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International Mother Language Day Quotes in Hindi: पढ़िए अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस का संक्षिप्त इतिहास, प्रेरक विचार

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  • Updated on  
  • फरवरी 8, 2024

International Mother Language Day Quotes in Hindi

अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस को मनाए जाने के पीछे एक उद्देश्य स्पष्ट होता है, जिसमें विश्व की मातृभाषाओं के संरक्षण के लिए समाज को प्रेरित तथा जागरूक करना होता है। विश्व भर में बोली जानी वाली भाषाओं को लुप्त होने से बचाने के लिए हर वर्ष 21 फरवरी को अंतरराष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस मनाया जाता है। इस ब्लॉग के माध्यम से आपको International Mother Language Day Quotes in Hindi को पढ़ने का अवसर प्राप्त होगा, जिसके लिए आपको यह ब्लॉग अंत तक पढ़ने की आवश्यकता है। इस ब्लॉग में लिखित प्रेरक विचार आपको मातृभाषाओं की महत्वता बताने के साथ-साथ, उनके संरक्षण के लिए आपको जागरूक करेंगे।

This Blog Includes:

अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस का संक्षिप्त इतिहास, top 10 international mother language day quotes in hindi, विद्यार्थियों के लिए अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस के अनमोल विचार, अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस पर सामाजिक विचार, मातृभाषा की पैरवी करते समाज सुधारकों के सुविचार, international mother language day quotes in english.

International Mother Language Day Quotes in Hindi को पढ़ने से पहले आपको अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस का इतिहास क्या है, के बारे में जान लेना चाहिए। अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस, दुनिया भर 

में बोली जाने वाली भाषाओं के संरक्षण के लिए समाज को जागरूक करता है। वर्ष 1999 में  मातृभाषाओं को बढ़ावा देने तथा उनके संरक्षण के लिए हर वर्ष इस दिन को 20 फरवरी को मनाया जाता है।

अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस के इतिहास पर प्रकाश डाला जाए तो आप पाएंगे कि इस दिन को मनाए जाने के पीछे का स्पष्ट उद्देश्य “दुनिया में बोली जाने वाली मातृभाषाओं का सम्मान करना, उनके महत्व को समाज के समक्ष रखना तथा उन्हें लुप्त होने से बचाने के लिए संरक्षण करना है।

यह भी पढ़ें : Motivational Quotes in Hindi for Success

Top 10 International Mother Language Day Quotes in Hindi निम्नवत हैं, जिसमें आप अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस पर आधारित विचार पढ़ पाएंगे, जो सदा ही आपका मार्गदर्शन करेंगे-

  • न्यायपूर्ण जीवन पाने के लिए मानव को अपनी मातृभाषा का सदा ही सम्मान करना चाहिए।
  • अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस, मानव को मातृभाषा के प्रति प्रोत्साहित करने का कार्य करता है।
  • मातृभाषाएं ही मानव को सिर उठा कर चलना सिखाती हैं।
  • मानव को तय करना होगा कि उसे मातृभाषा के आँगन में समृद्धि चाहिए या अवसाद में मिलने वाला अकेलापन।
  • समाज को समृद्धि की ओर ले जाने में मातृभाषा का मुख्य योगदान होता है।
  • अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस मातृभाषाओं के संरक्षण का प्रतीक है, ये समाज के सामने मातृभाषाओं की पैरवी करता है।
  • अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस एक ऐसा मंच है, जहाँ मातभाषाओं का संरक्षण करने के लिए समाज को जागरूक किया जाता है।
  • अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस, हर राष्ट्र की मातृभाषा के साथ न्यायसंगत व्यवहार का प्रतीक है।
  • कल्याण केवल उसी का होता है जो मानव अपनी जड़ों से जुड़कर, अपनी मातृभाषा का सम्मान करना जनता है।
  • जिस राष्ट्र में अपनी मूल संस्कृति और मातृभाषा का सम्मान नहीं होता, उस राष्ट्र को पतन निश्चित होता है।

International Mother Language Day Quotes in Hindi

यह भी पढ़ें : Quotes on Christmas in Hindi

अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस के अवसर पर विद्यार्थियों को एक नई दिशा दिखाने का कार्य करने वाले अनमोल विचारों को अवश्य पढ़ें। विद्यार्थियों के लिए International Mother Language Day Quotes in Hindi कुछ इस प्रकार हैं:

  • विद्यार्थी जीवन में आप अपनी मातृभाषा के बारे में अधिकाधिक जानने का प्रयास करें, क्योंकि इसी से आपकी उन्नति होगी।
  • विद्यार्थियों को ये समझना होगा कि उनकी मातृभाषा उन्हें विश्व के सामने अपना पक्ष रखने के लिए आत्मविश्वास देती हैं।
  • अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस विद्यार्थियों में मातृभाषा के प्रति नवीन संकल्पों का निर्माण करता है।
  • विद्यार्थी जीवन में विद्यार्थियों को अपने सामर्थ्य से परिचित होकर अपनी मातृभाषा की महानता को महसूस करना चाहिए।
  • अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस पर विद्यार्थियों का लक्ष्य मातृभाषा के प्रति समाज को सशक्त व जागरूक करना होना चाहिए।
  • विद्यार्थी जीवन में जो विद्यार्थी अपनी मातृभाषा की महिमा को जान लेते हैं, वही विद्यार्थी राष्ट्रहित में परिवर्तन का युग बनते हैं।
  • अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस विद्यार्थियों को मातृभाषा की ममता को महसूस करने के लिए प्रेरित करता है।
  • विद्यार्थियों को अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस पर अपनी मातृभाषा पर हमेशा गर्व करने का निश्चय करना चाहिए।
  • जिस दिन विद्यार्थी मातृभाषा की महिमा जान जायेंगे, उस दिन राष्ट्र की चेतना का पुनःजागृत होगी।
  • मातृभाषा एक ऐसा माध्यम है, जो मानव को समृद्धि के मार्ग पर चलने के लिए प्रेरित करता है।

International Mother Language Day Quotes in Hindi

ट्रेंडिंग इवेंट से संबंधित आर्टिकल्स

International Mother Language Day Quotes in Hindi के इस ब्लॉग में आपको अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस पर सामाजिक विचारों के बारे में पढ़ने का अवसर मिल जाएगा, जो कि निम्नलिखित हैं-

  • अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस, समाज को सशक्त बनाने में मातृभाषा की भूमिका को बताता है।
  • अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस एक ऐसा मंच है, जो समाज को आधुनिकता के साथ आगे बढ़ने तथा मातृभाषा के साथ अपनी जड़ों से जुड़ने के लिए प्रेरित करता है।
  • समाज में सकारात्मकता का संचार करने के लिए, मातृभाषा का सम्मान करना आवश्यक होता है।
  • अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस युवाओं को मातृभाषा की महिमा समझाकर, उन्हें प्रगतिपथ पर अग्रसित करता है।
  • अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस पर समाज की चेतना को जागृत किया जाता है, जिससे कि भाषाओं को लुप्त होने से बचाया जा सके।
  • अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस पर हमें अपनी मातृभाषा को खुले मन से स्वीकार करने के लिए, समाज को प्रेरित करना चाहिए।
  • अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस, किसी भी राष्ट्र की मातृभाषा का सम्मान करके समाज को जोड़ने का कार्य करता है।
  • अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस एक ऐसा अवसर है, जिसकी सहायता से हम अपनी मातृभाषा का संरक्षण करने के लिए प्रणबद्ध हो सकते हैं।
  • अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस पर हर मानव को अपनी मातृभाषा का प्रतिनिधित्व करना चाहिए।
  • अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस विश्व कल्याण का मार्ग प्रशस्त करता है, जिस पर चलकर हम हमारी मातृभाषा का संरक्षण करते हैं।

International Mother Language Day Quotes in Hindi

International Mother Language Day Quotes in Hindi के इस ब्लॉग में आपको सामाजिक न्याय की पैरवी करते समाज सुधारकों के सुविचार भी पढ़ने को मिल जाएंगे, जो अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस को सही रूप से परिभाषित कर पाएंगे, ऐसे कुछ विचार कि निम्नलिखित हैं-

  • “जिसकी भाषा मिटती है, उसकी संस्कृति मिटती है, उसका राष्ट्र मिटता है.” – महात्मा गांधी
  • “मातृभाषा वह स्वप्नभूमि है जहाँ आत्मा अपना घर पाती है.” – रवींद्रनाथ टैगोर
  • “अपनी मातृभाषा का सम्मान करो, नई भाषा सीखने में कोई हानि नहीं, किंतु अपनी मत भूलो.” – डॉ. सर्वपल्ली राधाकृष्णन
  • “अपनी मातृभाषा के माध्यम से ही ज्ञान प्राप्ति सहज और सरल होती है.” – अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी
  • “बच्चों को अपनी मातृभाषा में शिक्षा दो, वे सारे संसार को जीत लेंगे.” – नेल्सन मंडेला

International Mother Language Day Quotes in Hindi

International Mother Language Day Quotes in Hindi के इस ब्लॉग में आपको International Mother Language Day Quotes in English भी पढ़ने को मिल जाएंगे, जो कि निम्नलिखित हैं-

  • “To lose one’s mother tongue is to lose one’s soul.” – Mahatma Gandhi
  •  “The mother tongue is the soil from which all true expression grows.” -Rabindranath Tagore
  • “Languages are a vital part of our identities and our access to knowledge and opportunity.” -Amartya Sen
  • “India will never be free until its villages are free, and India’s villages will never be free until they speak their own languages.” -Sarojini Naidu
  • “Respecting linguistic diversity is critical for India’s progress and unity.” -N. R. Narayana Murthy
  • “Our mother tongue is the foundation of our national identity. We must work towards its preservation and promotion.” -Atal Bihari Vajpayee
  • “The poetry of my mother tongue resonates in my soul in a way no other language can.” -Amitabh Bachchan
  • “Every language is a universe waiting to be explored.” – Umberto Eco
  • “Mother tongue is the milk of human understanding.” – Francis Bacon
  • “Languages are the roadmap of a culture.” – Rita Mae Brown

संबंधित आर्टिकल

आशा है कि International Mother Language Day Quotes in Hindi के माध्यम से आपको अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस पर युवाओं को प्रेरित करने वाले विचारों को पढ़ने का अवसर मिला होगा। यह ब्लॉग आपको अपनी मातृभाषा पर गर्व की अनुभूति के साथ-साथ, मातृभाषा पढ़ने के लिए सदा प्रेरित करेगा। इसी प्रकार के कोट्स पढ़ने के लिए हमारी वेबसाइट Leverage Edu के साथ बने रहें।

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मयंक विश्नोई

जन्मभूमि: देवभूमि उत्तराखंड। पहचान: भारतीय लेखक । प्रकाश परिवर्तन का, संस्कार समर्पण का। -✍🏻मयंक विश्नोई

प्रातिक्रिया दे जवाब रद्द करें

अगली बार जब मैं टिप्पणी करूँ, तो इस ब्राउज़र में मेरा नाम, ईमेल और वेबसाइट सहेजें।

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केंद्र एव राज्य की सरकारी योजनाओं की जानकारी in Hindi

अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस पर निबंध | Matrubhasha Divas Essay in Hindi

Matrubhasha Divas Essay

Matrubhasha Divas Essay:- एक भाषा Communication के साधन से कहीं अधिक है। भाषा, विशेष रूप से हमारी Mother Tongue, हमारी Culture का एक अनिवार्य हिस्सा है। कुछ लोगों का मानना है कि हमारी भाषा में दुनिया के बारे में हमारी धारणाओं को बदलने की ताकत है। दुनिया में लगभग 6,500 Languages हैं, लेकिन क्या आप जानते हैं कि हर दो सप्ताह में एक भाषा मर जाती है और गायब हो जाती है? 21 फरवरी को मनाया जाने वाला अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस, दुनिया की सभी भाषाओं को मनाने और उनकी रक्षा करने का दिन है। International Mother Language Day मातृभाषाओं को बढ़ावा देने और दुनिया भर में भाषाई और सांस्कृतिक परंपराओं के बारे में अधिक Awareness के साथ-साथ समझ, सहिष्णुता और चर्चा के आधार पर एकजुटता को प्रोत्साहित करने के लिए मनाया जाता है।

जैसे कि 21 फरवरी को मातृभाषा दिवस है और अक्सर इस दिन Essay लिखने के लिए बोल दिया जाता है पर हम समझ नहीं पाते है कि Essay लिखने की शुरुआत कैसे करें, तो हम आपके लिएइस लेख में मातृभाषा दिवस पर निबंध पेश करने जा रहे है, जिसको आप या तो एक नए निबंध लिखने में यूज कर सकते है या फिर इस को यूज कर के अपने प्रजेंटेशन दे सकते है। इस लेख में आपको मातृभाषा दिवस पर निबंध, Mother Tongue Essay in Hindi, अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस पर निबंध, मातृभाषा दिवस पर निबंध हिंदी में, मातृभाषा हिंदी पर निबंध 300 words, मातृभाषा हिंदी पर निबंध PDF, मातृभाषा दिवस पर 10 लाइन ये बिंदू मौजूद है। एक अच्छा निबंध पढ़ने या लिखने के लिए इस लेख को आखिर तक पढ़े।

Yuva Divas 2023

विश्व हिंदी दिवस पर निबंध हिंदी

Mother Tongue Essay in Hindi

अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस पर निबंध | international mother language day essay.

Matrubhasha Divas Essay:- Languages और Culture Diversity का जश्न मनाने और बहुभाषावाद को बढ़ावा देने के लिए हर साल 21 फरवरी को अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस (International Mother Language Day) मनाया जाता है। यह दिन मातृभाषाओं के महत्व और उनकी रक्षा और संवर्धन की आवश्यकता की पहचान है। इस Essay का उद्देश्य अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस के महत्व और महत्व को रेखांकित करना और इससे जुड़ी चुनौतियों और उत्सवों को समझाना है।Ministry of Human Resource and Development देश के विकास और प्रगति के लिए मातृभाषाओं और अन्य Indian Languages के अधिक उपयोग की आवश्यकता के प्रति लोगों को संवेदनशील बनाने के लक्ष्य के साथ पूरे India में इसे मातृभाषा दिवस के रूप में मनाता आ रहा है।

विशेष रूप से English माध्यम के छात्रों के बीच मातृभाषा में संचार कौशल और प्रवीणता प्रदान करना है।मातृभाषाओं में “ज्ञान निर्माण” को बढ़ावा देना, अन्य भाषाओं से मातृभाषाओं में अनुवाद को प्रोत्साहित करना और मातृभाषाओं से अन्य भाषाओं में अनुवाद को प्रोत्साहित करना है। केंद्र और राज्य सरकारों के अधीन सभी स्कूलों, कॉलेजों, विश्वविद्यालयों और भाषा से संबंधित संस्थानों को मातृभाषाओं के महत्व पर सेमिनार, कार्यशालाएं और विशेष व्याख्यान आयोजित करने के साथ-साथ छात्रों के लिए विभिन्न प्रतियोगिताओं का आयोजन करने के लिए कहा जाता है। भारत की विशाल और विविध भाषा विरासत, और India में सभी मातृभाषाओं को संरक्षित और समर्थन करने के तरीके और साधन है

मातृभाषा दिवस पर निबंध हिंदी में | Mother Language Day Essay In Hindi

Matrubhasha Divas Essay :-अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस की जड़ें Bangladesh (तत्कालीन पूर्वी पाकिस्तान) में Bangla Language आंदोलन से जुड़ी हुई हैं, जहां 1952 में छात्रों ने अपनी Mother Language बांग्ला को तत्कालीन Pakistan की राष्ट्रीय भाषाओं में से एक के रूप में मान्यता देने की मांग की थी। लेकिन पाकिस्तान के उर्दू भाषी शासक समूह ने बंगाली राष्ट्र की मांगों की उपेक्षा की और उनका दमन किया। उन्होंने भाषा आंदोलन के जुलूस के दौरान रफीक, सलाम, बरकत और जब्बार सहित कई लोगों की गोली मारकर हत्या कर दी थी।

हालांकि, भाषा कार्यकर्ताओं ने हार नहीं मानी। दो लंबे दशकों के संघर्ष और अंत में एक खूनी युद्ध के बाद, उन्होंने अपने देश को आजाद कराया और अपनी Mother Language को राज्य की भाषा के रूप में स्थापित किया था। Bangladesh के लोग 21 फरवरी को भाषा शहीद दिवस के रूप में 52 के भाषा आंदोलन के शहीदों को सम्मान देने के लिए मनाते हैं। अंत में सन 1999 में संयुक्त राष्ट्र संगठन ने सभी मातृ भाषाओं के महत्व को पहचानने और भाषाई और सांस्कृतिक विविधता को बढ़ावा देने के लिए 21 फरवरी को अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस के रूप में घोषित किया।

मातृभाषा हिंदी पर निबंध 300 words | International Mother Language Day Essay

Matrubhasha Divas मातृभाषाएँ व्यक्तियों की Culture पहचान और विरासत को आकार देने में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाती हैं। वे संज्ञानात्मक और सामाजिक विकास में भी महत्वपूर्ण हैं, क्योंकि बच्चे अपनी Mother Language के माध्यम से सोचना, संवाद करना और खुद को अभिव्यक्त करना सीखते हैं। मातृभाषाओं का प्रचार भाषाई विविधता और बहुभाषावाद में योगदान देता है, जो सांस्कृतिक और बौद्धिक आदान-प्रदान के लिए आवश्यक हैं।

मातृभाषाओं के महत्व के बावजूद, उनमें से कई लुप्तप्राय हैं और विलुप्त होने के खतरे में हैं। यह प्रमुख भाषाओं के प्रतिरोध, सांस्कृतिक एकरूपता, और भाषा पुनरोद्धार और संरक्षण की पहल के लिए समर्थन की कमी के कारण है। भाषाई विविधता और सांस्कृतिक विरासत को बचाने और बढ़ावा देने के लिए इन चुनौतियों का समाधान करना आवश्यक है।

मातृभाषा हिंदी पर निबंध PDF | Mother Language Day Essay Pdf

हर किसी को अपनी Mother Language का उपयोग करने और अपनी मातृभाषा का प्रतिनिधित्व करने वाली यादों, परंपराओं और सोचने के तरीकों को संरक्षित करने का अधिकार है। यही International Mother Language Day का उद्देश्य है। नेल्सन मंडेला के अनुसार, “यदि आप किसी व्यक्ति से उस भाषा में बात करते हैं जिसे वह समझता है, तो वह उसके दिमाग में चली जाती है। अगर आप उससे उसकी भाषा में बात करते हैं, तो वह उसके दिल तक जाती है।” वहीं हम आपको मातृभाषा के महत्व के बार में बताने जा रहे है।

Matrubhasha Par Nibandh PDF Download

यह विविधता को बढ़ावा देता है

दुनिया सैकड़ों संस्कृतियों से बनी है जो विभिन्न Languages बोलती हैं। International Mother language Day मातृभाषा दिवस Cultural Diversity को बढ़ावा देता है। यह लोगों को दुनिया की कई भाषाओं को जानने की अनुमति देता है और अन्य संस्कृतियों में एक खिड़की प्रदान करता है।

यह भाषा सीखने को बढ़ावा देता है | Matrubhasha Diwas Essay

एक से अधिक भाषा जानने से हमेशा लाभ होता है। आप नहीं जानते कि दूसरी भाषा कब प्रयोग में आ जाए। अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस बहुभाषावाद को बढ़ावा देता है और दूसरी भाषा सीखने को प्रोत्साहित करता है।

यह पुरानी भाषाओं को संरक्षित करता है

आसान Communication के लिए भाषाएं आवश्यक हैं। कई Languages लुप्त होती जा रही हैं, और हम उनके अस्तित्व के बारे में नहीं जानते। यह दिन दुनिया की कई भाषाओं पर प्रकाश डालता है और हमें प्राचीन भाषाओं को भी जानने का मौका देता है।

मातृभाषा दिवस पर 10 लाइन | Matrubhasha Divas Essay Ten Line

  • मातृभाषा का अर्थ है एक ऐसी भाषा जिसके माध्यम से किसी राष्ट्र के लोग अपने विचार, विचार, भावनाओं और भावनाओं को स्पष्ट रूप से व्यक्त करते हैं।
  • 21 फरवरी को अंतरराष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस है। विभिन्न देशों की विद्यमान मातृभाषाओं के प्रति उचित आदर एवं सम्मान प्रकट करने के लिए मध्याह्न के रूप में घोषित किया गया है
  • यूनेस्को द्वारा अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस घोषित किया गया था।
  • इस दिन को मनाने का उद्देश्य भाषा शहीदों को श्रद्धांजलि देना है। ये दिन बांग्लादेश के लोगों के लिए बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है।
  • बांग्ला भाषा को अब दुनिया में सबसे प्यारी भाषा के रूप में मान्यता दी गई है।
  • मातृभाषा के परिचय से न केवल भाषाई विविधता और भाषा आधारित शिक्षा को बढ़ावा मिलेगा।
  • आपसी समझ, सहिष्णुता और संवाद पर आधारित विश्व एकता निस्संदेह मजबूत होगी।
  • मातृभूमि अगर खिला हुआ फूल है तो मातृभाषा उसकी महक है।
  • बच्चे अपनी मातृभाषा में सबसे अच्छा सीखते हैं और यह महत्वपूर्ण है कि बच्चों को यह अवसर मिलना चाहिए।
  • मूल भाषा की सामग्री केवल अधिक कुशल होती है, और यह सच है कि आप सूचित करने, शिक्षित करने या राजी करने का प्रयास कर रहे हैं या नहीं।

FAQ’s Matrubhasha Divas Essay in Hindi

Q. विश्व की सबसे पहली भाषा कौन सी है.

Ans. विश्व की सबसे प्राचीन भाषा संस्कृत है, जिसे देवभाषा भी कहा जाता है। यह देखा गया है कि सभी यूरोपीय भाषाएँ संस्कृत से प्रेरित हैं।

Q. सीखने के लिए सबसे कठिन भाषा कौन सी है?

Ans. सीखने के लिए सबसे कठिन भाषाओं में से कुछ मंदारिन, आइसलैंडिक, जापानी, हंगेरियन, कोरियाई, अरबी, फिनिश और पोलिश हैं।

Q. किस भाषा का व्याकरण सबसे कठिन है?

Ans. हंगेरियन और फिनिश भाषाओं में सबसे चुनौतीपूर्ण व्याकरण है और इसे आसानी से समझना मुश्किल हो सकता है।

इस ब्लॉग पोस्ट पर आपका कीमती समय देने के लिए धन्यवाद। इसी प्रकार के बेहतरीन सूचनाप्रद एवं ज्ञानवर्धक लेख पर पढ़ते रहने के लिए इस वेबसाइट को बुकमार्क कर सकते हैं

