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Eight Characteristics of Good Writing

by Melissa Donovan | Dec 2, 2021 | Better Writing | 31 comments

good writing

What’s the difference between bad and good writing?

How important is it for a writer to be able to discern the difference between good writing and bad writing?

Pretty important, if you ask me.

I know some writers aren’t concerned with quality. In today’s do-it-yourself and get-it-done-fast world, quality plays second fiddle to quantity. Who cares if your books are full of typos, bad grammar, and poor logic as long as you have published lots and made a bunch of money?

The Characteristics of Good Writing

So, what constitutes good writing? Opinions on the matter vary widely. There will be different traits that make good fiction versus good poetry or good nonfiction. However, we can cull together a general list of the characteristics of good writing (in no particular order):

  • Clarity and focus: In good writing, everything makes sense and readers don’t get lost or have to reread passages to figure out what’s going on. Focused writing sticks with the plot or core idea without running off on too many tangents.
  • Organization: A well organized piece of writing is not only clear, it’s presented in a way that is logical and aesthetically pleasing. You can tell non-linear stories or place your thesis at the end of an essay and get away with it as long as your scenes or ideas are well ordered.
  • Ideas and themes: Is the topic of your paper relevant? Does your story come complete with themes? Can the reader visualize your poem? For a piece of writing to be considered well crafted, it has to contain clearly identifiable ideas and themes.
  • Voice: This is what sets you apart from all other writers. It’s your unique way of stringing words together, formulating ideas, and relating scenes or images to the reader. In any piece of writing, the voice should be consistent and identifiable.
  • Language (word choice): We writers can never underestimate or fail to appreciate our most valuable tools: words. Good writing includes precise and accurate word choices and well crafted sentences.
  • Grammar and style: Many writers would wish this one away, but for a piece of writing to be considered good (let alone great), it has to follow the rules of grammar (and break those rules only when there’s a good reason). Style is also important in ensuring that a piece of writing is clear and consistent. Make sure you keep a grammar book and style guide handy.
  • Credibility or believability: Nothing says bad writing like getting the facts wrong or misrepresenting oneself. In fiction, the story must be believable (even if it’s impossible), and in nonfiction, accurate research can make or break a writer.
  • Thought-provoking or emotionally inspiring: Perhaps the most important quality of good writing is how the reader responds to it. Does she come away with a fresh perspective and new ideas? Does he close the cover with tears in his eyes or a sense of victory? How readers react to your work will fully determine your success as a writer.

I want to add an honorable mention for originality. Everything has been done before, so originality is somewhat arbitrary. However, putting old ideas together in new ways and creating remixes of the best that literature has to offer is a skill worth developing.

Why You Need to Know the Difference Between Good and Bad Writing

To write well, a writer must be able to recognize quality in a piece of writing. How can you assess or improve your own work if you can’t tell the difference between mediocre and better writing in others’ work? This is why it’s so important for writers to be dedicated readers!

Writing is also an art form and therefore subject to personal taste. Can you read a book and dislike it but acknowledge that the writing was good? Have you ever read a book and loved the story but felt that the writing was weak?

A writer should be able to articulate why a piece of writing succeeds or fails, and a writer should also be able to recognize the qualities in a piece of writing even when it doesn’t appeal to their personal taste. These skills are especially necessary when writers are reviewing or critiquing other writers’ work and when revising, editing, and proofreading their own work.

Where do you stand? Do you rate other people’s writing? Do you worry about whether your own writing is any good? Would you add or remove any characteristics of good writing from this list? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment, and keep writing.

10 Core Practices for Better Writing



I have had work published. I have even won a competition and still I lack the courage to really commit to it. It’s like I heard a character in a ‘soap’ once saying: ” If I dream of doing it I can always hold onto the dream and live on the’ I could have done it if I tried’, whereas if I go ahead and do it I just might not be ‘good’ and then everything will be gone then, dream and all ! ” Everything you say makes sense but it’s courage I now seek to acquire as well as certain’ devil may care attitude . Courage and self belief and wee bit of discipline. 2012 might just be the year ! Michelle

Melissa Donovan

Michelle, I actually think it’s healthy to have dreams that we don’t fully intend on pursuing. It’s good for the imagination! A person might be interested or passionate about dozens of things and cannot possibly make careers out of them all. But courage is something else… and I don’t think anyone can give you courage. You have to find it within yourself. The first step is to decide that you are going to brave the writing career. After that, you muster up the courage. It’s there inside you, and if you really want it, you’ll find it 🙂 Good luck to you!

Bill Polm

Good one, Michelle, and needed too.

So many blog posts on how to drum up business or write enticing posts or articles, or even how to avoid embarrassing grammatical errors (not that those are not important).

So little on just plain old good writing. Writing that is unusually good, that delights, that informs with impact,

I love the freedom an informal style of modern English. But sometimes I worry a bit that contemporary readers are being fed to many tiny sentences to appeal to an ever-diminishing attention span.

A good list you have there. Maybe I would add that I value fluency. That adroit facility of the accomplished writer who’s covered miles of (digital) paper and now can write not only accurate and clear words and sentences but also compelling and memorable prose.

Ah, fluency is definitely necessary to good writing, although I think it comes with experience, so it might only apply to older or more advanced writers. Great food for thought, Bill. Thanks!

Michael White

Loved this blog post. It actually reminded me of a quote by Oscar Wilde, “There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book. Books are well written or badly written.”

That quote could spur a debate, I’m sure! Thanks for sharing it, Michael. I’m going to give Oscar Wilde’s idea some serious consideration.


“A writer should be able to articulate why a piece of writing succeeds or fails, and a writer should also be able to recognize the qualities in a piece of writing even when it doesn’t appeal to personal taste”

I’m reading a book right now with a story line that I don’t particularly care for. Eight chapters into it, I’m not fully invested into the story. BUT, the author’s grasp of human emotion/interaction and her ability to explicate the nuances with clarity is brilliant. That fact alone keeps interested and pulls me forward.

Ah! I’ve been there too!


This is a very well written blog, and the advice is good for teaching people how to get their points across. However, my problem is not that I can’t tell good from bad; apparently I’m quite good at assessing the quality of other authors’ writing and helping them iprove it. My problem is that though I love writing and am proud of my plot lines and characters, I don’t have a way with words and I just can’t write. Does anyone have any advice on how to make things WORK once you have everything planned out, or am I doomed to the life of an author who can’t write? That sounded really dismal.


How do really know your writing is bad? If you’ve got a plot that you love, characters that are filled with layers and truth, set them free! Turn off those negative thoughts and just run with it. Write your story through to the end. If you believe in what you’ve got so far then let it lead you. You will surprise yourself. You proved with your post above that you can convey feeling, let your characters have their voice. Take a deep breath and jump/write!! Best of luck and courageous hugs!

Thanks, Beckie. Well said!

My guess is that your way with words isn’t as bad as you think. I didn’t have any trouble understanding what you wrote. However, if you want to strengthen your skills in vocabulary, word choice, and sentence structure, there are two things you can do: read as much as possible and engage with poetry. Pick up an introductory book on poetry and you’ll learn tons of techniques in this area (which you can apply to fiction and nonfiction). This one can be expensive but it’s worth every penny: Perrine’s Sound and Sense . Good luck to you!

Thank you, both you and Beckie. That’s really good advice. 🙂 I’ll try to be more positive.

Yes! Keep your chin up and stick with it.

Tina Ridgway

In my estimation, for what it’s worth, you write very well. You were clear and concise. I understood the points you were trying to convey. You even allowed a bit of your personality to shine through with self deprecation. Don’t be so hard on yourself, if you wish to be a writer then you should write. I am learning that for one to write compelling characters , one must be well acquainted with the characters they are creating. I am working on fleshing out some characters who are too one dimensional. Life is not black and white. I am trying to write in between the lines in gray. Good luck with your writing.

Paul Atreides

I’ve been perusing your site all morning. I’ve found some terrific tips, some very well-thought common sense approaches to working through difficulties in writing. And as soon as I push the submit button on this I’ll be subscribing!

