My Speech Class

Public Speaking Tips & Speech Topics

66 Military Speech Topics [Persuasive, Informative]

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Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class.

military speech topics

I try to cover for you as much persuasive and informative themes as possible related to defense and armed forces, militias, the marine corps and coast guard. This is one of my special speech topic idea pages.

Look on the left for other general and focused examples for an educational spoken essay presentation at school. Twenty interesting and current military speech topics for a good informative on objects, subjects, events, structures and entities can be about:

  • Air missile defense strategies in East Europe.
  • Small arms and light weapons sales in malls.
  • Structure of our armed forces; at sea, on land, in the air.
  • Famous battles and wars that form our nation.
  • Chain of command in special operations.
  • Bases, camps and forts as the defense line.
  • Intelligence services: do they cooperate?
  • Nuclear weapons stock by country or region.
  • Bunker busters; how do they work.
  • Patriot missile defense as an example of military engineering.
  • Medal of Honor categories and heroes.
  • Purple Heart conditions and recipients.
  • West Point Academy education curriculum.
  • Naval Coast Guard operations on the seas.
  • Chief of Staff position and power.
  • Megastructures engineered for the army.
  • Army marching bands and orchestras and their history.
  • Ways to salute in different countries.
  • Pentagon building architeture of concentric pentagonal rings and radial corridors.
  • Life in a submarine for ten months.
  • African Union should increase the number of troops deployed in the Sudanese Darfur province.
  • Military actions against regimes with hostile policies is inevitable.
  • The effect of war on the economy.
  • Closer diplomatic ties with North Korea will mean more control.
  • Decommissioning is the only way to negotiate with war lords in Sudan.
  • Diplomatic immunity issues in dictatorial systems are based on military power.
  • Efforts to bring Nazi war crime suspects to trial will never be successful.
  • Every citizen should commit to 2,000 hours of voluntary national service in their lifetime.
  • Have more women in military staff functions.
  • Immigration control is important to preserve security and culture.
  • It’s not cowardly to refuse to fight in a war.
  • Kids are most likely to become child soldiers if they are poor.
  • Military service should be based on conduct, not sexual orientation.
  • Mothers must be persuaded not to fight in militairy combat front lines.
  • Negotiating with terrorists is justifiable.
  • Recruiting marines is a though duty
  • Restrictions on weapons trade ought to be more severe.
  • Sometimes force and violence are needed to make peace.
  • Support initiatives to help child soldiers.
  • The military corps – professionals and / or voluntareers.
  • The next great world war will be in western Europe again.
  • The US-Mexican border fence to tighten homeland security does not work.
  • The use of torture is never appropriate.
  • There should be a Code of Conduct in the arms trade.
  • Unilateral military action is wrong without the consent of the United Nations.
  • We must never stop honouring war veterans.

Here are easy to research ideas for writing a speech on women in the military speech topics:

  • Women in front-combat lines: ban or not?
  • Role of women in World War II; female power behind the screens.
  • Famous female intelligence spies, there are more than you think.
  • Sexual harassment policies in the military.
  • Women on high positions in the army.
  • Seagoing positions and responsibilities on combat ships.
  • History of the position of women in military service.
  • All jobs in the air force should be opened for females.
  • Effects on morale, training, and unit workload.
  • Protection in ground combat.

These are examples of military speech topics based on interesting persuasive government policy writing topics. Describe pros/cons or take a side in the public debate about these speech ideas on controversial:

  • Are smart bombs really that smart?
  • Biological and chemical weapons.
  • Nuclear proliferation treaties do they bring a peaceful balance?
  • Arms trade codes of conduct by the large co-operating governments.
  • Regional conflicts. Cover not all of course, but I think you could pick out one or two and compare the similarities and upper-regional consequences in the long term.
  • Space security – a myth or already taken in position in secret agreements?
  • Use of dirty bombs and the international protests against it.
  • GI Bill on caring for veterans.
  • Veteran affairs.
  • Military budget cuts and spending balance.

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Military Speech Topics

Timothy sexton.

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A speech on a topic related to the military can be given even by those unfamiliar with military life or protocol. The military is a broad topic that covers a wealth of subtopics suitable for every level of experience. Do the research and get your facts right because when it comes to many of these subjects, some members of your audience may be very familiar with the topic.

Explore this article

  • Battles that Changed History
  • Gunpowder Ends Era of Suits of Armor
  • Women Serving Active Combat
  • United States Military Budget

1 Battles that Changed History

Military conflicts throughout history have produced specific battles that have changed the course of civilization. A topic for a military speech that offers a wealth of informational sources would be one that identifies a handful of the most important battles in world history. Among the battles to consider are the defeat of the Spanish Armada by the British in 1588, Lord Nelson’s victory at Trafalgar in 1805 and the battle of Gettysburg in the American Civil War.

2 Gunpowder Ends Era of Suits of Armor

Military strategy changes along with inventions of warfare. Write a speech that shows that it was a change in military weaponry that brought about the end of the suit of armor. The suit of armor was a tactical defensive weapon against the prevailing military strategy: combat using swords, arrows and lances. The invention of gunpowder led to the subsequent invention of guns, whose bullets were more than powerful enough to penetrate suits of armor. The rise of the gun as the weapon of choice in the military not only brought about the end of armored warfare, but all the mythology that surrounded knighthood and chivalry.

3 Women Serving Active Combat

The role of women in the military has long been debated. Joan of Arc was a very young woman who led France to victories over the British. On the other hand, women were not allowed to serve as active duty soldiers in the American military. Justifications for keeping women out of combat duty range from concerns about physical strength to the threat of sexual abuse if captured. A persuasive speech could take either side of the argument for or against women serving in active combat. An information speech provides historical background to the facts associated with women being denied the right to serve in combat and then traces how this perspective changed over time.

4 United States Military Budget

A persuasive speech on a military topic that guarantees a lively discussion afterward is one that takes the position that the United States either devotes too large a portion of its budget to the military or that it doesn’t provide enough monetary support for its troops. Research needs to be factual about just how large a piece of the budget pie is handed over to defense, but the most effective speech on this topic will break down that spending to show the ratio between how much money is spent on building and maintaining weaponry and how much money is actually given to the men and women who put their lives on the line to defend their country.

  • 1 War Resisters League: Where Your Income Tax Money Really Goes
  • 2 Fact Monster: Battles That Changed History

About the Author

Timothy Sexton's more than 10,000 articles have been published on sites ranging from USA Today to CareerAddict, from PopEater to His writing has been referenced in books ranging from "The Reckless Life...of Marlon Brando" to "Brand New China: Advertising, Media and Commercial and from Scarface Nation to Incentive!"

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100+ Military Essay Topics


The military, with its history, disciplines, strategies, and controversial issues, has always been a fascinating subject for both scholars and ordinary citizens. It’s no wonder that many students, whether they have military experience or are merely curious about the topic, choose to write essays about it.

Table of Contents

What is a Military Essay?

A military essay is a piece of writing that delves into topics related to the armed forces, defense strategies, historical battles, military ethics, the role of the military in national and international politics, and more. These essays can be analytical, argumentative, historical, or even personal, reflecting on one’s own experiences in the military. The objective of such an essay is to shed light on specific issues or to present a balanced argument about a controversial military topic.

A Quick Guide on How to Choose a Military Essay Topic

Selecting the right topic is crucial for any essay, and when it comes to military subjects, the stakes are even higher. Here’s a quick guide:

  • Interest is Key: Choose a topic that genuinely interests you. Your enthusiasm will reflect in your writing.
  • Relevance Matters: Ensure that the topic is relevant to the current socio-political climate or has historical significance.
  • Research is Crucial: Before settling on a topic, do preliminary research to ensure there’s enough material available.
  • Seek Diversity: Don’t just stick to the mainstream topics. Explore lesser-known events, strategies, or personal narratives.

Military Essay Topics to Consider:

Historical analysis.

  • The impact of World War II on modern military strategies.
  • The evolution of naval warfare: From wooden ships to nuclear submarines.
  • How the Cold War shaped military alliances and strategies.

Ethics and Morality

  • The moral implications of using drones in warfare.
  • Child soldiers: Understanding the tragedy and solutions.
  • The balance between national security and personal freedom in times of war.

Modern Warfare and Strategies

  • Cybersecurity and the new age of digital warfare.
  • The role of artificial intelligence in modern military tactics.
  • Understanding the military-industrial complex in the 21st century.

Role in Society

  • Women in the military: Breaking barriers and challenges faced.
  • How veterans reintegrate into civilian life and the challenges they encounter.
  • The impact of compulsory military service on societal structures.

International Relations and Politics

  • The role of NATO in today’s geopolitical landscape.
  • The military strategies of emerging superpowers.
  • Evaluating the pros and cons of military interventions.

Equipment and Technology

  • The evolution and impact of stealth technology in aerial warfare.
  • The role of satellites in modern military intelligence.
  • Nuclear deterrence: More of a threat or a necessity?

Training and Discipline

  • Analyzing the rigorous training regimens of elite military units.
  • The importance of psychological preparation in military training.
  • The role of discipline in shaping a soldier’s life and career.

Personal Narratives

  • Personal experiences of soldiers in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
  • The role of chaplains in providing spiritual support in warfare.
  • A day in the life of an army medic: Challenges and rewards.

Historical Perspectives

  • The transformation of military strategies from ancient to modern times.
  • The tactics and impact of guerrilla warfare throughout history.
  • Military lessons from the Vietnam War.
  • The influence of the Napoleonic Wars on contemporary warfare.
  • The Crusades: A military and religious expedition.

Current Affairs and Modern Challenges

  • The implications of North Korea’s military ambitions.
  • The changing face of terrorism and its impact on global military strategies.
  • The role of the U.S. military in global peacekeeping.
  • China’s military expansion in the South China Sea.
  • The future of warfare: Bio-weapons and other unconventional threats.

Technology and Innovation

  • The challenges and benefits of integrating robotics into the battlefield.
  • The evolution of military communication systems.
  • The potential and ethics of genetically modified soldiers.
  • How military tech influences civilian technology.
  • The impact of space exploration on military aspirations.

Ethics, Morals, and Laws of War

  • Torture in war: An in-depth ethical analysis.
  • The use of chemical weapons: History and repercussions.
  • The Geneva Conventions and their modern relevance.
  • The thin line between soldiers and war criminals.
  • Are there ever justifiable reasons for breaking the rules of war?

Societal Impacts and Military Influence

  • The economic consequences of maintaining a large standing army.
  • Propaganda and its role in military recruitment.
  • How the military influences fashion and popular culture.
  • The psychological impact of war on soldiers and civilians.
  • Veterans and PTSD: The silent battle after war.

Training, Leadership, and Military Culture

  • The physical and mental challenges of Navy SEAL training.
  • The influence of ancient Spartan culture on modern military training.
  • Leadership lessons from military generals.
  • The concept of honor and valor in the military.
  • The importance of camaraderie and brotherhood in military units.

Military Intelligence and Espionage

  • The history and evolution of military codes and code breaking.
  • Espionage during the Cold War: The silent heroes and villains.
  • How technology is changing the face of military intelligence.
  • Counterintelligence: Protecting secrets in a digital age.
  • The challenges and successes of the CIA and MI6.

Gender, Diversity, and Inclusion

  • The history of women’s roles in the military.
  • Addressing LGBTQ+ rights within the armed forces.
  • Challenges faced by minority groups in the military.
  • The benefits of a diverse and inclusive military force.
  • Gender roles and stereotypes in the military.

Military in Literature and Media

  • The portrayal of war in classic literature.
  • War movies: How Hollywood shapes our view of conflict.
  • The role of war correspondents and their influence on public opinion.
  • Military-themed video games: Edutainment or glorification of violence?
  • The accuracy of military portrayals in popular TV shows.

International Policies and Alliances

  • The history and future of NATO in global politics.
  • Military neutrality: The case of Switzerland.
  • The pros and cons of global disarmament treaties.
  • The challenges of peacekeeping missions: A UN perspective.
  • The role of the military in post-colonial African states.

Military Medical Practices

  • Battlefield medicine: Evolution and advancements.
  • The ethical dilemmas of triage in wartime.
  • The development and importance of military nursing.
  • Psychological support systems for soldiers in combat zones.
  • Combatting epidemics in military camps: Historical and modern perspectives.

Strategic Defense and Military Installations

  • The architecture and design of historical fortresses.
  • The importance of military bases in foreign territories.
  • Underground bunkers and their strategic significance.
  • The role and evolution of aircraft carriers in naval warfare.
  • Missile defense systems: Balancing offense and defense.

Military Traditions and Rituals

  • The history and significance of military parades.
  • Taps and the Last Post: Understanding military funerals.
  • The tradition of military tattoos and their meanings.
  • Rites of passage in different military cultures.
  • Military awards and decorations: More than just medals.

Reserve and Paramilitary Forces

  • The role of National Guard units in domestic emergencies.
  • Comparing regular armies with reserve forces: Training, roles, and challenges.
  • The significance and operations of the Coast Guard.
  • Paramilitary forces and their impact on national security.
  • Militias and their influence on geopolitical stability.

Military in Environmental Contexts

  • Desert warfare: Challenges and strategies.
  • The intricacies of jungle warfare and its historical significance.
  • Arctic and mountain warfare: Overcoming nature’s harshest challenges.
  • The environmental impact of military activities.
  • Adapting military strategies for urban vs. rural combat scenarios.

Boost Your Military Essay with WriteOnDeadline!

Having difficulty bringing your military essay to life? At , we have a team of expert writers who can craft a compelling essay for you. Whether it’s thorough research, captivating storytelling, or an in-depth analysis you need, our professionals have got you covered. Dive deep into the discipline of defense with our top-notch writing services.

Useful References:

  • U.S. Military History – An in-depth resource on the history of the U.S. Army.
  • International Review of the Red Cross – A journal covering humanitarian law, policy, and action.
  • RAND Corporation – Provides research and analysis on defense and security topics.
  • Military Times – Offers up-to-date news and analysis on military issues.

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informative speech topics military

Powerful Military Speech: What You Should Include in It

September 5, 2022 by Special Guest

by Paul Calderon

Military speeches are some of the most powerful and inspirational speeches out there. After listing to one, people feel inspired to become better versions of themselves. But these speeches do not write themselves. They are well-planned and speak to the heart of the listeners.

Whenever the troops’ morale was low, a wordsmith would come along and inspire them beyond what they thought was possible. The right words at the right time have the power to turn the tide when the odds are against you.

They have the power to lift you out of a hole of despair and motivate you to go on when there does not seem to be a reason to go any further. Here are a couple of tips on what to include in a military speech to make it gripping and powerful.

Make the enemy know what your intentions are

Making your intentions known, leaves no room for wonder or uncertainty. The one thing that cripples any human is fear. Fear can take on many forms, but it is often amplified in the unknown.

In the wonder of what is going to happen next. When you make your intentions known and speak as if directly to the enemy, you state command and power. It tells your troops that you have faith in their capabilities and it also makes the enemy start to wonder.

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Make the risks and rewards clear

When you are in the thick of things, it is easy to lose sight of why you are doing something. Soldiers will know this all too well, which is why it is important to reaffirm them and place their focus back on the rewards, instead of the current struggles.

What is important is not to make light of the struggle, but to acknowledge it and own it. The troops need to know that their commander and chief is aware of their situation and at the same time that it is all worth it.

A reminder of the past

Battles are often fought for selfish reasons, and the ones who are in the middle of the struggle will often wonder why they are still putting themselves at risk. It is when the troops are in this frame of mind that you need to let them know that they are fighting for more than just themselves.

This is the time that you remind them that some people and countrymen came before them and sacrificed their lives for the same cause. This is the time to inspire them by bringing to mind that everything their ancestors did was not in vain and that they are fighting to keep their dream and legacy alive.

Many depend on you

If there is one thing that inspires anyone to go the extra mile, it is the feeling of importance . Nothing inspires a soldier more than knowing that there are people who depend on his or her success.

There are people back home who cannot do what you do and rely on your skills. To inspire the troops, the message should be clear. There are millions of people back home who are praying and hoping for your success.

Get out the big guns

When things are going particularly tough, it helps to place a bit of fire under the troops and make them realize that they are skilled and badass. You need to let them know that the only news you are interested in hearing is that there is progress and that the enemy should be on the back foot.

It happens that troops can second guess themselves and become complacent or discouraged. This is the time when you scoff at their unbelief and make them realize that the enemy is shaking and hopes that they do not realize it.

A thank you will do

It is often the simple things in life that have the greatest impact. A simple thank you can turn the tide and make a military speech stronger than any other words of motivation. Deep at the heart of every person is the need to feel worthy, valued, and loved.

When there is so much on the line, the people risking the most, want to know that they matter. They want to know that you appreciate their sacrifice and that what they are doing, matters. It cannot be stressed enough how important a word of thanks can be for the people who often get forgotten in the chaos.

Many other elements can be built into a powerful military speech, but any speech of this kind aims to inspire. This is accomplished by making the people on the frontlines, or whoever it is addressed to, feel important, or rather to let them know that the end goal cannot be achieved without them.


Paul Calderon is an academic counselor who works with school and college students to enhance their academic performance and boost their grades. He’s also a well-known academic writer in the area of thesis and dissertation writing. When he’s not busy, he loves to walk his pets, play tennis and watch National Geographic or Discovery.

informative speech topics military

U.S. Marine Corps Lt. Col. Jon Lauder, outgoing battalion commander, 2nd Tank Battalion (2nd Tank Bn.), 2nd Marine Division (MARDIV), gives a speech during 2nd Tank Bn.’s change of command ceremony on Camp Lejeune, N.C., June 19, 2014. ( Source )

