably seem insignificant when contrasted to all the problems that smoking tends to cause. Despite this, people proceed to smoke as a result of the lack of education on the matter (WHO, 2016), harmful media images (Malaspina, 2014), and probably a number of other factors.

It is noteworthy, though, that since 2002, the number of people who have managed to quit smoking exceeds that of active smokers (CDC, 2016b, para. 22). Given the pressure of WHO (2016) in urging governments to do more to improve the situation, we may hope that tobacco use will be greatly reduced in the future, and people will stop engaging in this kind of self-harm.

Cavazos-Rehg, P. A., Breslau, N., Hatsukami, D., Krauss, M. J., Spitznagel, E. L., Grucza, R. A.,… & Bierut, L. J. (2014). Smoking cessation is associated with lower rates of mood/anxiety and alcohol use disorders. Psychological Medicine , 44 (12), 2523-2535.

The article investigates the correlation between smoking cessation and certain mental disorders with the help of data from a national longitudinal study that was carried out in the United States between 2001 and 2006 by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. The article concludes that there is a drop in anxiety disorder as well as the use of alcohol that is related to giving up smoking. The authors highlight the fact that the conclusion is not final and suggest that additional investigation is required. However, in their view, the idea that smoking cessation is related to an increased risk of anxiety disorders remains unproven and even contradicted by the results of their research.

For this essay, the article contributes information about the relationships between smoking and mood issues, which contradicts the myth about nicotine calming people. Also, it demonstrates the positive effects of giving up smoking, which is an argument against continued smoking.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2016a). Smoking & tobacco use .

The website offers fast facts on tobacco use, including those for the world and the United States, and illustrates them with the help of statistics. The facts demonstrate that smoking has a negative impact on human health (limiting the lifespan and causing diseases) and results in significant costs for countries (primarily as healthcare expenditures). Also, the website mentions that tobacco prevention expenditures and efforts are often limited. The website finishes with statistics that illustrate the scope of the problem, that is, the number of smokers in the United States.

For this essay, the website contributes useful information and statistics on smoking and its consequences, including data on costs. Also, it mentions the profitability of the tobacco industry, and the issue of preventive measures, arguments that are capable of explaining the phenomenon of the continued existence of the problem of smoking.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2016b). Quitting smoking .

The website contains information on the difficulties in quitting, provides relevant statistics, and suggests informative and supportive resources for those who wish to quit. It also highlights the dangers of smoking, the benefits of quitting, and the specifics of nicotine dependence.

For this essay, the website contributes some information on the dangers of smoking with a particular emphasis on the dependence and its consequences. The statistics can be used for illustrative purposes, in particular, with respect to quitting difficulties. However, the website also demonstrates that quitting is possible and beneficial, which is an argument against continued smoking that can be employed in the essay.

Jha, P., Ramasundarahettige, C., Landsman, V., Rostron, B., Thun, M., Anderson, R. N.,… & Peto, R. (2013). 21st-century hazards of smoking and benefits of cessation in the United States . New England Journal of Medicine , 368 (4), 341-350.

The article is devoted to conducting a new research on life expectancy in smokers in order to take into account new factors of the changing environment. Also, the authors consider the life expectancy of the people who have quitted smoking. The study has an impressive sample size: It uses 202,248 histories of smoking cessation. The authors conclude that smokers’ lives are shorter while ceasing to smoke can help to “gain” several years, especially if it is done before the age of 40.

The article offers evidence on lifespan reduction as a result of smoking, and some data on smoking cessation benefits that can be used in the essay as arguments and illustrations. Also, the sample size of the article implies its credibility, making it a more attractive source.

Malaspina, A. (2014). False images, deadly promises . Broomall, Pa.: Mason Crest.

The book contains much information on smoking risks, but it focuses on the role of the media in popularizing this habit. Also, it considers other reasons for taking up smoking, including peer pressure, and mentions the problem of the profitability of the tobacco industry, which hinders the process of smoking eradication.

The book offers a comprehensive overview of the costs of tobacco, which makes it a very useful source. For the essay, the book contributes the study of media tobacco images, which is an interesting perspective. It can be used to demonstrate the question of free choice and the effect of the media on that choice.

Moylan, S., Jacka, F., Pasco, J., & Berk, M. (2012). Cigarette smoking, nicotine dependence and anxiety disorders: a systematic review of population-based, epidemiological studies . BMC Medicine , 10 (1), 123.

