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Science Leadership Academy @ Center City

Advanced Essay: A bad Memory

Intro:  Is it possible to hate the feeling of love? Why can’t we just be with the people that makes us happy? My goal with this paper was to just go all out and not be afraid to write what I feel. I feel that I did well with description, and focusing on a larger issues for many people in the world. I feel that added to my scenes.

A Bad Memory.

In hopes of gaining more knowledge you try to understand a variety of things and why they matter to you especially. You try to understand why there are memories you put an effort in forgetting and decisions you wish you could erase. You dab at making sense of things that have always been complicated in your eyes. I can’t come to acknowledge the fact that I have put myself in such a position, a position of self-destruction. As I pace back and forth in this large, cold room, I feel goosebumps crawling up my spine as I was disgusted by the actions I have taking to solving my problems. I plan on leaving this world for the better. What other choice is there?

At a young age, we are always reminded that soon we shall meet our prince charming, so we should safeguard ourselves. However, once the time has come they make it impossible for you to keep your happiness. Now I feel beads of sweat on my forehead, and the shaking of my hands I can no longer control. Had I known I would be in such pain, I would have tried harder to control my love.

I have falling in love with a man. I never understood the saying “love hurts” because I found those words foolish. How can love hurt, when love is supposed to make you content? I have come to realize that the saying indeed is true and it’s me who is foolish. I had all my hope up, I would dream of the day him and I would live happily ever after. However, my family has snatched away our happily ever after. They have refused the man that I love because of where he is from. I tried to explain that love doesn’t have an age, a race or a gender. Nonetheless, once the heart is filled with ignorance, it will always be difficult to see two sides.

In this same room he came with respect, to ask for my hand in marriage. That was were I went wrong. We should have ran away together, like I suggested. He wanted to get my fathers blessings. We had planed to see how this day would turn about, and I have giving up on making the ignorant understand that I am just a young girl who is in love with a man. A humbled and honored man who has a different culture than I do. This is a day I would try so hard to forget but I won’t be able to.

Father- “You’re a man of a different background than Aissatou.”

Lover- “I love Aissatou so I will learn what she knows.”

Father- “Culture and tradition is something you grow up around not something you learn from just a simple explanation.”

Lover - “I will love her till the end, and live the way she wants us to live, with your culture.”

While these words are being exchanged, neither my father nor my lover is backing down I found something to focus on. I had to free myself of this debate. Something that reminds me it’s not the end of the world though I am heartbroken. I stare at the shahada frame. I stare at it not comprehending what it was for a few minutes. I observe it’s gold edges and gold writing. The writing is in English and Arabic. The Arabic letters are bigger and they are on top. The English letters are medium sized and they are on the bottom. The rest of the image is the color burgundy. There is also a gold line surrounding the words. Everything about the image is shiny and polished. The Arabic words have vowels on top or under the letter, which are smaller than the letters. I feel my eyes blur with tears, but I will not shed any. No one deserves to see me in such a vulnerable state. Than I am shocked at the words I hear next.

Lover- Why can’t you just let your daughter be happy? Your so stuck on culture and what people think of you, that you don’t even think or care about how she feels.

Father- Can’t she think about her family? She is being ungrateful and she only thinks about herself.

Father- Leave my house now! The audacity to come into my home and disrespecting my cultural beliefs.

Lover- Please sir, try to understand.  

Father- There is nothing to understand, please leave.

My lover stares at me and I look away because the longer he looks at me the more I think of leaving with him. I look away and stare back at the shahada frame, the only thing that is keeping me sane. He leaves and my dad walks to his room. I am still lost in this frame as I realize how heavy it looks to me today. As if it’s also feeling my sorrow. The gold edges have small silver crystals around it. The English and Arabic words have glitter inside of them. The English words are translating what the Arabic words mean. I stand up and touch the frame. The meaning now stands out the me. I learned that I can’t be with the man I have falling in love with.

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Why Your Memory Is Bad and What to Do About It

Last updated December 20, 2023. Edited and medically reviewed by Patrick Alban, DC . Written by Deane Alban .

Memory loss happens at all ages. Knowing the difference between normal and serious memory problems is important. Learn about the actions you should take.

A bad memory is frustrating and can be downright scary.

If your memory isn’t what it used to be, you might assume that your memory issues are an inevitable part of getting older.

If your memory gets bad enough, you might think that you’re headed for dementia or Alzheimer’s.

But memory problems can happen at any age and, in fact, are usually more a result of lifestyle habits than age-related mental decline.

There are many potential reasons for a bad memory, and fortunately, most are not serious or permanent.

Just as importantly, there are many steps you can actively take to improve your memory .

20 Signs Your Bad Memory Is Normal

Some forgetfulness is normal and happens to everyone from time to time; it’s nothing to be alarmed about. 

Here are 20 signs that your memory lapses fall within what’s considered a normal range :  

  • You remember the plot of a movie you recently watched, but you can’t remember the title. Or you can picture an actor’s face, but you can’t recall his name.
  • You can’t remember a word, but it’s not a conversation stopper. You usually think of it later or replace it with another word as you’re talking.
  • You know your way around town. But when giving directions to others, you might not remember the names of all the streets.
  • You walk into a room and can’t remember why you are there. This is a well-known phenomenon — walking through a doorway can cause a momentary memory lapse. 
  • You occasionally misplace everyday items like your keys, glasses, or remote control, but, for the most part, you remember where things are kept.


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  • You sometimes call your kids, coworkers, or pets by the wrong names, but you definitely know who is who.
  • You’ve been known to forget and miss an occasional appointment.
  • You don’t always remember what you just read. (This is most likely a concentration problem, rather than a memory problem.)
  • You remember the main points of conversations, but not always the details. So, you may remember the make and color of your friend’s new car, but forget the model.
  • You can usually compensate for your memory lapses so that they have little impact on your day-to-day life or performance at work.
  • Your memory is still good enough that you recognize when you’re forgetful.
  • You generally make good decisions and rarely agonize over them.
  • If you ask someone a question, their answer registers with you. You don’t keep asking the same thing over and over.
  • You may not always know the exact date, but you always know the year, month, and day of the week.
  • When you use memory tools like notes, lists, and appointment calendars, you find them helpful.
  • Your memory can be jogged if someone prompts you. So, when your significant other asks “Do you know what today is?,” you remember that you forgot their birthday.
  • You know how to use appliances and electronics around the house.
  • You’re able to learn new things when you want to or need to.
  • You find your forgetfulness more annoying than worrying and can usually laugh about it.
  • You sometimes feel frustrated about your bad memory, but not downright angry or in denial about it.

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If your memory is not much worse than it was a few years ago, that’s another indication there’s probably nothing to worry about.

For example, if you’ve always had a terrible sense of direction, getting lost now is normal for you and not a sign of cognitive decline.

To sum up, small or short-term issues are generally not a problem.

Larger or lasting changes in your memory, however, merit a closer look.

Lifestyle Causes of “Normal” Memory Loss

If your less-than-stellar memory is annoying to you but falls within the normal range, now is the perfect time to examine how your lifestyle is affecting your brain.

Often, a bad memory is merely a side effect of a hectic or unhealthy lifestyle.

A diet high in sugar and unhealthy trans fats can leave you in a brain fog and have you feeling anxious or depressed as well.

When your diet is poor, the brain doesn’t get the nutrients it needs to create healthy brain cells and form the brain chemicals that control memory.

Being stressed out makes you more emotional and less able to recall facts. 

Even moderate sleep loss can significantly affect mental performance. 

It should come as no surprise that the abuse of recreational drugs or alcohol can contribute to memory loss . 

Even dehydration can temporarily impact mental performance. 

Nutritional deficiencies are surprisingly common and can also be responsible for memory loss and other cognitive problems. 

Thus, you can improve your memory by getting enough quality sleep, eating a brain-healthy diet, and taking active measures to reduce stress.


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Memory Loss Causes in Young Adults

If you’re a young adult, you may be mystified as to why your memory is bad.

Typically, we think of memory issues as going hand in hand with aging, but unfortunately, memory loss is becoming more common in young adults.

One survey found that millennials (ages 18 to 34) are more likely to forget what day it is or where they put their keys than seniors. 

Memory loss in young adults is almost always a direct result of an unhealthy lifestyle that includes a lack of sleep, excess stress, a poor diet, and recreational substance use.

Binge Drinking and Recreational Drug Use

Binge drinking and recreational drug use are the most serious reasons that young adults have memory problems.

College students are at high risk for alcohol-induced blackout — drinking to the point of having little or no memory of blocks of time. 

During a blackout, your brain is literally unable to form new long-term memories . 


Many young people are glued to their electronic devices and are avid multitaskers, which is bad news for their mental functioning in several ways. 

Multitasking, which requires the brain to toggle back and forth between activities, disrupts short-term memory — the capacity for retaining pieces of information for short periods of time. 

Not paying full attention to any one thing makes it hard to remember anything.

