Writing Beginner

How To Describe Night In Writing (100 Best Words + Examples)

As a writer, I know all too well the challenges that come with describing the essence of the night.

That’s why I’ve put together this guide to help you master the art of writing about the night.

Here is how to describe night in writing:

Describe night in writing by using vivid sensory details, metaphors, and character reactions to evoke the atmosphere, emotions, and complexities of the nocturnal world. Shift night imagery for unforgettable storytelling in different genres.

Keep reading to learn over 100 words and examples of how to describe night in writing.

Understanding the Intricacies of Nighttime Descriptions

Nighttime scene in the forest - How to describe night in writing

Table of Contents

When it comes to understanding nighttime descriptions, it’s essential to recognize the intricacies of night.

And to develop a keen eye for the subtle details that set it apart from the day.

As daylight gradually fades, elements like the absence of light, the emergence of shadows, and the contrast between sounds and silence become crucial for painting a vivid picture of the night.

Night has the unique ability to transform any setting into a canvas for significant character actions or revelations. It lends itself to engaging the senses and conjuring emotions that resonate with the human experience. To effectively capture the essence of night, a writer must skilfully navigate the intricacies of this complex landscape.

Different writing techniques for night scenes can bring to life the rich tapestry of the nocturnal world, fostering a connection with readers and inviting them to immerse themselves in the story.

Here are a few pointers to keep in mind:

  • Observe how objects and characters cast shadows under the moonlight, creating a play of light and darkness that can heighten the drama and atmosphere of a scene.
  • Consider the unique sounds of the night, such as the hoot of an owl, the rustle of leaves, or the whisper of the wind as it weaves through branches.
  • Pay attention to the interplay between the senses and the emotions of the night, with silence often evoking a profound sense of awe, mystery, or solitude.

Mastering the art of nighttime descriptions requires both an eye for detail and an understanding of its inherent metaphorical value.

By seamlessly weaving the literal and the metaphorical, a writer can craft a gripping night scene that transports readers into the heartbeat of the story’s world.

The Role of Atmosphere in Crafting Night Scenes

The atmosphere is pivotal in night scene descriptions, guiding the reader’s emotions and setting the narrative tone.

Vivid sensory experiences help in concocting an immersive atmosphere that is as tangible to the reader as the darkness itself.

In this section, we will explore the importance of sensory details and emotions in nighttime narratives, and how they intertwine with our inner thoughts, making night scenes richer and more engaging.

Setting the Tone with Sensory Details

Sensory details can capture the essence of a night scene, evoking the night’s quiet majesty.

They provide a backdrop for reflective moments and draw the reader into the story using the five senses. Consider some sensory details that you can use to bring your night scene to life:

  • Visual: The moon casting a soft, silver glow on a quiet street.
  • Auditory: The distant hoot of an owl or the haunting whisper of the wind.
  • Olfactory: The crisp, cool air carrying the faint scent of fresh blossoms.
  • Touch: The dampness of dew-covered grass beneath the character’s feet.
  • Taste: The character savoring a warm drink on a chilly night.

By including these sensory details, you can set the tone of your night scenes and create a vivid, atmospheric setting that envelops the reader.

Emotions and the Night: Reflecting Inner Thoughts

The interplay of emotions and nighttime is a powerful narrative device.

Night can mirror a character’s inner thoughts and serve as a metaphor for the turmoil, tranquility, or mystery they experience.

It is a period of contemplation, amplifying the character’s emotional state, whether it’s the euphoria of falling stars or the agitation of shadows that resemble past fears.

To harness the emotional power of night, consider these tips:

  • Align sensory impressions with the character’s psychological state. For example, the sharp coldness of the night could reflect their inner turmoil.
  • Contrast the night’s serenity with the character’s emotional upheaval, heightening the impact of their internal struggles.
  • Utilize the darkness as a catalyst for introspection, prompting the character to dig deeper into their thoughts and feelings.

Ultimately, by aligning sensory impressions with psychological states, night scenes become a medium to delve deeper into the corners of the character’s psyche.

Combine sensory details and emotions to create atmospheric night settings that resonate with readers.

Utilizing a Rich Vocabulary to Portray Night

Effectively portraying a night in writing relies heavily on a rich vocabulary.

The proper selection of descriptive words not only evokes different shades of night but also conveys various emotions and atmospheres. Whether describing the color of the sky or the feel of nocturnal air, careful word choice can transport readers into the night scene you create.

Incorporating a range of sensory words and varying degrees of specificity can enhance your nighttime descriptions.

For example, simple but potent words like  quiet  set the tone, while more specific color descriptors such as  crimson  or  azure  paint a distinct picture of the night in the reader’s mind.

Below is a table showcasing different words and phrases that can be used to portray various aspects of the night:

Tapping into this diverse vocabulary allows you to craft vivid and immersive night scenes.

Each word carries unique connotations that can resonate with the reader, enhancing their connection to the narrative.

When used effectively, these descriptive words for the night can transform your writing, painting a vibrant picture of the night and drawing readers further into your story.

30 Best Words to Describe Night in Writing

When it comes to describing night scenes in writing, the choice of words plays a crucial role in painting a vivid picture.

Here are 30 of the best words to help you capture the essence of the night:

  • Star-studded

30 Best Phrases to Describe Night in Writing

Crafting a captivating night scene often involves using descriptive phrases that evoke the atmosphere and emotions of the nocturnal world.

Here are 30 of the best phrases to help you master the art of describing night in writing:

  • “The moon cast a soft, silver glow.”
  • “Stars adorned the velvety sky.”
  • “Shadows danced in the moonlight.”
  • “The night was cloaked in mystery.”
  • “A serene, moonlit meadow stretched before us.”
  • “The darkness whispered secrets.”
  • “Nocturnal creatures stirred in the silence.”
  • “The night sky was a canvas of stars.”
  • “Moonbeams kissed the earth.”
  • “The night held its breath.”
  • “Darkness enveloped everything.”
  • “The stars blinked like diamonds.”
  • “The moon hung low, a glowing orb.”
  • “The night was alive with whispers.”
  • “A blanket of stars covered the sky.”
  • “The night air was cool and crisp.”
  • “Shadows played tricks on the senses.”
  • “The night exuded a sense of enchantment.”
  • “The world was bathed in moonlight.”
  • “Silence settled like a shroud.”
  • “The night was a tapestry of shadows.”
  • “The stars shimmered with a celestial grace.”
  • “The moonlight painted everything in silver.”
  • “The night was a realm of dreams.”
  • “The darkness held its secrets close.”
  • “The night sky was a sea of stars.”
  • “The night whispered of ancient mysteries.”
  • “The moon’s glow was a guiding light.”
  • “Shadows clung to the edges of reality.”
  • “The night was a time for reflection.”

Writing Techniques: Going Beyond the Visuals

When crafting an engaging nighttime scene, writers must venture beyond the visuals to captivate the reader fully.

Using sounds and the sense of touch is essential for developing a rich, multi-dimensional narrative.

This section delves into incorporating sounds and silence for dramatic effect and the touch and texture of darkness in writing.

Incorporating Sounds and Silence for Effect

The sounds of night can have powerful effects on the atmosphere and emotional impact of a scene.

Thundering roars, rustling leaves, or the sudden absence of sound can all contribute to the mood of a scene. These auditory cues help create a vivid, believable setting for readers to immerse themselves in.