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मातृभाषा हमें राष्ट्रीयता से जोड़ती है और देश प्रेम की भावना को बढ़ाती है. सभी संस्कार एवं व्यवहार इसी के द्वारा हम पाते हैं

इसी भाषा से हम अपनी संस्कृति के साथ जुड़कर उसकी धरोहर को आगे बढ़ाते हैं. मातृभाषा से बिना किसी भी राष्ट्र की संस्कृति की संकल्पना ही अधूरी है

भारतेंदु हरिश्चंद्र ने लिखा है – “निज भाषा उन्नति अहै, सब उन्नति को मूल, बिन निज भाषा ज्ञान के, मिटन न हिय के सूल”

अर्थात मातृभाषा के बिना किसी भी प्रकार की उन्नति संभव नहीं है. हम मातृभाषा के महत्व को इस रूप में समझ सकते हैं कि अगर हमको पालने वाली ‘माँ’ होती है, तो हमारी भाषा भी हमारी माँ है. हमको पालने का कार्य हमारी मातृभाषा भी करती है इसलिए ‘मां’ और ‘मातृभूमि’ को बराबर दर्जा दिया गया है

हिंदी हम भारतीयों की मातृभाषा है. हिन्दी हमारी, आपकी और हम सब की भाषा है. आज हिंदी हर विषय में, हर क्षेत्र में अपना ध्वज फहराते हुए आगे बढ़ती ही जा रही है

चाहे वह विज्ञान का क्षेत्र हो या इंटरनेट की दुनिया, सब जगह हिंदी का बोलबाला है. परन्तु फिर भी ना जाने क्यूँ आज भी कुछ भारतवासी अपनी मातृभाषा को बोलने में गौरव की अनुभूति नहीं कर पाते

भारत में तीन साल के बच्चे को अंग्रेजी भाषा सीखने पर ज्यादा जोर दिया जाता है. लेकिन विदेशों में तो ऐसा नहीं होता उदाहरण के लिए एक जर्मन बच्चा अपनी मातृभाषा जर्मन में ही गणित सीखता है न कि अंग्रेजी में क्योंकि जर्मन उसकी मातृभाषा है

इसी प्रकार एक इटली में रहने वाला बच्चा भी गिनती इटैलियन भाषा में और स्पेन का बालक स्पैनिश भाषा में सीखता है लेकिन भारत के आखिर कितने बच्चों को हिंदी में गिनती आती है? मुश्किल से ही कोई होगा

बड़ी दुखद बात है. आज सभी भारतवासियों को प्रोत्साहित करने की आवश्यकता है कि वे अपनी मातृभाषा सीखें, प्रयोग करें और इस धरोहर को संभाल के रखें

“मातृभाषा बिन व्यर्थ है दुनिया का सब ज्ञान, भारत माँ की बोली हिंदी करो इसका सम्मान”

Read More –

  • हिंदी भाषा का महत्व
  • अतिथि देवो भवः पर निबंध
  • राष्ट्रभाषा हिन्दी पर निबंध

संक्षेप में

दोस्तों मुझे उम्मीद है आपको यह निबंध  मातृभाषा का महत्व – Importance of Matrubhasha in Hindi  अच्छा लगा होगा. अगर आपको यह निबंध कुछ काम का लगा है तो इसे जरूर सोशल मीडिया पर शेयर कीजिएगा

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MDS Thanks 😃

पोस्ट अच्छी लगी तो सोशल मीडिया पर हमें फॉलो करें

हमें खेद है कि यह पोस्ट आपके लिए उपयोगी नहीं थी !

हमें बताएं कि हम इस पोस्ट को कैसे बेहतर बना सकते हैं ?

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writing descriptive essay the best villain

700+ Ways to Describe Villains: A Word List for Writers

words to describe villains

The Master of Suspense Knew About Villains

Alfred Hitchcock said , “The more successful the villain, the more successful the picture.” That holds true for writing and poetry as well. This post will help writers create word images with credible villains.

How Others View Villains

Although most of the words in this section are unfavorable, it’s crucial to remember that many of history’s most notorious villains were charismatic. Followers were beguiled — they drank the Kool-Aid, fell on their swords, and robbed their relatives.

Most of these descriptors are opinion adjectives . Besides the obvious, villainous , people might consider villains as:

A to C amoral, apathetic, arrogant, atrocious, authoritarian, awful, bad, barbarous, base, beastly, boorish, bungling, cagey, calculating, callous, charismatic, cold, cold-blooded, cold-hearted, conceited, condescending, conniving, conscienceless, contemptible, corrupt, cowardly, crazy, criminal, crooked, crude, cruel

D damaged, dangerous, dark, dark-souled, dastardly, deadly, debased, debauched, decadent, deceitful, deceptive, degenerate, deluded, delusional, demented, demonic, deplorable, depraved, deranged, designing, despicable, despotic, devilish, devious, diabolical, dirty-dealing, disgusting, dishonest, disinterested, disloyal, disrespectful, disruptive, dissolute, disturbed, domineering, double-crossing, double-dealing, duplicitous

E to L egotistical, evil, exciting, exploitive, fanatical, fiendish, foul, furtive, greedy, hateful, heartless, heinous, hopeless, hostile, ill-mannered, immoral, impenitent, imperious, impolite, impure, incompetent, inconsiderate, incorrigible, indifferent, inflexible, insane, insensitive, insidious, insolent, insufferable, lawless, lecherous, licentious, low

M to R Machiavellian, malicious, malignant, manipulative, menacing, mercenary, merciless, monstrous, murderous, narcissistic, nasty, nefarious, neurotic, nihilistic, obstinate, odious, off-putting, opportunistic, overbearing, pathetic, patronizing, perfidious, perverted, pessimistic, power-hungry, psychopathic, psychotic, pushy, reprehensible, repressive, repulsive, rude, ruthless

S sadistic, salacious, scheming, seditious, self-destructive, self-entitled, self-important, selfish, self-righteous, shady, sick, sinful, sinister, slick, slippery, sly, snarling, sneaky, sniveling, sociopathic, stealthy, stingy, subversive, surreptitious

T to W toxic, treacherous, two-faced, two-timing, tyrannical, uncivilized, uncouth, underhanded, unethical, unfair, unfeeling, unprincipled, unscrupulous, unyielding, vain, vile, vindictive, wanton, wicked

How Villains View Themselves

For every uncomplimentary descriptor, villains will fabricate a different word in their alternate reality. Victims might think despotic while tyrants think assertive . The tyrants’ perspective affects their actions and colors their thoughts.

Add to this list by reviewing How Others View Villains . Consider the villain’s point of view for each word.

A to J accomplished, adept, altruistic, ambitious, assertive, assured, avid, awesome, benevolent, canny, clever, committed, confident, correct, cunning, deft, determined, discerning, enterprising, firm, forceful, generous, heroic, high-minded, idealistic, ingenious, insightful, inventive, justified

M to W magnanimous, masterful, motivated, noble, observant, on the ball, perceptive, perspicacious, philanthropic, pioneering, poised, proficient, progressive, prudent, purposeful, reasonable, resourceful, right, righteous, sagacious, savvy, self-assured, sharp-witted, shrewd, skillful, streetwise, superior, validated, vindicated, virtuous, wise

Emotion Beats and Physical Manifestations

The previous two sections offer many descriptors that are pure tell, but showing emotion or intent via body language produces the strongest stories. Do any of these fit your narrative?

Apathy, boredom, disinterest, indifference a blank stare glazed eyes maintaining minimal eye contact yawning picking one’s nose closing or half-closing one’s eyes

Conceit, egotism, narcissism, vanity pronounced lip-pursing thrusting out one’s chin sticking one’s nose in the air raising one eyebrow downturned corners of the mouth supercilious gaze through half-lidded eyes

Contempt, disgust sticking one’s nose in the air wrinkling one’s nose downturned lips a pinched mouth a mocking smile sneering or snarling curling one’s upper lip squinting frowning rolling one’s eyes arching an eyebrow sticking out one’s tongue vein(s) pulsing in one’s neck or temple

Deception, dishonesty shifty eyes avoiding eye contact sweating excessive blinking red ears biting one’s fingernails chewing the inside of one’s mouth rubbing one’s nose a misleading attempt to maintain eye contact making inappropriate facial expressions for the circumstances

Hatred sideways glances tight-lipped smiles flared nostrils clenching one’s jaw baring one’s teeth beads of sweat on one’s face flushing grinding one’s teeth rigid cord(s) in one’s neck snarling sneering spitting glowering at object of one’s hostility vein(s) pulsing in one’s neck or temple

Hostility protuberant or bulging eyes dilated nostrils clenching one’s jaw a red face an icy stare curling one’s lip rigid cords in one’s neck glaring frowning or scowling baring one’s teeth grinding one’s teeth staring somebody down pressing one’s lips firmly together vein(s) pulsing in one’s neck or temple

Insolence, disrespect, rudeness thumbing one’s nose at someone sticking out one’s tongue snorting curling one’s lip rolling one’s eyes openly picking one’s nose laughing at someone yawning while someone is talking refusing to face the person who’s speaking

Pessimism wrinkling one’s nose knitting one’s brows pursing one’s lips curling one’s lip staring squinting grinding one’s teeth frowning or scowling tilting one’s head and looking askance (sideways)

Sadism curling one’s lip clenching one’s jaw baring one’s teeth a twisted scowl a bone-crunching handshake an evil grin ( evil = opinion adjective) horizontal wrinkles between one’s eyebrows lips stretched so tightly over one’s teeth that they seem to disappear

Stealthiness biting one’s lip avoiding eye contact a sly smile ( sly = opinion adjective) pressing one’s lips together in a firm line

Find more emotion beats by consulting a body language dictionary . (As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.)

Similes and Metaphors

Figures of speech provide abundant opportunities for creativity.

Antiheroes could be depicted, directly or indirectly, by way of phrasing similar to the following.

  • a [hammer, storm, thundercloud] of abuse
  • a black hole
  • a bottomless pit of [conspiracies, contrivances, plots, schemes]
  • a fount of [deceits, fabrications, falsehoods, lies]
  • a leader of lemmings
  • a lightning bolt of anger and reprisal
  • beautiful as a black panther and twice as dangerous
  • cold as an Antarctic blizzard
  • dark matter
  • Satan of sycophants
  • the epitome of [cynicism, debauchery, decadence, evil, immorality]

A villain might smell good or bad, depending on circumstances and intent. A grave robber could reek of decomp, while a gigolo might be surrounded by overtones of expensive cologne.

Why would someone smell like disinfectant? Cleaning up a crime scene, perhaps.

Like gun oil? Lots of possibilities.

C-4? The reason should be obvious. Or is it?

Here are a few idea starters.

A to W almonds (possible cyanide poisoning), barf of a newly strangled victim, beer burps, bordello, breath mints, C-4, chlorine, cigar smoke, cologne, decomp, deodorant, dirty hotel room, dirty laundry, disinfectant, expensive caviar, fresh blood, garbage, gasoline, grease, gun oil, gunpowder, hand cleaner, lavender, leather, licorice, musty taxicab, paper money, perspiration, road kill, rotten flesh, strip club, tobacco, toenails, topsoil, weed

Villainous Verbs

English provides so many suitable verbs that a post like this couldn’t hope to contain them. Try the following actions or leverage the words to produce your own ideas.

A to C abduct, abominate, abuse, agitate, alarm, allure, annihilate, arouse, assassinate, assault, attract, badger, beat, beguile, belittle, betray, bewitch, blight, bluff, browbeat, bully, captivate, charm, cheat, coerce, con, condescend, connive, conspire, contaminate, corrupt, cozen, criticize

D to H debase, deceive, defraud, degrade, delude, demean, demolish, denigrate, destroy, detest, devastate, disappoint, disdain, disgrace, disgust, dishonor, disparage, disrupt, disturb, double-cross, dupe, electrify, embezzle, enchant, energize, enrapture, enthrall, entice, excite, exploit, exterminate, fascinate, fleece, flog, fool, frighten, goad, harass, harm, hate , hijack, hound, humiliate, hustle, hypnotize

I to P impair, imprison, incite, injure, instigate, inveigle, kidnap, kill, loathe, lure, manipulate, massacre, meddle, menace, mesmerize, misappropriate, misdirect, mislead, misuse, mortify, murder, obfuscate, oppress, outwit, panic, patronize, persecute, pervert, pester, pillage, plot, plunder, provoke

R to W rape, ravage, raze, repulse, ridicule, rob, ruin, scam, scare, scheme, scoff, scorn, seduce, shame, snarl, sneak, sneer, snub, spellbind, spoil, spoof, stalk, steal, stoop, sully, swindle, tamper, terrify, thrash, thrill, torment, trick, unsettle, upset, vitiate, warp, whip, wound, wreck

Nouns and Noun Phrases to Replace Villain

Villain is such a boring word. Perhaps you can tag your nasty character with a distinctive activity or moniker like one of these.

A to C abductor, abuser, acolyte of evil, agent of chaos, agitator, anarchist, antichrist, arms dealer, assassin, assaulter, bastard, Beelzebub, betrayer, bigamist, bill collector, bitch, boor, bruiser, bully, cad, CEO of [a software company, a pharmaceutical company], charlatan, charmer, chauvinist, cheater, child trafficker, churl, computer hacker, conniver, conspirer, crooked [banker, boss, politician]

D to L debaucher, deceiver, devil incarnate, dictator, disparager, dog, double-crosser, drug dealer, embezzler, exterminator, fascist, fiend, fraud, good-for-nothing, hell-raiser, hijacker, homewrecker, hooligan, hustler, Iago, inciter, instigator, inveigler, kidnapper, killer, knave, liar, lobbyist, loudmouth, louse, lout

M to R madam, Mafioso, malcontent, mamzer, manipulator, masochist, meddler, misanthropist, murderer, narcissist, Nazi, necrophiliac, oaf, oppressor, parasite, persecutor, pervert, pessimist, philanderer, pimp, plagiarist, plunderer, poacher, polygamist, provocateur, psychopath, rabble-rouser, racist, rapist, rascal, rat, ravager, reprobate, robber, rogue, roughneck, rowdy, ruffian

S to Y saboteur, sadist, Satan, scammer, schemer, scoffer, scoundrel, Scrooge, seducer, shark, skeptic, slaver, sneak, stalker, swindler, swine, tax collector, telemarketer, terrorist, thief, thug, tightwad, tormenter, tow truck driver, trickster, troll, troublemaker, tyrant, used car salesman, vandal, vermin, witch, womanizer, yahoo

Well-chosen props augment a story by sparking new twists or subplots:

A thief breaks into a house and finds a laptop computer with an obituary displayed on the screen. The obituary turns out to be that of [a famous living actor, a famous living politician, the thief].

A bank manager is kidnapped by [an alien, a CEO, a homeless person, a hooker, a taxi driver].

Handcuffs at the scene of a murder contain the DNA of [the detective investigating the murder, the family’s pet dog, someone who has been dead for many years].

B to G bad back , bankruptcy, blindfold, chains, chemical plant, computer virus, contaminated [food, land, water], credit card theft, deck of cards, expensive [bracelet, car, necklace, suit, watch], experimental [aircraft, drug, weapon], garrote

H to Y handcuffs, hidden camera, hospital ICU ward, hostage, knife, mouthwash, myopia (nearsightedness), necktie, obituary, online dating site, poison, prison, private jet, science lab, surgery, taxicab, uncomfortable shoes, vehicle accident, yacht

Clichés and Idioms

In dialogue, anything goes . However, most narrative becomes stronger by replacing clichés and idioms such as these.

  • close-fisted: cheap, chintzy, greedy, mingy, miserly, stingy, tight
  • devil-may-care: foolhardy, irresponsible, negligent, rash, reckless
  • dog-eat-dog: brutal, cruel, fierce, merciless, ruthless, vicious
  • double-dealing: conniving, deceitful, devious, dishonest, scheming
  • fast and loose: irresponsible, reckless, uncontrolled, undisciplined
  • fly-by-night: feckless, irresponsible, reckless, undependable
  • gone to the dogs: crooked, mercenary, shady, tainted, treacherous
  • hard as nails: callous, inflexible, insensitive, stony, tough, unbending
  • high-and-mighty: contemptuous, disdainful, haughty, patronizing
  • like a snake in the grass: crafty, dangerous, disingenuous, sly, wily
  • money-grubbing: corrupt, mercenary, unethical, unprincipled
  • off one’s rocker: crazy, foolish, insane, ridiculous, strange, unstable
  • stiff-necked: aloof, arrogant, haughty, obstinate, proud, unyielding
  • stop-at-nothing: amoral, corrupt, licentious, unethical, unprincipled
  • swollen-headed: arrogant, boastful, cocky, conceited, haughty, vain
  • thick-skinned: callous, hard, insensitive, unfeeling, unsympathetic
  • to lead someone down the garden path: con, deceive, mislead
  • to pull the wool over someone’s eyes: deceive, misinform, mislead
  • to take someone for a ride: defraud, dupe, scam, swindle, trick
  • to talk down to: condescend, indulge, patronize, snub, stoop
  • two-faced: disingenuous, duplicitous, hypocritical, insincere, phony
  • wrapped up in oneself: egotistical, greedy, narcissistic, selfish

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8 thoughts on “ 700+ Ways to Describe Villains: A Word List for Writers ”

Fab post Kathy. You are like a machine! 🙂

Heh heh. Not a villainous machine, I hope. 😉

Thanks, Debby.

Great list, Kathy. I don’t know how you come up with so many!

Thanks, Jacqui!

Users often ask me for specific words, and my statistics also show what they are looking for. If several people search for something, I add it to my to-do list.

Thanks, Kathy. Another outstanding blog. I’ve saved all of these and they’ve been so very helpful.

Keep up the great work and stay well.

Thanks, Frank. Be safe.

Thanks, Kathy – an invaluable resource.

However, I did find myself ‘enacting’ some of your villainous descriptions – good job I’m alone!

Thanks again.

Wishing you a good week.

Ha ha. Thanks, Zarayna. Keep that ax under the bed and the poison locked up.

You have a good week too!

Comments are closed.

Beyond the Chapter

How to Write a Great Villain

Villains, walking towards a city, red fog surrounds them

Written by Eira Edwards

27 november 2023, art of storytelling.

This post may include affiliate links. That means we may earn a commission if you buy through recommended links. See our full disclaimer policy . 

Writing a Compelling Villain

A well-rounded, convincing villain can make or break your narrative. They’re the counterweight to your hero, the darkness that brings your light into focus.

Whether it’s an evil sorcerer in a fantasy novel or a devious CEO in a mystery thriller, every good story needs a great villain. In many novels, well-crafted antagonists provide tension and conflict to keep readers engaged. But not all villains are created equal.

Here, I’ll break down the big questions about writing villains, including types of villains, common characteristics and how to write a memorable villain that readers will love to hate.

What is a villain?

The concept of a villain is a common trope in storytelling that creates tension, drama and the narrative’s moral contrast.

Typically, a villain is a character who is portrayed as morally evil or antagonistic. They often engage in actions or behaviours that harm others, break societal norms or go against the values of the protagonist or the larger society.

Villains can take on various forms and motivations, and their actions may range from deceit and manipulation to cruelty and violence. While some villains may be driven by personal gain, power or revenge, others might act out of ideological beliefs or psychological complexities.

Types of villains 

Villains make your hero’s journey worth fighting for, and they can create unforgettable moments of storytelling. But what exactly makes a good villain? What types of villains are there? Below, we’ll dive into some types of villains you might come across in fiction. (Of course, this is not an exhaustive list, and there are plenty more types we could dive into beyond these listed.)

1. The mastermind

These villains are highly intelligent, cunning and often charismatic, making them both fascinating and intimidating. They are the puppet masters behind the curtain, pulling the strings and manipulating the hero’s journey.

An example of a mastermind villain is Hannibal Lecter from Thomas Harris’s Hannibal series is a cunning serial killer who outsmarts police officers.

2. The anti-villain

The anti-villain is a character who is considered a villain but has noble intentions or redeeming qualities. They may have a tragic backstory or a personal vendetta against the hero, but their actions are not entirely evil. The anti-villain can be a great way to add complexity to your story and can even challenge the hero’s morality.

Examples of anti-villains include Severus Snape from the Harry Potter series  and Magneto from X-Men .

3. The schemer

This type of villain is a master of deception, manipulation and trickery. They are often charming, using their skills to get what they want. Their schemes can be complex and convoluted, and the hero must use all their wits to unravel the villain’s plans. The schemer can create a sense of tension and uncertainty, leaving readers unsure who to trust.

A schemer from literature is Iago from William Shakespeare’s Othello is a classic example of a deceitful villain who schemes and manipulates people to achieve his evil goals.

4. The psychopath

This type of villain is often the most terrifying, possessing no empathy or remorse for their actions. They can be sadistic, unpredictable and violent, creating a sense of fear and danger for the hero and readers alike. A desire for power, revenge or simply a twisted sense of pleasure may motivate them.

Annie Wilkes in Misery  by Stephen King has elements of various villain types, but stands out as a true psychopath through her lack of empathy, erratic behaviour and capacity for violence.

5. The vengeful

This type of villain seeks revenge for a perceived wrong, often fueled by personal loss or betrayal. They can create an emotional arc for the hero as they try to accept their role in creating the villain. The vengeful may be ruthless and uncompromising, making them a formidable adversary for the hero.

The Count in Alexandre Dumas’ The Count of Monte Cristo is driven by his desire for revenge against those wronged him, embodying the vengeful villain.

6. The corrupted

This type of villain starts as a hero or ally but is corrupted by power, greed or ambition. They can create a sense of tragedy, as they were once good, but have fallen from grace. The corrupted may struggle with their new role and try to justify their actions, creating an interesting character arc.

Jack Torrance from Stephen King’s The Shining gives in to the corrupting influence of the Overlook Hotel, leading to his fall into madness.

7. The power-hungry

This type of villain is driven by a desire for power or control. They may do whatever it takes to achieve their goals, no matter how morally reprehensible. The power-hungry can create a high-stakes conflict, as the hero races against time to stop them from succeeding.

Sauron in Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings has a primary motivation to seize ultimate power and control over Middle-earth. He creates the One Ring to achieve his goal, which corrupts those around it.

8. The beast

This type of villain is often a literal monster, creating a sense of fear and danger for the hero. They may be driven by primal instincts or a desire to survive in a hostile world. The beast can create an exciting action-packed conflict, as the hero tries to outsmart or defeat them.

Captain Ahab from Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick is consumed by an obsession to hunt and destroy the giant white whale, Moby Dick, often seen as a representation of the beastly force of nature.

moby-dick, rising from the sea, what is a villain

Characteristics of a villain

Connection to the hero.

One key characteristic of a great villain is their connection to the hero. A good villain challenges the hero in a way that’s personal and meaningful. They may have a history together or share a common goal, but ultimately, their motivations are at odds with each other. This tension creates conflict and keeps the audience engaged.