Though I’ve been published and produced, I find myself in an almost constant state of questioning even the most basic ability to write. On the one hand, a local critic stated “proves he can write” and “there’s a simplicity in the writing that is quite refreshing.” On the other hand, I face a writer’s group (all women) each week who continually tell me my writing is sorely lacking because there aren’t enough issues (conflicts) in any given piece and therefore the characters do not exhibit enough “emotional levels.” Facing this type of weekly demolition has made me think I need to go back to doing what I used to do (before I became unemployed!): write for my own enjoyment and forget about any further publishing.

Where can one go to determine if there is even the slightest bit of talent worth further pursuit? I don’t mean a full-on critique of a piece, but a simple “I’d give it up if I were you.” or “This [writing] shows promise, keep learning and keep writing.”

Melissa McCann

Hmmm, Paul, possibly find a few dudes for your critiques? Also, are the women published? Have good reviews themselves? Read widely in your genre? Men and women do sometimes have widely varying ideas of what makes a good story. You may be writing good, solid, plot-driven adventures (I don’t know–maybe you’re into steamy historical romance) that don’t rely on a lot of emotional nuance. I’d look for beta-readers who understand what you are trying to accomplish.

Or take the girls with a big grain of salt and use what seems to deepen your own writing while recognizing that women’s brains are different. We have bizarre and incomprehensible ideas about relationships and whatnot. I read an interesting theory from the creators of the Dramatica Pro story outlining software about how a “masculine” character (or story) is about getting from point A to Point Z while overcoming every obstacle in between whereas a feminine character (or story) is about getting everything into balance and restoring chaos to equilibrium. Both perfectly fine stories. (I prefer the masculine-type storylines myself).

Post those good reviews and read ’em every day. I have some really nice rejections that I savor whenever I’m feeling inadequate.

Thanks, Melissa!

Two of the ladies have been published but have no reviews of their work. All have complimented the basic plot lines. Their big complaint would seem to fall into the theory from Dramatica Pro you mention; they are looking for every female character to make absolute sense to them strictly within their belief structure of how the characters should/must react to a particular situation. Otherwise, they give solid line-edit critiques and they do point out the occassional hole in content.

None of them read within my genre – if I even have one, that is. I’d classify my novels as “budscapades” (you like my mash-up moniker?) – in other words the main characters are male (female characters do show up along the way) and they are definitely plot driven stories. In entering the Amazon Breakout Book Award Contest, I classified the novel as “bromantic comedy” (plenty of action for guys with a hint of romance for women).

Both your suggestions are solid. I’m sticking with the ladies but will weigh their critiques carefully before implementation and I’ll have to find some men who can show the same amount of weekly dedication to the process.

Thanks, Paul! I think that critique groups can be immensely beneficial, but I also think that each writer has to decide which feedback to apply and which to discard. Objectively, there’s good writing and bad writing, but subjectively, we all have our opinions and preferences. I guess you have to decide whether you want to step up the emotional levels in your characters and add more conflict or if you want to keep your work minimalist.

Here’s what matters: once you do publish, unless you are looking for awards and accolades, the trick is really to find your audience. And there is an audience for everything (as popular culture demonstrates). You might also take a hard look at what the others in your writing group are producing and ask whether this group is a good match to your writing style and needs. You can also ask one of the women in the group to work more closely with you to bring those emotional levels up, if you think you’d like to stretch yourself and experiment a little.

Final word of advice: do not give up on writing or publishing. Forge ahead! You might even look for a creative writing class or workshop — you’ll get a broader range of feedback.

And thank you, Melissa (not Melissa-me, Melissa-you) for putting some analysis into the question of what makes good writing. I get so frustrated with the “Good writing is subjective; it’s just what you like or don’t like,” crowd. The more you study writing, the more you begin to see the difference between good vs bad.

The difficulty, I suppose, is because writing is as complex as any other language. It’s too complex to learn by having the rules explained to us by helpful parents, “Now dear, this is a verb. It always goes after the subject. Is it time to make a poo-poo?” We learn the rules of spoken language by hearing it at a time when our brains are primed and programmed to take it in. Many people don’t start learning to read or write until after that language window is closed. Those of us who learned to read at the same time we were learning to talk have an advantage.

Yes, I’d have to agree that the younger we are when we are taught to read and write, the more naturally it comes. There is much about writing that is subjective, but I believe there is plenty that can be assessed critically and objectively: grammar, spelling, and punctuation, for starters.

David L Scurlock

i tell every mother about my baby can read…they agree and then dont get it for their child..

Matt S.

I have to admit, I share a lot of the insecurities that I have read in the comments here. I’m pretty young and new to the game, and I’m worried that even if I somehow finish this idea that I have (non-fiction) I wont be taken seriously given my lack of a college degree. I have this internal conflict raging in my subconscious, so much so that I’m starting to have dreams about it. Do I go ahead and share my thoughts with others or should I keep them to myself?

It doesn’t help that I have a fear of failure, I suppose. Writing is where I clarify my ideas and feelings, and I’m afraid that my work will be ripped apart by people that dislike it or dismiss my thoughts, mostly because I’ll take it as them dismantling my soul. Does anyone else feel this way?

As I’m writing this I’m slowly realizing that I think that what I need is a little encouragement from people that don’t know me. Man, writing is awesome!

Even if you have a degree, people can still rip your ideas apart. I believe strongly in the value of higher education, but I also know (for a fact) there are plenty of folks with degrees who lack common sense or good hearts. And there are plenty of bright people with good hearts and common sense who do not have degrees. Then again, if you’re that torn up about not having a degree, why not just go get one?

Having said all that, I think you can simply shift your focus. Most of the best writers in the literary canon did not have degrees. Many did not even finish high school. Of your favorite authors, how many have BAs or MAs? Do you know? Do you care? (I don’t.)

As for failure, everyone’s afraid of it. I don’t think we’re meant to eliminate the fear. It’s more a matter of moving forward even though we are afraid. I would say that if you publish a book, some people are not going to like it. That’s just the way it is. So what? Focus your attention and energy on all the people who do like it. If you work hard and write, and put it out there (and do your marketing), you’ll find your audience. Embrace them, and don’t worry so much about everybody else. Good luck to you!

never worry about what anyone says…if someone takes the time for a a scathing review instead of just chucking it in the trash, then you must have struck a chord with that person…all publicity is good publicity…people will want to find out what made this reviewer so angry/….if they are intelligent…

Tony Vanderwarker

Writing well is the price of admission. But beyond the basics is where it gets squishy. Eudora Welty said something like “You’re only writing when you surprise yourself”. What does that mean? You write until you discover.

I don’t know–I would say you’re only writing when you’re putting words on the page. Surprises and discoveries are bonuses in the writing process for me. Maybe it’s because I write a lot of nonfiction, which isn’t full of discovery or surprise the way fiction is.

Sally Ember, Ed.D.

Great article. I’m going to link to it on Reddit!

i think another goal of writing is to use the fewest words possible to convey an idea…similies and metaphors fill this bill…but simple truth sticks with people especially when it is a parable for something much more meaningful.

I think that’s a good goal, although it’s not every writer’s goal. I love clear, simple language, but there are exceptions when I come across a poem or story that is dripping with rich language.

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How To Write An Essay: Characteristics, Structure

How To Write An Essay: Characteristics, Structure

Essay writing is an integral skill that transcends academic boundaries and professional environments alike. Mastering the craft of creating well-structured essays is key for effective communication of ideas and arguments, so in this guide, we will look at its key characteristics and structure that make an outstanding essay as well as discuss why legitimizing essay-writing services such as PapersOwl reviews is essential.

Characteristics of an Outstanding Essay

An effective thesis statement.

Every strong essay begins with an explicit and precise thesis statement which articulates its central argument or purpose. This statement serves both writer and reader in providing clarity and focus, providing direction.

An Effective Structure

An outstanding essay utilizes a defined structure consisting of an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Each section serves a distinct role that contributes to overall coherence and flow of the piece.

Engaging Introduction

An engaging introduction sets the stage for any essay by captivating its reader’s interest, providing context, and outlining its thesis statement. A good start sets a positive precedent and encourages further reading.