Consider incorporating the following techniques to represent the sounds of night and the role of silence in your writing:

  • Use auditory details  to paint a fuller picture of the environment.
  • Utilize silence  as a storytelling device, heightening suspense or emphasizing a moment of reflection.
  • Experiment with sound  to create contrast and tension within a scene.

Silence in writing can be as impactful as the sounds themselves, emphasizing the stark difference between the quiet of the night and the sudden eruption of noise that disrupts the calm.

The Touch and Texture of Darkness

Describing touch at night is another essential aspect of crafting a compelling nighttime scene.

The tactile experience of the night is as evocative as its visual counterpart, with the cool breeze raising goosebumps, the damp fog clinging to the skin, and the unsettling sensation of unseen objects brushing against a character.

When done effectively, these tactile descriptions in writing can make the darkness feel like a comforting shroud or an ominous presence looming over the narrative.

The following list includes tips on including touch and texture in your writing:

  • Describe the night’s touch  as it interacts with the character’s skin, clothing, and surroundings.
  • Highlight the texture of darkness , including the roughness or smoothness of surfaces, the dampness of fog, or a character’s emotional response to the touch of night.
  • Consider how the sense of touch  contributes to character development and advances the story’s plot.

Colorful Language: Painting the Night in Words

Descriptive language is essential in painting the night scene, employing shades like “scarlet,” “indigo,” or “emerald” to depict the sky’s canvas.

Such language transforms the scene into a vivid tableau, enabling readers to visualize the unique hues and tones the night unfolds.

Descriptive words for colors like “burgundy” or “magenta” not only portray the scene but also add emotional weight, enhancing the reader’s connection to the narrative.

Let us explore the variety of words that can be employed to describe the myriad shades and hues of the night sky:

Maximizing Impact with Metaphors and Similes

Metaphors and similes are essential tools in the arsenal of a writer, allowing them to create rich and expressive night descriptions.

These literary devices make it possible for writers to craft relatable, evocative scenes that draw powerful parallels between nighttime and universal experiences, enriching the narrative and fostering deeper connections with the reader’s own memories and emotions.

Comparing Nighttime to Universal Experiences

Similes and metaphors have the power to transform ordinary descriptions into captivating and imaginative prose.

They can liken the dark to a velvet blanket that envelops the world in its gentle embrace or compare stars to a multitude of diamonds scattered across the heavens, casting their ethereal glow upon the earth below. By relating nighttime to familiar experiences, writers can breathe life into their descriptions, making them truly memorable and vivid.

When employing metaphors and similes in your writing, consider the following examples:

  • The night sky unfolded like an ebony tapestry, with the constellations embroidered in silver threads.
  • Shadows danced and flickered on the walls, creating a haunting ballet of light and dark.
  • The moon’s radiance carved a shimmering path across the water, mirroring the celestial bridge found in ancient myths.

Keep in mind the importance of balance when using metaphors and similes in your writing.

Overuse can lead to cluttered prose and detract from the impact of your descriptions. Use these devices sparingly and thoughtfully, ensuring they effectively enhance your narrative rather than overwhelming it.

Character Reactions and the Night: A Dynamic Tool

Exploring character reactions to the night serves as a dynamic storytelling tool in writing.

A character’s interaction with the night can range from a confrontation with their fears to a moment of serenity or revelation. Emotional responses to the night are as diverse as the characters themselves, allowing for the exploration of profound personal journeys influenced by the cloak of darkness.

These reactions can serve as a pivot for character development or as key moments that drive the plot forward.

In order to successfully incorporate character reactions to night into a story, consider the following aspects:

  • Understanding the character’s background and personality, in order to establish how they might react to the night.
  • Identifying how the night setting can influence each character’s inner emotions and thought processes.
  • Developing a natural progression of the character’s journey, from initial reactions to ultimate revelations or actions.
  • Utilizing sensory details, such as sights, sounds, and textures, to heighten the emotional response and connection of the character to their surroundings.
  • Employing narrative devices, such as flashbacks or introspection, to delve deeper into the character’s past experiences and how they relate to their current situation.

Notable authors have expertly utilized character reactions to night to enrich their narratives.

For example, in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s  The Great Gatsby , the nighttime setting serves as a backdrop for Gatsby’s extravagant parties, highlighting his desires and insecurities.

In contrast, the darkness of night in Charlotte Brontë’s  Jane Eyre  signifies Jane’s feelings of isolation and despair as she struggles to navigate societal expectations and discover her own identity.

The table below outlines various emotional responses to the night and how they can contribute to writing character dynamics:

Writing about the Darkness: Invoking Mystery and Fear

Writing about darkness has the power to reach into our core, tapping into primal emotions such as mystery and fear.

It serves as both a metaphorical and literal backdrop for danger, unknown elements, or even supernatural encounters.

By employing darkness as a narrative driver, writers can create experiences that keep readers on the edge of their seats, cementing engagement and intrigue.

Using Darkness to Drive the Narrative

When incorporating darkness into a story, there are several strategies that can drive the narrative forward.

These strategies contribute to a tense atmosphere and lie in setting up obstacles for characters, stirring tension, and laying the groundwork for suspenseful action.

The unknown aspects of the night provide a myriad of opportunities to cultivate fear and mystery in the reader’s mind.

Here is a chart that breaks down some helpful strategies:

Exploring the Twofold Nature of Night’s Tranquility and Turbulence

The twofold nature of night is a fascinating element in storytelling, offering writers countless opportunities to craft engaging narratives that capture the essence of both tranquil night scenes and turbulent night writing.

As the darkness wraps itself around the world, it reveals the duality of night.

You can use this duality to showcase how peaceful moments can intertwine with chaotic events, reflecting the complexities of human emotions and experiences.

To understand the twofold nature of night, let’s first delve into the serenity that can envelop the nocturnal landscape.

Tranquil night scenes depict nature at its most peaceful, showcasing a world untouched by human worries.

Stars glitter above, casting a calming glow upon the quiet earth below, while the gentle rustle of leaves sings a lullaby to the slumbering world. These moments of stillness can provide the most evocative settings for introspection, personal growth, or emotional connection between characters.

On the other hand, turbulent night writing employs darkness to create tension, suspense, or fear.

The howling wind and stormy skies set in stark contrast to the serenity of tranquil night scenes. These moments serve to bring out the raw, primal emotions within characters, forcing them to confront adversity, battle their fears, or come face-to-face with their deepest anxieties.

The Power of Short Sentences and Fragments in Night Imagery

Short sentences and fragments wield considerable power in night imagery.

This writing technique reinforces the themes of darkness and night by mimicking the shadows and disjointed glimpses that emerge in low light.

It creates a rhythm reflective of the night’s ebb and flow.

You can guide the reader through the narrative in abrupt, sometimes breathless, spurts that can increase tension or underscore a moment of clarity within the darkness.

Consider these examples:

  • Stars blinked in and out. A hush fell. Shadows danced.
  • Moonlight sliced through darkness. Cold air whispered. Teeth chattered.
  • Rain lashed the window. Thunder menaced. Breath shuddered.

Each example above showcases short sentences or fragments that mimic the fleeting nature of night scenes.

By truncating the length of sentences, the writer sets a  distinctive tempo —one that effectively captures the essence of night and transports the reader into the story.

Fragments in particular can serve as impactful standalone statements, leaving room for interpretation and heightening the sense of mystery. Not confined by traditional grammatical rules, they are free to support or disrupt a narrative flow, making them potent tools for night imagery.