Depth and complexity

A captivating villain is never one-dimensional. They should have depth and complexity that go beyond their initial appearance. Think about Voldemort in the Harry Potter series—while we may see him as a purely evil figure at first, as the story progresses, we learn about his tragic backstory and motivations, making him a more complex and interesting character.

Speaking of backstory, it’s important to give your villains a reason why they act the way they do. This doesn’t mean that their motivations have to be sympathetic—after all, some villains relish in their evil deeds—but it should be clear why they are doing what they are doing.

Strengths and weaknesses

A villain without strengths is unconvincing, while a villain without weaknesses is unrelatable. Your villain needs to be a formidable opponent to your protagonist, but they must also be human (or human-like, depending on your genre). They should have traits that make them threatening, but also flaws that can be exploited.

Strong motivation

Remember that every villain is the hero of their own story. To them, their actions, no matter how monstrous, make sense. They have motivations, fears and desires just like any other character. This can add depth to your villain and make their actions more understandable, if not justifiable.

Let’s imagine a character who turns to villainy after betraying their friends. Why would they betray their friends? Without believable motivation, readers won’t connect with your character.

Moral ambiguity

Villains often have some degree of moral ambiguity. This means that their actions may be morally questionable, but there is some justification for why they are acting in this way. This creates an interesting dynamic where the audience may question whether the villain is entirely in the wrong.

How to write a memorable villain

So, how can you create an interesting villain that ticks these boxes? Here are some tips:

  • Give your villain a powerful motivation – even if it’s not sympathetic, it should be clear why they are doing what they’re doing. 
  • Make sure your villain has some depth – maybe they have a tragic backstory or a unique perspective on the world.
  • Give your villain a weakness – this makes the hero’s victory even more satisfying.
  • Create a worthy opponent – your villain provides a significant challenge for the protagonist, creating a high level of conflict and tension in the story. Keep your readers on the edge of their seats by crafting an engaging antagonist that poses a real threat to your hero.

Don’t settle for ordinary villains, collaborate with an editor

Villains are an essential part of any story. They are the source of conflict that drives the plot forward and creates tension that keeps the reader engaged. Crafting an engaging villain is not an easy task, but with the help of an editor, you can take your villains to the next level.

Whether it’s bringing a fresh perspective, helping you create complex characters, avoiding cliches or creating a compelling narrative arc, I can help you create a villain that is memorable and unique. Don’t settle for an ordinary villain — collaborate with an editor and take your writing to the next level. Find out more about my editorial services over on the Writing Hub .

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Written By Eira Edwards

Eira is a writer and editor from the South of England with over five years of experience as a Content Manager, helping clients perfect their copy.

She has a degree in English Literature and Language, which she loves putting to work by working closely with fiction authors.

When she’s not working on manuscripts, you can find her in the woods with her partner and dog, or curling up with a good book.

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Tips, Advice And Guidance On Writing Villains And Antagonists

We often spend much of our time writing and thinking about our protagonist. But do we always afford the same consideration to our antagonist? Writing about villains can be just as important as writing about heroes. But do you know the best way how to write a villain? 

The bad guys can be just as complex as our heroes. Indeed, it’s becoming something of a trend. No longer do we just see villains of pure evil, but individuals who blur the lines between right and wrong. And more and more often we see a villain featuring as a main character within stories.

So in this guide, we’re going to take a look at some great writing tips for how to write a good villain. We’ll go over what makes for some of the best villains in fiction and discuss things you can employ in your own writing to achieve that.

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Antagonist v protagonist, what makes a villain.

  • Villains of Pure Evil

The Doubtful Villain

Things have gotten out of hand, how to write a good villain, more resources and guides on how to write a villain.

how to write a villain

So what is the difference between an antagonist and a protagonist?

An antagonist, by definition, is someone who opposes something or someone. In fiction writing, this is usually our protagonist or the goals that our hero is trying to achieve.

In other words, the protagonist is the hero and the villain or bad guy is the antagonist. Two characters who oppose each other.

Either villain or protagonist could feature as a main character. Indeed, many stories include the narrative point of view of both.

A key attribute of their relationship is that the antagonist is forever in conflict with the protagonist. The antagonist opposes the action of the protagonist and tries to stop them from achieving what they want at every turn.

We’ll look at some examples of antagonists below, but here are a few quick ideas to aid your understanding:

  • Luke Skywalker (hero) and Darth Vader (villain)
  • Frodo Baggins (hero) and Sauron (villain)
  • Harry Potter (hero) and Voldemort (villain)

So what makes a good villain who’s interesting and compelling?

There are a lot of interesting and complex traits that make up bad people.

There are many things that make up a good antagonist, but one of the most important aspects is their motives for being against the protagonist. It could be that they want power and think this will help them achieve it; they could be trying to protect themselves or others from harm; they could have been wronged by the protagonist in some way and want revenge; they could just want to do something that’s fun or interesting to them and don’t care about anything else.

Here are some other key considerations:

  • They are not the hero of the story, they are not the good guy, they are not the person you want to root for, but they are the hero of  their story. From their perspective, they are dead right and deserve the outcome they seek.
  • A villain should not be perceived as “good”. They should have at least one trait that makes them unlikeable, and their actions should be morally questionable at all times.
  • There are many different types of antagonists, but many of them share one thing in common: they want to achieve their goal and do not care who gets hurt along the way.
  • Think about their backstory and motivations for doing what they do.

Understanding Your Villain: The Psychology

It seems of late that there’s been something of a backlash against villains of pure evil. The classic, archetypal ‘bad guy’, if you will. People argue that they’re too one dimensional. It seems to have sparked a trend toward the bad guys who blur the lines, who have a foot in both camps. Anti-heroes.

Just because a few individuals vocalise their opinions doesn’t relegate our classic villains to obsoletion. But there is a point to take away from it: that the bad guys need to be more than just props for the story, that they, in fact, have compelling stories of their own. From their point of view, they are very much the hero of their own story. 

A part of reading involves exploring new perspectives, experiencing things we could never do, or to feel emotions we’re unaccustomed to. We castigate a thief for stealing food, yet when we see the story through their eyes, we learn that he is thieving to feed his starving family. Is he as evil as we thought?

A good starting point when creating an antagonist is to ask questions. The answers will help determine where on the spectrum of evil they lie and helps you build your villain’s backstory. They can also help you create a more three-dimensional villain, one who feels more human and alive.

Questions could include:

  • Do they regularly carry out evil acts, or this their first time?
  • Have they thought about doing it before, or is it instinctive, reactive?
  • What are the circumstances that lead to their current path of evil?
  • What in their past could have shaped them into what they are today?
  • Do they garner pleasure or satisfaction from being evil, i.e. sadistic?
  • Is this something they’ve recently discovered?
  • How do they justify their actions to themselves or to others?
  • What is their underlying motive?
  • What do they seek to achieve?

Knowing the answer to all of these will help tremendously when it comes to writing a great villain and understanding their personality.

writing a villain

A Villain’s Motives

One thing worth considering when crafting a villain is their motivation. Our own lives are dictated by the things we are motivated to do. If you can’t be arsed going for a jog, then you’re not going to do it. If you’re determined and motivated to lose weight, then chances are you’ll stick on your shorts despite the lashing rain. Motives drive people, and the same goes for characters.

A villain’s motivation alone does not suffice, though. To unlock that motivation we must believe and have faith. A person must believe that jog in the pissing rain will help them achieve their goal. The same applies to our villains. They have faith in what they are doing because they believe wholeheartedly it is the right thing to do, even if it involves killing people. From their perspective, they’re dead right. Everyone else is wrong. Who cares what they think? It’s a megalomaniacal stance and a pretty destructive one at that. Just take Brexit, for example.

In short, a good villain who readers love has a compelling motive. In fact, some of the best villains in fiction have been driven by powerful motives.

So, let’s take a look at a few different types of antagonist. If you’d like a more visual explainer of writing a great villain, check this video out below:

Evil Villains

With evil villains we’re talking serial killer level. Harold Shipman heartlessness. Ice-cold blood pumping through their veins and sadistic wants and desires filling their mind.

When designing a truly evil villain, bad behaviour alone is insufficient to characterise. More must be shown to convince the reader the antagonist is truly evil. Are they corrupted to their core? Are they sadists, deriving pleasure from inflicting pain? Let’s look at some examples.

  • Darth Vader – promoter of the Dark Side. Determined to obliterate the Jedi Order and Rebel Alliance. Destroys planets without hesitation to ensure he gets what he wants. In earlier years wiped out Jedi school, killing everyone, including children. The Dark Side has corrupted him, turned him evil to his core. An all-round compelling villain. 
  • Gollum – always seeking to foil Frodo’s plans and reclaim the One Ring for himself. His hatred for the “filthy hobbitses” runs deep. Like Vader, Gollum has been corrupted, his nature fundamentally changed.
  • Sauron – an example of a character of pure evil. Little is revealed about Sauron’s true motives beyond his desire to annihilate the world of men. He is unwavering in his efforts—indeed the eye is always watching—and similarly, he commands an army which also seems to be hell-bent on achieving the same end. Conflicted orcs and goblins are few and far between in Middle Earth, it seems.
  • Hannibal Lecter – another example of a heartless killer, sadistic in nature and seemingly corrupted to his very core by an evil force-like nature. He features as the main character in the story, which makes for an interesting read. 
  • Lord Voldemort – the infamous antagonist in the Harry Potter series, JK Rowling did a cracking job of creating a character of pure evil (he killed HP’s mum and dad for Pete’s sake!) while making his cause a compelling one at the same time. 

Master editor Sol Stein says in his book, Stein on Writing, that it should be extremely difficult for a villain of pure evil to be re-educated or re-conditioned into a nicer person.

Frodo tried that with Gollum and lost a few fingers for his efforts—he still managed to finish Bilbo’s book, though. Does anyone ever stop to wonder how he managed that?

gollum villain

In the first two examples, the characters went through fundamental changes in their lives, passing the point of no return. A moment of tragedy, heartbreak, betrayal, embitterment.

Sauron is more of the archetypal villain. Evil through and through. There need not be any more reason than that. But that was the fifties, and this is now and writing has changed much since then. The focus is much more on point of view and skewing that for the reader. Who’s truly evil after all? The good guys or the bad guys?

The classic archetype has been cleverly adapted over the years. We know one of the main complaints about the evil for evil’s sake villain is their lack of conflict. Orcs hate humans. End of. What I’ve often wondered is whether any of those orcs felt differently. 

What if they came to see a different perspective, one that made them question their ways and potentially change their course? But how can they break free of that life, the only one they have ever known? Where would they go? What would they do? 

We choose the easiest path, often the one we know. Sometimes the right way to go is the more difficult route. Herein lies the conflict.

Let’s look at an example courtesy of Adrian Tchaikovsky. In his novel. Empire in Black and Gold, the main antagonist begins to doubt himself and the actions of the empire he’s served devoutly his whole life. 

We’re left wondering what he will do—will a man who prides himself on loyalty commit an act of betrayal? The conflict blurs the lines between good and evil and makes us wonder whether in fact, they are truly as evil as we believed.

It can be argued that Jaime Lannister in A Song of Ice and Fire is an antagonist too. One of the first acts we see him do is shove Bran Stark out of the top window of a tower. He is selfish, arrogant, heartless. Yet, at times he seems to be a man of reason, a good guy.

George R.R. Martin is a master at creating characters who sit on the fence of good and evil. Another example from his stories is the Hound. A man who kills Arya’s friend and a whole host of other people, yet by the end he finds himself fighting on the frontline for the forces of good.

For me, these are some of the best villains. For me, they epitomise hope. Hope that even fervently evil people can change for the better.

There’s a growing trend toward the complicated bad guy. Abstract villains like this tend to have lived good and innocent lives, only to be corrupted. Why is this the case? One possible explanation is conflict. As we’ll come to see when we look at plotting, readers love conflict. Conflict propels stories.

A conflicted bad guy can make for an interesting character. We want to see if they’ll go through with the murder, how they’ll react when they see blood pouring from wounds, and what has driven them to take such drastic action in the first place.

Once upon that evil path, to maintain their status as the central antagonist, it makes sense for them not to deviate. Indeed, Sol Stein advises them to fall deeper into their corrupted ways. Whether voluntarily or involuntarily is up to you. 

Knowing how to write a villain with these characteristics can be tricky, but it can also be the most rewarding. Let’s take a look at some tips that may help you further.

Writing a great villain is no mean feat. But there are a few things we can do to help create an antagonistic force that readers will love. 

Here are some top tips on how to write a good villain:

  • Physical mannerisms. Think of creepy, involuntary habits such as a twitching eye; pulling hairs out of their eyebrows, moustache or beard; earlobe tugging or lip chewing. Habitual mannerisms seem to work best—the repetitive nature can grate on readers, which is handy if you’re trying to create an unlikeable fellow.
  • Competency and an unfaltering determination to succeed. In Lord of the Rings , Sauron’s eye is forever seeking, the Ring Wraith’s forever hunting. They are effective and efficient, forever on their tail, waiting to prey upon the slightest mistake. All this creates conflict and jeopardy, things your reader will love.
  • Ask yourself how your antagonist behaves toward people he’s never met before. Some of the best villains come across as pleasant and affable. Gustavo Fring from Breaking Bad is an example of such a good villain. He makes donations to charities and has a good relationship with the D.E.A., the very people trying to catch him. Under the surface, he’s a ruthless criminal. We can look at real-life nutcases too. Jimmy Saville for example, a once-loved children’s entertainer and TV presenter, turned out to be a serial paedophile. He gave millions to charity and even helped set up a children’s hospital. Talk about blurring the lines.

You could go the opposite way and have an antagonist who’s discourteous, arrogant, or sadistic. Recently I was watching Black Beauty with my grandmother and found myself on the edge of my seat in a mild fury as the Squire lashed at Beauty with his whip. Remember that tip from the previous chapter? If you want the reader to dislike a character, have them kick a dog. Well, it works.

  • Does your antagonist do something frequently that others do occasionally? Sol Stein gives examples of a character blowing their nose every few minutes despite not being sick, a forehead slick with sweat when the temperature is cool, persistent coughing or clearing of the throat, or bobbing a leg when sitting down cross-legged. All of these things suggest something about the character, about who they really are. It helps them stand out and makes us feel that something isn’t quite right.
  • Naming Your Villain – This is quite a tricky thing to do. If you run into trouble, you can try out my free villain name generator tool here.

Examples are useful. Let’s look at one from Terry Goodkind’s bestseller, Wizard’s First Rule. For the first 250 or so pages of the book we’re merely told about the antagonist, Darken Rahl. And then in chapter nineteen, we see him first-hand.

“White roses, replaced every morning without fail for the last three decades, filled each of the fifty-seven gold vases set in the wall beneath each of the fifty-seven torches that represented each year in the life of the deceased. A large staff saw to it that no torch was allowed to go spent for longer than a few moments, and that rose petals were not allowed to rest long upon the floor. The staff were attentive and devoted to their tasks. Failure to be so resulted in an immediate beheading. Staff positions were filled from the surrounding D’Haran countryside. Being a member of the crypt staff was an honour, by law. The honour brought with it the promise of a quick death if an execution was in order. A slow death in D’Hara was greatly feared, and common. New recruits, for fear they would speak ill of the dead king while in the crypt, had their tongues cut out.”

These are just the first two paragraphs of the chapter, and from them, we glean much about Darken Rahl without him even being mentioned. What kind of person would employ such a large workforce just to maintain torches and flowers? What kind of person would kill those workers for the merest of blunders? 

And then in the second paragraph, we see how working in the staff is an honour, but only by law. An oppressive stance by whoever enacted that law. And lastly, what kind of influence must a person have on others to compel them to cut out their own tongues for fear of speaking ill of the dead king? Before we even see Rahl, we know what he’s like. This is a pretty good example of writing a great villain, particularly in the fantasy genre.

When it came to writing a villain for Pariah’s Lament ,  I first decided that I wanted to do things a little differently. I didn’t just want an evil character. I wanted the reader to second-guess the point of view—who’s right and who’s wrong. So I trickled out details and information and toyed with perspective to help create the antagonist, Tesh, and I hope, judging from reviews, that it paid off.

Thank you for reading this guide on writing a villain. I hope you’ve learned a thing or two about antagonists. Below, I’ve included some more guides on creating characters you may find useful:

  • What is characterization? A detailed guide on crafting characters
  • How do you plot a story?
  • A guide on character development

Thank you for checking out this guide on how to write a villain.

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10 thoughts on “Tips, Advice And Guidance On Writing Villains And Antagonists”

writing descriptive essay the best villain

Thanks for this one. I’ll definitely be using this one as a reference. My villains are either two dimensional throwaways or I end up humanizing the villain to the point where I cannot bear to leave them a villain.

writing descriptive essay the best villain

I suffered from the same problems. These techniques have definitely helped. Thanks for reading!

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writing descriptive essay the best villain

hello thankyou for nice article i hope you make nice article again daftar joker123 daftar poker online terbaru

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Villainy 101: Worksheet and Examples for Writing an Effective Villain


A great villain in literature is complex, terrifying, tortured, and sometimes vulnerable. While you might already know a bit about how you want your villain to act as the bad guy, it can be difficult to create a multi-faceted character that draws your readers into the story and keeps them hooked. Your hero becomes even more heroic if he has a worthy foe, so make sure you spend just as much time developing your villain as you do for your hero. In this post, I'll provide a detailed worksheet to help you flesh out and perfect your villain character and offer detailed examples of villains from existing works of literature and media.

What Makes a Good—I Mean, Bad—Villain?

What's the difference between a villain and an antagonist?

Before we get to work on dissecting your specific villain character, it's important to distinguish a villain from an antagonist . To do so, let's introduce the definition of a protagonist and go from there:

  • A protagonist moves the story further by attempting to achieve a goal.
  • An antagonist opposes the protagonist's attempt to achieve a goal, but he or she isn't necessarily an evil character or a villain.
  • A villain is inherently evil and can be either a protagonist (attempting to achieve a goal) or an antagonist (opposes the protagonist's attempt to achieve a goal).

In other words, being the villain does not necessarily mean being opposed to the protagonist.

Consider Megamind from the film of the same name; he ensures that we understand his commitment to being the bad guy, and he is also the protagonist of the story and the one we all root for. On the other hand, an antagonist isn't always a villain. In Moby-Dick , the white whale is the antagonist whose motives oppose Captain Ahab, but the whale is not motivated by evil purposes.

Getting to know you, getting to know all about you

Knowing that your villain is motivated by evil desires, you can delve deeper into what made the character what he or she is today. Perhaps you want to reveal some trauma in childhood that made your villain a monster but one for whom your audience feels a glimmer of compassion. Every facet of the villain's personality will contribute to the way your readers relate to the character, so take some time to decide how you want your villain to be received.

Take a look at the following worksheet and consider how you might answer in terms of your villain. If something doesn't fit in with your vision, take a step back to make some changes until everything clicks and you've created your perfect villain.

Villain Characterization

To illustrate this type of character analysis, let's explore the answers to these worksheet questions in the context of two well-known villains in literature: Voldemort from the Harry Potter series and Lady Tremaine from Disney's animated Cinderella .

Voldemort characterization


Describe your villain (appearance, attributes): Voldemort existed for years as a being without a body, and even after securing one, he lacks a nose and is pale, bald, and gaunt. He is driven by rage and lives in a constantly intense emotional state.

What made the villain evil (event, person, environment, circumstances, etc.)? Author J.K. Rowling describes her villain as a psychopath who comes from an evil family. Voldemort then seems to choose this path of evil for himself; even as a schoolboy, Voldemort engages in cruel deeds against others for no obvious reason.

Does your villain know that he is the bad guy, or does he believe he/she is right? It seems clear that he is fully aware of his villainy; he goes by the name "The Dark Lord" and seems to have no hesitation for killing those in his way.

Does the villain feel wronged in some way? How? At a fundamental level, Voldemort resents his father and his bloodline for being un-magical. However, most of his actions are motivated by his resentment of Harry for having resisted his power and escaping death.

By whom? Mainly Harry Potter, but also Dumbledore and the other characters who help Harry escape Voldemort's attempts to destroy him.

What does the villain want? Voldemort seeks absolute power.

Motivations to pursue this outcome: His is motivated by the pursuit of evil and a sense of genetic royalty.

How does this desire conflict with the protagonist's goal? Voldemort is frustrated that anyone can withstand his attacks, so he seeks to destroy Harry to prove that he is all powerful. Harry, on the other hand, seeks to stay alive, so he must then try to destroy Voldemort and strip him of his power.

How does the villain feel about the protagonist? Voldemort feels pure hatred and resentment toward Harry.

How does the protagonist feel about the villain? At first, Harry feels bewildered that someone would seek to destroy him, but as the journey progresses, Harry's own hatred toward Voldemort grows.

How are they different? Similar? They are both powerful wizards who have a strong support group. They both attended Hogwarts under the direction of Dumbledore. However, Voldemort is driven by evil intent, while Harry seeks to do good.

Does the villain have support individuals (henchmen, minions, etc.) or is the villain alone? Voldemort has an army of wizards and dark creatures who help him overthrow those helping Harry or hindering Voldemort's purposes in any way. They do not balk at the task of murdering or otherwise harming the "good guys."

If applicable, how does the villain treat these followers? He appreciates their devotion and shares power and privilege with them, but he also shows no compassion toward them.

What advantages does the villain have over the protagonist? Voldemort has years of wizardry under his belt and is therefore a powerful wizard, while Harry is still a young student who is not fully aware of his own strengths.

How does the villain hurt or manipulate others? He has no moral limits to harming others, usually through magic. His followers also take on positions of power in order to hinder Harry's success at school and pave the way for Voldemort's plans.

Does the villain actively pursue victims or wait for them to come to him/her? Voldemort often lures Harry into his traps, making sure to isolate Harry from his supporters. He takes a rather passive approach to his eventual attacks.

What does the villain do to create drama or suspense? His mere presence (or lack thereof) influences the tone of the story. When word of his return is spread, the protagonists start to prepare for his imminent attacks.

Does the villain eventually change? Voldemort never does see the light and is eventually destroyed.

Next up is Lady Tremaine, the villain in Disney's Cinderella . Although it's a movie targeted to children, the villain/hero relationship in this story illustrates a unique within-family struggle, which the heroin manages to overcome.

Lady Tremaine characterization

Lady Tremaine

Describe your villain (appearance, attributes): Lady Tremaine is a tall, confident woman with graying hair. She is tough and impatient when those who surround her do not share her vision.

What made the villain evil (event, person, environment, circumstances, etc.)? Her evil deeds are driven by jealousy for Cinderella and maybe some grief for her late husband.

Does your villain know that he is the bad guy, or does he believe he/she is right? Lady Tremaine seems to feel righteous pride for her own station and that of her daughters.