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  • Military Coup in Myanmar and Its Aftermath The goal of the military coup was to change the political order in Myanmar, which resulted in the change of all governing organizations.
  • LGBTQ+ (Queer) Military Discrimination in Healthcare Furthermore, the subject is relevant to the field of psychology as the current phenomenon examines discrimination in healthcare both from the psychological outcomes experienced by veterans as well as the perception of LGBTQ+ patients through […]
  • Eating Disorders in the Military Exposure to trauma is frequently linked to the emergence of eating disorders. As a result, soldiers develop an eating disorder due to external factors, which affect their mental and physical health, but it remains one […]
  • Civilian vs. Military Crew Resource Management Training In the practice of military crew resource management training, the development of the curriculum is preceded by the development and active use of a structural and logical scheme in the field of training.
  • The Lucifer Effect: Russian Military Invasion of Ukraine It is important to note that the statement that times of great tragedy such as war, genocide and disaster bring out both the best of us and the worst of us is true.
  • Salah al-Din, an Islamic Military Leader To study these events, it is crucial to consider the identity of Salah al-Din. In conclusion, it is important to stress that although the military victories of Salah al-Din caused much trouble for the crusaders, […]
  • Application of Irrefutable Laws of Leadership in the Military As a leader in the Army, I will let it be known to everyone that the decisions I take on behalf of the US Army will not be mine but for the rightful will of […]
  • How Contemporary Leadership Styles Are Relevant in Today’s Military As a consequence, the need to develop the competencies and abilities of leaders in the field is not generally considered a military core activity.
  • Individual and Structural Discrimination Toward LGBT (Queer) Military Personnel Consequently, LGBT military personnel are potentially even more vulnerable to mental health issues due to the combined stress of being LGBT and being in the military.
  • Military Medical Staff in a Conflict Area: Challenges and Obstacles The first type of obstacle that the healthcare staff face is related to the organization of the health system in the areas of humanitarian crisis.
  • Extremism: The Contribution of the Military The United States Army is strict against extremism, terming it as a harmful behavior that neglects the responsibilities entrusted to the military and instead undermines the rule of law. The importance of this topic is […]
  • The Role of the Military in Domestic Terrorism Acts The video focuses on the issue of domestic terrorism in the light of the January 6th attack on the Capitol.
  • Sarah Rosetta Wakeman’s Participation in the Military Campaigns Although this source is not dedicated to the person under consideration, Rosetta Wakeman, it was chosen as it is instrumental in understanding the position of women in American society in the 19th century.
  • Dogs in the Military: Articles’ Rhetorical Analysis Despite the different pathetic natures of the two compared articles about dogs in the industry, their comparison proves that the utilitarian and ethical utility of a scientific article is detectable regardless of the level of […]
  • The Mutual Trust Element in Military Operations In the case of launching operation Urgent Fury, the cooperation and mutual trust between the US and the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States were chiefly responsible.
  • Scaling and Success of DevOps for Military HQDA Army G-4 is a special unit involved in the development and evaluation of logistics processes, programs, and policies for the national military sector.
  • Role of Commander’s Intent in Military Operations In other words, the commander’s intent specifies the end state of the battleground in terms of the commander’s own forces, the enemy forces, and the territory.
  • Closing the Military-Civilian Career Gap A combination of the above-mentioned factors makes it harder for the ex-military people to work and interact with other employees. The inability to secure employment and the stigma from employers fuel the stress among the […]
  • Reverse Logistics of Military Service Concerning the reverse logistics of the military, the Navy completed research in 1998, “three fundamentals of RL having surfaced: dependability, consistency, and accessibility,” according to the research, the fundamentals of army reverse logistic procedures are […]
  • Redeployment Effort in the Military Moreover, the present objective of the logistics system transformation is to match the scale of logistical capacity to the actual demands of the military in terms of technological modernization and professionalization.
  • Post-Traumatic Growth Among US Military Veterans The first goal of this research is to describe the Prevalence of PTG overall and in the five domains. The second goal is to describe the nature of the association between PTG and PTSD symptoms […]
  • Bridging the Military-Civilian Career Gap The US military has one of the largest armies in the world and is the largest professional standing force. Skills transferability and military identity go hand in hand the military frames individuals to act in […]
  • Mandatory Military Training in the US The major argument in this article is that there is no longer a need for mandatory military training in the US.
  • Closing the Gap Between Military Service and Civilian Career The most important information in the article shows that the way veterans leave the military may affect their transition. This means that not all veterans have the same level of difficulty while transiting to the […]
  • Harassment in Military: My Squad Is Free From Abuse If there is a threat of sexual harassment to a private, he will go to a person he can trust, and I will do my best to become that person as his squad leader.
  • Military Effectiveness of Nazi Germany in 1939-1941 World War II is one of the most well-documented conflicts in military history, and there is an extensive amount of academic literature depicting the military effectiveness of the German army.
  • Erwin Rommel: Military General in the Nazi Army Nevertheless, in early 1941, Hitler promoted Rommel to the commander of the German troops in North Africa, and shortly after, the whole world recognized the military genius of Rommel.
  • Women’s Military Service and Biblical Teaching It is necessary to distinguish between two ideas of equality, which are highly different in moral terms: the idea of equality for the elite, the formal but necessary basis of which are privileges, status, a […]
  • Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation in Military CC: The patient interviewed on the military base. The patient has troubles sleeping after experiencing a traumatic event in Iraq.
  • Combat Operations: Military Operations Analysis Thus, due to the supply of arms and provisions to the city, the Soviet Union army could defend the strategically important city and turn the events of the entire war around.
  • Hazing and Sexual Assault on the Military Profession In that case, the issues affecting the integrity of the soldiers in the platoon will be fixed once and for all.
  • A Year of Duty: Why Mandatory Military Service Is a Great Idea A number of very beneficial social functions that it serves makes a case for implementing mandatory military service: it is capable of unifying people, resulting in economic benefits, and giving meaning to a person’s life.
  • Veterans’ Transition From Military to Civilian Life The VA has established several programs that provide medical, financial, and other forms of support to veterans to help them adapt to civilian life.
  • The Crusades and Military Campaigns The Crusades were armed expeditions of the peoples of the Christian West organized by the Church and the Papacy of Western Europe to liberate Jerusalem and the Holy Land from Muslims and subjugate these lands.
  • The First World War: Military-Industrial Complex The First World War served as a powerful impetus to the development of the military-industrial complex not only in the United States but also in many European countries.
  • Combat Bunker to the Corporate Boardroom – Leveraging the Military Mindset The linkage of the military mindset and their application in business settings support the research and analysis of the selected research topic.
  • Leveraging the Military Mindset Into Business With YSG’s culture of hiring veterans and relatives to the veterans, this is an indicator that the company is benefiting from the military mindset in its business. The company has a significant number of employees […]
  • Pastoral Counseling in the Military In turn, the standards of the Christian Church will help me to remain patient and understanding of the needs of soldiers so that they could progress in their spiritual development.
  • Navigating Religious Pluralism in the Military They also have a significant impact on the development of the religious situation in the country, the dynamics of relations between confessions, and their relationship with the state in the context of the rapid spread […]
  • Military Mindset and Its Application in Business Similar to the military organization, the elements of said leadership and mindset can be learned if there are appropriate resources and culture in place as well as influences that promote critical self-reflection.
  • Difficulties in Adjusting to Civil Life After the Military Therefore, it is crucial for the nursing staff to address this issue and to explain to Mike the consequences of his health problems. It is vital to inform the patient of his condition and to […]
  • The US Sanctions Against Myanmar Military Officials The US, along with the EU, is among the countries that use economic sanctions to achieve their political and economic goals the most frequently.
  • American Military University: The Ultimate Advantage Is an Educated Mind AMU is affordable and has programs in fields such as business, information technology, education and management.
  • Gender Inequality in Relation to the Military Service In his article, Soutik Biswas refers to the intention of India’s Supreme Court to influence the government and give women commanding roles in the army.
  • Military Security (Nuclear Deterrence) Nuclear deterrence is a military strategy suggesting that a state may use its influence to bar another country from utilizing nuclear weapons.
  • For Continued TRI-CARE Coverage for Military Retirees In light of the sacrifice members of the armed forces give to their country and the social, psychological and health challenges that retirees face during and after service, it is important to provide continued TRI-CARE […]
  • PTSD Dual Representation Theory Use in Military Personnel However, it is the position of this paper that this is mere gender stereotyping and the real cause of trauma among women veterans has to do with sexual harassment.
  • Military Medical Practitioners Malpractice The policy prevents them from filing lawsuits and claims against the national government on the grounds of medical malpractice. It allows for service members in active duty to file administrative claims against the government for […]
  • Failed Leadership and Triggering Military Coups in Mali The people of the Republic of Mali are used to having their heads of state deposed by the military. The Tuareg people are among the most aggrieved, and in 2012, they staged a mutiny aiming […]
  • Response to Terrorist Attacks: The Role of Military and Public Sector Entities Nevertheless, to understand the basis of such partnership, one has to understand the actions that the public sector takes and has taken to respond to terrorism in the United States and globally.
  • How the Military Made the Transition From Combat to Garrison The purpose of the briefing is to expound on how the military transition from combat to garrison has and is being conducted and the type of leadership style works best.
  • The US Military Veterans’ Mental Healthcare System The study’s main objective was to examine the Veterans’ gratification with VA mental health caring, its occurrence of delayed care, and the links of such results.
  • “Experiences of Military Spouses of Veterans With Combat-Related PTSD” by Yambo Spouses living with PTSD veterans are unprepared and struggling to deal with issues that their husbands experience.
  • Civil-Military Tension as Ethical Dilemma The first is to accept the situation as it is without questions, strictly following the orders and observing the limitations of their inferior position as consultants to the government.
  • Ex-Military Adaptation: Veteran Care Grant Proposal The adaptation process and strategies for its implementation are expressed in the project through a consistent approach to the employment of veterans.
  • The Military’s Role During the Fall of Suharto in Indonesia During the fall of Suharto in Indonesia, the military played a significant role as both the silent enforcer and active peacemaker.
  • The Military Partnerships: Humanitarian and Support Role The purpose of this paper is to discuss the humanitarian and support role of the military partnerships and the NATO command structure, involvement of the National Guard and military branches, and some vital functions of […]
  • Transitioning From Military to Civilian Life Since social adaptation after military service is a relevant social topic, this area is studied extensively in social disciplines.
  • Military Technologies Inc. vs. Guidance Systems LLC The stakeholders involved in the aftermath of the decision include the company, the government, the supplier, the alternative supplier, the community, and the competing company as a hostile stakeholder.
  • Military Transition To Civilian Life The presentation will review the usefulness of BMA, ET, and phenomenology for the transitioning processes that VMs experience as they go from military life to civilian life.
  • Disaster Relief and the Military This paper aims to discuss the capabilities and limitations of Active duty and identify why the national guard is being used to support disaster relief efforts.
  • Burma Under the Military Rule in 1962-1988 It is necessary to add that the public had a specific idea on the military as people believed the military could rule the country as they had the authority and the necessary instruments.
  • N. Johnson’s Analysis of Military Operations in Uganda The defection campaign aimed at the TA commandment will eliminate the danger that TA poses to the local population and reduce the current number of 100 TA fighters to a minimum.
  • Media and U.S. Military Policy 2 This paper discusses how the ubiquity of media continues to affect U.S.military interests and how contemporary military policy responds to media ubiquity.
  • Alcohol Before and After Military Combat Deployment The conclusion of the article addressed the risk in the new-onset of heavy drinking, binge drinking and the alcohol-related crises among the soldiers who return from war.
  • Sex Trade in South Korea Around US Military Bases According to reports released in 2003 by the Korean Institute of Criminology and the Korean Feminist Association, hundreds of thousands of women in the country are involved in the sex trade.
  • Medication Errors at Riyadh Military Hospital: Medical Safety and Quality The safe keeping of medical records is the task of the medical records department. Medication errors are investigated at the hospital with regard to the degree to which the risk of improper management of patients’ […]
  • Multi-Touch Touch Screen Controls in Military Aircraft The attitude indicator is in the centre of the top row, the Airspeed indicator is to the left, the altimeter on the right, and the gyrocompass or heading indicator in the centre of the second […]
  • Contemporary United States Military Chaplaincy Tuttle elaborates that the government has the policy of encouraging the religious, moral, and recreation affairs as well as the development of members of the Armed Force.
  • Military Deployment From Social Service Perspective Among the main problems that led to the development of substance abuse, there is a radical change in the entire lifestyle, changing the previous residence, the decline of the financial situation, housing problems, and uncertainty […]
  • Optical Fiber Technologies Development and Military Use The benefits of optical fiber technology are the reasons that made the military sector to become an early adopter, and its usage is gradually becoming fundamental even in other fields.
  • Hawks’ “Sergeant York” and Military Social Work The goals of York were to complete his military service as a brave and worthy man, who contributed to the protection and safety of the US.
  • The Potential Mental Disorders in the Active-Duty Military The article by Walker et al.titled “Active-Duty Military Service Members’ Visual Representations of PTSD and TBI in Masks” describes the study aimed to identify potential mental disorders in the active-duty military.
  • No Respect Given to Military Family The purpose of this essay is to study the impact of the problem of insufficient respect for military families on society and individuals and to find solutions to this issue.
  • Sexism Against Women in the Military The results showed that not all of the perpetrators and victims from the reports were connected to the military, and most of the victims were women.
  • Military Experience: Sergeant Major A rank of Sergeant Major is considered to be a high one and the person must have a reputation of a responsible and knowledgeable individual.
  • Female Military in the Continental Army John Rees claims that the percentage of women in the Continental Army was around 3%, but the actual number is hard to find out since some women were disguised as men, and a lot of […]
  • How to End Terrorism: Diplomacy or Military Action? The goal of the terrorist acts is the intimidate the population for the purpose of rocking the political situation in the countries, which policy is controversial to the ideas of terrorists.
  • Latino Experiences in US Military It is assumed that the Latinos have increased in the military to replace the number of African Americans that has been reducing with years.
  • The Issues of Race in the Military Consequently, to fully comprehend and assimilate the nature of racial and ethical discrimination meted out on the black military personnel’s or to better put it for military officers of different race or colour, one will […]
  • Should National Governments Hire Private Military Contractors? When the services of private militias are enlisted usually the mission is dirty and dangerous and it is supposed to be a secret.
  • Crusades: Military Strategy or Religious Ideology? The main aim of the European powers was the recapturing of the Holy Sepulcher, as well as the lowering of Muslim influence in Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa.
  • Task Clusters in Military Learning Activity The first level in this framework is that of reaction whereby the attitude of the trainees is measured using a written questionnaire that measures their interests and motivation.a show of interest is a positive indication […]
  • Jobless Youth Joining the Military It is stated that most of the youths in America join the military due to expansion of the nuclear energy and the need for more employees.
  • Women Should Be Included in the Military Draft if the President Activates It This means that if there is to be a military draft, whether due to the need of health workers, or the already existing and growing numbers of women in the military, women should definitely be […]
  • Military Theorists: Carl von Clausewitz and Antoine-Henri Jomini Jomini just like Clausewitz saw the battle of the French Revolution and the various activities that shaped historical events at the time of the Napoleonic era.
  • Military Divorce, Its Causes and Effects As discussed earlier, due to their nature of training and the nature of the job, the military tends to be emotionally imbalanced with violent tendencies.
  • Roman Civilization and Its Military Power The Roman Empire used the first systems of the republic to conquer a lot but for the interest of a few who included those living within the cities as well as those who were close […]
  • Military Transformation in the US Marine Corps The consensus ‘Committee System’ of Command and Control as practiced by the British Doctrine was identified as the chief weakness in the success of amphibious operations.
  • “The Military Family” by James Martin The book chronicles the military’s efforts to deal with the social challenges and how the operational dynamics have forced the military to outsource and privatize many of the family support functions to civilian service providers […]
  • International Security Environment and Its Impact on the US Military The dangers of a nuclear armed Iran persist and the US will have to cater for the rise of China as a competing superpower.
  • Communication Amongst Military Families At the conclusion of this paper it is the hope of the writer that the reader have an increased understanding of the difficulties experienced by individuals under contract with the military as well as what […]
  • The U.S. Military Is Unprepared at Outbreak of Hostilities However, a close look at the development would definitely show that the allegation is the result of blowing the issue out of proportion and there should be no reason the US force, or the NCOs, […]
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Military Career The military career of Dwight David Eisenhower was closely connected with the development of the American state and international relations during the first half of the 20th century and till the end of the 1960s.
  • Historical Analysis of Military Situations in China The main target of the Soviet was to ensure that the two parties merged. What brought the Communists to power was the revival of the power of the peasantry through Mao Zedong.
  • The Sino-Russian Military Exercises and the US-Japanese War Game The purpose of this paper is to argue that the joint military exercises are informed by the diplomatic tensions between the participants, political events in the East Asian countries, and the scramble for the influence […]
  • Tax Money Usage on Military Spending Issue The fact that America won the Cold War and defeated the Soviets is taken as a vindication by the American leaders of the need to continue military spending.
  • Ethics in Military Service Against the Backdrop of Philosophical Theories of Natural Law, Etc. This essay examines the ethics of military service against the backdrop of philosophical theories of Natural Law, Constitutional ethics, Utilitarianism, Relativism, and Kant’s Categorical Imperative with the aim of determining whether the actions of Kilo […]
  • Military: Carl Von Clausewitz Theories In modern times fog and friction of war are not obsolete, and their presence in warfare proves the theory of Clausewitz due to multiple examples of war tactics of today.
  • U.S. Military Transformation History: Recruiting From 1776 to Nowadays The transformations in recruitment under a diversified program have also worked to improve opportunities for the minorities within the society Another major factor that led to widening the diversity of military personnel was the need […]
  • Alexander the Great, Military Intellectual When Olympia was pregnant, the god’s are said to have communicated to her and the husband in a dream on the nature of the child to be born.
  • Personal Philosophy of Military Leadership Hence, it devolves upon the leader to provide the necessary inspiration, enunciate clearly his vision and mission for his subordinates and above all be faultless in his personal code of conduct and maintain the core […]
  • Uniform Code of Military Justice The Uniform Code of Military Justice is the corner stone of military law in the armed forces of the United States.
  • Military Professionals Study Military History The question that has been asked over the ages is the reason to study history. This essay is an argument, which states that the study of history is important for military personnel as it demonstrates […]
  • Military Leadership in the 21st Century The first challenge of any leadership is to feel the inevitability of tomorrow, meaning that one should be aware that one cannot lead forever and therefore, the delegation of authority should be a part of […]
  • What It Takes to Be a Military Commander To grasp the sheer amount of odds that one has to overcome to rise in the military hierarchy, it’s important to start at the beginning- the initial decision to join the military.
  • Iraq War and the Effects on the Military Family However, the effects of the wars have been felt by the nationals of the warring regions as well as the families of the troops fighting in the war.
  • Military Dictatorships in Latin America Prior to analyzing military regimes in Latin America and the causes of their emergence, it is of crucial importance to understand the concept of dictatorship, because, it has many forms, and can be interpreted from […]
  • U.S. Military in Iraq: Should They Just Leave? After the US defeated Iraq and succeeded in removing Sadaam Hussein from power, they continued to stay in the country in order to ensure that peace prevails in the country and ensure that innocent people […]
  • World War I Within the Context of Military Revolution The main peculiarity of the World War I is the advent of the so-called “three-dimensional conflict”, which means that the combat is held also in the air.
  • Private Military Companies’ Strategic Management This difference in terms of professionalism and reliability is one of the factors leading to differences in performance levels between the companies. In the case of Blackwater, they are not open to public scrutiny.
  • The Modernization of the Chinese Military The Chinese people’s liberation Army is the unified military organization of all land, sea, and air forces of the Republic of China.
  • British Military Medicine in the 18th Century To trace the footpath of military medicine from the fourteenth century to the eighteenth century is akin to detailing the medical advancements that has accompanied military conquests from the early civilizations to the present post […]
  • Combating Access to Military Healthcare To change the situation, it is extremely needed to implement measures that would enable the service members and their families to gain access to healthcare in a Military health system.
  • Military Dictatorship in Brazil (1964-1985) They studied records of interrogations of the government of Brazil so that they could be able to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the government in dealing with the issue of dictatorship.
  • United States Military Withdraw From Iraq Issue In looking at the events that led to the invasion of Iraq by the United States, one would not fail to make a connection between the 2001 terrorist attack on the United States and the […]
  • NATO Organization Civilian & Military Structures Internal lettering is of the formal character, and is not always available for the reader, as it is of no interest for the inhabitant. It may be of scientific interest only for the researcher, and […]
  • Discrimination Against Gays in the Military This information shows that the problem of gay men and lesbian in the military is a part of politics which supports discrimination and inequalities.
  • Military “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Policy. Is It Legal? The aim of this policy is to allow homosexual men to serve the army in spite of their sexual orientation. Second, and related to the first advantage, the issue definition could allow Clinton to transcend […]
  • Military Substance Abuse Issue Analysis Military substance abuse, therefore, refers to the people working in the department of defense and in one way or the other are overindulging themselves in drug abuse or rather depending on a drug or chemical […]
  • Tupolev Military Aircraft: International Business Law It is proposed to take over the Tupolev Military Aircraft Production Unit from the Russian Government since it is not, presently, in a position, for financial reasons, to build military helicopters here.
  • Should Women Be in the Military? The paper starts with a historical background on the presence of women in the military and how they evolved through various traditional roles to their current roles over their time spent in the military domain. […]
  • Is Killing in Military Engagement Justifiable? To consider the same topic in the modern national and international environment, we need to conclude that killing during military engagements is justifiable to the extent when it is very much related to the scope […]
  • Military Leadership Styles in Examples He could argue and have a debate with them this was one of the strategies that he strengthens his leadership qualities by making it one of the key factors in his family and in his […]
  • Military Leadership and Techniques The general principles of a leader are completion of the military task and the wellbeing of the warriors. The most primary and significant arrangement technology used by the military is the sequence of command.
  • Military in Space: What Will It Give the US? If these are the primary purposes of the current military strategy in space, there is more for the military in the future.
  • Chinese Military Modernization and Capabilities
  • Gender Barriers to Military Leadership
  • Military Leadership: Qualities to Acquire
  • Health Behavior & Policies in Military Communities
  • “Russia’s Military Revival” by Bettina Renz
  • Military Conflicts at the Civil War
  • Alcohol’s Role in Military Sexual Assaults
  • Total Military Experience Effects on Arrests in Prison Inmates
  • Military and Political Leadership
  • Leaders’ Lessons Borrowed From Military Systems
  • Sharp System and Its Misconception in US Military
  • Social Work in the Military With Homeless Veterans
  • Powered Exoskeleton in Military & Space Industries
  • Sexual Orientation and Equal Rights in Military
  • Military: Rules of Engagement and Opening Fire
  • East Asian Military Before and After World Wars
  • Challenges of Employing U.S. Military Power
  • Why Must Political Power Have Primacy Over Military Power?
  • Military Justice Issues: People’s Rights and Freedoms
  • Open Homosexuals’ Effects on Military Morale
  • Substance Abuse in the US Military System
  • Domestic Violence Within the US Military
  • War Purpose and Military Values
  • Can Terrorism Only Be Defeated by Military Means?
  • Military Advances Cause Change in Social Structure
  • African Union Military Force in Darfur Conflict
  • Social Work Against Alcohol Dependency in Military
  • Treatments for Alcohol Abuse in the Military
  • Military Social Work: SA Scott Case
  • Military Social Worker and Posttraumatic Disorder
  • Military Social Work Services and Family Support
  • American Military Early Childhood Care System
  • Encouraging the Accommodation of the Military in Texas
  • Military Cyberspace as a New Technology
  • Ex-Military Socialization and Mental Treatment
  • Social Work in the Military Rehabilitation
  • Wide Area Network Acceleration for Military Field
  • Sexual Assault and Harassment in the U.S. Military
  • Military Social Work and Psychological Treatment
  • Psychological Trauma Care in Military Veterans
  • Leadership and Learning Organizations in the US Military
  • Military Operation Tomodachi: Communication Plan
  • Sexual Assault in the United States Military
  • Veteran Service Representatives for US Military
  • Military Social Worker’s Services for Family
  • Military Social Worker’s Services for Personnel
  • Wireless Sensor Networks in Military Applications
  • Military Families and Their Sacrifices
  • Alcohol Abuse for Military-Connected
  • Military Social Worker Intervention
  • Social Work in the Military: Psychological Issues
  • Military Trials: The Criminal Justice Procedures Violations
  • Military Law and One Team’s Concept
  • Long Deployment for Military Families
  • United States Military Challenges
  • Military Personnel Health Problems
  • Preventing Suicide in the Military and Veterans
  • Policemen of the World: U.S. Military Force
  • Napoleon Bonaparte’s Military Dictatorship
  • American Military Involvement in Haiti
  • Drone Aircraft in Military Encounters
  • The Ubiquity of Media and the U.S. Military Interests
  • Military Control of Students’ Demonstrations
  • Virtual Reality in Military Health Care
  • Exoskeletons for Military and Healthcare: Marketing Plan
  • Soldiers’ Therapy in Military Mental Health Clinic
  • Pakistan-United States Economic and Military Relations
  • Cuban Crisis, Its Military, Social, Economic Factors
  • Military Deployment Effects on Family Members
  • US Military Thinking and Concepts Development
  • Military Technology in the American Civil War
  • Native Americans, Colonial Militia, and US Military
  • US Militia System Evolution to US Military
  • Military Capacity of the US as a Young Nation
  • Technology in the US Military Capabilities Revival
  • Sexual Assault and How It Changed the Military
  • Learning From Crisis: Hospital and Military Examples
  • China’s “Military Exercises” Near Taiwan in 1996
  • Humanitarian Military Intervention Outcomes
  • The Battle of Sadr City as a Military Operation
  • Civilian and Military Tribunals Differences
  • Classical and Modern Military Strategists
  • The United States’ Military: Core Values’ Importance
  • Global Operations in Military Logistics Function
  • Military Logistics in Operation “Iraqi Freedom”
  • China’s Military Transformation and Its Regional Impact
  • The Military Actions in the Cyber Reality
  • Military Leadership: Great or Toxic
  • The United Arab Emirates Military
  • George Patton: General and Military Innovator
  • Military Strategy in the Afghan War
  • Military Affairs: Revolution and Development
  • Military Dictatorship Effects in Nigeria and Brazil
  • Military and Civilian Safety Management System
  • The War Finance Feature in Promoting Military Success
  • Policy in the Military
  • The Return of the Military Draft
  • Military Professional Ethics
  • Leadership Development in the Military Context
  • “Fall of the Roman Empire: The Military Explanation” by Arthur Ferill
  • Mexican War: Diplomatic and Military Causes
  • System Engineering and the Positive Role It Has in the Military
  • What Makes a Great Military Leader?
  • The Military Sealift Command
  • Military Sealift Command (MSC)
  • The US Military Experience in Films
  • Making a Happier Military
  • Military Leadership in US
  • Suicide in the Military (US)
  • Diplomatic and Military Fronts: 1948 Arab-Israeli Conflict
  • Should the US Increase or Decrease Military Forces Overseas to Protect the US
  • Downsizing in the U.S. Military
  • Military Fascism in Pre-WWII Japan
  • DOD Policy on Social Media Concerning Military Members and Government Public Administration
  • The United States Armed Forces: One Military Force Combining Land, Sea, and Air Activities
  • Stanislaus Military Academy Developmental Model and Plan
  • Revelation of Quran to Prophet Mohammad and Religion, Politics, and Military Affairs
  • Changes in Canada’s Military System
  • The Military Development of Post-Mao China
  • Military Modernization in China and Israel – Research
  • How Should the United States Respond to the Expansion of China’s Military Force?
  • China’s Military Modernization – Aggressiveness or Defensiveness?
  • The Ottoman Military and Political Organization
  • “Military Rule in Latin America” by Karen Remmer
  • The Combination of a Coaching and Military Style of Leadership
  • Military Forces and Politics of Iran
  • Does ‘China’s Growing Military Power’ Pose a Threat to the Region?
  • The Lack of Child Care Facilities in the Military Communities
  • How Racial Discourses Subtend Military Projects
  • Military Commercial Driver’s License Act of 2012
  • US Military Spending
  • How Military and Civil Courts Address Sexual Assault and Rape in the Military
  • The Government Policy on Military Expansion
  • Gays in the Military
  • It is Not Just for the United States to Use Military Force to Prevent the Acquisition of Nuclear Weapons by Nations that Pose a Military Threat.
  • Military History of United States of America
  • Military Equipments and the Technology of China in Early Modern World
  • Military Funeral Honors in the US Navy
  • Steps by the Local and Military Officials to Prevent the Spread of Avian Flu in Okiwan
  • Planning for and Implementation of Information Technology in Civilian and Military Organizations
  • United States Military as an Institution
  • The Evolution of US Military Logistical Procurement
  • Women in the Military
  • How the Constitution Applies to Being a Military Leader/Officer
  • The Military Style Practices in Small Business Management
  • Analysis of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Military Personnel
  • Gay in the Military
  • Safety in the Military Workplace
  • Why We Fight: Military Industrial Complex and Its Impact on the American Life
  • Are Military Regimes Really Belligerent?
  • What Is the Biggest Challenge Facing Todays Military?
  • How Does Modern and Ancient Military Conflict Differ?
  • Is Transformational Leadership Effective in the Military?
  • Does Peacetime Military Service Affect Crime?
  • How Has Technological Innovation Changed Military Strategy?
  • What Are the Factors That Exert the Impact on Military Leadership With the Changing Face of War in the Twenty-First Century?
  • Are Women Cut Out for Military Combat?
  • How Does the Current Military Approach Reduce the Risk of Sexual Assault?
  • Does Military Spending Impede Income Inequality?
  • What Is the Psychological Impact of Military Service?
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IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 339 Military Essay Topic Ideas & Examples.