She hesitated. Darkness clawed at her heart. Eerie silence.

In the example above, the fragment “ Eerie silence ” punctuates the sequence and provokes a sense of unease through its abruptness.

Fragments like this one become a powerful storytelling device in night imagery, condensing tension or emotion into brief, visceral moments.

Here is a good video about writing techniques you can use to describe night in writing:

Conclusion: How to Describe Night in Writing

Mastering the art of describing night opens doors to captivating storytelling.

Explore more articles on our website to further enhance your writing skills and craft immersive narratives.

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Leaving Cert Notes and Sample Answers

Leaving Cert English Descriptive Essay: Night Scene

Write a descriptive essay entitled night scene. (2017).

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Leaving Cert English Descriptive Essay 2017

Leaving Cert English Papers are marked using “PCLM”

Clarity of purpose.

– the effective use of some elements of descriptive writing e.g. imagery, use of setting, anecdote, creation of atmosphere, attention to detail, quality of observation, appeal to the senses, etc. originality and freshness, etc. All excellently done.

Coherence of Delivery

C: The extent to which the descriptive writing is successfully sustained and developed effective shaping of the essay sequencing and management of ideas, etc. This isn’t quite as strong because the introduction doesn’t 100% match the body of the essay.

Efficiency of Language Use

buy leaving cert notes

Another essay by the same title, corrected and graded by an experienced SEC examiner.

Everyday, around the same time, no matter what, a strange phenomenon occurs. The big flame of burning light and piercing rays drifts to just below the horizon of where the eye can see, stops as though saying goodbye, allowing us to revel in its last heat, before eventually disappearing. Rapidly, the sky fills with a hollow blackness, covering the world in a dark mystery. Just like moments of realisation, glinting lights appear in this hollow void, creating a path for travellers and wanderers alike. This phenomenon creates a night scene. (Last sentence is slightly vague.)

Scientifically, stars are burning rocks, destined for death once the last burning flame goes out, but to wide-eyed children and wise optimists alike ( L) these lumps of rocks signify hope in the dark shadows of the night time. They prevent the monsters from creeping their way out from the great divide between the bed and the dreaky (M ) floor or stop the ghosts from within (L )finally bursting free. However, every so often a massive shadow casts itself over our world, blocking out these hopeful flames and bringing with it loud claps of thunder and the unfriendly flashes of lightning to cloak the monsters and allow them to creep into the night. (Is this a storm? Or cloudy skies? Unclear.) These dreaded nights end only with an ominous silence and the uncertainty of what comes next until we once again see the misty light of dawn.

The silence of the night however, is never silent. Within it lie the gentle snores of the content settler, the tossing of turning of a lost soul, the lone bark of a dog convinced of the ghosts and the faint laughter of a blossoming love. The silent commentary of a sports fanatic is drowned out by the screams of a teetering relationship reaching its final tether. ( Strong section.) The pots and pans of a feast( L) of the ding of the microwave signalling the readiness of a late night snack. Each of these noises fills the silence, making a scene only to get lost in the hollow void of the night. (L )

Amongst this silent racket, a single train horn blares in the distance, carrying its load to his final destination- the night shift. He is dressed in black, a colour meant to convey his strength but only losing its wearer in the night. Another dreamer, lured by the conceivable and swallowed by the void. However, tonight would be different, tonight would leave his name upon the lips of all those like him. Tonight would be the night that a young boy would be lead astray by that same allure that brought that man to the night shift. This lure would force a hammer into one hand and a gun into the other, all the while silently calling him towards that jeweller’s window. Whispering at first, the call getting louder and louder until a smash breaks its call. RING, SMASH, CRACK! Silence fills the air as the footsteps of that young boy disappear into the night. The night that claimed the soul of that lone night-shift worker and the innocence of that boy . (I think this is a robbery description. It is not as clear as it should be. Is it about him losing his soul?  Who is the robber? The night shift worker- is he the victim or perpetrator?)

This dark night would hide their secret and the secrets and lies of so many others. Its ( L) cloak would veil the fraudsters, the adulterers and the hypocrites alike, looking the other way as under the noses of all those slumbering, as they make their beds. Their cackles and shrieks at their corruption, pulling them closer and closer to their dreams, dreams that can only happen at night. ( Strong section.)

A gangster’s dream is not the only dream that comes to fruition in the darkness of the night. The inky sky’s blank canvas brings alive the dreams of all those who slumber, from their wildest fantasies to the most sinister of nightmares, sending them down a spiral that most find hard to return from. (L) Bright images fill their minds, flashing before their eyes, tempting or taunting them. These seconds of images fill a whole night of slumber and a whole lifetime of unhappiness as each morning, as we wake, we desperately scramble to remember our dreams. ( Might benefit from specifics or illustrations.)

Under the cover of darkness, on ( M) other dream is coming to light. A different dream. Lit by a dim lamp, a student silently reads and rereads willing the words on a page to imprint themselves on the back of their mind. A day spent working leads to a night of tirelessly chasing. The lack of illumination leading to decades worth of knowledge on creation. A different canvas providing a space to fill with the dreams of what’s next, of great inventions and realisations. Of the future. A young generation finding its way under the cover of the night.

However, like clockwork this superb mystery comes to an end as the sun rises harshly lifting the veil of darkness and revealing all of its flaws. Under its ( L ) light, the monsters become black cloaks, the faux silence a quick relief before the chaos, the lure now a life sentence, the tireless work with dark circles under their eyes, the dreamers now criminals and those once slumbering, now living with distant memories.

Those who believe the moon landing exists fear the appearance of this hollowed void every night, masking reality, whilst all dreamers know that on the blank canvas of a night scene, anything can happen.

This is a descriptive composition, very much in the genre. Some very strong sections, you are really creating a detailed night scene.

I feel it would benefit from more physical description in places.

Clarify the sections highlighted.

Good expression throughout.

(L)- punctuation and syntax.

(M)- spelling.

Another essay by the same title. A little bit less impressive because the plot is too vague in places. This author also gets lost in her tenses – a very common mistake. See if you can spot it.

The heat of the campfire struggles to penetrate the frosty air. It crackles and sparks in the silence, its flickering flames casting twisted shapes on the trunks of the surrounding wood, dipping and dancing with each breath of wind in the still night. The air is tangible, as though you could reach out and feel it flow over your skin like icy water. The meagre cloth you huddle in, once plush and warm is now threadbare in patches. The ends are unravelling and frayed with age, making it barely long enough to cover your bare legs. Still, you wrap yourself in its cocoon of warmth, consisting more of fragile memories than material.

You tear your eyes away from the mesmerising dance of the fire, casting them along the jagged edge of the ring of light. The cool damp air of the woods beckons, yet you find yourself transfixed, as if your own feet were rooted in the ground. You absentmindedly fiddle with a loose thread on the tattered blanket. It threatens to drag you back to another night, another fire. Weariness begins to set in and, unable to resist any longer you allow yourself to be immersed in memories.

The echo of an owl’s shriek rouses you, and you slowly come to your senses. Through bleary eyes you see a vast expanse before you. Gone is the claustrophobic clearing, replaced by the glint of fading rays upon the glassy surface of a lake below you. The sound of soft ripples lapping at the foot of the steep drop rise to your ears as you peer cautiously over the edge. It reveals a reflection of the sky, showing the clear distinction between night and day. The bright, fiery hues of reds and yellows bleed into cool indigos and navy, bringing with them the comforting blanket of darkness.