Does the villain feel wronged in some way? How? Lady Tremaine seeks to correct the imbalance of love her late husband had for Cinderella over her.

By whom? Lady Tremaine targets Cinderella as the source of her misfortune, since Cinderella is more beautiful than her biological daughters and as such threatens to receive better circumstances.

What does the villain want? She is largely motivated by the desire for prosperity. She goes to great lengths to see her own daughters marry into fortune.

Motivations to pursue this outcome: She is largely motivated by the desire for prosperity and privilege.

How does this desire conflict with the protagonist's goal? Cinderella has no desire for her stepsisters not to succeed, but Lady Tremaine seeks to prevent Cinderella from serving as an obstacle to their good marriages by mistreating her.

How does the villain feel about the protagonist? Lady Tremaine feels deep jealousy and hatred for Cinderella.

How does the protagonist feel about the villain? As a determined optimist, Cinderella remains civil toward her stepmother, but during a low point, Cinderella reveals exasperation toward her stepfamily and their hopeless cruelty.

How are they different? Similar? They were both loved by Cinderella's father, and they both are unemployed women within their society. However, Lady Tremaine is cruel, while Cinderella is kind-natured.

Does the villain have support individuals (henchmen, minions, etc.) or is the villain alone? Lady Tremaine has two biological daughters who, although not brilliant, share her motivations.

If applicable, how does the villain treat these followers? She clearly feels exasperation toward her daughters for their idiocy and inability to take charge of their own abilities, but she strives to facilitate their success to further her own reputation.

What advantages does the villain have over the protagonist? As head of the household, Lady Tremaine has a level of emotional power over Cinderella, and as such, Cinderella follows her orders to serve the family. Lady Tremaine's cruel punishments for disobedience also keep Cinderella in line.

How does the villain hurt or manipulate others? Lady Tremaine insults Cinderella and gives her menial tasks to set her at a lower class than her own daughters. She thinly veils her cruelties with excuses and feigned kindness. She also prevents Cinderella from reaching her own success by enslaving her.

Does the villain actively pursue victims or wait for them to come to him/her? She sets expectations for Cinderella to serve her, so Cinderella is forced to encounter Lady Tremaine on a daily basis.

What does the villain do to create drama or suspense? When an important opportunity arises, Lady Tremaine gives Cinderella increased assignments and destroys any possibility that Cinderella can attend the event. Finally, when Cinderella has overcome nearly every obstacle her stepmother puts in her way, Lady Tremaine locks her up and destroys evidence that Cinderella is the prince's choice for a future wife.

Does the villain eventually change? The film does not dwell on Lady Tremaine's defeat, but her character's development leaves little confidence that she would feel any remorse for her manipulations.

Having explored the motivations and characteristics of these villainous characters, you can see how complex they are and the importance of knowing these details about a story's villain. After exploring your character further, can you see him or her more clearly? Put your own villain to the test to see if you can further develop your character!

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writing descriptive essay the best villain

How to write a great villain?

Why do good stories need a great villain, start with the motivations and goals of your villain , reflect on what makes them relatable despite being an antagonist  , create a compelling backstory for your villain , create a vivid physical persona of your villain , establish a unique voice for your villain to make them memorable , make sure the villain’s actions are believable yet surprising , give them strengths and weaknesses that will challenge the protagonist in interesting ways , consider how they interact with other characters in the story  , showcase their impact on the plot through powerful moments or decisions they make throughout the story  , the villain’s journey, common mistakes to avoid when writing a villain, a look at some of the greatest villains in literature, tips to remember when writing your villain.

writing descriptive essay the best villain

Pointers to craft the origin story of your villain:  

A meme on how to write a great villain?

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writing descriptive essay the best villain

The best villain is probably Thanos. His motives are toward universal peace he just went about it wrong. World peace if sometihng that we want to attain. Studies have shown that their is enough food in the world to feed every one. That there is enough for every one. So killing half the population is not the answer.

How Villains View Themselves. For every uncomplimentary descriptor, villains will fabricate a different word in their alternate reality. Victims might think despotic while tyrants think assertive. The tyrants’ perspective affects their actions and colors their thoughts. Add to this list by reviewing How Others View Villains . Consider the ...

What makes Felix the best villain of all is all of his words, actions, and values are the opposite of the hero's. In the story's struggle of good versus evil, good and evil are represented by light and dark. This opposition between forces is repeated between the hero and villain : Gwendolen symbolizes light, while Felix personifies dark.

6. The corrupted. This type of villain starts as a hero or ally but is corrupted by power, greed or ambition. They can create a sense of tragedy, as they were once good, but have fallen from grace. The corrupted may struggle with their new role and try to justify their actions, creating an interesting character arc.

They are effective and efficient, forever on their tail, waiting to prey upon the slightest mistake. All this creates conflict and jeopardy, things your reader will love. Ask yourself how your antagonist behaves toward people he’s never met before. Some of the best villains come across as pleasant and affable.

From Darth Vader to Count Dracula, some of the best fiction writing contains unforgettable villains . Villains help define your story’s hero, drive the conflict, and capture the reader’s attention. For that reason, villains are just as important as the good guys in your story.

A great villain in literature is complex, terrifying, tortured, and sometimes vulnerable. While you might already know a bit about how you want your villain to act as the bad guy, it can be difficult to create a multi-faceted character that draws your readers into the story and keeps them hooked. Your hero becomes even more heroic if he has a worthy foe, so make sure you spend just as much ...

To most people the joker is just a villain but to me he's the best villain . I believe he's the best because he doesn't have a big suit of armor or any stupid super powers he's just a crazy goon with guns and other goons who ride for him. the joker is a wicked looking villain , the way he dresses, the way he paints his face, and his tattoos and scars on his body. its funny the way he takes care ...

Start with the motivations and goals of your villain . Reflect on what makes them relatable despite being an antagonist. Create a compelling backstory for your villain . Create a vivid physical persona of your villain . Establish a unique voice for your villain to make them memorable. Make sure the villain ’s actions are believable yet surprising.

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south xinjiang tour

12-day south xinjiang adventure tour.

Taklimakan-pamirs adventure.

If north Xinjiang is a beautiful dream, then south Xinjiang is an exciting adventure.

Surrounded by great mountain ranges — Tianshan, Altun, and Kunlun (the Pamirs) — south Xinjiang holds China's biggest desert (the Taklimakan) . Historically, it has cultivated 36 ancient kingdoms and carried the Silk Road's toughest trails .

This 12-day south Xinjiang adventure tour starts from Urumqi. Travel through the Tianshan Mountains. Drive across the Taklimakan Desert. Discover traces of splendid civilizations on the ancient Silk Road. Journey into the incredible Pamirs . And finish in Kashgar.

Tour 'Wow' Points

Drive across "the sea of death" — the taklimakan.

Enjoy a once-in-a-lifetime road trip across the biggest desert in China.

Venture into the Rugged Heartland of the Pamirs

Drive along the China-Pakistan Highway. Feast your eyes on lakes, snowy mountains, and glacier.

Discover Master Pieces of Nature and Culture

Witness the stark desert landforms left by wind and water in the red sandstone of Wensu Grand Canyon, and appreciate valuable murals in nearby grottoes.

Find Traces of Mysterious Lost Kingdoms

There have been 36 ancient kingdoms in the mysterious western region of China. They were important stops on the ancient Silk Road, secluded civilizations in the desert.

Be a Foodie of Xinjiang Delicacies in a Night Market

Taste typical Xinjiang food and snacks, such as lamb shashlik, roast dumplings, roast eggs, or even incredible watermelon pigeon soup!

Learn Xinjiang Craftsmanship with a Local Artisan

Explore a famous street with shops selling handmade crafts such as woodwork, copperware, and traditional instruments. Learn to make a handicraft that was a popular Silk Road product

"Steal" the Business Secrets of a Livestock Merchant

Experience a bazaar that has existed for centuries on the Silk Road — the Kashgar Livestock Market. Learn how to do successful business the Xinjiang way.

Discover real reviews of Highlights Travel Family 's best-rated service across trusted platforms.

Itinerary Quick Look

Here is a suggested itinerary. We are happy to customize a tour according to your interests.

When you land in Urumqi, your personal tour guide will be waiting for you in the arrivals area and will be ready to transfer you to your hotel.

Head for Turpan in the morning. Visit Tuyugou Village in the late afternoon and experience the traditional lifestyle of the Uyghurs.

Discover the Bezeklik Thousand Buddha Caves and view the Flaming Mountain on the way

Visit Emin Minaret in the morning. A beautiful shadow is cast across the walls in the morning sunlight.

Visit the ruins of the ancient city of Jiaohe . This remarkable city was built by digging down from on high instead of building up from the ground!

After lunch, you will venture underground to explore the Karez Well System and discover the wisdom behind Turpan's ancient irrigation system and water supply.

Learn more stories about Turpand and the Silk Road in the Turpan Museum.

Drive southwest and get close to the edge of the Taklimakan Desert. Visit the Bosten Lake which is the biggest indand freshwater lake. It is the site of an ancient kingdom which was an important spot on the ancient Silk Road. Now, the lake is a habitat for some kinds of birds. The south bank of the lake is connected with sands.

Leave Korla for Kuqa, where the ancient Qiuci (Kuqa) Kingdom once thrived. Visit the Ruins of Subashi Ancient Temple in the gravel desert — a representative relic of the ancient Qiuci Kingdom. And then admire the beauties of  Kuqa Grand Mosque . Find a combination of traditional Chinese culture and Islamic culture in the buildings.

Continue driving along the edge of the desert. Visit Kezil Thousand-Buddha Caves and witness the exchange and integration of Buddhist culture in the broken but beautiful murals.

Explore Tianshan Grand Canyon , which is a combination of Antelope Canyon, Arizona and the Grand Canyon of Colorado. The red sandstone mountains are a masterpiece of wind and water erosion. You will feel the primitive, wild, and desolate temperament of Xinjiang in this less touristy site.

You will drive across the "Sea of the Death" — the Taklimakan Desert . The vastness of the desert brings out human's tininess and mortality. But the Euphrates poplars will show you the tenacity of life. Wheatgrass squares (China's secret for fixing the sands and reversing desertification) along the road display dividends from the wisdom and hard work of China's people.

When you get to Khotan, you will come back to civilization. Have a relaxing walk on the old street of Khotan . Feel the rich Uyghur flavor when admiring the traditional residential houses on the street.

Explore the local Jade Bazaar . It is interesting to see how people present their jade treasures and how they negotiate to buy the most beautiful stones. The friendly and exciting atmosphere must be very enjoyable to experience. Then trying to look for a real jade stone in Khotan River could be a unique experience.

Trying some traditional snacks in the busy Khotan night market might be another highlight of the day.

Drive from Khotan to Kashgar via Yarkant County. You will stop at Yarkant Palace. The original Yarkant Palace was destroyed when the Dzungar Khanate conquered Yarkent. The palace is an accurate copy according to historical records, and the great buildings, exquisite decoration, and lovely blue color show a rich Islamic flavor.

Then visit the mausoleum of a Yarkant princess, Amani Shah Khan. The soft white of the building and its light blue and light green features might create an image of a gentle and beautiful lady in your mind. You can see poems written by Amani Shah Khan and pictures of traditional Uyghur instruments on the walls of the building.

Explore Kashgar Old Town . Walk from the old city to Handicrafts Street . Go into the shops, touch the semi-finished handicrafts, and test the timbre of exotic musical instruments.

Have a break at an old teahouse that has a history of over 100 years. Many locals gather there to chat, enjoy a tea break, play music, and to dance, often spending a whole afternoon there.

Experience the region's religion in Xinjiang's biggest mosque. Enjoy the beauty of Islamic architecture in a quiet atmosphere.

If it is Sunday, you can also choose to explore the Kashgar Livestock Market . Learn how the local people do their livestock business.

Drive along the China-Pakistan Highway to the Pamirs. Enjoy the seldom-seen scenery of the westernmost point of China.

View the impressive Baisha ('White Sand') Lake and Karakul ('Black Lake'). Snow-capped Muztag Ata and other very tall mountains look like a row of strong guards protecting this land.

Say goodbye to amazing Xinjiang. Your guide and driver will escort you to the airport.

Hotel Selection

—the Icing on the Cake

Boutique hotels are recommended to enrich your travel experience.

Price Includes:

  • Private air-conditioned business car with big windows and ample space
  • English speaking local guide
  • Activities, hotels, and meals listed in the itinerary
  • 24/7 helpline for while you are traveling

Tour code: xj-1

Your 1:1 travel consultant will reply within 1 working day.

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10-17 yrs old

3-9 yrs old

0-2 yrs old

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14-day South Xinjiang Silk Route Tour

Overview:  The Silk Road China travel tour itinerary covers top tourist attracions in Southern Xinjiang such as Urumqi Heavenly Lake, Kashgar Sunday Bazaar, Id Kah Mosque,Abakh Khoja Tomb, Karakul Lake, Stone City in Hotan, Aksu etc..

Day 1 Arrival in Urumqi Places to visit: Terai Camp, Mount Nanshan Pasture Welcome to Xinjiang! Upon your arrival in Urumqi before afternoon, your local guide will meet you at the airport and transfter you to visit the Terai Camp, Nanshan Grassland. Then you will be driven back to Urumqi to check in your hotel for overnight.   Day 2 Urumqi/Heavenly Lake Meals: B, L Places to visit: Tianshan Mountains, Heavenly Lake, Mt. Bogoda As a natural world heritage, Tianshan Mountains is snow-capped all year around and has the beautiful mountain lake-the Heavenly Lake and Mt. Bogoda (5445m in altitude). Heavenly Lake, covering an area of about 5.9 square kilometers, has eight beautiful scenic spots in the lake scenic area; they are "A Ray of Stone Gate", "Dragon's Pool and Green Moon", "Magic Needle for Guarding the See", "Three Stones Bearing the Sky". Day 3 Urumqi/Turpan Meals: B, L Places to visit: Turpan Depression, Jiaohe Ruins, Emin Minaret Take a morning drive to the oasis town of Turpan Depression. Turpan depression is famous for its melons and vineyards. Here Marco Polo first encountered spaghetti, an idea he took home to Italy. Visit Jiaohe ruins and old Karez Wells in the afternoon. 2000-year old Karez Wells is a unique underground irrigation channel in Turpan, which, making use of the slopes of the land to direct water flow into underground channels to irrigate farmland. Day 4 Turfan/Korla Meals: B, L Places to visit: Golden Beach Drive to Korla, Korla is famous for pears, oil and local Mongols people, visit the Golden beach on the way. Day 5 Korla/Kuche Meals: B, L Places to visit: Tianshan Grand Canyon Along the desert road. we drive and arrive at Tianshan Grand Canyon after special local food as lunch. Tianshan Grand Canyon is featured by the mysterious canyon and caves in the deep moutains where scenery is fabulous and fantastic. Day 6 Kuche/Aksu Meals: B, L Places to visit: Kizil Caves Kizil Caves is regarded as one of China's greatest four caves. The caves were cut on the cliffs, the murals and frescos are well-preserved originally in a quiet and peaceful environment. Day 7 Akesu/Hetian Meals: B, L Places to visit: Diversified Poplar Forests, Hotan river, Taklamakan desert This is a great day to drive ahead to Hotan along the second desert highway for the magnificent diversified poplar forests around Hotan river on the Taklamakan desert. Day 8 Hetian Meals: B, L Places to visit: Silk family, Malikawat ruins Visit the Silk family, king of fig tree, Malikawat ruins, and local bazaar. Day 9 Hetian/Kashgar Meals: B, L Places to visit: Yarkand, Yinjisar county Drive on the way to Kashgar, visit Yarkand and passby Yinjisar county famous for man-made knives. Day 10 Kashgar Meals: B, L Places to visit: Sunday Bazaar, Id Kah Mosque, Tomb of Abakh Khoja In the city east, Kashgar Grand Bazaar, Sunday Bazaar, Mal Bazaar or the livestock market on Sundays, daily Yengi Bazaar etc. show the glory of the largest international trade market or fair on ancient China Silk Road. Before 1992, Kashgar grand bazaar was only held on Sunday. So that foreiners called it Sunday Bazaar on travel guidebooks. In fact, the market is open everyday for people,but the highest busy tide still comes on Sunday. The Id Kah Mosque is located on the central square in Kashgar City, Xinjiang Uigur Autonomous Region. As the biggest mosque in China, it is a group of old Islamic constructions with strong ethnic style and religious features.. Day 11 Kashgar/Karakul Lake/Taxkorgan Meals: B, L Places to visit: Karakul Lake, Muztagh Ata And, Konger Mountain Drive 200km to Karakul Lake along China-Pakistan highway,enjoy the majestice Pamir plateau, encounter the local nomads called "Kirgiz". Admire the snow-capped mountain called "Muztagh Ata" And "Konger Mountain", walking around the Karakul lake (3800M), then continue driving to Taxkorgan. Day 12 Taxkorgan/Kasghar Meals: B, L Places to visit: Stone City Visit the Stone City before sunrise, and golden valley, then drive back to Kashgar via Aoyitak glacier park. Day 13 Kashgar/Urumqi Meals: B, L Places to visit: Xinjiang Museum, Erdaoqiao International Grand Bazaar Take a morning flight to Urumqi, visit the Xinjiang Museum, the Red Hill and then visit the Erdaoqiao International Grand Bazaar. Xinjiang Museum is the main institution to collect and investigate the unearthed cultural relics and specimens in Xinjiang. There are more than 50 thousand pieces of various kinds of cultural relics stored in the museum, among them, the ancient mummies represented by ‘the Loulan Beauty', manuscripts in Chinese, Kharosthi, Qiuci, Yanji, Tibetan, Uigurian and other characters prevailed in ancient Westen Regions, the silk ,wool, cotton and hemp fabrics and folk rainment, etc., are unusual tidbits in the world. Day 14 Urumqi Departure Meals: B After breakfast, you will have a relax until a morning transfer to the airport for your flight to next destination. Service ends

Transportation cost covers all the domestic airfare of economy class with airport tax, train tickets between the cities as the itinerary specified.

Transfer between airports, railway station, hotels and scenic spots for sightseeing around the cities that are specified by the itinerary with private air conditioned vehicle with driver and English-speaking guide. Separate arrivals and departures will incur extra charges.

All entrance fees to the scenic spots listed in the itinerary. The final arrangement will be determined by private tour guides depends on the real-time local circumstances wheather are beyond the control of Access China Travel. We will adhere to the original itinerary as accurately as possible.

All normal meals as the itinerary specified: B = breakfast, L = Lunch, D = dinner in local restaurant. Breakfasts are served in hotel, breakfasts have Chinese or Western style for your option; Lunches are served in carefully selected quality local Chinese restaurants with best service, your lunches will be ordered by your guide catering to your preferences within normal standard. Dinners as the itinerary specified will be also served in local Chinese restaurants. The meal quotation is normalized. If you have any special request about meals, like vegetarian, famous rare dishes, Indian food or more, please inform us in advance. For the unspecified dinners, you will have dinner on your own. Feel free to ask your local guide for suggestions or recommendation.

Normal sightseeing activities as the itinerary listed will be escorted with English-speaking guide. The English-speaking guide and driver in each city are with you throughout the entire itinerary around that city. They do not fly with you from one city to another.

Hotel service criterion: two adults share on one standard twin/double-bed room; solo traveler who want to occupy one twin/double-bed room assigned is required for extra single supplement rate. A single room is available on prior request at an additional cost; if a recommended hotel unavailable, it will be replaced by one of the same class. All hotels as the itinerary listed serve daily western or Chinese breakfast. All rooms are air-conditioned with private facilities unless specified.

The tour cost includes the planning, handling, booking, operation and communication charges.

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12 Days South Xinjiang Tour

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Please consult us ! more people will be more cheaper。

Tailor Make Your Tour

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  • Your Hotel Preference

Tour Start and End

Kashgar, Urumqi

Price Includes

  • Accommodation-4 star Hotel
  • Professional English speaking tour guide
  • Transportation with air-conditioned car/bus
  • Hotel and meals for guide and driver

Price Excludes

  • All flight tickets
  • Meals during the tour
  • Entrance tickets to monuments and tour spots
  • Excursions other than those specified in trips
  • Personal expenses
  • Tips to guide and driver

To see better of Silk Road corners in Xinjiang, you required to have 12 days, here we have made you a wonderful itinerary of including all the necessary spots of the ancient Xinjiang.

Arrive in Kashgar

south xinjiang tour

Meals: NO Accommodation: 4 Star

Kashgar city tour

south xinjiang tour

Meals: Breakfast Accommodation: 4 Star

Kashgar to Tashkorgan, 300km

south xinjiang tour


south xinjiang tour

Tour around kashgar, travel to Shipton’s Arch

south xinjiang tour

Kashgar to Kucha, 300km

south xinjiang tour

Kucha to Korla

south xinjiang tour

Korla to Turpan

south xinjiang tour

Turpan Tour

south xinjiang tour

Turpan to heavenly Lake, then to Urumqi

south xinjiang tour

Visit Grand bazaar, Transfer to airport

south xinjiang tour

Meals: Breakfast Accommodation: NO

south xinjiang tour


You can add or delete days or especial activities from the itinerary, services can be adjusted to your own interests, Please contact us via email and let us know your plan, we are ready to offer you the best customized tour!


Please tell us your hotel requests, we will book hotels accordingly, we have 5 star international hotels at bigger cities, 4 star hotels and 3 star hotels, our hotels include breakfast.


Since our tours are private tours, we offer you private transportation, we have all kinds of comfortable vehicles which are suitable for your journey, please feel free to let us know if you have especial requests for the vehicles.

We usually include breakfast and exclude Lunch and Dinner, it is for flexibility, but of course our guides and drivers always responsible to show you nice restaurants, you just need to tell your favorites. Based on 2 persons & 4 Star hotels for reference, will be cheaper if there is more people.

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7 Days Southern Xinjiang Tour

  • Includes & Excludes

Tour Overview

Discover the soul-stirring beauty of Southern Xinjiang in this 7-day journey. From the opulence of Opal Village on the Karakoram Highway to the serenity of Karakul Lake and the rich tapestry of Tashkurgan, each day unfolds a new chapter. Immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of Kashgar, explore ancient wonders in Turpan, and find respite at the Heavenly Lake. This tour weaves together landscapes, traditions, and experiences, promising an unforgettable exploration of Southern Xinjiang’s diverse treasures.

Highlights of this tour:

Day-by-day itinerary.

When you arrive at Kashgar , the local driver will pick you up and transfer you to the well-selected hotel. The rest of the day is free for you to freshen up or explore the city.

Note: You're suggested to land at Kashgar airport around 2 pm, 4 pm, or 6 pm for airport pickup.

Accommodation : in Kashgar

Drive 1 hour along the Karakoram Highway to Opal Village . Along the way, shoot some of the highest and most beautiful mountain ranges in the world. Opal Village is one of the best places to taste local fruit and authentic Uygur bread. Afterwards, head for Oytagh Red Mountain , the first major attraction on Karakoram Highway that displays a red tint. Arrive at White Sand Lake , where the scenery of snow peaks reflected on the teal-colored lake must be a feast for your eyes.