Coherent Body Paragraphs

The body of an essay expands on its thesis statement by providing supporting evidence, examples, and arguments. Each paragraph must include a clear topic sentence with supporting details as well as smooth transitions for efficient readability.

Effective Use of Evidence

An outstanding essay utilizes credible evidence to support its claims and demonstrate credibility. This could include data, quotes from experts or personal experience; proper citation is important in maintaining its integrity.

Critical Analysis

Outstanding essays go beyond simply providing information; they involve critical analysis as well. Writers should show they possess the ability to evaluate information from different perspectives and come to informed decisions about a given issue.

Concise and Clear Language

Clarity is of utmost importance in essay writing. Avoiding unnecessary jargon and using clear, concise language are crucial elements of effective communication of your ideas. Strive for precision and coherence in each sentence written.

Transition Words for Seamless Flow

Transition words and phrases help connect ideas seamlessly while maintaining an orderly and unbroken flow from paragraph to paragraph and section to section in an essay, making it easier for the reader to follow your arguments.

Essay Structure

Incorporating introduction (10-15% of essay length).

Hook the reader with an engaging fact, quote, or question to catch their interest and provide necessary background info to contextualize your topic. State clearly your thesis statement while outlining your main argument.

Body Paragraphs (70%-80% of Essay)

Each paragraph should address one idea or point related to your thesis. Each should begin with a topic sentence that introduces its main point. Then provide evidence and examples that support that main idea before using critical analysis to interpret and explain their significance.

Conclusion (10-15% of Essay):

Summarize and restate the thesis statement in a new light, emphasizing its wider ramifications, to encourage further thought or action related to the topic at hand.

Check legitimacy in this papersowl review . PapersOwl is one such platform offering online essay-writing services that students often rely on in the digital era to meet tight deadlines or complete difficult assignments, but it’s essential that their legitimacy be checked to protect academic integrity and ethical practices.

Crafting Engaging Introductions

An engaging introduction serves as the face of your essay, captivating reader’s attention and setting the stage for what follows. While an attention-grabbing hook is important, providing context and leading up to your thesis statement are equally crucial components. Consider using anecdotes, thought-provoking questions or powerful quotes to engage readers. This balance ensures your introduction is not only memorable but also informative as it leads into the main body of your essay seamlessly.

Enhancing Body Paragraphs

To become an excellent essay writer, focus on honing the art of body paragraph construction. Each paragraph should begin with a topic sentence encapsulating its main idea and progress through specific details supported with research-backed evidence or examples. As you progress through body paragraphs, use effective transitions for readability as well as to make arguments more logical by leading readers through your thought process.

While evidence presentation is key, what truly distinguishes an outstanding essay is its capacity for critical analysis. Go beyond mere description by engaging with your sources to show your ability to evaluate, question, and synthesize information – this elevates your essay from being simply a collection of facts to an in-depth exploration of a topic while showcasing your intellectual prowess!

The Art of Concise and Clear Language

Precision in language is often undervalued when writing essays. Focus on clarity by avoiding unnecessary complexity. Strive for a balance between sophistication and accessibility to ensure your ideas reach a wide audience. Keep in mind that clarity adds depth and engagement with readers who engage with your writing – don’t take this for granted!

Transitions Are Key for Seamless Essay Flow

Transitions serve as the glue that holds your essay together. Utilizing carefully chosen transition words and phrases to guide readers smoothly from section to section creates a natural and logical progression for readers – whether between paragraphs or within sentences – and adds significantly to the coherence of writing. Experiment with various transitions until you find what best connects your ideas together.

Conclusions that Promote Reflection

An engaging conclusion goes beyond summarizing your main points. Use this space to reaffirm your thesis with fresh emphasis, elaborating its broader implications. Prompt readers to ponder on its significance as well as consider potential paths for further exploration. Leaving a lasting impression ensures your ideas resonate more fully within their minds while strengthening bonds between you and them.

Mastering the art of essay writing requires honing specific characteristics and adhering to a predefined structure. From crafting an eye-catching thesis statement to crafting compelling body paragraphs, each element plays a pivotal role in crafting exceptional essays. Furthermore, when seeking external assistance, it’s vitally important that essay-writing services remain legitimate, such as PapersOwl reviews. When combined together these components allow writers to elevate their essays to new levels of clarity, coherence, and effectiveness.

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  • How to structure an essay: Templates and tips

How to Structure an Essay | Tips & Templates

Published on September 18, 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on July 23, 2023.

The basic structure of an essay always consists of an introduction , a body , and a conclusion . But for many students, the most difficult part of structuring an essay is deciding how to organize information within the body.

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Table of contents

The basics of essay structure, chronological structure, compare-and-contrast structure, problems-methods-solutions structure, signposting to clarify your structure, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about essay structure.

There are two main things to keep in mind when working on your essay structure: making sure to include the right information in each part, and deciding how you’ll organize the information within the body.

Parts of an essay

The three parts that make up all essays are described in the table below.

Order of information

You’ll also have to consider how to present information within the body. There are a few general principles that can guide you here.

The first is that your argument should move from the simplest claim to the most complex . The body of a good argumentative essay often begins with simple and widely accepted claims, and then moves towards more complex and contentious ones.

For example, you might begin by describing a generally accepted philosophical concept, and then apply it to a new topic. The grounding in the general concept will allow the reader to understand your unique application of it.

The second principle is that background information should appear towards the beginning of your essay . General background is presented in the introduction. If you have additional background to present, this information will usually come at the start of the body.

The third principle is that everything in your essay should be relevant to the thesis . Ask yourself whether each piece of information advances your argument or provides necessary background. And make sure that the text clearly expresses each piece of information’s relevance.

The sections below present several organizational templates for essays: the chronological approach, the compare-and-contrast approach, and the problems-methods-solutions approach.

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characteristics of essay writing

The chronological approach (sometimes called the cause-and-effect approach) is probably the simplest way to structure an essay. It just means discussing events in the order in which they occurred, discussing how they are related (i.e. the cause and effect involved) as you go.

A chronological approach can be useful when your essay is about a series of events. Don’t rule out other approaches, though—even when the chronological approach is the obvious one, you might be able to bring out more with a different structure.

Explore the tabs below to see a general template and a specific example outline from an essay on the invention of the printing press.

  • Thesis statement
  • Discussion of event/period
  • Consequences
  • Importance of topic
  • Strong closing statement
  • Claim that the printing press marks the end of the Middle Ages
  • Background on the low levels of literacy before the printing press
  • Thesis statement: The invention of the printing press increased circulation of information in Europe, paving the way for the Reformation
  • High levels of illiteracy in medieval Europe
  • Literacy and thus knowledge and education were mainly the domain of religious and political elites
  • Consequence: this discouraged political and religious change
  • Invention of the printing press in 1440 by Johannes Gutenberg
  • Implications of the new technology for book production
  • Consequence: Rapid spread of the technology and the printing of the Gutenberg Bible
  • Trend for translating the Bible into vernacular languages during the years following the printing press’s invention
  • Luther’s own translation of the Bible during the Reformation
  • Consequence: The large-scale effects the Reformation would have on religion and politics
  • Summarize the history described
  • Stress the significance of the printing press to the events of this period

Essays with two or more main subjects are often structured around comparing and contrasting . For example, a literary analysis essay might compare two different texts, and an argumentative essay might compare the strengths of different arguments.

There are two main ways of structuring a compare-and-contrast essay: the alternating method, and the block method.


In the alternating method, each paragraph compares your subjects in terms of a specific point of comparison. These points of comparison are therefore what defines each paragraph.

The tabs below show a general template for this structure, and a specific example for an essay comparing and contrasting distance learning with traditional classroom learning.