EMF Exposure

Many young adults sleep with their mobile phones by their side, exposing their brains to potentially damaging electromagnetic fields (EMFs) 24/7.

EMF exposure can cause significant disruption in levels of brain chemicals , negatively impacting memory, learning, emotions, and stress levels. 

And finally, the blue light emitted by computing devices is especially disruptive to brain-restorative sleep . 

Two hours of tablet use before bed has been shown to significantly suppress the formation of melatonin , the body’s natural sleep hormone. 

Insufficient sound sleep can certainly affect memory since memory consolidation occurs during sleep . 

15 Signs Your Bad Memory May Be Serious

Now let’s look at signs that your memory issues may be serious.

Some of these you may have noticed yourself, or perhaps well-meaning friends or family have expressed their concern to you.

You should listen to them.

Studies show that friends and family can detect early signs of Alzheimer’s even better than high-tech medical tests. 

If you can answer yes to these questions, your memory lapses may be something to be concerned about:  

  • When watching TV or reading books, you have a hard time following plots.
  • You’ve been told that you repeat yourself during the same conversation or ask the same question over and over.
  • Your memory loss has scared you. Realizing that you don’t know where you are or that you left a burner on the stove on after leaving your home are examples of frightening memory lapses.
  • You get lost while taking familiar routes or when you’re close to home.
  • You frequently misplace things. You put things in strange places. You’ve even wondered if others are stealing from you.
  • You buy items at the store, forgetting that you already have plenty at home.
  • You sometimes find it difficult to keep up with everyday tasks like paying bills or preparing food.
  • You’ve tried using lists, reminder notes, and calendars, but they don’t help.
  • You’ve experienced personality changes. You’ve become more restless and impatient or quiet and withdrawn.

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  • Sometimes you forget to eat or can’t remember whether you’ve eaten or not.
  • You’re worried that you’re losing your grasp of reality and others have also expressed concern. They’ve questioned your judgment and your ability to take care of yourself, or have mentioned that you’ve acted inappropriately.
  • When others bring up these lapses, you get angry, defensive, or deny it.
  • You struggle to make decisions about everyday choices like which clothes to wear.
  • Your friends and family are subtly trying to take over tasks for you.
  • You’re coping, but daily life is becoming more difficult.

Experiencing these symptoms indicates what is considered abnormal forgetfulness . 

These symptoms may be early signs of mild cognitive impairment , a stage of cognitive decline that can precede dementia.

What to Do If Your Memory Loss Seems Serious

If you show signs of serious memory loss, you may be concerned that your condition could lead to dementia or Alzheimer’s.

" Prescription drug interactions may be responsible for as many as three out of four dementia cases.

While that’s possible, it’s more likely that you have an underlying health condition or take a medication that’s causing your memory problems.

So first, we’ll look at these two scenarios and hopefully ease your worries.

Then we’ll take a look at dementia and Alzheimer’s so that you understand the risks of those as well.

Underlying Health Conditions That Cause Memory Loss

There are many underlying causes of forgetfulness . 

These include both physical and mental health conditions such as:

  • bipolar disorder
  • brain diseases
  • brain injury
  • fibromyalgia
  • Huntington’s disease
  • kidney disorders
  • liver disorders
  • Lyme disease
  • multiple sclerosis
  • nutritional deficiencies
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • post-surgery
  • post-traumatic stress
  • schizophrenia
  • substance abuse
  • thyroid disorders
  • tuberculosis
  • urinary tract infections
  • West Nile virus 

Medications That Cause Memory Loss

Memory loss is an extremely common side effect of prescription drugs.

Armon B. Neel, Jr, PharmD, is a geriatric pharmacist who formerly wrote AARP’s “Ask a Pharmacist” column and penned the eye-opening exposé Are Your Prescriptions Killing You? .

He reveals in his book that prescription drug interactions may be responsible for as many as three out of four dementia cases.

This is horrifying and largely avoidable.

Cholesterol-lowering medications and sleeping pills are two of the worst offenders.

But not all medications that cause memory loss are prescription-only.

Some of the most popular over-the-counter remedies for treating allergies, colds, coughs, skin irritations, insomnia, headaches, and pain cause memory loss by blocking the formation of acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter associated with memory and learning. 

Is Your Bad Memory Due to Dementia or Alzheimer’s?

If you’ve ruled out your lifestyle, prescriptions, and health conditions as the causes of your memory issues, you might be concerned that Alzheimer’s is the only explanation left.

But this is still probably not the case.

Here’s why.

Dementia vs Alzheimer’s — What’s the Difference?

There is a lot of confusion about what dementia is and how it differs from Alzheimer’s disease.

The terms are often used interchangeably even though they aren’t the same condition.

Let’s clear up the difference.

illustration showing that dementia is an umbrella term

Dementia is not a specific disease.

It’s an umbrella term used to describe a cluster of symptoms, including impairments to memory, communication, and thinking.

There are over 100 underlying health conditions that can cause dementia and Alzheimer’s is just one of them. 

Alzheimer’s is the most common form of dementia, responsible for about 60% of dementia cases . 

The remaining dementia cases are due to a wide range of medical conditions, including:  

  • neurodegenerative diseases (such as Parkinson’s and Huntington’s disease)
  • ischemic vascular dementia (resulting from a stroke)
  • vascular dementia (also called multi-infarct dementia)
  • infectious diseases (such as HIV)
  • drug use (both prescription and recreational)
  • head trauma
  • brain tumors
  • temporary conditions such as fever, dehydration, or a minor head injury

So you can see that there are still many non-Alzheimer’s possibilities to rule out.

Most forms of dementia are treatable and some are even reversible.

And lastly, rest assured that being diagnosed with a non-Alzheimer’s form of dementia does not necessarily mean that it will develop into Alzheimer’s later.

Now, Talk to Your Doctor About Your Memory Concerns

If you suspect your memory problem is serious, I urge you to talk to your doctor.

Insist that they look for any possible underlying health conditions and reassess your medications.

The answer could be something as simple as correcting a vision or hearing problem, addressing a nutritional deficiency, or adjusting your medications.

Make sure that you are taking the right dosage and that you aren’t exposing yourself to harmful drug interactions.

Discuss whether all the medications you take are absolutely necessary .

Investigate whether there are better ways to treat your health issues, such as practicing stress reduction techniques or changing your diet, exercise, or other lifestyle factors.

Before your appointment, download the Alzheimer’s Association’s 10-point dementia symptom checklist .

You can use this checklist as talking points to discuss with your doctor.

Also, ask your doctor whether you should take the Self-Administered Gerocognitive Exam, or  SAGE test , before your appointment.

It was designed at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center to detect early signs of memory loss and other cognitive impairments.

You can easily take this written test at home using paper and pencil.

The results of your test can help your doctor decide whether further evaluation is needed.

It can also be used as a baseline to monitor any changes in your memory over time.

Recommended: Upgrading brain health is key to making your brain work better.

  • Improve your mental clarity and focus.
  • Boost your memory and your ability to learn.
  • Increase your capacity to think critically, solve problems, and make decisions.

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Home Essay Samples Life

Essay Samples on Bad Memories

Bad memories can be difficult to grapple with, but they are a natural and unavoidable part of the human experience. Whether it’s the pain of a breakup, the trauma of a childhood experience, or the regret of a past mistake, bad memories can linger in our minds and hearts long after the event has passed. If you are looking to write an essay about bad memories, there are many different directions you could take.

One possible approach for an essay on bad memories is to explore the impact that they can have on our mental health and wellbeing. From anxiety and depression to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), bad memories can be a contributing factor to a range of mental health issues. You could discuss the different ways in which bad memories can manifest, and explore the various strategies that individuals can use to cope with and overcome these memories.

Another potential topic for an essay on bad memories is the role that they play in shaping our identities and sense of self. From the ways in which we narrate our own life stories to the ways in which we interact with others, our past experiences can have a profound impact on who we are and how we relate to the world around us. You could reflect on the ways in which your own bad memories have influenced your identity and sense of self, or draw on examples from literature or real life to illustrate your points.

Finally, it is important to approach the topic with sensitivity and empathy. Many people struggle with bad memories, and it is important to acknowledge the pain and complexity of these experiences. By exploring the impact of bad memories on mental health, identity, and personal growth, you can help to shed light on this difficult but important topic. Start working on your bad memories essay with free samples on WritingBros.

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Best topics on Bad Memories

1. Horror Story About The Halloween

2. Repressed Memories: The Causes and Effect of Repressed Memories

3. The Science Behind Our Memories

4. A Personal Recount on the Memories of My Childhood

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Childhood Memories Essay Examples

1. childhood memories essay prompt samples.

Before we embark on this journey down memory lane, let's first understand what a childhood memories essay entails. An essay prompt typically serves as your guiding star in crafting your piece. Here are a few samples to give you an idea of what to expect:

... Read More 1. Childhood Memories Essay Prompt Samples Before we embark on this journey down memory lane, let's first understand what a childhood memories essay entails. An essay prompt typically serves as your guiding star in crafting your piece. Here are a few samples to give you an idea of what to expect: "Write an essay about a significant childhood memory that shaped your character." "Describe a vivid childhood experience that left a lasting impact on your life." "Reflect on a cherished memory from your early years and discuss its significance."