White Sand Lake Xinjiang

Then, visit the Karakul Lake . It's a moraine lake surrounded by a series of high mountains. At the lakefront, there is grassland with roaming flocks and herds, creating a fair and charming picture.

Pass through Subash Pass en route, and we could make a stop at Tagharma Village  to visit a local Tajik family if you like. Finally, get to Tashkurgan overnight.

Note: The travel policy in Xinjiang is changeable all the time, If a local Tajik family visit is not available for tourists, our tour guide will show you around the outside of Tagharma Village.

Meal : Breakfast

Accommodation : in Tashkurgan

Today you'll visit  Stone Castle , an ancient fortress perched along the historic Silk Road. Dating back over 2,000 years, the city boasts well-preserved stone walls and structures. You can explore the ruins, marvel at the strategic location overlooking the Pamir Mountains, and appreciate the historical significance of this Silk Road outpost. Tashkurgan Stone City offers a captivating journey into the region's ancient past, with panoramic views of the surrounding rugged landscapes.

Xinjiang Tashkurgan Stone City

After finishing the visit, drive you back to Kashgar.

Start your Kashgar city tour at Sunday Livestock Market , where you can find and buy various things such as handicrafts, livestock, local specialties, and vegetables, as well as many other kinds of things from second-hand items to needles and thread.

Sunday Livestock Market in Kashgar

Then move to Kashgar Old Town . Enjoy leisurely wandering in this Islamic-style city block, which highlights the centuries-old mud-brick architecture and twisting alleys through workshops. After that, explore a local bazaar to discover some of your favorite snacks and interesting souvenirs.

Later, take a visit to Id Kah Mosque , a construction complex with a magnificent chapel, pagoda, garden, and scripture hall in Islamic style. After that, you'll be escorted to Kashgar airport for your flight to Urumqi. Stay overnight in Urumqi.

Xinjiang Kashgar Old Town

Note: If the day is not Sunday when you are in Kashgar, there won't be a Sunday Livestock Market there, or it might get closed randomly by local policy, our tour guide would arrange for you guys a Local Handicraft Market instead if Sunday Livestock Market is not available.

Accommodation : in Urumqi

After breakfast, drive around 3.5 hours to Turpan and visit Tuyugou Valley , an over 1,700-year-old Uyghur village that still preserves the most time-honored Uyghur traditions and folk customs. Then have a stop at Flaming Mountains , which is a striking geological wonder known for its intense heat and vibrant red hues. Witness the surreal landscape, characterized by red sandstone formations that appear to glow in the sunlight.

Xinjiang Tuyugou Valley

Afterwards, drive to Kumutag Desert , where you can take a thrilling jeep ride to experience the rolling sand dunes or ride a camel into the desert to watch the sunset (at your own expense). Back in Turpan, you can visit the local busy night market.

Accommodation : in Turpan

Today, you will be guided to Sugong Pagoda , the largest ancient pagoda in Xinjiang with diverse Islamic geometric and floral carvings.

Xinjiang Sugong Pagoda

Then drive to Jiaohe Ruins . Once the capital of the Jushi Kingdom, Jiaohe has witnessed a history of over 2,000 years and holds the best-preserved earthen architecture in the world. Enjoy the spectacular view of Jiaohe Ruins in the sunset.

At end of the tour, we will drive to a hotel near Heavenly Lake overnight, that way you will have more time to visit Heavenly Lake the next day.

Accommodation : near Heavenly Lake

Xinjiang Jiaohe Ruins

Today, we will visit Heavenly Lake , a picturesque Alpine lake that is 2,000m up in the Tianshan mountain range. You can choose to absorb the beautiful surroundings by taking a cruise or trekking along the lake...

Xinjiang Heavenly Lake Boat Ride

After enjoying, escort you to Urumqi airport for departure. (Please book a flight to depart from Urumqi airport after 6 pm.)

Note: Taking a cruise on the lake is an optional activity, which will be at your own expense if you want to experience it.

Accommodation : N/A

  • 6 nights' accommodation in well-selected hotels;
  • Meals listed in the itinerary;
  • Private air-conditioned vehicle with licensed drivers;
  • Excellent local English-speaking tour guides services as mentioned in the itinerary;
  • Entrance tickets as mentioned in the itinerary;
  • 1 bottle of mineral water per person per day;
  • China Travel Insurance.
  • Flights to Kashgar or off Urumqi;
  • A flight from Kashgar to Urumqi;
  • Any optional activities inside the attractions like boat cruise on Heavenly Lake;
  • Any item not mentioned in the itinerary;
  • Single Room Supplement;
  • All kinds of gratuities for guides, drivers & others.


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Southern Xinjiang 12D: Kashgar, Tashkurgan, Hetian, Taklimakan, Kuqa, Turpan, Urumqi

  • Partially Guided
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  • Christmas & New Year

Image of a map showing the route of the tour

  • Introduction
  • Day 1 Arrival Kashgar
  • Day 2 Sightseeing in Kashgar
  • Day 3 Kashgar to Tashkurgan by car via Karakul Lake
  • Day 4 Tashkurgan back to Kashgar by car
  • Day 5 Kashgar to Hetian(Hotan) by car/van
  • Day 6 Hetian(Hotan) to Kuqa by car for 9 hours 650km
  • Day 7 Sightseeing in Kuqa: Kizil Caves and Tianshan Mysterious Grand Canyon
  • Day 8 Kuqa to Korla by car for 4 hours 300km
  • Day 9 Korla to Turpan by car for 6 hours 410km
  • Day 10 Sightseeing in Turpan
  • Day 11 Turpan to Uurmqi by car for 3 hours 180km
  • Day 12 Departing from Urumqi

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  • Group of 16 travelers max.
  • Fast booking confirmation
  • Carefully planned itineraries
  • Travel with like-minded people
  • Travel with your own group of min. 2 travelers
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  • Upgrade your accommodation
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Reviews About This Operator

  • Tour Operator Silk Road Trips 4.7
  • Robyn · 8th January 2024 Although the weather was very cold, hotels were warm. The history and sights were amazing. Guides were helpful and... Show more
  • Chin-Aik · 31st December 2023 Great local guides! Great excursions!
  • Maryam · 28th October 2023 This tour was an incredible journey and a very good introduction to the complex history of China, the beauty of the... Show more

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  • Friday 19 Apr, 2024 Tuesday 30 Apr, 2024 English Filling Fast Sharing a twin room €2,831 Confirm Dates
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  • Monday 22 Apr, 2024 Friday 3 May, 2024 English Filling Fast Sharing a twin room €2,831 Confirm Dates

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In-depth Tour of South Xinjiang

In-depth Tour of South Xinjiang

Xj-1: 9-day south xinjiang tour.

Southern Xinjiang, the area at the southern end of the Tianshan Mountains and northern end of the Kunlun Mountains, is the most exotic land in China. The various minority groups – Uyghur, Tajik, Kyrgyz – who are living there practice rich and diverse cultural customs. Driving along the highway through the Taklimakan Desert, seeing ancient cities along the Old Silk Road, the gorgeous landscape of the mountains and lakes, and tasting the mouth-watering food, all these will make your trip a life-time memorable one.

  • Trip Highlights
  • Local experts speaking fluent English
  • Comfortable vehicles for land transportation
  • Visit a Tajik family and talk to the host
  • Taste different types of local delicacies


No Shopping Traps

Group Type

Silk Road, Landscape, Culture


Best Season

Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter

Map of this Trip

In-depth Tour of South Xinjiang

Full itinerary for In-depth Tour of South Xinjiang

Welcome to gorgeous Xinjiang as you are landing in Urumqi. Your personal tour guide will be greeting you at the arrival terminal of Urumqi Diwopu International Airport (URC). You will be transferred to your hotel in the city center and you can rest at leisure. If you arrive earlier on this day, you will have time to explore the neighboring streets, check out some shopping malls or take a picture of the city view at Red Hill Park.

Overnight at Urumqi

Urumqi Bazar

After breakfast, your guide and driver will pick you up and drive southwards to visit Bosten Lake , the biggest fresh water lake in China. It is the source of the Kongque (Phoenix) River, the mother river of Ancient Loulan.You will spend some time here to enjoy the beautiful, tranquil lake view. And then we will continue the journey to Korla, a small city located in the middle of Xinjiang. It is a center of transportation from the Southern Region to Urumqi and inland. It is also the gate of the southern route of the Silk Road. After checking-in, you can have a leisurely walk along the Phoenix River to enjoy the evening lights.

Overnight in Korla

Bosten Lake

After breakfast in your hotel, you will set off again towards the desert. In about one hour of driving, you will arrive at Luobu Village . A very small village in the middle of the desert and a meeting spot of the Talimu River and Weigan River, Luobu Village is still guarding Ancient Loulan. You will get to learn the tradition and folklore of the locals and have a light lunch in a local restaurant. Then you will continue to Kuqa. We will prepare some snacks and drinks onboard for the long drive.

Overnight at Kuqa

Luobu Village

We will have a bit less driving today. Enjoy a leisurely breakfast in the hotel before setting out. The first stop is Tianshan Mysterious Grand Canyon , formed by wind and rain over billions of years. It is famous for the unique colors and rock shapes. The canyon is 5.5 kilometers long from east to west with an average depth of 1,600 meters. You will spend 2 hours here to take some amazing photos.

Within a 1.5 hour drive, you will get to The Kizil Thousand-Buddha Caves . There are corridors of murals surpassing other existing caves in China in their abundance of content, quantity and long duration. It is the place you will learn about significant Buddhist stories as well as the history of ancient Qiuci Kingdom (today’s Kuqa).

After visiting the cave, you will head south towards the desert to Shaya County and stay there overnight.

Tianshan Mysterious Grand Canyon

Today is a long driving day. The journey starts from the north of the Taklimakan Desert southwards all the way to Hotan. Taklimakan Desert is the largest desert in China. Driving along the desert highway provides a gorgeous view of sand dunes in various shapes and colors. When arriving at Hotan in the evening, you can experience the diverse cultural customs and tasty food at the night markets. Hotan jade is famed as the most beautiful and precious in the world.

Overnight at Hotan

Good to know:

  • The driving journey trip today is quite challenging. Due to the limited supply, lunch will be very basic. You can bring your own snacks and drinks.
  • Residents in both Hotan and Kashgar are mostly Muslim. Please don’t smoke or drink alcohol in restaurants and local living areas.

Desert Highway

In the morning, your driver will take you from Hotan towards the northwest to Yecheng County for about 3 hours. Yecheng is famous for producing walnuts, pomegranates, jade and folk dances. You will experience authentic exotic customs in this small border town. With a short lunch break in Yecheng, you will visit the Mysterious Ancient City of Xitia . Without any historical records, Xitia is considered a mysterious ancient city and has been rebuilt in classic central-Asian style. Then you willcontinue the journey further northwest to Kashgar . Kashgar is the most important hub in southern Xinjiang where you can experience the Uygur culture and customs.

Overnight in Kashgar

  • It is tranquil to wander around Kashgar old city area. Seniors sit together and chat with each other under the house, children chase after one another in the alleys, dogs and cats lie there with eyes closed.

Old Town in Kashgar

What a pleasant change to visit a greenish lake after several days of driving through the desert! Today you will head out to visit Kalakuli Lake , a bright pearl on Pamir.It is about 3 hours’ driving with snow-capped mountains in the distance. Once arriving there, you will find it is totally deserving of the long drive. Standing by the lake, it is stunning to admire the reflection of Muztagh Ata (the 3rd highest peak of Kunlun Mountains) in the water. In the afternoon, the trip continues to Tajik County within 1.5 hours’ driving withalpine scenery on Pamir. The only white people in Asia, the Tajik, have lived here for generations. Let’s look forward to visiting one of their families.

Overnight in Tajik County

Kalakuli Lake

In the morning, you will spend 1-2 hours to visit the Ancient Stone City in downtown Tajik County. The Ancient Stone City was the capital of Puli Country in Western Region during the Han Dynasty (206 BC-220), for its strategic importance (the meeting spot of the roads from Kashgar, Shache, Yingjisha and Yecheng to Pamir). The ruins present a tranquil and inspiring picture with snow-capped mountains, grasslands and rivers surrounding.

The specially-arranged family visit to a local Tajik household will provide a chance to see where they live and their lifestyle, specially their traditional customs.

Your driver will take you back to Kashgar in the late afternoon.

Jincao Wet Land

You will be transferred to the airport or train station for your next destination if your flight departs before noon. Otherwise, you will visit Id Kah Mosque in the morning. As the landmark of Kashgar and located at the central square, Id Kah Mosque is known as the biggest mosque in China. Id Kah means a place of praying and celebrating in festivals. It was firstly built in the year of 1442 and has been renovated several times. Now it is a group of old Islamic constructions with strong ethnic style and religious features.

Ancient City in Kashgar

What’s Included

  • Expert tour guides who can speak fluent English, Chinese Mandarin and local dialects
  • Air-conditioned vehicles for land transportation
  • Eight nights’ accommodation in comfortable local hotels with daily breakfast
  • Meals as listed
  • Entrance fee and cost for activities as mentioned
  • Tour Summary
  • Full Itinerary
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    Best-selling trip to the Golden-triangle destinations - Urumqi, Kashgar and Turpan

    8 Days Classic Xinjiang Discovery Tour

    Xinjiang Tours 2024/2025

    Top 8 Xinjiang Tours & Xinjiang Travel Packages 2024/2025

    Discover Marvelous Diversity of Xinjiang with China Discovery

    Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in northwestern China is the largest province of China as well as the No. 1 province of China which has the richest travel resources. And fortunately, compared to many other travel destinations in China, Xinjiang still remains its wilderness and mysteriousness with fewer crowds. As the most important part of ancient Silk Road, Xinjiang used to be a trading center of Middle Asia. There are many old towns, bazaars and historical sites inherited from thousands of years ago, which offers you an unforgettable authentic Silk Road experience. Thanking the spectacular geography condition, Xinjiang also pleases travelers with extraordinary natural beauty, such as the stunning plateau lakes, vast grasslands, golden desert, dominating snow peaks, magnificent canyons, etc. At the same time, Xinjiang is fast developing. Old-time tradition has been preserved well while the more-and-more new facilities are helping travelers explore the vast Xinjiang with comfort and convenience.

    How to plan your Xinjiang tour? The first advice – traveling with a tour package instead of arranging everything on your own in such a vast land lacks updated travel guide information. For itinerary planning - Generally speaking, Kashgar, Turpan and Urumqi are the best options for the first-timers, needing about 6~8 days to travel in a tour. They provide you with Silk Road history and culture as well as Xinjiang featured scenery – beautiful lakes, gorges, mountains, etc. Kanas, with tranquil lakes and bays, primitive villages and ethnic culture, are strongly recommended too. A trip to Kanas usually takes about 4~7 days. If you prefer natural landscapes, western Xinjiang offers you superb grassland, alpine lakes, wild flowers. Recommended places include Sayram Lake, Karajun Grassland, Naraty Grassland, etc. The southern Xinjiang has many hidden gems for an in-depth adventure, such as historical Silk Road cities, Takilamakan Desert, Hotan, Kuqa, etc. Such a trip usually costs over 10 days, but it is definitely worth your time and effort.

    China Discovery has rich experience in providing reliable and valuable tour holidays to Xinjiang. We have obtained 1,830+ good reviews on Tripadvisor and 3,630+ favorable customer reviews so that you can 100% rely on our tour services. To help you create wonderful moments in Xinjiang, we have designed many excellent Xinjiang tour packages for you to choose. They are all private tours, covering your own tour guide, driver, transfer, hotels, meals, activities, etc. If you have your own ideas, we can also tailor a tour according to your schedule, interests, budget and requirements. Some useful travel articles and guides are provided to help you know further about Xinjiang.

    Discover the marvelous diversity of Xinjiang with worry-free & valuable Xinjiang tours operated by reliable Xinjiang travel agency to Kashgar, Turpan, Kanas, Silk Road...

    We are one of the few China travel agencies who have kept active and received lots of feedbacks and reviews during pandemic years


    Classic Xinjiang

    Featured xinjiang.

    Xinjiang Tour

    Classic Xinjiang Discovery

    Trip at a Glance: Urumqi (2D), Turpan (1D), Kashgar (2D), Tashkurgan (1D)

    Sites: Heavenly Lake, Xinjiang Regional Museum, Flaming Mountain Canyon, Kashgar Bazaar, Kashgar Old Town, Tashkurgan Fort

    Transfer: Private Car & Flight

    Xinjiang Tour

    Photography at Fairyland Kanas

    Trip at a Glance: Urumqi (3D), Wuerhe (1D), Kanas (1D), Hemu (1D), Burqin (1D), Turpan (1D)

    Sites: Kanas Nature Reserve, Hemu Village, Dushanzi Grand Canyon, Wuerhe Ghost City, Jiaohe Ancient City

    Transfer: Private Car

    Xinjiang Tour

    Xinjiang Efficient Impression

    Trip at a Glance: Urumqi (2D), Turpan (1D), Kashgar (2D)

    Sites: Heavenly Lake, Xinjiang Regional Museum, Jiaohe Ancient City, Karakul Lake, Kashgar Old Town

    Xinjiang Tour

    Explore Silk Road in Xinjiang

    Trip at a Glance: Urumqi (2D), Turpan (1D), Korla (1D), Kuqa (2D), Minfeng (1D), Hotan (1D), Kashgar (3D), Tashkurgan (1D)

    Sites: Takilamakan Desert, Karakul Lake, Id Kah Mosque, Kashgar Old Town, Tianshan Mysterious Canyon, Kizil Grottoes...

    Xinjiang Tour

    Best Tour for First-timers

    Trip at a Glance: Urumqi (2D), Kashgar (2D), Tashkurgan (1D)

    Sites: Xinjiang Regional Museum, Heavenly Lake, Karakul Lake, Kashgar Bazaar, Tashkurgan Fort

    Xinjiang Tour

    Best Xinjiang Landscape

    Trip at a Glance: Urumqi (1D), Burqin (1D), Kanas (3D), Karamy (1D), Sayram Lake (1D), Tekes (2D), Kuitun (1D)

    Sites: Kanas Nature Reserve, Sayram Lake, Karajun Grassland, Dushanzi Grand Canyon, Wuerge Ghost City, Rainbow Beach

    Xinjiang Tour

    Adventure to Kumtag Desert

    Trip at a Glance: Urumqi (4D), Turpan (2D)

    Sites: Kumtag Desert, Southern Pasture, Heavenly Lake, Flaming Mountain Ganyon, Jiaohe Ancient City

    Xinjiang Tour

    In-depth Silk Road Adventure

    In-depth wild silk road adventure.

    Trip at a Glance: Lanzhou (1D), Zhangye (1D), Jiayuguan (1D), Dunhuang (2D), Turpan (2D), Urumqi (2D), Kashgar (1D)

    Sites: Zhangye Danxia, Jiayuguan, Mogao Grottoes, Flaming Mountain, Heavenly Lake, Kashgar Bazaar, Kashgar Old City

    Transfer: Private Car & High Speed Train & Flight

    Xinjiang Tours

    Mysterious Taklamakan Desert

    Mysterious taklamakan desert tour.

    Trip at a Glance: Kashgar (3N), Hotan (1N), Ala'er(1N), Kucha(2N), Urumqi (1N)

    Sites: Taklamakan Desert, Kashgar Old City, Karakul Lake, Hotan Museum, Tianshan Mysterious Canyon

    Xinjiang Tours

    Stunning Ili & Naraty Grassland

    Trip at a Glance: Urumqi (3N), Turpan (1N), Sayram Lake (1N), Xinyuan (2N), Yining (1N), Kuitun (1N)

    Sites:  Heavenly Lake, Tuyuk Valley, Sayram Lake, Naraty Grassland, Apricot Valley, Dushanzi Grand Canyon

    Xinjiang Tours

    Road Trip to Heavenly Kanas Lake

    Trip at a Glance: Urumqi (2N), Wu'erhe (1N), Kanas (1N), Hemu (1N), Burqin (1N)

    Sites: Kanas Lake, Hemu Village, Wu'erhe Ghost City, Dushanzi Grand Canyon

    Xinjiang Tours

    Kazak Culture Experience

    4 days urumqi kazak culture experience tour.

    Trip at a Glance: Urumqi (3N)

    Sites: Heavenly Lake, Southern Pasture, Xinjiang Regional Museum

    China Silk Road Tours including Xinjiang

    Xinjiang could be a perfect extension of any China trip especially for trips to those destinations along the ancient Silk Road and neighboring provinces, such as the colorful Gansu, beautiful Qinghai, holy land Tibet, unique Ningxia, historical Xian, etc. If you want, you can even travel Xinjiang with Beijing’ s Great Wall, Shanghai’s modern city and watertown, Guilin’s Karst mountains, Chengdu’s Giant Panda, Zhangjiajie’s Avatar world and other popular destinations in China with our tailor-made tour packages. Below are some recommended tour packages for you to choose from. You are always welcomed to contact us to tailor a trip of your own. Start now!

    Jiayuguan Fort

    (Itinerary: Xining / Zhangye / Jiayuguan / Dunhuang / Turpan / Urumqi / Kashgar)

    from Request

    Abakh Khoja Tomb

    (Itinerary: Xian / Dunhuang / Turpan / Urumqi / Kashgar)

    from $2,566

    A Bullet Train Running on the High Speed Rail in Xinjiang

    (Itinerary: Kashgar / Tupran / Dunhuang / Jiayuguan / Zhangye / Xian / Beijing)

    Mogao Caves

    (Itinerary: Beijing / Xian / Dunhuang / Turpan / Urumqi)

    Xinjiang Tours by Destinations

    As the largest province in China, Xinjiang never fails to provide wonderful places to visit. No matter you are seeking for a cultural experience or a natural satisfaction, you can always find a place to go. The most classic and widely visited destinations are the capital Urumqi, cultural Kashgar and historical Turpan. It is suggested to visit at least two of them in your Xinjiang trip. The alluring Heavenly Lake is located close to Urumqi too. Kanas in northern Xinjiang is also very recommended especially for those who love landscape photography. After visiting Kanas, you can extend your nature trip to Karamay, Sayram Lake, Ili, etc. The southern Xinjiang area is full of cultural experiences especially Silk Road culture. Popular destinations are Kuqa, Taklimakan Desert, Hotan, etc. We have great tours to all above recommended destinations. Browse below tour collections to find your favorite package. You can also ask us to tailor a tour of your own if you want.