The article reviews studies that are devoted to the correlation between anxiety and other mental disorders and smoking. The authors criticize some of the studies, demonstrating that there is limited evidence in some of them, but still conclude that the correlation between smoking and the risk of developing some disorders (in particular, generalized anxiety disorder) is sufficiently proven.

For the essay, the article provides direct information on tobacco use and its consequences and also demonstrates that unscrupulous studies are not unlikely to be produced, but this fact does not prove the lack of dangers in smoking. The existence of unscrupulous studies can be used as a pro-tobacco argument. Given the fact that it is difficult to find reputable sources that contain an alternative (approving) perspective on tobacco, it is a very important contribution to an argumentative essay.

Nichter, M. (2015). Lighting up . New York, NY: NYU Press.

The book contains a significant amount of information on tobacco-related issues, and it specifically focuses on the phenomenon of social smoking in college students. In particular, it discusses the issue of peer pressure as well as wrong perceptions, which are, in part, caused by the media. For example, it examines the harmful stereotype of smoking having a calming effect, which tends to attract youngsters who are experiencing a crisis.

The book is quite comprehensive and contains much useful information on smoking myths. For the essay, the book offers an explanation of one of the reasons for taking up smoking and demonstrates its harmfulness. It can be used to prove a pro-tobacco argument to be false and destructive.

Parrott, A. & Murphy, R. (2012). Explaining the stress-inducing effects of nicotine to cigarette smokers. Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental , 27 (2), 150-155 .

The authors explain the mechanism of the abstinence symptoms in smokers, relate it to resulting anxiety disorders, and demonstrate that the perceived calming effect of smoking consists of addiction consequences. In other words, the authors demonstrate that tobacco is only capable of removing the abstinence-related anxiety caused by smoking tobacco, which makes the effect pointless. The authors also review prior studies and show that non-smokers or quitters are less likely to report irritability, stress, depression, and anxiety than smokers.

For the essay, the article explains one of the few pro-tobacco arguments (that smoking has a calming effect) and proves that it is false and harmful. As a result, the article is an important contribution that provides some information on the opposite point of view, according to which there are benefits to smoking, and proves it wrong.

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. (2016). Effects of smoking on your health .

The website contains detailed information on health-related smoking effects. It demonstrates that there is hardly a part of a smoker’s body that remains unaffected. Also, the website describes particular issues that are caused by smoking, with respect to every specific part of a human body.

The website is the most comprehensive yet concise source in this bibliography with respect to smoking-related health issues. It presents information in the form of lists and pictures, which helps it to provide more details while taking up less space and readers’ time. For the essay, the website offers information on the health problems that are caused by smoking and describes them in greater detail than the rest of the sources.

World Health Organization. (2016). Tobacco fact sheet .

The website offers limited statistics and information on the dangers of smoking and the process of quitting. Among other things, it describes the dangers of “second-hand” smoke with relevant statistics and an emphasis on the consequences for young children. Also, its states the WHO’s position on the matter, as well as the organization’s recommendations for government-level anti-tobacco activities.

For the essay, the website provides useful tobacco-related information that includes global statistics; the “second-hand” smoke information is also a very important argument that should be used in the paper. Moreover, the website creates a sense of urgency by demonstrating that the issue of tobacco smoking requires the attention of governments and healthcare organizations all over the world.

Cavazos-Rehg, P. A., Breslau, N., Hatsukami, D., Krauss, M. J., Spitznagel, E. L., Grucza, R. A.,… & Bierut, L. J. (2014). Smoking cessation is associated with lower rates of mood/anxiety and alcohol use disorders . Psychological Medicine , 44 (12), 2523-2535.

Jha, P., Ramasundarahettige, C., Landsman, V., Rostron, B., Thun, M., Anderson, R. N.,… & Peto, R. (2013). 21st-century hazards of smoking and benefits of cessation in the United States. New England Journal of Medicine , 368 (4), 341-350.

Parrott, A. & Murphy, R. (2012). Explaining the stress-inducing effects of nicotine to cigarette smokers. Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental , 27 (2), 150-155.

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IvyPanda. (2024, January 26). Tobacco Smoking and Its Dangers.

"Tobacco Smoking and Its Dangers." IvyPanda , 26 Jan. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) 'Tobacco Smoking and Its Dangers'. 26 January.

IvyPanda . 2024. "Tobacco Smoking and Its Dangers." January 26, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "Tobacco Smoking and Its Dangers." January 26, 2024.