  • Synthesis of arguments
  • Topical relevance of distance learning in lockdown
  • Increasing prevalence of distance learning over the last decade
  • Thesis statement: While distance learning has certain advantages, it introduces multiple new accessibility issues that must be addressed for it to be as effective as classroom learning
  • Classroom learning: Ease of identifying difficulties and privately discussing them
  • Distance learning: Difficulty of noticing and unobtrusively helping
  • Classroom learning: Difficulties accessing the classroom (disability, distance travelled from home)
  • Distance learning: Difficulties with online work (lack of tech literacy, unreliable connection, distractions)
  • Classroom learning: Tends to encourage personal engagement among students and with teacher, more relaxed social environment
  • Distance learning: Greater ability to reach out to teacher privately
  • Sum up, emphasize that distance learning introduces more difficulties than it solves
  • Stress the importance of addressing issues with distance learning as it becomes increasingly common
  • Distance learning may prove to be the future, but it still has a long way to go

In the block method, each subject is covered all in one go, potentially across multiple paragraphs. For example, you might write two paragraphs about your first subject and then two about your second subject, making comparisons back to the first.

The tabs again show a general template, followed by another essay on distance learning, this time with the body structured in blocks.

  • Point 1 (compare)
  • Point 2 (compare)
  • Point 3 (compare)
  • Point 4 (compare)
  • Advantages: Flexibility, accessibility
  • Disadvantages: Discomfort, challenges for those with poor internet or tech literacy
  • Advantages: Potential for teacher to discuss issues with a student in a separate private call
  • Disadvantages: Difficulty of identifying struggling students and aiding them unobtrusively, lack of personal interaction among students
  • Advantages: More accessible to those with low tech literacy, equality of all sharing one learning environment
  • Disadvantages: Students must live close enough to attend, commutes may vary, classrooms not always accessible for disabled students
  • Advantages: Ease of picking up on signs a student is struggling, more personal interaction among students
  • Disadvantages: May be harder for students to approach teacher privately in person to raise issues

An essay that concerns a specific problem (practical or theoretical) may be structured according to the problems-methods-solutions approach.

This is just what it sounds like: You define the problem, characterize a method or theory that may solve it, and finally analyze the problem, using this method or theory to arrive at a solution. If the problem is theoretical, the solution might be the analysis you present in the essay itself; otherwise, you might just present a proposed solution.

The tabs below show a template for this structure and an example outline for an essay about the problem of fake news.

  • Introduce the problem
  • Provide background
  • Describe your approach to solving it
  • Define the problem precisely
  • Describe why it’s important
  • Indicate previous approaches to the problem
  • Present your new approach, and why it’s better
  • Apply the new method or theory to the problem
  • Indicate the solution you arrive at by doing so
  • Assess (potential or actual) effectiveness of solution
  • Describe the implications
  • Problem: The growth of “fake news” online
  • Prevalence of polarized/conspiracy-focused news sources online
  • Thesis statement: Rather than attempting to stamp out online fake news through social media moderation, an effective approach to combating it must work with educational institutions to improve media literacy
  • Definition: Deliberate disinformation designed to spread virally online
  • Popularization of the term, growth of the phenomenon
  • Previous approaches: Labeling and moderation on social media platforms
  • Critique: This approach feeds conspiracies; the real solution is to improve media literacy so users can better identify fake news
  • Greater emphasis should be placed on media literacy education in schools
  • This allows people to assess news sources independently, rather than just being told which ones to trust
  • This is a long-term solution but could be highly effective
  • It would require significant organization and investment, but would equip people to judge news sources more effectively
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Signposting means guiding the reader through your essay with language that describes or hints at the structure of what follows.  It can help you clarify your structure for yourself as well as helping your reader follow your ideas.

The essay overview

In longer essays whose body is split into multiple named sections, the introduction often ends with an overview of the rest of the essay. This gives a brief description of the main idea or argument of each section.

The overview allows the reader to immediately understand what will be covered in the essay and in what order. Though it describes what  comes later in the text, it is generally written in the present tense . The following example is from a literary analysis essay on Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein .


Transition words and phrases are used throughout all good essays to link together different ideas. They help guide the reader through your text, and an essay that uses them effectively will be much easier to follow.

Various different relationships can be expressed by transition words, as shown in this example.

Because Hitler failed to respond to the British ultimatum, France and the UK declared war on Germany. Although it was an outcome the Allies had hoped to avoid, they were prepared to back up their ultimatum in order to combat the existential threat posed by the Third Reich.

Transition sentences may be included to transition between different paragraphs or sections of an essay. A good transition sentence moves the reader on to the next topic while indicating how it relates to the previous one.

… Distance learning, then, seems to improve accessibility in some ways while representing a step backwards in others.

However , considering the issue of personal interaction among students presents a different picture.

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College essays

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  • Write a College Essay
  • Write a Diversity Essay
  • College Essay Format & Structure
  • Comparing and Contrasting in an Essay

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The structure of an essay is divided into an introduction that presents your topic and thesis statement , a body containing your in-depth analysis and arguments, and a conclusion wrapping up your ideas.

The structure of the body is flexible, but you should always spend some time thinking about how you can organize your essay to best serve your ideas.

An essay isn’t just a loose collection of facts and ideas. Instead, it should be centered on an overarching argument (summarized in your thesis statement ) that every part of the essay relates to.

The way you structure your essay is crucial to presenting your argument coherently. A well-structured essay helps your reader follow the logic of your ideas and understand your overall point.

Comparisons in essays are generally structured in one of two ways:

  • The alternating method, where you compare your subjects side by side according to one specific aspect at a time.
  • The block method, where you cover each subject separately in its entirety.

It’s also possible to combine both methods, for example by writing a full paragraph on each of your topics and then a final paragraph contrasting the two according to a specific metric.

You should try to follow your outline as you write your essay . However, if your ideas change or it becomes clear that your structure could be better, it’s okay to depart from your essay outline . Just make sure you know why you’re doing so.

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Caulfield, J. (2023, July 23). How to Structure an Essay | Tips & Templates. Scribbr. Retrieved April 2, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/academic-essay/essay-structure/

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English that goes straight to the heart

What is an essay?

Aldous Huxley described an essay as “A literary device for saying almost everything about almost anything”.

What is an Essay?

An essay is a piece of writing that revolves around a particular theme and contains the academic opinions of the person writing it.

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An essay can perform one or more of the following functions:

  • Analyses and critically evaluates a topic
  • Presents the writer‘s argument for or against an idea
  • Describes something
  • Narrates a story
  • Persuades the reader

What is an essay?

Also, Read 6 Types of Essay

Characteristics of a Good Essay

  • Brevity: Express what you want concisely. Do not beat around the bush.
  • Coherence: Every sentence and paragraph should flow smoothly and logically from the previous one. A clumsily written essay reflects not only the lack of preparation but also the absence of clarity of thought.
  • Unity: The essay should never stray from its main purpose. Different points of view can be introduced, but they should all be used for the same subject.
  • Lucidity: The essay should be easy to read and understand. Using tough words or difficult phrases may impress a few but can confuse many others. Great writers are praised not only for their beautiful ideas but also for the simplicity of their language.

Also, Read Top 10 Essay Examples

The objective of Essay Writing

Essay writing often forms a part of English written exams to test the ability of students to

  • Think critically: Critical thinking involves understanding the task at hand and evaluating it appropriately.
  • Structure the ideas logically: The essay has to be structured and coherent. The ideas have to neatly flow from one paragraph to the other.
  • Express views eloquently: The student should be fluent in the language he or she is writing in. Ideas when presented shoddily may not make the right impact.

Parts of an Essay


It constitutes the opening paragraph of the essay.

  • It helps the reader get oriented with the topic.
  • It states the purpose of the essay.
  • It captures the interest of the reader.
  • It presents the general idea of the essay.
  • It often ends with the thesis or the main idea of the essay.

Body (Supporting Paragraphs)

They constitute the supporting sentences and ideas.

  • They provide the reader with additional details about the main idea.
  • They support the thesis of the writer.
  • There is no fixed number of supporting paragraphs.
  • Ideally, every supporting paragraph should contain a different idea.

It constitutes the ending paragraph(s) of the essay.

  • It ties up loose ends of the paragraph.
  • It helps in reiterating or highlighting the main idea.
  • It summarises all the arguments.
  • It brings the essay to a logical close.
  • It never ends in detail.

Also, Read Short Essay Examples

Tips for Writing an Essay


  • Read: The more you read, the better you get. Reading essays will give you the inspiration to write. It will fill you with knowledge that you can use to enrich your writing.
  • Write: Practise writing essays. This will give you the necessary confidence that you require during the exams. Writing also sharpens your thought process preparing you to deal with essay questions with much ease.

