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An English Essay on the Importance of Water for the Students

Without water there cannot be life on our planet, that is to say on earth. Because every living organism needs water, and therefore having a good understanding and care for the water is a must for all of us. Hence, students should write an essay discussing the importance of water in the English language.

Writing an essay on such a topic opens a series of good ideas in the mind of the students regarding the role that water plays in our lives, and it can also make the students aware of the importance of water.

Also, if you wish to write an English essay on the topic My aim in life you may find this link helpful My Aim in Life Essay in English for Students | Easy Essay on My Aim in Life (

Advantages of Writing an Essay on the Importance of Water.

Writing an essay on any topic helps the students be good writers, and the same goes for the topic of, Importance of water, but there are quite a few more advantages to writing the essay.

One of the most important things for everyone is to express oneself, and the practice of doing so must be given to the child from a very young age. And writing an essay helps the students in this very important thing.

For writing a good essay on any topic, the students must have a good understanding of the subject of the essay. And hence, writing an essay on the Importance of water, helps the students in learning about the value of water, not just our lives, which is to say humans, but the life of the whole planet.

In his famous play Hamlet Shakespeare writes, Brevity is the soul of wit, meaning being short or concise is very important in speech, or shortness of words is the essence of intelligence. The same rule applies in writing the essay, and doing as clear an understanding of the topic at hand is required as possible. And hence composing an essay on the importance of water helps the students understand the same.

One of the most important gifts that humans are blessed with is the gift of language, and this gift has to be used effectively. Writing an essay helps the students in learning the methods of using the language in such a manner that it makes everything clear to the reader. A good essay does not only touch the heart of the readers but it opens the mind of the reader, it can move them, that is to say, if a good essay is written on the importance of water it can make the readers aware about the same, and not just aware but also careful about using the water.

Water means Life. Water is a prime natural resource. It is a basic need for humans and a precious asset that living beings have. Water is equally vital for the survival of the plant and animal kingdoms. Soil needs water for sustaining plants. The water cycle is essential for ecological balance too. Though a big portion of the Earth is covered with water, only a small portion of it can be used for various human activities. So we need to be judicious and rational, regarding the usage of water.

Why is water important for our bodies?

Water is important for our body for the following reasons. 

 Above 70% of our body contains water so it is pivotal for the human race to survive. 

Water helps in regulating our body temperature. 

 Water helps in the digestion of solid food. 

It also keeps our skin healthy and hydrated. 

Water helps in excreting waste from our body through sweat, urination, and defecation. So replenishing the water in our body is essential to prevent dehydration.

Drinking water also helps in reducing calories and maintaining body weight because it can increase the rate of metabolism.

Water consumption lubricates the joints, spinal cord, and tissues.

Importance of Water

All living organisms, plants, animals, and human beings contain water. Almost 70% of our body is made up of water. Our body gets water from the liquids we drink and the food we eat. Nobody can survive without water for more than a week. All plants will die if they do not get water. This would lead to the death of all the animals that depend on plants for their food. So the existence of life would come to an end.

Role of Water In Life Processes

Water plays an important role in most of the life processes by acting as a solvent. The absorption of food in our body takes place in solution form with water as the solvent. Also, many waste products are excreted in the form of solutions through urine and perspiration. 

Water helps in regulating our body temperature. In hot weather, we drink a lot of water. This maintains our body temperature. Also, water evaporates from the surface of our body as sweat. This takes away heat and cools the body. 

Water is essential for plants to grow. Plants need water to prepare food. They also absorb dissolved nutrients from the soil through their roots. 

Aquatic plants and animals use the nutrients and oxygen dissolved in water for their survival. 

Uses of Water In Everyday Life

Water is used for drinking, washing, cooking, bathing, cleaning, in our day-to-day life.

It is used to generate electricity in hydroelectric power stations.

Water is used for irrigating fields and in the manufacture of various products. 

Other Uses of Water

Water serves as a means of transportation for goods and people.

It provides a medium for recreational sports such as swimming, boating, and water skiing. 

Water is also used to extinguish fires. 

Importance of Oceans

Oceans are of immense use to man. They are useful in many ways, directly and indirectly. They not only play a significant role in the climate of adjoining countries but also serve mankind in many ways. They are a storehouse of several resources. 