Here everything is still, only the growing brightness of the stars betrays the passing of time. A sharp gust of wind sends you reeling back from the ledge. The sudden exposure causes a rush of blood to your pale cheeks. You cup your stiff fingers over your mouth,deeply inhaling the thick, muggy air created by the recycled breath.Lowering them, you fill your lungs with the cold, crisp air of the oncoming night.Turning your attention back to your hands, you rub them together, trying to force blood flow back through the numb skin. Your hands burn as they begin to warm, yet you continue the action, as if you could create a spark simply from the friction between your palms.

Satisfied, you swivel slowly to take in your surroundings. An arc of dense forest encapsulates you, leaving you no choice of path. The ground is littered with cracked twigs and fallen foliage. A once neat pile of dead leaves is scattered haphazardly across the clearing. Your eyes streaming from the now howling gale, you tentatively approach the forest’s boundary, seeking shelter from the bitter wind.

Parting the first branches leads you to another world. The night is alive with the scurrying and pattering of paws.The unnatural sound of leaves crunching under your feet resonates loudly in the otherwise undisturbed peace. Ferns seem to cling to your skin as you lightly tread through the brambles and bushes. The sense of watchful eyes eyes amongst the blackness follows you, tracking your every move. A flicker(beam?) of moonlight catches a dew-covered web, an intricate trap built with caution and precision. You pause and watch with awe, a worthy contrast to the honk of horns and echoes of laughs off the dense concrete jungle you are accustomed to.

You come across an ancient oak, its gnarled branches seeming to salute you as they creak in the breeze. You run your fingers over its rough bark, feeling the grooves and hollows formed long before you ever walked the earth. The grain provokes a fleeting memory. The faded sound of soft laughter echoes eerily, from a long forgotten time. With your eyes closed, you can almost trace the outline of the shallow engraving you carved, hoping to leave your own mark behind. A sharp jolt of pain reminds you of the power nature can have, both in life and death. Sharp pin pricks of tears escape your eyes as you extract the jagged splinter from your palm. A single drop of blood stains your pale skin. The air hangs heavily around you, holding its breath. This place is sacred. It should never have been disturbed. The serenity broken, you are overwhelmed with a primal instinct to flee. You spin around, disoriented as the trees seem to close in on you. Blindly picking a direction, you stumble through the maze, fallen twigs cracking beneath your hurried steps.

The woods become sparse, the vivid colours replaced by dull tones of brown. The sudden open space startles you.You hunch over and scoop up a handful of the dry earth, clenching your fist as it crumbles through your fingers. You watch as it accumulates in a pile of dust on the cracked earth, mocking a timer which had clearly run out long ago. The hair on the back of your neck rises and a shiver runs down your spine as you stare at the seemingly never ending plain of scorched earth.The moon is eclipsed by growing clouds, leaving only starlight to guide you. Craning your neck, you gaze at the freckled night sky. The stars are scattered like dying embers. Slowly, they seem to fade from view, plunging you into total darkness.

The fire has long since been extinguished when your eyes flicker open. Your back aches, pins and needles running up your limbs as you rise to your feet. You remove the blanket from your shoulders, draping it over the dead hearth. There’s a sense of finality to the action as you turn on your heel and leave the scene for the last time, a smile on your face and a tear in your eye. Behind you, a bronze memorial plaque glints from its position, embedded in a boulder.

  • Post author: Martina
  • Post published: October 15, 2017
  • Post category: #625Lab / Descriptive Essay / English

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How To Describe Night In Writing

How To Describe Night In Writing (10 Best Ways)

In the realm of storytelling, the night is a canvas painted with shades of mystery, romance, and introspection.

Capturing the essence of the nocturnal world through the art of description is a literary endeavor that transcends mere depiction; it is an invitation for readers to immerse themselves in the atmospheric allure of darkness.

Describing night in writing goes beyond the absence of daylight; it delves into the profound symbolism, sensory intricacies, and emotional nuances that unfold when the sun sets.

In this exploration, we embark on a journey to unravel the techniques that transform night into a compelling character, shaping narratives with the subtle strokes of descriptive language, symbolism, and the evolving atmosphere.

Join the nocturnal odyssey as we delve into the artistry of portraying the night in all its enigmatic splendor.

Table of Contents

How To Describe Night In Writing

Describing night in writing involves capturing the sensory elements and creating a vivid atmosphere. Here’s a step-by-step process:

Observe the Setting

Start by observing the night setting you want to describe. Note the surroundings, the moon’s phase, stars, and any unique features.

Identify Key Senses

Consider the senses you want to emphasize – sight, sound, smell, touch. Night descriptions often involve darkness, subtle lighting, cool temperatures, and distinct sounds.

Focus on Visuals

Begin with visual details. Describe the moon, its glow, or lack thereof. Note any shadows, silhouettes, or shimmering lights. Paint a picture of the sky, stars, and the overall atmosphere.

Play with Colors

Utilize color imagery to evoke emotions. Describe the night sky as inky black, navy blue, or velvety indigo. Highlight any splashes of color from celestial bodies or artificial lights.

Capture Sounds

Move on to auditory details. Highlight the quietness, distant sounds like rustling leaves or nocturnal creatures, or urban noises. Use onomatopoeic words to enhance the auditory experience.

Incorporate Smells

Explore olfactory elements, if applicable. Mention scents carried by the night breeze, such as earthiness, floral fragrances, or even distant cooking smells.

Describe Temperature

Discuss the temperature of the night. Is it crisp and cool, or muggy and warm? Convey the sensation of the air on the skin to immerse the reader in the setting.

Use Metaphors and Similes

Enrich your description with metaphors and similes. Compare the night to something familiar or use figurative language to evoke a specific mood or feeling.

Consider the Setting’s Influence

Reflect on how the night setting influences the mood or actions of characters, if applicable. A moonlit night might create a romantic atmosphere, while a dark and stormy night might evoke tension.

Craft a Seamless Narrative

Weave these elements into your narrative seamlessly. Avoid overwhelming the reader with too many details at once, and ensure your descriptions serve the overall tone and theme of your writing .

Remember, the key is to engage the reader’s senses and emotions, allowing them to experience the night through your words.

How To Describe Night In Writing

Setting the Scene

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the world underwent a transformative dance, shrouding itself in the mystique of the night.

The landscape, once awash in the golden hues of daylight, succumbed to the velvet embrace of darkness. The moon, a silent maestro, cast its silvery glow upon the earth, conjuring a dreamscape where reality and imagination intertwined.

Shadows, like enigmatic dancers, pirouetted across the canvas of the night, tracing the contours of hidden secrets.

The air, now a symphony of nocturnal whispers, held the promise of undiscovered tales waiting to unfold. In this nocturnal theater, time itself seemed to stretch and contract, creating a liminal space where the extraordinary became plausible, and the ordinary, extraordinary.

Establishing the time and place

As the clock’s hands embraced the midnight hour, the world hushed into a stillness reserved exclusively for the nocturnal.

The setting, a quaint hamlet nestled between ancient hills and sleepy meadows, wore the moonlight like a silken cloak.

The air, crisp and cool, bore the distinctive fragrance of dew-kissed grass. The village, steeped in a timeless charm, echoed with the distant murmurings of a nearby stream.