These prompts serve as the foundation for your essay. They help you identify the core theme and purpose of your narrative.

2. Brainstorming the Perfect Childhood Memories Essay Topic

Now that you have a grasp of the prompts, it's time to brainstorm and select the most fitting topic for your childhood memories essay. Consider the following points:

  • Emotional Impact: Think about memories that evoke strong emotions. These are often the most compelling stories.
  • Life Lessons: Reflect on memories that taught you valuable life lessons or shaped your perspective.
  • Vividness: Choose memories with vivid details and sensory experiences; they make your essay come alive.
  • Uniqueness: Opt for memories that stand out or have a unique twist, avoiding overly common topics.

By considering these points, you can pinpoint a memory that not only resonates with you but also captivates your readers.

3. Examples of Unique Essay Topics

Now, let's explore some unique and captivating essay topics that revolve around childhood memories. These topics are sure to stand out from the crowd:

  • "The Day I Discovered a Hidden Treasure in Grandma's Attic."
  • "A Magical Encounter with a Friendly Stray Cat: My Childhood Confidant."
  • "The Great Lemonade Stand Adventure: Lessons in Entrepreneurship."
  • "An Unexpected Journey: Getting Lost and Finding My Way Home."
  • "The Night Our Backyard Turned into an Enchanted Forest."

These topics offer a fresh perspective on childhood memories, ensuring your essay engages your audience from start to finish.

4. Crafting Inspiring Paragraphs and Phrases

To bring your childhood memories essay to life, you need to infuse it with captivating paragraphs and phrases. Here are some samples to inspire your writing:

"As I climbed up the creaky attic stairs, the dust danced in the sunlight streaming through the cracks. There, amidst forgotten relics of the past, I stumbled upon a weathered, leather-bound journal that held secrets from generations long gone." "The stray cat, with its fur as soft as memories themselves, became my confidant. We'd spend endless afternoons together, sharing secrets only a child and a feline friend could understand." "With a cardboard sign in hand and a heart full of dreams, I set up my first lemonade stand on that scorching summer day. The taste of success was as sweet as the lemonade itself." "As twilight descended, the stars emerged in our enchanted backyard. Fireflies danced, and the trees whispered secrets to my young ears, painting a canvas of wonder and magic."

Feel free to use these samples as a starting point for your own narrative. Remember, the key is to paint a vivid and emotional picture with your words.

With these insights, you're well on your way to crafting an outstanding childhood memories essay that will leave a lasting impression. Embrace the nostalgia, choose a unique topic, and let your words transport your readers back to your cherished moments of the past.

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worst memory you have essay

This story is over 5 years old.

Why your brain forces you to relive your worst memories.

Your brain, seemingly set on fire, tugs at a loose thread of an old memory you rarely want to engage with
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Essays About Childhood Memories: Top 5 Examples

Our childhood memories are often some of the most cherished experiences of our lives, so if you are writing essays about childhood memories, you can start by reading our essay examples and writing prompts.  

Childhood is the period in our lives when we learn about our feelings, social skills, and the world around us. When we think of our childhood, we remember the years when we learn the most basic life skills, from being able to talk to the difference between “good” and “bad.”

Many fondly look back on their childhood memories, recalling when life was much more straightforward. They remember their parents, grandparents, favorite foods, friends, and essential experiences, among many other things. It is easy to imagine the idyllic, innocent life most of us had before, especially in our challenging times. 

If you want to write essays about your childhood memories, go over the essay examples, and writing prompts featured below. 

1. Happy childhood memories – and an old mix-tape by Séamas O’Reilly

2. favorite childhood memory by david dziegielewski, 3. a reflection of my childhood by shivani bajaj.

  • 4.  I Would Have Liked Childhood More Without the Pressure to Grow Up by Jane Coaston

5. Lessons from my mother: A reflection on motherhood by GraceAnna Castleberry

1. your favourite childhood memory, 2. the importance of positive memories from childhood, 3. memories of your childhood home, 4. important figures from childhood, 5. the value of childhood memories, 6. childhood vs. adulthood, 7. childhood food memories.

“For the last few years I lived here, I was the same height as I am now, so why am I astonished at the low hang of countertops, or that I can catch my reflection in the mirror that hangs high on the wall? Sometimes peering at that tired, but devilishly handsome, man in the mirror evokes the same, bittersweet feeling of vertigo you get from visiting your old primary school, as you stand 3ft higher than you’re supposed to, like some befuddled Lemuel Gulliver.”

In his essay, O’Reilly reflects on his time visiting his father in his childhood house. He recalls his memories inside the house alongside his son’s experiences today and how they are similar. He also explains how pleasant it is to be in the house again, as it evokes warm, cozy memories of his upbringing. While much has changed about the house, every visit remains as nostalgic as ever.

You might also find these essays about camping trips helpful.  

“I always smile when I remember fishing with my Father. Many years have now since passed since those Saturday morning fishing trips. Time has taught me that the bond between Father and Son is what made those memories special to me. Now when I close my eyes I can remember those days since passed with joy and with a remembrance of the love I have for my Father.”

In this short essay, Dziegielewski describes memories of fishing with his father. He recalls every detail, from the fresh smell of the lake to the sound of a fishing bobber. Most importantly, however, he remembers how his father taught him the skill of fishing. This made him love his father, even more, allowing him to look back on these memories fondly.  You can also check out these essays about development .

“Water also drives many of our decisions — from the seafood we eat to our most romantic moments, and from where we live, to the sports we enjoy, and the ways we vacation and relax. We know instinctively that being by water makes us healthier, happier, reduces stress, and brings us peace.”

Bajaj recalls a memorable experience in which she dove into a deep pool after her mother had told her not to. She remembers the feelings of curiosity and excitement she felt and how despite her nearly drowning, she remembers that time happily. Reflecting on the memory, she also explains how water has helped her become more satisfied, peaceful, and happy. Our childhood memories shape us and provide us with the basis for the rest of our lives.

4.   I Would Have Liked Childhood More Without the Pressure to Grow Up by Jane Coaston

“I felt like I was given no time for trial and error. My choices were either to make the very selective local club soccer team or never play the sport again, be a genius or give up. Because being bad at anything was the worst possible sin I could imagine committing.”

Coaston writes about a more negative aspect of her childhood: the constant pressure to “not be a kid anymore.” She recalls several things expected of her, including having exceptional grades while being athletically gifted at the same time, with “no time for trial and error.” She feels everything was expected of her, and she did not have time to discover herself by making mistakes. She wishes parents would not rush their children along and let kids be kids for a while.  Check out these essays about growing up .

“I remember calling home once when I was spending the night at a friend’s house. I was homesick and just wanted to come back home. It was near midnight, but my mom drove over and picked me up. It was in these little moments that I especially felt loved. These were moments when I really needed my mom, and she was there for me. As a mother of a one-year-old now, I treasure these moments too.”

In her essay, Castleberry recalls her childhood memories involving her mother, including ones in which her mother entertained her and her friends and picked her up from a late night at a friend’s house. She remembers the small things her mother would do for her and how she was always there when she needed her. In raising her daughter, Castleberry strives to be the same mother that her mother was for her. 

7 Writing Prompts On Essays About Childhood Memories

Think back to one beloved childhood memory and retell the story in your essay. Then, describe all of the details you can recall, such as; who was involved, where the memory took place, what events transpired, and why it is such an important memory. Next, provide context by explaining the circumstances behind the memory, and most important of all, be sure to explain how this memory made you feel. Finally, use descriptive language to convey why this memory is your favorite.

Whether good or bad, people say childhood memories are crucial to who you are today. Why is this the case? In your essay, write about the value of keeping your childhood memories close. Then, write about any lessons you learned from them, and include a mix of supporting details from research and your opinions. 

Essays About Childhood Memories: Memories of your childhood home

Describe the home you lived in as a child- the layout, the neighborhood, the living conditions, and whatever else you can think of. Did you like it? Write about how it compares to your current home, and if you still live in the same place today, describe how it has changed from before and how it is similar. 

You can also write about a childhood figure who impacted you, such as one of your parents, grandparents, uncles, or aunts. Explain why you remember this person so well and the impact they have had on your life. For inspiration, you can look through an old photo album with photos of that person. 

Recall your childhood and think about this: overall, is it a childhood others would enjoy? Did you have a “good” childhood, or If there is anything, you can also include things you would change about your childhood you could. In this essay, delve into the value of your childhood memories and write about any that impacted your life for the better.

Compare yourself now to how you were back then. In most cases, much has changed; however, what similarities do you see between you now and in your childhood memories? If you wish to be more like “childhood you” in some ways, explain these as well. 