An ocean is a major source of water and forms a major part of the water cycle. Oceans contribute water vapor to the atmosphere and we get the same in the form of precipitation.

The oceans are the biggest storehouse of edible forms of marine food, fish being most important. In addition to food, sea animals provide other products like oil, glue, etc.

Oceans have enormous mineral and chemical wealth. A variety of dissolved salts like sodium chloride (common salt), magnesium chloride, and potassium chloride are found in plenty in the oceans.

Oil and gas are important fuels obtained from oceans.

Importance of Lakes and Rivers

Economic and industrial development

Water storage

Hydroelectric power generation

Agricultural purposes

Modern multipurpose dams

Source of food

Source of minerals

Tourist attractions and health resorts

Rivers provide fresh drinking water

Ports can be built on them as they form good natural harbors 

Major Concerns

Although our planet Earth is covered with 71% percent of water and 29% of the land, the fast-growing contamination of water is affecting both humans as well as marine life. The unequal distribution of water on the Earth and its increasing demand due to the increasing population is becoming a concern for all. 

Water pollution makes it difficult for marine animals to sustain themselves.

Covering over 71% of Earth’s surface, water is undoubtedly the most precious natural resource that exists on our planet. Without the seemingly invaluable compound comprising Hydrogen and Oxygen, life on Earth would be non-existent. 

We are slowly but harming our planet at a very alarming rate.

Characteristics of a Good Essay.

It must be brief: As pointed out earlier, a good essay must be short, and also to the point. So, if students are writing an essay on the importance of water it must only deal with the water, and anything which does not directly serve the purpose must be excluded.

Must cover the whole topic: Though it may seem a little contradicting to the first point, what is meant by covering the whole topic is that the maximum number of aspects dealing with the importance of water must be covered in this essay. For instance, water is important for all living organisms and not just humans, and so the same has to be covered in one or the other way in the essay on the importance of the water.

Must be to the point: The essay must remain true to the central idea of the topic, which is the importance of water in this case. Hence, almost all the sentences written in the essay must serve the main topic in one or another way. And also, writing should not be vague or ambiguous, or illogical.

Human beings should realize how important and precious water is. At the individual level, you can be more responsible and avoid wasting water so that our future generation can make the best use of this natural resource abundantly.


FAQs on Importance of water

1. Why is water important?

Water is important because it sustains all living organisms on Earth.

2. How is ocean water useful to Mankind?

Ocean water is useful to mankind in the following ways.

Oceans are a major source of water through the water cycle. 

Oceans have direct control over the climate.

Oceans are the biggest storehouse of marine food.

Oceans have enormous mineral and chemical wealth.

3. How is water important for our Body?

Water helps to carry nutrients and oxygen to each and every cell of our body. It helps in digestion. It keeps our skin healthy and hydrated. Water consumption lubricates the joints, spinal cord, and tissues.

4. What are the uses of water in our Daily Life?

Water is used for drinking, bathing, cooking, cleaning, and irrigation of crops and manufacturing various products.

5. Why should I use the essay provided by Vedantu on the Importance of water?

The essay that Vedantu provides on the topic of the Importance of water is prepared by expert teachers, for the students of the English language. And hence this essay can be used by the students as an outline or an example of the essay on the Importance of water, it does not necessarily mean that the students have to copy it completely, but it serves the purpose of guiding the students in attempting the essay. Furthermore, the essay is completely free for download for all the students and also it is available in a PDF file format.

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Essay on Water

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Here we have shared the Essay on Water in detail so you can use it in your exam or assignment of 150, 250, 400, 500, or 1000 words.

You can use this Essay on Water in any assignment or project whether you are in school (class 10th or 12th), college, or preparing for answer writing in competitive exams. 

Topics covered in this article.

Essay on Water in 150-250 words

Essay on water in 300-400 words, essay on water in 500-1000 words.

Water is a vital resource that sustains all forms of life on Earth. It covers about 70% of the planet’s surface, and its availability is essential for various human activities, ecosystems, and agriculture.

Water plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance of nature. It supports biodiversity, provides habitat for aquatic species, and ensures the survival of ecosystems. Additionally, water is essential for agriculture, enabling the growth of crops and the sustenance of livestock.

However, water scarcity and pollution have become significant challenges. Rapid population growth, industrialization, and climate change have put immense pressure on water resources. Many regions face water shortages, leading to social, economic, and environmental consequences.