The rhythmic cadence of crickets underscored the unfolding night, orchestrating the passage of time with their unseen serenade.

This was not just a specific moment; it was a temporal crossroads where the magic of night met the tangible reality of a place suspended in its own enchantment.

Sensory Imagery

As the inky night unfurled its obsidian wings, the world transformed into a sensory symphony, weaving a tapestry of sensations that transcended the mundane.

Moonbeams, like liquid silver, painted a celestial mural overhead, casting a spell that danced upon the eyes. The night air, cool and velvety, carried with it the whispers of secrets, an olfactory sonnet that blended the earthy perfume of soil with the ethereal fragrance of blooming night flowers.

Each step on the nocturnal path was a tactile exploration, the ground yielding with a gentle sigh as if sharing the stories it cradled.

The orchestration of nocturnal creatures, from the haunting calls of distant owls to the rustle of unseen critters, resonated through the bones, a harmonic convergence of nature’s nocturnal opera.

In this symphony of the senses, the night unfolded not just as an absence of light but as a rich, multi-dimensional experience where every perception became a brushstroke in the masterpiece of the moonlit hours.

Visual Descriptions

Under the night’s cosmic theatre, visual poetry unfolded with the grace of a celestial ballet. The moon, a luminescent guardian, painted the world in silver strokes, casting enchanting shadows that waltzed with the slightest breeze.

Stars, like diamonds strewn across a velvet canvas, sparkled with ethereal brilliance, their patterns telling ancient tales written in constellations.

Wisps of clouds, veiled in obsidian mystery, traversed the heavens like spectral dancers in an ever-changing choreography.

The landscape below, bathed in the soft glow of lunar radiance, revealed hidden details – the glistening dew on blades of grass, the reflective eyes of nocturnal creatures, and the stoic silhouettes of towering trees.

In the quietude of the night, the visual tapestry unfolded, inviting the observer to lose themselves in the mesmerizing spectacle of shadows and silvery luminescence, where reality and dreams coalesced in a nocturnal embrace.

Emotional Atmosphere

In the tender cradle of night, emotions swirled like phantom dancers, casting their spell on the tapestry of darkness.

The moon, a silent confidante, witnessed the kaleidoscope of feelings that emerged beneath its gentle gaze. The night, a canvas for the soul’s expression, wore the cloak of mystery with grace.

It was not merely the absence of daylight; it was a sanctuary for introspection, a refuge for the introspective minds to delve into the depths of their own emotions.

Loneliness, tinged with the sweet melancholy of solitude, coexisted with the thrill of nocturnal secrets waiting to be unraveled.

Serenity intertwined with a quiet chaos, and the night became an emotional alchemy, where each heartbeat echoed against the velvet sky, composing a nocturne of emotions that spoke to the very core of the human experience.

How To Describe Night In Writing

Creating a mood through word choice and tone

In the realm of night, the power of language becomes a magicians’ wand, conjuring moods that dance on the precipice of enchantment.

Words, carefully selected, cast a spell that transcends mere description, immersing the reader in the emotive chiaroscuro of the nocturnal canvas.

The tone, a maestro orchestrating the symphony of emotions, guides the reader through the moonlit corridors of anticipation, weaving a tapestry where each adjective is a brushstroke, and every sentence a musical note.

The night, draped in an opulent lexicon, can be a sultry seductress or a solemn sage, depending on the alchemy of word choice and tone.

It is the subtle interplay of consonants and vowels that transforms the mundane into the extraordinary, painting the atmosphere with hues of mystery, serenity, or palpable tension.

As the words unfurl like tendrils of mist in the midnight air, they invite the reader to not just witness the night but to feel its pulse, creating an immersive experience where language becomes a vessel for the soul of the nocturnal.

Symbolism and Metaphor

In the nocturnal tapestry, the interplay of symbols and metaphors is a celestial ballet, where the ordinary becomes a constellation of hidden meanings.

The moon, a metaphorical lantern in the cosmic dark, doesn’t merely illuminate; it becomes a silent confidante, casting shadows that dance like metaphorical whispers of ancient tales.

Stars, those celestial hieroglyphs, inscribe a narrative on the vast scroll of the night sky, each one a metaphorical punctuation mark in the poetry of existence.

The night itself, a canvas for dreams, is a metaphorical cocoon where reality transforms into the ephemeral butterfly of imagination.

In this nocturnal sanctuary, every rustle of leaves and every gust of wind is laden with symbolic resonance, turning the act of perception into an intricate dance with the metaphysical.

The symbols and metaphors, like cosmic breadcrumbs, invite the reader to embark on a journey through the labyrinth of meaning, where the night becomes a canvas for the reader’s own introspective exploration.

Using night as a symbolic element

The night, a ubiquitous yet enigmatic character in the narrative of existence, dons the cloak of symbolism, transcending its physical realm to become a metaphorical maestro orchestrating the symphony of deeper meanings.

It is the cosmic chalice of mysteries, where darkness isn’t merely the absence of light but a metaphor for the uncharted territories of the human psyche.

The nocturnal hours become a symbolic canvas, painting the complexities of life, where shadows aren’t just absence but embodiments of hidden truths.

The moon, a luminary sentinel in the night, becomes a symbol of cyclical renewal and eternal rhythms. The stars, like distant dreams, twinkle as symbolic aspirations in the vast tapestry of the universe.

Night, as a symbolic element, beckons the reader to delve beyond the surface, inviting contemplation on the dualities of life, the veiled beauty in obscurity, and the profound symbolism that weaves through the celestial fabric of existence.

Character Interaction with the Night

Beneath the cosmic theater of the night, characters don’t merely exist; they are alchemists, concocting elixirs of emotion in the moonlit crucible.

Each step is a dance with shadows, and every heartbeat resonates with the nocturnal symphony. The night is not a backdrop but a silent confidante, witnessing the whispered secrets and unspoken fears that characters dare not reveal in the harsh light of day.

Whether it’s the protagonist seeking solace in the velvet embrace of darkness or the antagonist cloaked in the ambiguity of shadows, the night becomes an intimate accomplice to their innermost struggles.

The stars are not just celestial bystanders; they are the audience to the characters’ silent soliloquies, while the moon, a cosmic mirror, reflects the myriad emotions etched across their faces.

In the nocturnal ballet, characters don’t navigate the night; they immerse themselves in its depths, each interaction a delicate choreography that leaves an indelible mark on the canvas of their existence.

Integrating characters into the nighttime setting

As the sun’s radiance retreated, characters became interwoven threads in the intricate fabric of the nocturnal tapestry.

Their silhouettes, framed against the indigo backdrop, carried the weight of both secrets and vulnerabilities. Nighttime was not just a setting; it was a companion to their solitude, a confidant to their whispered hopes and fears.

Each footfall on the dew-kissed ground echoed the cadence of their journey, and every stolen glance beneath the moonlight held the promise of clandestine revelations.

The characters weren’t mere spectators to the night; they were active participants, navigating the shadows with a nuanced dance of emotions.

Whether driven by the pursuit of elusive dreams or haunted by the specters of the past, the night embraced them in its inky bosom, revealing facets of their personalities that daylight dared not expose.

In this symbiotic relationship between characters and the nighttime setting, the narrative unfolded as a nocturnal odyssey, where the darkness became both a sanctuary and a crucible, shaping the characters in its mysterious forge.