IvyPanda . "Tobacco Smoking and Its Dangers." January 26, 2024.

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Essay on Smoking

500 words essay on  smoking.

One of the most common problems we are facing in today’s world which is killing people is smoking. A lot of people pick up this habit because of stress , personal issues and more. In fact, some even begin showing it off. When someone smokes a cigarette, they not only hurt themselves but everyone around them. It has many ill-effects on the human body which we will go through in the essay on smoking.

essay on smoking

Ill-Effects of Smoking

Tobacco can have a disastrous impact on our health. Nonetheless, people consume it daily for a long period of time till it’s too late. Nearly one billion people in the whole world smoke. It is a shocking figure as that 1 billion puts millions of people at risk along with themselves.

Cigarettes have a major impact on the lungs. Around a third of all cancer cases happen due to smoking. For instance, it can affect breathing and causes shortness of breath and coughing. Further, it also increases the risk of respiratory tract infection which ultimately reduces the quality of life.

In addition to these serious health consequences, smoking impacts the well-being of a person as well. It alters the sense of smell and taste. Further, it also reduces the ability to perform physical exercises.

It also hampers your physical appearances like giving yellow teeth and aged skin. You also get a greater risk of depression or anxiety . Smoking also affects our relationship with our family, friends and colleagues.

Most importantly, it is also an expensive habit. In other words, it entails heavy financial costs. Even though some people don’t have money to get by, they waste it on cigarettes because of their addiction.

How to Quit Smoking?

There are many ways through which one can quit smoking. The first one is preparing for the day when you will quit. It is not easy to quit a habit abruptly, so set a date to give yourself time to prepare mentally.

Further, you can also use NRTs for your nicotine dependence. They can reduce your craving and withdrawal symptoms. NRTs like skin patches, chewing gums, lozenges, nasal spray and inhalers can help greatly.

Moreover, you can also consider non-nicotine medications. They require a prescription so it is essential to talk to your doctor to get access to it. Most importantly, seek behavioural support. To tackle your dependence on nicotine, it is essential to get counselling services, self-materials or more to get through this phase.

One can also try alternative therapies if they want to try them. There is no harm in trying as long as you are determined to quit smoking. For instance, filters, smoking deterrents, e-cigarettes, acupuncture, cold laser therapy, yoga and more can work for some people.

Always remember that you cannot quit smoking instantly as it will be bad for you as well. Try cutting down on it and then slowly and steadily give it up altogether.

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Conclusion of the Essay on Smoking

Thus, if anyone is a slave to cigarettes, it is essential for them to understand that it is never too late to stop smoking. With the help and a good action plan, anyone can quit it for good. Moreover, the benefits will be evident within a few days of quitting.

FAQ of Essay on Smoking

Question 1: What are the effects of smoking?

Answer 1: Smoking has major effects like cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung diseases, diabetes, and more. It also increases the risk for tuberculosis, certain eye diseases, and problems with the immune system .

Question 2: Why should we avoid smoking?

Answer 2: We must avoid smoking as it can lengthen your life expectancy. Moreover, by not smoking, you decrease your risk of disease which includes lung cancer, throat cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, and more.

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Persuasive Essay Guide

Persuasive Essay About Smoking

Caleb S.

Persuasive Essay About Smoking - Making a Powerful Argument with Examples

Persuasive essay about smoking

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Are you wondering how to write your next persuasive essay about smoking?

Smoking has been one of the most controversial topics in our society for years. It is associated with many health risks and can be seen as a danger to both individuals and communities.

Writing an effective persuasive essay about smoking can help sway public opinion. It can also encourage people to make healthier choices and stop smoking. 

But where do you begin?

In this blog, we’ll provide some examples to get you started. So read on to get inspired!

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  • 1. What You Need To Know About Persuasive Essay
  • 2. Persuasive Essay Examples About Smoking
  • 3. Argumentative Essay About Smoking Examples
  • 4. Tips for Writing a Persuasive Essay About Smoking

What You Need To Know About Persuasive Essay

A persuasive essay is a type of writing that aims to convince its readers to take a certain stance or action. It often uses logical arguments and evidence to back up its argument in order to persuade readers.

It also utilizes rhetorical techniques such as ethos, pathos, and logos to make the argument more convincing. In other words, persuasive essays use facts and evidence as well as emotion to make their points.