"339 Military Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) '339 Military Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "339 Military Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "339 Military Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024.


IvyPanda . "339 Military Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024.

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informative speech topics military

Watch: Top 5 epic military speeches

Speeches motivate, inspire, and deliver hope when all else seems hopeless. These five speeches were all delivered by members of the United States Military, with each speech communicating a timeless lesson on adversity and forging through to overcome.

Admiral McRaven – Change The World In his speech, Admiral McRaven talks about Navy Seals and the training they must endure to become the top-tier service members, but the message is also relevant to everyday life.

McRaven’s advice is to start each day with a task completed if you want to change the world.

He said to know that life is not fair and failure will happen often, but to take some risks and stand up when times are tough.

informative speech topics military

James McCloughan – Show Your Love James McCloughan’s speech focuses on not measuring life by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that your breath away.

“When there are hope, belief, love of someone and something greater, anything can be accomplished,” he said. David Rutherford – Live With A Purpose David Rutherford tells the story of a Navy Seal who jumped on a grenade to save the lives of his brothers in arms. Rutherford says that all people ahve fear in them, but it’s learning to embrace that fear that sets men apart.

Rutherford says he has learned “four undeniable truths” in his life: embrace the fear, forge self-confidence every single day, live life with a purpose, and nobody does it alone.

Rob O’Neill – Keep Moving Forward Rob O’Neill’s speech focuses on quitting. He says that when quitting feels like an option – and it will – put it off until tomorrow.

“People will be so close to a goal, 95 percent of the way there and then have a bad day and then throw their hands up: that’s it, I quit,” O’Neill says, adding, “Saying never quit and never quitting are two different things.”

“When you feel like quitting, which you will, don’t quit right now. Quit tomorrow…keep moving forward.”

informative speech topics military

David Goggins-Embrace the suck David Goggins talks about challenging expectations as opposed to managing them.

“Greatness is not something at you meet once. It’s something that you meet thousands of [expletive] times in your life and you don’t reach it if you aren’t in constant pursuit of greatness,” Goggins says.

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3 Great military speeches to inspire you as a leader


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The world sorely needs great leaders, whether in the workplace, in the public square, or in the home. History offers compelling lessons and examples of what such wise governance could look like.

These three historic speeches offer a blueprint for what a great leader might say to inspire his team to give their best effort and get through hard times.

1 Remind your team of who they are.

One of the earliest great speeches on record is the Funeral Oration delivered by Pericles, an eminent Athenian politician, at the end of the first year of the Peloponnesian War. He made the speech at a public funeral held annually for the war dead.

Instead of speaking only of the men who had died , Pericles chose to describe the history of Athens itself, specifically what made it distinct from other city-states. He recalled the efforts with which Athenian ancestors had built up the city:

I will speak first of our ancestors, for it is right and seemly that now, when we are lamenting the dead, a tribute should be paid to their memory. There has never been a time when they did not inhabit this land, which by their valor they will have handed down from generation to generation, and we have received from them a free state. But if they were worthy of praise, still more were our fathers, who added to their inheritance, and after many a struggle transmitted to us their sons this great empire. And we ourselves assembled here today, who are still most of us in the vigor of life, have carried the work of improvement further, and have richly endowed our city with all things, so that she is sufficient for herself both in peace and war.

Then he extolled Athens’ reputation and fame compared to its neighbors, making clear that such a magnificent city was worth every sacrifice :

Our form of government does not enter into rivalry with the institutions of others. Our government does not copy our neighbors’, but is an example to them… For we have compelled every land and every sea to open a path for our valor, and have everywhere planted eternal memorials of our friendship and of our enmity. Such is the city for whose sake these men nobly fought and died; they could not bear the thought that she might be taken from them; and every one of us who survive should gladly toil on her behalf.

After making the case at length for the glory and power of Athens, he assured his audience, “So died these men as becomes Athenians. You, their survivors, must determine to have as unfaltering a resolution in the field, though you may pray that it may have a happier outcome.” His statement that these men were “worthy of Athens” carried enormous weight, given all he had said before.

Pericles exalted the history and identity of Athens to remind his listeners of who they were and what set them apart. The pride and honor of their heritage would inspire them to continue the war with renewed vigor.

This is a valuable strategy for modern-day leaders: Remind your team of their great achievements of the past. List all the reasons they have to be proud of their efforts. Recalling past accomplishments is one way to spur them on to future triumph.

2 Describe your vision for great things to come

The year was 1415, and the English army was badly outnumbered when it collided with French forces at Agincourt, France, during the Hundred Years’ War. But the English king, Henry V, delivered a rousing speech that inspired his soldiers to achieve a decisive victory on October 25, the feast of St. Crispin. The exact words of King Henry V’s speech have been lost to history, but Shakespeare captured its themes and spirit in his play Henry V , in a passage known as the St. Crispin’s Day Speech .

This address is exemplary for so many reasons, such as its focus on brotherhood, honor, and pride. It’s also a wonderful example of a simple but powerful leadership tactic: getting through a difficult period by describing in detail the glorious things to come.

Rather than enumerate the terrible odds facing his army, King Henry V vividly outlines how the battle’s veterans will remember this day for the rest of their lives:

He that outlives this day, and comes safe home, Will stand a tip-toe when this day is named, And rouse him at the name of Crispian. He that shall live this day, and see old age, Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbors, And say “To-morrow is Saint Crispian.” Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars, And say “These wounds I had on Crispin’s day.” Old men forget; yet all shall be forgot, But he’ll remember, with advantages, What feats he did that day.

He promises that not only the soldiers themselves but their neighbors, the rest of the country, and indeed all the world will remember their valor on this day:

And Crispin Crispian shall ne’er go by, From this day to the ending of the world, But we in it shall be rememberèd— We few, we happy few, we band of brothers … And gentlemen in England now a-bed Shall think themselves accursed they were not here, And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks That fought with us upon Saint Crispin’s day.

“We happy few” is a stroke of rhetorical genius; his soldiers know that being comparatively “few” in number will be their weakness in the coming battle, but Henry V turns it around and presents it as a strength, since “few” warriors means more glory for each of them. 

Henry V describes in great detail the glory to be won in the coming battle, glory that will attend each soldier forever. His words reveal a strategy for modern-day leaders: Paint a verbal picture of the coming reward for the hard work and difficult times. Having that vision of the future to look forward to can make all the difference.

3 Acknowledge the worst-case scenario and address it directly.

Most people don’t want to talk about really scary possibilities. They want to plan for the safest options and pretend the worst can’t happen. But leaders are not silent about hard things. Instead, they acknowledge the most fearsome dangers, face them head-on, and outline a plan for overcoming them.

That’s what Winston Churchill did on June 4, 1940, when he addressed the British House of Commons after the Battle of Dunkirk, during the Second World War. The nation was in a euphoric mood. A week before, the Allied Forces had been perilously trapped at the Dunkirk port in France and all seemed lost, but every possible seafaring vessel (including small civilian fishing boats!) had come to their aid and carried over 338,000 troops to safety on British soil.

Despite the immense relief following the successful evacuation, the Allied Forces were in a disastrous situation. They’d had to abandon not only enormous amounts of military equipment but also literally the continent of Europe; the German army had beaten them back to the shores of the British isle, costing the lives of tens of thousands of soldiers. Nobody wanted to admit it, but the grim prospect of a German invasion was looking more and more likely.

Winston Churchill addressed that terrifying possibility directly in his speech that day . He not only acknowledged that the nation’s worst fear could happen, but he told the British people that they would meet that fear, if it came, with their characteristic indomitable courage:

I have, myself, full confidence that … we shall prove ourselves once again able to defend our Island home, to ride out the storm of war, and to outlive the menace of tyranny, if necessary for years, if necessary alone … Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous States have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Gestapo and all the odious apparatus of Nazi rule, we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God’s good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.

His bold response would rouse any heart to courage! Churchill outlined this response to a German invasion of Britain, but the strategy can work for any leader. For your team, what’s the worst-case scenario, the fear no one wants to talk about? What would be the ideal response to it that you would want to see?

Clearly lay out this plan before it ever becomes necessary. Knowing that you have a carefully considered and courageous plan in place for even the worst-case scenario inspires your team to imitate that fearlessness and go forth with confidence.

These are only a small fraction of the countless bold and noble speeches recorded in history’s pages. Winston Churchill once said, “Study history, study history. In history lie all the secrets of statecraft.” In history, too, lie all the secrets of great leadership—of commanding and supporting a team, in both victory and defeat. No better manual or guide book can be found.


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37 Chapter 12: Informative Speaking


Learning Objectives

After reading this chapter, the student will be able to:

  • Recognize opinion versus factual information;
  • Recognize the different types of informative speeches;
  • Decide on the best organizational approach for types of informative speeches;
  • Follow proven guidelines for preparing an informative speech;
  • Construct an informative speech.

Chapter Preview

– What is an Informative Speech?

– types of informative speeches, – guidelines for selecting an informative speech topic, – guidelines for preparing an informative speech, – giving informative speeches in groups.

Informative speecha speech based entire- ly and exclusively on facts and whose main purpose is to inform rather than persuade, amuse, or inspire Defining what an informative speech is can be both straight-forward and somewhat tricky at the same time. Very simply, an informative speech can first be defined as a speech based entirely and exclusively on facts.

Basically, an informative speech conveys knowledge, a task that every person engages in every day in some form or another. Whether giving someone who is lost driving directions, explaining the specials of the day as a server, or describing the plot of a movie to friends, people engage in forms of informative speaking daily. Secondly, an informative speech does not attempt to convince the audience that one thing is better than another. It does not advocate a course of action. Consider the following two state- ments:

George Washington was the first President of the United States.

Irrefutablea statement or claim that cannot be argued In each case, the statement made is what can be described as irrefutable , meaning a statement or claim that cannot be argued. In the first example, even small children are taught that having two apples and then getting two more apples will result in having four apples. This statement is irrefutable in that no one in the world will (or should!) argue this: It is a fact.

Similarly, with the statement “George Washington was the first President of the United States,” this again is an irrefutable fact. If you asked one hundred history professors and read one hundred history textbooks, the professors and textbooks would all say the same thing: Washington was the first president. No expert, reliable source, or person with any common sense would argue about this.

(Someone at this point might say, “No, John Hanson was the first presi- dent.” However, he was president under the Articles of Confederation for a short period—November 5, 1781, to November 3, 1782—not under our present Constitution. This example shows the importance of stating your facts clearly and precisely and being able to cite their origins.)

Opiniona personal view, atti- tude, or belief about something Therefore, an informative speech should not incorporate opinion as its basis. This can be the tricky part of developing an informative speech, be- cause some opinion statements sometime sound like facts (since they are generally agreed upon by many people), but are really opinion.

For example, in an informative speech on George Washington, you might say, “George Washington was one of the greatest presidents in the history of the United States.” While this statement may be agreed upon by most people, it is possible for some people to disagree and argue the opposite point of view. The statement “George Washington was one of the greatest presidents in the history of the United States” is not irrefutable, meaning someone could argue this claim. If, however, you present the opinion as an

opionion from a source, that is acceptable: it is a fact that someone (hope- fully someone with expertise) holds the opinion. You do not want your central idea, your main points, and the majority of your supporting mate- rial to be opinion or argument in an informative speech.

Additionally, you should never take sides on an issue in an informative speech, nor should you “spin” the issue in order to influence the opinions of the listeners. Even if you are informing the audience about differences in views on controversial topics, you should simply and clearly explain the issues. This is not to say, however, that the audience’s needs and inter- ests have nothing to do with the informative speech. We come back to the WIIFM principle (“What’s in it for me?) because even though an informa- tive speech is fact-based, it still needs to relate to people’s lives in order to maintain their attention.

The question may arise here, “If we can find anything on the Internet now, why bother to give an informative speech?” The answer lies in the unique relationship between audience and speaker found in the public speaking context. The speaker can choose to present information that is of most value to the audience. Secondly, the speaker is not just overloading the audience with data. As we have mentioned before, that’s not really a good idea because audiences cannot remember great amounts of data and facts after listening. The focus of the content is what matters. This is where the specific purpose and central idea come into play. Remember, public speak- ing is not a good way to “dump data” on the audiene, but to make informa- tion meaningful.

Finally, although we have stressed that the informative speech is fact- based and does not have the purpose of persuasion, information still has an indirect effect on someone. If a classmate gives a speech on correctly using the Heimlich Maneuver to help a choking victim, the side effect (and probably desired result) is that the audience would use it when confronted with the situation.

While the topics to choose from for informative speeches are nearly limit- less, they can generally be pared down into five broad categories. Under- standing the type of informative speech that you will be giving can help you to figure out the best way to organize, research, and prepare for it, as will be discussed below.

Type 1: History

A common approach to selecting an informative speech topic is to discuss the history or development of something. With so much of human knowl- edge available via the Internet, finding information about the origins and

evolution of almost anything is much easier than it has ever been (with the disclaimer that there are quite a few websites out there with false infor- mation). With that in mind, some of the areas that a historical informative speech could cover would include:

(Example: the baseball; the saxophone). Someone at some point in history was the first to develop what is considered the modern baseball. Who was it? What was it originally made of? How did it evolve into the baseball that is used by Major League Baseball today?

(Example: your college; DisneyWorld). There is a specific year that you college or university opened, a specific number of students who were ini- tially enrolled, and often colleges and universities have name and mission changes. All of these facts can be used to provide an overall understanding of the college and its history. Likewise, the DisneyWorld of today is dif- ferent from the DisneyWorld of the early 1970s; the design has developed over the last fifty years.

(Example: democracy; freedom of speech). It is possible to provide facts on an idea, although in some cases the information may be less precise. For example, while no one can definitively point to a specific date or indi- vidual who first developed the concept of democracy, it is known to have been conceived in ancient Greece (Raaflaub, Ober, & Wallace, 2007). By looking at the civilizations and cultures that adopted forms of democra- cy throughout history, it is possible to provide an audience with a better understanding of how the idea has been shaped into what it has become today.

Type 2: Biography

A biography is similar to a history, but in this case the subject is specifically a person, whether living or deceased. For the purposes of this class, biog- raphies should focus on people of some note or fame, since doing research on people who are not at least mildly well-known could be difficult. But again, as with histories, there are specific and irrefutable facts that can help provide an overview of someone’s life, such as dates that President Lincoln was born (February 12, 1809) and died (April 15, 1865) and the years he was in office as president (1861-1865).

This might be a good place to address research and support. The basic dates of Abraham Lincoln’s life could be found in multiple sources and you would not have to cite the source in that case. But it you use the work of a

specific historian to explain how Lincoln was able to win the presidency in the tumultuous years before the Civil War, that would need a citation of that author and the publication.

Type 3: Processes

Examples of process speech topics would be how to bake chocolate chip cookies; how to throw a baseball; how a nuclear reactor works; how a bill works its way through Congress.

Process speeches are sometimes referred to as demonstration or “how to” speeches because they often entail demonstrating something. These speeches require you to provide steps that will help your audience un- derstand how to accomplish a specific task or process. However, How To speeches can be tricky in that there are rarely universally agreed upon

(i.e. irrefutable) ways to do anything. If your professor asked the students in his or her public speaking class to each bring in a recipe for baking chocolate chip cookies, would all of them be the exact same recipe?

Probably not, but they would all be similar and, most importantly, they would all give you chocolate chip cookies as the end result. Students giving a demonstration speech will want to avoid saying “You should bake the cookies for 12 minutes” since that is not how everyone does it. Instead, the student should say something like:

“You can bake the cookies for 10 minutes.”

“One option is to bake the cookies for 10 minutes.”

“This particular recipe calls for the cookies to be baked for 10 min- utes.”

Each of the previous three statements is absolutely a fact that no one can argue or disagree with. While some people may say 12 minutes is too long or too short (depending on how soft or hard they like their cookies), no one can reasonably argue that these statements are not true.

On the other hand, there is a second type of process speech that focuses not on how the audience can achieve a result, such as changing oil in their cars or cooking something, but on how a process is achieved. The goal is understanding and not performance. After a speech on how to change a car tire, the audience members could probably do it (they might not want to, but they would know the steps). However, after a speech on how a bill goes through Congress, the audience would understand this important part of democracy but not be ready to serve in Congress.


Type 4: Ideas and Concepts

Sometimes an informative speech is designed to explain an idea or con- cept. What does democracy mean? What is justice? In this case, you will want to do two things. First, use the definition methods listed in Chapter 6, such as classification and differentiation. The second is to make your concept concrete, real, and specific for your audience with examples.

Type 5: Categories or divisions

Sometimes an informative speech topic doesn’t lend itself to a specific type of approach, and in those cases the topics tend to fall into a “general” category of informative speeches. For example, if a student wanted to give an informative speech on the four “C’s” of diamonds (cut, carat, color, and clarity), they certainly wouldn’t approach it as if they were providing the history of diamonds, nor would they necessarily be informing anyone on “how to” shop for or buy diamonds or how diamonds are mined. The ap-

proach in this case would simply be to inform an audience on the four “C’s” and what they mean. Other examples of this type of informative speech would be positions in playing volleyball or the customs to know when trav- eling in China.

As stated above, identifying the type of informative speech being given can help in several ways (conducting research, writing the introduction and conclusion), but perhaps the biggest benefit is that the type of informative speech being given will help determine, to some degree, the organizational pattern that will need to be used (see Chapter 6). For example, a How To speech must be in chronological order. There really isn’t a way (or reason) to present a How To speech other than how the process is done in a time sequence. That is to say, for a speech on how to bake chocolate chip cook- ies, getting the ingredients (Main Point 1) must come before mixing the ingredients (Main Point 2), which must come before baking them (Main Point 3). Putting them in any other order will only confuse the audience.

Similarly, most Histories and Biographies will be organized chronologi- cally, but not always. It makes sense to explain the history of the baseball from when it was first developed to where it is today, but certain approach-

es to Histories and Biographies can make that irrelevant. For an informa- tive speech on Benjamin Franklin, a student might choose as his or her three main points: 1) His time as a printer, 2) His time as an inventor, 3) His time as a diplomat. These main points are not in strict chronological order because Franklin was a printer, inventor, and diplomat at the same time during periods of his whole life. However, this example would still be one way to inform an audience about him without using the chronological organizational pattern.

As for general informative speeches, since the topics that can be includ- ed in this category are very diverse and cover a range of subject matter, the way they are organized will be varied as well. However, if the topic is “types of” something or “kinds of” something, the organizational pat-

tern would be topical; if it were the layout of a location, such as the White House, it would be spatial (refer to Chapter 6 for more on Organization).

While some of the guidelines for selecting a topic were discussed in Chap- ters 2, 4, and 5, this section will more specifically focus on informative speech topics and problems that can arise when choosing them.

Pick a specific or focused topic

Perhaps one of the biggest and most common misconceptions students have about informative speech topics is that the topic needs to be broad in order to fill the time requirements for the speech. It is not uncommon for a student to propose an informative speech topic such as “To inform my audience about the history of music.” How is that topic even possible? When does the history of music even begin? The thinking here is that this speech will be easy to research and write since there is so much informa- tion available. But the opposite is actually true. A topic this broad makes doing research even harder.