How To Describe Night In Writing

Narrative Techniques

In the nocturnal realm where stories unfold like constellations in the cosmic tapestry, narrative techniques are the alchemical spells that transform mere words into ethereal experiences.

The prose, a celestial navigator, charts a course through the vast sea of night, employing metaphors as North Stars and similes as guiding constellations.

Pacing, like a heartbeat echoing through the narrative, quickens in suspenseful crescendos and mellows in contemplative interludes, orchestrating a symphony of emotions.

Sentence structures are not mere grammatical constructs; they are architectural marvels, crafting moonlit archways through which readers traverse the labyrinth of the plot.

Flashbacks become time-traveling portals, allowing characters to dance between the past and present in a waltz of memory.

In this literary cosmos, the interplay of narrative techniques is not just a means of storytelling; it is the very essence of the night, where the language becomes a celestial chariot propelling readers into the uncharted realms of imagination.

Employing descriptive language and literary devices

In the realm of night, descriptive language and literary devices unfurl like the tendrils of ivy, embracing the reader in a tapestry of vivid imagery and emotive resonance.

Words aren’t mere vessels of meaning; they are alchemical agents that transmute the mundane into the magical. Metaphors, like fireflies, dance in the velvety prose, casting a soft glow on the intricacies of the night.

Similes are celestial bridges connecting the familiar to the fantastical, while personification breathes life into the silent whispers of the nocturnal breeze.

Descriptive language, akin to a painter’s brush, strokes the canvas of the narrative with hues of emotion, detailing the contours of moonlit landscapes and the ephemeral beauty of night creatures.

Each adjective is a palette choice, each adverb a nuanced brushstroke, and every literary device a finely tuned instrument in the symphony of storytelling.

In this celestial dance of language, the night becomes not just a setting but an immersive experience, where the reader doesn’t observe but tangibly feels the magic woven into the very fabric of the prose.

Evolving Atmosphere

As the night unfolded its wings, the atmosphere morphed into a living entity, a chameleon that embraced metamorphosis with each passing moment. Moonlight, initially a shy whisper, transformed into a luminous ballad, its glow waxing and waning in a celestial rhythm.

Stars, like shy spectators, blinked in and out, altering the cosmic audience’s intensity. The air, once a still canvas, began to shiver with the nocturnal secrets it harbored, as if the very breath of the night held tales waiting to exhale.

Clouds, nomadic wanderers in the sky’s expanse, choreographed a dance that veiled and unveiled the moon’s luminous countenance.

The evolving atmosphere wasn’t just a backdrop; it was a character in its own right, an unseen force sculpting the narrative with the subtle touch of a cosmic artisan.

In the ever-shifting nocturnal tableau, the atmosphere became a silent storyteller, etching its own verses into the fabric of the night.

Describing the progression of the night

As the night unfolded its mysterious manuscript, it embarked on a poetic journey of progression, a narrative written in the ink of shadows and stardust.

The twilight’s last sigh marked the inception, a transitional phase where the sky, a canvas in transition, surrendered its vibrant hues to the encroaching darkness.

The initial hush of nocturnal awakening resonated through the air, a prelude to the symphony of crickets and night creatures tuning their instruments.

With the ascent of the moon, the narrative gained momentum, casting a silver glow on the evolving landscape.

Stars, like punctuation marks, appeared one by one, illuminating the cosmic syntax of the night. The zenith of the night unveiled a panorama of celestial wonders, each passing hour etching its own stanza in the celestial sonnet.

The descent toward dawn became a gradual unveiling, a reverse metamorphosis where shadows relinquished their hold, and the world emerged from the cocoon of darkness into the tentative embrace of a new day.

In this chronological dance, the progression of the night became a temporal tapestry, weaving the reader through the ebb and flow of nocturnal wonders.

Frequently Asked Questions about How To Describe Night In Writing

What elements should i focus on when describing night in writing.

When describing night, pay attention to visual details such as the moon, stars, and shadows. Explore auditory elements like sounds in the night, consider the temperature, and incorporate sensory experiences like smells and touch.

How can I effectively convey the visual aspects of the night in my writing?

Use vivid imagery to depict the night sky, emphasizing the moon’s glow, star patterns, and the overall atmosphere. Experiment with colors like inky black, navy blue, or velvety indigo to evoke the mood of the night.

What role do sounds play in creating a night scene?

Sounds are crucial in conveying the ambiance of the night. Describe quietness, distant rustles, nocturnal creature noises, or urban sounds. Consider using onomatopoeic words to enhance the auditory experience.

Should I include smells when describing a night setting?

Including smells can add depth to your description. Consider scents carried by the night breeze, such as earthiness, floral fragrances, or distant cooking smells, to enhance the reader’s sensory experience.

How do I capture the temperature of the night in my writing?

Describe the temperature by conveying whether the night is crisp and cool, muggy and warm, or somewhere in between. Discuss the sensation of the air on the skin to immerse the reader in the setting.

Can I use metaphors and similes to enhance my description of the night?

Absolutely! Metaphors and similes can enrich your writing. Compare the night to something familiar or use figurative language to evoke specific moods or feelings associated with the night.

How do I avoid overwhelming the reader with night descriptions?

Craft a seamless narrative by introducing details gradually. Ensure your descriptions serve the overall tone and theme of your writing, and avoid overcrowding your prose with too many details at once.

How can I make the night setting influence the overall mood of my writing?

Reflect on how the night setting influences the characters or the atmosphere. For instance, a moonlit night might create a romantic ambiance, while a dark and stormy night could evoke tension or suspense in your narrative.

In conclusion, describing night in writing is an art that engages the reader’s senses and emotions to create a vivid and immersive experience.

By focusing on visual elements such as the moon and stars, incorporating auditory details like distant sounds, exploring smells carried by the night breeze, and conveying the temperature, writers can paint a rich and atmospheric picture of the night.

Utilizing metaphors, similes, and careful narrative crafting allows for a seamless integration of these elements, enhancing the overall mood of the writing.

Remember, the beauty of describing night lies in the delicate balance of details that transport the reader into the enchanting realm of darkness, making it a compelling and memorable aspect of any narrative.

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19,890 quotes, descriptions and writing prompts, 4,964 themes

