How to Write a Critical Lens Essay Successfully Step by Step

critical lens

Critical lens essay writing is a type of literary analysis where the writer is required to analyze and interpret a specific piece of literature or a quote. The essay typically involves discussing the meaning of the quote and how it relates to two literary works. The author is expected to use literary elements and techniques to support their interpretation and provide evidence from the texts.

The term "critical lense" refers to the perspective or lenses through which the scribe views and analyzes the literature. It often involves exploring the cultural, historical, or philosophical context of the works being analyzed. The goal is to demonstrate a deep understanding of the literature and present a well-argued interpretation.

In this guide, we’ll explore such crucial aspects of how to write critical lens essay, its definition, format, and samples. Just in case you’re in a big hurry, here’s a link to our essay writer service that can help you cope with a task at hand quickly and effortlessly.  

critical lens example essay

What Is a Critical Lens Essay and How to Write It

A critical lens analysis is a form of literary exploration that challenges students to interpret and analyze a specific quote, known as the "lens," and apply it to two pieces of literature. This type of composition aims to assess a student's understanding of literary elements, themes, and the broader implications of the chosen quote. Effectively producing a research paper involves several key steps, each contributing to a comprehensive and insightful analysis. 

The critical lens meaning is to provide a unique perspective into the complexities of literature. It goes beyond mere summarization, urging students to explore the layers of meaning embedded within the chosen quote and its application to literary works. Unveiling the assignment's meaning requires a keen eye for nuance and an appreciation for the intricate dance between language and interpretation.

Knowing how to write a lens essay involves mastering the art of interpretation. As students embark on this literary journey, the process of achieving this task becomes integral. It demands an exploration of the chosen quote's implications, an in-depth analysis of its resonance with the selected literature, and a thoughtful synthesis of ideas. A step-by-step approach is crucial, from deciphering the meaning to meticulously weaving insights into a cohesive and compelling narrative.

A lens analysis is more than a scholarly exercise; it's a nuanced exploration of the intersections between literature and life. It prompts students to unravel the layers of meaning embedded within the viewpoint, dissecting its implications for characters, themes, and overarching narratives. This analytical journey not only refines academic skills but also cultivates a deeper appreciation for the profound impact literature can have on our understanding of the human experience.

Step-by-Step Writing Guide

In this guide, we will explore the assignment’s prerequisites and outline five steps to help students understand how to write a critical lens essay.

how to write critical lens essay

STEP 1 - Understand the Critical Lens Quote

The journey of crafting a compelling draft begins with a deep understanding of the chosen quote or viewpoint. This quote typically embodies a philosophical or thematic idea that serves as a foundation for analyzing the selected literary works. Students should dissect the quote, exploring its nuances, underlying meanings, and potential applications to literature.

STEP 2 - Select Appropriate Literary Works

Once the sources are comprehended, the next step is to select two literary works that can be effectively analyzed through this framework. Choosing appropriate texts is crucial, as they should offer rich content and thematic depth, allowing for a comprehensive exploration. Students must consider how the texts align with and diverge from the central ideas presented in the quote.

STEP 3 - Interpret the Chosen Texts

With the literary works in hand, students embark on a close reading and analysis of the selected texts. This involves identifying key themes, characters, literary devices, and narrative elements within each work. The goal is to understand how each text relates to the material and to uncover the deeper meanings encapsulated in the literature.

STEP 4 - Write a Thesis Statement for Your Critical Lens Essay

The thesis statement is the compass guiding the entire document. It should succinctly capture the composer’s interpretation of the original source and how it applies to the chosen texts. A well-crafted thesis statement not only outlines the focus of the essay but also provides a roadmap for the subsequent analysis, showcasing the author’s unique perspective.

STEP 5 - Structure the Essay Effectively

The final step involves organizing the tract into a coherent and persuasive structure. A well-structured article typically includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. In the introduction, students present their interpretation, introduce the chosen texts, and offer a clear thesis statement. Body paragraphs delve into specific aspects of lenses and their application to each text, supported by relevant evidence and analysis. The conclusion synthesizes the key findings, reinforces the thesis, and leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

A successful article requires a meticulous approach to interpreting the quote, selecting appropriate literary works, closely analyzing the texts, crafting a robust thesis statement, and structuring the document effectively. By following these five key steps, students can develop a well-rounded and insightful article that not only demonstrates their understanding of literature but also showcases their ability to apply analytical thinking skills to literary analysis. Should you find the process challenging, simply contact us and say, ‘ Write an essay for me ,’ so we can find you a perfect writer for the job.

Critical Lens Essay Outline

Creating a comprehensive lens essay outline is an essential preparatory step that helps students organize their thoughts and ensures a well-structured effort. Below is a suggested outline, dividing the task into logical sections:


  • Hook: Begin with a captivating hook or quote to engage the reader.
  • Quote: Introduce the chosen quote, providing context and potential interpretations.
  • Interpretation: Offer your initial interpretation and its implications.
  • Thesis Statement: Clearly state your thesis, outlining how the document applies to the chosen literary works.

Body Paragraphs:

Paragraph 1: First Literary Work

  • Brief Overview: Provide a concise summary of the first literary work.
  • Connection to Critical Lens: Analyze how it applies to this text.
  • Evidence: Incorporate relevant quotes or examples from the text to support your analysis.
  • Interpretation: Discuss the deeper meanings revealed through the analysis.

Paragraph 2: Second Literary Work

  • Brief Overview: Summarize the second literary work.
  • Connection to Critical Lens: Examine how it is reflected in this text.
  • Evidence: Include specific quotes or instances from the text to bolster your analysis.
  • Interpretation: Explore the profound implications illuminated by the material.

Paragraph 3: Comparative Analysis

  • Common Themes: Identify shared themes or patterns between the two works.
  • Differences: Highlight key differences and divergent interpretations.
  • Unity: Emphasize how both work collectively to reinforce the analysis.
  • Counterargument.


  • Recapitulation: Summarize the main points discussed in the body paragraphs.
  • Thesis Restatement: Reiterate your thesis in a compelling manner.
  • Concluding Thoughts: Offer final reflections on the broader implications of your analysis.

By adhering to this outline, students can systematically approach their essays, ensuring a coherent and well-supported exploration of the chosen perspective and literary works. The outline serves as a roadmap, guiding the author through each essential element and facilitating a more organized and impactful final product. You will also benefit from learning how to write a character analysis essay because this guide also offers a lot of useful tips.

rules of critical lens essay


The introduction plays a pivotal role in capturing the reader's attention and establishing the foundation for the ensuing analysis. Begin with a compelling hook or a thought-provoking quote that relates to the chosen perspective. Following the hook, introduce the quote itself, providing the necessary context and initial interpretations. This is also the space to present the thesis statement, succinctly outlining how the outlook applies to the literary works under examination. The thesis should offer a roadmap for the reader, indicating the key themes or ideas that will be explored in the body paragraphs.

The main body paragraphs constitute the heart of the article, where the essayist delves into a detailed analysis of the chosen literary works through the framework provided. Each body paragraph should focus on a specific literary work, providing a brief overview, connecting it to the perspective, presenting evidence from the text, and offering interpretations. Use clear topic sentences to guide the reader through each paragraph's main idea. Strive for a balance between summarizing the text and analyzing how it aligns with the outlook. If applicable, include a comparative analysis paragraph that explores common themes or differences between the two works. This section requires a careful integration of textual evidence and insightful commentary. Keep in mind that learning the ins and outs of a literary analysis essay might also help you improve your overall written skills, so check it out, too!

The conclusion serves as a synthesis of the analysis, offering a concise recapitulation of the main points explored in the body paragraphs. Begin by summarizing the key findings and interpretations, reinforcing how each literary work aligns with the work’s angle. Restate the thesis in a conclusive manner, emphasizing the overarching themes that have emerged from the analysis. Beyond a mere recap, the conclusion should provide broader insights into the implications of the outlook, encouraging readers to contemplate the universal truths or societal reflections brought to light. A strong conclusion leaves a lasting impression, prompting reflection on the interconnectedness of literature and the perspectives that illuminate its depth.

Critical Lens Essay Example

Final Remark 

Through the exploration of literary works, students not only refine their understanding of diverse perspectives but also develop essential analytical thinking skills. The ability to decipher, analyze, and articulate the underlying themes and conflicts within literature positions students as adept communicators and thinkers.