For a fun essay, write about your favorite food growing up. Include a brief description of how to prepare it and perhaps some of its history. What significance does this food have to you? You can also write about any memories you associate the dish with, as these might explain why you enjoyed that food so much. 

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  • Childhood Memories Essay


Essay on Childhood Memories

Memories are one of the most crucial things we can cherish throughout our lives. They build up our personality as all our knowledge and previous experiences are stored there. Memories can be both good and bad. There are memories either from long ago or from the recent past. In our critical times, we may get some refreshment by recalling our memories. We can run our lives smoothly with the help of these memories. Memories help us in many ways. We can rectify ourselves from past mistakes. Childhood memories are treasured by all of us. They make us smile even in our old age. 

Importance of Childhood Memory:

Childhood memories are very significant in our lives. We can recall the best times of our lives. Childhood memories build up our future and way of thinking. People with good childhood memories are happy people. On the other hand some bad childhood memories also affect the future of an individual. 

The things a person learns during childhood remain as important lessons and memories for life. It applies to things like family and society values, morals, learning the importance of friendships and being respectful to adults. Without learning proper manners, people can become reckless and take unnecessary risks in life. 

Childhood memories are also strongly related to good habits such as proper discipline and cultivating the proper attitude in life. These values, which are very important for success in adult life, cannot be learnt overnight at a later stage. 

A childhood memory definitely does not define anyone but they play a pivotal role in one’s life. It is not necessary that a person with good memories always lives a prosperous life while a person with bad memories always lives a hazardous life. Sometimes, ghastly childhood memories make a man stronger. 

Nevertheless, it can be said that the inner child is kept alive by childhood memories. There is always a child inside every person. It may come out all of a sudden at any stage in life. It may also be expressed every day in the little things that we enjoy doing. 

Our inner child is especially seen when we meet our  childhood friends. Regardless of how grown up we think we are, we go back to kids the moment we are with old friends. Memories also take up the bulk of our conversation when we meet old friends after many years. The trip down memory lane is bittersweet as we long for a time we will not get back but also cherish its joy. 

Some may be excited about seeing swings, some may act like a child when they see panipuri. The reason behind the facts is we are reminded by our childhood memories every time. The same happens when we enter the children’s play park and are reminded of our favourite rides. It is even more so when we ate ice cream or our favourite ice candy when we were 5 years old.  Hence, childhood memories play a very vital role in our lives. 

My Childhood Memories:

I was born and brought up in a very adorable family. I have grown up with my elder brother with whom I used to play a lot. I remember each and every game we used to play together. Every moment is very precious to me. In the afternoon, we used to play cricket in our nearby ground. The memories of playing in the ground together are mesmerising. 

Another beautiful thing I can remember is flying kites. It used to be one of the most exciting things of my childhood. Even the older members of the family participated with us. We used to fly kites on our terrace. The kite-flying programme would last for the entire day.

Another beautiful thing I can remember is my visit to the zoo with my family. We made one zoo visit every year. They used to be those very simple yet fun-filled family picnic moments. We would carry packed food from home that my mother used to cook. My elder brother would click several photographs of us. When I look at those pictures now, the memories come alive. Today, so many things have changed but my childhood memories are still fresh in my heart. It feels so refreshing to relive them again and again. My childhood memories are very close to my heart and make me smile on my difficult days.

Perhaps the time I remember very fondly was going to swimming classes. I have always loved playing in the water, and swimming in clear pools was always an exciting activity. Even though I loved the water, at first I could not swim as I was not aware of the basics of the sport. Slowly, as I learnt to kick and paddle, it became easier to swim in shallow water. The big test was swimming in deep water as it was a terrifying thought and simultaneously exciting. I still remember the day I decided to let go of my fears and dived into the deep end of the pool. The instant I jumped into the water, the fear was gone, and I swam like a fish to the other end of the pool. That day also taught me a valuable lesson about taking the first step in any daunting task. 


We should all cherish our childhood memories as they can always be our companion, our “bliss of solitude.” Simple things hold grave meaning when they are from their childhood days. The days were free of complexities and full of innocence. Hence, they are so close to heart.


FAQs on Childhood Memories Essay

1. How to write a childhood memory essay?

The most important thing you will need to write this essay is about great childhood memories! You will have to look back in time and remember all the good and bad things that happened to you. As you get older, your memories will also change in their context as you change as a person. Like all essays, this should also have a steady narrative of the events from your childhood. You can choose to write only about the best memories you have or choose to write them as they occur. Some of the best things to write are topics such as your friends, your favourite games, and all the vacations you have been on and all the experiences you had in school.

2. How would you describe your childhood memories?

The older you get, the more the bits and pieces of your memory begin to fade or change. The best way to write about your childhood memories is to close your eyes and remember them. Then you have to start writing the events as they occurred without giving them context. Once the essay is written, the stories and events can be arranged as per the requirements of the essay. You can choose to describe your memories in any light you feel.

3. Why are childhood memories important?

Our childhood memories have a significant influence on who we are. People with mostly happy memories tend to be more relaxed with a positive outlook on life. People who have had traumatic memories tend to be more cautious and cynical in life. People can still change with positive or negative experiences in life. However, our childhood influences stay with us for the rest of our lives and can sometimes even come into conflict with the better choices we want to make. Therefore having childhood memories is a good reference to understanding ourselves and why we behave in certain ways.

4. What could be a common childhood memory for everyone?

Everybody remembers their “first-time” experiences in life. It could be things like the first day of school, the first time visiting a zoo, the first time taking a flight in an aeroplane, having a bad experience, etc.

Best Childhood Memories Essay Ideas: 94 Narrative Topics [2024]

Many people believe that childhood is the happiest period in a person’s life. It’s not hard to see why. Kids have nothing to care or worry about, have almost no duties or problems, and can hang out with their friends all day long.

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An essay about childhood gives an opportunity to plunge into your memories. All you need to do is recollect those happy days and write a brilliant essay! In this article by , you’ll find great tips and topic ideas to kickstart the process.

  • 🔝 Top 10 Topics
  • 💡 Coming Up with Ideas
  • 🧸 Childhood Memories Essay Topics
  • ✍️ Writing Examples & Guide
  • 🔍 References

🔝 Top 10 Childhood Topics to Write About

  • Your favorite holiday memory.
  • Your brightest memories of winter.
  • Your earliest school memory.
  • Your first visit to a farm.
  • What was your favorite toy?
  • Do you remember your granny’s kitchen?
  • Your childhood memories of your parents.
  • Your best childhood friend.
  • Things that you initially disliked at school.
  • Experiments with physics in childhood.

💡 Coming Up with Childhood Memories Essay Ideas

Perhaps you got lost in your memories and cannot choose the best one to describe in your essay. Or maybe you have a bad memory and cannot recollect something specific to write about. If that’s the case, here are some recommendations for you.

Childhood Memories List: How to Write

Don’t know where to start? Try creating a list of your memories to decide which ones you need for your paper.

The picture shows examples of  what to include in a childhood memories essay.

There are our top tips on making a childhood memories list:

  • Write down everything that comes to your mind. What are some significant memories from your childhood? Every little experience starting with your earliest memory matters. Of course, you don’t need all of this information for your essay. Still, it will help your brain to start working in the right direction.
  • Try to focus on specific things such as holidays, trips, or food. Everybody’s favorite childhood memories are often connected with them. Remarkable events also might include school, neighborhood, hometown, presents you received, and your achievements. Nostalgia is your best friend in this case.
  • Divide your memories into categories. Good childhood experiences such as receiving a dream present or adopting a pet belong to one category. Life-changing events, key achievements, and unfortunate accidents can go into other categories.
  • Try not to avoid bad childhood memories. It’s not the most pleasant thing in this task. But sometimes, writing about bad situations or challenges is a good strategic decision for your paper. It can also help your personal growth.

How to Remember Childhood Memories

What is your earliest memory? A frightening fall down the stairs? Or perhaps blowing candles on your second birthday? Whatever the content, it is probably short and vague.

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When we grow older, our recollections of early childhood become fragmentary . In fact, a profound memory loss occurs, which psychologists call infantile amnesia (you can learn more about it from the article “ New perspectives on childhood memory ”). Memories formed during early childhood are more fragile than those formed later in life.

That’s why it’s a great idea to write down our childhood recollections. This way, they’ll stay with us even after they lose their rich vividness and start to fade altogether.

Naturally, you can’t keep everything in your head. Some childhood memories will stay with you forever, while others vanish during your teenage years. Remembering something you have forgotten is not an easy task.

Here’s a way out: use this checklist to recall your childhood experiences:

Feeling completely out of ideas? Or maybe you can’t think of a specific topic? Keep reading to learn how to generate new ideas and write a great childhood memories essay.

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🧸 Childhood Memory Essays Topics List

Favorite childhood memory ideas.