A persuasive essay about smoking would use these techniques to convince its readers about any point about smoking. Check out an example below:

Simple persuasive essay about smoking

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Persuasive Essay Examples About Smoking

Smoking is one of the leading causes of preventable death in the world. It leads to adverse health effects, including lung cancer, heart disease, and damage to the respiratory tract. However, the number of people who smoke cigarettes has been on the rise globally.

A lot has been written on topics related to the effects of smoking. Reading essays about it can help you get an idea of what makes a good persuasive essay.

Here are some sample persuasive essays about smoking that you can use as inspiration for your own writing:

Persuasive speech on smoking outline

Persuasive essay about smoking should be banned

Persuasive essay about smoking pdf

Persuasive essay about smoking cannot relieve stress

Persuasive essay about smoking in public places

Speech about smoking is dangerous

Persuasive Essay About Smoking Introduction

Persuasive Essay About Stop Smoking

Short Persuasive Essay About Smoking

Stop Smoking Persuasive Speech

Check out some more persuasive essay examples on various other topics.

Argumentative Essay About Smoking Examples

An argumentative essay is a type of essay that uses facts and logical arguments to back up a point. It is similar to a persuasive essay but differs in that it utilizes more evidence than emotion.

If you’re looking to write an argumentative essay about smoking, here are some examples to get you started on the arguments of why you should not smoke.

Argumentative essay about smoking pdf

Argumentative essay about smoking in public places

Argumentative essay about smoking introduction

Check out the video below to find useful arguments against smoking:

Tips for Writing a Persuasive Essay About Smoking

You have read some examples of persuasive and argumentative essays about smoking. Now here are some tips that will help you craft a powerful essay on this topic.

Choose a Specific Angle

Select a particular perspective on the issue that you can use to form your argument. When talking about smoking, you can focus on any aspect such as the health risks, economic costs, or environmental impact.

Think about how you want to approach the topic. For instance, you could write about why smoking should be banned. 

Check out the list of persuasive essay topics to help you while you are thinking of an angle to choose!

Research the Facts

Before writing your essay, make sure to research the facts about smoking. This will give you reliable information to use in your arguments and evidence for why people should avoid smoking.

You can find and use credible data and information from reputable sources such as government websites, health organizations, and scientific studies. 

For instance, you should gather facts about health issues and negative effects of tobacco if arguing against smoking. Moreover, you should use and cite sources carefully.

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Make an Outline

The next step is to create an outline for your essay. This will help you organize your thoughts and make sure that all the points in your essay flow together logically.

Your outline should include the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. This will help ensure that your essay has a clear structure and argument.

Use Persuasive Language

When writing your essay, make sure to use persuasive language such as “it is necessary” or “people must be aware”. This will help you convey your message more effectively and emphasize the importance of your point.

Also, don’t forget to use rhetorical devices such as ethos, pathos, and logos to make your arguments more convincing. That is, you should incorporate emotion, personal experience, and logic into your arguments.

Introduce Opposing Arguments

Another important tip when writing a persuasive essay on smoking is to introduce opposing arguments. It will show that you are aware of the counterarguments and can provide evidence to refute them. This will help you strengthen your argument.

By doing this, your essay will come off as more balanced and objective, making it more convincing.

Finish Strong

Finally, make sure to finish your essay with a powerful conclusion. This will help you leave a lasting impression on your readers and reinforce the main points of your argument. You can end by summarizing the key points or giving some advice to the reader.

A powerful conclusion could either include food for thought or a call to action. So be sure to use persuasive language and make your conclusion strong.

To conclude,

By following these tips, you can write an effective and persuasive essay on smoking. Remember to research the facts, make an outline, and use persuasive language.

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Persuasive Essay


Essay on Negative Effects Of Smoking

Students are often asked to write an essay on Negative Effects Of Smoking in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Negative Effects Of Smoking

Introduction to smoking.

Smoking is a bad habit that harms our body. Many people smoke cigarettes, cigars, or pipes. Some people also chew tobacco. These things contain nicotine, a harmful chemical. It’s highly addictive, meaning once you start smoking, it’s very hard to stop.

Health Problems Caused by Smoking

Smoking can cause many health problems. It can lead to lung cancer, heart disease, and stroke. It can also cause other types of cancer, like mouth and throat cancer. Smoking can make it hard to breathe and can cause chronic coughing.

Smoking and Secondhand Smoke

Not only does smoking hurt the smoker, but it also harms others around them. This is called secondhand smoke. It can cause the same health problems in non-smokers. Children exposed to secondhand smoke can get sick more often.