Armed with the skills cultivated in dissecting and interpreting texts, students gain a formidable ally in the pursuit of effective communication. By committing to harnessing the insights gained through this assignment, students empower themselves to produce richer, more nuanced pieces. 

critical lens example essay

How to Write a Thesis Statement for Your Critical Lens Essay?

How does using a critical lens essay help writers, what are the best critical lens essay examples.

critical lens example essay

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Writing a “Lens” Essay

This handout provides suggestions for writing papers or responses that ask you to analyze a text through the lens of a critical or theoretical secondary source.

Generally, the lens should reveal something about the original or “target” text that may not be otherwise apparent. Alternatively, your analysis may call the validity of the arguments of the lens piece into question, extend the arguments of the lens text, or provoke some other reevaluation of the two texts. Either way, you will be generating a critical “dialogue between texts.”

Reading the Texts

Since you will eventually want to hone in on points of commonality and discord between the two texts, the order and manner in which you read them is crucial.

First, read the lens text to identify the author’s core arguments and vocabulary. Since theoretical or critical texts tend to be dense and complex, it may be helpful to develop an outline of the author’s primary points. According the to Brandeis Writing Program Handbook, a valuable lens essay will “grapple with central ideas” of the lens text, rather than dealing with isolated quotes that may or may not be indicative of the author’s argument as a whole. As such, it’s important to make sure you truly understand and can articulate the author’s main points before proceeding to the target text.

Next, quickly read the target text to develop a general idea of its content. Then, ask yourself: Where do I see general points of agreement or disagreement between the two texts? Which of the lens text’s main arguments could be applied to the target text? It may be easier to focus on one or two of the lens text’s central arguments. 

With these ideas in mind, go back and read the target text carefully, through the theoretical lens, asking yourself the following questions: What are the main components of the lens text and what are their complementary parts in the target text? How can I apply the lens author’s theoretical vocabulary or logic to instances in the target text? Are there instances where the lens text’s arguments don’t or can’t apply? Why is this? It is helpful to keep a careful, written record of page numbers, quotes, and your thoughts and reactions as you read.

Since this type of paper deals with a complex synthesis of multiple sources, it is especially important to have a clear plan of action before you begin writing. It may help to group quotes or events by subject matter, by theme, or by whether they support, contradict, or otherwise modify the arguments in the lens text. Hopefully, common themes, ideas, and arguments will begin to emerge and you can start drafting!

Writing the Introduction and Thesis

As your paper concerns the complex interactions between multiple texts, it is important to explain what you will be doing the introduction. Make sure to clearly introduce the lens text and its specific arguments you will be employing or evaluating. Then introduce the target text and its specific themes or events you will be addressing in your analysis. 

These introductions of texts and themes should lead into some kind of thesis statement. Though there are no set guidelines or conventions for what this thesis should look like, make sure it states the points of interaction you will be discussing, and explains what your critical or theoretical analysis of the target text reveals about the texts.

Writing the Body

The body is where you apply specific arguments from the lens text to specific quotes or instances in the target text. In each case, make sure to discuss what the lens text reveals about the target text (or vice versa). Use the lens text’s vocabulary and logical framework to examine the target text, but make sure to be clear about where ideas in the paper are coming from (the lens text, the target text, your own interpretation etc.) so the reader doesn’t become confused.

By engaging in this type of analysis, you are “entering an academic conversation” and inserting your own ideas. As this is certainly easier said than done, Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein’s concept of “Templates” may prove useful. In their book, They Say, I Say, the authors lay out numerous templates to help writers engage in unfamiliar forms of critical academic discourse. They encourage students to use the templates in any capacity they find useful, be it filling them in verbatim, modifying and extending them, or using them as an analytical entry point, then discarding them completely.

Here I modify their basic template (They say ________. I say ________.), to create lens essay-specific templates to help you get started:

The author of the lens text lays out a helpful framework for understanding instances of ________ in the target text. Indeed, in the target text, one sees ________, which could be considered an example of ________ by the lens author’s definition. Therefore, we see a point of commonality concerning ________. This similarity reveals ________.

According to the lens text _______ tends to occur in situations where _______. By the lens author’s definition, ________ in the target text could be considered an instance of _______. However, this parallel is imperfect because _______. As such, we become aware of ________.

One sees ________ in the target text, which calls the lens author’s argument that ________ into question because ________.

If the author of the lens text is correct that ________, one would expect to see ________ in the target text. However, ________ actually takes place, revealing a critical point of disagreement. This discord suggests that ________. This issue is important because ________.

Wrapping Things up and Drawing Conclusions

By this point in your essay, you should be drawing conclusions regarding what your lens analysis reveals about the texts in questions, or the broader issues the texts address. Make sure to explain why these discoveries are important for the discipline in which you are writing. In other words, what was the point of carrying out your analysis in the first place? Happy lens writing!

Brandeis UWS Writing Handbook, 70.

UWS Handbook, 76.

Birkenstein, Cathy and Gerald Graff, They Say, I Say. (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2007), 2-3.

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Lens essay overview.

Note: this handout is available for download in  PDF format and as an MS Word  DOCX that instuctors can customize.

Close Reading

While lens essays consist of more than close reading, they can’t function without it! In fact, in lens analysis you will perform two different, but related, forms of close reading:

  • Primary text – Observing tone, diction, characters, plot, style, structure, themes, etc.
  • Lens text – Identifying key terms, argument’s structure, how it uses evidence, etc.

In the lens essay, you will draw connections between your observations about textual details and a larger claim about the text as a whole (like you did with your close reading paper), but the lens will restrict your vision to ideas relevant to the lens.

Engagement with a Scholarly Text

Lens argumentation helps you build skills necessary to research writing, including:

  • Engaging critically with a school of thought or critical theory
  • Constructing a conversation between two or more different texts

How to Read a Lens Text

  • Read using a pen, pencil, or highlighter to mark up the text.
  • Annotate: write down questions and comments; note key terms and important passages.
  • Use a dictionary to look up unfamiliar words.
  • Read slowly and carefully, sentence by sentence, and re-read as often as necessary.
  • Identify the topic of each paragraph and how the paragraphs relate to one another. Consider drawing up a reverse outline – your own outline of the written text.
  • Distinguish between the voice of the lens author and the voice of the evidence the lens text analyzes.
  • Don’t sweat it if you don’t understand every single nuance!

Types of Lens Theses

  • Lens reveals something in the primary text that you would not recognize without the lens.
  • Primary text reveals something in the lens that you would not recognize without the primary text.
  • Lens text builds on the ideas of the primary text.
  • Primary text builds on the ideas of the lens.
  • Primary text is an example of the lens’s ideas in a specific, different, or unexpected way that clarifies the theory of the lens
  • Lens text is revelatory but cannot account for everything in the primary text.
  • Primary text is revelatory but cannot account for everything in the lens.
  • Primary text changes, advances, extends, redirects (etc.) the theory of the lens.
  • Lens text theorizes the scenario of the primary text, which requires understanding.
  • Lens text misunderstands a specific element of the primary text
  • Primary text misunderstands a specific element of the lens text
  • Locate inconsistencies in the text
  • Look for value and agreements
  • Put the two texts into conversation
  • Pay a lot of attention to both texts
  • Understand and summarize the heart of the lens text
  • Attend to what interests you
  • Develop a reading that would not be possible without putting the lens texts together
  • Dismiss the lens text altogether
  • Fall in love with the lens text
  • Compare and contrast
  • Focus on just one text
  • Treat a peripheral part of the lens like it is the central idea ...
  • ... Nor should you feel the need to account for every aspect of a complex lens text.
  • Forget that you are writing from the perspective of the lens or forget to address the text by quoting and paraphrasing
  • Develop a reading that would be determined by just one text alone

Example: Introduction From a Successful Lens Essay

For the United States, and especially in New York, the middle of the 19th century meant an increase in immigration, which lead to a more diverse society and a huge rise in the population of cities. Consequently, a belief that prostitution was growing became widespread throughout society. Though prostitution was not officially illegal and most public officials tolerated the practice, many were still very opposed to the idea and thought prostitution was a shameful line of work. Moreover, prostitutes, especially those who were less affluent, could still get into trouble for disorderly conduct. In 1836, Helen Jewett, a somewhat “high-class” prostitute who worked in a brothel owned by Rosina Townsend, was found dead in her room. A frequent visitor to the brothel, Richard P. Robinson, alias Frank Rivers, was suspected of the murder and put on trial. From the beginning, the Jewett murder trial was well publicized and quickly became a contested issue throughout the area. However, when communications theorist Robert Hariman’s theories of “social knowledge” and “performance” are applied to the Jewett case, it becomes clear that the trial was not really about reaching a verdict, but rather about dramatizing, emotionalizing and over sexualizing the women of the brothel in a performance that addressed various societal assumptions about prostitutes and the female gender in general. The discrepancy between how female characters were portrayed throughout the Robinson trial reveals the inconsistencies in how women were perceived and treated within mid-nineteenth century society, a social tension that stemmed from multiple, competing ideas of gender.