Let’s consider the example of a student who proposes the topic “To in- form my audience about the Civil War.” The Civil War was, conservatively speaking, four years long, resulted in over 750,000 casualties, and argu- ably changed the course of human history. So to think that it is possible to cover all of that in five to seven minutes is unrealistic. Also, a typical

college library has hundreds of books dealing with the Civil War. How will you choose which ones are best suited to use for your speech?

The better approach in this case is to be as specific as possible. A revised specific purpose for this speech might be something like “To inform my audience about the Gettysburg Address.” This topic is much more compact

(the Gettysburg Address is only a few minutes long), and doing research will now be exponentially easier—although you will still find hundreds of sources on it. Or, an even more specific topic would be like the one in the outline at the end of this chapter: “To inform my classmates of the specific places in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, that are considered haunted.”

Instead of looking through all the books in your campus library on the Civ- il War, searching through the library’s databases and catalog for material on the Gettysburg Address will yield a much more manageable number of books and articles. It may sound counterintuitive, but selecting a speech topic that is very specifically focused will make the research and writing phases of the informative speech much easier.

Avoid faux or fake informative speech topics

Sometimes students think that because something sounds like an informa- tive speech topic, it is one. This happens a lot with political issues that are usually partisan in nature. Some students may feel that the speech topic “To inform my audience why William Henry Harrison was a bad president” sounds factual, but really this is an opinion. Similarly, a number of topics that include conspiracy and paranormal subject matter are usually mistak- en for good informative topics as well.


It is not uncommon for a student to propose the topic “To inform my au- dience about the existence of extraterrestrials,” thinking it is a good topic. After all, there is plenty of evidence to support the claim, right? There are pictures of unidentified objects in the sky that people claim are from outer space, there are people who claim to have seen extraterrestrials, and most powerful of all, there are people who say that they have been abducted by aliens and taken into space.

The problem here, as you have probably already guessed, is that these facts are not irrefutable. Not every single person who sees something unknown

in the sky will agree it is an alien spacecraft, and there can be little doubt that not everyone who claims to have been abducted by a UFO is telling the truth. This isn’t to say that you can’t still do an informative speech on alien sites. For example, two viable options are “To inform my audience about the SETI Project” or “To inform my audience of the origin of the Area 51 conspiracy.” However, these types of speeches can quickly devolve into opinion if you aren’t careful, which would then make them persuasive speeches. Even if you start by trying to be objective, unless you can present each side equally, it will end up becoming a persuasive speech. Additional- ly, when a speaker picks such a topic, it is often because of a latent desire to persuade the audience about them.

Don’t Be Too Broad

In preparing and writing an informative speech, one of the most common mistakes students make is to think that they must be comprehensive in covering their topic, which isn’t realistic. Take for example an informative speech on Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was 56 years old when he died, so to think that it is possible to cover his entire life’s story in 5 to 7 minutes is un-realistic. As discussed in Chapter 4, the better option is to select three aspects of his life and focus on those as a way to provide an overall picture of who he was. So a proposed speech on Lincoln might have the specific purpose: “To inform my audience about Abraham Lincoln’s administra- tion of the Civil War.” This is still a huge topic in that massive books have been written about it, but it could be addressed in three or four main points such as:

  • The Civil War began in the aftermath of Lincoln’s Election and Inauguration
  • Finding the right military leaders for the Union was his major chal- lenge at the beginning.
  • The Emancipation Proclamation changed the nature of the War.
  • Lincoln adopted a policy that led to the North’s victory.

Regardless of the topic, you will never be able to cover everything that is known about your topic, so don’t try. Select the things that will best help the audience gain a general understanding of the topic, that will interest them, and that they hopefully will find valuable.

Be Accurate, Clear, and Interesting

A good informative speech conveys accurate information to the audience in a way that is clear and that keeps the listener interested in the topic.

Achieving all three of these goals—accuracy, clarity, and interest—is the key to being an effective speaker. If information is inaccurate, incomplete, or unclear, it will be of limited usefulness to the audience.

Part of being accurate is making sure that your information is current. Even if you know a great deal about your topic or wrote a good paper on the topic in a high school course, you will need to verify the accuracy and completeness of what you know, especially if it is medical or scientific information. Most people understand that technology changes rapidly, so you need to update your information almost constantly. The same is true for topics that, on the surface, may seem to require less updating. For example, the Civil War occurred over 150 years ago, but contemporary research still offers new and emerging theories about the causes of the war and its long-term effects. So even with a topic that seems to be unchanging, carefully check the information to be sure it’s accurate and up to date.

What defines “interesting?” In approaching the informative speech, you should keep in mind the good overall principle that the audience is asking, “what’s in it for me?” The audience is either consciously or unconsciously wondering “What in this topic for me? How can I use this information? Of what value is this speech content to me? Why should I listen to it?” One reason this textbook uses examples of the Civil War is that the authors’ college is located by several Civil War sites and even a major battlefield.

Students see reminders of the Civil War on a regular basis.

You might consider it one of the jobs of the introduction to directly or in- directly answer these questions. If you can’t, then you need to think about your topic and why you are addressing it. If it’s only because the topic is interesting to you, you are missing the point. For example, why should we know about Abraham Lincoln’s administration of the Civil War? Obviously, because it had significant, long-term consequences to Americans, and you should articulate that in terms the audience can understand.

Keep in Mind Audience Diversity

Finally, remember that not everyone in your audience is the same, so an informative speech should be prepared with audience diversity in mind. If the information in a speech is too complex or too simplistic, it will not hold the interest of the listeners. Determining the right level of complexity can be hard. Audience analysis is one important way to do this (see Chapter 2). Do the members of your audience belong to different age groups? Did they all go to public schools in the United States, or are some them internation- al students? Are they all students majoring in the same subject, or is there a mixture of majors? Never assume that just because an audience is made up of students, they all share a knowledge set.

There are instances where you will be called upon to give an informative speech as part of a group of other informative speakers. This situation may be referred to as a panel or as a symposium. The difference is that in a panel, the focus is on a discussion by experts in front of an audience. The expert speakers may start with an opening statement, but typically the panelists are seated and their opening remarks are designed to pres- ent their basic position or stance and the bulk of time is spent in ques- tion-and-answer from the audience, from the moderator, or from each other. Some tips for panels are given here . ( watch?v=vJG698U2Mvo)

A symposium is more formal and the experts or presenters have put to- gether prepared speeches on different aspects of an overall topic. For example, they may all be experts on juveniles in the criminal justice sys- tem, but they have chosen or been assigned a specific informative topic for the audience, who are probably also professionals in that field. One might speak on challenges with legal representation for juveniles, another on family reconciliation, another on educational opportunities, and so on. While there may be time for question and answers at the end, the bulk of the time is taken up by the prepared speeches.

The author has used the symposium format in her teaching of the informa- tive speech for over 25 years. The students at first are skeptical, but usu- ally afterward they see the benefit of the experience in the classroom. For one thing, instead of a class of 25-30 separate and unrelated informative speeches in the class, there are four sets of related speeches that explore a topic in more depth. Some popular topics have been physical and mental health issues (diabetes, breast cancer, pets, schizophrenia, phobias), the arts (musical genres, history of film), travel, and food. In those years, there have been topics that didn’t work. Serial killers and sexually transmitted infections were two of them. One speech on that is acceptable. Six or seven, not so much. Just to clarify, the author always assigns the groups but the students pick the topics.

Here are some pointers if you are assigned to give a symposium-style in- formative speech. 1. Spend ample time discussing the topics so that every- one is supportive of the overall topic and the way the topic is broken down into separate speech topics. Do not let one person run the show and insist on a specific topic. A strong personality can sway the rest of the group

and then later the other members become unhappy about the topic and resentful of the persuasive member. 2. Try to develop topics in different ways; for example, let’s take the overall topic of phobias. The temptation is for each separate speech to be a specific phobia. While this is all right, it becomes repetitive to the audience. There are other ways to develop the subtopics (origins, different treatment options, phobias related to certain

demographic groups) instead of six or seven speeches on different pho- bias. 3. Be in constant communication with your peers so that you know exactly what their topics are and how they are being developed. You don’t want one or two co-presenters to “go rogue” and change their topics with- out the knowledge of the others in the group. You also do not want to end up overlapping, so that part of your speech is actually in someone else’s speech. Share phone numbers so you can text or call each other, if the members are willing. 4. You should appoint a moderator who will intro- duce the speeches and speakers and close or call for questions when the speeches are completed, and possibly summarize the set of speeches at the end. This member does not have to be the first or last speaker in the group.

  • Be sure the order of speeches is logical, not random. 6. Be sure to get to the class early so you can set up and feel secure that your team members are present. 7. If you are required to have a question-and-answer session at the end, the moderator should try to make sure that the participation is balanced and one talkative person doesn’t answer all the questions. There will be questions you cannot answer, so just be honest and say, “I didn’t find that answer in my research.”

Many instructors use this format because it not only teaches informative speaking skills, but because it emphasizes team work. You will be expect- ed to do many team projects in your educational and professional careers, and this is a good way to start learning effective teamwork skills.

Learning how to give informative speeches will serve you well in your col- lege career and your future work. Keep in mind the principles in this chap- ter but also those of the previous chapters: relating to the informational needs of the audience, using clear structure, and incorporating interesting and attention-getting supporting evidence.

Something to Think About

Here are three general topics for informative speeches. Write specific pur- poses for them and explain how you would answer the WIIFM question.

  • Type 1 diabetes
  • The psychological effects of using social media

Two outlines for informative speeches are provided on the following pages. They utilize slightly different formats; other outline formats are included in one of the appendices. Your instructor will let you know which one he or she prefers or will provide examples of another format.

Sample Outline: Informative Speech on Lord Byron

By shannon stanley.

Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the life of George Gordon, Lord Byron.

Central Idea: George Gordon, Lord Byron overcame physical hardships, was a world-renowned poet, and an advocate for the Greek’s war for free- dom.


  • Imagine an eleven year old boy who has been beaten and sexually abused repeatedly by the very person who is supposed to take care of him.
  • This is one of the many hurdles that George Gordon, better known as Lord Byron, overcame during his childhood.
  • Lord Byron was also a talented poet with the ability to transform his life into the words of his poetry.
  • Byron became a serious poet by the age of fifteen and he was first published in 1807 at the age of nineteen.
  • Lord Byron was a staunch believer in freedom and equality, so he gave most of his fortune, and in the end, his very life, supporting the Greek’s war for independence.
  • While many of you have probably never heard of Lord Byron, his life and written work will become more familiar to you when you take Humanities 1201, as I learned when I took it last semester.
  • Lord Byron was born on January 22, 1788 to Captain John Byron and Catherine Gordon Byron.
  • According to Paul Trueblood, the author of Lord Byron, Lord Byron’s father only married Catherine for her dowry, which he quickly went through, leaving his wife and child nearly penniless.
  • By the age of two, Lord Byron and his mother had moved to Aberdeen in Scotland and shortly thereafter, his father died in France at the age of thirty-six.
  • Lord Byron was born with a clubbed right foot, which is a deformity that caused his foot to turn sideways instead of remaining straight, and his mother had no money to seek treatment for this painful and embarrassing condition.
  • He would become very upset and fight anyone who even spoke of his lameness.
  • Despite his handicap, Lord Byron was very active and liked competing with the other boys.
  • At the age of ten, his grand-uncle died leaving him the title as the sixth Baron Byron of Rochdale.
  • With this title, he also inherited Newstead Abbey, a dilapidated estate that was in great need of repair.
  • Because the Abbey was in Nottinghamshire England, he and his mother moved there and stayed at the abbey until it was rented out to pay for the necessary repairs.
  • During this time, May Gray, Byron’s nurse had al- ready begun physically and sexually abusing him.
  • A year passed before he finally told his guardian, John Hanson, about May’s abuse; she was fired im- mediately.
  • Unfortunately the damage had already been done.
  • In the book Lord Byron, it is stated that years later he wrote “My passions were developed very early- so early, that few would believe me if I were to state the period, and the facts which accompanied it.”
  • Although Lord Byron had many obstacles to overcome during his childhood, he became a world renowned poet by the age of 24.
  • Lord Byron experienced the same emotions we all do, but he was able to express those emotions in the form of his poetry and share them with the world.
  • According to Horace Gregory, The author of Poems of George Gordon, Lord Byron, the years from 1816 through 1824 is when Lord Byron was most known throughout Europe.
  • But according to Paul Trueblood, Childe Harold was pub- lished in 1812 and became one of the best-selling works of literature in the 19th century.
  • Childe Harold was written while Lord Byron was traveling through Europe after graduating from Trinity College.
  • Many authors such as Trueblood, and Garrett, the author of George Gordon, Lord Byron, express their opinion that Childe Harold is an autobiography about Byron and his travels.
  • Lord Byron often wrote about the ones he loved the most, such as the poem “She Walks in Beauty” written about his cousin Anne Wilmont, and “Stanzas for Music” written for his half-sister, Augusta Leigh.
  • He was also an avid reader of the Old Testament and would write poetry about stories from the Bible that he loved.
  • One such story was about the last king of Babylon.
  • This poem was called the “Vision of Belshazzar,” and is very much like the bible version in the book of Daniel.
  • Although Lord Byron is mostly known for his talents as a poet, he was also an advocate for the Greek’s war for inde- pendence.
  • Lord Byron, after his self-imposed exile from England, took the side of the Greek’s in their war for freedom from Turkish rule.
  • Byron arrived in Greece in 1823 during a civil war.
  • The Greek’s were too busy fighting amongst them- selves to come together to form a formidable army against the Turks.
  • According to Martin Garrett, Lord Byron donated money to refit the Greek’s fleet of ships, but did not immediately get involved in the situation.
  • He had doubts as to if or when the Greek’s would ever come together and agree long enough to make any kind of a difference in their war effort.
  • Eventually the Greek’s united and began their cam- paign for the Greek War of Independence.
  • He began pouring more and more of his fortune into the Greek army and finally accepted a position to oversee a small group of men sailing to Missolonghi.
  • Lord Byron set sail for Missolonghi in Western Greece in 1824. 1. He took a commanding position over a small num- ber of the Greek army despite his lack of military training.

2. He had also made plans to attack a Turkish held fortress but became very ill before the plans were ever carried through.

  • Lord Byron died on April 19, 1824 at the age of 36 due to the inexperienced doctors who continued to bleed him while he suffered from a severe fever.
  • After Lord Byron’s death, the Greek War of Indepen- dence, due to his support, received more foreign aid which led to their eventual victory in 1832.
  • Lord Byron is hailed as a national hero by the Greek nation.
  • Many tributes such as statues and road-names have been devoted to Lord Byron since the time of his death.
  • In conclusion, Lord Byron overcame great physical hardships to become a world-renowned poet, and is seen as a hero to the Greek nation and is mourned by them still today.
  • I have chosen not to focus on Lord Byron’s more liberal

way of life, but rather to focus on his accomplishments in life.

  • He was a man who owed no loyalty to Greece, yet gave his life to support their cause.
  • Most of the world will remember Lord Byron primarily through his written attributes, but Greece will always re- member him as the “Trumpet Voice of Liberty.”

Garrett, M. (2000). George Gordon, Lord Byron. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Gregory, H. (1969). Poems of George Gordon, Lord Byron. New York, NY: Thomas Y. Crowell Company.

Trueblood, P. G. (1969). Lord Byron. (S. E. Bowman, Ed.). New York, NY: Twayne Publishers.

Sample Outline: Informative Speech on Haunted Places in Gettysburg

By leslie dean.

Specific Purpose: To inform my classmates of specific places in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, that are considered to be haunted.

Introduction: Do you believe in paranormal activity? Have you ever been to a place that is haunted? My personal opinion on this subject matter is open to question; however, there are a lot of people that have had first- hand encounters with the paranormal. Throughout the world there are countless places that are considered to be haunted by tormented souls that still lurk among us in search of a way to free their souls. Most places that claim to be haunted are intertwined with tales of battles and as a re- sult many fatalities. Tragic times in history make for the perfect breeding grounds for the haunted places that exist today.

Thesis/Preview: Gettysburg is a city that is plagued by historical events that play a role in the manifestations that haunt Gettysburg today. These include locations at The Devil’s Den, Little Round Top, and the Hummel- baugh House.

  • The Devil’s Den is considered a site for paranormal activity.
  • The Devil’s Den has historical significance retained during the American Civil War.
  • Location held heavy fighting during battle that took place on July 2, of 1863.
  • The total death toll estimated during battle consist- ed of 800 for the Union and more than 1,800 for the


  • Some reported paranormal activity at the Devil’s Den.
  • According to author, consultant, and lecturer Dennis William Hauck, he states in his book Haunted Places that if you stand outside at the Devil’s Den there can be the sounds of drum rolls and gunshots heard.
  • According to many visitors there have been many people that claim to have seen and/or taken pictures of and had conversations with a friendly soldier who either disappears or doesn’t show up in photographs.

Transition: Spooky, unexplainable things happen at the Devil’s Den but there is also paranormal activity in another area of Gettysburg, Little Round Top.

  • Another location said to be haunted is Little Round Top.
  • Little Round Top’s historical significance.
  • A site where Union soldiers held up to maintain an advantage over the Confederate soldiers.
  • According to James Brann, an author from Civil War Magazine, this was a site Union Colonel Joshua

Lawrence Chamberlain led his 20th Maine Regiment in perhaps the most famous counterattack of the Civil War.

  • Manifestations at Little Round Top.
  • During filming of the movie Gettysburg (1993), extras portraying Union soldiers were greeted by a man in the uniform of a Union private.
  • Handed them musket rounds.
  • Actual rounds that dated back to the Civil War.
  • Ghostly solders can still be seen marching in for- mation and riding horses in the fight against their enemy.

Transition: It seems that a lot of landmarks are haunted but there are also structures known to be stricken with paranormal activity.

  • Hummelbaugh House is a non-battlefield place for ghost-sightings.
  • Historical significance of Hummelbaugh House.
  • The house is located on the east side of the city and was just behind the Union lines.
  • It was used for a hospital and because of the times amputated limbs would be thrown out the windows resulting in a huge pile of body parts.
  • Paranormal activity at the house.
  • The windows in the house often startle people with

loud vibrations.

  • The calls for help from soldiers can still be heard in and around the house.

Conclusion: In closing, according to the Battle of Gettysburg was one of the biggest in the Civil War, resulting in over 150,000 causali- ties. With these statistics it is no surprise that lost souls still lurk the eerie grounds of this historical place. Whether it is vibrating windows or actual encounters with soldiers from 1863, Gettysburg has more than enough encounters with the paranormal to convince the biggest of doubters. Going to Gettysburg would guarantee a chance to literally step back in time and encounter something that is only remembered in history books. So believ- er in the paranormal or not, Gettysburg is a place to go to experience a part of history whether it be historical sites or a random run in with a ghostly soldier.

Brann, J. R. (1999). The full story. America’s Civil War, 12(5), 34. Re- trieved from b=fth&AN=2281134&site=eds-live&scope=site

Hauck, D. (1994). The national directory of haunted places. Athanor Press. Battle of Gettysburg. (2019, May 20). Retrieved from https://

Academic Oral Communication for International Students Copyright © by Joy Xiao is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Public Speaking Resources

Informative Speech Topics and Ideas: The Ultimate Guide

Before proceeding to the main topic, let us get some idea on Informative speech. Well, it is the type of speech that gives information about a particular subject to audiences.

Its main goal is to help audiences to recognize the information presented by you. Additionally, it makes a complex topic simple to understand providing different opinions and perspectives.

It also provides engaging information which is unique and desired by the audience.

Besides, informative speech can include objects, procedures, events, and other innovative ideas. This does not include the limited list as it is the topic plan that every useful speech contains. Speech can only be handy if it delivers genuine and informative information.

Informative speech describes the topic of your interest. For an instance, if you are giving an informative speech on coffee, focus on the topic.

Think about, what does coffee do, why do you love coffee, and how does it affect your health.

Also, to get rid of the health effect how much coffee do you need to drink per day. You can also conclude by summarizing all these things in a creative way. This makes your speech more interesting.

When you present, you might like to expand some topics or reduce the others. Here, you should be sensitive to your audience and think too much like this can distract the topic.

So focus on your plan and subject. Keep in mind, informative speech just to inform audiences. Do not pick up the topic based on your view as it is a convincing speech.

Remember, too much argumentative speech attempting to influence might take your audiences away.

These kinds of speech are polemical and are wrongly argumentative. You can also find places and time to make an appropriate polemical speech. But, it is not good to include it in the middle of the speech.

You can mention like “Coffee encourages me to work, giving me company during the work. I start my day with a cup of coffee.

It also inspires me to carry out research well. Yet, it can affect my health as well. So, I need to be conscious and drink coffee to the limit”. You can add more here describing different circumstances.

Table of Contents

Informative Speech Topics in History:

Informative speech topics in health and medicine:, informative speech topics in teaching, education, and students:, informative speech topics in music:, informative speech topics in food:, informative speech topics on environment:, informative speech topics in technology:, informative speech topics on economy:, informative speech topics in life:, other informative speech topics, 1. introduction, body, and conclusion, 2. clear, influential, and grabbing introduction, 3. seamless transitions, 4. do not forget to summarize at last, sample of informative speech, a) note list of wide-ranging subject area corresponding your knowledge and expertise, b) focus on the subject area relevant you don’t know yet but would love to, c) pick up the particular purpose of your speech, d) from the list of your topics, pick the one you can express clearly, a) carry out the initial research, b) think about how your research might change your topic, a) think about your audiences earlier than writing the speech, b) summarize your speech, c) elaborate the key points to make it interesting, d) write an introduction, e) write conclusion, a) make sufficient time to practice your speech, b) practice slowing down, c) if possible practice your speech with your friends, 1) make sure you do not speak fast, 2) practice speaking clearly and comprehensibly, 3) speak with your parents and friends, 4) get help from the internet, 5) carry out the outline properly, 6) understand the difference between persuasive and informative speech, 1) the audiences, 2) languages, 4) try to become clear and concise, 5) use audio or visuals if possible, informative speech topics.