Night - quotes and descriptions to inspire creative writing

  • A cold night
  • bonfire night
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  • Starry Night
As shield of Earth the night is given upon celestial clock.
Night deepens each forest brown to the hues that are my soul-song.
The night expands as black angel wings, protecting earth as she dreams.
On this night the natural black hugs the stars as a mother to her newborn.
Into the night, the ashen night, of a billion stars both exploded and living, into the serendipity of duality that is our shared existence, is both futility and eternal hope, the road that belongs to immortals.
Upon this Lunar New Year, amid the wintry air, beneath the noble starry-black, we observe the beauty of the moon. She graces Earth's sky to glow equally for all, a picture in light as if created by love.
When the night comes, look heavenward and be willing to see that the stars still shine; for the dawn will come.
"We are the fireworks in this velvet dark, the blaze that dares to light up the night."
In the serenade of the black, the stars are a choir; they are lights that sing in infinite patterns. Sometimes eyes need music, and the darker the night the sweeter the song.
The sky was black tranquility married to a poetry of stars. It was the softness that called body and brain to rest and let the heart go to its steady rhythm. Night came as a reward of sorts, a restfulness above to calm the soul.
The night was a special kind of blackness, the kind that wants only to hold the stars and help them to shine all the brighter. It was a warm black that hugged you no matter what, and within it's safety I could feel my own soul all the more clearly, that innocent inborn spark.
The black night holds me close until the dawn, always my cloak until I am ready for the dawn. It is that friendly blackness that allows my eyes to rest and let my dreams take centre stage.
The pure black of the night is my comfort, the blanket of generous velvet that keeps me safe. It is the pure black that makes the moon so beautiful, that makes a stage for her to stand upon. It is the pure black of the night that gives the stars their beauty, and in it my heart is safe, my soul serene.
In the night I am as the flora of nature, alive and unseeing, existing only as myself. With eyes closed I am at home and the blackness around is my cocoon, a place in which my dreams may flow freely. So, as the moon and stars shine above the passing clouds of ink, as the air releases the heat of the day, my brain conjures a new movie for my inner eye.
The road is midnight under the cloud, yet beyond is the dawn. As the sun sets, its rising is already promised to the land, to the green shoots who wait in faith. And so, even though our eyes may only see one step at a time, we stride on, eyes wide. For when this passes we will be as children, giggling at the imagined monsters that once kept us in such fear.
The night rides in on a horse of pure midnight velvet, beckoned by the stars under a the glow of a full moon. As the colours of the day rest, perhaps dream of the morrow, the hillside becomes its monochrome beauty, shapes that make an ever-changing, ever-present puzzle, question and answer united. In this night we all become one, from rock to plant to animal, one promise of life awaiting the return of the sun.

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Helping writers become bestselling authors

Setting Thesaurus Entry: Woods at Night

March 5, 2011 by BECCA PUGLISI

There is a forest entry already, but I think that at night the woods can be an entirely different setting, full of mystery and sometimes fear. I figured it deserved its own entry! Notice how other senses are utilized more so than sight–an unusual occurrence.

descriptive essay night

Dark tree trunks, shadows, overhanging limbs across the path seen at the last second, clumps of bushes, barely visible black trails snaking through the undergrowth, moon shining through a lattice of leaves, patchy sky & stars seen in glimpses through tree breaks, tall shadowed pines stretching up like arrows into the sky, streaks of cloud against the…

Wind slipping through leaves, cracking undergrowth with each step, creaking tree trunks, the flutter of wings unseen, snapping twigs, grass and weed sliding against pant legs, breathing sounds, coyote calls, fox yipping, wolves howling (if within location), snarls, padding feet along a trail, a grunt of pain at catching a root or tripping on dead fall, a rip of…

Rich earth, rotting leaves, pine needles, fresh air, a slight scent of flowers, earthy fungus, tree sap, wild animal musk (if close), possibly the spray of a skunk (if around), green growing things (spring & summer), moss

Sweat on lips, dryness in throat, sometimes a cold metallic tang if lots of stone is present

Cobwebs in face, cold, dewy leaves sliding across skin, slipping on wet leaves and mushrooms, tripping on bumpy roots, stones, dead fall, thorns scratching skin, scrapes and cuts on hands from falling in the dark, pine needles embedded in skin during fall, twisting and jerking at every unfamiliar sound, holding hands out to ward off unseen obstacles like tree…

Helpful hints:

–Think about the conflict that might be present in your setting.

Your character’s emotions will be on high alert at night because their visibility is low, making it a great time to insert conflict. This Conflict Scenario Database is loaded with ideas to help you.

–The words you choose can convey atmosphere and mood.

Example 1:  Devin dove behind a wide cedar trunk just off the trail. Heart slamming against his ribs, he gulped at the air, trying to slow his breathing enough to hear. Back in the shadows, branches thrashed and snapped as Valio growled sharp orders to his men. Sunset had finally drained out of the sky overhead, sheathing the woods in shadow. Devin pressed his face against the bark, the ridges biting into his skin, and tried to become one with the tree…

–Similes and metaphors create strong imagery when used sparingly.

Example 1: (Simile)  Eileen worked her way along the narrow trail, leaves sliding across her bare forearms like wet tongues…


Becca Puglisi is an international speaker, writing coach, and bestselling author of The Emotion Thesaurus and its sequels. Her books are available in five languages, are sourced by US universities, and are used by novelists, screenwriters, editors, and psychologists around the world. She is passionate about learning and sharing her knowledge with others through her Writers Helping Writers blog and via One Stop For Writers —a powerhouse online library created to help writers elevate their storytelling.

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Reader Interactions

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May 1, 2020 at 8:45 am

This is my new account! Thanks for all your kind replies! 🙂

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March 11, 2020 at 3:32 pm

if anyone could help me with how to describe palaces and castles, please comment me back.

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March 11, 2020 at 4:24 pm

HI Kit, You can find information on Castles and other fantasy settings at our site, One Stop for Writers: https://onestopforwriters.com/scene_settings

Happy writing! ~angela

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December 27, 2019 at 8:16 am

this has just made me re think and re write my whole stroy thank you this really helps

May 1, 2020 at 8:43 am

happy to help!

P.S. I’m Angela, this is just a new account! 🙂

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July 13, 2017 at 2:55 pm

I would take that fear away from you Laura. Having spend my childhood surrounded by woods on the hills and shore of Cayuga Lake I have spent time in the woods alone at night. It is the imagination and the untrained ear that brings fear into the equation. Shadows unseen during the day become magical at night. All the nocturnal animals want nothing to do with you.

May 1, 2020 at 8:44 am

Thank you so much for your kind reply. Happy to help you always!

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December 9, 2011 at 3:17 pm

I do not think I would be walking around the woods at night.

December 6, 2011 at 2:06 pm

Just came across this one and I have to say, it really helped me with a scene I was struggling with. Thank you so much!

March 9, 2011 at 9:15 am

I think the dark tree trunks description sums it up for me. Creepy and suspenseful. This will help me loads in my continued search for publication and getting my story just right.

March 7, 2011 at 1:20 pm

I totally agree, Ralfast. I was just talking about this the other day with my kids, that if they really wanted to see what it would be like at night they would have to go far, far out into the country, beyond all light pollution and population.

March 7, 2011 at 1:15 pm

What makes forest so frightening for the modern viewer/reader is the near total darkness. We are so used to having sources of light 24/7 that our mind panics when we lack it.

March 6, 2011 at 2:41 pm

I love the woods and only a few times have I experienced them at night. It can be a beautiful-creepy feeling.

March 6, 2011 at 1:41 pm

Great–I’m so glad this one helps. So many great stories have night scenes that take place in a forest or wooded area. I think this is a setting that naturally creates tension.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

March 6, 2011 at 2:23 am

Ooooh, just thinking about the woods at night gives me the willies. You nailed it!

March 5, 2011 at 8:23 pm

Very timely. Might be needing this for my wip!Thanks!

March 5, 2011 at 7:31 pm

Loved this post! I just recently started reading this blog, and it has helped me to totally rethink how I’m going to write! Thanks!

March 5, 2011 at 11:25 am

Just wrote a scene involving the woods at night. You are right, they definitely deserve their own entry!

March 5, 2011 at 11:08 am

This totally makes me want to go write a fairy tale. =)

March 5, 2011 at 10:46 am

The woods are lovely dark and deep but I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep….

March 5, 2011 at 8:58 am

Walking through the woods at night is definitely different than during the day! I don’t think you could pay me to walk through the woods at night!