Credit: Brandeis University Writing Center, 2020

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Critical lens essay

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A critical lens essay is an analysis of a quote or statement in relation to a piece of literature or topic. It should evaluate its validity and provide evidence to support your interpretation.

By reading this article, the student will find the answers on most of the questions related to the critical lens essay, but if it seems insufficient, make an order at StudyCrumb delivering academic writing services to get the fastest and most quality help online!

What Is a Critical Lens Essay?

The initial question, which comes to mind of any student who faces such type of academic assignment sounds like, “ What is a critical lens essay? ” As literary elements are an integral part of any critical lens essay, it is important to define it as well to understand how to write a critical lens essay. Literary elements refer to the means a writer applies to describe/evolve characters. There are several things left to identify before moving to the sections that contain the detailed description of the critical lens essay structure.

  • Conflict A struggle between the rivals (Person versus Person or another object/phenomenon).
  • Figurative language Special literary devices aimed to compare & contrast or relate distinct stuff (metaphor, allegory, hyperbole, etc.)
  • Flashback An episode created to explain an event happening in the present by recalling the past event(s).
  • Foreshadowing A writer’s usage of tips to give the cue on the events that might take place later in the story.
  • Imagery A special language an author implements to express a visual image/provide a sensory experience by playing with 5 senses of human being.
  • Irony A conflict between the expected things and what takes place in reality (often used to describe funny moments or show someone’s stupidity).
  • Plot The range of events occurring in the particular work of literature.
  • Setting The specific period of time & location described in the plot.

The final 3 elements include symbolism (anything that reflects something), theme (the main message of the story), and tone (the way an author perceives his own story). It is time to go under the hood of this academic assignment by taking a look at how to write a critical lens essay step-by-step.

How to Write a Critical Lens Essay: Basic Principles

If you do not know the structure of the given type of academic assignment, you don’t know how to write a critical lens essay. Some of the United States high schools have it as the regular homework task. In most cases, those schools that are affiliated with the New York State Regents Exam offer a critical lens essay to their students. The whole essay is based on a single quote from a specific literary work. A student has no right to copy-paste the quotation, so it is recommended to rewrite this sentence or few. Try to memorize more rule associated with a critical lens essay writing:

  • Never use a 1st person (“I,” “we”) – switch to the third-person voice while writing.
  • Specify the quote’s author, title of literary work, and year of publishing.
  • No hook sentence is needed – a literary quote would be enough.
  • Provide personal interpretation of the chosen critical lens essay quote – it will be the thesis statement!

How to Write a Critical Lens Essay Step by Step

The goal of this type of academic assignment is to research the chosen literary quote. A student must talk about the original sources from which the quote was retrieved. Come up with personal critical analysis and explanation. This way, high school & college teachers assess the student's ability to read & analyze things plus writing, research, formatting, and analytical skills. The final grade is based on all of these factors.

Critical Lens Essay Outline

The main purpose is to get ready with an outline. A student should follow this roadmap not to get lost during the process of writing:

  • Introduction
  • Literary work #1
  • Literary element #1
  • Literary element #2

A student can make it the five paragraph essay by adding one more paragraph to the body if he wants. A couple of body paragraphs is okay.

Introduction: Impress the Reader

An introduction of such essay has an unusual structure because it has to begin with a literary quote while in case of other academic assignments a student may choose which type of hook to include and whether he needs it. Example:

“We can never give up longing and wishing while we are thoroughly alive. There are certain things we feel to be beautiful and good, and we must hunger after them.” George Eliot The Mill on the Floss, 1860

A student can start by writing, “George Eliot once said…” (paraphrase). The next thing a student should do is to interpret the chosen quote. The offered quotation means people should never stop trying to achieve something greater even if they think they have everything in this life. It calls for further self-development. Then, the author of the essay should take some time to decide whether he/she supports the offered saying or no, and provide a transition to the following part. It might be enough to write, “I agree with the given statement as humans are meant to develop all the time.” Should this type of essay contain a thesis statement? Of course! Keep in mind that both (title of the analyzed piece 1) by (writer’s name) and ( the title of the analyzed piece 2) by (writer’s name) stick to the opinion that a human being must develop and learn something new throughout the life.

Body Paragraphs

Start with the topic sentence number 1. It should look like, “The story written by (author’s name) titled (name of a literary work) states that (example: it is better to erase some moments from person’s memory.” Transition statement is what comes after. The author may implement another literary element. Example: “One of the methods the author involves to prove his/her particular opinion is by (specific literary element discussed above). Everything left to do is:

  • Identify literary element
  • Relate the lens & literary element
  • Provide a conclusion!

Here we go with a critical essay example of the body paragraph!

“The discussed piece of literature shows that to get something people truly want, they should give up everything they have by the specific moment of life. One of the methods to prove it is via the theme. It is a primary message the author wants to deliver in his work.”

Critical Lens Essay Conclusion

Once the student explained the chosen literary quote in the shape of a couple of sentences in each body paragraph, he should move to the conclusion. Make a summary of the body paragraphs to emphasize you stand. An interpretation must be clear & concise. Start writing an essay’s conclusion by rewriting the selected quote; begin summarizing the examples you used to cite throughout the essay. Repeat the full name of the writer and other contributors. Point out some evidence collected from the primary sources to motivate the target readers to start thinking about your topic by going on with the independent research.

Professional Notice: “Talk about the specific conditions that can change the author’s point of view. The mission is to come up with the general enclosing sentence, which will leave a strong, positive impact on the reader along with the intrigue and desire to learn more on the discussed topic. That is what teachers call a stellar outro!”

Critical Lens Essay Format: How Does It Look?

Is critical lens essay format somehow different from the typical essay’s format? The structure is different from, let’s say, argumentative/persuasive paper, but the format is everywhere the same if we speak about the established writings styles. They include MLA, APA, Chicago style paper , and rarer formats. The formatting elements include:

  • Margins, fonts, page numbers, etc
  • Direct/Indirect text citations
  • References.

Excellent Critical Lens Essay Example

We are smoothly moving to the closing section of the article. It contains a critical lens example essay & topic ideas. Anne Frank is a great author – let her work be our example!


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Daniel Howard is an Essay Writing guru. He helps students create essays that will strike a chord with the readers.

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"Everyone's a critic," or so the saying goes. When it comes to writing a critical lens essay, it's true that you get the chance to view wisdom and literature through a critical lens. The thesis statement is the center point of any essay, so crafting a strong example takes work. Take your inspiration from the format of the critical lens essay introduction, making sure to revise the wording to make your statement as convincing as possible.

Critical Lens Essay

A critical lens essay is a type of literary analysis paper. In this case, you start with a quotation, which you view through a "critical lens." This viewing involves restating the quotation in your own words, thus interpreting it. You take a position in this paper by stating whether you agree or disagree with the quotation as interpreted. The majority of the essay consists of elements from literature, usually two works, that support your position on the legitimacy of the quotation.

Elements of the Thesis Statement

The thesis statement, the final sentence of the introduction, consists of one sentence only. This statement includes the title, author and genre of the works of literature you are using to support your position. The thesis statement also includes literary elements, like characterization or theme, from the pieces that help support your position. Altogether the thesis statement connects the works to the quote. For example, you write, "In the drama, 'Othello,' by William Shakespeare, the development of the characters and the treatment of the themes shows how literature mirrors life."