Informative Speech Topics and Ideas

  • The Great Depression
  • Famous riots
  • The British Royal Family
  • Women in the military
  • Unique funeral customs across the world
  • The origin of alphabets
  • The history of tobacco use
  • The evolution of marriage
  • Top secret government experiments
  • The most fascinating accidental inventions
  • History of witchcraft
  •      The history of language
  • History of beauty products
  •  The Industrial Revolution
  • The Middle Ages
  • How did the Olympics come to be?
  • Albert Einstein’s Contributions to Science
  • Helen Keller’s Life
  • History of art and expression
  • Civil disobedience
  • Why do we celebrate Valentine’s day?
  • Where did fortune cookies come from
  • A look into World wars
  • Understanding cults
  • Evolution of comic books
  • Most exciting prison breaks of history
  • Why have street gangs been so prevalent?
  • Life and Works of Mahatma Gandhi
  • Most shocking murders the world has seen
  • Evolution of immigration in the US
  • Life and Works of Mother Teresa
  • People Who Changed the World
  • How the Earth was formed
  • How antibiotics came to be
  • The history of greyhound dogs
  • Different philosophical perspectives
  • Evolution of movies
  • How Modern art came to be
  • Understanding Millenials and Gen-Z
  • History of Superstitions
  • History of Genocide
  • Indian Culture
  • Haitian Music
  • The trucking industry
  • The 80’s: more than just denim and hairdos
  • The funniest inventions ever
  • An analysis of smoking in movies through the years
  • Women in space
  • World’s most wanted criminals
  • Most ridiculous laws throughout history
  • Medicines from nature
  • Memory loss
  • How the brain works
  • Mental illnesses
  • Fast food culture
  • Basic first aid
  • Lucid dreams
  • Organ donation
  • Medicinal properties of ginger
  • Why I am better than you: A look into Narcissistic Disorder
  •  Are home remedies actually worth it?
  • How DNA testing changed the world
  • How vitamins can enrich your everyday life
  • Why you need to stretch before your workout
  • Different personality disorders
  • The true horror of chemical warfare
  •  How makeup affects your skin
  • Birth control and its negative effects
  • Leaps made by stem cell research
  • Signs of early on-set Alzheimers
  • How vaccines work
  • How to avoid wrinkles
  • Understanding insomnia
  • Understanding addiction
  • How nicotine deteriorates your life
  • Herbs as medicine
  • Life as a child of a drug addict
  • Why do we itch?
  • Botox: the good and the bad
  • Human cadavers – history of, uses of
  • How to have a better memory
  • DNA evidence.
  • The intelligence of dolphins
  • Is dark chocolate healthy?
  • Importance of vitamins and minerals
  • Pros and cons of LASIK surgery
  • Weight Issues.
  • Teen pregnancy
  • How stress can cripple your health
  • How a vegan diet can better your life
  • Why understanding health is vital to your weight loss journey
  • Unique medical conditions
  • Crazy things people have done on an adrenaline rush
  • Why does our body crave danger?
  • How to make an income while a student
  • How to survive freshman year
  • How to take the GRE
  • How to get a student job on campus
  • How to save money while in college
  • Virtual learning and its impact on Modern Education
  • Education and its role in unemployment
  • Great vacation bargains for students
  • Ethnic diversity for a more open learning experience
  • What to do in your senior year
  • Why do you need a college degree?
  • Moving out of the dorm to an apartment off-campus
  • Freebies and discounts for students
  • How to pay off your student loans in 10 years
  • Graduation checklist
  • How to pick a major you care about
  • The evolution of testing
  • The basics of financial aid
  •  How to get that great internship
  • Current issues in education and what we can do about them
  • Basics of getting a fellowship
  • Learning disabilities teachers should be aware of
  • Banned books
  • Why travel is beneficial to education.
  • Diploma mills
  • Poverty and its impact on students
  • A look at the different testing methods
  • Online learning: A breakthrough in Modern Education
  • What to do on spring break?
  • Is homeschooling an effective learning method?
  • The history of your favorite musical group
  • How music has changed the world
  • What music has been to society
  • Classical and Modern Music: A comparison
  • The benefits of Music Therapy
  • Music and its effects on mood
  • Music and its effects on plant growth
  • Music and its effects on the psychological response of infants
  • The impact your favorite artist has had in the music world
  • The evolution of music
  • How different genres of music promote empowerment through self-expression
  • Modern earphones and tinnitus
  • Music and devotion explained through the life of an artist
  • How our brain reacts to music
  • How music can be used in rehabilitation
  • Does our music tastes define our personality?
  • What really makes a rockstar?
  • Strangest musical instruments across the world
  • Food additives: What are they and how they affect us
  • Food etiquettes across different countries
  • The food crisis
  • We are what we eat
  • Culinary modernism
  • The most exotic foods you can eat
  • Different types of coffee
  • Can peanut butter and jelly get any better than it is?
  • Understanding the food chain
  • Understanding food allergies
  •      Understanding nutrition
  • Playing matchmaker: Condiments in foods
  • Baking your own bread
  • Wedding cakes: The bigger the better?
  • How to plan a diet that works
  • How to make the perfect cocktail
  • A quick guide to wine tasting
  • Junk food: More than just a packet of chips
  • Food disorders: What we can do to help
  • What is better than sliced bread?
  • How branding is shaping our perception of food
  • Cereal, soda, and obesity
  • Eggs: the most versatile food
  • How to go green in our eating habits
  • A practical guide to balanced eating
  • Are superfoods all that they claim to be?
  • How to master herbs and spices
  • How to make your own pasta
  • How to pair your wine with your food?
  • How to plan a culinary itinerary?
  • Ocean pollution and how serious the issue has become
  • Organic agriculture: Why the switch is worth it
  • The true impact of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
  • Pollution laws and who it is actually protecting
  • Is it over for coal?
  • Plant species that have gone extinct
  • Animal species that have gone extinct
  • Our environment is dying and here’s why
  • Water shortage across the globe
  • How much of what we eat is pesticides and insecticides?
  • Domestic wastes and how to better manage it
  • What we can do to protect our environment?
  • COVID-19 as a blessing to Mother Nature
  • How a meat-based diest impacts the environment
  • How to preserve finite resources?
  • How we are contributing to global pollution
  • How Global Warming is coming for us
  • How corporations are destroying our environment
  • Are rainforests going extinct?
  • Genetically modified crops: Boon or curse?
  • How would life adjust without electricity?
  • 3D printers have been a game-changer
  • Evolution of computer programming
  • Gadgets I love most
  • Useful websites
  • The internet as a boon or curse for human interaction
  • How Google became the widespread power that is is
  • Choosing a digital camera
  • New technologies
  • Biometrics: New development or a threat to biological data?
  • Pros and cons of going electric
  • How do 3D glasses work?
  • Violence and Video Games: Is this still a thing?
  • Evolution of content consumption
  • How to stay safe online?
  • How the content we consume makes us
  • How to start a good personal inventory
  • How search engines work
  • Social Networking
  • The Evolution of video games
  • VR gaming: Blurring the line of reality
  • The downside of smartphones
  • Pros and Cons of Smartphones
  • Is freedom of speech real over the Internet?
  • How technology has compromised our safety
  • Are blogs the new diaries?
  • How to build better credit
  • What you need to know about online banking security
  • Is your money safe?
  • Taxing the rich: Is that the solution?
  • The best investment tactics
  • How to beat the market
  • How to get a credit card
  • Price hike in the agricultural field
  • Where does our currency come from?
  • The ever-increasing cost of education
  • How education affects economy
  • Economic impacts of people growing their own foods
  •      Why you need to save money
  • How to eat well on just $5 a day?
  • The budgeting secret you’ve needed all your life
  • How to get along with your roommate
  • Some inexpensive places to take your date
  • What to do when your roommate moves out
  • Being Confident.
  • Believing in Yourself.
  • Breaking Bad Habits.
  • Being Optimistic in Life.
  • Being a Positive Talker.
  • Types of birth control
  • How to fall for the right person
  • Choosing the right tires for your car
  • How to perform a magic trick
  • How a single parent upbringing affects the child
  • How to build your own brand?
  • How to achieve Goals
  • How Does Self-motivation Work?
  • Different leadership styles and how they help employee productivity
  • Handling Responsibility
  • Importance of Discipline
  • Importance of Meditation
  • Powerful Communication
  • The most dangerous jobs
  • Should assisted suicide be legalized?
  • The secret for a lasting marriage
  • How to grow your own home garden
  • How to retain good employees
  • How to recognize toxic behaviors
  • How to master negotiations
  • Become a more persuasive speaker
  • The benefits of reading every day
  • Differences in male and female communication
  • Muscle cars
  • Antique collecting
  • Dog training
  • My first job
  • Overcoming conflict
  • Favorite place
  • My favorite food
  • Prohibition
  • Airplane stunts
  • Model railroading
  • Roadside attractions
  • Multi-Level marketing
  • Why are smiles contagious
  • Is it love or simply a habit?
  • Interesting world records
  • Favorite TV Shows
  • The Welfare system
  • City planning
  • Reality TV shows
  • Coin collecting
  • Ice cream making
  • Reality of a dream
  • What winners do to win?
  • Near-death experiences
  • The beauty of wolves
  • Funeral oration
  • Pesticide use in agriculture
  • How to change a flat tire
  • How to drive a stick shift

What to include in informative speech?

Know what to include in an informative speech.

Usually, an informative speech contains an introduction, an informative body, and a meaningful and convincing conclusion. You have to follow the format one after another.

While working on the introduction part, you have to be clean to draw the attention of the audience. Generally, an introduction is a gateway to the key points.

The way you present the introduction part of the speech can influence the audience. It should have a clear relationship between the presenter and the topic.

Add some interesting example that attracts them and does not get bored. Focusing more on the body, develop the speech. Make sure your audiences will listen with an interest from the start.

While delivering an informative speech, the body should harmonize the main points. It must also present the information. Better follow the given time limit and convey information in an understandable way. This makes the audience convenient to engage and understand.

You need to think about a comfortable and natural way of presenting the speech. This way your speech gets appreciated by the audience. Here, the presenter should reveal a vibrant interest or desire for the topic. Keep the correct eye contact. The advancement from one point to another should not look uncomfortable.

In the conclusion part, do not forget to summarize your previous points. The main goal of the conclusion is to end with the main points of the speech. This will set your information in the mind of audiences. The ending should be the medium speaker signals the speech is heading towards an end.

Besides, analyze and repeat the most projecting ideas, innovations, or features of the speech. You should conclude the speech in a similar flow used during the speech. The essential thing to note down is that ending the speech is important. It needs to take the attention of the audience until the last hour.

For your ease, here are some samples that can be helpful for efficient informative speech.

How to write informative speech?

1) pick up the the topic.

The informative speech should cover all the procedures and ideas focusing on the topic. Better to start with a larger image and convincing points that you are confident to speak on.

For an instance, work on the subjects that you usually do or love to do. You can also include the activities that you have been practicing for years. The more you understand the topic, the easier it will be to carry out the useful speech.

Spend some time on the speech that builds up the confidence to deliver the speech. Prepare and come with a long-tail list. This benefits you with more choices to improve the speech that you love to present.

For example, if you like traveling, you might have lots of interesting travel experiences. You will feel comfortable speaking on that topic. Also, you love researching more on the topic of your interest.

Better include these kinds of topics in the list of your subject area. For an instance, you can say that you want to become a tech blogger. But you might not know much about the subject.

You can show it, saying you need to research more on the topic to pursue your aim. This makes your speech and subject influential.

First of all, find out the time you take to cover the topic and focus on completing the speech within the allocated time.

Pick up the particular purpose of the speech to direct the attention of your audience.

Think about making your speech influential. Only delivering the important speech is not going to help to attract your audiences.

Delivering the thing that your audiences already know might bore them. So make it interesting including the practical things and add your experience as well.

Be precise with the topic, do not move away from the topic. Suppose, you are speaking on the National animal of a country.

Focus on the topic of national animals, do not divert your speech explaining more about the country. Your speech may look meaningless.

Deep research and understanding of the topic make your speech more remarkable and appealing.

Better focus on a particular topic that you can express without too much work. If you try to speak about an unfamiliar topic, you might be in trouble later. Better pick up the topic workable for you to speak.

2) Research on the topic

One of the rules to write an informative speech is -Know your subject. Carry out your research with proper understanding and honesty. You can do this by utilizing trustworthy resources to write the notes.

While gathering research elements, divide the resources that you will use in the speech. Also, try to learn more about the subject area related to the topic. You may have to respond to the queries about the speech topic. Better learn the things that are helpful to answer the queries.

For an instance, you are speaking about European culture. If the audience asks about it, you should be smart enough to answer to the query.

Once you complete your research, find something new that makes your speech more effective. Instead of ignoring it, take some time to prepare it.

When preparing an informative speech on social media, you understand different things during the research. You may find the research on Social media Myth more interesting. If you have more confidence to speak on the social media myths, you can pursue it. You have done lots of research that makes you able to deliver the speech in an interesting way.

3) About writing the speech

It is ideal to expect your audiences are a little familiar with your topic. Keeping in mind, you may still deliver the background information of the related topic. Beware of the shortcuts you use while explaining the topic. Until your task says otherwise, do not rush to clarify anything.

Nobody desires to know about the actors and actresses when you are giving a speech in the movie. You do not need to provide lots of background information as they are already familiar with the topic.

List out the information you are willing to include and keep it in logical order. To carry out how to informative speech, including the reason for what you are doing and how you do it will be fine.

For example, if your speech is on preparing hamburgers, you should explain every step you carry out. Additionally, do not forget to explain how you use the ingredient for the perfect result. This makes your speech interesting.

Better elaborate on the main points to make your informative speech more interesting and informative. The common method to carry out the speech is to emerge with the key points. These key points for a speech should be in sequential order or spatial order.

This procedure helps to give a useful, informative, and engaging speech. For an instance, start the speech on My trip to Lumbini with a short introduction of Lumbini. Then, your experience while visiting Lumbini and conclude with summarizing them.

The introduction is the main gateway to your speech. It should take the attention of audiences and let them understand what you are talking about. Usually, if your speech is long or complicated, make sure to provide the points you aim to cover.

Better start the speech with interesting jokes or quotes related to your topic. Make sure you will not speak out of the topic. This will be useful to build a strong connection between your speech and the audience. Yet, it might go wrong if you prefer unpleasant statements or meaningless jokes.

For an instance, starting the speech as “I just came from the universe” might sound weird. This can make your speech boring and unimpressive. Better try some relevant sentences and speech.

The conclusion should sum up the key points of your speech. Better conclude the speech with your opinion. The audience usually remembers the first and last things they hear.

Thus, be sure, you are in the right sequence to deliver your message to your audiences. It will help to start and conclude your speech with some essential memorizing messages.

Attempt to put your conclusion into the introduction. Emerging with a complete circle provides will make your speech in the heart of your audience.

For an instance, you used some precise jokes or quotes making the speech impressive. If your movie speech started with a story about an actor struggling to make his career.  

It might sound useless and inappropriate with the topic. So, talk about the thing that is necessary and appropriate.

4) Practicing your speech

Practice makes us perfect so make enough time to practice your speech. Include or cut off the points as necessary.

Try completing your speech in the precise time. Even if you are not assigned the time limitation, do not make the speech long and boring. You might not know this while delivering the speech. Better think about it earlier than you give the speech.

If you are speaking for some event, be sure that it does not cross the time limitation. Audiences might get your speech boring if you take a too long time or you may have to end with an incomplete speech. So, be sure that it works according to the time.

While presenting in a mass of people, you might f try to end the speech instantly. You may also speak quickly and in that way, audiences might not understand you.

To be sure the audiences enjoy what you present, attempt to slow down. Better use, video recorder while practicing. This way you can analyze your speech by yourself. It will be effective if you point out the mistakes and work to fix that.

Try to include dramatic pauses to make your speech more attractive. Dramatic pauses can strike a particular bit of information providing the audience time to reflect.

Best speakers use them carefully with great consequence. You have to be alert about the list of information. Make some time to practice after you list out the information.

You might be nervous to present in front of a huge mass of people. So, try practicing in front of your friend. This makes you able to build confidence.

Being nervous will mess up your speech. Better prepare well by working with your friends. Get feedback from them as an audience and work on the drawbacks. If you go with the wrong plan then recover from the mistake. This gives you the strength to deliver an interesting speech.

So, these are some effective ways to write informative speeches. Following these points will help to deliver an interesting speech.

Tips for Informative Speech

Now, let us proceed towards the tips to make your informative speech more efficient

While presenting in front of lots of people, it is likely to get nervous. When you get nervous, you try to complete the speech by talking quickly.

This might make the speech confusing and unimpressive. Think about it, while practicing try to slow down and make your speech clear and loud.

Even if you are good at writing the speech, it will not be effective unless you speak clearly. If you mumble while speaking, it might sound unclear. So, practice more and more until you speak clearly and comprehensibly.

You are most likely good at informative speech but you might not realize that. You can speak with your parents and friends about different topics of your interest. This builds up your confidence to speak in public.

If you are having a problem deciding on the topic of your speech, get help from the internet. There, you can find lots of websites with a list of prospective and interesting topics.

Or else, you can also think about the time you spend the most. For an instance, you spend most of your time cooking.  Talk about cooking the dishes that you are proficient at.

Your outline plays a significant role to help you take your speech in an organized way. Yet, you should not take it lightly.

When you work on the speech, you might get that some points mentioned in the outline is unnecessary. You can add essential points and remove the points which you do not need. As outline helps to find necessary points, do it properly.

Persuasive and informative speeches are two different things. You should know that. Persuasive speech is convincing while informative speech gives information about a particular topic.

Simple ways to approach an informative speech

Think about your audience. This is the most challenging as the speaking circumstances, forums, and topics can vary. Before presenting the speech, analyze who your audiences are? Why are they present in your speech? Focusing on these details, you can explore the best ways to present your speech.

If you are speaking about lung cancer, you should know its basics as well. Some audiences might not understand the depth.

So start your speech from the basics. Do not presume that audiences are familiar with the background of your topic. Again, do not assume they do not know. This is the main reason, knowing the audience is essential. Besides, it depends on the situation of the speech.

Use proper language. Speak the language that audiences desire to listen to. You deliver the speech with the goal to provide useful information to the audience.

If audiences do not understand what you speak, the speech becomes useless. The main target of an informative speech is to give knowledge about a particular topic.

If you can explain well the topic in simple language better use it. Try to make the speech simple and understandable.

Do not rush to complete the speech quickly. Instead, think about educating your audiences with your speech. Explain the term if necessary.

Understanding the time flow of the speech will be helpful to make your speech effective. Speakers should create a link between their topic and the interest of audiences.

Here describe the significance of the topic. Also, express the main points with some interesting examples and quotes.

A speaker confessing their own experience encourages the audiences to share the same interest.

To become a good speaker, you have to be clear and concise at first. Spend lots of time on simple concepts instead of the harder ones.

Since giving many examples to prove a single point might not work well. This way your audiences may find your speech boring.

Better, explore some new ideas and prepare the topic well. Try to provide detailed information. Most of the audience gets influenced by details and descriptive presentation.

Try practicing using audio or visuals if possible. They help to find out your mistake. You can improve after you know where the mistake is.

Additionally, informative speech can be effective with demo presentation and visual support. So, using them properly helps to deliver your speech in a proper way.

The above-mentioned topics and tips for informative speech should help you prepare and deliver a powerful informative speech. If you have any suggestions or feedback, please let me know in the comment below.

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13.3 Guidelines for Informative Speech Topic Selection and Preparation

Pick a focused topic—don’t be too broad.

In preparing an informative speech, one of the most common misconceptions students have is that they must be comprehensive in covering their topic, which isn’t realistic. Let’s say a student selects a topic and proposes the following specific purpose statement: “To inform my audience about the Civil War.” The Civil War was, conservatively speaking, four years long, resulted in over 750,000 casualties, and arguably changed the course of human history. So to think that it is possible to cover all of that in five to seven minutes is unrealistic. Also, a typical college library has hundreds of books dealing with the Civil War.

A revised specific purpose for this speech might be something like “To inform my audience about the Gettysburg Address.” This topic is much more compact (the Gettysburg Address is only a few minutes long), and doing research will now be exponentially easier—although you will still find hundreds of sources on it. Or, an even more specific topic would be like the one in the outline at the end of this chapter: “To inform my classmates of the specific places in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, that are considered haunted.”

Instead of looking through all the books in your campus library on the Civil War, searching through the library’s databases and catalog for material on the Gettysburg Address will yield a much more manageable number of books and articles. It may sound counterintuitive, but selecting a speech topic that is very specifically focused will make the research and writing phases of the informative speech much easier.

Another example is a student who wants to deliver an informative speech on Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was 56 years old when he died, so to think that it is possible to cover his entire life’s story in 5 to 7 minutes is unrealistic. The better option is to select three aspects of his life and focus on those as a way to provide an overall picture of who he was. So a proposed speech on Lincoln might have the specific purpose: “To inform my audience about Abraham Lincoln’s administration of the Civil War.” This is still a huge topic in that massive books have been written about it, but it could be addressed in three or four main points such as:

  • The Civil War began in the aftermath of Lincoln’s election and inauguration
  • Finding the right military leaders for the Union was his major challenge at the beginning.
  • The Emancipation Proclamation changed the nature of the War.
  • Lincoln adopted a policy that led to the North’s victory.

Regardless of the topic, you will never be able to cover everything that is known about your topic, so don’t try. Select the things that will best help the audience gain a general understanding of the topic, that will interest them, and that they hopefully will find valuable.

For additional tips for selecting the right informative speech topics and preparing the speech, watch the following videos:

Avoid Faux or Fake Informative Speech Topics

Sometimes students think that because something sounds like an informative speech topic, it is one. This happens a lot with political issues that are usually partisan in nature. Some students may feel that the speech topic “To inform my audience why William Henry Harrison was a bad president” sounds factual, but really this is an opinion.

Similarly, a number of topics that include conspiracy and paranormal subject matter are usually mistaken for good informative topics as well.

It is not uncommon for a student to propose the topic “To inform my audience about the existence of extraterrestrials,” thinking it is a good topic. After all, there is plenty of evidence to support the claim, right? There are pictures of unidentified objects in the sky that people claim are from outer space, there are people who claim to have seen extraterrestrials, and most powerful of all, there are people who say that they have been abducted by aliens and taken into space.