Water pollution is another critical issue. Industrial discharge, agricultural runoff, and improper waste disposal contaminate water bodies, affecting both human health and aquatic life. It is crucial to implement sustainable water management practices, promote conservation efforts, and invest in water treatment infrastructure.

Education and awareness are key in fostering responsible water use. Individuals can contribute by conserving water, practicing efficient irrigation methods, and avoiding the contamination of water sources.

In conclusion, water is a precious resource that sustains life and ecosystems. The challenges of water scarcity and pollution require collective action to ensure its availability and quality. By implementing sustainable practices, promoting conservation, and raising awareness, we can protect and preserve this invaluable resource for future generations.

Water is a fundamental resource that is essential for all forms of life on Earth. It covers approximately 70% of the planet’s surface, playing a crucial role in supporting ecosystems, agriculture, and human activities.

Water is vital for the survival of living organisms and the maintenance of ecological balance. It provides habitat for a wide range of plants and animals, supporting biodiversity and contributing to the overall health of ecosystems. Water bodies, such as rivers, lakes, and oceans, serve as crucial habitats and breeding grounds for numerous species.

In agriculture, water is essential for crop irrigation and livestock sustenance. Farmers rely on water to nourish their crops and ensure food production. Additionally, water plays a critical role in the transport of nutrients within plants, enabling their growth and development.

Water is also crucial for human activities and economic development. It is used in households for drinking, cooking, and sanitation purposes. Industries depend on water for manufacturing processes, cooling systems, and energy production. Furthermore, water serves as a transportation medium for goods and people, facilitating trade and commerce.

However, the availability and quality of water face significant challenges. Rapid population growth, urbanization, and climate change exert pressure on water resources. Many regions around the world experience water scarcity, leading to social, economic, and environmental implications. The unequal distribution of water resources exacerbates these challenges, with some areas facing severe water shortages.

Water pollution is another pressing issue. Industrial discharge, agricultural runoff, and improper waste disposal contaminate water bodies, negatively impacting aquatic ecosystems and human health. Waterborne diseases and the degradation of aquatic habitats are direct consequences of water pollution.

Addressing these challenges requires sustainable water management practices. Conservation efforts, such as rainwater harvesting and efficient irrigation techniques, can help preserve water resources. Investment in water treatment infrastructure is crucial to ensure the provision of clean and safe drinking water to communities. Moreover, raising awareness about water conservation and pollution prevention is vital in fostering responsible water use among individuals and industries.

In conclusion, water is a precious resource that sustains life, ecosystems, and human activities. The challenges of water scarcity and pollution necessitate collective action and sustainable water management practices. By valuing water, implementing conservation measures, and raising awareness about responsible water use, we can ensure the availability and quality of water for future generations.

Title: Water – The Essence of Life

Introduction :

Water is the elixir of life, a precious resource that is vital for the existence of all living organisms on Earth. Covering about 70% of the planet’s surface, water is found in oceans, rivers, lakes, and underground reservoirs. It plays a fundamental role in sustaining ecosystems, supporting agriculture, meeting human needs, and shaping the landscape. This essay explores the significance of water, its diverse uses, the challenges it faces, and the importance of responsible water management for the well-being of our planet and future generations.

Importance of Water

Water is essential for the survival and well-being of all living organisms. It serves as a universal solvent, enabling chemical reactions that are crucial for life processes. Water is involved in cellular functions, temperature regulation, nutrient transportation, and waste removal in living systems. In addition to its biological importance, water also plays a critical role in maintaining ecological balance. It provides habitats for countless species, supports biodiversity, and influences the functioning of ecosystems.

Water for Agriculture

Agriculture is heavily dependent on water for crop cultivation and livestock sustenance. Irrigation systems deliver water to fields, ensuring the growth and productivity of crops. Water is essential for germination, photosynthesis, and the transport of nutrients within plants. Livestock farming relies on water for drinking, cleaning, and maintaining proper hygiene conditions. Adequate water supplies are essential for the health and well-being of both plants and animals in agriculture.