Writing Process

The process for writing the introduction informs how you write your thesis statement. Start by recopying the given quotation and interpreting it. Decide whether you agree or disagree with the quotation as interpreted. Next, think about why you agree or not, brainstorming literary works that support your position. Consider which elements of the piece support your opinion. For instance, if the quotation suggests problems, consider the conflict and resolution of literary works. The interpretation and your agreement or disagreement serve as the foundation of your thesis statement.

Strengthening the Thesis Statement

Because thesis statements contain a lot of information, you should revise it to avoid awkward wording. Since your agreement sentence comes directly before, you can start the thesis statement with, "The truth of this statement is shown by" then list the literary works and elements. The phrase "The truth of" serves as a transition between the agreement sentence and your thesis, but it leads you to write in the passive. An active statement is more decisive: "The conflict in the novel 'The Old Man in the Sea' shows the truth of the quotation." The certainty of this statement sets the stage for supporting your position.

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How to Write a Powerful “Lens” Essay: Step-by-Step Guide

How to Write a Powerful “Lens” Essay: Step-by-Step Guide

Writing an essay lets you dive deep into a topic, exploring its various facets and presenting your own unique perspective. Whether you are an excellent writer or just starting out, the lens essay is a valuable tool to develop your critical thinking skills and showcase your ability to analyze and interpret different sources.

The lens essay follows a specific structure and set of principles, where you critically analyze a single quote, book, or article and use it as a lens through which to view and interpret other texts or stories. While other essays may focus on making arguments or providing information, the lens essay requires you to take a stance and show how the quote or text you are using as a lens helps you understand a particular topic or issue.

The body paragraphs of your lens essay should include several original and well-researched examples that support your main thesis statement. Each paragraph should present a different example or piece of evidence, while also drawing connections back to the quote or text that serves as the lens. It is necessary to include critical analysis and explain how each example fits into the overall argument of your essay.

Critical Lens Remarks

When writing a critical lens essay, it is important to be aware of the various services and support available to students. Many college writing centers offer assistance with essay writing, and there are numerous online resources that provide tips and templates for structuring your essay.

To make your essay more analytical and impressive, it is necessary to include the following elements:

2. Body Paragraphs: In the body of your essay, make sure to identify the literary works you will be discussing and express your own interpretation of the quote. Use examples from the texts to support your claims.

When making critical lens remarks, it is important to be aware of the major principles of this type of essay. A critical lens essay goes beyond summarizing the plot or main ideas of a work; it requires you to analyze the literary elements and techniques used by the authors to convey their message.

One of the most common mistakes that students make when writing a critical lens essay is not being able to connect the quote to the works they are discussing. It is important to clearly identify whether the quote supports or contradicts the chosen works.

Furthermore, using too many quotes from the works without enough of your own analysis can weaken your argument. It is important to express your own thoughts and ideas about the topic, rather than relying solely on the words of others.

Writing a Thesis Statement

The thesis statement should be strong and concise, and it should clearly state the writer’s main argument or point of view. It should also provide enough support for the claims made throughout the essay. To write an excellent thesis statement for a lens essay, writers can follow these tips:

1. Understand the lens: Before writing the thesis statement, it is important to have a clear understanding of the lens through which the essay will be analyzed. This lens can be a specific theme, a literary theory, or any other analytical framework.

2. Analyze the texts: Take the time to analyze the literary works that will be discussed in the essay. Look for common elements, themes, or characters that can be used to support the thesis statement.

3. Be original: A strong thesis statement should be original and unique. Avoid generic statements that can apply to any topic or works. Instead, focus on expressing a specific argument or interpretation that is supported by the lens.

4. Use quotes wisely: Incorporate quotes from the works being analyzed to support the thesis statement. However, make sure the quotes are relevant and add value to the overall argument. Avoid using long quotes that may overshadow your own analysis.

5. Provide examples: Instead of just stating the main points, provide examples or evidence from the works to further support the thesis statement. This will make the argument more convincing and engaging for the reader.

6. Follow a clear structure: The thesis statement should be placed at the end of the first paragraph, as it serves as a roadmap for the rest of the essay. The following paragraphs should be well-organized and each should focus on a specific aspect or point related to the thesis statement.

7. Use templates: If you are struggling to write a thesis statement, consider using templates or guidelines provided by your teachers or academic resources. These can help you format your statement in a clear and effective way.

By following these principles, writers can create a powerful thesis statement that impresses readers and sets the tone for an analytical and exciting lens essay. Remember to take enough time to read and understand the works and analyze them in the context of the lens. With practice, writing a strong thesis statement will become second nature, allowing you to express your thoughts and insights confidently in your college essays and academic works.

Clear Presentation of the Topic

Another important element of a clear presentation is the thesis statement. This is a single sentence that expresses the writer’s stance or argument. It should be concise and to the point, letting the reader know exactly what the essay will be about.

Furthermore, it is necessary to support the thesis statement with three main points. These points should be supported by evidence and examples from the text or texts being analyzed. The writer should think about what they want to say about the topic and then find quotes or passages that support their ideas.

Moreover, the writer should make use of transitions to help guide the reader from one point to the next. This can be done with transitional words or phrases, such as “furthermore” or “on the other hand.”

Express Your Stance

When it comes to expressing your stance in a “lens” essay, it is crucial to have a strong thesis statement that clearly states your position. This statement should provide a clear and concise overview of the main argument you will be making in your essay.

When expressing your stance, it is helpful to think about the main elements of the “critical lens” topic and how they relate to each other. This will assist you in making a well-researched and well-structured argument.

Furthermore, as a writer, you may find it helpful to provide some remarks on the topic itself and its popularity among students and teachers. By doing so, you can demonstrate your understanding of the subject matter and show that you have done enough research on the topic.

In order to express your stance clearly and effectively, it is necessary to use clear and concise language. Avoid using vague or uncertain words that may confuse the reader. Instead, use strong and confident words to make your position clear.

By following these guidelines and expressing your stance clearly and confidently, you can impress your readers and make your essay more impactful. Remember, the more clear and persuasive your stance is, the more likely your essay will be successful.

What is a lens essay?

A lens essay is an essay that examines a particular text or piece of literature through the lens of a specific theory or school of thought.

What is the purpose of a lens essay?

The purpose of a lens essay is to analyze and interpret a text by using a specific theoretical framework or perspective.

How do you choose a lens for your essay?

To choose a lens for your essay, you should first identify the main themes or ideas of the text and then select a theory or perspective that provides a unique and insightful way of understanding those themes.

What are some common lenses or theories used in lens essays?

Some common lenses or theories used in lens essays include feminism, Marxism, psychoanalysis, postcolonialism, and structuralism.

What are the steps to writing a powerful lens essay?

The steps to writing a powerful lens essay include reading and understanding the text, selecting a lens or theoretical framework, conducting research on the lens, analyzing the text through the lens, and developing a strong thesis statement and supporting arguments.

What is a “Lens” essay?

A “Lens” essay is a type of literary analysis essay where the writer presents a text or work of art through the perspective of a particular lens or viewpoint.

Alex Koliada, PhD

By Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for studying aging, genetics, and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics. His scientific research has been published in the most reputable international magazines. Alex holds a BA in English and Comparative Literature from the University of Southern California , and a TEFL certification from The Boston Language Institute.

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What Is a Critical Lens Essay?

A critical lens essay is a form of narrative essay containing five paragraphs covering a certain opinion of a direct quote. The standard five-paragraph format includes an introduction, three supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion. Each of the paragraphs examines critically the main point presented by the writer. Paragraphs in the critical lens essay are extremely structured and must adhere to certain guidelines in order to be written correctly.

In the first sentence of the introduction paragraph, the writer of the essay takes a direct quote from one of the pieces of literature and copies it. Then, the writer reinterprets that quote using original words and thoughts which are directly related. In the third sentence of the introduction, the writer states either agreement or disagreement with the opinion and gives reasons for support. The writer states which two literary works will be examined throughout the remainder of the essay.

The second and third paragraphs follow a different format as the introduction, but are written in the same way. The first sentence includes a literary element taken from one of the books, such as theme, characterization or the setting, and proves the point. Next, the writer shows how that point was proven and follows up with one more supporting sentence. The last sentence in the paragraph summarizes the thoughts presented.