  • Meeting Santa at a mall
  • A gift you’ve created yourself
  • First time you stayed up all night
  • Your first visit to an amusement park
  • Your favorite children’s book or comic
  • Your best childhood camping memory
  • The craziest fact you’ve learned as a child
  • Memory about winning a school competition
  • What was the most fun school assignment?
  • Your favorite food at the elementary school cafeteria

Early Childhood Memories Essay Topics

Kindergarten is often the place where kids start socializing for the first time. Think about your experiences with friends and teachers, as well as with your family. These topic ideas will help you get on the right track:

  • The first day in kindergarten . Kindergarten is a new world for a child. It has an unfamiliar environment, new people, and rules. This essay can aim at discussing feelings and expectations that accompany a child on their first day.
  • Describe the first pet you had in early childhood. Almost all families have a pet that they love. Often pets are given to children as presents. This essay can relate the best moments spent with a pet when you were little.
  • A relative who was closest to you in early childhood. Every child has a family member with whom they enjoy spending time. It could easily be a parent, a grandparent, a sibling , or perhaps an uncle. Write about exciting moments related to your beloved relatives.
  • Your first childhood hobby . Most people had hobbies when they were kids. This initial interest sometimes determines one’s future occupation. Here, you can describe the activities you used to do as a little child. Focus on the events associated with your first hobby .
  • Festive events in kindergarten . During the whole year, people celebrate many holidays. Naturally, kindergartens hold festive events to amuse children. This essay can portray the unforgettable celebrations in kindergarten .
  • Describe family gatherings from your childhood.
  • A typical day in your kindergarten.
  • What’s the first birthday celebration you remember?
  • Activities or games in kindergarten .
  • Your first Halloween costume.
  • Things that you didn’t like in kindergarten.
  • Write about your relationship with nature in early childhood.
  • Describe a performance you took part in when you were little.
  • What was the best teacher in your kindergarten like?
  • Discuss the book or story you loved the most in early childhood.

Elementary School Memories Essay Topics

Would you like to look back at your elementary school days? This section is just what you need. Check out these ideas and get inspired:

  • How you met your first teacher. Teachers lead children through a complicated yet exciting path. That’s why we all remember our teachers, especially the first day of meeting them. This essay can recount the brightest moments associated with this event. Additionally, you might describe the teacher’s appearance and personality .
  • The most challenging lesson in elementary school . You can probably recall numerous lessons from your school years. This essay can aim at describing positive and negatives aspects of studies, as well as your favorite classes.
  • Memories about extracurricular activities in school. It could be sports, artistic pursuits, or activities related to specific subjects. Describe your personal preferences and say who inspired you to start doing them.
  • Celebration events at school. Celebrations create the brightest and most joyful memories. In this essay, you can share personal experiences about such events, be it school performances, shows, or games.
  • Who was your best school teacher ? Describe the personalities of your favorite teachers and explain why you liked them.
  • Write about a person who helped with school lessons .
  • What did your first school building look like?
  • Describe what you daydreamed about in school.
  • Wonderful hikes or trips organized by the school.
  • What were your plans for the future growing up?
  • Write about going to a museum with your class.
  • Memories of participation in school sports activities.
  • Recall your participation in writing for a school newspaper .
  • Did you take part in any important school activities or events?

Happy Childhood Memories Essay Topics

When writing about your childhood, you’d probably prefer recalling happy events rather than sad ones. But what if you don’t know which pleasant memory to choose? This list will help you make up your mind!

  • The best birthday party ever. Recall the most exciting details associated with it. For example, describe some beautiful presents and a celebratory atmosphere.
  • The day you’ve met your first love . Write about the impressions, feelings, and the most treasured memories associated with that day.
  • Recall the best day spent with your childhood friend. Recount the activities and events that made you happy.
  • The most significant achievement in childhood. Recall your achievements connected with the studies, sports, or arts. You can start by describing the task you’ve had, explain its importance, and thank the people who helped you.
  • The day you made somebody happy . This essay can describe the instances where you helped others. What were your motivations, and why did it make you happy?
  • Describe the best school gathering you can remember. Schools often organize parties where students can have fun. This essay can recount the circumstances and special moments related to such a party.
  • Recall a fictional character you liked the most in childhood.
  • Write about the best present you gave to someone when you were little.
  • Describe the best surprise made by friends or relatives in childhood.
  • The most wonderful journey or trip in childhood.
  • A sad event that changed things for the better.
  • What were the happiest summer holidays in your childhood like?
  • Chronicle the day when your childhood dream came true.
  • Write about your childhood fear and how you overcame it.
  • Tell about getting a good grade for an important assignment.
  • Describe the first home where your family lived.

Funny Childhood Memories Essay Ideas

Writing about a funny event is perhaps the best option you can choose. You’ll enjoy describing it, and your readers will appreciate you for making them laugh! Here are some prompts to kickstart the creative process.

  • Recollect your childhood actions that make your relatives laugh. Children often behave in interesting, comical, and amusing ways. This essay can detail some fun moments that your parents remember.
  • Amusing and funny moments in your favorite cartoons . You probably remember many great cartoons from your childhood. What made them funny? Do you still find them entertaining?
  • The funniest pranks you did at school. If you were a mischievous child, this topic is for you. Recall various funny, elaborate, or even failed pranks you did at school.
  • Describe the first time you rode a bicycle . Learning to ride a bike is a staple of many childhoods. It’s challenging, but once you master it, you will never forget how to ride it!
  • What tricks used to help you pass difficult exams ? Usually, students make cribs or copy someone else’s answers. You can describe more creative ways of passing exams.
  • Poking fun at younger siblings . If you have brothers and sisters, you probably tease each other. How do you feel about such activities? Do you both have a good laugh, or did somebody get upset?
  • Playing superheroes in childhood. Many children have favorite superheroes such as Batman , Spiderman, Ironman, and others. What were your personal favorites? Did you try to imagine you have superpowers?
  • Describe the most ridiculous haircut you’ve had when you were little.
  • Funny moments with your school teachers.
  • Did you have an imaginary friend? What were they like?
  • Trying to cook in childhood.
  • What tricks did you use to hide bad marks from your parents?
  • Attempts to renovate your childhood room.

Childhood Christmas Memories Topics

Christmas is the favorite holiday of many children. Were you one of them? Choose your essay title from this list on Christmas memories:

Get an originally-written paper according to your instructions!

  • What is the best Christmas present from your childhood? Describe the present, the wrapping, and your emotions related to it. Why did you want it so much? You can also try to remember where this present is now.
  • Describe a family Christmas trip that you enjoyed the most as a child. Answer the following questions. What were the new places you have seen? What were the new people you met? How much time did you spend there? Did you feel homesick? What did you feel when you returned home?
  • What was your favorite pastime during the Christmas holidays in childhood? For example, you can write about watching cartoons or playing with your siblings. Or maybe you enjoyed winter sports and walking with your friends.
  • Was Christmas your favorite holiday in childhood? Explain why or why not. Create a list of the things that you did and didn’t enjoy. You can also compare Christmas with other holidays. Find several arguments to defend your opinion.
  • Describe the best Christmas present you gave somebody in childhood . It can be something you made yourself or bought. Explain why you chose this gift and what was the recipient’s reaction. What did you want to show with this present? Was it your idea to give it? How did you choose it? Answer these questions in your essay.
  • What are your favorite Christmas memories ? You have a wide choice here. You can describe family get-togethers, receiving or giving presents, eating sweets, or having fun while resting from school.
  • Describe your favorite childhood Christmas photo . Explain why it is so valuable to you. Define the people or objects in the picture. Try to remember who took it and what camera was they used. Also, provide some information about the time and place.
  • Write about your family’s Christmas traditions .
  • Describe your favorite Christmas decorations in childhood.
  • When was the time you stopped believing in Santa Claus?
  • What was your favorite Christmas movie in childhood?
  • Write about the Christmas dishes did you enjoy the most as a child.
  • What was your favorite Christmas TV special ?
  • What were your favorite Christmas songs when you were little?
  • Describe the perfect Christmas Eve of your childhood.
  • Tell about the friends you liked to invite to your Christmas parties.

These recollections can form a great foundation for your essay. Because childhood is often the best time in a person’s life, writing essays on your childhood experiences can be a real pleasure. If you try to be creative and choose a unique topic, you are sure to succeed in writing an impressive essay.

✍️ “My Childhood Memories” Essay Writing Guide

Writing about your childhood is an exciting assignment that has some peculiarities. Let’s explore some of them.

Childhood Memories Essay: Dos and Don’ts

Your main task is to make the reader feel like they’ve experienced the memory you described. There are certain elements that you can include in your essay to make it stand out. Similarly, some things are better to avoid.

Keep these things in mind, and you will surely write a perfect composition.

Childhood Memories Essay: Step by Step

Follow these steps of the essay writing process, and you will see that writing a good essay on your childhood memories is not as challenging as it may seem.

The picture shows the main steps in writing a childhood memories essay.

Narrative Essay on Childhood Memories: Outline

Every essay must have a proper structure. That’s why it’s useful to make a short outline before you start writing. It will keep you from losing your way as you write your essay. It also saves you time! If you have a plan, you won’t miss any important points in your essay.