Water for Human Needs

Water plays a vital role in meeting various human needs. Access to clean and safe drinking water is crucial for maintaining human health and preventing waterborne diseases. Water is used for cooking, food preparation, and sanitation, ensuring proper nutrition and hygiene. Adequate sanitation facilities, including toilets and wastewater treatment systems, rely on water to prevent the spread of diseases and maintain public health. Moreover, water is used in industries for manufacturing processes, cooling systems, and energy production.

Challenges of Water Scarcity

Water scarcity is a pressing global challenge, particularly in regions facing population growth, urbanization, and climate change. Unequal distribution, overexploitation of water resources, and inefficient water management contribute to the scarcity of water. This scarcity can lead to social, economic, and environmental consequences. Reduced water availability hampers agricultural productivity, jeopardizes livelihoods, and triggers conflicts over water rights. Addressing water scarcity requires sustainable water management practices, water conservation efforts, and investments in water infrastructure.

Water Pollution and Conservation

Water pollution poses a significant threat to water resources and ecosystems. Industrial discharge, agricultural runoff, improper waste disposal, and the use of chemicals contaminate water bodies, compromising water quality. This pollution has detrimental effects on aquatic life, threatens biodiversity, and poses health risks to humans. Waterborne diseases, such as cholera and dysentery, are direct consequences of water pollution. To combat water pollution, stringent regulations must be implemented to control industrial and agricultural activities that contribute to pollution. Proper wastewater treatment systems and waste management practices are essential to preserve water quality.

Water conservation plays a pivotal role in ensuring sustainable water use. Rainwater harvesting, efficient irrigation techniques, and public awareness campaigns promote responsible water consumption. Governments, communities, and individuals must work together to reduce water wastage, encourage water reuse, and protect water sources from pollution.

Conclusion :

Water is a precious and finite resource that is vital for all forms of life on Earth. Its significance extends beyond meeting basic needs and supporting ecosystems; water plays a critical role in shaping our planet. The challenges of water scarcity and pollution necessitate collective action and responsible water management practices. By valuing water, promoting conservation efforts, and raising awareness about responsible water use, we can ensure the availability and quality of water for future generations. It is our collective responsibility to protect and preserve this invaluable resource, safeguarding the well-being of our planet and all its inhabitants.

English Compositions

Short Essay on Water [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

In this lesson today, I will discuss how exactly you can write short essays on the important topic ‘Water.’ There will be three sets of essays in this following session, each within different word limits. 

Feature image of Short Essay on Water

Short Essay on Water in 100 Words

Every living being on the earth needs some basic things for its survival. It includes food, water, shelter, and money as well for humans. Water is by far the principal need of living beings. About two-third part of the earth is covered with water.

Water is available in several forms on earth. Some amount is frozen in glaciers, while the larger amount of water is salty. Fresh water on earth is very little. We need water for every purpose. Drinking, cooking, bathing, washing are the basic needs, while water is also used by bigger industries to run their machines. Water is an important source of electricity. So, being the most valuable resource water must never be wasted.

Short Essay on Water in 200 Words

Water is the most significant resource among everything that humans and animals can receive. Water helps a living being to live for longer days, even when food is scarce. It is one of the most beautiful gifts of nature. Water has enormous benefits and is the life of the earth. Its medicinal properties cure several ailments in our bodies. Without it, we cannot imagine living a second on earth. The world will be a huge desert if the water on earth is destroyed.

Our earth is unique in its creation. About two-third part of it is covered with water, while the rest of it is land. If we take a deeper study, then a major part of the water is either frozen as glaciers or is present in the oceans as saltwater. The reserve of fresh water on earth is a limited amount. It can exhaust at any moment. Hence we must spend water wisely. We need water for drinking, bathing, washing clothes and utensils, cooking, cultivating, etc.

Big industries require lots of water to run their machines. Today due to the scarcity of coal, hydroelectricity is the new way of generating electrical power. This process requires huge amounts of water. In several ways, water is our saviour. It is the beauty of nature as a wonderful waterfall or a stream, and also the help to a thirsty person.

Short Essay on Water in 400 Words

Water is the basic strength behind all life forces on earth. It is the necessity of every life and is the biggest shelter for us to survive. If there is no water suddenly on earth, then it will only be a lifeless planet filled with dust and stone.

The green earth will become a long stretch of a desert without this component. Water forms about two-thirds of the earth, while only one-third is given for the land. Yet how much greater the amount of water on earth be, the availability of fresh water on earth is the minimum.