In a critical lens essay, the fourth paragraph is based on the writer’s personal experiences. The paragraph should be written using the standard four- sentence structure . It either proves or disproves the point of view presented in the preceding two paragraphs.

After all ideas are presented using the outlined format, the writer concludes the essay by restating the original quote in the first sentence. The next sentence is a summary of why the quote is true or false followed by a prediction about future events in the next sentence. The individual should use another quote from one of the chosen works to further support the writer’s ideas to tie up the critical lens essay.

These types of essays are written for a variety of reasons. One reason is to sway the reader's point of view on a particular famous quote or to offer fresh insight into the meaning of the quote. In addition to that, the critical lens essay is assigned to assess the student’s skills in reading, writing and critical thinking . They are used to narrow the scope of a specific piece of literature.



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What is a Critical Lens?

Critical literary lenses.

A Critical Literary Lens influences how you look at a work. One way to think about critical lenses is the concept of putting on a pair of glasses; the glasses affect how you view your surroundings. The lens you choose is essentially a new way to focus on the work and is a great tool for analyzing works from different viewpoints. There are many approaches, but here are five common ones.


A formalist critic examines the form of the work as a whole; how each individual part of the text (the individual scenes and chapters), the characters, the settings, the tone, the point of view, the diction, and all other elements of the text  join together to make it a single text. 

After analyzing each part, the critic then describes how they work together to give meaning (theme) to the text.  This approach examines a text as a self-contained object; it does not, therefore, concern itself with biographical information about the author, historical events outside of the story, or literary allusions, mythological patterns, or psychoanalytical traits of the characters.

Questions to ask:

  • What is the setting of the work? What is the basic tone througout?

How is the work’s structure unified? How is the way a story or novel is put together influence the way we read it?

How do various elements of the work reinforce its meaning?

  • What recurring patterns (repeated or related words, images, etc.) can you find? What is the effect of  these patterns or motifs?
  • How does repetition reinforce the theme(s)?
  • How does the writer’s diction reveal or reflect the work’s meaning?

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Formalism/New Criticism

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Biographical :, a biographical approach takes the stance that the author and their history are important to the meaning of a text .  these critics look at when and where the text was written, and try to understand the social, political or cultural influence of the time period and its effect on the author.  they research the author’s life and times  and relate that information to the work.  biographical theory suggests that the work is a reflection of the author’s experience or feelings..

  • In what ways does the book reflect the experiences or feelings of the author and the time that he or she lived in
  • What is the background of the author? How does this affect their world-view? What role does this world-view have in the text?
  • How might characters in the book reflect the lives of real people who lived during the time period or events in the book? How are their perspectives represented or examined in the book?

Biographical Criticism

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Historical lens, historical:.

A Historical lens analyzes a work in its historical context. This lens seeks to understand the time period, social and political context of the time, and how the events of the time affect the author and the characters of the text.

  • What time period was the work written, and what time period is the literary work taking place in? Is there a connection?
  • Were major historical events taking place? What were they? How does the text reflect this?
  • Are the characters a product of their time? 
  • Are any of the characters a voice for change? What message is the author trying to convey through them?

New Historicism, Cultural Studies

  • Tim O'Brien's "Bad" Vietnam War: The Things They Carried & Its Historical Perspective
  • Decades Later, a Family of ‘Boat People’ Find Their Rescuers


​​​​​​ feminist/gender:.

This lens xamines how gender roles and/or sexuality are characterized in the work. This approach is not limited to issues involving women.  

  • What is the author's gender identification? How do they connect with the text?
  • Are there traditional gender roles? Do characters follow these roles? How would they view a character that did not follow traditional roles?
  • Are women minor characters in the text or do they take on a prominent role? What roles do they have? Does it relate back to the gender of the author?
  • How does the author define gender roles?
  • What role does society/culture play in gender roles/sexuality within the text?
  • Would an LGBTQIA character be accepted in the text? Why or why not?

Feminist Criticism

Gender Studies and Queer Theory



Based originally on the theories of Freud, the psychological lens looks at how a character's behaviors are influenced by their unconscious thoughts and fears. When using this criticism focus on the subconscious and how it affects and influences the conscious mind. Often, this theory is applied to the author and what the text is telling us about their psychology; however, it can be applied to characters as well.

  • What does the text reveal about the author? What message is the author trying to relay? 
  • What attitudes appear in the text? How do they change or progress through the piece?
  • What kinds of family dynamics are happening in the work? 
  • Perhaps a character shows signs of mental repression, what events have influenced this? How does it affect their daily life? How does it affect relationships with family and/or friends?

Psychoanalytic Criticism

  • Soldiers, Psychiatrists, and Combat Trauma


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How to Write a Critical Lens Essay

how to write a critical lens essay

In many situations, students face the provocation of efficiently devising a critical lens paper. This type of essay represents one of the most common assignments for both high school and university students. A lot of students are puzzled by this task and end up writing a regular essay instead of a critical lens one, which is a pretty serious error. This is why it is essential to be aware of the dissimilarities between ordinary essays and critical lens essays, which is precisely what we want to teach you in this article.

General Information About Critical Lens Essays

Critical lens essays represent a type of paper demanded by a large number of American educational institutions. When you face the task of writing a critical lens essay, you are given a quote, and you are required to convey your individual perspective regarding it. You can either express your agreement or your disagreement with that specific quote. Regardless of whether or not you embrace the statement, you need to offer motivations regarding your personal viewpoint. When drafting a critical lens essay, you need to carry out a rigorous investigation of the quote, while taking into consideration the specific context of the publication from which the statement was extracted. The primary target of this type of paper is to evaluate your analytical thinking abilities. If you want to come up with an efficient critical lens essay, you need to read, comprehend, assess and examine the entirety of the topics that pertain to the context.

When drafting a regular critical lens essay, the primary phase involves creating a proper outline. The outline represents a general picture of the whole paper, presented succinctly. During this step, you need to determine the format of your paper. When writing this type of essay , you need to be enthusiastic enough to reply to the primary topics approached by the particular quote. In case the given fragment entails more than a single topic, you’ll be required to approach every single topic separately. This way, you’ll make sure you address all of the topics in a holistic manner.

The Structure of a Critical Lens Essay

When devising a critical lens essay, you need to attempt to accomplish three different targets, namely clarification, assessment, and interpretation. To ensure that the thoughts you wish to convey have an adequate flow and unity, you need to ponder on your opinions and devise a strategy attentively. Before commencing the writing process itself, you need to undertake a couple of preliminary phases. For example, you need to detect the elements used in literature, such as symbols, vocabulary, topics or style.

First of all, the process of writing a critical lens essay involves offering a response to the perspective presented in the given quote. Afterwards, you ought to attempt to give a justification for that viewpoint using your own words. As expected, this type of paper needs to comprise an introduction, a body as well as a conclusion. The conclusion must summarize the entirety of the topics approached in the body paragraphs of your paper.

The Format of a Critical Lens Essay

The primary phase of the process of drafting a critical lens essay is devising the introduction. Here you need to specify the given quote in particular. In doing so, you are also required to indicate the essay writer as well as the book that contains the quote. For example, the opening phrase of your essay could look like this: “As revealed by Johnson, other individuals define our personality.” In other words, you should mention the quote at the beginning of your introductory statement. After that, you need to reword or paraphrase the quote. In doing so, you are required to acknowledge and interpret its significance. This way, you’ll be able to convey the message of the quote while using your own words. When dealing with a critical lens essay, you ought to avoid using the first person. The best way to go about it is to use the third person.

Once you’ve finished the introduction, you need to take care of the body of the essay. To begin with, you need to reiterate the explanation you’ve offered in the introduction. The use of literary concepts is encouraged. The next phase involves an additional interpretation of the notions of literature. This step has the purpose of making a correlation between your perspective and the context. Here you may also summarize the intrigue of the book that includes the quote. Your target is to make sure that the discussion doesn’t stray from the context.

The Conclusion of a Critical Lens Essay

Last, but not least, you need to devise a conclusion for your essay. Here you are required to summarize the entirety of the issues you’ve approached in the paper. Moreover, you must reiterate your personal perspective and indicate the proof that substantiates it. Make sure you reread the essay requirements before completing this phase.