Your paper should include:

After you’ve finished writing, revise and edit your essay . Make sure your paragraphs are written in a logical order. Read your essay aloud so that you can see how it flows and determine where you need to improve it.

Try our memory-activating prompts and follow these writing tips to compose your perfect childhood memories essay! If you’re not sure that you can write a good paper on your own, you can always ask our experts to help you out.

Further reading:

  • School Days Essay: How to Describe a Memorable Event
  • Growing Up Essay: Great Ideas for Your College Assignment
  • Writing Essay about Someone Who has Made an Impact on Your Life
  • Excellent Remembering a Person Essay: Free Writing Guidelines
  • Life Experience Essay: How to Write a Brilliant Paper

🔗 References

  • The Fate of Childhood Memories: Children Postdated Their Earliest Memories as They Grew Older
  • Can You Trust Your Earliest Childhood Memories?: BBC
  • How to Start Writing Your Own Childhood Memories for Posterity: HobbyLark
  • 650 Prompts for Narrative and Personal Writing: The New York Times
  • Bright Side Readers Shared 14 Childhood Stories and We Plunged Into Their Memories Together: Brightside
  • Great Questions: StoryCorps
  • Introductions and Conclusions: University of Toronto
  • Make a List: Childhood Memories: Practical Parenting
  • Tips to Retrieve Old Memories: Harvard University
  • Make the Most of Your Memory: 10 Tips for Writing About Your Life: Writer’s Digest
  • Childhood Christmas Memories: DNA Explained
  • What Do Your Earliest Childhood Memories Say about You?: The Conversation
  • Can’t Remember Your Childhood? What Might Be Going On: Healthline
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Childhood Memories Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on childhood memories.

Memories are a vital component of our bodies. They shape our personality as all our knowledge and past experiences are stored there. All of us have memories, both good and bad. You have memories from long ago and also from recent times. Furthermore, some memories help us get by tough days and make us cheerful on good days.

Childhood Memories Essay

Memories are the little things which help in running our lives smoothly. In other words, memories are irreplaceable and they are very dear to us. They help us learn from our mistakes and make us better. In my opinion, one’s childhood memories are the dearest to anyone. They help in keeping the child in you alive. Moreover, it also is a reason for our smiles in between adult life.

Importance of Childhood Memories

Childhood memories are very important in our lives. It makes us remember the best times of our lives. They shape our thinking and future. When one has good childhood memories, they grow up to be happy individuals. However, if one has traumatic childhood memories, it affects their adult life gravely.

Thus, we see how childhood memories shape our future. They do not necessarily define us but they surely play a great role. It is not important that someone with traumatic childhood memories may turn out to be not well. People get past their traumatic experiences and grow as human beings. But, these memories play a great role in this process as well.

Most importantly, childhood memories keep the inner child alive. No matter how old we get, there is always a child within each one of us. He/She comes out at different times.

For instance, some may act like a child on seeing swings; the other may get excited like a child when they see ice cream. All this happens so because we have our childhood memories reminding us of the times associated with the things we get excited about. Therefore, childhood memories play a great role in our lives.

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My Childhood Memories

Growing up, I had a very loving family. I had three siblings with whom I used to play a lot. I remember very fondly the games we use to play. Especially, in the evenings, we used to go out in the park with our sports equipment. Each day we played different games, for example, football on one day and cricket on the other. These memories of playing in the park are very dear to me.

Furthermore, I remember clearly the aroma of my grandmother’s pickles. I used to help her whenever she made pickles. We used to watch her do the magic of combining the oils and spices to make delicious pickles. Even today, I can sometimes smell her pickles whenever I look back at this memory.

Most importantly, I remember this instance very clearly when we went out for a picnic with my family. We paid a visit to the zoo and had an incredible day. My mother packed delectable dishes which we ate in the zoo. My father clicked so many pictures that day. When I look at these pictures, the memory is so clear, it seems like it happened just yesterday. Thus, my childhood memories are very dear to me and make me smile when I feel low.

Q.1 Why is Childhood Memories important?

A.1 Childhood memories shape our personality and future. They remind us of the good times and help us get by on tough days. Moreover, they remind us of past experiences and mistakes which help us improve ourselves.

Q.2 What can be a common childhood memory for all?

A.2 In my opinion, a childhood memory most of us have in common is the first day of school. Most of us remember what we felt like on the first day. In addition, our birthdays are also very common childhood memory that reminds us of gifts and celebrations on that day.

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Childhood Memories Essay

Recalling childhood memories lead us to experience the feelings of our old days. These childhood memories are such that they last forever. Some memories help us to recall the pleasant moments of our life. But, some of the memories scare us because we have both good and bad experiences in our childhood. These childhood memories help us to go through the tough days of our lives in a happy and cheerful manner. They give strength to overcome difficult situations and fight against them. This essay on childhood memories will help students to write an effective essay. After going through this article, they can describe their childhood memories in a better way. For more CBSE essays , students must practise essay writing on different topics.

500+ Words Essay on Childhood Memories

We all remember our childhood friends, interesting incidents relating to them, our family members, relatives, and so many other things. Childhood is a lovely time that everyone remembers. It is the period that everyone cherishes as this builds our foundation when we are growing. In our childhood, we were carefree and innocent. We don’t know what jealousy is and have no complexes regarding ourselves and others. It was time for play, studies and vacations. We were gorging on our favourite food without any restrictions, playing pranks on our siblings, and supporting our siblings when we had to face the wrath of our parents. Those days won’t come back, but we can remember those childhood memories.

My Childhood Memories

I have a lot of childhood memories. Here, I will be sharing the one which is the most memorable to me. In my childhood, we used to go to my grandparents’ house at least once a year. We mostly visit my grandparents’ house during my school summer vacation. My grandparents live in a small village which is located near Kanpur city in Uttar Pradesh. I wake up early in the morning and go to the farmhouse. Near the farmhouse, we have farming land, where various crops are grown. By that time in the summer, the crops are ready to harvest. I love to see the harvesting process. In the farmhouse, I get prepared by taking a bath in the running water of the tubewell. I love that moment. The cold water and fresh air refresh my mind, and it starts my day full of positive energy.

My grandmother cooks the food in the traditional style by using the “Chulha”, a U-shaped mud stove made from local clay. I love the taste of cooked food. It’s so delicious and yummy. Also, during summer, my grandmother made papad, pickles of mango and green chilli. I just love eating them. We also have one cow and two buffaloes in the farmhouse. Due to this, there is a lot of milk and curd available in my house. It’s my duty to make Lassi, and we drink it every day after having lunch. At night, we sleep on the terrace to feel cool during summer. All my cousins gather at the terrace, and we enjoy it together. Everyone drinks a glass of milk before going to sleep.

Another naughty incident that I remember from my childhood was when I was studying at LKG. My parents had gone for a walk after having dinner at night. They informed me that they would be coming back soon, so I should not lock the door from the inside. I was watching the TV and said ok. After some time, I went to the kitchen to have a glass of water, and I locked the main door. I didn’t realise when I slept while watching the TV. My parents came, and they kept knocking on the door. I didn’t get up, and they had to be outside the home for the whole night. They went to the neighbours’ house and stayed there. In the morning, when I got up, I opened the door and called my parents.

Childhood is the best part of everyone’s life. Childhood memories give us different kinds of experiences. Whatever we have learned in our childhood lasts for a long time. Some experiences are joyful, while some help us learn lessons. These lessons give us the strength to stay positive in life even when situations are not in our favour.

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Essay on Childhood Memories in 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 Words

Here are some beautiful essays on Childhood Memories in 200, 300, 400, 500, and 600 words for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. We have added an essay on 10 lines too. I hope you will love these essays. 

In This Blog We Will Discuss

Essay on Childhood Memories in 200 Words

Childhood memories are memories that we can’t forget ever. Some incidents are so bright in our minds that we recall it again and again. We all have tons of memories in childhood. These memories help us to build our character and personality, that’s why childhood memories are hugely important in our life. 

When people think or discuss these memories, then they feel very happy and delighted. That’s why we need to think and write about these memories. I have some really good memories from my childhood. I spent a long time in rural areas. 

I’ve completed my school from a village primary school. That was a very good experience for me. I can remember lots of incidents from there. I went to visit a village fair with my father and we bought lots of toys for me and my siblings. 

I still can feel the ‘Nagordola’, lots of people, colorful shops, and songs playing on loudspeakers when I close my eyes. These feelings and memories are priceless. I wish if I could go back to my past and see childhood again, that would be amazing. But I know it’s not possible. I miss my childhood a lot. 

Essay on Childhood Memories in 300 Words


Memories are some special visualization on our brain that helps us to recall some past incidents that happened to our life. It shapes our personality for the future. Sometimes we remember our long-ago past memories and it makes us happy. 