The problem here, as you have probably already guessed, is that these facts are not irrefutable. Not every single person who sees something unknown in the sky will agree it is an alien spacecraft, and there can be little doubt that not everyone who claims to have been abducted by a UFO is telling the truth. This isn’t to say that you can’t still do an informative speech on alien sites. For example, two viable options are “To inform my audience about the SETI Project” or “To inform my audience of the origin of the Area 51 conspiracy.” However, these types of speeches can quickly devolve into opinion if you aren’t careful, which would then make them persuasive speeches. Even if you start by trying to be objective, unless you can present each side equally, it will end up becoming a persuasive speech. Additionally, when a speaker picks such a topic, it is often because of a latent desire to persuade the audience about them.

Be Accurate, Clear, and Interesting

A good informative speech conveys accurate information to the audience in a way that is clear and that keeps the listener interested in the topic. Achieving all three of these goals—accuracy, clarity, and interest—is the key to being an effective speaker. If information is inaccurate, incomplete, or unclear, it will be of limited usefulness to the audience.

Part of being accurate is making sure that your information is current. Even if you know a great deal about your topic or wrote a good paper on the topic in a high school course, you will need to verify the accuracy and completeness of what you know, especially if it is medical or scientific information. Most people understand that technology changes rapidly, so you need to update your information almost constantly. The same is true for topics that, on the surface, may seem to require less updating.

For example, the Civil War occurred over 150 years ago, but contemporary research still offers new and emerging theories about the causes of the war and its long-term effects. So even with a topic that seems to be unchanging, carefully check the information to be sure it’s accurate and up to date.

What defines “interesting?” In approaching the informative speech, you should keep in mind the good overall principle that the audience is asking, “What’s in it for me?” The audience is either consciously or unconsciously wondering, “What is in this topic for me? How can I use this information? Of what value is this speech content to me? Why should I listen to it?” One reason this textbook uses examples of the Civil War is that the authors’ college is located by several Civil War sites and even a major battlefield. Students see reminders of the Civil War on a regular basis.

You might consider it one of the jobs of the introduction to directly or indirectly answer these questions. If you can’t, then you need to think about your topic and why you are addressing it. If it’s only because the topic is interesting to you, you are missing the point. For example, why should we know about Abraham Lincoln’s administration of the Civil War? Obviously, because it had significant, long-term consequences for Americans, and you should articulate that in terms the audience can understand.

Keep in Mind Audience Diversity

Finally, remember that not everyone in your audience is the same, so an informative speech should be prepared with audience diversity in mind. If the information in a speech is too complex or too simplistic, it will not hold the interest of the listeners. Determining the right level of complexity can be hard. Audience analysis is one important way to do this. Do the members of your audience belong to different age groups? Did they all go to public schools in the United States, or are some of them international students? Are they all students majoring in the same subject, or is there a mixture of majors? Never assume that just because an audience is made up of students, they all share a knowledge set. Do enough research, and try to include examples and supporting material that will resonate with your diverse audience.

It’s About Them: Public Speaking in the 21st Century Copyright © 2022 by LOUIS: The Louisiana Library Network is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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166 Military Essay Topics

Looking for some military topics for discussion? You’re in the right place! We’ve gathered here a list of hot military persuasive essay topics to boost your creativity! Our unique army persuasive essay topics will inspire your presentation or research paper.

🏆 Hot Military Topics for Discussion

✍️ military essay topics for college, 👍 good military research topics & essay examples, 💡 simple military essay topics, 🎓 most interesting army persuasive essay topics, ❓ military research questions.

  • Information Technology Implications for Military
  • Interpersonal Communication in the Military
  • Military Mindset: Leadership, Discipline, Resilience, and Teamwork
  • Training and Development in Military Units
  • Military Tactics of Alexander the Great
  • Human Resource Competencies in the Military
  • A Stress Management Program for the Military
  • Topographic Symbols in Military Maps Symbols in an army map should be easily understood and communicate landscape elements to military personnel, thus making vital contributions to navigation and operations.
  • The Role of Soft Skills in Military Operations Soft skills are built upon hard skills but include communication skills and sociocultural competence necessitated by the nature of military operations.
  • Justification for the Use of Military Force Military intervention was a feasible alternative for averting external aggression in the past, and it is still the most viable option for fighting global terrorism.
  • Military Bases on Okinawa: Impact on Economy The American military based on the territory of Japan, Okinawa in particular, has a certain impact on the country’s economic and political relations.
  • Stress in the Military A study conducted by the in 2013 indicated that the military working environment was characterized by numerous stressors.
  • Maintaining and Not Losing Equipment in the Military Understanding the importance of maintaining and not losing equipment in the military depends on three aspects – availability, quality, and personal needs.
  • Military Diversity: US Army The article focuses on the need and benefits of ensuring cultural and racial diversity, as well as gender balance in the US military.
  • Sexual Harassment and Assault in the Military The marines are extremely negatively disposed towards the presence of female soldiers in their combat formations.
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  • Foundation of Army Leadership: Military Culture and Its Impact on Mental Health The pillars of military leadership are character, presence, and intellect. The character may be described as an individual’s distinct mental and moral attributes.
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  • When the U.S. Military Strikes While the state of war between the parties can be questioned on the international level, the US authorities are clear in their reasoning and intentions.
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  • Hurricane Katrina: Military and Civilian Response One of the three most dramatic catastrophes of the millennium, hurricane Katrina highlighted weak points of government and military forces.
  • Omar Nelson Bradley in American Military History Omar Nelson Bradley is one of the most influential military people in the history of the United States. He was assigned by the President to several military positions.
  • Media Coverage of Transgender Policy in Military This paper aims to provide an annotated bibliography for the ten articles related to the topic of media coverage of transgender policy in the military.
  • History of the US Military The US military is presently seen not just as the most impressive and exceptional outfitted power on the planet yet one with a multifaceted administrative role also.
  • “Yankee Blitzkrieg”: Historical Assessment of the Former Military “Yankee Blitzkrieg” is a book describing the largest mounted expedition led by James H. Wilson; it is characterized by consistency, clarity, and innovative narrative tactics.
  • Secondary Traumatization of PTSD Among Children in Military Families Military officers and veterans work in highly stressful environments, hence, experiencing different levels of PTSD depending on the armed nature of a given conflict.
  • Military Sexual Trauma: PTSD in Female Veterans The following paper suggests a literature review on the subject of post traumatic stress disorder associated with military sexual trauma in female veterans.
  • Transition from Military Service to Entrepreneurship Identifying the positive and negative traits acquired during military service is an essential aspect of studying the success of veterans in entrepreneurship.
  • Analysis of LGBT Integration in Military The study examines integrating LGBT people into the army and identified the main points that influenced the formation of acceptance of gays, lesbians, and transsexuals.
  • Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory in Regard to Military Veterans With PTSD To sum up, if the experiment proves reliable and valid, the application for those who have PTSD may be improved or facilitated for everyday use.
  • Cognitive Behavior Theory for Military Veteran Cognitive behavior theory is based on the idea that an individual is able to alter their behavior by interfering with their thought patterns.
  • Sexual Harassment in the U.S. Military: Addressing the Issue This essay will address sexual assaults in the U.S. military, examine possible causes, and acknowledge possible solutions.
  • Military Leadership: Combat Bunker to the Corporate Boardroom The research on the topic of leadership management is substantial, filled with primary and secondary sources covering the various aspects of theoretical and practical discussions.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Military Militants experience a significant number of traumatic events that subject them to PTSD. The culture of the military plays a significant role in promoting veteran mental wellness.
  • Military Leadership Traits Migration into Business Recently, society has been observing military people’s tendency to transition into entrepreneurs, and this phenomenon becomes increasingly popular annually.
  • Combat to Corporate: Military Traits in Business The investigation aims to determine what military traits are most likely to be incorporated into a business sphere and how they can benefit it.
  • The Counterterrorism Tasks by the Military and Government The US government works with other governments to fight against terrorism. Efforts are made to discourage and anticipate attacks by apprehending the individuals.
  • Power, Influence, and Communications Within a Military Setting There are five primary types of power that can be exercised to gain influence over others, they include coercive, reward, legitimate, expert, and referent power.
  • Political Science: Human Security & Revolution-in-Military-Affairs The major susceptibilities and challenges include protracted violence and political conflicts, diseases, epidemics, natural calamities, economic crises and ethnic violence.
  • The History of Women in the United States Military The increase of the part of women in the military of USA is not steady but concurs with the periods of wars when they could prove the irreplaceability of their skills.
  • The President’s and Congress’s Powers Regarding Using Military Forces The powers of the US President consist of the powers admitted by Article II of the US Constitution, powers accepted by Acts of Congress, and, besides, there is soft power.
  • Mental Health Stigma for Military Man and Civilians This source will contribute to my research regarding comparing the mental disorder stigma among civilians and military veterans.
  • Correlation Between Military Leaders and Cultural Diversity The article discusses the need for modern military personnel to be trained as leaders, free from cultural bias in their views and actions.
  • Diversity in the Military The purpose of this article is to explore the concept of human diversity and its usefulness in a military context.
  • Military Conflict and Involvement Consequences Humanity entered the era of humanism, characterized by the great attention to human rights, the man in the whole, and by the constant wars and military conflicts.
  • Mental Health Conditions Among Military Veterans The research will analyze whether the incidence of symptoms and their link to individuals’ experiences relate to their military service
  • American-Japanese Military and Race Conflicts in the Book “War Without Mercy: Race and Power in the Pacific War” The issues of prejudice, tunnel vision and inability to see the situation from all sides are described in the present book.
  • Involuntary Discharged Military Personnel Transitioning into Civilian Workforce Most of the findings of many researchers have focused on veterans and former employees who exited the profession voluntarily.
  • The Children Use in Military Activities The issue of children serving as soldiers in military conflicts is sensitive indeed. The increasing use of children in military conflicts has grown and threatens the social fibre.
  • Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell: Gays in the Us Military Homosexuals in the military have always had to hide their sexual orientation to prevent discrimination, incrimination, or even discharge from service.
  • Military Leadership Characteristics in U.S.A The army of the United States has professional military ethics, which states that a military leader should be loyal to his or her nation and unit.
  • Military Service: The Obligation of the American Citizens Joining the military is associated with various benefits. It is a good opportunity for one to realize their patriotism in addition to educational standards.
  • Critical Decisions Making: Get Out of the Military This analysis will help me get the best out of the decision by avoiding the various biases to come to a better decision.
  • EU Requirement of Common Foreign and Military Policy This paper discusses the need for a common foreign and military policy for the EU. The European Union is at the forefront in asserting itself to play a role in world affairs.
  • Gays in the Military: Current Situation and Problems While much effort is being put in to allow the marriage of persons of the same sex, this has not affected the military, since homosexuals are barred from taking up in the military.
  • Homeland Security: The Role of the US Military Increased military involvement in homeland security better prepares the country for multiple disasters as it expands its capacity.
  • American Public Attitudes to Overseas Military Deployment This essay will discuss the role of the increased media coverage in the shaping of the attitudes of Americans towards military activity abroad.
  • Hiring Prior Military for a Job An increasing number of the citizen-soldier population gives the Government few reasons to provide such people with guarantees of their employment.
  • US Military Overseas Commitments North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is a military alliance which was formed by the signing of the North Atlantic Treaty in the year 1949.
  • To Have or Not to Have a Military Draft To have or not to have a military draft is a debate that has sparked many views nationwide. America has not had a military draft since 1973.
  • Immediate Troop-Withdrawal Plan: Withdrawal of the American Military Forces From Iraq There was increased debate on whether to withdraw the American Military forces from Iraq since they were the once who were behind the war that was in Iraq that lasted for a period of five years.
  • Generation Kill: Stanley McChrystal’s Military Approach McChrystal reorganized the approach American Special Forces took towards operations. Some people praise his achievements in creating a superior precision killing machine.
  • Military Transition to Civilian Life As the target audience for this study, first-generation Latinos are involved, who have completed military service and moved on to civilian life.
  • Transforming Military Logistic Systems in the Department of Defense Technology has indeed helped resolve some of the world’s greatest challenges. For this reason, it is viable to argue that tech can be used to solve challenges faced within supply chain management.
  • Social Adaptation of Former Military Members Social adaptation to civilian life of former members of the military is a unique and significant area of inquiry.
  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Military Veterans Both in the military and civilian life, people encounter traumatic occurrences that challenge their perception of the world or themselves.
  • Technology Influences That Affect the Military This work is aimed at identifying significant factors that influence the activities of the military and modern national security standards.
  • When Military Force Is Justified The use of military force should be the last option after all other dispute resolution mechanisms have failed. This paper discusses cases where military force is justified.
  • Unity of Command in Military Operation Anaconda The major purpose of the unity of command is to arrange the effective operation of various forces under the authority of a single commander.
  • Alexander the Great as a Military General Whereas some sources claim that Alexander’s military tactics borrowed heavily from those of his father, Philip II of Macedonia, there are critics who believe that they did not.
  • United States Military Veteran Suicides and Causes Researchers have not agreed on the exact causes of suicide cases in the US military. Initially, it was assumed that deployment was a risk factor for this behavior.
  • Military Commissions and Terrorism Prevention The measures aimed at reducing the spread of international terrorism should align with international laws. The legal authority of military commissions should be discussed.
  • The Level of Military Service Organization in the US The paper analysis the idea to optimize the core activities of military HR professionals to the level that is demonstrated by the representatives from the Department of Defense (DOD).
  • Military Human Resource Professionals: Activities Optimization Civilian and military managers are the members of the team that is responsible for appropriate and effective services offered to people who are engaged in military life.
  • American Military Management Systems Assessment Adequate assessment of sources of potential threats can increase national safety with regard to numerous messages that are used by terrorists.
  • Asian International Politics and Military Conflicts The Cold War mentality of Japan was that of strengthening ties with Western powers to contain other Asian emerging powers.
  • Management Styles in the Military Field Organizations want to outperform their competitors and choose management styles that fit their organizational and market realities.
  • Strategic Thinking and Military Lessons Strategic thinking enables a person to reach levels that one could have otherwise not reached if they were to work in a conventional manner.
  • Military Veterans’ Mental Health Needs The topic of the study concerns the mental health needs of veterans who suffer different types of disorders as the result of their military service.
  • The Massive Military’s Layoff of the Obama Administration This paper discusses the massive layoff within the military during the Obama administration using the four-frame model.
  • WWI and Interwar Military Innovations WWI triggered the development of an array of interwar military innovations. Today specialization is common in contemporary military forces.
  • American Military Approaches in the East This work discusses questions related to the Korean War, US military approaches in Vietnam, Vietnamization, the Arab-Israeli war, and the American way of war.
  • Military Treatment, Success, and Diverse Groups This paper highlights the correlation between the integration of the micro and macro-sociological theories and the successful treatment of diverse groups.
  • Military Personnel and Psychological Risks Researchers have discovered that the sense of loneliness is one of the risk factors that potentially cause various mental disorders among active-duty soldiers.
  • Military on the US Southern Border Even serving at the southern border, the military will not be able to serve all issues associated with the case of Mexico.
  • Discipline Implementation in Military Environment The state of the army leaves much to be desired regarding the discipline levels and the allocation of the army resources. Immediate actions should be taken to handle the problem.
  • Bereaved Military Children: Group Intervention Bereavement is one of the most stressful events, and it is closely linked to anxiety, depression, fear, aggressiveness, and regression.
  • The Great Depression and Military Spending The Great Depression had a devastating impact on the US economy. But military spending could be consider the main tool of it ended and promoting the growth of the industrial sector.
  • Military Spending by the Government of the United States The US federal government allocates excess resources to its military, and some money could assist in other areas of the economy.
  • Military Policy that Should Be Changed The military is a secret organization that does not disclose its activities to the public, mainly because of the strict rules and regulations. Some of how things are conducted ought to be changed.
  • Stealth Aircraft Support in the United States Military This paper will argue that maintaining an edge on military technology and the air force is crucial for the US by giving reasons why it is important for the US military to have stealth aircrafts.
  • Automated vs. Military Pitot Static Tester The report proposes that the Military Pitot Static Model is much better than the 6300 model. However, diligence should be observed depending on the aircraft that is being tested.
  • Military Medical Assets Usage In case of an emergency, not only the ability of the military services to locate and utilize the required sources, but also the capability of the military people to cooperate.
  • Political Issues: The United States Military The military has one of the most advanced technologies in the world, as soldiers have to face the harshest conditions in their service and general life.
  • What Is a Military System of Government?
  • What Is the Name of a Military Force Made up of Civilians?
  • Does the US Military Have the Death Penalty?
  • Who Was the First Military Governor of Florida?
  • What Military Technologies Did the Industrial Revolution Provide to Europeans?
  • Is Military Government Undemocratic?
  • Did President Truman Improperly Interfere in Military Operations in Korea?
  • Is Egypt a Military Dictatorship?
  • Does the Military Generate Any Revenue for a Country?
  • What Military Need Led to the Production of Liberty Ships?
  • Why Do Southern States Have So Many Military Bases?
  • What Historical Discipline Does Military Science Cover?
  • What Is a Pincer Movement in Military Strategy?
  • How Were African Nations Affected by Military Rule and Dictatorship?
  • How Is the US Military Restricted by the Third Amendment?
  • Why Do We Need to Study Military History?
  • How Is the Social Problem of the Military’s Transition to Civilian Life Solved?
  • Were Soldiers Called Military in the Middle Ages?
  • Did the Byzantine Empire Have a Strong Military?
  • Who Created the Military Phonetic Alphabet?
  • Are Military Police Sworn Officers?
  • What Military Technology Was Used in the Battle of Ypres?
  • Is Cognitive Dissonance Used in the Military?
  • Are Members of the Military Government Employees?
  • What Is the Purpose of the Military Annual Percentage Rate?
  • What Is the Significance of Military Tribunals in Today’s Environment?
  • What Is the Largest Military Cemetery in the United States?
  • How Many Five Star Generals Are in Us Military History?
  • How Did Bushido Contribute to Japanese Military Aggression?

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StudyCorgi. (2021, September 9). 166 Military Essay Topics.

"166 Military Essay Topics." StudyCorgi , 9 Sept. 2021,

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1. StudyCorgi . "166 Military Essay Topics." September 9, 2021.


StudyCorgi . "166 Military Essay Topics." September 9, 2021.

StudyCorgi . 2021. "166 Military Essay Topics." September 9, 2021.

These essay examples and topics on Military were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment.

This essay topic collection was updated on January 8, 2024 .

50 Interesting Informative Speech Topics for College

26 September, 2020

15 minutes read

Author:  Mathieu Johnson

Informative speeches grant speakers a responsible mission of educating people about significant ideas and themes. They’re also about sharing thoughts and opinions on this or that topic, aimed at expanding understanding and providing listeners with relevant insights for further deliberation. Therefore, it’s a particular type of speeches given to put things into sharp focus and offer food for thought. Read up to know which informative speech topics have the most impact.

Informative Speech Topics

What is an informative speech?

As mentioned above, it’s a kind of speech that, well, informs the audience about your topic. Sounds simple enough, but simplicity is deceptive, and there are enough secrets behind this science. Specifically, not all people are fully aware of the fact that the “what” question is a key element that needs to be answered, for with informative speeches, you want to choose a topic most likely to be well received.

Of course, you can speak about something you already know, but you can also talk about the topic which is absolutely new to you. In this case, however, you must make sure that the theme will be relatively easy to research and studied before speech delivery. Another important point worth noticing is that organizational requirements and type of information for informative speech usually intertwines with those for an informative essay, for the latter is often an extension of the first.

How to write an informative speech?

How to write an informative speech

So, now it’s time to move from theory to practice and write an informative speech. But where do you start from?

Although there are many different processes involved in the process, we’ll narrow them to essentials to help you better grasp the idea of how a perfect speech should be tailored.

Stage 1. Research and Brainstorming

Think about the topic.

The first and most crucial step is about choosing the right topic. We’ve mentioned before that it’s vital to select the issue you feel free to talk about. However, there are also cases when professors assign a specific task for you. Either way, the point here is to conduct thorough research based on the given or chosen topic.

If you want to explain the history of some company, band or event, for example, make sure to deliver the message clearly, without going here and there. For this, consider talking about particular points which will cover the whole speech and help the audience quickly digest it. Otherwise, your speech will depart from the topic, and listeners will find it challenging to follow your thoughts.

Gather Evidence

Every scholarly work proves its credibility by the inclusion of relevant sources to show both the audience and the instructor that you’ve put enough effort into the work to sound authoritative. This is a great chance to get a good mark, but more importantly, earn trust from listeners. To cite the evidence correctly, you can search for some facts, stats, or numbers in a variety of sources. These include textbooks, books, and encyclopedias (online ones work as well), scholarly articles, reputable news bureaus, and government documents. If these are hard to find for you, think of alternatives, like online journals and magazines. But be careful and don’t use sources from there if they are not credible and reputable. As an example, use The New York Times, The Guardian, Harvard Business Review, SAJE journals, Forbes, etc.

Also, keep in mind that the evidence you’ll use should depend on the subject of your talk. If it’s about science, check scientific publications. If it’s about medicine – embark upon texts on this specific sphere. Finally, don’t forget to create a works cited page at the end of your speech and put all your sources there. Even if your instructor does not specify such a requirement, create a list anyways. This will help you keep references organized, and you will be able to pick a suitable one from the list.

Generate a Nice Thesis

A thesis is the core of impactful speech that tells listeners about its focal points. It also reveals the purpose of your speech and provides the audience with an insight into what the speech is all about. Notably, your thesis should not exceed the length of one-two sentences and be as precise as possible. More so, thesis, like the speech itself, is not about convincing people to take your topic stance immediately. Rather, it’s about informing listeners about significant events or cases which they could analyze and make relevant conclusions themselves. No need to push them or force to change the perspective, just try to be genuine and honest with people you’re talking to. Considering that it’s a scholarly piece of work, there’s no room for appealing to emotions or subjective claims. So in informative speeches, objectivity is the key player.

How to Start Informative Speech Writing?

