the crucible act 2 discussion questions quizlet

The Crucible

Arthur miller, everything you need for every book you read..

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  1. The Crucible Act Two Questions

    the crucible act 2 discussion questions quizlet

  2. The Crucible Act Two Worksheets and Activities

    the crucible act 2 discussion questions quizlet

  3. Study Guide The Crucible Act 2 Answers

    the crucible act 2 discussion questions quizlet

  4. The Crucible Act 2 Close Reading & Discussion Questions & Answers

    the crucible act 2 discussion questions quizlet

  5. Crucible Act 2 Quiz

    the crucible act 2 discussion questions quizlet

  6. act 2 discussion questions.docx

    the crucible act 2 discussion questions quizlet


  1. GROUP 2- Finger play of the Crucible Act 2

  2. GROUP 1- Finger play of the Crucible Act 2

  3. GROUP 4- Finger play of the Crucible Act 2

  4. The Crucible Act 1, by Robert Ward

  5. Crucible

  6. The Crucible


  1. The Crucible Act 2 discussion questions Flashcards | Quizlet

    Explain the significance of the needle in the "poppet." Abigail had accused Elizabeth of sticking a needle in her (Abby's) stomach through the use of a "poppet" (doll). Cheever asked to see the doll that was in Elizabeth's house (the one that Mary had given her). When he looked under the dress, there was a needle stuck in the abdomen of the doll.

  2. The Crucible Act 2 Study Questions Flashcards | Quizlet

    Use this as a study guide for Act 2 (both quiz and unit test) Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. Fresh features from the #1 AI-enhanced learning platform. Explore the lineup

  3. The Crucible: Act 2 Quiz: Quick Quiz | SparkNotes

    1 of 5. What will happen to the accused witches if they do not confess? They will be hanged. They will be released. They will be imprisoned. They will be burned alive. 2 of 5. What does Elizabeth want her husband to say in court? That the accusations are true.

  4. The Crucible Act 2 Summary & Analysis | SparkNotes

    A summary of Act 2 in Arthur Miller's The Crucible. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of The Crucible and what it means. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans.

  5. The Crucible Act 2 Summary & Analysis | LitCharts

    Elizabeth explains: judges have been sent up from Boston to try people for witchcraft. Fourteen people are in jail, and will be hanged unless they confess. Proctor can't believe it, but Elizabeth assures him it's true: Abigail leads the other girls in identifying witches.