1. Think about the idea given in the title or the prompt.

  • What type of essay will be appropriate?
  • What could be the main ideas?
  • How to write the introduction, the body and the conclusion?
  • Write all the ideas.

2. Structure your essay.

  • Create an outline of your essay.
  • Do not use more than two sentences for the introduction and conclusion, respectively.
  • Therefore, it is important to plan your essay before instead of writing spontaneously.
  • Arrange the ideas in chronological order if you are attempting a narrative essay.
  • Arrange them in increasing order of importance while attempting a descriptive or expository essay.
  • Remember to conclude the essay.

3. Use a consistent tense form while writing the essay.

4. Express clearly.

5. Be original in your ideas. Don‘t be afraid to think out of the box.

6. Use your own memories or your experiences to add to the essay.

7. Recheck for any grammatical errors after finishing the essay.

Also, Read Summarizing an Essay

Example of Essay

My native place.

My parents hail from a small village in Kerala which is nestled among mountains in a scenic district of the state. Every year, I visit my native place with my family. It is a trip that I look forward to all year. My father books the ticket two months in advance as it is difficult to procure reservations on short notice. Although I have lived in the city all my life, I feel that I never belonged to it. I have always felt at home in the quaint mountain village that is far removed from the hustle and bustle of city life.

It takes us 18 hours by train to reach the railway station that is closest to my village. The journey is usually gruelling in the summers but very pleasant in the winters and in the monsoons. We plan our trip in the summer months since we get a two-month vacation in April. In order to beat the heat, we travel by air-conditioned coaches every year. We board the train at noon and we reach our destination at 6 am the next day.

The morning air is heavy with the scent of flowers and wet foliage. The temple bells start ringing at 6:30 am and the sound of bhajans fills the air. The village is only a 20-minute rickshaw ride away from the station. When we enter my grandmother‘s house, we are welcomed by her diminutive figure holding a lamp.

According to her, it is auspicious to welcome loved ones by lighting the lamp at the altar of God. The moment we set foot into the house, we are filled with a sense of nostalgia and love. After a sumptuous yet simple breakfast, we relax with our family in the courtyard.

The cool mountain air is laden with scents of the rustic countryside. From afar, we hear the sounds of birds. My sister and I make paper boats and run to the little babbling brook that flows southwards. We set the boats on the water and watch them bob up and down. Far away from the world of video games and television, we seek fun in a world of simplicity.

The house itself has a personality. Simple, two-storeyed, made of stone walls and a thatched roof, the house is an old friend who warmly embraces you every time you meet. The rooms are small but well-maintained. On the ground floor is a room that my grandmother uses for storing condiments and grains. It is illuminated with a single light bulb and an old-fashioned lock-and-key style door. In its corner is a small bed.

The calming silence of the room soothes my ears and transports me into a magical place. I feel weightless. The smell of spices envelops me. On many occasions, I have spent hours sprawled on that bed reading a book or listening to music. If I ever have to pick a favourite place, then I have no doubt this would be it.

When twilight descends on the little hamlet, large clusters of stars start appearing in the sky. Such a sight is never seen in the city as the lights obscure the stars that appear in the sky. My grandmother lights the lamp again and we all gather around her to say our evening prayers. After enjoying her simple, rustic yet delicious meal, we retire for the night.

Sometimes when I am upset, I think of my quaint little house in the village, my grandmother‘s warm embrace, and the small room that smells of spices. They immediately help me put my worries away and bring a smile to my face.

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The Basic Characteristics of Effective Writing

Why Good Grammar Alone Does Not Make a Good Writer

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  • An Introduction to Punctuation
  • Ph.D., Rhetoric and English, University of Georgia
  • M.A., Modern English and American Literature, University of Leicester
  • B.A., English, State University of New York

Experiences in school leave some people with the impression that good writing simply means writing that contains no bad mistakes—that is, no errors of grammar , punctuation  or spelling . However, good writing is much more than just correct writing. Good writing responds to the interests and needs of its intended audience and at the same time, reflects the writer's personality and individuality (the author's voice).

Good writing is often as much the result of practice and hard work as it is talent. You may be encouraged to know that the ability to write well is not necessarily a gift that some people are born with, nor a privilege extended to only a few. If you're willing to put in the effort, you can improve your writing.

Rules for Professional and Academic Writing

When writing term papers or essays for school, or should you go on to a career as a professional writer—be it as a technical writer, journalist, copywriter, or speechwriter—if follow you these established rules for effective writing, you should be able to excel, or at least perform competently for any given assignment:

  • Good writing has a clearly defined purpose .
  • It makes a definite point .
  • It supports that point with specific information.
  • The information is clearly connected and arranged .
  • The words are appropriate, and the sentences are concise , emphatic , and correct .

Use Good Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation

While having a grasp on proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation won't make you a good writer, these basics are more essential to academic and professional writing than most other genres (although advertising is often a curious hybrid of creative and non-fiction writing).

Your Part in a Conversation

The trick to creating academic or professional writing that someone will actually want to read is to balance the aforementioned essentials with your own voice. Think of your writing, no matter how academic as your part in a conversation . Your job is to explain the information you're trying to convey in a way that's clear and easily understood. (Sometimes, it helps to imagine you're talking rather than writing.)

Creative and Nonfiction Writing

Of course, if there were only one kind of writing, it would be easier to come up with an overarching set of conventions to define what good writing is, however, non-fiction alone encompasses a wide array of genres and formats and what works for one doesn't necessarily fly with another. Now, when you add poetry , fiction (in its myriad genres and subgenres), personal essays , playwriting, blogging, podcasting, and screenwriting (to name but a few) to the mix, it's almost impossible to come up with a one-size-fits-all umbrella that covers what makes writing good—or bad.

Separating Good Writing From Bad

One of the main reasons it's so hard to separate good writing from bad writing when it comes to disciplines such as fiction, poetry, or plays, is that the definition of what's "good" is often subjective, and that subjectivity is a matter of personal taste. People generally know what they like and what they don't like—but that doesn't necessarily mean the writing we don't like is "bad" writing.

Whale of a Tale

Let's just choose one famous piece of literature as an example: Herman Melville's 1851 novel "Moby Dick," a cautionary allegory of obsession and revenge that pits man against nature. While there's no arguing that the novel is considered a classic of American literature and is filled with its fair share of fascinating characters, Melville's narrative clocks in at over 200,000 words and nearly 600 pages (depending on the edition). When you consider that the average novel runs between 60,000 and 90,000 words, in terms of length alone, Melville's tale of the whale is a whopper.

But Not for Everyone

Unfortunately for many reading the book, the experience is much akin to being a sailor during a whaling-era sea voyage in which you went for days on end going through the routine, tedious, mundane, redundant tasks required to keep the ship going, with the exciting parts of the journey few and far between. Unless you're fascinated by page after page relating to all things whaling, reading "Moby Dick" can be a chore. Does that make it a "bad" book? Obviously not, it's just not a good book for everyone.

Famous Writers on Writing

Most professional writers—those gifted people who make writing look easy—will be the first ones to tell you that often it's not easy at all, nor is there a right way or wrong way to go about it:

Ernest Hemingway: "There is no rule on how to write. Sometimes it comes easily and perfectly: sometimes it's like drilling rock and then blasting it out with charges."

Stephen King: “If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot. There’s no way around these two things that I’m aware of, no shortcut.”

Paddy Chayefsky: "If I have anything to say to young writers, it's stop thinking of writing as art. Think of it as work. It's hard physical work. You keep saying, 'No, that's wrong, I can do it better.' "

Isaac Bashevis Singer: "One is never happy. If a writer is too happy with his writing, something is wrong with him. A real writer always feels as if he hasn't done enough. This is the reason he has the ambition to rewrite, to publish things, and so on. The bad writers are very happy with what they do. They always seem surprised about how good they are. I would say that a real writer sees that he missed a lot of opportunities."

Sinclair Lewis: "Writing is just work—there's no secret. If you dictate or use a pen or type or write with your toes—it's still just work."