Informative speech outline

The outline is a skeleton of your speech that briefly explains each of your points. This is basically a list of short sentences which reveal the meaning of your main speech ideas. Remember that this list is not for the audience; it’s for your own use. So the task here is to write about every point in a way you’ll understand. You can also use notecards instead of paper so that it’ll be much easier for you not to get lost in a sea of ideas and organize the speech properly. Tip: include numbers and capital letters for headings, and bullet points or other figures to mark subheadings.

If you are still unsure on whether you can cope with your task – you are in the right place to get help. Our essay writers will easily answer the to the question “Who can write my speech?”

Stage 2. Writing

Once the sketches are ready and you have a clear understanding of what to speak about, move on straight to writing.

Craft an Engaging Intro

What does engaging stand for in this case? It denotes some speech elements which will be enticing for listeners from the first sentence. It’s a common practice to start speeches with different hooks to call for more people’s attention. There are a plethora of techniques you can use to make an unforgettable first impression: jokes, anecdotes, examples from personal life, interesting statistics, rhetorical questions, quotes of famous people. You can even invent your own attention-grabber which will help you knock down listeners.

Give More Detail in the Main Body

Once you managed to create impact by the introduction and made sure everyone will be eager to listen to you further, you need to expand the explanation of key speech ideas in a well-structured, organized manner. Like in regular life, you start a story from the beginning to the end, while gradually moving from one idea to another. The same goes for informative speech – you need to ensure that the flow of your narration is logical and concise, fully elaborated, and precise. Also, don’t forget about making transitions between sentences. They will make your speech flow naturally, helping the audience to process the information much easier and effortlessly.

Wrap Everything Up in Conclusion

The ending of your informative speech should restate the main idea and the thesis you’ve mentioned in the introduction. There’s no need to say new things that will only confuse your audience. Instead, all the conclusion needs is a nice wrapping of the already stated claims.

So basically you want to review your main points and thereby deliver listeners a message which they will perceive as a major takeaway from what you’ve just told them. However, the introductory part should by no means repeat previous information word by word. It’s just a short restatement that covers up the main points.

Proofread and Edit the Final Version

Once the text is written entirely, it’s a must for you to double check it to avoid possible mistakes. If your informative speech turns out not as informative as expected due to grammatical or lexical errors, you’ll not be taken seriously, which we bet is not the purpose of delivering your talk. So, to prevent casualties from happening, you’ll need to use reliable editing and proofreading tools. Grammarly is an excellent source for this. Its accurate algorithm detects all kinds of mistakes and fixes them on the fly in a matter of seconds. And you can also check the text for plagiarism to make sure that it has no analogs anywhere on the web.

The Writing Process of Informative Speech

Stage 3. Perfecting Speech Delivery

Memorize your speech.

Half work is done – you have a writing piece. Now it’s time to learn it. Of course, it’ll take you time to do this, but with a little patience and enough time, you can memorize it even faster than expected. Besides, it’s not recommended to learn the speech from A to Z, inside out and upside down by heart. If your instructor is indulgent enough, feel free to memorize your talk in a way that allows you to explain your ideas clearly and consistently. To facilitate the process of learning, you can memorize sentence by sentence until you’re confident. And even if you forget something during delivery, you can always count on the outline that’ll give you a hint on what to talk about next.

Practice Reading Speech Aloud

When the final product is finally ready and polished, you need to concentrate on reading it.

Practice the speech in a mirror, to a friend/relative/pet, or record yourself to trace the tone and intonation. This way, you’ll make sure that your informative speech is brilliant and you deliver it just the way you wanted. Besides, this practice can help you critically evaluate the flaws and correct them before the actual delivery. Have enough time for this, because even experienced speakers always rehearse their speeches. Finally, focus on the way you use gestures, the way you stand and look at the audience, and facial expressions.

How to Deliver Informative Speech?

List of informative speech topics

There are lots of easy informative speech topics to choose from, but we offer you to review our topics list with some of the most alluring ones to get you started. Let’s examine pro informative topics that’ll help you write a memorable speech.

Topics for informative speech about music

  • Frank Sinatra – a beloved father of music
  • The drastic evolution of french music
  • Deep house – the most popular music style among youngsters
  • Why did rock and roll became an epitome of popular dance music
  • Why does reggae music most known under the name of Bob Marley
  • The psychological and physical benefits of listening to music
  • Chill, lounge and electronica has market the era of progressive sound
  • The impact of rap music on society at large
  • The art of playing the violin
  • The evolution of jazz music and its connection to historical movements

Informative speech topics about animals

  • Why are so many animals under extinction today and how do we fix it?
  • Why dogs are considered as humans best friend?
  • The history and evolution of polar bears
  • Why does rhinos horn trimming in South Africa still allowed
  • How to properly raise chinchillas
  • The most dangerous types of dogs on the planet
  • Staggering intellectual abilities of elephants baffle even scientists
  • How to keep snakes away and save your life
  • Different types of butterflies
  • The history of bees and their role in the world

Topics for informative speech about global warming

  • Patterns in climate change: rising temperatures and flooding
  • What Effects does Climate Change have on the Earth and its Inhabitants?
  • What are the practical solutions to global warming
  • What is global warming and what causes it?
  • The future of global warming: dismal predictions and statistics
  • Controversial opinions about global warming
  • The greenhouse effect as the top one reason of climate change
  • The global issue of global warming: what’s next?
  • Humans are responsible for the emergence and progress of global warming
  • Sanctions against generation of greenhouses: will they ever take place?

Informative speech ideas about sports

  • How sports improve human physical and psychological health
  • Is golf the game of the past?
  • The real life of sport teams: from trainings to furious games
  • Can roller skating be considered a kind of sport?
  • What’s more dangerous: white water rafting or ice diving?
  • The history of sports: whom do we owe respect?
  • Hockey 101: gear, playing techniques, team spirit
  • Why is boxing the most dangerous type of sports
  • The most unusual kinds of sports humans have invented
  • The importance and potential threat of football for the world 

Interesting speech topics about food and drinks

  • How to bake a cake and not put on weight
  • Why does alcohol bring so much trouble to contemporary youth?
  • There are no superfoods, the study shows
  • Does fast food really cause addiction?
  • The secret ingredient of Coca Cola and why you’ll never want to drink it again
  • If the fruit diet useful for health?
  • Why bananas can save the world
  • Eating vegetables and olive oil is a golden ticket to rejuvenation
  • What’s the difference between natural and processed foods?
  • Why eating pizza is the worst way to get away with cooking

As you can see from the list of topics for speeches, informative speech is a perfect occasion to explore interesting themes in depth and share your knowledge with people who are most likely to learn new things with you. Discovering a variety of topics and writing them on paper is perhaps the most engaging task your instructor has ever assigned you. And if you find it challenging to come with the right idea for a good topic, just send a “ write my speech ” request, and we’ll complete your order in no time.

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informative speech topics military

If you are looking for informative speech topic ideas, you have come to the right place. Below you will find a listing of informative speech topics in several categories.

Informative Speech Topics For High School Students

  • How was high school the best period of your life?
  • Benefits and Drawbacks of homeschooling
  • It is possible to survive enthusiastically in high school
  • Discrimination in learning institutions
  • It is useless to wear a uniform in schools
  • Pros of physical activities in a student’s life
  • Females are more attentive in taking lectures in school
  • Is it possible to stop cyberbullying in school?
  • Should learners be punished for flunking courses in school?
  • Efficient ways to study for exams in school

Informative Speech Topics For College Students

  • Learning the English language is essential to being successful
  • How to eliminate poverty from the world?
  • Do all politicians manipulate the use of power?
  • Are males a victim of domestic violence as well?
  • How has the meaning of different words changed over time?
  • The accurate picture of foster care in the United States
  • Is practical knowledge more essential than theoretical knowledge?
  • Is it essential to improve your communication skills to survive in higher ed?
  • How to decide your major for college?
  • Do schools prepare learners for real life?

Informative Speech Topics About Science

  • Evolution of the human species
  • Einsteins work in the field of science
  • Remarkable research in astrophysics
  • Similarities between reptiles and mammals
  • Understanding the differences between crocodiles and alligators
  • Facts you should know about your mind
  • Importance of settlement of mars
  • The development of DNA analysis

Informative Speech Topics About Education

  • U.S. school system versus European school system
  • Issues faced when teaching digital literacy skills
  • Why should relatives be involved in their boy’s and girls’ learning?
  • Do energy drinks influence the research patterns of the learners
  • How to select the topic for an entertaining, informative speech or essay?
  • How essential is teaching humanity in elementary schools
  • Significance of physical activities in a learner’s life
  • Learning disabilities in learners
  • How to prepare an informative presentation?
  • Importance of student-instructor bond

Informative Speech Topics Regarding Sports

  • Adverse effects of taking steroids on athletes
  • Effects of playing violent video games on mental health?
  • Importance of sports in a learner’s life
  • Violence in fighting sports
  • Definition is sportsmanship
  • History of soccer
  • History of football
  • Gender discrimination in sports
  • Drug abuse sports

Informative Speech Topics Regarding Health

  • Bad eating habits and health
  • How is fast food a significant cause of obesity in the U.S.?
  • Importance of mental health
  • What is a balanced diet?
  • Drawbacks of using refined sugars in our daily lives
  • Pros and cons of medical marijuana
  • Impact of a keto diet on a body
  • Significance of exercise for a healthy living
  • Is social media encouraging a healthy body image?

Informative Speech Topics About Animals

  • Cons of animal testing
  • Significance of animal rights protection
  • Can exotic animals be good pets?
  • Can depression be treated through the support of animals?
  • Why do certain animals become extinct?
  • Which animals make the best pets?
  • The historical significance of cats
  • Testing beauty products on animals
  • Dissuade animal abuse in the circus
  • Is it moral to keep mammals in cages?

Informative Speech Topics About Literature

  • The impact of Shakespeare’s work on the modern language
  • The portrayal of supernatural beings in literature
  • Ernest Hemingway’s concept of masculinity
  • Modern films and the depiction of classic literature
  • Impact of technology on literature
  • Differences in the works of literature of the 19th and 20th centuries
  • A rhetorical assessment of the speech “I Have A Dream.”
  • The depiction of death in Romeo and Juliet
  • Women’s portrayal in Macbeth
  • The use of imagery in the Shakespeare’s plays

Funny Informative Speech Topics

  • Facts about skinny jeans
  • How to be friendly to individuals you hate?
  • How to cheat in an online assessment?
  • How to look alert in class?
  • How to imagine you are busy at work?
  • Can you learn from your pets?
  • Hacks to become a photographer
  • How do you offend your older siblings?

Controversial Informative Speech Topics

  • Is mercy killings ethical?
  • Should gay couples be allowed to adopt?
  • Assisted suicides should be legalized
  • Corruption in the police
  • Should health insurance companies be accessing their client’s genetic information?
  • Should HIV tests be readily available in drug stores?
  • Should women leave their careers after having children?

Informative Speech Topics 2022

  • Effect of Covid – 19 on employment
  • What are the kinds of speeches?
  • Global warming
  • Are solar cars environmentally friendly?
  • How to pick the best speech idea?
  • How do you select an essay topic for an informational essay?
  • How does the supply and  demand for goods influence the price
  • Evolution of digital media

How to Choose an Informative Speech Topic

Picking the right and exciting topic for your speech is essential. An interesting topic will enable you to gather vital information and impress the audience.

People often do not invest time deciding on a topic and instantly choose the first idea that pops into their minds. The disadvantage of doing this is that a subject needs to fulfill a few requirements. It might not happen if the selection process is impulsive. When a writer hits writer’s block, it becomes challenging to develop something exciting yet informative

If you are not given a subject for your speech, follow the steps and pick the best speech subject.

1. Reflect Your Interest –  You can reflect knowledge on something you are interested in or is your passion. Think of ideas that define your interest. This will research and gather information exciting for you and provide great content.

A speech requires a presenter to have a good command of the subject. So if you choose to speak about your interest, you can provide individual opinions quickly. You will have a good knowledge of it and can convince the audience better.

2. Identify The Audience – The type of audience can also help choose the right speech topic. Not all subjects are for a general audience. Ascertain who your audience is and what they are expecting from your address.

Choose a subject that is interesting for you and the targeted audience. Moreover, keep in mind to shape the entire speech keeping in view the audience. Your choice of words and tone should complement the subject and the people’s academic level.

3. Follow the Guidelines Provided – Reading and understanding the guidelines are essential. If the instructions require a specific length of your speech, you have to choose the subject accordingly.

Some subjects require extensive research and more important details to be shared in the content. Avoid selecting open-ended and broad subjects if you are required to write a short speech.

Writing an informative speech requires interpersonal skills. A speech requires a specific tone and vocabulary to make the message effective for verbal communication. Students who lack these skills find it challenging to draft solid and compelling content for their speeches.

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100+ Informative Speech Topics & Ideas for All Students 

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  • Reading time: 30 mins read

As a student tasked with delivering an informative speech, finding the right topic can be a difficult first step. The challenge doesn’t just end with selecting a topic; it extends to researching, preparing, and effectively presenting it. We’ve got you covered.

Our selection of informative speech topics is filled with captivating and relevant ideas to keep your audience engaged while educating them. You can choose any of these topics as a starting point for an informative and memorable speech.

List of Informative Speech Topics for Students

When selecting informative speech topics for students, the aim is to find subjects that are educational, engaging, and relevant to their interests and experiences. Here are some diverse and thought-provoking informative topic ideas that college students can explore for their informative speeches:

Good Informative Speech Topics for Students

  • First Aid Basics and Their Importance
  • Cold and Flu: Symptoms and Prevention
  • Pediatric Nursing: Caring for Children
  • Mental Health Awareness in Adolescence
  • Essentials of Nutritional Health
  • The Science and Importance of Vaccines
  • Hygiene Practices to Prevent Illness
  • The Role of Sleep in Maintaining Health
  • Understanding and Managing Allergies
  • An Introduction to Human Anatomy
  • Special Considerations in Geriatric Nursing
  • Effective Stress Management Techniques
  • The Health Benefits of Regular Exercise
  • Ethical Considerations in Nursing
  • Managing and Understanding Diabetes
  • Fundamentals of Wound Care
  • Common Skin Conditions and Treatments
  • The Diverse Role of Nurses in Healthcare
  • Basics of Pain Management
  • Promoting Cardiovascular Health

Best Informative Speech Topics for College

  • Advanced First Aid and Crisis Management
  • In-depth Analysis of Mental Health Disorders
  • Pediatric Oncology: Challenges and Care
  • Lifestyle’s Impact on Chronic Diseases
  • Nutritional Therapy in Healthcare Settings
  • Vaccine Development and Effectiveness
  • Infection Control Techniques in Hospitals
  • Sleep Psychology and Related Disorders
  • Comprehensive Allergy Management
  • Detailed Study of Human Physiology
  • Geriatric Nursing and Age-Related Diseases
  • Advanced Stress and Anxiety Management
  • Exercise Physiology in Disease Prevention
  • Navigating Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing
  • In-depth Look at Diabetes and Endocrine Health
  • Advanced Techniques in Wound Healing
  • Dermatology from a Nursing Perspective
  • Leadership and Management in Nursing
  • Comprehensive Approaches to Pain Management
  • Cardiac Care and Rehabilitation Techniques

Easy Informative Speech Topics

  • Basic First Aid Techniques Everyone Should Know
  • The Importance of Hand Hygiene in Preventing Infections
  • Understanding Common Cold: Symptoms and Treatment
  • Introduction to Healthy Eating and Nutrition
  • Basic Steps for Blood Pressure Monitoring
  • Sleep Hygiene: Tips for a Good Night’s Sleep
  • Stress Management: Simple Relaxation Techniques
  • Basics of Diabetes: Types and Management
  • Understanding and Preventing Seasonal Allergies
  • Basic Wound Care: Do’s and Don’ts
  • The Role of Vaccinations in Public Health
  • The Impact of Smoking on Health
  • Introduction to Mental Health and Well-being
  • Basic Skin Care and Sun Protection
  • The Importance of Regular Exercise
  • Understanding Asthma: Basics and Management
  • Principles of Healthy Weight Management
  • Dehydration: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention
  • Introduction to Geriatric Health Issues
  • Pediatric Health: Common Childhood Illnesses

Short Informative Speech Topics

  • Handwashing: The Best Way to Prevent Germs
  • Quick Tips for a Healthy Heart
  • Introduction to CPR: Basic Steps
  • The Dangers of Antibiotic Resistance
  • Understanding Migraines and Headache Management
  • Basic Nutrition: Vitamins and Minerals Essentials
  • The Significance of Breast Cancer Awareness
  • Recognizing and Responding to a Stroke
  • Basic Eye Care and Common Eye Problems
  • Importance of Vaccines in Disease Prevention
  • Ear Health and Preventing Hearing Loss
  • Simple Techniques for Anxiety Relief
  • Oral Hygiene and Dental Health Basics
  • Foot Care for Diabetics
  • Dealing with Common Digestive Disorders
  • Bone Health: Preventing Osteoporosis
  • Overview of Common Respiratory Diseases
  • Basic Understanding of Arthritis
  • Skin Cancer Awareness and Prevention
  • Basics of Maternal and Child Health

Interesting/ Fun Informative Speech Topics

  • The Evolution of Nursing Throughout History
  • Fascinating Medical Discoveries and Innovations
  • The Role of Pets and Animals in Healing
  • Bizarre but True: Unusual Medical Conditions
  • Medical Miracles: Remarkable Recovery Stories
  • How Laughter Benefits Physical Health
  • Exploring the Power of the Placebo Effect
  • Myths and Facts About the Human Brain
  • Pioneering Women in the Field of Nursing
  • The Science Behind Love and Its Health Benefits
  • Unique Traditional Healing Practices Around the World
  • The Future of Telemedicine and Virtual Healthcare
  • The Psychology of Pain: Perception vs. Reality
  • The Weird World of Rare Genetic Conditions
  • How Music Therapy Enhances Health and Well-being
  • The History and Significance of World Health Day
  • Famous Medical Experiments in History
  • The Impact of Space Travel on Human Health
  • The Influence of Social Media on Health Trends
  • Nursing in War: Stories from the Frontline

Unique Informative Speech Topics

  • The Link Between Climate Change and Public Health
  • The Future of Genetic Engineering in Medicine
  • Exploring the World of Rare Diseases
  • Nursing Practices in Different Cultures
  • Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
  • The Psychology of Color in Healing Environments
  • The Impact of Globalization on Healthcare
  • Revolutionary Medical Treatments Under Development
  • The Ethical Dilemmas of Modern Medicine
  • The Role of Nutrition in Chronic Disease Management
  • Virtual Reality and its Application in Healthcare
  • The Evolution of Surgical Techniques
  • The Role of Nurses in Disaster Response
  • Breakthroughs in Brain-Computer Interfaces
  • The Connection Between Art and Healing
  • The Growing Field of Gerontechnology
  • The Science of Sleep Disorders
  • The Challenges of Healthcare in Remote Areas
  • The Effects of Social Isolation on Mental Health
  • The Role of Robotics in Modern Surgery

Popular Informative Speech Topics

  • The COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons Learned
  • The Opioid Crisis: Understanding and Prevention
  • Mental Health: Breaking the Stigma
  • The Importance of Healthcare Accessibility
  • The Role of Technology in Modern Nursing
  • The Impact of Diet on Mental Health
  • The Challenges of Nursing in a Pandemic
  • Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Breastfeeding: Benefits and Challenges
  • The Rise of Telehealth Services
  • The Importance of Patient Advocacy in Nursing
  • The Effects of Social Media on Teen Mental Health
  • The Growing Problem of Antibiotic Resistance
  • The Benefits of Yoga and Meditation in Healthcare
  • Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia
  • The Impact of Stress on Physical Health
  • The Role of Community Health Nursing
  • Advances in Cancer Treatment and Research
  • The Importance of Health Education in Schools
  • The Growing Trend of Wellness and Preventative Care

Informative Speech Topics – 2024 Ideas

  • The Role of Nursing in Global Health Initiatives
  • Advances in Stem Cell Research and Therapy
  • The Future of Personalized Medicine
  • The Ethics of Assisted Reproductive Technologies
  • The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Patient Care
  • The Growing Trend of Plant-Based Diets and Health
  • The Use of Big Data in Healthcare
  • The Challenges of Providing Healthcare in Conflict Zones
  • The Role of Mental Health First Aid
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Infectious Diseases
  • Innovations in Wound Care and Healing
  • The Future of Nursing Education
  • The Role of Nurses in Palliative and End-of-Life Care
  • The Effects of Pollution on Respiratory Health
  • The Importance of Global Vaccine Equity
  • The Challenges of Rural Healthcare Delivery
  • Emerging Trends in Healthcare Technology
  • The Psychology Behind Chronic Pain Management
  • The Importance of Cultural Competence in Nursing
  • The Growing Field of Nursing Informatics

Creative Informative Speech Topics

  • The Art and Science of Nursing
  • The Role of Storytelling in Patient Care
  • Innovative Approaches to Patient Education
  • The Impact of Urban Design on Public Health
  • The Intersection of Fashion and Medical Wearables
  • Creative Therapies in Mental Health Care
  • The Use of Gamification in Health Education
  • The Role of Nurses in Health Policy Development
  • Exploring the World of Holistic Nursing
  • The Future of 3D Printing in Medicine
  • The Importance of Empathy in Healthcare
  • The Use of Augmented Reality in Surgical Training
  • The Role of Nutrition in Cancer Prevention
  • Innovations in Home Health Care Technology
  • The History and Future of Epidemics and Pandemics
  • The Role of Nurses in Climate Change Advocacy
  • The Use of Social Media in Health Awareness Campaigns
  • The Evolution of Maternal and Neonatal Care
  • Exploring the Benefits of Alternative Medicine
  • The Role of Nurses in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

What Is An Informative Speech?

An informative speech is a type of speech that aims to educate the audience on a specific topic, providing them with facts, insights, and information in a clear and understandable manner. Its main objective is to enhance the knowledge and understanding of the listeners about the subject being discussed.

What are the 4 Types of Informative Speeches?

Informative speeches are a cornerstone of effective communication, especially in educational and professional settings. They serve the crucial purpose of educating and enlightening audiences on various topics. Broadly categorized, there are four distinct types of informative speeches, each serving a unique role in conveying information.