Smoking and Appearance

Smoking can also affect how you look. It can cause yellow teeth and bad breath. It can also cause your skin to age faster, leading to wrinkles. Smoking can even cause hair loss and turn your fingers yellow.

In conclusion, smoking is very harmful. It can cause many health problems and can even harm others around you. It’s best to avoid this bad habit. If you or someone you know smokes, try to quit. Your body will thank you.

250 Words Essay on Negative Effects Of Smoking


Smoking is a harmful habit that many people around the world have. It is bad for our health and the environment. This essay will talk about the negative effects of smoking.

Damages to Health

Smoking hurts our bodies in many ways. It is the main cause of lung cancer. This is a very serious disease that can lead to death. Other than lung cancer, smoking can also cause heart disease. This is because the smoke makes it harder for the heart to pump blood.

Problems for the Environment

Smoking is not just bad for our health, but also for our environment. Cigarette butts are often thrown on the ground, causing pollution. Also, the smoke from cigarettes adds to air pollution. This is bad for all living things, not just humans.

Effects on Others

Smoking is not only harmful to the person who smokes, but also to the people around them. This is called second-hand smoke. It can cause the same health problems as smoking does. This means that even if you do not smoke, you can still get sick from being around someone who does.

In conclusion, smoking is a harmful habit with many negative effects. It causes health problems, harms the environment, and can even make others sick. It is important to avoid smoking for a healthier and safer world.

500 Words Essay on Negative Effects Of Smoking

Smoking is a habit that many people pick up due to various reasons, such as stress, peer pressure, or even out of curiosity. Despite its popularity, smoking has many negative effects on our health and the environment. This essay will discuss these harmful effects in simple terms.

Effects on Personal Health

Firstly, let’s talk about how smoking harms our own health. When you smoke, you inhale many dangerous chemicals. These chemicals can harm nearly every organ in your body. The most commonly known health problem caused by smoking is lung cancer. But that’s not all. Smoking can also lead to other types of cancer, such as mouth cancer and throat cancer.

Apart from cancer, smoking can cause heart disease. The chemicals in smoke make it harder for your heart to work properly. This can lead to heart attacks. Smoking also harms your lungs, making it difficult to breathe. This can lead to diseases like bronchitis and emphysema.

Effects on Others’ Health

Smoking is not only harmful to the smoker but also to those around them. This is called secondhand smoke. When you smoke, the people around you also breathe in the harmful chemicals. This can lead to the same health problems that smokers face. Children are particularly at risk. They can suffer from problems like asthma, ear infections, and even sudden infant death syndrome.

Effects on the Environment

Smoking also hurts our environment. Cigarette butts, which are often thrown away carelessly, are a form of litter. They can take many years to break down and are harmful to wildlife. The smoke from cigarettes also adds to air pollution. This can harm the air we all breathe and contribute to climate change.

Effects on Personal Life

Lastly, smoking can affect your personal life. It can make your clothes and breath smell bad, which can affect your relationships with others. It can also be a costly habit. The money spent on cigarettes could be used for other things like education, hobbies, or saving for the future.

In conclusion, smoking has many negative effects. It harms our health, the health of those around us, our environment, and our personal lives. It’s important to understand these effects and to make healthy choices for ourselves and our communities. Remember, it’s never too late to quit smoking and start living a healthier life.

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Health Effects of Cigarette Smoking

Smoking and death, smoking and increased health risks, smoking and cardiovascular disease, smoking and respiratory disease, smoking and cancer, smoking and other health risks, quitting and reduced risks.

Cigarette smoking harms nearly every organ of the body, causes many diseases, and reduces the health of smokers in general. 1,2

Quitting smoking lowers your risk for smoking-related diseases and can add years to your life. 1,2

Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. 1

  • Cigarette smoking causes more than 480,000 deaths each year in the United States. This is nearly one in five deaths. 1,2,3
  • Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
  • Illegal drug use
  • Alcohol use
  • Motor vehicle injuries
  • Firearm-related incidents
  • More than 10 times as many U.S. citizens have died prematurely from cigarette smoking than have died in all the wars fought by the United States. 1
  • Smoking causes about 90% (or 9 out of 10) of all lung cancer deaths. 1,2  More women die from lung cancer each year than from breast cancer. 5
  • Smoking causes about 80% (or 8 out of 10) of all deaths from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). 1
  • Cigarette smoking increases risk for death from all causes in men and women. 1
  • The risk of dying from cigarette smoking has increased over the last 50 years in the U.S. 1