    • Urumqi & Heavenly Lake
    • Karakul & Tashkurgan
    • Taklamakan & Hotan
    • Sayram Lake & Ili

    Shane from UK - Karakul Lake, Kashgar

    4 Days In-depth Kashgar Tour to Karakul Lake

    Highlights: Karakul Lake, White Sand Lake, Id Kah Mosque, Kashgar Old Town, Kashgar Bazaar, Ancient Tea House

    Discover the very essence of Kashgar, such as the Kashgar Bazaar, Old Town, Id Kah Mosque, but also enjoy a land adventure on Pamirs Plateau to encounter with the Karakul Lake and Muztagh Ata.

    Charming Tajik lady in Tashkurgan

    5 Days Legendary Pamirs Tour from Kashgar to Tashkurgan

    Highlights: Tashkurgan Fort (Stone City), Karakul Lake, Golden Grassland, Kashgar Bazaar, Kashgar Old Town, Muztagh Ata, Id Kah Mosque

    This legendary Pamirs Tour combines the Silk Road culture with Pamirs adventure perfectly. It is all-inclusive private tour package that is strongly recommended for those who are seeking for authentic culture and wild landscape.

    Tashkurgan Fort (Stone City Ruin) in the morning of September

    8 Days Urumqi Turpan Kashgar Xinjiang Tour - Classic Xinjiang Discovery

    Highlights: Heaven lake, Bezeklik Caves, Kashgar Bazaar, Kashgar Old Town, Karakul Lake, Tashkurgan Fort, Golden Grassland, Muztagh Ata

    This is the most classic and enjoyable Xinjiang tour on which you will visit the Golden Triangle - Urumqi, Kashgar and Turpan to get the best Silk Road exploration and Xinjiang's best culture and nature.

    Id Kah Mosque is the most influential Islamic mosque in Xinjiang

    6 Days Urumqi to Kashgar Dream Tour - Best Xinjiang Tour for the First-timers

    Highlights: Kashgar Old Town, Kashgar Bazaar, Heavenly Lake, Karakul Lake, Tashkurgan Fort, Xinjiang Regional Museum, Id Kah Mosque

    Urumqi and Kashgar are the two Must-go destinations for all the first-timers. They are the very essence of Xinjiang, no matter you are seeking for Silk Road history, authentic local culture, or marvelous scenery.

    Aluring Heavenly Lake Scenery

    5 Days Urumqi Discovery to Turpan and Heavenly Lake

    Highlights: Heaven Lake, Turpan Jiaohe Ancient City, Bezeklik Thousand Buddha Cave, Tuyu Valley, Flaming Mountain, Red Hill

    By travelling Urumqi with the Heavenly Lake and Turpan, you are rewarded a comprehensive exploration of ancient Silk Road sites, history and culture of the whole Xinjiang region and joys of spectacular natural beauty.

    Urumqi city view from Red Hill Park

    3 Days Classic Urumqi Tour including Heavenly Lake and Mummy Visit

    Highlights: Heavenly Lake, Xinjiang Regional Museum, Grand Bazaar, Red Hill Park

    Most popular Urumqi city tour to enjoy the alluring landscape of Heavenly Lake and visit the famous Loulan Princess Mummy in the museum, etc. Can be extended to Turpan, Kashgar, Kanas, etc.

    Walking on the grassland of West Baiyanggou Scenic Area of Southern Pasture

    4 Days Urumqi Holiday Tour with Southern Pasture Landscape and Kazak Culture Experience

    Highlights: Heavenly Lake, Southern Pasture, Red Hill Park, Xinjiang Regional Museum

    This is a leisure holiday in Urumqi as well as a unique Urumqi trip. It is strongly recommended for families with kids, photographer and natural lovers.

    Charming Desert with Changing Colors

    3 Days Turpan Highlights Tour

    Highlights: Kumtag Desert,Jiaohe Ancient City, Karez System, Bezeklik Caves, Tuyugou Valley

    This 3-day tour takes you to visit the Buddhist relics, city ruins, great engineering project as well as the magnificent Kumtag Desert.

    Peaceful Mazar Village in Tuyugou Valley

    6 Days Urumqi Turpan Kashgar Efficient Tour - Brief Xinjiang Impression

    Highlights: Heavenly lake, Tuyuk Valley, Flaming Mountain Grand Canyon, Jiaohe Ancient City, Kashgar Bazaar, Kashgar Old Town, Karakul Lake, Muztagh Ata

    This is a time-and-money efficient tour on which you will start your tour from Urumqi and end in Kashgar with a well-arranged itinerary. You will have all the classic experiences in your pocket, and at the same time enjoy vacation-standard tour services. It is available all year around.

    Jiaohe Anicent City Sunset

    7 Days Urumqi Turpan Highlights Tour with Kumtag Desert Adventure

    Highlights: Kumtag Desert, Heavenly Lake, Southern Pasture, Jiaohe Ancient City, Flaming Mountain Grand Canyon, Bezeklik Caves, Tuyuk Valley Mazar Village

    This is a unique Xinjiang tour, covering many featured experiences in Urumqi and Turpan which are two of the most recommended destinations in Xinjiang. Rather than exploring the most famous historical and cultural sites related to Silk Road and Xinjiang history, you will also be taken to try something different, something that is out of your expectation.

    Hemu - Beautiful Peak (Meilifeng) hiking

    4 Days Kanas Hemu Village Best Hiking Tour

    Highlights: Hemu Village Sunrise, Hiking to Beautiful Peak, Kanas Three Bays and Taiga Trail Hiking, Panoramic View of Kanas Lake

    Have at least two full days hiking to the most beautiful area of Kanas, also some flexible time to explore things of your own interest. You will be accompanied by a local guide who knows the area very well so that you won’t miss out all the best experiences.

    Florian from France - Kanas Lake, Altay, Xinjiang

    4 Days Relaxing Kanas Holiday Tour

    Highlights: Kanas Lake, Three Bays (Recumbent Dragon Bay, Moon Bay and Celestial Bay), Hemu Village, Local Family Visit, Sunset, Sunrise

    This is a relaxing holiday in which you will enjoy a relaxing and scenic walking around Kanas Lake to escape the crowds and explore deep wild forest, take the best photos of Kanas’ seasonal scenery at the Three Bays, stay a night in the wooden Hemu Village and soak in the amazing morning and sunset views, also experience unique Tuvas ethnic culture.

    Morning mist in Hemu Village in Autumn

    9 Days Kanas Lake Fairyland Tour from Urumqi

    Highlights: Kanas Lake, Kanas Three Bays, Hemu Village, Rainbow Beach, Dushanzi Grand Canyon, Kumtag Desert, Tuyuk Valley, Bezeklik Thousand Buddha Caves

    You will not only explore Kanas fully, but also get rewarded by many other natural wonders, such as jaw-dropping canyons, colorful Yardang landform, wild animal reserve, etc. Drive in and out by two different routes so that all your time and efforts won’t be wasted.

    Winding Kanas River in July

    7 Days Classic Road Trip to Heavenly Kanas Lake

    Highlights: Wu'erhe Ghost City (Yardang Landform), Kanas Lake, Kanas Three Bays, Hemu Village, Rainbow Beach, Dushanzi Grand Canyon

    Local old men in Kuqa Old City

    13 Days In-depth Xinjiang Silk Road Adventure Tour

    Highlights: Taklimakan Desert, Tianshan Mysterious Canyon, Kizil Grottoes, Kuqa Grand Mosque, Kuqa Royal Palace, Subash Ruins, Hotan Museum, Kashgar Bazaar, Kashgar Old Town, Heaven lake, Karakul Lake, Tashkurgan Fort, Golden Grassland, Muztagh Ata

    Follow both the southern and northern sections of Silk Road in Xinjiang, and be rewarded with splendid natural landscapes of mysterious Taklimakan Desert, azure Heavenly Lake and Karakul Lake, overwhelming Pamirs Plateau, etc. It is an in-depth Xinjiang vacation that covers vast highlighting area of Xinjiang, a memorable trip you won’t regret.

    Taklimakan Desert Highway

    9 Days Taklamkan Desert Ancient Silk Road Tour

    Highlights: Id Kah Mosque, Taklamakan Desert, Kizil Thousand Buddha Caves

    Our journey skirts around and crosses over the treacherous Taklamakan Desert. Start your tour at the provincial capital of Xinjiang- Urumqi before heading out to Kashgar, the final settlement in China before the Silk Road crossed into Central Asia.

    Xinghuagou (Apricot Valley)

    10 Days Stunning Ili Apricot Blossom and Naraty Grassland Tour

    Highlights: Naraty Grassland, Sayram Lake, Apricot Valley, Heaven Lake, Turpan Jiaohe Ancient City, Bezeklik Thousand Buddha Cave, Flaming Mountain

    Starting from Urumqi, this is an incredible road trip to explore the best scenery of otherworldly Ili area, also explore Silk Road culture in Turpan. It is full of unique experiences.

    Colorful Grasslands around Sayram Lake

    11 Days Best Xinjiang Landscape Tour to Sayram Lake

    Highlights: Sayram Lake, Karajun Grassland, Kanas Lake, Hemu Village, Wu'erhe Ghost City (Yardang Landform), Dushanzi Grand Canyon

    This tour takes you to explore the most beauitufl places in Xinjiang - Sayram Lake, Karajun Grassland, Kanas Lake, Hemu Village, Wu'erhe Ghost City, etc. in an affordable way.

    Xinjiang Travel Guide & Articles

    To help you plan your lifetime Xinjiang trip, we have put together the essential Xinjiang travel guide and some useful tips from insiders for you. You can find the places you are interested in on our map, learn about attractions, transportation, weather, accommodation, itinerary planning and other helpful advices in our informative articles. If you have any other travel idea or questions, please feel free to contact us . We are always glad to help.

    Useful Xinjiang Travel Articles

    Xinjiang Tours 2024/2025

    Popular Xinjiang Attractions & Things to do

    • Hemu Village
    • Kashgar Old City
    • Taklamakan Desert
    • Tianchi Lake
    • Xinjiang Museum
    • Jiaohe Ancient City
    • Karakul Lake
    • Id Kah Mosque
    • Sayram Lake
    • Naraty Grassland
    • Karajun Grassland

    Xinjiang Travel Stories Shared by our Guests

    If you're looking for a unique and unforgettable travel experience, look no further than Xinjiang. China Discovery offers a wide variety of tour packages to help you discover everything this stunning region has to offer. From ancient Silk Road wonders to unbelivable natural wonders and Uyghur music and dance performances, Xinjiang has something for everyone. Read the collection of Xinjiang travel stories shared by our past guests to get an inside look at what makes it so special. These firsthand accounts will give you a glimpse into the beauty of Xinjiang that await you in Xinjiang. So why wait? Start planning your Xinjiang adventure today! Or get more inspirations of your China tour from all travel stories>

    9 Days Memorable Fabulous Xinjiang Photography Trip in 2020

    •  Florian(France)
    •  Friends
    •  2020.09.27-2020.10.05
    •  9Days

    Continue Unfinished Silk Road Trip in China after 20 Years

    •  Marcin(USA)
    •  2019.05.13-2019.05.25
    •  13Days

    15 Days to Unveil the Mysterious Ancient Silk Road

    •  Monica(Spain)
    •  2019.05.09-2019.05.23
    •  15Days

    19 China Trips of Vijay's People - Spreading around Family & Friends of Wonder's Good Service

    •  Vijay(India)
    •  Family, Friends
    •  2014-2018
    •  3-10Days (19 times)

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    • DATE & PRICE

    Assemble at Changi Airport for your international flight via transit city to Urumqi -the Capital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Upon arrival, transfer to the hotel.

    south xinjiang tour

    In the early morning, drive on to Korla. The city is famous for the fragrant pear, also the second largest city in Xinjiang. En route, view the Wind Power Station on the coach, the vast Gobi desert is at the foot of the windmill, which is very spectacular. Toksun Yadan landform (passing by - get off the car and take photos): Yadan landforms have unique shapes, some are like flying dragons, some are like castles, with strict barriers; Yadan refers to a wind-eroded landform, which is a masterpiece of wind power and a natural miracle.Visit the Iron Gate Pass which is just located at the very point of the ancient Silk Road. The pass was very important in ancient times. Then proceed to see the night view of Peacock River.

    After breakfast, head for Kucha. one of the most famous Buddhist centers along the Silk Road that ran along the northern edge of the Taklamakan Desert in the Tarim Basin and south of the Muzat River.

    Tarim Populus euphratica Forest: Located in the middle reaches of the Tarim River on the northeastern edge of the Taklimakan Desert, it is the largest original Populus euphratica forest park in Xinjiang.

    Qiuci Gudu Bazaar: Today's bazaar spreads out to both sides from Kucha Ancient Ferry , with merchants gathering, bustling, and a variety of groceries, snacks etc. Looking from a distance, the colorful umbrellas are the beautiful scenery of the Bazaar.

    After breakfast, visit The Mystic Grand Canyon of the Tianshan Mountains. Located on the Dushanzi-Kuqa Highway about seventy kilometers from the Kuqa county seat, this canyon is famous for its russet rocks formed by wind and rain over millions of years. Next proceed to Kizil Thousand Buddha Cave, located east of Kucha, 70km from Kucha downtown. Kizil Caves contain some of the finest examples of Buddhist art in Central Asia. It is not only popular among the regular tourists but also artists and researchers. There are 236 caves in total and was built one century earlier than the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang. Along the way, you will see the Yanshuigou Scenic Area, and the natural stone forest sculptures that look like "ancient trees", "red cliffs", "crouching camels", "sitting monkeys", "flying dragons", "running horses"... passing by the car window. It’s even more dizzying.

    After breakfast, we will set off from Alaer to Hotan along the Desert Highway. Today we cross Takla Makan Desert, the second largest shifting sand desert in China. On the way, we can see not only the desert but China’s longest inland river—Tarim River, and the famous Divers Leaved Poplar Forest (Huyang Lin) as well. Kuqa was the center of the Kuchean Kingdom, it was an important center of Central Asian trade and Indo-European culture. On the way view the Yulong Kashgar River, also called Baiyu River. Because it is rich in jade, many people come here every year to pick up jade. Hotan Tuancheng: The buildings of each household are different while maintaining the Uyghur style. It has formed a commercial, residential and tourist area in southern Xinjiang. Hotan Night Market for shopping spree.

    As a bustling center on the southern stretch of the ancient Silk Road, Hotan was one of the three thriving commercial centers in the history of Xinjiang. The ruins of many historical cultural sites still stand in desert. The Grape Corridor is located in Bagqi Town, Hotan County. The county has more than 1,500 kilometers of grape corridors. The lush green and vibrant grape corridor stretches for thousands of miles, which is spectacular.Then coach to Kashgar. As an important trading center of ancient Silk Road, Kashgar is a place with strong tinge of ethnic custom, and rich in historical and natural resources. It is well known as a top tourist destination in west China.

    After breakfast, visit the Kashgar Old Town which is the unique maze city in China. Over two hundred narrow alleys crisscross each other. Most of the buildings here are in a combined Islamic and Uygur style. Kashgar Old Town is home to the Uygur and you can experience Uygur culture here. Id Kah Mosque, 'Id Kah' means 'a place of praying and celebrating in festivals'. As the biggest mosque in China, it is a group of old Islamic constructions with strong ethnic style and religious features. Thereafter visit the Abakh Khoja Tomb, known as the Tomb of Xiang Fei, the only Uyghur concubine among the 41 wives of Emperor Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). 

    After breakfast, proceed to the famous alpine lake—Karakuri Lake, situated at the foot of Mount Muztag, father of iceberg. The lake looks as pure as a jade mirror. The snow-covered mountain, green grass and livestock form reflections in the mirror-like water, creating a fair and charming picture. At the lakeside, there are yurts and frame houses of Tajik ethnic people who live in the beauty of the Pamir Plateau. On the other side of the Baisha Lake, the mountains are also white sand, and there is a white sand mountain that stretches for several kilometers. After free excursion, continue your coach journey to Turki.

    Stone City in Turki, was so named after an ancient city, more than 2,000 years old. It is located in the north of Tashkurgan County. Famous for its location at the junction of the middle route and southern route of the ancient Silk Road, you can still enjoy the view of the ruined city and even the flavor of national traits of the Tajik people. Golden Caotan is a national first-class protected wetland. It is the best viewing point to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Muztag Glacier. It is also the best photography point. Tajik home visit: Taxkorgan is an important stop on the southern and middle routes of the ancient Silk Road. Here live the Tajiks, the only white people in China. You can experience the Tajik folk culture and customs.

    After breakfast, transfer to the airport for your flight back to Singapore via transit city. We hope you have had an enjoyable time with CTC Travel.


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    Tincidunt iaculis pede mus lobortis hendrerit eveniet impedit aenean mauris qui, pharetra rem doloremque laboris euismod deserunt non, cupiditate, vestibulum.

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    Officia amet posuere voluptates, mollit montes eaque accusamus laboriosam quisque cupidatat dolor pariatur, pariatur auctor.

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    South Xinjiang Tours

    Where is the most exotic parts of China? Well, you may have some ideas on your minds, and southern Xinjiang must take a place in these destinations. Being divided by the Tianshan mountain range geographically, Xinjiang consists of northern part and southern part. The southern part is perticularly exotic as it borders with Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and Afghanistan. The multinational region has developed a totally different cultural atmosphere that melted the various central Asian cultures and Chinese culture.

    Spend your holiday in southern Xinjiang could be a very cool idea as you can either stroll around the old cities and the historic relics left by the pioneers of different religions or challenge yourself by climbing the roof of earth and taking adventure in the lonly Taklamakan Desert. Kashgar, Hotan, Yarkent, Kuqa... Those familar yet alien names will bring you the most exciting experience that you will never forget! 

    Most Popular South Xinjiang Tours Packages

    6 days kashgar photograhy & folklore tour, south xinjiang group tour and taklamakan desert adventure.

    Kashgar - Taxkorgan - Yarkent - Hotan - Minfeng - Kuqa - Turpan - Fukang - Urumqi

    13 Days $1980

    5 Days Kashgar Tour


    5 Days $620

    12 Days Southern Xinjiang & Taklamkan Desert highway adventure

    Urumqi - Turpan - Korler - Kuqa - Hotan - Yarkent - Kashgar

    12 Days Southern Xinjiang Memorable Tour

    Kashgar - Taxkorgan county (Pamir Plateau) - Kuqa - Turpan - Urumqi

    12 Days $2228

    9 Days Southern Xinjiang Tour

    Urumqi → Turpan → Khotan → Kashgar

    Start Your Journey

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    Xinjiang Tours

    Address: 1903, Unit 1. Building A2 No. 446 Renmin Road, Urumqi,Xinjiang, P.R.C.

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    Xinjiang Tours

    Take Xinjiang Tours with Locals! Xinjiang, a s the largest province in the west part of China, is very worth to visit for its picturesque natural landscape, numerous historical sites of the ancient Silk Road and the unique culture of the 47 minorities. Travel to Xinjiang with us (Xinjiang China Travel Agency), you will be amazed by the charms of unique culture and nature scenery in Xinjiang .

    Although it is the furthest city from the seas, it is a land full of mysterious meaning and vitality. Xinjiang is not a poet could describe. It is a real geographic existence with mountains, rivers, grassland, lakes, Gobi deserts, as well as its history and cultures...  Enjoy the legend Heavenly Lake ; adventure to the particular kind of Karez Irrigation System created by the wisdom locals in Turpan, and appreciate the sunset of Jiaohe Ruins ; pay a visit to Ghost City for its unique landform and the howling wind; explore the mysterious Hemu Village in Altay Mountain.  Kashgar, a ancient city with profound nature and societies — walking in the Kashgar Old Town to meet the unique lifestyles and customs of the local people.

    The most important is the delicious Xinjiang food of all kinds of dishes. Whether you are traveling with friends, families with kids and seniors, our professional team will lead you to explore the natural wonders , long history , and splendid culture with excellent service and lowest price. Very important: We are locals in Xinjiang, let's bring you to have a different & great holiday in our hometown!

    Best Xinjiang Tours

    12 Days Xinjiang Private Tour: Kanas Lake and Kashgar

    12 Days Xinjiang Private Tour: Kanas Lake and Kashgar

    Urumqi - Burqin - Kanas - Hemu - Burqin - Urumqi - Turpan- Urumqi - Kashgar

    $2650 View Details

    11 Days Xinjiang Apricot Blossom Tour

    11 Days Xinjiang Apricot Blossom Tour

    Lanzhou - Urumqi - Heavenly Lake - Kuitun - Yining - Naraty

    $ View Details

    5 Days Xinjiang Winter Tour: Urumqi and Turpan

    5 Days Xinjiang Winter Tour: Urumqi and Turpan

    Urumqi - Turpan

    $470 View Details

    10 Days Xinjiang Tour to Narat Grassland and Kashgar

    10 Days Xinjiang Tour to Narat Grassland and Kashgar

    Urumqi - Sayram Lake -Teke - Bayinbuluk - Kuqa - Kashgar - Taxkorgan

    $2300 View Details

    Kashgar to Turpan Tour by Train

    Kashgar to Turpan Tour by Train

    Kashgar - Turpan

    $860 View Details

    9 Days Urumqi to Kanas Lake Tour

    9 Days Urumqi to Kanas Lake Tour


    $1650 View Details

    Urumqi and Turpan Classic Tour

    Urumqi and Turpan Classic Tour

    $690 View Details

    Classic Xinjiang Tour: Sayram Lake, Narat and Duku Adventure

    Classic Xinjiang Tour: Sayram Lake, Narat and Duku Adventure

    Urumqi - Sayram Lake - Zhaosu - Tekes - Kuitun - Shanshan - Turpan

    12 Days Xinjiang Travel to Kanas Lake and Taklamakan Desert Kuqa

    12 Days Xinjiang Travel to Kanas Lake and Taklamakan Desert Kuqa

    Urumqi - Fuyun - Burqin - Kanas - Hemu - Kuitun - Kuqa

    $2020 View Details

    6 Days Xinjiang Tour from Kashgar to Turpan

    6 Days Xinjiang Tour from Kashgar to Turpan

    Kashgar - Taxkorgan - Urumqi - Turpan

    $790 View Details

    11 Days Best Xinjiang Tour: Kashgar Culture and Kanas Lake

    11 Days Best Xinjiang Tour: Kashgar Culture and Kanas Lake

    Urumqi - Kashgar - Burqin - Hemu - Karamy

    $1860 View Details

    9 Days Xinjiang Silk Road Tour

    9 Days Xinjiang Silk Road Tour

    Turpan - Urumqi - Kashgar - Taxkorgan

    $1250 View Details

    7 Days Xinjiang Travel to Kashgar, Turpan and Urumqi

    7 Days Xinjiang Travel to Kashgar, Turpan and Urumqi

    Kashar - Urumqi - Turpan

    $1580 View Details

    16 Days Northern Xinjiang Travel

    16 Days Northern Xinjiang Travel

    Urumqi - Fukang - Fuyun - Burqin - Hemu - Kanas - Kuitun - Yining - Tekes - Naraty - Turpan

    $2680 View Details

    14 Days South and North Xinjiang Tour

    14 Days South and North Xinjiang Tour

    Urumqi - Kashgar - Burqin - Hemu - Kanas - Kuitun - Yining - Naraty

    $2950 View Details

    7 Days Budget Xinjiang Tour

    7 Days Budget Xinjiang Tour

    Kashgar - Urumqi - Turpan

    $1160 View Details

    Kanas Lake Tour with Turpan Adventure

    Kanas Lake Tour with Turpan Adventure

    Urumqi - Fuyun - Burqin - Kanas - Hemu - Karamy - Turpan

    $2150 View Details

    Discover Xinjiang to Mysterious Kashgar and Picturesque Yili Prairie

    Discover Xinjiang to Mysterious Kashgar and Picturesque Yili Prairie

    Urumqi-Sayram Lake-Tekes-Narati-Yining-Kashgar-Taxkorgan

    Xinjiang Holiday to Kashgar, Heavenly lake and Turpan

    Xinjiang Holiday to Kashgar, Heavenly lake and Turpan

    Kashgar-Turpan-Urumqi-Heavenly Lake

    $1200 View Details

    Xinjiang Winter Holiday, Xinjiang Altay Skiing Tour

    Xinjiang Winter Holiday, Xinjiang Altay Skiing Tour

    Altay - Kanas - Hemu

    $1500 View Details

    12 Days Ultimate Xinjiang: Kashgar & Stunning Kanas

    12 Days Ultimate Xinjiang: Kashgar & Stunning Kanas

    Kashgar-Taxkorgan-Urumqi-Turpan-Heavenly Lake-Beitun-Hemu-Kanas-Burqin

    6 Days Xinjiang Horseback Travel: East Kalajun to Kurdening

    6 Days Xinjiang Horseback Travel: East Kalajun to Kurdening

    East Kalajun - Tarim Air Grassland - Qiaxi Grassland - Mohur - Kurdening

    $1470 View Details

    11 Days Xinjiang Group Tour to Kashgar & Kanas

    11 Days Xinjiang Group Tour to Kashgar & Kanas


    $1830 View Details

    8 Days Xinjiang Group Tour to Urumqi, Turpan, Kashgar and Taxkorgan

    8 Days Xinjiang Group Tour to Urumqi, Turpan, Kashgar and Taxkorgan

    Urumqi - Turpan - Kashgar - Taxkorgan

    $1360 View Details

    Tailor Your Own Silk Road Tour within 24hrs

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    • 99% Excellent Services

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    Surrounded by great mountain ranges — Tianshan, Altun, and Kunlun (the Pamirs) — south Xinjiang holds China's biggest desert (the Taklimakan). Historically, it has cultivated 36 ancient kingdoms and carried the Silk Road's toughest trails. This 12-day south Xinjiang adventure tour starts from Urumqi. Travel through the Tianshan Mountains.