Popular Critical Lens Essay Topics

  • The writer’s hidden message is more important than the visible one.
  • The fight between good and evil is present in any book.
  • We become better people by prevailing over challenges.
  • The primary purpose of literature is to make opposition.
  • We can see better when surrounded by darkness.
  • Other individuals define our personality.
  • Our courage is calculated based on our obedience to ourselves.
  • In books, characters are defined by feelings instead of rationality.
  • A fascinating tale in one town may be regarded as ludicrous in a different place.
  • Books have the purpose of stirring up our hidden emotions.

How To Write A Good Conclusion Paragraph

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Critical Lens Essay Example for English Regents

Critical Lens Essay Example for English Regents

A critical lens essay is a type of essay aimed at providing a personal interpretation and analysis of a certain quotation or statement, proving one’s opinion with the help of literature references. Though it contains a word “critical” in its name, it is not meant to be a critical piece. As a matter of fact, a critical lens essay is focused on highlighting strong and weak points of a given quote. Thus, the word “critical” stands for the demonstration of critical thinking skills of the author by means of supporting his claim with certain arguments taken from literary works. Linking one’s opinion to reputable sources makes a convincing effect on the reader, proving your ideas to be true.

How is a critical lens essay used?

Writing such type of essay appears to be quite a challenging assignment for students. First, while studying at high school, college, or university, one has to obtain and develop such essential skills as critical and analytical thinking; ability to compare facts, theses, quotes, and ideas, make one’s own statements and prove them, draw right conclusions. Second, a profound research on the given topic should be done, as it determines the further direction of your writing. Finally, a student needs to have an excellent command of grammar, spelling, and punctuation in order to express his/her thoughts clearly and academically correctly.

Thus, critical lens essays are perfect opportunities for professors to check students’ skills and abilities. No wonder this specific type of essay is often one of the tasks on the Regents, a New York State set of exams required for graduation. For this reason, one should know how to write a critical lens essay at the high academic level, because it reflects the general level of education of a student. Hence, the student is evaluated accordingly.

What is a critical lens essay format?

Typically, a critical lens essay follows a standard essay format pattern. Therefore, it consists of five paragraphs, including introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion, so it should not be long like a research paper . In order to develop the critical analysis, a student has to use examples from two literature pieces, each one discussed in a separate paragraph. The book titles need to be underlined and capitalized, written in accordance with the capitalization and punctuation rules. As for the language and general tone of writing, it should be objective, without revealing any of the author’s personal beliefs. All the claims need to be referred to reputable literature sources that would support the author’s thesis and present the evidence of its validation. In order for the tone to sound objective, one should avoid using personal pronouns, for example, “I”, “me”, “my”, “you”, “your”, “we”, “our”. On the contrary, it is recommended to replace them with third person pronouns or general words like “people”, “readers”, “audience”.

Tips to make a critical lens essay outline

As it was mentioned above, a critical lens essay template coincides with the fixed classic essay pattern.


The first part of an essay is the introduction. This is the first thing that makes an impression upon the reader. So, the intro part should be captivating enough to get the reader really interested in what you have to say. The introduction starts with the quote, which is not just an ordinary sentence from the text, but a significant statement that holds considerable value. It should be universally acknowledged and meaningful; the author’s name should also be provided.

After introducing the quote, a writer has to interpret it in one sentence using his/her own words. Such an interpretation is called the thesis. It plays a role of the foundation of the entire essay, which makes it a crucial part of the paper. Therefore, a key to a high-quality critical lens essay is arranging the thesis in a wise and profound way, as it presents the criteria for the further analysis.

Having provided the thesis, the writer needs to support or refute it. Though, the decision whether to agree or disagree is based not on his personal opinion, but on two literature references related to the quote. Connecting the essay with relevant references affirms the objective approach. The titles and authors of the chosen literature works have to be underlined. The intro part ends with adding a few words about the chosen reference texts topics.

Body Paragraphs

There should be two body paragraphs introducing two literature works mentioned in the introduction. The writer needs to use the references as the means for supporting his thesis. Both topic and concluding sentences demonstrate and prove the connection between the reference examples and the thesis. There should not be any summarizing; just highlighting and analysis of the main points of both literary texts explaining their relevance to the core statement. Moreover, there is no need to retell the plot of the chosen texts. On the contrary, the writing should be laconic, but clear. To convey the arguments in the most appropriate way, some literary elements from the reference texts should be chosen, such as the following:

  • Characterization (direct or indirect way to describe the character);
  • Conflict (opposition of the ideas, forces, views);
  • Figurative language (metaphor, simile, hyperbole, alliteration, personification);
  • Flashback (describing the past event that is necessary to know at present);
  • Foreshadowing (hints on the events to come);
  • Setting (describing time and place of action);
  • Symbolism (representing something through another thing);
  • Theme (main idea, message of the text);
  • Tone (author’s attitude towards the audience or subject).

The last essay part summarizes the arguments and proves the initial thesis right or wrong. The quote and the thesis should be restated here, but the thesis has to be rephrased, not taken from the intro part word by word. If the essay is written in a right manner, then the conclusion would follow in the most logical way and the readers would totally agree to it. While body paragraphs persuade the reader of the correctness of the thesis, the conclusion just states the fact: the thesis is true and it is absolutely confirmed. So, the reader is satisfied, though intrigued to investigate the topic more.

How to choose the right quote?

This is not an easy task to do. The quote determines the quality of the essay, depending on whether it’s relevant or not. Below there is a list of possible quotes that are approved to be used for critical lens essays as they are widely applied at the English Regents.

English Regents critical lens quotes list:

  • “Courage is never to let your actions be influenced by your fears” (Arthur Koestler);
  • “Individuality is freedom lived” (John Dos Passos);
  • “Obedience is the mother of success and is wedded to safety” (Aeschylus);
  • “Nobody can acquire honor by doing what is wrong” (Thomas Jefferson);
  • “Do what you can, with what you have, and where you are” (Theodore Roosevelt);
  • “Price is what you pay. Value is what you get” (Warren Buffet);
  • “Some books leave us free and some books make us free” (Ralph Waldo Emerson);
  • “The final forming of a person’s character lies in their own hands” (Anne Frank);
  • “Prejudice is the child of ignorance” (William Hazlitt);
  • “If there is no struggle, there is no progress” (Frederick Douglas);
  • “It is impossible to go through life without trust” (Graham Green);
  • “Fear is simply the consequence of every lie” (Fyodor Dostoevsky);
  • “No two persons regard the world in exactly the same way” (J. W. von Goethe);
  • “We pay a price for everything we get or take in this world” (L. M. Montgomery);
  • “Men are at the mercy of events and cannot control them” (Herodotus);
  • “Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it” (Helen Keller);
  • “Divide each difficulty into as many parts as is feasible and necessary to resolve it” (Rene Descartes);
  • “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened” (Dr. Seuss);
  • “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough” (Mae West);
  • “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on” (Robert Frost);
  • “Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results” (Albert Einstein);
  • “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans” (John Lennon);
  • “It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not” (André Gide);
  • “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving” (Albert Einstein);
  • “The real hero is always a hero by mistake” (Umberto Eco);
  • “It is the human lot to try and fail” (David Mamet);
  • “You must take life the way it comes at you and make the best of it” (Yann Martel);
  • “The human heart has ever dreamed of a fairer world than the one it knows” (Carleton Noyes);
  • “To gain that which is worth having, it may be necessary to lose everything else” (Bernadette Devlin);
  • “All that is literature seeks to communicate power” (Thomas De Quincey);
  • “It is not what an author says, but what he or she whispers, that is important” (Logan Pearsall Smith);
  • “What lasts is what is written. We look to literature to find the essence of an age” (Peter Brodie);
  • “Good people are good because they’ve come to wisdom through failure” (William Saroyan);
  • “All literature is protest. You can’t name a single literary work that isn’t protest” (Richard Wright);
  • “The bravest of individuals is the one who obeys his or her conscience” (J. F. Clarke);
  • “We do not read novels for improvement or instruction” (Oliver Wendell Holmes);
  • “In a dark time, the eye begins to see” (Theodore Roethke);
  • “A person is a person through other persons” (Archbishop Desmond Tutu);
  • The right good book is always a book of travel; it is about a life’s journey” (H.M. Tomlinson).