Childhood memories are the best example of that. We all have lots of childhood memories and these are golden. These memories are vivid in our minds always. I know some memories could be hard to remember but most of them are vivid in our brain.

My Childhood Memories:

I have so many memories that I can remember now. Most of them are related to my family , parents, and siblings. Because I have spent most of my childhood times with them. My father was a government worker then and he had very little time to spend with his family.

But still, he managed to spend a huge time with us. I loved his activities. He took us to different places for a picnic. My mom used to cook very delicious meals for us. I can remember, we were staying at a village in Bihar and it was the house of an uncle. We went for a long drive from there. 

There was an amazing side view on the road. I loved the villages of Bihar. The people were friendly. I spent an amazing time with my cousins there. These memories are very bright on my mind and I love to think about all those days. 


I know your childhood memories are also amazing and you love to think about these memories a lot. These memories make us happy. I love to think about these amazing days. 

Essay on Childhood Memories in 400 Words

Childhood is that time when we had nothing to worry about. We were free and only spent time with our fellow childhood friends. We could do anything. We had no limitation to do anything. 

I had an awesome childhood that I love to recall again and again. I wish I could get back to my childhood. That is a mind-blowing part of my life. 

When I think about my childhood, it reminds a few of my friends, such as Satish, Jay, and Ganesh. We lived in a rural area in Bihar. That area was very beautiful nature. I loved spending time with nature. When we were students of class 1 or 2, we used to leave school and go to the river. 

I caught lots of fish in the river. It was a very beautiful hilly river. I wish I could go back to that amazing place. It makes me very happy when I recall these memories. I loved to jump into the water and swim there. I promise I was an excellent swimmer back then. 

We also went to different places to catch birds and do different types of naughty stuff. Though I had to follow some strict rules at home, still I was super naughty. My father was strict but he loves us very much. 

My siblings were very good with me. I used to spend lots of time with them at home. We had different types of games to play together. I loved playing cricket and football mostly. 

First Day at School: 

The first day at school is the best childhood memory that I can recall. That was a tough day for me. I was not a good boy who wanted to go to school with his own wish. I did different things to not go to school. 

But finally, my father bought me some books, a school bag, and a school uniform and I agreed to go to school. The first day was full of scariness for me. We went to the headmaster’s room and he asked me some easy questions. I knew the answers but I was unable to answer due to lots of pressure going on in my head. 

I love to think about all of my childhood memories, these memories are my own and that’s what pushed me to create my personality and character. We all need to appreciate our memories in childhood. 

Essay on Childhood Memories in 500 Words

Essay on Childhood Memories in 500 Words

We all have lots of past memories in our lives. But I think childhood memories are the best memories that make us happy and delighted. You can’t deny that we all have some memories that are very special to us. 

I have some childhood memories too that I never can forget. Today I will talk about some of these memories here. 

Importance of Childhood Memories: 

Do some people think that childhood memories are really important? I think it is. Because these memories make a huge impact on our personality and lifestyle. It helps us to be that person that we want to be. 

We should never ignore our past memories. These are big lessons in our life. That’s why I think it has huge importance in our life. 

My Childhood Memories: 

I have some amazing memories. Most of them are with my family, my parents, my siblings, and my grandmother . I have three siblings and they are very close to my heart. We always had a great time together. I spent my entire childhood in a neighborhood in Delhi. 

I had lots of friends there. I am still connected with a few of them. We spent really good times together. I loved playing cricket in the afternoon. I have lots of good memories playing with them. I can remember the first day of school. 

It was very exciting for me. I always was an attentive student and I used to make good results in the class. My teachers loved me a lot for that. These memories are very sweet and I wish I could go back there and experience the same thing again. 

I used to visit my native village sometimes. That was another exciting journey for me. I spent an amazing time with my cousins there. We went for a picnic and did lots of crazy things. 

A Horrible Experience of Childhood:

Along with lots of good experiences I have some horrible childhood experiences too. When I was five years old, I didn’t know how to swim. And that time I was in the village. We were playing football and there was a pond near the field. 

When the ball went to the pond, someone went and picked it. A boy thought I might know how to swim and he pushed me to the pond. When I was trying to come out of the water but couldn’t he was laughing and thinking that I was making fun. 

But when he realized he jumped and took me off the water. That was a very shocking memory that I can’t forget. It could be worse. 

I love to think about my old childhood memories. These memories bring a broad smile to my face. I know it’s the same for everyone. These memories are very much cute and loving. It could be a topic of gossip too. People love sharing things about their childhood, I do. 

Essay on Childhood Memories in 600 Words

Essay on Childhood Memories in 600 Words

Childhood is the best stage of human life where they can spend time without any worry and pressure. We all have had that amazing time. The best part of childhood is spending time with fellow kids. We all have some good and some bad memories that we can recall from childhood. 

There are lots of memories that we have forgotten and some we can remember slightly. I am going to share some memories from my childhood that I still can’t forget. I think these are the golden memories and the time was priceless. 

I have been raised in a big family with lots of loving members. I have all the sweet memories with them. I especially want to mention my grandmother. She was an extraordinary lady. I have two siblings and we used to play in the garden in front of my home . 

My father bought us different types of toys and playing equipment. I loved playing cricket from childhood and still play that often. My little sister was like my assistant. She was always with me whatever I do and wherever I go. 

We used to steal pickles from the refrigerator that my grandma made. I still can feel the smell and taste of that pickle when I look back at the memories. My dad was a super busy person, but still, he spent enough time with us. I can remember a picnic at a zoo where the entire family went. 

My mom took some delicious food items there. I can’t remember what exactly the dishes were, but they were amazing in taste. That was an incredible day. We sometimes visited our native village and that was the best moment for me and my cousins. 

We got enough space to run, play football, and do all the stuff that we can’t do in the city. When I think about my childhood, that takes a large part there. Because I have so many amazing memories related to village life. 

My First Day at School: 

The first day at school is a beautiful memory that I can remember clearly. That was a very special event for me. I was very excited. I have been preparing for school and worked very hard for three months. My mother was also working very hard to teach me all the basic things such as alphabets and a few rhymes. 

I was pretty confident. I got my new uniform, school bag, some books, and new shoes. And the day came and they took me to school. That is quite a popular school in the city. My parents took me to the headmaster’s room. 

He was a gentleman and he greeted us properly. I can remember he asked me some basic questions and I answered them confidently. He called an assistant teacher and sent me to my classroom . A class was going on there already and I joined it. I found tons of boys and girls my age. 

I made some friends on the first day. I went back and found my parents waiting for me. That was a pleasant experience for me. I will never forget that day. My parents were very supportive and that’s why everything was easy for me. 


Childhood memories are very important in our life. We should remind ourselves of all the beautiful moments. When we think about our childhood it makes us laugh and we feel very genuine. 

That’s very important in our life. These little memories can shape our personality in the future. These are good times and they teach us how to overcome some problems in real life. 

10 Lines Essay on Childhood Memories

1. We all have lots of beautiful memories from our childhood that make us extremely happy.

2. This memory recalls are priceless and everyone loves to talk about them. 

3. I have some exciting memories of my own childhood. 

4. We were living in a village when I was a kid. I spent my entire childhood there. 

5. It was possible for me to experience lots of exciting things that a city kid can’t.

6. I learned swimming at the age of 5 and I used to swim in the nearest river with my fellow childhood friends. 

7. My parents had some rules to follow and of course, they were extremely strict. But still, we managed to find time for doing lots of naughty activities. 

8. I have most of my memories with my siblings and my cousins. 

9. These memories are priceless and I keep smiling when I think about these golden days. 

10. I love all these childhood memories and these are my base of personality. 

How do you write a childhood memories essay? 

To write a childhood memory, you need to look back to your childhood. It’s a very important topic for school and college students. By writing on this topic, you will get an opportunity to look back at your past memories. It is not hard to write about childhood memories. You need to think a bit and you will come with tons of beautiful memories. 

How would you describe your childhood memories? 

To describe your childhood memories, you need to write them first and then you can do some edits to make it look good. Here are some described essays on childhood memories, you can use them for your study purpose. 

Why is Childhood Memories important?

Childhood memories are very important for us because our memories help us to build our personality and make us the perfect human. It’s a huge lesson in our life. 

What can be a common childhood memory for all?

‘The first day at school’ could be a common memory for all. There are some memories that are related to our parents and siblings, they could be common for all too. 

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My worst memory

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                         My worst memory

I remember my first proper relationship. This was with a girl called Michelle. She is the same age as myself. Michelle was from Hillingdon, and a long-term member of high society. I felt out of place whenever I went out to dinner with her family. I first met her through my friend Scott, in January 1999. We hit it off straight away. We had a lot in common. Michelle is one of those girls that are easy to talk to.

        Michelle, our friends and myself would always go every Saturday night to Slough Ice Arena because there was nowhere else to go.

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        As time grew by, we had been acquaintances for some time. I really liked her and our friends were telling us about our feelings towards each other.