    As the middle line of ancient Silk Route, South Xinjiang attracts millions of worldwide tourists every year. This 10 days classic Southern Xinjiang tour departs from Kashgar, through Tashkurgan, Shache, Kuqa and Turpan, ends in Urumqi, will bring you a true adventure of both cultural relics and natural landscapes with the oldest grottoes, the…

    South Xinjiang to Taklamakan Desert and Pamir Plateau is a life-time adventure to experience the folklore and history effects from the trades along the ancient Silk Road. Holiday with Locals. Since 2003, over 15000+ Customers Explored Silk Road with us

    Get inspired on this 12 days Southern Xinjiang tour which provides an in-depth Silk Route adventure to Urumqi, Turpan, Korla, Kuqa, Khotan, Shache, Kashgar and Tashkurghan. Southern Xinjiang earns its reputation more with those incredible historic relics and splendid Muslim & Buddhist culture. In this tour, you will meet grottoes, ancient city ...

    14-day South Xinjiang Silk Route Tour. Destinations: Urumqi, Turpan, Korla, Kuqa, Aksu, Hotan, Kashgar. Tour Highlights: Heavenly Lake, Sunday Bazaar, Id Kah Mosque, Tomb of Abakh Khoja, Karakul Lake, Stone City. Overview: The Silk Road China travel tour itinerary covers top tourist attracions in Southern Xinjiang such as Urumqi Heavenly Lake ...

    Meals during the tour. Entrance tickets to monuments and tour spots. Excursions other than those specified in trips. Personal expenses. Tips to guide and driver. To see better of Silk Road corners in Xinjiang, you required to have 12 days, here we have made you a wonderful itinerary of including all the necessary spots of the ancient Xinjiang.

    4. Ancient Marvels: Wander through Turpan's ancient Tuyugou Valley and Jiaohe Ruins, witnessing over 1,700 years of Uyghur traditions and earthen architecture. 5. Desert Adventure: Conquer the Flaming Mountains and Kumutag Desert, experiencing the red sandstone spectacle and thrilling sand dunes in Turpan. 6.

    Southern Xinjiang 12D: Kashgar, Tashkurgan, Hetian, Taklimakan, Kuqa, Turpan, Urumqi, a 12 days tour from Kashgar to Tashkurgan, Kashgar and 4 destinations. Best Selection - Best Price - Trusted Payments

    This 13 days south xinjiang group tour is for you to have a very in-depth experience of southern Xinjiang. To know its custom, ethnic culture and history. The nature landscapes are also amazing. Drive across the famous Taklamakan Desert Highway and lost youself in the breathtaking scenery of golden populu forests...

    XJ-1: 9-day South Xinjiang Tour. Southern Xinjiang, the area at the southern end of the Tianshan Mountains and northern end of the Kunlun Mountains, is the most exotic land in China. The various minority groups - Uyghur, Tajik, Kyrgyz - who are living there practice rich and diverse cultural customs. Driving along the highway through the ...

    Take the private South and North Xinjiang Tour, enjoy the natural wonders of Kanas Lake and Yili Grassland, discover the culture and folklore of Kashgar. Locals bring you a great holiday. Since 2003, over 15000+ Customers Explored Silk Road with us . [email protected] +86 135 6583 4056; Search. Top Silk Road Destinations. Beijing;

    South Xinjiang tours with the Reputable local Xinjiang Travel agency, drive through the Taklamakan desert to enjoy the historical sites the vast oasis. We will bring you a great travel experience! Since 2003, over 15000+ Customers Explored Silk Road with us . [email protected] +86 135 6583 4056;

    A great tour to visit Xinjiang Province, the biggest province in the Northwest of China. Explore the mysterious and fantastic landscapes in Xinjiang. Be stunned by the unique folk customs and inspiring sightseeing. Best Travel Time: Suitable for the whole year, best from May to October. From $ 2728.

    13 Days In-depth Xinjiang Silk Road Adventure Tour. Highlights: Taklimakan Desert, Tianshan Mysterious Canyon, Kizil Grottoes, Kuqa Grand Mosque, Kuqa Royal Palace, Subash Ruins, Hotan Museum, Kashgar Bazaar, Kashgar Old Town, Heaven lake, Karakul Lake, Tashkurgan Fort, Golden Grassland, Muztagh Ata.

    1) Compulsory additional tour (RMB600/p): Shache Palace + Tomb of the Shache King + Roast Lamb+ the Abakh Khoja Performance. 2) Service charge for local guide & driver: RMB40 per pax per day. 3) Actual sequence of itinerary is subject to change without prior notice. 4) In the event of discrepancy between Chinese and English itineraries, refer ...

    South Xinjiang Tour in Spring of Apricot Season that is end of March, explore the stunning landscape of Pamir Plateau. You will be amazed by the flower world of apricot. We bring you a great holiday. Since 2003, over 15000+ Customers Explored Silk Road with us . [email protected] +86 135 6583 4056;

    South Xinjiang Tours . Where is the most exotic parts of China? Well, you may have some ideas on your minds, and southern Xinjiang must take a place in these destinations. Being divided by the Tianshan mountain range geographically, Xinjiang consists of northern part and southern part. The southern part is perticularly exotic as it borders with ...

    What to expect. Day 1: Airport pick-up - Urumqi. The next day: Urumqi-S101 National Defense Highway-Anjihai Grand Canyon-Kuitun (the whole journey is about 310km, about 5 hours) *The third day: Kuitun-Sailimu Lake (the whole journey is about 306km, about 4 hours) Day 4: Sailimu Lake Circumnavigation-Karamay (the whole journey is about 500km ...

    North of the Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang is the Junggar Basin, in the south is the Tarim Basin, in the northernmost part are the Altai Mountains, and in the southernmost part are the Kunlun Mountains. Xinjiang is deep inland and far from the ocean. ... Tour. Manag. 2020, 76, 103950. [Google Scholar]

    8 Days Xinjiang Group Tour to Urumqi, Turpan, Kashgar and Taxkorgan. Urumqi - Turpan - Kashgar - Taxkorgan. $1360 View Details. 24/7 Customer Service. No Shopping. No Detour. No Hidden Charges. 99% Excellent Services. Private and Group Xinjiang Tours with Xinjiang China International Travel.

    Hindi Yatra

    माँ पर निबंध – Essay on Mother in Hindi

    Essay on Mother in Hindi : दोस्तों आज हम ने मां पर निबंध लिखा है मां का जीवन बड़ा ही अनमोल और समर्पण भाव से जुड़ा हुआ होता है वह हम बच्चों की सबसे पहली गुरु होती है वही हमारा संसार होती है इसलिए हमने मां को समर्पित निबंध लिखा है.

    अक्सर कक्षा 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 और 12 के विद्यार्थियों को मां पर परीक्षाओं एवं भाषण देने के लिए के लिए कहा जाता है उनकी सहायता के लिए हमने यह निबंध लिखा है.

    essay on mother in hindi

    Get Some Essay on Mother in Hindi for student under 100, 250, 500 or 1000 words

    10 lines Essay on Mother in Hindi

    (1) मेरी मां दुनिया की सबसे अच्छी मां है.

    (2) मां ने ही मुझे जन्म दिया है और मेरे लिए अनेक कष्ट सहे है फिर भी वह खुश रहती हैं

    (3) मेरी मां मुझे बहुत प्यार करती है और रोज स्कूल जाने के लिए तैयार करती है.

    (4) वह रोज मुझे सुबह शाम प्यार से खाना खिलाती है.

    (5) मेरी मां मेरे साथ साथ पिताजी और उनके माता-पिता का भी ख्याल रखती है.

    (6) मां मुझे रोज नई शिक्षाप्रद बातें बताती है साथ ही सही और गलत में फर्क करना भी सिखाती है.

    (7) मां हमेशा परिवार की खुशी में ही खुश रहती है वह अपने लिए कभी कुछ नहीं मांगती.

    (8) वह घर में आने वाले सभी मेहमानों से अच्छा व्यवहार करती है.

    (9) आधुनिक समाज वह नौकरी करने के साथ-साथ घर परिवार भी चलाती है.

    (10) मेरी मां हर परिस्थिति से लड़ना जानती है वह बहुत ही दयालु और सबसे अच्छी मां है.

    Short Essay on Mother in Hindi 100 words

    मां भगवान की सबसे श्रेष्ठ रचना है उसके जितना त्याग और प्यार कोई नहीं कर सकता है. मां विश्व की जननी है उसके बिना संसार की कल्पना भी नहीं की जा सकती है.

    मां ही हमारी जन्मदाता होती है और वही हमारी सबसे पहली गुरु भी होती है वही सबसे ज्यादा हमें प्यार और दुलार करती है.

    वह हमें जीवन में कठिनाइयों से लड़ते हुए आगे बढ़ने का संदेश देती है. वह हमारी प्रत्येक जरूरतों का ख्याल रखती है और स्वयं कष्ट सहकर भी हमें अच्छा जीवन प्रदान करती है.

    यह भी पढ़ें –  माँ पर शायरी – Maa Shayari in Hindi

    जिसके भी जीवन में मां होती है वह सदा खुश रहता है हमें हमेशा मां का आदर करना चाहिए और उन्हें हर खुशी देने का प्रयास करना चाहिए.

    Meri Maa Essay in Hindi 250 words

    मां ममता और वात्सल्य की मूरत है एक बच्चे की सबसे पहली दुनिया मां का आंचल ही होती है उसी की गोद में बैठकर वह दुनिया के नए रंग देखता है.

    मां ही पहला गुरुकुल और पहला गुरु होती है और एक बच्चा सबसे पहला शब्द भी माँ ही कहता है. मां हमारी जीवन भर देखभाल करती है उसी की अच्छी परवरिश के कारण हम अच्छे इंसान बन पाते है.

    हम चाहे कितने भी बड़े हो जाए लेकिन मां के लिए हमेशा बच्चे ही रहते है वह हर समय हमारी चिंता करती है और हमे सही राह दिखाती है.

    मां हमारा हर सुख-दु:ख में साथ देती है जब हम बीमार होते हैं तो वही हमारे लिए रात भर जागती है भगवान से हमारे ठीक होने की प्रार्थना करती है.

    वह हमारे लिए सब कुछ त्याग कर देती है, मां भूखी रहकर भी हमें भरपेट भोजन खिलाती है मां के जैसा त्याग और प्यार कोई नहीं कर सकता है.

    यह भी पढ़ें – Best Mothers Day Poem in Hindi – माँ पर कविता

    मां हमारी हर बात को समझती है चाहे हम उसे बताएं या नहीं वह हमारे हर आंसू की वजह पूछती है. अगर हम किसी कार्य को नहीं कर पाते है तो वह हमारा मार्गदर्शन करती है वह जीवन के हर एक मोड़ पर हमारे साथ खड़ी होती है.

    मां अपने बच्चे से कभी रूठती नहीं है अगर वो रूठ भी जाती है तो ज्यादा देर तक रूठी हुई नहीं रह सकती है प्रेम और स्नेह का दूसरा नाम ही मां है. किसी भी व्यक्ति के अच्छे भविष्य के लिए मां का बहुत अधिक महत्व होता है.

    Best Essay on Mother in Hindi 500 words

    मां ईश्वर का दूसरा रूप है क्योंकि ईश्वर सभी जगह हमारी सहायता के लिए नहीं हो सकते इसीलिए उसने मां को बनाया है मां की ममता प्यार और स्नेह को प्राप्त करने के लिए तो ईश्वर भी धरती पर जन्म लेता है. मां से बड़ा दयालु और परोपकारी आज तक कोई नहीं हो पाया है और ना हो पाएगा.

    मां वह धरा है जो खुद बंजर हो जाती है लेकिन अपने बच्चों का सही पालन-पोषण करके उनका अच्छा मार्ग दर्शन करके उन्हें उपजाऊ धरा के समान बनाती है.

    Maa हमेशा हमारी खुशी मेरी खुश रहती है उसे कोई धन दौलत नहीं चाहिए उसे तो सिर्फ अपने बच्चों का प्यार चाहिए. मां हमेशा दिन-रात हमारे परिवार और हमारी सेवा में लगी रहती है लेकिन वह कभी नहीं कहती कि मैं थक गई या फिर मैं और काम नहीं कर सकती.

    मां के जितना समर्पण और त्याग कोई अन्य व्यक्ति नहीं कर सकता है . मां हमारे जन्म से पहले से ही हमारा ख्याल रखना शुरू कर देती है हमारे जन्म के समय उसे असहनीय पीड़ा का सामना करना पड़ता है फिर भी वह हमारी एक मुस्कान देखने के लिए सारी पीड़ा को खुशी खुशी सह जाती है.

    “गम की चोटे फौलाद से ज्यादा क्या होगी और मां की दौलत दुनिया में औलाद ज्यादा क्या होगी”

    बचपन में वह हमारा पालन पोषण करती है, हमारी हर नादानी को नजर अंदाज करके हमें माफ कर देती है. मां सुबह सबसे पहले उठती है, वह हमें समय पर भोजन देती है, समय पर स्कूल जाने के लिए तैयार करती है,

    पूरे दिन भर घर का काम करती है, इसके बाद जब हम घर लौट कर आते हैं तो एक मुस्कान के साथ हमारा हाल-चाल पूछती है और हम सब को सुलाने के बाद वह सोती है. इतना बड़ा कार्य तो सिर्फ माँ ही कर सकती है.

    संसार में पुरुषों को सबसे शक्तिशाली बताया जाता है लेकिन सबसे शक्तिशाली तो मां है जिसके साहस, स्नेह, निडरता, बुद्धिमता, दयालुता और प्रेम भाव के आगे कोई भी नहीं टिक पाता है. माँ ही है जो करते हुए आंसुओं को पूछती है और एक मिनट में हमारे चेहरे पर मुस्कान बिखेर देती है.

    कभी सोचा है मां हमारे लिए यह सब कुछ क्यों करती है क्योंकि वह सिर्फ और सिर्फ हमसे प्यार करती है वह अन्य दुनिया की तरह नहीं है जो स्वार्थ के लिए आप से प्रेम भाव रखते है.

    मां ही हमारा पहला गुरु होती है वह हमें अच्छी शिक्षा देती है और समाज का एक अच्छा नागरिक बनाती है वह असफलता और सफलता दोनों में हमारे साथ खड़ी हुई होती है हमारे निराश होने पर वह आशा की किरण बनकर हमारे साथ चलती है और हमारा मार्गदर्शन करती है.

    मां जीवन भर हमारे लिए इतना सब कुछ करती है तो हमारा भी फर्ज बनता है कि हमें भी मां के लिए कुछ करना चाहिए उनका हर समय खयाल रखना चाहिए उन्हें हर वह खुशी देने की कोशिश करनी चाहिए जो आज तक वो हमें देती आई है.

    हमें प्रतिदिन मां का आशीर्वाद लेना चाहिए क्योंकि जब उसका आशीर्वाद मिल जाता है तब हमें किसी के आगे हाथ फैलाने नहीं पड़ते है.

    आज आप हमारे साथ प्रण ले की जैसे मां ने आपका ख्याल रखा है वैसे ही आप भी उनका ख्याल रखेंगे और जो खुशियां उन्हें नहीं मिल पाई वो खुशियां उन्हें देंगे.

    Essay on Mother in Hindi 1000 words

    मां की व्याख्या करने की ताकत किसी भी कलम में नहीं है क्योंकि मां को शब्दों में बयां नहीं किया जा सकता है फिर भी मैं मां के ऊपर आज कुछ लिखना चाहता हूं.

    मां उस जल के समान है जो निरंतर बहता रहता है और दुनिया को जीवन देता रहता है मां उस अटल पहाड़ की तरह है जब मुसीबत आती है तो वह पहाड़ की तरह मजबूती से खड़ी रहती है.

    मां नदी के समान है जो निरंतर निर्मल और परोपकार की भावना रखते हुए बहती रहती है. मा तपती धरती के समान है जो खुद त्याग करके अपने बच्चों की परवरिश करती है. मां में तो पूरा ब्रह्मांड समाया है क्योंकि उसके बिना इस धरती पर जीवन की कल्पना नहीं की जा सकती है.

    मां ईश्वर का सबसे अनमोल उपहार है जिसे मिलता है उसके जीवन से दुख दूर हो जाते हैं और जीवन में खुशियां ही खुशियां भर जाती है. वह जीवन की अंतिम पल तक हमारा साथ नहीं छोड़ती है भले ही हमने क्यों न उसका साथ छोड़ दिया हो.

    जीवन में मां का महत्व –

    मां का हमारे जीवन में बहुत अधिक महत्व है क्योंकि उसके बिना हमारा जीवन संभव नहीं हो पाता वही हमें इस दुनिया में लेकर आती है. हमारे जन्म के समय उसे असहनीय पीड़ा महसूस होती है लेकिन फिर भी वह हमारे लिए पीड़ा को सहन करके हमें जीवन प्रदान करती है.

    मां हमारे बचपन से ही हमारा पालन-पोषण करती है हमारी हर जरूरतों को पूरा करती है वह स्वयं भूखी रह जाती है लेकिन हमें भरपेट भोजन कराती है. वह स्वयं गीली जगह पर सो जाती हैं लेकिन हमें हमेशा सूखे में सुलाती है.

    मां हमारा पहला गुरुकुल और पहली गुरु होती है वही हमें सर्वप्रथम शिक्षा देती हैवह धीरे-धीरे है मैं अपने पैरों पर चलना सिखाती है. वह अपने पूरे जीवन का त्याग करके संपूर्ण जीवन हमें समर्पित कर देती है वह हमेशा अपने दुखों को भूलाकर हमारी खुशियों के बारे में सोचती है.

    मां हमें बचपन में अच्छी शिक्षाप्रद कहानियां सुनाती है जिनसे हमारा जीवन और भी सुलभ हो जाता है. वह हमें जीवन जीने का तरीका बतलाती है. वह समाज की बुरी कुरूतियो से लड़ना सिखाती है.

    जब हम खुश होते है तो वह बहुत खुश होती है. मां के जितना कोई निडर नहीं हो सकता क्योंकि जब हमारे ऊपर कोई भी मुसीबत आती है तो सबसे पहले वह हमारे आगे खड़ी होती है और हमारा बचाव करती है. मां हमेशा हमारे प्रति परोपकार की भावना रखती है वह कभी भी हमसे कुछ नहीं मांगती है हमेशा हमारे बिना मांगे हमारी जरूरतें पूरी करते है.

    मां हमें समाज में जीने का तरीका बदल आती है वह हमें अच्छे और बुरे में भेद करना सिखाती है वह हमें लोगों का सम्मान करना सिखाती है हमें निरंतर बिना रुके चलना सिखाती है. मां जीवन भर हमारी सेवा करती रहती है हमें छोटी सी चोट लग जाने या फिर बीमार होने पर वह चिंतित हो जाती है और दिन रात जाग कर सेवा करती है.

    ईश्वर से हमारी ठीक होने की मन्नतें और प्रार्थना करती है. वह सदा हमारे लिए ही प्रार्थना करती है कभी अपने लिए कुछ नहीं मांगती क्योंकि उसके लिए हम ही सब कुछ होते है.

    हम चाहे कितने भी बड़े हो जाए लेकिन मां के लिए जीवन भर हम एक छोटे बच्चे के समान ही होते हैं जिस पर अगर थोड़ी सी भी मुसीबत आ जाए तो वह कहीं भी हो दौड़ी चली जाती है.

    वह हमें चुनौतियों से लड़ना सिखाती है और अगर हम कभी निराश होते हैं तो आशा की किरण बनकर हमारा हौसला बढ़ाती है और जब तक हम सफलता प्राप्त नहीं कर लेते हमारा हाथ थामे साथ खड़ी रहती है.

    मां का विश्वास और आर्शीवाद हमारे ऊपर सदा बना रहता है तभी हम जीवन में एक अच्छे इंसान बन पाते है और सफलता प्राप्त कर पाते है.

    मां हमें हमेशा साहसी धैर्यवान और अच्छे व्यक्तित्व वाला व्यक्ति बनाती है वह चाहती है कि हम इस दुनिया के लिए कुछ अच्छा करें और इस समाज पर एक अमिट और अच्छी छाप छोड़ें. मां सबसे बड़ा धन है जिसको यह मिल जाता है उसकी जिंदगी संवर जाती है.