The quotations listed above serve as appropriate examples of the NYS English Regents critical lens essay quotes. Thus, they might be widely used during the preparation for the Regents or any other type of exam where a critical lens essay is one of the tasks.

How to write a critical lens essay step by step?

Below there are detailed steps that may serve as an instruction for writing this type of essay. Each step will be followed by the relevant part of a critical lens essay example to make the guideline even more clear.

Step 1. Choose a meaningful quote and introduce it, indicating its author. Add a few sentences before it to get the readers involved and let them follow the logical flow of your thoughts.

Step 2. Interpret the quote, rewrite it using your own words. That would be your thesis.

Step 3 . Agree or disagree with the thesis.

Step 4. Introduce two literary references that prove your thesis. Express in a few words how they support the thesis.

Step 5. Start writing the first body paragraph focusing on the first literary reference mentioned in the intro part. Choose the literary element, through which the text and thesis would be connected. Prove that the text example supports the quote.

Step 6 . Do the same thing focusing on the other literary work while writing the second body paragraph.

Step 7. Summarize everything you have written. State the quote and thesis again, the latter should be rephrased, though. The conclusion has to prove the coherence between the thesis and arguments written above.

Below there is a sample of a critical lens essay that may be referred to during the preparation for the English Regents.

Critical lens essay example for English Regents

Human life is a constant alternating between success and failure. Today one may enjoy the abundance of money and opportunities, while tomorrow may bring something totally different. Theodore Roosevelt once said, “Do what you can, with what you have, and where you are.” One’s duty in life is to do one’s best, strive to survive and get moving using all the skills and resources available, regardless of the circumstances. Life indeed often forces people to keep trying even in the most unfavorable conditions and teaches that doing this is the only key to win. Both Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe and Love of Life by Jack London support the idea that all the problems can be solved if the person is well motivated and wise enough to direct all the efforts and chances towards one’s goal.

The novel Robinson Crusoe illustrates a strong will of an ordinary man who faced unpredictable circumstances after a shipwreck. He has lost everything and everyone just in a moment. The fate left him alone on the desert island in total despair. Daniel Defoe uses the direct method of characterization showing main hero’s desire to survive. He was not expecting such a fatal failure. Robinson got a tremendous challenge that let him acknowledge himself as a miserable creature but also created perfect conditions for self-discovery. On the unknown out-of-the-way patch of the Earth, he found himself completely helpless and alone in his struggle for life. Nevertheless, Crusoe realized the real value of human life and gathered all the possible means he could ever find on the island, which combined with his brilliant intellect and willpower saved him afterwards. The story is narrated in the form of his own diary, which pictures the hero in the most veritable way. He kept trying over and over again while building his refuge place, acquiring hunting and farming skills. The long twenty-eight years way through failures to victory taught him that the main thing in life is the ability to pull oneself together when there seems like nothing can be done. Robinson proved that it is not the setting and opportunities that matter, but a strong goal-oriented approach to the problem.

Love of Life demonstrates another example of overcoming hardships in life. Gold seekers are lost in the White Desert. While one of them leaves his comrade in trouble, he succeeded to survive. Through the tone of the novel, it is evident that Jack London supports his hero picturing him as a symbol of a victorious will power. Physical exhaustion, freezing cold of the White Desert, pain from the betrayal of the only friend, fear of loneliness, hunger, which is not eased with the miserable stuff that cannot even be called food. Moreover, he suffers from the pain in legs, being severely injured. Torturing body ache is combined with the despair of useless attempts to gain food and unbearable exhaustion, which leads to hallucinations. Yet, in spite of all he has encountered, despite being frightened and despaired, the man found enough courage not to give up but went on with a great passion for life, which helped him during struggles with a bear and a wolf. His irresistible desire to live, tranquility, and patience is what removed the fear and saved him from death. The hero was doing what he could: he was able to walk, he walked; he could only crawl, he crawled; he was obliged to fight with wild animals, so he did. As long as there were those primitive means for survival, no matter how adverse the setting, the man continued his difficult path and, finally, he succeeded.

All things considered, it seems sensible to assume that in order to lead the life to the full and survive despite all the troubles, one needs to use each little thing around, notwithstanding the limits. The core of success is human mind and will that dominates over poor conditions, situations that seem to be impossible, fears, and desperate obstacles. Thus, the saying “Do what you can, with what you have, and where you are” serves as the right motto for the general life philosophy.

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critical lens example essay

Who will Trump pick as his running mate? In 2024, the ‘Veepstakes’ are higher than usual

critical lens example essay

Adjunct Senior Fellow, School of Global, Urban and Social Studies, RMIT University

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Emma Shortis is Senior Researcher in International and Security Affairs at the Australia Institute, an independent think tank.

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Being second in line for leadership of the most powerful country in the world is not an easy job. But for Mike Pence, vice president under Donald Trump, things were even harder than usual.

As insurrectionists descended on the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, they had a specific target in mind – the outgoing vice president. They built a wooden gallows, and called out for him by name: “Hang Mike Pence! Hang Mike Pence!”

As the extensive congressional hearings into the insurrection later documented, the threats were not hollow. One informant told FBI investigators that “if given the chance”, certain far-right insurrectionists would have tried to kill him. Pence escaped with his life, but only just .

The insurrectionists, as a federal investigation alleges, were drawn to the Capitol by Trump, who had just lost the 2020 election to Joe Biden. They were after Trump’s VP because, as one later claimed, he had “ betrayed ” Trump by not refusing to certify the election results.

The job of vice president of the United States is not a normal one at the best of times. The person chosen to run alongside Trump in this year’s election will no doubt be keeping Pence’s experience in mind. It will likely be someone who can convincingly pledge undying loyalty to Trump. The former president – and his supporters – will expect nothing less.

Speculation over who that person might be is heating up, and Trump, as usual, is relishing drawing out the process in order to gain as much attention as possible. So, who – and how – will he choose?

Mike Pence, with Trump behind him.

Making race a priority

A vice presidential candidate is usually chosen based on a political calculation. For instance, the running mate can be seen to offset a presidential nominee’s weaknesses (be they real or perceived).

The relatively young northerner John F. Kennedy, for example, chose the much more politically experienced southerner, Lyndon B. Johnson. Barack Obama, running to be the first Black president, similarly chose the older and more experienced – and reassuringly white – Biden.

In his first run, Trump settled on Pence to offset his perceived weakness with evangelical voters – a critical mobilising base to any Republican candidate.

Read more: Why 'wokeness' has become the latest battlefront for white conservatives in America

Viewed through this lens, the commonly accepted wisdom is that Trump has both a race and a woman problem, and that he should choose a VP candidate who can address at least one of those concerns.

In the first category, the leading candidates appear to be two men who ran against Trump for this year’s nomination – Tim Scott and Vivek Ramaswamy.

Scott – a South Carolinian that Bloomberg has dubbed “Trump’s New Black Best Friend” – is the only Black Republican in the Senate. He has certainly indicated he is keen for the job, professing his love for Trump and recently announcing his engagement (being single is generally regarded as a political liability ).

During the Republican campaign for the presidential nomination, Ramaswamy had presented himself as the newer, shinier Trump. In one memorable moment in the debates, he was first to raise his hand when the candidates were asked who would still support Trump if he is convicted of a crime. Ramaswamy also quickly endorsed Trump when he dropped out.

Trump would no doubt be pleased with such public professions of loyalty. But there is no indication Trump considers race to be a problem for his candidacy – in fact, quite the opposite.

Trump has been leaning in to increasingly extreme racist rhetoric. If he thought race mattered to his chances, he would likely be behaving differently. Trump’s political rise began with his racist “birther” conspiracies about Obama. It is not a stretch to suggest many of his supporters would baulk at a ticket that wasn’t entirely white.

Why a conservative woman might make sense

In the second category, the accepted wisdom is that Trump’s “ woman problem ” is a direct result of the signature achievement of his administration: the appointment of three conservative justices to the Supreme Court, which subsequently led to the overturning of Roe v Wade.

As Biden put it recently , candidates underestimate the political and electoral power of women at their peril.

Among the leading women Republican VP candidates are Elise Stefanik, a congresswoman from New York, and Kristi Noem, the governor of South Dakota.

The fact both are considered leading candidates reveals the political calculations behind Trump’s possible selection. While Trump has flip-flopped on abortion restrictions himself, both Stefanik and Noem have extremely conservative positions on reproductive rights.