Ray Bradbury: "Any man who keeps working is not a failure. He may not be a great writer, but if he applies the old-fashioned virtues of hard, constant labor, he’ll eventually make some kind of career for himself as writer."

Harlan Ellison: "People on the outside think there’s something magical about writing, that you go up in the attic at midnight and cast the bones and come down in the morning with a story, but it isn’t like that. You sit in back of the typewriter and you work, and that’s all there is to it."

Writing Rarely Comes Easily

As you can see, writing rarely comes easily to anyone—even the most accomplished writers. Don't lose heart. If you want to be a better writer, you're going to have to put in the work. Not everything you write is going to be great or even good, but the more you write the better your skills will become. Learning the basics and continuing to practice will help you gain confidence.

Master the Basics, and Learn to Enjoy It

Eventually, you'll not only be a better writer—you might actually enjoy writing. Just as a musician cannot deliver an inspired performance without first learning the rudiments of the craft and studying technique, once you've mastered the basics of writing, you'll be ready to let inspiration and imagination take you almost anywhere you wish to go.

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Module 4: Writing in College

Introduction to writing essays, what you’ll learn to do: examine characteristics of common essay assignments.

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High school writing often emphasizes formulaic structure, such as the five-paragraph theme or the three-point essay. Those structures are appropriate as an introduction to academic writing because they teach writers to make a point and use evidence to support it in an organized way. Those structures are especially useful when responding to standardized tests under time pressure.

In college, though, you’ll be writing in a wide variety of disciplines for many different purposes. You’ll need to move beyond formulaic structures and learn how to develop and organize your ideas more organically. Even when you organize your ideas organically, however, you can follow common rhetorical patterns. For example, essays that ask you to compare or contrast two ideas are often formatted following a consistent pattern. Similarly, narrative essays, argumentative essays, or process essays are often structured in similar ways. In this module, you’ll learn about some of these main rhetorical structures.


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Unit 1 Academic Skills Introduction

7 The Characteristics of Academic Writing

The course materials in this textbook have been designed to help you succeed in the types of writing you will encounter during your academic career. Let’s start by considering the features of academic writing.


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EXERCISE: Review the key features below.

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Smart English Notes

Essay Writing: Types, Components/Format , Characteristics and Samples

Table of Contents

How to Write an Essay?

High school and college students have to write essays as part of their curriculum. Writing an essay is a bit different from other forms of writing, and depending on the complexity of the subject, one can easily get confused and overwhelmed. Therefore, we have prepared a must-read guide for you which will help you to become a professional essay writer.

What is an essay?

An essay is a properly and logically constructed literary composition usually dealing with a subject /topic usually from the point of view of the author. It is often non-fiction where the presentation is often based on facts. It can also be based on assumptions (researched or educated opinions that include a number of facts) or subjective (based on opinions) in terms of language, perception and experience, as well as world interpretations. It has a beginning, a middle and an end. Like a paragraph, it is also classified into several types such as narrative, descriptive, imaginative, reflective, expository and argumentative.

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An essay typically has an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. The introduction section introduces the thesis, and then the body section goes into the finer details of the subject matter. The conclusion summarizes the paper and gives recommendations where applicable. A good essay writer knows the importance of this structure and will ensure it is adhered to in the paper.

Properly Organized Essays

When writing an essay, it is best to take a stepwise approach. You should start by gathering all the required information on the topic. You will need to read widely to analyze the available data critically. This will enable you to know how best to organize the essay. Besides, you need to write the essay in proper English and without any grammatical or typographical mistakes. Only use sentences that are structured properly and that have a clear meaning. You should also desist from ambiguity and wordiness.

Good essay writers are also proficient in all available referencing styles including APA , MLA , AMA, Harvard, Turabian, etc. Professors are usually very stringent regarding these referencing styles, and you have no choice but to get it right or you might miss the grade you desire to get. The best essay writers are very knowledgeable about referencing requirements.

Components and format of An Essay

An essay is written to persuade others or simply to educate the reader about a specific subject. For the reader to be convinced or fully educated, the essay must contain a variety of essential components to make it flow in a logical manner. The key parts (or sections) of the essay as mentioned above are the title, introduction, body, and conclusion. Let’s discuss them again with more details:

Title/ Topic : It is the name of the topic/subject of the essay. It summarises the main idea of your essay.

➡Use short cliches or familiar phrases that are one to eight words long.

Choosing Good Essay Topics

For one to write a great article, they must at least identify some good essay topics. The concept and the guiding idea of what you will write about will be determined with the topics for essays you select. The topic of your piece should leave a good impression to your readers to want to read the content of your article. The professional writers are good at picking great college essay topics and writing quality content. You should choose English essay topics that you can write on excellently to help learners in getting better results. The topics should he precise that have value for its intended readers.

Persuasive essay topics writing tips

In persuasive essay topics, the writer takes a position on a given issue and defends their position to convince the reader. These articles require proper research, keenness of the biases of the reader and a good understanding of all the sides of the problem. You shall come up with interesting essay topics that persuade the readers that the opinion you take is correct and the opposing views are wrong. Many students confuse these kinds of essays with controversial essay topics. In persuasive essays, the writer must always keep in mind that the purpose is to convince or persuade the readers to act or think in a given way and not just to inform them.

Here are some of the common essay topics:

  • Analysis essay topics: these articles give informative observations about a particular idea or topic.
  • Descriptive essay topics: these are used to test the ability of a student in describing a place, person, object, etc.
  • Narrative essay topics: these are pieces telling about someone’s experience in a literary way.
  • Compare and contrast essay topics: here you write on the similarities and differences of certain things. The paper must be well-organized to make it clear and effective.
  • Informative essay topics: writings that are intended to provide the reader with information on something.
  • Literature essay topics: these are articles that provide information on a given book.
  • Admission essay topics: through these essays, admission officers can learn more about a student apart from their performance at exams.
  • Application essay topics: the main purpose of application essays is to help the reader to follow the directions of using something.
  • Classification essay topics: in these writings things are organized according to categories that they fit in.
  • Extended essay topics: it is a type of research paper that gives learners the chance to perform an investigation or independent research on a topic that they like.
  • History essay topics: these are essays that tell about past events.
  • Research essay topics: these are essays written about the research conducted and its findings.

Introduction : It introduces the subject/topic through a compelling opening brief paragraph, especially by using a saying or quotation of some author.

Pro Tips : ➡ Should contain a surprise or attention grabber for the reader or at least make the essay sound interesting. One good way to do this is, to begin with, a quote about the topic. ➡ Ensure that the presentation shifts from the general to the particular in regards to the topic. ➡Presents a “road map” of the essay to the reader in a clear order. ➡ The most important part of the intro will be what is considered a thesis statement at the end ➡ The thesis statement sets out the intent of the paper and can provide insight into the examples and facts of the author

Main body: The structure of the main body depends on what the title is asking you to do. In case of a discussion type essay, the main body is often divided into two parts, one looking at the advantages of the topic and the other looking at the disadvantages.

➡Contains the evidence and support of the paper in addition to the author’s ideas

➡ Paragraphs must contain a topic sentence which relates the discussion back to the thesis statement.

➡ Logical ordering of ideas: three types of order are:

1. Chronological order: order of time, good for narratives

2. Spatial order: good for descriptions of locations; top to bottom,

3. Emphatic order: most common for college writing; proceed from least important to most important.

➡ Ensure that transitions are present to create a good flow to the essay

➡ Include enough information, examples and evidence to support your argument and do not forget to cite, cite, cite!

➡ Make it sure that each example is relevant to your specific topic

Conclusion : A brief summary of the main body.

➡This section should conclude all of your arguments and points

➡Should restate the main arguments in a brief and simplified manner.

➡ Ensure that the reader is given something to think about, especially if it is an argumentative essay.

Do not ever forget to allow time to rewrite the first draft of your essay and, then, to proofread it before turning it in.

In a typical short essay, five paragraphs will provide the reader with enough details in a limited period of time. However, it is important for a research paper or dissertation to have more than five paragraphs in order so as not to confuse the reader with too much detail in one paragraph.