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        In May 1999 I finally had enough courage and determination to ask her out. I had never felt this way about any of the other girls that I had finished with. I sat Michelle down and told her my feelings for her. She told me that she had feelings for me as well and then there was one of those awkward silences for what seemed like hours. I broke the silence and popped the question. I felt so relieved.

        As time grew by, we saw each other more than anything. I had the feeling that every other teenager gets when they are so close to someone special. I felt as if I loved her.

        February came along and I had enough money to get a ticket for the F.A. Cup Final at Wembley . I told my friends that I would go even if Chelsea were not in it.

        When it got to March I found out that Chelsea  were in the Final. I could not believe it. I was finally going to see the boys play!

        In May 2000 my girlfriend said that we should go out for a special dinner or night one weekend, so she made plans. Only after she had planned everything I found out that she wanted me to go out on the day of the F.A. Cup Final. I thought long and hard about this dilemma. I decided that Michelle was more important.

        On that day I had the best time ever except for a man that kept harassing Michelle. The things that he was saying made me irate. I saw Michelle onto her bus and then went to go home. The man smacked his shoulder right into my chest and where I’m from you don’t take that. So I turned round and had words with him. He still would not shut–up so I hit him straight in the mouth. He kept quiet and I felt so much better afterwards.

        Four days later Michelle phoned to tell me that it was over. She gave me the “it’s not you; it’s me” line and some other emotional lies. That really broke my heart. I still think about Michelle when I hear the song “Crazy” by ‘K-CI and JO JO’.

My worst memory

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  • Word Count 519
  • Page Count 2
  • Subject English

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  4. Have you ever seen a Dr. Fate like this? # #dcunivers #foryou #fyp

  5. Were You The Favorite Child


  1. My Worst Childhood Memory

    My Worst Childhood Memory. This essay sample was donated by a student to help the academic community. Papers provided by EduBirdie writers usually outdo students' samples. For most people, their worst childhood memories are of playground scuffles or getting in trouble. Not for me though, my earliest memories are of me finding out about my dad ...

  2. Advanced Essay: A bad Memory

    A Bad Memory. In hopes of gaining more knowledge you try to understand a variety of things and why they matter to you especially. You try to understand why there are memories you put an effort in forgetting and decisions you wish you could erase. You dab at making sense of things that have always been complicated in your eyes.

  3. Why Your Memory Is Bad and What to Do About It

    EMF Exposure. Many young adults sleep with their mobile phones by their side, exposing their brains to potentially damaging electromagnetic fields (EMFs) 24/7. EMF exposure can cause significant disruption in levels of brain chemicals, negatively impacting memory, learning, emotions, and stress levels.

  4. Bad Memories Essays at WritingBros

    Essay Topics. Bad memories can be difficult to grapple with, but they are a natural and unavoidable part of the human experience. Whether it's the pain of a breakup, the trauma of a childhood experience, or the regret of a past mistake, bad memories can linger in our minds and hearts long after the event has passed.

  5. Personal Narrative Essay: My Worst Childhood Memories

    Narrative Essay On Childhood Trauma. The one thing I remember vividly from my childhood are the holes. During what was supposed to be a safe and restful naptime I dug into the wall with my tiny bare index finger. Over some unknown time period, those mysterious diggings developed into a fair likeness of the solar system.

  6. Childhood Memories Essays

    Uniqueness: Opt for memories that stand out or have a unique twist, avoiding overly common topics. By considering these points, you can pinpoint a memory that not only resonates with you but also captivates your readers. 3. Examples of Unique Essay Topics. Now, let's explore some unique and captivating essay topics that revolve around childhood ...

  7. Why Your Brain Forces You to Relive Your Worst Memories

    According to Zhou, the best information we have about how the brain stores and recalls memory is from studying LTP, or long-term potentiation. It's the mechanism largely used for learning memory ...

  8. Bad Memories Essay Examples and Topics at Eduzaurus

    3077. The Pizza Parlor It was a Friday night in the middle of summer and a bunch of us decided to go for pizza. We decided to go to a well known pizza parlor near the house. When we arrived at the pizza place we noticed…. 1 Page 586 Words. Bad Memories Forgiveness Life Changing Experience.

  9. Essays About Childhood Memories: Top 5 Examples

    Reflecting on the memory, she also explains how water has helped her become more satisfied, peaceful, and happy. Our childhood memories shape us and provide us with the basis for the rest of our lives. 4. I Would Have Liked Childhood More Without the Pressure to Grow Up by Jane Coaston.

  10. Childhood Memories Essay

    Essay on Childhood Memories. Memories are one of the most crucial things we can cherish throughout our lives. They build up our personality as all our knowledge and previous experiences are stored there. Memories can be both good and bad. There are memories either from long ago or from the recent past. In our critical times, we may get some ...

  11. Best Childhood Memories Essay Ideas: 94 Narrative Topics [2024]

    Kindergarten is a new world for a child. It has an unfamiliar environment, new people, and rules. This essay can aim at discussing feelings and expectations that accompany a child on their first day. Describe the first pet you had in early childhood. Almost all families have a pet that they love.

  12. Childhood Memories Essay for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Childhood Memories. Memories are a vital component of our bodies. They shape our personality as all our knowledge and past experiences are stored there. All of us have memories, both good and bad. You have memories from long ago and also from recent times.

  13. Reminding Myself About the Past: Unforgettable Childhood Memories

    Download. My name is Lucy and I am exited to write about my unforgettable childhood memories, an essay about my past experience that I like to think about time to time. As I look back on my childhood, I realize how fortunate I was to have had such a happy and carefree time. There are so many unforgettable memories that I cherish, but one stands ...

  14. Are your earliest childhood memories still lurking in your mind ...

    "When you're a child, you don't have the experience to categorize correctly," he says, and having a latent memory of something dangerous could lower the threshold for similar experiences to be encoded as dangerous, for instance, without inducing fear right away as a more accessible memory might do. ... That memory boost came with a ...

  15. Essay On Memories And Bad Memories

    Essay On Memories And Bad Memories. 843 Words4 Pages. Are good and bad memories a burden? Memories, either good or bad, can still be a burden. A burden is a load, a heavy one in fact, memories can weigh down people in many different ways. In everyone 's life there are memories, these memories control their decisions and how they act.

  16. Childhood Memories Essay

    500+ Words Essay on Childhood Memories is provided here. Go through it and write your own childhood memories in a better way so as to score high marks in the writing section.

  17. Essay About Childhood Memories

    Essay About Childhood Memories. 749 Words3 Pages. MY BEST AND WORST CHILDHOOD MEMORY A very good morning to the teacher and fellow friends. I feel honored to be given this golden opportunity to deliver a speech regarding to my childhood's memories. The purpose of I choosing this topic is everyone have their own childhood memory and everyone ...

  18. Narrative Essay of a Childhood Memory

    1. This essay sample was donated by a student to help the academic community. Papers provided by EduBirdie writers usually outdo students' samples. Cite This Essay. Download. The sunny skies of Panama City Beach, Florida, represent beautiful memories in my life. I go to this off-white beach at least five to six times during the year.

  19. Essay on Childhood Memories in 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 Words

    10 Lines Essay on Childhood Memories. 1. We all have lots of beautiful memories from our childhood that make us extremely happy. 2. This memory recalls are priceless and everyone loves to talk about them. 3. I have some exciting memories of my own childhood. 4.

  20. My worst memory

    My worst memory. GCSE English. My worst memory. I remember my first proper relationship. This was with a girl called Michelle. She is the same age as myself. Michelle was from Hillingdon, and a long-term member of high society. I felt out of place whenever I went out to dinner with her family. I first met her through my friend Scott, in January ...

  21. My worst childhood memory Free Essays

    My Childhood Memory "I went through my childhood with more sad memories than happy ones. I sometimes wish that I could feel the other way around. Unfortunately‚ the dramatic and sad experiences stand out more in my memory bank. Among my childhood memories I remember the experience of my father helping me on my math problems when I was nine years old the most. . That experience has effected ...

  22. The worst memory ever Free Essays

    Worst Day Ever. Worst Day It was a one fine morning. The sun rose steadily‚ peeking through the curtain and illuminating Ian's room beautifully as the sixteen-year-old boy was still deep in his slumber. Even the shrilly sound of the annoying alarm clock did not wake him up.

  23. Worst Memory

    Worst Memory. 1124 Words3 Pages. The worst day of my life was the day my uncle Mark was killed. To this day I am able to recite the day as if it was yesterday. I can still remember my last words to him, "Uncle Mark I am going to kick your ass this winter. Your Arctic Cat sucks.". Snowmobiles were our thing, I have always had a Polaris, but ...

  24. Reshaping Remembrance. Critical Essays on Afrikaans Places of Memory

    The end of white rule and the advent of democracy in 1994 have represented a decisive watershed in the history of Afrikanerdom. As can be expected, reactions have been divided on the new dispensation, yet one can say that the overall tone has generally been rather subdued. As I have argued elsewhere, this is "a whiteness disgraced".