[…] Does your setting take place at night? Check out this similar Entry: WOODS AT NIGHT […]

[…] beautiful Brothers Grimm-inspired gallery of forest photographs. And if you get stuck, check out Writing Helping Writers’ “Forest Thesaurus” for even more […]

[…] hushed voices and whispers, muffled footsteps, your own heartbeat. Also, see the setting entry Woods at Night. EMOTIONAL TRIGGERS: Mood: Falling stars happen so quickly; to catch sight of one makes the […]

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Descriptive Essay: A night To Remember

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Home — Essay Samples — Geography & Travel — Beach — Description of a Perfect Evening at the Beach


Description of a Perfect Evening at The Beach

  • Categories: Beach

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Words: 471 |

Published: Dec 3, 2020

Words: 471 | Page: 1 | 3 min read

Works Cited

  • Bell, B., & Slade, J. (2019). The Beach Book: Science of the Shore. Columbia University Press.
  • Downs, R. M. (2018). The Sound of the Sea: Seashells and the Fate of the Oceans. University of Georgia Press.
  • Barbour, D. B., & Goddard, S. (Eds.). (2017). The Beach and the City: Aesthetic Urbanism in the Twenty-First Century. Lexington Books.
  • Harman, T. (2018). Waves and Beaches: The Powerful Dynamics of Sea and Coast. Reaktion Books.
  • Blum, J. D., & Roberts, S. J. (Eds.). (2016). From the Gulf to the Aral: The Long-Term Impacts of Climate Change and Human Activities. Geological Society of America.
  • Johnson, D. W., & LaTourrette, T. (Eds.). (2017). Making the Beach Safe for the Public: Risk, Responsibility, and Liability. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Viles, H. A., & Spencer, T. (2018). Coastal Problems: Geomorphology, Ecology and Society at the Coast. Routledge.
  • Williams, A. T., & Clifford, N. J. (2017). Coastal and Marine Geospatial Technologies. Springer.
  • Bird, E. C. F. (2019). Coastal Geomorphology: An Introduction. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Gehrels, W. R., & Pontee, N. (Eds.). (2018). Coastal Environments and Global Change. John Wiley & Sons.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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Let it snow: 6 of the best descriptions of winter weather in literature.

Katie Yee

Oh, the weather outside is frightful! But the reading is so delightful… Weather (sorry) or not you love the snow—blanketing your driveway, stalling your subway lines—it’s hard to deny that there have been some pretty darn good descriptions of it in literature, the kind that make you want to curl up by the fire (or, in my case, the space heater). Personally, I think I like winter weather best when it’s on the page and not the thing standing between me and the closest bar or the corner bodega when I’m out of popcorn. In an attempt to reframe the cold months ahead for myself, I have assembled some of the most beautiful/relatable descriptions of snow I could find in fiction. Perhaps now I will think of it as one of these instead of being irrationally irritated by Mother Nature’s cruel attempts to curb my snacking and my social life. So, here we go: let it snow! Sit down with these delightfully icy passages, and keep the hot cocoa coming.

From Leo Tolstoy’s  Anna Karenina :

At first she was unable to read. To begin with she was bothered by the bustle and movement; then, when the train started moving, she could not help listening to the noises; then the snow that beat against the left-hand window and stuck to the glass, and the sight of the conductor passing by, all bundled up and covered with snow on one side, and the talk about the terrible blizzard outside, distracted her attention. Further on it was all the same; the same jolting and knocking, the same snow on the window, the same quick transitions from steaming heat to cold and back to heat, the same flashing of the same faces in the semi-darkness, and the same voices, and Anna began to read and understand what she was reading.

From Italo Calvino’s   If on a winter’s night a traveler :

So here I am walking along this empty surface that is the world. There is a wind grazing the ground, dragging with flurries of fine snow the last residue of the vanished world: a bunch of ripe grapes which seems just picked from the vine, an infant’s woolen bootee, a well-oiled hinge, a page that seems torn from a novel written in Spanish, with a woman’s name: Amaranta. Was it a few seconds ago that everything ceased to exist, or many centuries? I’ve already lost any sense of time.

From Ali Smith’s  Winter :

And here instead’s another version of what was happening that morning, as if from a novel in which Sophia is the kind of character she’d choose to be, prefer to be, a character in a much more classic sort of story, perfectly honed and comforting, about how sombre yet bright the major-symphony of winter is and how beautiful everything looks under a high frost, how every grassblade is enhanced and silvered into individual beauty by it, how even the dull tarmac of the roads, the paving under our feet, shines when the weather’s been cold enough and how something at the heart of us, at the heart of all our cold and frozen states, melts when we encounter a time of peace on earth, goodwill to all men; a story in which there is no room for severed heads; a work in which Sophia’s perfectly honed minor-symphony modesty and narrative decorum complement the story she’s in with the right kind of quiet wisdom-from-experience ageing-female status, making it a story that’s thoughtful, dignified, conventional in structure thank God, the kind of quality literary fiction where the slow drift of snow across the landscape is merciful, has a perfect muffling decorum of its own, snow falling to whiten, soften, blur and prettify even further a landscape where there are no heads divided from bodies hanging around in the air or anywhere, either new ones, from new atrocities or murders or terrorisms, or old ones, left over from old historic atrocities and murders and terrorisms and bequeathed to the future as if in old French Revolution baskets, their wickerwork brown with the old dried blood, placed on the doorsteps of the neat and central-heating-interactive houses of now with notes tied to the handles saying please look after this head thank you […]

From Donna Tartt’s  The Secret History : 

The snow in the mountains was melting and Bunny had been dead for several weeks before we came to understand the gravity of our situation.

From Kelly Link’s  Stranger Things Happen :

The next day it was snowing and he went out for a pack of cigarettes and never came back. You sat on the patio drinking something warm and alcoholic, with nutmeg in it, and the snow fell on your shoulders. You were wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt; you were pretending that you weren’t cold, and that your lover would be back soon. You put your finger on the ground and then stuck it in your mouth. The snow looked like sugar, but it tasted like nothing at all.

From Charles Dickens’  A Christmas Carol :

Holly, mistletoe, red berries, ivy, turkeys, geese, game, poultry, brawn, meat, pigs, sausages, oysters, pies, puddings, fruit, and punch, all vanished instantly. So did the room, the fire, the ruddy glow, the hour of night, and they stood in the city streets on Christmas morning where (for the weather was severe) the people made a rough, but brisk and not unpleasant kind of music, in scraping the snow from the pavement in front of their dwellings, and from the tops of their houses, whence it was mad delight to the boys to see it come plumping down into the road below, and splitting into artificial little snow-storms.

The house fronts looked black enough, and the windows blacker, contrasting with the smooth white sheet of snow upon the roofs, and with the dirtier snow upon the ground; which last deposit had been ploughed up in deep furrows by the heavy wheels of carts and wagons; furrows that crossed and re-crossed each other hundreds of times where the great streets branched off; and made intricate channels, hard to trace, in the thick yellow mud and icy water. The sky was gloomy, and the shortest streets were choked up with a dingy mist, half thawed, half frozen, whose heavier particles descended in a shower of sooty atoms, as if all the chimneys in Great Britain had, by one consent, caught fire, and were blazing way to their dear hearts’ content. There was nothing very cheerful in the climate of the town, and yet was there an air of cheerfulness abroad that the clearest summer air and brightest summer sun might have endeavoured to diffuse in vain.

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