The four types of informative speeches are:

Descriptive Speeches:  These speeches aim to provide a detailed, vivid, and clear picture of a person, place, object, or event. The goal is to make the audience feel as if they are familiar with the subject through the use of descriptive language.

Explanatory Speeches: These focus on explaining a concept, idea, or phenomenon. The objective is to clarify the subject matter and help the audience understand it better, often involving the breaking down of complex ideas into simpler parts.

Demonstrative Speeches: These speeches are about showing or demonstrating how to do something. They are often accompanied by visual aids and step-by-step instructions, making them particularly useful for teaching processes or procedures.

Definition Speeches: This type involves explaining the meaning, context, or background of a specific term, concept, or issue. It’s about providing a clear and precise definition that enhances the audience’s understanding of a subject that might be abstract or complex.

Choosing Informative Speech Ideas

When writing an informative speech, one of the most critical steps is selecting a compelling and appropriate topic. Choose an informative speech topic that is interesting and can captivate your audience and ensure your message is conveyed and understood. Here’s how to choose a topic using the Five W’s – Who, What, When, Where, and Why –  approach:

Who: Consider your audience. Who are they? What are their interests, age group, and educational background? Selecting an interesting topic that resonates with the specific demographics of your audience will make your speech more impactful.

What: Determine the subject of your information speech. What topic do you want to address? Ensure it’s informative, interesting, and something you’re passionate about. The ‘what’ should also align with the purpose of your speech – are you aiming to educate, explain, demonstrate, or define?

When: Timing can be crucial. When is the best time to talk about these essay topics? Choose a subject that is timely and relevant. For instance, discussing technological advancements would be more engaging if aligned with recent breakthroughs.

Where: The setting or context where your professional speech will be delivered can influence your choice. Where will you be speaking? In a classroom, a business meeting, or a community event? The environment and occasion can dictate the appropriateness and tone of your topic.

Why: Finally, consider why this topic is essential. Why should your audience care about it? The ‘why’ is crucial for creating a compelling speech that informs and connects with the audience on a deeper level.

How to Write a Killer Informative Speech

Writing a good informative speech involves several key steps, each designed to ensure that your speech is engaging, informative, and memorable. Here’s a guide to help you craft an effective informative speech:

Choose a Topic

When selecting a topic for an informative speech essay, choose one that aligns with your interests and expertise, ensuring a passionate and knowledgeable presentation that resonates with your audience. The topic should be engaging, offering new insights or a deeper understanding of a subject, and appropriately scoped to be thoroughly covered within the time allotted for your speech. This balance ensures that your speech is informative, interesting, relevant, and impactful to those listening.

Understand Your Audience

Understanding your audience is a crucial aspect of preparing an informative speech. This involves analyzing their interests, background knowledge, and expectations to tailor your presentation for maximum engagement and relevance. For instance, a speech aimed at industry professionals should differ in complexity and terminology compared to one intended for high school students. 

Knowing the audience’s baseline understanding of the topic helps avoid oversimplification or excessive complexity. Additionally, understanding their interests can guide you in choosing which aspects of the topic to emphasize, making the speech more appealing and relatable. A well-tailored speech, cognizant of its audience, delivers information effectively and ensures that the audience remains engaged and interested throughout the presentation.

Gather Evidence and Facts From Credible Scholarly Sources

Gathering evidence and facts from credible scholarly sources is fundamental in preparing an informative speech. This process involves extensive research to ensure the information you present is accurate, current, and authoritative. Utilizing sources such as academic journals, books, and reputable online databases adds depth and credibility to your speech. It’s important to critically evaluate these sources for their reliability and relevance to your topic. 

Incorporating well-researched facts and evidence strengthens your arguments and enhances your speech’s overall quality. It demonstrates to your audience that you thoroughly understand the subject and are committed to providing them with trustworthy and informative information. This careful attention to source selection and fact verification is key to delivering a speech that is engaging and intellectually robust.

Deconstruct the Topic to Select the Best Ideas

Deconstructing the topic involves brainstorming and breaking down the overarching subject into its constituent components or key ideas. By identifying these core elements, you can structure your speech in a logical and organized manner. 

This ensures you cover all relevant aspects of the topic and enables you to prioritize and emphasize the most significant and compelling ideas. Through this deconstruction and selection process, you can create a clear, focused, and engaging speech, providing your audience with a well-structured and informative presentation.

Write a Thesis Statement for Your Informative Speech

A thesis statement serves as the compass that guides the entire public speaking presentation. It encapsulates the main message you aim to convey and provides a roadmap for both you as the speaker and your audience. 

A well-constructed thesis statement should state the topic and indicate the specific angle, perspective, or key points you plan to cover. It’s the nucleus around your informative essay speech, ensuring your content remains focused and relevant. Moreover, a strong thesis statement provides your audience with a clear understanding of what to expect, enhancing their comprehension and engagement throughout your speech.

Inform Rather Than Persuade the Audience

Here, the primary objective is to inform and educate the audience rather than to persuade or convince them. This key distinction underlines the importance of objectively presenting facts, data, and information without bias or attempting to sway opinions. The aim is to give the audience a well-rounded understanding of the topic, enabling them to form opinions and make informed decisions. 

While persuasive speeches focus on advocating for a particular viewpoint, informative speeches prioritize clarity, objectivity, and the dissemination of knowledge. By adhering to this principle of informing rather than persuading, speakers can build trust with their audience and ensure that their message is received as credible and unbiased.

Write the First Draft of Your Speech

Here, you transform your research, unique ideas, and thesis statement into a cohesive and structured narrative. Focusing on getting your ideas down on paper without being overly concerned about perfection is important. Start with a strong introduction that grabs the audience’s attention and presents your thesis statement. In the body of the speech, present your key points or ideas logically, providing supporting evidence and examples. 

Finally, craft a conclusion summarizing the main points and leaving a lasting impression. While the first draft may be rough around the edges, it serves as the foundation for refining and improving your speech in subsequent revisions. It’s a critical step in turning your knowledge and insights into an informative and engaging presentation.

Start Writing Your Essay with Power Words 

Power words can include compelling statistics, vivid anecdotes, thought-provoking questions, or impactful quotations. The goal is to grab your audience’s attention immediately, piquing their curiosity and drawing them into your speech. They set the tone for your presentation and create an initial impression that can linger throughout the speech. 

They also serve as hooks, enticing the audience to listen attentively and setting the stage for the valuable information you are about to impart. Starting your speech with such impactful words creates an engaging opening that sets the tone for the rest of your presentation.

Develop the Body of the Speech

The body of your informative speech is where you delve into the core content, presenting your key points, supporting evidence, and explanations. Each key point should be organized logically, and transitions between them should be smooth to maintain the flow of your speech. To ensure clarity, providing examples, statistics, and relevant facts that bolster your main ideas is essential. Visual aids, if applicable, can enhance comprehension and engagement. 

Remember to maintain an objective and informative tone, steering clear of persuasion or bias. By developing the body of your speech with a clear structure and comprehensive content, you enable your audience to follow along easily and gain a deep understanding of the topic. This is where the substance of your speech lies, and a well-structured body ensures that your informative message is effectively conveyed to your audience.

End Your Informative Speech with a Bang

Concluding your informative speech with impact is essential to leave a lasting impression on your audience. This closing section is where you summarize your main points, reinforcing the key takeaways for your listeners. It’s also an opportunity to make a final statement or leave the audience with something to ponder. 

An effective conclusion can involve a powerful quote, a thought-provoking question, or a call to action, depending on the nature of your speech. By ending your speech with a “bang,” you ensure that your audience departs with a clear understanding of the topic and a sense of closure, making your presentation memorable and impactful.

Proofread and Edit, Then Present

Proofreading and editing your informative speech is the final critical step before the presentation. Carefully review your speech for clarity, coherence, and grammatical accuracy. Check for any factual inaccuracies or inconsistencies in your content. Ensure that your speech flows smoothly, with logical transitions between ideas. Pay attention to your pacing and tone to ensure a natural and engaging delivery. 

If using visual aids, ensure they are well-prepared and integrated seamlessly into your presentation. You must practice your speech multiple times to refine your delivery and become comfortable with the content. Effective proofreading and editing, followed by diligent rehearsal, contribute to a polished and confident presentation that will effectively inform and engage your audience.

Bottom Line

Selecting topics for an informative speech requires thoughtful consideration to ensure the audience is engaged, informed, and enlightened. The key is to choose subjects that are not only interesting and relevant but also rich in content, allowing for a deep dive into facts, data, and insights. A compelling informative speech topic should entertain and cater to the audience’s interests and knowledge level while offering new perspectives or information. 

Balancing complexity with clarity is crucial, ensuring the topic is neither too esoteric nor overly simplistic. Whether the speech aims to educate, raise awareness, or provide a fresh outlook on a familiar subject, the topic should spark curiosity and invite further exploration. Ultimately, the success of an informative speech lies in its ability to convey knowledge in a compelling and accessible manner.

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Ukraine carries out 'coordinated strikes' against military airbase inside Russia

The operation targeted SU-34 fighter-bombers, which have been used by the Russian military to hit Ukrainian forces in Ukraine, a source has told Sky News.

By Artem Lysak and Deborah Haynes

Friday 5 April 2024 12:19, UK

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ukraine drone strike

Ukraine has conducted "coordinated strikes" overnight against a military airbase inside Russia, targeting Russian fighter planes, a Ukrainian source has told Sky News.

The operation, which took place early on Friday morning, included attacks against Russian SU-34 fighter-bombers, which have been used by the Russian military to hit Ukrainian forces in Ukraine , the military source said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Map showing the Morozovsk airfield

"The Morozovsk military airfield hosts potent fast jet capabilities, SU-34s, which launch strikes on to frontline Ukrainian troops," the source said.

"This strike will impede Russia's ability to conduct such strikes in the future and allow Ukrainian troops to push back Russian ground forces with a reduced threat of air attack."

Follow live: Ukraine war latest

There has been no official confirmation of the strikes against the airfield by either Ukraine or Russia.

But the Russian defence ministry was quoted by local media as saying Russian air defences downed 53 Ukrainian drones overnight, most of them over the Rostov region. This is where the Morozovsk airfield is located.

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Rescue workers extinguish the fire at the site of a Russian drone attack in Kharkiv, Ukraine, early Saturday April 6, 2024. At least 6 people were killed in Kharkiv in the overnight attacks on Saturday and at least 10 people were injured with blast wounds and shrapnel,  said regional governor Oleh Syniehubov.  High-rise buildings, a gas station, a shop and a car were damaged. (AP Photo/Alex Babenko)

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Arsenal's Oleksandr Zinchenko. Pic: PA

Oleksandr Zinchenko: Arsenal footballer says he would fight in Ukraine if called up

A general view shows the Taneco refinery complex, which is part of Russia's oil producer Tatneft group of companies, in Nizhnekamsk, in the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia, July 26, 2017. Picture taken July 26, 2017. REUTERS/Sergei Karpukhin

Oil price rises after Ukraine attacks major Russian refinery

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The airbase has been the staging post for Russian bombings on the frontline since the beginning of the full-scale invasion in 2022.

It is home to the 559th Bomber Aviation Regiment within the 1st Guards Composite Aviation Division.

A satellite image of the Morozovsk airbase taken on 28 March. Pic: Planet Labs PBC

This unit has three squadrons of SU-34s which are regularly used to bomb Ukrainian forces on the frontline.

Ukraine typically does not comment on attacks inside Russia.

But earlier this week, a Ukrainian drone struck Russia's third-largest oil refinery on Tuesday about 1,300 km (800 miles) from the front lines, hitting a unit that processes about 155,000 barrels of crude per day.

Read more: Oil price rises after Ukraine attacks major Russian refinery Indian men claim they've been forced to fight for Russia in Ukraine

A Ukrainian intelligence source said Ukraine hit the primary refining unit at the oil refinery in Russia's highly industrialised Tatarstan region and caused a fire.

Such attacks are intended to reduce Russia's oil revenue, the source said.

The head of the Ukrainian navy told Sky News earlier this year that Ukraine would win the war faster if it had permission to fire British and other Western weapons against targets deep inside Russia.

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Vice Admiral Oleksiy Neizhpapa said the course of the entire conflict would have been very different had Ukrainian forces been allowed to use Western munitions without restrictions from the very beginning.

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The UK, US and other allies only agreed to start giving Ukraine longer-range missiles last year.

Ukrainian forces have used them to hit targets in Russian-occupied parts of Ukraine but not deep inside Russia amid concerns about escalation.

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Israeli military fires officers for their roles in strikes that killed 7 aid workers

informative speech topics military

The Israeli military fired two officers for their role in the attack on an aid convoy in Gaza this week that killed seven World Central Kitchen volunteers, including one American – an incident that's drawn international outrage and which a new Israeli probe says was a mistake carried out after forces misidentified the vehicles carrying aid workers.

The inquiry found Israeli forces struck the World Central Kitchen convoy, which was in the midst of a large-scale humanitarian operation in Gaza, under the belief that they were targeting "Hamas operatives."

"The investigation’s findings indicate that the incident should not have occurred," said an Israeli military statement on the findings, which were shared with officials, the nonprofit and others on Thursday. "The strike on the aid vehicles is a grave mistake stemming from a serious failure due to a mistaken identification, errors in decision-making, and an attack contrary to the Standard Operating Procedures."

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After reviewing the findings, Herzi Halevi, the Israeli military's chief of the general staff, fired the brigade fire support commander, the brigade chief of staff, and said multiple senior commanders were "formally reprimanded."

In a statement, the World Central Kitchen said it welcomed Israel's decision to dismiss and reprimand the military personnel involved in the strikes but said it's not enough. If Israel doesn't ramp up aid in Gaza and implement systematic changes to ensure the safety of aid workers, "there will be more military failures, more apologies and more grieving families," the group said, adding that it will extend its suspension of operations in Gaza.

The organization also demanded the creation of an independent commission to investigate the strikes, saying "the IDF cannot credibly investigate its own failure in Gaza."

“It’s not enough to simply try to avoid further humanitarian deaths, which have now approached close to 200,” said World Central Kitchen founder and celebrity chef José Andrés. “All civilians need to be protected, and all innocent people in Gaza need to be fed and safe. And all hostages must be released.”

The findings were presented to Halevi after President Joe Biden said in a tense phone call with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that U.S. support in the Gaza war depends on "immediate" steps to protect civilians and aid workers . After the call, the Israeli government announced plans to increase aid into Gaza, including opening the Erez crossing from Israel into northern Gaza and the Ashdod port and increasing aid deliveries from Jordan.

"As the president said today on the call, U.S. policy with respect to Gaza will be determined by our assessment of Israel’s immediate action on these and other steps, including steps to protect innocent civilians and the safety of aid workers," National Security Council spokeswoman Adrienne Watson said after Israel's announcement.

This week marks six months since the start of the war, when Hamas and other militants stormed into southern Israel and killed around 1,200 Israelis, mostly civilians, and captured more than 240 hostages . In Gaza, over 33,000 Palestinians have been killed during Israel's offensive , which has flattened large swaths of the enclave and internally displaced most of Gaza's 2.3 million people, about half of whom are under 18 years old. With months of only limited humanitarian aid making its way into Gaza, the U.N., humanitarian aid groups and much of the international community have warned that famine is imminent.

Contributing: Swapna Venugopal Ramaswamy, Dan Morrison, John Bacon, Jorge L. Ortiz

How You Might Look at Recent Data

Tom Barkin

President, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

Home Building Association of Richmond Williams Mullen Richmond, Va.


  • Contrary to most forecasts, including my own, the economy finished 2023 strong. But early 2024 data has been a little less encouraging.
  • It raises the question of whether we are seeing a real shift in the economic outlook, or merely a bump along the way.
  • We are all looking at the same data, but it is easy to come away with different conclusions. What do I see?
  • On demand, the historic strength of today’s labor market makes a strong case that we are not in a recession today, but I have to believe all this tightening will eventually slow the economy further.
  • On inflation, while I do hear price-setters increasingly convinced that the era of significant pricing power is behind them, the inflationary experience of the last two years has surely given them more courage to use price as a lever. I’m still looking for the slowing in reported inflation to sustain and broaden.
  • In the interim, I think it is smart for the Fed to take our time. No one wants inflation to reemerge. We have time for the clouds to clear before beginning the process of toggling rates down.

Thank you for that kind introduction and for having me here today. I thought I would speak about the economy and where it may be headed, and then look forward to your questions and input. I caution you these are my thoughts alone and not necessarily those of anyone else on the Federal Open Market Committee or in the Federal Reserve System.

Contrary to most forecasts, including my own, the economy finished 2023 strong. Twelve-month PCE inflation came down all the way to 2.6 percent. At the same time, despite higher interest rates, global conflicts and banking turmoil, the economy remained healthy, with GDP at 3.4 percent and unemployment near historic lows at 3.7 percent. If you had told me a year or two ago that we would end 2023 with a robust economy and inflation in the 2s, I would have been pretty happy.

But early 2024 data has been a little less encouraging. The first two months of PCE inflation have come in higher, at a 4.3 percent annual rate. And consumer spending, which is nearly 70 percent of GDP, has come in softer, at 1.3 percent annualized growth over the first two months. There are reasons to underweight some of the recent data, including seasonal adjustments and winter weather, but it does raise the question of whether we are seeing a real shift in the economic outlook, or merely a bump along the way.

When trying to interpret uncertain data, I find there is one surefire place to find perspective — and that’s a Peanuts comic strip. As greeting card buyers know, there really is a Peanuts message for every occasion. I remember one in which Charlie Brown, Lucy and Linus are looking at the clouds — the same clouds — and seeing completely different things. Linus sees the profile of a painter, a map of a Central American country, and a scene from the Bible. Charlie Brown sees a “horsie” and a “ducky.”

That’s where we are. We are all looking at the same data, but it is easy to come away with different conclusions. So, I thought today I could walk through different ways to look at the numbers, and then give my own perspective. I’ll do my best to channel the sophistication of Linus, but you may still see me as Charlie Brown.

Some of you may be optimists and see the proverbial “soft landing” in the clouds, where inflation returns to our 2 percent target while the economy remains healthy. You might be encouraged by the progress seen over the last year. The extraordinary levels of post-pandemic spending have been normalizing. The painful post-COVID-19 supply chain shortages have been largely resolved. The rebound in prime-age labor force participation and recent high levels of immigration have helped alleviate labor market pressures, as have productivity increases perhaps from automation and artificial intelligence. Most measures of inflation expectations have stayed impressively stable, suggesting that businesses and consumers have found the Fed’s action and our inflation target credible. Or you might simply look at the data with a longer lens and gain comfort from 12-month inflation at 2.5 percent while three-month job gains remain at a robust 265,000.

Alternatively, you might see more daunting shapes in the clouds.

You might be a demand pessimist. Monetary policy works with a lag, and you might take signal from the recent increase in consumer delinquencies and the challenges in commercial real estate. You might worry about weakness in other interest-sensitive sectors as well, like banking, residential real estate, manufacturing and home improvement. You might note that nearly three-quarters of last year’s job gains came from just three sectors — health care and social assistance, leisure and hospitality, and government — and worry that the labor market might be nearing a turning point. Or perhaps the risk of geopolitical shocks keeps you up at night.

Alternatively, you might be an inflation pessimist. You might point to continued strong wage growth in a tight labor market. The Atlanta Fed Wage Growth Tracker is still at 5 percent, above the February 2020 level of 3.7 percent. You might note consumers’ continued willingness to spend, driven presumably by their healthy personal balance sheets: the saving rate is down to 3.6 percent versus 7.7 percent pre-pandemic, and that spending is potentially supporting higher prices. Or maybe you notice shifting macro forces, which arguably have turned inflationary, from deglobalization, to limited housing supply, to demographics, to energy transition (to the recent weather-driven escalation in cocoa prices).

Lastly, you might be a Fed pessimist. You might fear the Fed will keep rates too high for too long or normalize too quickly and allow inflation to linger. Our job isn’t easy, and history teaches that most tightening cycles end poorly, though often heavily influenced by an outside event like the pandemic or the 1990 Gulf War.

What do I see?

On demand, the historic strength of today’s labor market makes a strong case that we are not in a recession today, but I have to believe all this tightening will eventually slow the economy further. After all, corporate interest payments as a percent of corporate revenues and personal interest payments as a percent of disposable personal income have only now finally gotten back in the range of 2019 levels, suggesting the full impact of higher rates is yet to come.

If the economy does cool, it doesn’t need to be as painful as the Great Recession. A slowdown this time could bring less dislocation in the labor market. Employers who have fought hard to recover from labor shortages tell me they are hesitant to lay people off and run the risk of being short again. And a slowdown shouldn’t catch businesses by surprise, as they’ve been planning for a downturn for two years. They’ve already slowed hiring, streamlined costs, managed inventories, and deferred investment. Banks have cut back on marginal credit. If a slowdown does come, the economy should find itself less vulnerable.

On inflation, while I do hear price-setters increasingly convinced that the era of significant pricing power is behind them, the inflationary experience of the last two years has surely given them more courage to use price as a lever. So, I’m still looking for the slowing in reported inflation to sustain and broaden. Before the pandemic, 26 percent of the PCE basket had increases greater than 3 percent year-over-year. Today, that has more than doubled to 54 percent. Much of the inflation drop thus far has come from the partial reversal of pandemic-era price increases on certain goods; inflation in both shelter and services remains higher than historical levels. Now, the Fed is not in the game of picking the correct makeup of inflation. Our target metric is simply the overall price index. But the risk is that as price decreases on goods normalize, continued shelter and services inflation will leave that overall index higher than our target.

Despite my concerns about demand and inflation, perhaps it is no surprise that I’m a Fed optimist, which is different than believing we are infallible. I am optimistic that keeping rates somewhat restrictive can bring inflation back to our target. While I don’t see the economy overheating, the Fed knows how to respond if it does. And, if the economy slows, the Fed has enough firepower to support it as necessary.

In the interim, I think it is smart for the Fed to take our time. At our last meeting, the Fed acknowledged that risks to employment and inflation are moving into better balance and stated that we do not expect it will be appropriate to cut rates until we gain greater confidence that inflation is moving sustainably toward our 2 percent target. No one wants inflation to reemerge. And given a strong labor market, we have time for the clouds to clear before beginning the process of toggling rates down.

Thanks. I look forward to your questions and input.

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