And given what we know about Trump’s views on women, it seems likely his judgement would be almost entirely aesthetic. There is a very specific political reason why Noem has grown out her hair and gotten new teeth.

Congresswomen Marjorie Taylor Green is often added to this list, but may have slimmer chances. While she literally wears her Trump loyalty on her head , she attracts a lot of attention. And Trump does not much like to share the spotlight.

It’s also entirely possible Trump will go with a wildcard candidate. He is increasingly resentful of what we could loosely characterise as “establishment” political advice designed to curb his worst instincts. His campaign is now almost entirely based on a desire for revenge and retribution against the people he believes held him back.

There has never been a reason to believe Trump will follow conventional political wisdom.

The stakes are higher than usual

Given the cult of personality that has developed around Trump, some argue his choice of running mate is unlikely to shift many votes. As a result, it doesn’t actually matter all that much.

Other keen watchers of American politics, though, argue the opposite. Given the advanced ages of both Trump and Biden, the VP pick is more important than usual, not least because of the higher-than-normal chance this person could be elevated to the Oval Office at some point.

Read more: Biden and Trump, though old, are both likely to survive to the end of the next president's term, demographers explain

In Trump’s case, some argue that if he wins, he will be a “lame duck” president from day one since it would be his second term in office. So, all eyes will be on his VP as the presumptive nominee for 2028.

This glosses over the very real questions about the continuity of constitutional law under a second Trump presidency, and ignores the noises Trump supporters are already making about trying to remove presidential term limits. It also assumes that, like Pence, Trump’s next VP would choose to put their own political future or American democracy above being an enthusiastic supporter of Trump’s authoritarianism. This is unlikely.

Like everything this time around, the stakes are higher than usual.

  • Donald Trump
  • Vice President
  • 2024 US presidential election
  • Vivek Ramaswamy

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    STEP 1 - Understand the Critical Lens Quote. The journey of crafting a compelling draft begins with a deep understanding of the chosen quote or viewpoint. This quote typically embodies a philosophical or thematic idea that serves as a foundation for analyzing the selected literary works. Students should dissect the quote, exploring its nuances ...

  2. PDF QC Writing Center Guide to Writing Critical Lens Essays

    Crafting a critical lens essay. 1) Understand the critical lens and what it is asking of you. Remember that a critical lens is a certain viewpoint that you should look through as you analyze your target text. 2) Analyze the piece of literature. The best thing is to reread it, if possible, with your critical lens in mind.

  3. How to Write a Critical Lens Essay Like a Critic

    To see the quotations and support some other students have chosen, check out these critical lens essay examples: The Miracle Worker and The Pearl Seen Through a Critical Lens; A Critical Lens Paper About the Novel Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom; A Critical Lens Paper About J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye and John Steinbeck's Of ...

  4. Writing a "Lens" Essay

    Writing a "Lens" Essay. This handout provides suggestions for writing papers or responses that ask you to analyze a text through the lens of a critical or theoretical secondary source. Generally, the lens should reveal something about the original or "target" text that may not be otherwise apparent. Alternatively, your analysis may call ...

  5. Critical Lens Essay Examples

    Directions: The critical lens is a formulaic essay that consists of 4-6 paragraphs and explores two works of literature and two literary elements from each work of literature. Use the format below to help you write your essay using Homer's epic poem The Odyssey and Richard Connell's short story "The Most Dangerous Game".

  6. Lens Essay Overview

    Engaging critically with a school of thought or critical theory; Constructing a conversation between two or more different texts; ... Primary text is an example of the lens's ideas in a specific, different, or unexpected way that clarifies the theory of the lens ... Introduction From a Successful Lens Essay. For the United States, and ...

  7. Critical Lens Essay: How to Explore a Quote Under the Loop

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  8. How to Write a Thesis Statement for a Critical Lens Essay

    When it comes to writing a critical lens essay, it's true that you get the chance to view wisdom and literature through a critical lens. The thesis statement is the center point of any essay, so crafting a strong example takes work. Take your inspiration from the format of the critical lens essay introduction, making sure to revise the wording ...

  9. How to Write a Powerful "Lens" Essay: Step-by-Step Guide

    2. Analyze the texts: Take the time to analyze the literary works that will be discussed in the essay. Look for common elements, themes, or characters that can be used to support the thesis statement. 3. Be original: A strong thesis statement should be original and unique.

  10. How to Write a Critical Lens Essay

    In order to have a well-developed critical lens essay your body should consist of at least three paragraphs. It is precisely in the body of the essay where you state what you have researched so far and drafted. In that part of the essay you must convince the audience that your interpretation of the quote is logical, reasonable and acceptable.

  11. How To Write A Critical Lens Essay

    Gain insight into the key components, such as the critical lens itself, and understand how to interpret and analyze quotes effectively. Our detailed explanations will demystify the process and set you on the path to crafting a well-structured essay. Section 2: Step-by-Step Writing Process: Navigating the intricacies of a critical lens essay can ...

  12. ️ Unpacking Critical Lens Essays: Practical Insights and Examples

    A critical lens essay is a type of academic writing that requires a student to analyze and interpret a piece of literature or a specific aspect of a literary work. This type of essay requires the writer to explore a particular quote or statement, often referred to as the "lens," and use it as a tool for analyzing the literary work.

  13. What Is a Critical Lens Essay?

    R. Stamm. Last Modified Date: January 22, 2024. A critical lens essay is a form of narrative essay containing five paragraphs covering a certain opinion of a direct quote. The standard five-paragraph format includes an introduction, three supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion. Each of the paragraphs examines critically the main point ...

  14. LibGuides: Critical Lenses & "The Things They Carried": Home

    One way to think about critical lenses is the concept of putting on a pair of glasses; the glasses affect how you view your surroundings. The lens you choose is essentially a new way to focus on the work and is a great tool for analyzing works from different viewpoints. There are many approaches, but here are five common ones.

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    ÐÏ à¡± á> þÿ 3 5 ...

  16. How to Write a Critical Lens Essay

    The primary phase of the process of drafting a critical lens essay is devising the introduction. Here you need to specify the given quote in particular. In doing so, you are also required to indicate the essay writer as well as the book that contains the quote. For example, the opening phrase of your essay could look like this: "As revealed ...

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  18. Critical Lens Essay Example for English Regents

    Each step will be followed by the relevant part of a critical lens essay example to make the guideline even more clear. Step 1. Choose a meaningful quote and introduce it, indicating its author. Add a few sentences before it to get the readers involved and let them follow the logical flow of your thoughts. Step 2.

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    In this essay, we will explore the concept of a Critical Lens Essay through various examples and delve into its significance in the study of literature and beyond. Defining the Critical Lens Essay. A Critical Lens Essay is a type of analytical essay that involves interpreting a piece of literature using a specific critical perspective or framework.

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    The Marxist critical lens came into vogue with the advent of the Marxist school of thought. Sometimes also called the socioeconomic lens, this focuses on how characters' wealth and social connections affects the work. Leon Trotsky's Literature and Revolution claims that "old literature and 'culture' were the expressions of the nobleman and the bureaucrat" and that "the proletariat has also to ...

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    Critical Lens Essay Example. This essay sample was donated by a student to help the academic community. Papers provided by EduBirdie writers usually outdo students' samples. "Creativity is presented in assigning to do a task; creativity must meet be of a quality of a kind and be unique in its 'novelty'.".

  22. Critical Lens Example Essay

    Directions: The critical lens is a formulaic essay that consists of 4-6 paragraphs and explores two works of literature and two literary elements from each work of literature. Use the format below to help you write your essay using Homer's epic poem The Odyssey and Richard Connell's short story "The Most Dangerous Game".

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  24. Who will Trump pick as his running mate? In 2024, the 'Veepstakes' are

    Mike Pence was deemed loyal to Trump - until he was not. Patrick Semansky/AP Making race a priority. A vice presidential candidate is usually chosen based on a political calculation.

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    Current Service Training and Response. Since 1999, the Coast Guard has had a robust critical incident stress response (CISR) program that includes both preincident training and postincident support. 4 As part of the CISR program, the Assistant Commandant for Human Resources (CG-1) staff, Coast Guard chaplains, and unit volunteers generate an effective critical incident stress management (CISM ...