Essays like paragraphs may be classified as narrative, descriptive, imaginative, reflective, expository and argumentative. However, some essays may partake the peculiarities of more than one class or type. For instance, a narrative essay may contain a good deal of description or an argumentative essay may contain a good deal of reflection. Let us now describe them one by one.

1. Narrative Essay : It is an essay which narrates an event or a series of events. It tells the readers what happened. The happenings must be given in the order in which they occurred. Narrative essays deal with –

➡ biographies (e.g. the life of Prophet Mohammad(SAW), or of Mahatma Gandhi);

➡ historical events or legends (e.g. the reign of Yousuf Shah Chek, or the story of Pandavas from the Mahabharata);

➡ incidents (e.g. a quarrel in a neighbourhood, a marriage ceremony, or a festival);

➡ an accident or natural disaster (e.g. an earthquake, a fire, a flood, a road accident, a plane crash, or a tsunami);

➡ a journey or voyage ( e.g. a journey in an overloaded bus from your home to college, or travel through the ship to the holy city of Mecca for performing Hajj);

➡ a story ( real or imaginary).

2. Descriptive Essay : – It is an essay which describes or gives a description of something – a person or a place or a thing. Here, the writer keeps himself apart and does not allow his own feelings to appear.

Descriptive Essays are about – ➡ plants, animals, minerals etc. (e.g. the chinar, the tiger, coal etc.); ➡ cities, towns, countries, buildings etc. (e.g. Lal Chowk, Sopore, Saudi Arabia, the Taj Mahal, etc.); ➡. aspects and phenomena of nature (e.g. sunlight, the monsoon, volcanoes, a cloudy evening, etc.); and ➡ manufactured articles (e.g. aeroplanes, silk, motor-cars, trains, vacuum-cleaner, fridge, washing machine, etc.).

3. Imaginative Essay: It is an essay in which the writer is called to place himself imaginatively in a position and narrate his experience/s.

Essays on such subjects as “If I were the President of the USA” or “The Autobiography of a Cow” may be called imaginative essays.

4. Reflective Essay: It is an essay which consists of the writer’s thoughts or reflections on some topic. This essay is generally of an abstract nature. Reflective essays deal with – ➡ qualities, etc. (e.g., honesty, truth- fullness, heroism, temperance, patriotism, cowardice etc,) ;

➡ social, political and domestic topics (e.g., caste, poverty, wealth, liberty, education, democracy, business, government, marriage, family life etc.);

➡ philosophical topics (e.g., reality, the meaning of the universe, right and wrong, consciousness, morality, etc.); and

➡ religious and theological topics.

5. Expository Essay: – It is an essay which explains something. It gives facts arranged in a logical order. It answers the question – how and why. Expository essays –deal with

➡ scientific topics (e.g., the evolution of man, cosmology, solar system, gravitation etc.);

➡ institutions, occupations, industries (e.g., Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha, farming, leather- tanning etc.) ;

➡ literary topics (e.g., the novels of Dickens, the tragedies of Shakespeare, the style of poetry, etc.).

6. Argumentative Essay: It is an essay which intends to prove or to disprove something. It aims to persuade the reader that the writer’s point of view is correct. Paragraphs on such subjects or topics as “Is Science a Blessing or a Curse?” or “Is Life for us Better than it was for our Forefathers?” may be called argumentative essays.


A good essay should have the following characteristics:

1. Unity : It means all the parts of the essay should be clearly related to the subject.

2. Coherence: It means that there should be a logical sequence of thought, i.e., each sentence and paragraph in the essay should link with each other in order to appear as a single whole.

3. Relevance: It means that the ideas/information given in the essay should be relevant to the subject of the essay.

4. Proportion : It means important ideas/information should be given more space and time in the essay.

Read Also: How to write a Paragraph?

When writing an essay, you should always consider:

  • Your purpose (your reason for writing)
  • Your audience (to whom you are writing),
  • who will read it, think about it and respond to it.

The person for whom you are writing will influence the way you write as well as the vocabulary you choose. Your purpose should be scholarly, for entertainment or educational. Each of those purposes will change the way you write.

A described above good essay has three parts:

The introduction is the first paragraph of the essay. It should capture the attention of the reader and create a desire to read the essay and develop the basic ideas of what you’re going to cover. It should begin with a general discussion of your subject to provide background information. They’re called general statements. General statements should lead to a specific statement of your basic idea or thesis.

This is known as a thesis statement. It should be the last sentence of the introduction, and it is usually only one sentence. It includes the topic, the focus and the main points of the essay.

Each body paragraph should begin with a transition – for example, either a word or a phrase such as “first” or “further” or “another important point.” Then, the first sentence should continue with your topic sentence. The topic sentence tells your reader what the paragraph is about, like a thesis statement on a smaller level. The remainder of the article should consist of sentences supporting it. At least four of those sentences will explain your topic sentence to your reader.

The conclusion is the final paragraph of the essay. This paragraph concludes the essay, reminds the reader of the essay’s basic ideas and reiterates the thesis statement. It may also include words of suggestion or advice. The conclusion does not contain new ideas, because it is the end of the content of the essay.

Let’s Sum Up! Writing an essay is not more difficult than writing a paragraph, except that the essay is longer. In other words, paragraph is the fundamental unit of an essay. So, the principles and techniques of organization are the same for both of them. If you can write a good paragraph, you can also write a good essay. We have already discussed in detail about how to write a paragraph. The link is given here .

Some Essay Samples

1. Cigarette Smoking and Its Effects

2. A Cricket Match

3. The Uses and Abuses of The Cinema

4. Essay on AIDS In English

5. Independence Day

6. Uses of Electricity

7. Globalization and Poverty

9. Winter in Kashmir

10. Beauties of Kashmir

11. My Ambition in Life

12. Time is Money

13. Spring in Kashmir

14. Wonders of Science

15. Uses of Forests

16. A Visit to a Health Resort

17. Holiday

18. Morning Walk

19. Environmental Pollution

20. Friendship

22. Value of Discipline

23. Importance of Newspaper

24. Environmental Conservation

25. Effects of Junk Food on Health

26. My Hobby

27. My School Laboratory

28. My School Library

29. Student Unrest

30. Mahatma Gandhi

31. An Ideal Student

32. Importance of Games and Sports

33. An Ideal Teacher

34. Uses and Abuses of Television

35. Air Pollution

36. Essay on Computer

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What is good writing? This is not an easy question to answer. Many very different kinds of writing are considered "good" and for many different reasons. There is no formula or program for writing well. However, there are certain qualities that most examples of good writing share. The following is a brief description of five qualities of good writing: focus, development, unity, coherence, and correctness. The qualities described here are especially important for academic and expository writing.


One additional quality, not part of this list, but nevertheless, very important, is creativity. The best writing carries some of the personality and individuality of its author. Follow the above guidelines, but always work to make your writing uniquely your own.

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59 Introduction to Argumentative Writing

Joel Gladd and Amy Minervini

by Joel Gladd and Amy Minervini

Argumentative writing, also referred to as persuasive writing, is a cornerstone of any first-year writing course. We encounter arguments on daily basis, in both formal and informal contexts. Most of the time, however, we don’t realize how the arguments are actually working. This example developed by Ohio State’s University Library shows how a relatively informal argument may unfold. The dialogue has been annotated to show what kinds of rhetorical elements tend to appear in casual arguments.

As the example above shows, a number of elements typically play a role in most well-developed arguments:

  • a question that doesn’t have a straightforward answer
  • a claim that responds to the question
  • one or more reasons  for accepting the claim
  • evidence  that backs each reason
  • objections & response to objections

We often employ many or all of these elements in everyday life, when debating current issues with friends and family. It just unfolds in a messier way than your academic essay will need to structure the conversation. However, even though academic persuasive essays rely on some techniques you’re already familiar with, certain strategies are less well-known, and even certain obvious elements, such as using “evidence” to back a claim, has a certain flavor in more formal environments that some students may not find obvious.

Different models have been proposed for how to best package the elements above. The three models most commonly employed in academic writing are the Aristotelian (classical) , Toulmin , and Rogerian , covered in this chapter. The proposal method is also included though this strategy focuses on solutions rather than problems.