A large amount of water is left unused. It is either frozen as glaciers or is present as salty ocean water. This water cannot be applied for regular usage. So we must understand the wise utilization of water. It is a scanty but most important resource. So only its proper utilization can make it sufficient.

Water is the source of all activities in our lives. From the olden days, human beings have always tried to live near water bodies. Because those places are fertile for cultivation. A vast desert-like Egypt also survives because of the river Nile. The Ganges in India is not only a water body but one of the most sacred rivers in the world. The most important use of water is in agriculture.

Every plant needs it to grow. If crops do not receive adequate water, then they will be stunted. We use water for drinking, cooking, bathing, washing. A living body needs lots of water intake. Insufficient water intake can result in lots of ailments. Water is beneficial for this medical property. Besides these, all industries need water for producing electricity and running the turbines. Water is the potential of civilization. A civilization operates because of the availability of water

But at present, we are observing the pollution of water bodies. It is dangerous for all living beings to survive if all water sources are contaminated. Polluted water is a threat to the earth. Households, industries, insufficient cleanliness, lack of awareness, all are enough to increase pollution in several degrees. With increased consumption of water, it is being equally polluted. Thus many aquatic plants and animals, humans, other land animals are regularly dying after intaking the dirty water.

This is harming our ecosystem. So we must preserve freshwater. It is important and is available in little amount. Clean water can exhaust at any moment. It is our duty even to preserve the rainwater and use it. Every drop of water means life. A correct utility of it is the best way.

So, that was all about writing short essays on Water. In this session above, I have adopted a simplistic approach to writing all these essays for a better understanding of all kinds of students. You can let me know your queries by commenting down below. If you want to read more such lessons on various important topics regarding English composition, keep browsing our website. Thank you. 

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Essay on Water in English (500+ Words)

Water is a fundamental and essential component of life. It is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, and transparent liquid, and it covers over 70 percent of the Earth’s surface. It is a vital resource that is necessary for the survival of all living organisms, including humans, animals, and plants. Water is not only a basic necessity for life but is also essential for agriculture, transportation, industry, and recreation.

Water has several unique properties that make it an important substance. For example, water is a universal solvent, meaning it can dissolve many different types of substances, including salt, sugar, and minerals. This property allows water to carry essential nutrients and minerals to living organisms. Water is also an excellent coolant and has a high heat capacity, making it an ideal substance for regulating body temperature.

Water exists in three different states: solid (ice), liquid (water), and gas (water vapor). It is the only substance that can exist in all three states naturally. This unique property of water is significant as it allows for the natural cycling of water, which is crucial for the survival of all living organisms.

One of the most significant uses of water is for drinking and human consumption. Access to clean drinking water is a basic human right, and unfortunately, many people around the world do not have access to safe drinking water. Waterborne diseases are a significant cause of illness and death in many developing countries, and access to clean drinking water is essential for reducing the spread of these diseases. It is crucial that we work to ensure that everyone has access to safe and clean drinking water.

Agriculture is another significant use of water. Water is necessary for the growth of crops, and without it, agricultural production would be impossible. Irrigation is the process of artificially providing water to crops, and it is essential for maintaining agricultural production in areas with low rainfall. However, improper irrigation practices can lead to soil erosion, waterlogging, and salinization, which can be detrimental to the environment.

The industrial sector is another significant user of water. Water is used in a variety of industrial processes, including manufacturing, power generation, and mining. In many cases, water is used as a coolant or a solvent in these processes. However, industrial activities can also lead to water pollution, which can have severe environmental consequences.

Water transportation is another important use of water. Rivers, lakes, and oceans are used for transporting goods and people all around the world. Water transportation is particularly important for trade, as it allows for the movement of goods between countries and continents.

Recreation is another important use of water. Many people enjoy swimming, fishing, boating, and other water-related activities. Water recreation is not only enjoyable but can also be beneficial for mental and physical health. However, it is important to be aware of the potential dangers of water recreation, such as drowning, and take appropriate safety measures.

Despite the many benefits of water, it is also a significant source of environmental problems. Water pollution is one of the most significant environmental issues facing the world today. Human activities such as industrialization, urbanization, and agriculture have all contributed to the pollution of water sources. Water pollution can have severe environmental consequences, such as the destruction of aquatic ecosystems, loss of biodiversity, and the spread of waterborne diseases.