Smokers are more likely than nonsmokers to develop heart disease, stroke, and lung cancer. 1

  • For coronary heart disease by 2 to 4 times 1,6
  • For stroke by 2 to 4 times 1
  • Of men developing lung cancer by 25 times 1
  • Of women developing lung cancer by 25.7 times 1
  • Smoking causes diminished overall health, increased absenteeism from work, and increased health care utilization and cost. 1

Smokers are at greater risk for diseases that affect the heart and blood vessels (cardiovascular disease). 1,2

  • Smoking causes stroke and coronary heart disease, which are among the leading causes of death in the United States. 1,3
  • Even people who smoke fewer than five cigarettes a day can have early signs of cardiovascular disease. 1
  • Smoking damages blood vessels and can make them thicken and grow narrower. This makes your heart beat faster and your blood pressure go up. Clots can also form. 1,2
  • A clot blocks the blood flow to part of your brain;
  • A blood vessel in or around your brain bursts. 1,2
  • Blockages caused by smoking can also reduce blood flow to your legs and skin. 1,2

Smoking can cause lung disease by damaging your airways and the small air sacs (alveoli) found in your lungs. 1,2

  • Lung diseases caused by smoking include COPD, which includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. 1,2
  • Cigarette smoking causes most cases of lung cancer. 1,2
  • If you have asthma, tobacco smoke can trigger an attack or make an attack worse. 1,2
  • Smokers are 12 to 13 times more likely to die from COPD than nonsmokers. 1

Smoking can cause cancer almost anywhere in your body: 1,2

  • Blood (acute myeloid leukemia)
  • Colon and rectum (colorectal)
  • Kidney and ureter
  • Oropharynx (includes parts of the throat, tongue, soft palate, and the tonsils)
  • Trachea, bronchus, and lung

Smoking also increases the risk of dying from cancer and other diseases in cancer patients and survivors. 1

If nobody smoked, one of every three cancer deaths in the United States would not happen. 1,2

Smoking harms nearly every organ of the body and affects a person’s overall health. 1,2

  • Preterm (early) delivery
  • Stillbirth (death of the baby before birth)
  • Low birth weight
  • Sudden infant death syndrome (known as SIDS or crib death)
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Orofacial clefts in infants
  • Smoking can also affect men’s sperm, which can reduce fertility and also increase risks for birth defects and miscarriage. 2
  • Women past childbearing years who smoke have weaker bones than women who never smoked. They are also at greater risk for broken bones.
  • Smoking affects the health of your teeth and gums and can cause tooth loss. 1
  • Smoking can increase your risk for cataracts (clouding of the eye’s lens that makes it hard for you to see). It can also cause age-related macular degeneration (AMD). AMD is damage to a small spot near the center of the retina, the part of the eye needed for central vision. 1
  • Smoking is a cause of type 2 diabetes mellitus and can make it harder to control. The risk of developing diabetes is 30–40% higher for active smokers than nonsmokers. 1,2
  • Smoking causes general adverse effects on the body, including inflammation and decreased immune function. 1
  • Smoking is a cause of rheumatoid arthritis. 1
  • Quitting smoking is one of the most important actions people can take to improve their health. This is true regardless of their age or how long they have been smoking. Visit the Benefits of Quitting  page for more information about how quitting smoking can improve your health.
  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The Health Consequences of Smoking—50 Years of Progress: A Report of the Surgeon General . Atlanta: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office on Smoking and Health, 2014 [accessed 2017 Apr 20].
  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. How Tobacco Smoke Causes Disease: What It Means to You . Atlanta: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office on Smoking and Health, 2010 [accessed 2017 Apr 20].
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. QuickStats: Number of Deaths from 10 Leading Causes—National Vital Statistics System, United States, 2010 . Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 2013:62(08);155. [accessed 2017 Apr 20].
  • Mokdad AH, Marks JS, Stroup DF, Gerberding JL. Actual Causes of Death in the United States . JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association 2004;291(10):1238–45 [cited 2017 Apr 20].
  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Women and Smoking: A Report of the Surgeon General . Rockville (MD): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Office of the Surgeon General, 2001 [accessed 2017 Apr 20].
  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Reducing the Health Consequences of Smoking: 25 Years of Progress. A Report of the Surgeon General . Rockville (MD): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office on Smoking and Health, 1989 [accessed 2017 Apr 20].

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