Key Characteristics:

Argumentative writing generally exhibits the following:

  • Presents a particular position/side of an issue
  • Attempts to persuade the reader to the writer’s side
  • Uses elements of rhetoric and strategies that include the integration of logos, pathos, ethos, and kairos in intentional and meaningful ways
  • Presents information, data, and research as part of the evidence/support (logos)
  • Relies on real-world stories and examples to nurture empathy (pathos)
  • Leans on experts in their fields to cultivate credibility (ethos)
  • Enlists or elicits a call to action (kairos)
  • Presents and acknowledges opposing views

Contents within this Chapter:

  • Elements of an Argument Essay
  • Aristotelian (Classical) Argument Model
  • Rogerian Argument Model
  • Toulmin Argument Model
  • Proposal Argument Model
  • Counterargument and Response
  • Generating Antithetical Points in Five Easy Steps
  • Tips for Writing Argument Essays

Choosing & Using Sources: A Guide to Academic Research  by Teaching & Learning, Ohio State University Libraries is licensed under a  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

Introduction to Argumentative Writing Copyright © 2020 by Joel Gladd and Amy Minervini is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Personal Characteristics Essay: Top Examples and Tips for Successful Writing

Looking to write a compelling personal characteristics essay? Our article offers top examples and tips for successful writing.

Posted August 18, 2023

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When it comes to writing a personal characteristics essay, there are several important factors to consider to ensure that your essay stands out from the rest. This type of essay requires you to talk about your personal traits and characteristics and how they have shaped your life experiences and decisions. Writing a personal characteristics essay can be daunting, but with the right strategies and techniques, you can craft an impressive essay that leaves a lasting impression.

Understanding the Purpose of a Personal Characteristics Essay

Before diving into the writing process, it's essential to understand the purpose of a personal characteristics essay. The purpose of this type of essay is to showcase your unique qualities and characteristics, which makes you stand out from the rest. It's an opportunity for the reader to gain insight into your personality and the way you think. Your essay should not only provide a description of your traits but also demonstrate how they influence your actions and decisions.

Additionally, a personal characteristics essay can also serve as a tool for self-reflection and personal growth. Through the process of writing about your traits and how they have impacted your life, you may gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your values. This type of essay can also help you identify areas for improvement and set goals for personal development.

How to Choose a Topic for Your Personal Characteristics Essay

Choosing the right topic for your personal characteristics essay is crucial. You want to select a topic that not only reflects your personality but also allows you to showcase your writing skills. Start by brainstorming a list of traits and characteristics that define you. From there, select a topic that highlights one or two of these traits. Think about a situation that showcases these traits and how you overcame a challenge or learned a valuable lesson.

Another important factor to consider when choosing a topic for your personal characteristics essay is your audience. Think about who will be reading your essay and what they might be interested in learning about you. Consider selecting a topic that is relatable and relevant to your audience, while still highlighting your unique qualities.

It's also important to remember that your personal characteristics essay should not just be a list of traits or accomplishments. Instead, focus on telling a story that illustrates your personality and how it has shaped your experiences and perspectives. Choose a topic that allows you to delve deeper into your personal journey and share insights that will resonate with your readers.

Brainstorming Techniques for Your Personal Characteristics Essay

Brainstorming is an essential step in the writing process. It allows you to generate ideas and make connections between them. Try using mind maps or free-writing to get your ideas down on paper. You might also consider asking friends or family members what they think your most prominent traits are to get an outside perspective.

Another effective technique for brainstorming your personal characteristics essay is to reflect on your past experiences and how they have shaped you. Think about challenges you have faced and how you overcame them, or moments of success and how they have contributed to your personal growth. These experiences can provide valuable insight into your character and help you identify key traits to highlight in your essay.

The Importance of Organizing Your Thoughts and Ideas

Once you've generated your ideas, it's time to organize them. Start by creating an outline that includes the main points you want to make in your essay. Your outline should also include the introduction, body, and conclusion sections of your essay. Organizing your thoughts and ideas will help you stay on track and ensure that you cover all the necessary points in your essay.

Moreover, organizing your thoughts and ideas can also help you identify any gaps in your argument or areas where you need to do more research. By creating an outline, you can see where you need to add more information or examples to support your points. This can help you create a more well-rounded and convincing essay.

Additionally, organizing your thoughts and ideas can also help you save time in the long run. When you have a clear outline to follow, you can write your essay more efficiently and effectively. You won't waste time trying to figure out what to write next or how to structure your essay. Instead, you can focus on writing high-quality content that supports your thesis statement and engages your readers.

Tips for Writing a Strong Introduction to Your Essay

The introduction to your essay is crucial as it sets the tone for the rest of your essay. Your introduction should grab the reader's attention and entice them to keep reading. Consider starting with a hook, such as a quote, an anecdote, or a question. Your introduction should also include your thesis statement, which outlines the main point of your essay.

In addition to a hook and thesis statement, your introduction should also provide some background information on the topic you are writing about. This can help to contextualize your essay and give the reader a better understanding of the subject matter. However, be careful not to include too much information in your introduction, as it can become overwhelming and detract from the main point of your essay.

The Art of Developing a Compelling Thesis Statement

Your thesis statement should be concise and clear. It should provide a roadmap for the rest of your essay. Think about the main point you want to make and how you plan on supporting it throughout your essay. Make sure your thesis statement is arguable and specific.

Supporting Your Claims with Relevant Examples and Evidence

To make your essay more compelling, you should back up your claims and arguments with relevant examples and evidence. This will help your reader understand the extent of your personal qualities and how they have impacted your life experiences. Make sure to include specific examples from your life that illustrate the qualities you're discussing in your essay.

One effective way to provide evidence for your claims is to use statistics or data that support your argument. For example, if you're writing an essay about the benefits of exercise, you could include statistics about the number of people who have improved their health through regular exercise. This will add credibility to your argument and make it more convincing.

Another way to support your claims is to use expert opinions or quotes from reputable sources. This can help to strengthen your argument and show that you have done your research on the topic. Be sure to properly cite any sources you use in your essay.

The Power of Descriptive Writing: Painting a Vivid Picture with Words

Descriptive writing is a powerful tool that can be used to paint a vivid picture of your experiences and personality in your essay. Use sensory details to help your reader visualize your experiences. Consider incorporating metaphors or similes to make your writing more interesting and engaging.

Adding Depth and Complexity to Your Essay through Analysis and Reflection

Analysis and reflection are essential elements of an outstanding personal characteristics essay. Once you have described your traits and experiences, you should analyze how they have contributed to your personal growth and development. Reflection is also important as it allows you to consider how you might apply your characteristics to future situations.

The Benefits of Peer Review and Collaboration in Essay Writing

Collaborating with others can be immensely helpful in refining your essay. You might consider having a friend or family member review your essay and provide feedback. Peer review can help you identify areas where your essay needs improvement and provide suggestions for how to improve it.

Strategies for Effective Editing and Proofreading

Editing and proofreading are crucial steps in the writing process. Once you have completed your essay, take a break and come back to it with fresh eyes. Look for errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Make sure to also check that your essay flows logically and that your arguments are well-supported.

Addressing Common Pitfalls in Personal Characteristics Essays

One common pitfall in personal characteristics essays is focusing too much on describing your traits instead of analyzing how they have impacted your life experiences. Another common pitfall is using cliches or generic language instead of making your essay unique and interesting. Be sure to avoid these pitfalls to ensure your essay stands out.

Using Keywords and Meta Tags to Optimize Your Essay for Search Engines

If you plan on publishing your essay online, you might consider optimizing it for search engines such as Google. This involves using keywords and meta tags in your essay that will help it appear higher in search results. Be sure to research the most popular keywords related to your topic and include them strategically in your essay.

Crafting an Impressive Conclusion that Leaves a Lasting Impression

Finally, your conclusion should leave a lasting impression on the reader. Summarize your main points and reiterate your thesis statement. Think about what you want your reader to take away from your essay. Consider ending with a call to action or a memorable quote.

Writing a personal characteristics essay can be a challenging task, but with the right strategies and techniques, you can craft an impressive essay that showcases your unique qualities and characteristics. By following the tips outlined above, you'll be well on your way to writing a successful personal characteristics essay that leaves a lasting impression.

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