Climate change is also affecting the availability and quality of water resources. Rising global temperatures are leading to changes in precipitation patterns, which are affecting the availability of water in many regions. Climate change is also leading to sea level rise, which is causing saltwater intrusion into freshwater sources in coastal areas.

Importance of Water

  • Essential for life: Water is essential for all forms of life on Earth. Without water, humans, animals, and plants cannot survive.
  • Drinking water: Access to clean and safe drinking water is crucial for human health. Lack of access to clean drinking water can lead to various waterborne diseases.
  • Agriculture: Water is essential for agriculture, which provides food for the world’s population. Agriculture accounts for the largest amount of water use globally.
  • Industry: Water is used in various industrial processes, such as manufacturing, mining, and energy production.
  • Climate regulation: Water plays a crucial role in regulating the Earth’s climate. Water bodies absorb and store heat, which helps to regulate temperature.
  • Transportation: Water transportation is an important mode of transportation for goods and people.
  • Recreation: Water bodies provide opportunities for recreational activities like swimming, fishing, and boating, which contribute to the tourism industry.

In conclusion, water is an essential component of life. It is a vital resource that is necessary for the survival of all living organisms, and it is also important for agriculture, transportation, industry, and recreation.

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The Importance of Water: The Vital Essence

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Words: 652 |

Published: Sep 7, 2023

Words: 652 | Page: 1 | 4 min read

Table of contents

Water and human health, environmental balance, agriculture and food security, industrial and economic significance, challenges of water scarcity and pollution, responsible water management.

Image of Alex Wood

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essay with water

Why is water important?

We're often told that we need to drink more water, but exactly why is water important?

why is water important

Why do we need to drink water?

What happens if you don’t drink enough water, what effect does water have on the body, drinking enough water.

If you’ve been pondering the question ‘why is water important?’ rest assured, you’re not alone. While it probably won’t come as a surprise to hear that everyone needs to drink water to survive, most of us invest in one of the best water bottles and commit to guzzling down our daily water intake without really understanding what makes water so vital.

There are quite a few things that make water necessary to the human body, from cellular functions, to aiding digestion, and even improving concentration and exercise performance. You’ve probably even heard the recommendation to drink a certain amount of water every day (usually about 8 glasses or so), but where does that number come from? And what happens if you don’t drink enough?

This article will tackle everything and anything you would need to know about why water is important, including why we need to drink water, what happens when we don’t get enough and the effect water has on our body. Let’s dive in!

Knowing how to stay hydrated with water is super important. Why? Well, largely because the human body is about 60% water and because we are continuously losing water through urine, sweat and even just breathing, we need to ensure we’re replacing that fluid so that our cells, tissues and organs can all function optimally.

Water is a solvent, which means that other substances can dissolve in it, which allows for their transportation between cells in the body. Substances like glucose (the body’s preferred fuel source) and amino acids (the building blocks of protein) dissolve very effectively in water, and use water as a carrier for them throughout the body. 

woman drinking from her water bottle

Water also carries vitamins and minerals to and from the cells, and is vital in removing waste products from individual cells, as shown by research in the Biochemical Journal . Further, water consumption ensures appropriate blood volume, viscosity, and circulation, which is vital for the proper function of all organs and tissues of the body, according to a paper in Nutrition Reviews .

Water is also vitally important for regulating body temperature. It has a great capacity to store heat, preventing large, rapid drops in internal temperature, and through sweating, water has arguably the most efficient avenue to lose heat when environmental temperature is higher than body temperature, as per an article in Military Medicine .

Finally, water is essential to form many bodily fluids: tears, saliva, sweat, urine, and blood, amongst others. Water is also a highly effective lubricant for joints helping to produce synovial fluid and cartilage, which help keep joints healthy through smooth movements. Water also helps with joint health by maintaining cells’ shapes, acting as a shock absorber during impacting activities like walking or running, which even protects the brain and spinal cord, according to a review article in Nature . 

Not drinking enough water can lead to dehydration very quickly, and it’s more common than we think. According to a 2020 paper in StatPearls , between 28% and 75% of adults in the US are dehydrated at any given moment. This is

attributed to a number of factors, notably overconsumption of caffeinated drinks like coffee and soft drinks, which a 2018 study in Nutrients lists as common replacements for water that act as a diuretic that cause the body to lose even more water. 

Even ‘mild’ dehydration (a loss of water corresponding to 1-2% of body weight) can lead to significant impairments in cognitive function, concentration, alertness, memory, physical performance, sport-specific skills, and physical endurance, according to research in Nutrition Reviews .

According to a study in the Journal of Applied Physiology , larger losses in water corresponding to 4% of body weight (which research still considers ‘mild’) can lead to poor cardiovascular function as blood plasma volume drops which causes an increase in heart rate and stroke volume (the amount of blood the heart perfuses per beat). Dehydration of this level can also cause decreases in skin blood flow and sweating, which leads to an increase in body temperature, which can complicate any heat-induced dehydration, as per another study from the Journal of Applied Physiology . 

As you may be able to tell, drinking water will have more or less the opposite effect to not drinking water, for all the reasons outlined earlier in the article. In an ideal world, we would all stay hydrated by drinking water regularly, and so we may never notice the effect that drinking water has because we’d never be dehydrated. However, we know that not to be the case. 

Given the host of cognitive problems that dehydration can have on the body, drinking water can often improve your ability to focus, concentrate, and retain information. A lot of people also ask the question ‘does drinking water help you to lose weight?’ and evidence suggests that it absolutely can. Not only that, it aids in digestion, due to its role in nutrient absorption, and creation of digestive fluids and enzymes like hydrochloric acid. Drinking water can also reduce joint pain or wear and tear, due to its role in joint cushioning and maintenance of synovial fluid and cartilage.

woman getting a glass of water from the tap

Clearly, drinking water is utterly vital for a whole host of reasons, and unfortunately, just drinking water when thirsty isn’t going to be enough. Thirst is only triggered when water losses correspond to 1-3% body weight, which is enough to lead to mental and physical impairments. Plus, the issue with only drinking when thirsty is that thirst can be quenched before proper hydration is achieved, according to Nature . 

The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine recommend drinking 92 fluid ounces (11.5 cups) per day for women, and 124 fluid ounces (15.5 cups) of water per day for men. However, many factors can affect how much water someone needs to drink: warmer environments increase sweating and water loss, drinking caffeinated drinks leads to a diuretic affect, and when exercising, sweat and respiration-induced water losses can reach 65 fluid ounces per hour according to a paper in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition .

It’s important to adjust your water intake appropriately to get all of its benefits, and avoid the potential downfalls of dehydration. If you’re keen to find new and novel ways to increase your water intake, check out our guide to how to drink more water.

HÄUSSINGER, D. (1996). The role of cellular hydration in the regulation of cell function. Biochemical Journal, 313(3), 697–710.

Jéquier, E., & Constant, F. (2009). Water as an essential nutrient: the physiological basis of hydration. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 64(2), 115–123.

José, G. A., Mora-Rodríguez, R., Below, P. R., & Coyle, E. F. (1997). Dehydration markedly impairs cardiovascular function in hyperthermic endurance athletes during exercise. Journal of Applied Physiology, 82(4), 1229–1236.

Montain, S. J., Latzka, W. A., & Sawka, M. N. (1999). Fluid Replacement Recommendations for Training in Hot Weather. Military Medicine, 164(7), 502–508.

Murray, B. (2007). Hydration and Physical Performance. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 26(sup5), 542S-548S.

Nishiyasu, T. S., Shi, X. G., Mack, G. W., & Nadel, E. R. (1991). Effect of hypovolemia on forearm vascular resistance control during exercise in the heat. Journal of Applied Physiology, 71(4), 1382–1386.

Reyes, C., & Cornelis, M. (2018). Caffeine in the Diet: Country-Level Consumption and Guidelines. Nutrients, 10(11), 1772.

Ritz, P., & Berrut, G. (2005). The Importance of Good Hydration for Day-to-Day Health. Nutrition Reviews, 63, S6–S13.

Water: How much should you drink every day? (2020, October 14). Mayo Clinic. Retrieved April 14, 2022, from

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Will McAuley

Will McAuley is a London-based Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach who’s writing has appeared in Men’s Fitness and GQ magazine, covering exercise, nutrition and health. He has a Master’s degree in Strength & Conditioning from Middlesex University in London, is a published scientific author in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Linguistics from Trinity College Dublin. 

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