    मां और ईश्वर –

    मां का दुलार और प्यार पाने के लिए ईश्वर भी धरती पर जन्म लेते है मां का प्यार होता ही ऐसा है जिसको पाने के लिए ईश्वर भी धरती पर चले आते है इसका एक स्पष्ट उदाहरण है भगवान श्री कृष्ण जिन्होंने मां की ममता पाने के लिए धरती पर जन्म दिया था.

    भगवान श्री कृष्ण ने एक नहीं दो माताओं का प्यार और दुलार पाया था. इससे यह स्पष्ट होता है कि ईश्वर भी मां को प्रणाम करते है.

    मां के प्रति हमारे कर्तव्य –

    मां हमारे लिए पूरा जीवन समर्पित कर देती है और बदले में हम उन्हें दो वक्त की रोटी तक नहीं दे पाते है यह बहुत ही विडंबना का विषय है कि जिस मां ने हमारे लिए पूरा जीवन कठिनाइयों और मुसीबतों को झेल कर हमें जीवन दिया, हमें दुनिया की हर एक खुशी दी और हमें एक अच्छा व्यक्ति बनाया.

    अब हमारे बड़े होने पर मां के प्रति हमारे भी कुछ कर्तव्य बनते है. हमें मां की हर जरूरत को पूरा करना चाहिए. उनकी हर एक खुशी देनी चाहिए. वृद्धावस्था में उनकी सेवा करनी चाहिए. उनके पास बैठकर कुछ समय बिताना चाहिए.

    सुबह शाम उनसे मिलकर उनका हाल-चाल पूछना चाहिए प्रतिदिन उनका आशीर्वाद लेना चाहिए क्योंकि मां की आशीर्वाद से बड़ा कोई धन नहीं होता है. उन्हें भी उतना ही प्यार करना चाहिए जितना उन्होंने हमें किया था.

    मां को हमारे से कुछ नहीं चाहिए ना उसे धन चाहिए ना उसे बड़ा मकान चाहिए उसे तो सिर्फ अपने बच्चों का प्यार चाहिए और खुशियां चाहिए.

    इसलिए हमें हमेशा उनके प्रति कृतज्ञ रहना चाहिए और हर संभव सेवा करनी चाहिए मां वह अनमोल धन है जो कि अगर एक बार खो जाए तो जिंदगी में दोबारा कभी नहीं मिलता है.

    उपसंहार –

    मां के जितना त्यागी, साहसी, धैर्यवान, निडर, तपस्वी, परोपकारी, जीवनदायी कोई नहीं हो सकता है . मां ईश्वर का ही दूसरा स्वरूप है जिसने हमें पृथ्वी पर जीवन दिया है.

    इस अमूल्य जीवन का हम कभी भी कर्ज अदा नहीं कर सकते हैं इसलिए जितनी हो सके उतनी मां की सेवा करनी चाहिए उन्हें हर वह खुशी देनी चाहिए जिसके लिए उन्होंने अपने जीवन को हमारे व्यक्तित्व को निखारने के लिए समर्पित कर दिया.

    यह भी पढ़ें –

    माँ पर 10 हिन्दी कविता | Sad Poem on Maa in Hindi

    पिता पर निबंध – My Father Essay in Hindi

    नारी शिक्षा पर निबंध – Essay on Nari Shiksha in Hindi

    आदर्श विद्यार्थी पर निबंध – Adarsh Vidyarthi Essay in Hindi

    हम आशा करते है कि हमारे द्वारा Essay on Mother in Hindi  आपको पसंद आया होगा। अगर यह लेख आपको पसंद आया है तो अपने दोस्तों और परिवार वालों के साथ शेयर करना ना भूले। इसके बारे में अगर आपका कोई सवाल या सुझाव हो तो हमें कमेंट करके जरूर बताएं।

    30 thoughts on “माँ पर निबंध – Essay on Mother in Hindi”

    Thank you hindi yatra for this legend essay.

    Welcome Aarav Srivastava

    what a good composition ! It is really very helpful!! Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you Pracheta Das for appreciation

    Hahta hu me ek choti si dunya ho Or jisme phle name meri maa ho

    Shiv kashyap ji aap ne bahut accha likha hai.

    It is a very nice essay and it helps me in my summer vacation homework…..I give this essay a five star rating…..I loved the essay very true and heartiest ♥️ lines have been written…..I loved it a lot… thanks for writing this type of good essay

    Thank you Sandeep for appreciation and keep visiting hindi yatra.

    thank you its very good for childern

    Welcome sannvi and thank you for appreciation.

    Yes it’s very much good for my dear mum

    Thank you Krishna for appreciation.

    Baht achha hai raise aur bhi nibandh mujhe chahiye

    Sunny giri, Hame khushi hai ki aap ko nibandh pasnd aaya dhanyawad.

    all best word of maa

    Thank you kamlesh kumar deoria up for appreciation.

    Like your essay very much one mistake in it but top essay like it very much . mother is nicely described in it.

    Thank you Rohit Owandkar for appreciation.

    All right…….

    Thank you Mayank for appreciation.

    Thanks for writing this type of good essay I Loved it alot😘

    Welcome Ishika and thanks for appreciation.

    please sir this essay send on my email. please sir and send my email

    faizan sayyad, Aap yaha se copy kar sakte hai apne school project ke liye

    Satik likha hai

    Sarahna ke liye Dimple ji aap ka bhut bhut dhanyawad.

    It is a very nice essay and it helps me in my summer vacation homework…..I give this essay a five star rating…..I loved the essay very true and heartiest ♥️ lines have been written…..I loved it a lot… thanks for writing this type of good essay

    Shila Sarkar, We are grateful that you are like our content, thank you very much for the appreciation.

    It is very nice essay an that’s line is very great thank u for write. This essay

    Welcome Saniya, we glad you like our content.

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    essay on my mother tongue in hindi

    • The pitfalls of forcing the use of Hindi on non-Hindi states have often been commented upon. But the hegemonic project is also threatening to subsume languages like Magadhi and Bhojpuri in the northern belt.

    There was a popular self-deprecating joke among Biharis in Delhi University’s North Campus in the early 2000s. Delhiwala asks his Bihari classmate why his feet are soiled. Bihari answers in Hindi, " Arre yaar, main chal kar aa raha tha, achanak pyair kaado mein chala gaya ". Now, kaado is a word used for a puddle in languages such as Bhojpuri and Magadhi. The Bihari does not use keechad, the acceptable Hindi word for puddle. It is a joke because no matter how much the Bihari tries to hide his not-so-urbane identity behind modern clothes, his language gives him away. 

    Jokes apart, the exchange also captures a slow but steady cultural shift that has been taking place in the Hindi heartland. Hindi, or rather sarkari Hindi (more on this later), has been slowly eating away multiple languages spoken by millions of people north of the Vindhyas. For a typical Delhiwala it could be Punjabi, Haryanvi or even Urdu. In the region I come from, the casualty has been Magadhi, or Magahi , as we call it back home. As the name suggests, it is related to the Magadh region, which was once the seat of power for mighty emperors, such as Ashoka.

    It is extremely unlikely that my young cousins, who were brought up in Delhi and other metros, would ever feel comfortable speaking this language. But just a couple of generations ago, it used to be the language of conversation in my family.

    Within the Hindi academia, there is a polarized debate on whether advancing the cause of languages, such Bhojpuri and Magadhi, would weaken the status of Hindi itself.

    This detachment is not without implications. Even today, these languages dominate when it comes to cultural practices. One example should suffice. Chhath is perhaps the most important religious festival in Bihar and eastern Uttar Pradesh. As the number of migrants from these regions has grown in mega cities such as Delhi and Mumbai, the question of whether or not governments should declare a public holiday on Chhath has become an important political issue. Rituals apart, Chhath is also known for its devotional folk songs.

    I have not come across a single Chhath song written in Hindi . They are either in Magadhi, Maithili or Bhojpuri. Most of the Hindi speakers in Delhi would find large parts of these songs (if not all) incomprehensible. Those who are interested can try listening to some on YouTube.

    A Malayali teenager who has been brought up outside Kerala but knows his mother tongue, Malayalam, can land up in Kerala any time and effortlessly understand what is going on in any social or cultural function. A Bihari of similar profile would find it difficult to relate to these Chhath songs. It would be wrong to assume that only nostalgia is at stake. Millions of people still use these languages for their day-to-day interactions. They would not be comfortable conversing with a person who does not know that kaado means keechad. The short point is that the expat Bihari teenager would be left without a mother tongue in their motherland.

    How does one reconcile this with the fact that Hindi is the main language of communication in almost all of north India? A look at the census statistics, which is the country’s main source of language data, can help. The census has specific instructions for recording mother tongues. A mother tongue is the language spoken in childhood by the person’s mother to the person. There are allowances for situations when the mother is dead, but the underlying principle is clear. A mother tongue is the language spoken at home, not the medium of instruction or language of social interaction.

    The Eighth Schedule of the Constitution lists 22 languages . In keeping with the mandate of capturing the mother tongue, the 2001 census (latest available data) lists sub-categories under each of these languages. The broad category of Hindi has 49 mother tongues listed under it, including Hindi. Of the 422 million people in this group, only 61% actually reported Hindi as their mother tongue. Bhojpuri and Magadhi are among the top 5, with shares of 7.8% and 3.3%, respectively.

    In Bihar, the tables are turned. Less than one-fourth recorded their mother tongue as Hindi. Bhojpuri and Magadhi had a share of 33.6% and 20%, respectively. In absolute terms, these numbers would be more than 20 million and 12 million, respectively. That’s a lot more than the population of Australia, which is around 24 million, according to the latest World Bank figures.

    Table 1 : In Bihar only 24% of the people show Hindi as their mother tongue

    essay on my mother tongue in hindi

    These numbers bear testimony to the ongoing cultural violence inflicted by Hindi in its own backyard. Much has been written on the pitfalls of forcing the use of Hindi as the national language on non-Hindi states. But what about the hegemonic project which is threatening to subsume the likes of Magadhi and Bhojpuri? Is this yet another aspect of the politics of Hindi-Hindu-Hindustan, which is associated with the political right in India? A slight digression on the history of Hindi nationalism would be useful here.

    Hindi Nationalism’, by Alok Rai , can be a good primer for those who want a grounding in the topic. Orient BlackSwan’s Hindi Nationalism by Alok Rai, who has been a professor of English at the Allahabad and Delhi universities, can be a good primer for those without any grounding in the topic.

    Rai happens to be the grandson of the legendary writer Munshi Premchand , who wrote in both Urdu and Hindi. The book gives a detailed account of how Hindi, as we know it today, gained dominance in India. Persian was the official script in India in the pre-British period. This acted as a natural disadvantage for the non-elite, especially Hindus, who did not know the script.

    It was only in 1900 that Sir Anthony MacDonnell, lieutenant governor of North-Western Provinces and Oudh, allowed Devanagari—the script in which Hindi is written—to be allowed in courts. Rai argues that two factors were behind the decision. They wanted the language of administration to be accessible to the common people.

    Also, the Muslim elite had played an important role in the 1857 mutiny. By ending the dominance of Persian in the British administration, their socio-economic position could be weakened. The Hindus who lost out for not knowing Persian had no reason to complain. What was settled by decree in the matter of script was not so easy when it came to language. The British wanted a standardized Hindi to be developed in India. Hindustani—an eclectic mix of Hindi and Urdu—was ill-suited for the job. (Do read History of Urdu, link at end).

    An anecdote in Rai’s book shows that the British quest for a standardized language predates 1857. The then government’s education department’s annual report of 1846-47 talks about the principal of Benares College, J.R. Ballantyne, admonishing the students for leaving “the task of formulating the national language in the hands of villagers". Ballantyne asks them to “get rid of the unprofitable diversity of provincial dialects" and  create a standard literature . His remarks were a response to a student’s argument that they did not clearly understand what the Europeans meant by Hindi as “there are hundreds of dialects, all in our opinion equally entitled to the name".

    Soon the question of language spilled into the domain of politics. Competing Hindu and Muslim elites wanted to purge their standardized languages of Persian and Sanskrit words. Herein began the communalization of Hindi and Urdu. Once this binary gained momentum, hundreds of dialects “which were entitled to Hindi" became collateral damage. Anybody who opposed this was branded a traitor. Rai cites Nathuram Godse’s final testimony, where he lists Gandhi’s opposition to Sanskritized Hindi as one of the reasons for killing him.

    This history is extremely relevant today. Attempts and proclamations to impose Hindi are threatening to rekindle the fires of anti-Hindi agitations of the 1950s and 1960s.

    There is not enough opposition to these sectarian ploys from within the cultural and intellectual world of Hindi. As a result, the entire Hindi-speaking population is being branded as language chauvinist.

    This is not surprising in the context of the preceding discussion. The biggest victim of a monolithic Hindi project has been Hindi itself. Under the garb of building a mega narrative for nation and culture, our inherent diversity has been pushed to the margins . Rai quotes Hindi poet Sudama Pandey Dhoomil’s powerful articulation of this tragedy, which was written in the 1960s:

    Tumhara yeh Tamil-dukh

    Meri iss Bhojpuri peeda ka

    Bhasha uss tikdami darinde ka kaur hai

    (Your Tamil pain

    Is brother to my Bhojpuri pain—

    Language is merely a morsel for the deceitful beast...)

    Of course, the problem is easier to discuss than solve. Within the Hindi academia, there is a polarized debate on whether advancing the cause of languages, such Bhojpuri and Magadhi, would weaken the status of Hindi itself. The hegemony of Hindi is useful when lobbying for more official patronage.

    I, personally, am not sure whether including Magadhi in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution (Maithili was added in 2004) or opening a couple of university departments would address the problems which were discussed at the beginning of the piece. Can such policy changes solve the growing demographic alienation from the language?

    Will somebody make a Bhojpuri or Magadhi film which would be screened in a south Delhi multiplex in the next five years? Can the Hindi-belt elite rise above caste politics to promote a secular, yet vernacular, popular culture? What does Hindi-speaking India stand to lose if this diversity is allowed to erode with time? Is our political class worried about it?

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the most influential mass leader in our country today, understands the importance of this diversity. On 27 October 2013, Modi addressed the Hunkar rally in Patna to launch his 2014 campaign in Bihar. He made it a point to utter a couple of sentences in Bhojpuri, Magadhi and Maithili—three of Bihar’s major dialects. The crowd, like it always does for Modi, cheered.

    Unfortunately, there is nothing to suggest so far that Modi’s political prowess on the issue can undo the damage which has happened due to the push for a Sanskritized and hegemonic Hindi by his fellow-travellers.

    This is the second in a series that takes stock of the neglect of languages and the attempts to revitalize them.

    This article was first published in MINT here . eSamskriti has obtained permission to share.

    1 History of Hindi

    2 History of Urdu

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    10 lines on My Mother in Hindi | About My Mother in Hindi

    In this article, we are providing 10 lines on My Mother in Hindi & English. In these few lines, you will get information about My Mother in Hindi. A short 10 Lines essay on My Mother in Hindi. हिंदी में मेरी माँ पर 10 वाक्य | लाइन निबंध

    10 lines on My Mother in Hindi

    10 lines on My Mother in Hindi

    ( Set-1 ) 10 Lines Meri Maa My Mother Essay in Hindi for class 1,2,3

    मेरी माँ पर 10 वाक्य | लाइन निबंध

    1. मेरी माँ मुझे सबसे अच्छी लगती हैं।

    2. वे मुझे बहुत प्यार करती हैं।

    3. वे मुझसे कभी नाराज़ नहीं होती।

    4. मेरी माँ बहुत सुंदर हैं। उनका रंग साँवला है। उनके बाल लंबे हैं।

    5. माँ मुझे तरह-तरह के पकवान बनाकर खिलाती हैं।

    6. माँ को मेरे खिलौने अच्छे लगते हैं।

    7. वे मेरे साथ गुड़िया का खेल भी खेलती हैं।

    8. मेरी सहेलियों को भी मेरी माँ बहुत अच्छी लगती हैं।

    9. वे मुझे प्रतिदिन स्कूल छोड़ने जाती हैं।

    10. मैं माँ को बहुत प्यार करती हूँ।

    मैं सब कामों में माँ की मदद करती हूँ।

    मेरी इच्छा है, मैं बड़ी होकर माँ की तरह ही बनूँ।

    10 Lines on My Grandmother in Hindi

    10 Lines on My Family in Hindi

    ( Set-2 ) मेरी माँ पर 10 वाक्य | 10 Lines on Meri Maa in Hindi For Class 4,5

    1. मेरी माँ बहुत ही प्यारी और समझदार है।

    2. घर में सभी उनका बहुत ही सम्मान करते हैं।

    3. माँ अपनी सुख सुविधाएँ त्याग कर पूरा दिन हमारी खुशियों का ध्यान रखती है।

    4. माँ सूबह के चार बजे से लेकर रात के 10 बजे तक काम करती है और कभी भी किसी भी बात के लिए शिकायत नहीं करती है।

    5. वह खाना भी बहुत ही स्वादिष्ट बनाती है।

    6. मेरी माँ ज्यादा पढ़ी लिखी नहीं है लेकिन वह दुनियादारी की पुरी समझ रखती है।

    7. मैं जब भी असमंजस में होता हूँ वह मेरी सलाहकार बनती है और मार्गदर्शन करती है।

    8. बिमार होने पर वग रात रात भर जागकर मेरा ख्याल रखती है इसलिए वह मेरी डॉक्टर भी है।

    9. मेरी माता जी बहुत ही धार्मिक है और वग नियमित रूप से पूजा पाठ भी करती है।

    10. वह मेरी सबसे अच्छी दोस्त भी है जो हमेशा मेरा साथ देती हैं।

    ‘ 10 Lines Meri Maa My Mother Essay in Hindi

    10 lines on My Mother in Hindi

    ( Set-3 ) Meri Maa Par 10 Line Nibandh | 10 Lines on My Mother in Hindi

    my mother 5 lines in hindi

    1. मेरी माँ बहुत ही ईमानदार और समझदार माँ  है।

    2. मेरी माँ मुझे प्रतिदिन स्कूल छोड़ने और लाने आती हैं।

    3. मेरी माँ सुबह सबसे जल्दी उठती हैं और रात को सबसे देर में सोती हैं।

    4. मेरी माँ हमेशा मेरी छोटी से बड़ी जरूरत का ख्याल रखती है।

    5. मेरी माँ अपने परिवार का ख़्याल रखने के चलते अपने खुद के स्वास्थ्य का ख़्याल रखना भूल जाती है।

    6. मेरी माँ बहुत ही धार्मिक और भगवान में बहुत हीं  ज्यादा विश्वास रखती है।

    7. माँ मेरी पहली गुरु है,जो मुझे जीवन जीने कि शिक्षा देती है।

    8. मेरे माता जी हमेशा मेरे मुश्किल समय में मेरा साथ देती है।

    9. मेरी माँ, माँ होन के साथ साथ मेरी शिक्षक, मार्गदर्शक और सबसे अच्छी मित्र भी है।

    10. मै भगवान् का धन्यवाद करता हूँ कि उन्होंने मुझे दुनिया की सबसे अच्छी माँ दी है।

    ( Set-4 ) 10 Lines Meri Maa My Mother Essay in Hindi

    Maa Ke Bare Mein 10 Line

    1 मेरी मां बहुत अच्छी है और मेरी मां मेरे सर का ताज है।

    2 जब मैं बीमार होती हूं, तो मां रात भर जाग कर मेरी देखभाल करती हैं। इसीलिए मेरी मां मेरे लिए किसी डॉक्टर से कम नहीं है।

    3 मेरी मां ज्यादा पढ़ी-लिखी तो नहीं है, लेकिन बहुत सारी दुनिया को समझती हैं।

    4 मां के रूप में भगवान ने हमें एक सबसे बड़ी ताकत दी है। ऐसा इसलिए अगर दुनिया में कोई सबसे ज्यादा प्यार करता है, तो वह मां अपने बच्चों से करती हैं।

    5 अगर दुनिया में कोई सबसे सुंदर है, तो वह है मां।

    6 मां अपने सारे सपनों को छोड़कर अपने बच्चों की सफलता के लिए कुछ भी कर सकती हैं।

    7 बुरे वक्त में भी अगर सब साथ छोड़ देते हैं, तो मां का आशीर्वाद हमेशा अपने बच्चे के साथ रहता है।

    8 मां अपने बच्चों के लिए कुछ भी बलिदान कर सकती हैं।

    9 मां खुद भूखी रह सकती है, मगर अपने बच्चे को कभी भी भूखा नहीं रख सकती है।

    10 अगर मां की तीन चार बच्चे होते हैं, फिर भी मां सभी बच्चों से एक सा प्यार करती है। क्योंकि मां के लिए उसके सभी बच्चे बहुत प्यारे होते है।

    ( Set-5 ) 10 Lines on My Mother in Hindi | 10 Lines About Maa in Hindi for class 6

    meri maa 5 lines in hindi

    1. मां को हिंदी में माता, अंग्रेजी में Mother तथा अन्य भाषा में मां, mummy,Mom, आई और माई कहा जाता है।

    2. मां के रूप ग्रहणी, अन्नपूर्णा, करणी, लक्ष्मी और मार्गदर्शिका के रूप में देवी सरस्वती बन जाती है।

    3. मां ममता की मूरत और त्याग के भावो से परिपूर्ण होती है।

    4. शौक पूरे करते करते बच्चों की मां अपनी जरूरत तक कुर्बान कर जाती है।

    5. मां हमारी पहली गुरु होती है,जो हमें जीवन में अनमोल गुणों से श्रेष्ठ बनने की शिक्षा देती है।

    6. खाना बेसक मां बनाती है ,पर पहले निश्वार्थ भाव से बच्चो को खिलाती है,उसके बाद खुद खाती है।

    7. घर का सारा काम करती है पर माथे पर एक शिकन तक नही लाती है।

    8. मां अपनों का ख़्याल रखते रखते हुए अपना खुद का ख़्याल रखना भूल जाती है।

    9. “ मां ” शब्द में बहुत सारी ताकते समाई हुई है।

    10. इसलिए संसार की सारी निश्छल खुशीया मां में समाती है,यू ही नहीं मां भगवान का दर्जा पाती है।

    Few lines on My Mother in English

    1. My mother is very sweet and sensible.

    2. Everyone in the house honors them very much.

    3. Mother discontinues her pleasures and takes care of our happiness throughout the day.

    4. The mother works from four o’clock till 10 o’clock at night and never complains about anything.

    5. She also makes the food very tasty.

    6. My mother has not written much, but she understands world-class.

    7. Whenever I am confused, he becomes my advisor and guides me.

    8. On being sick, she takes care of my sleep at night, so she is also my doctor.

    9. My mother is very religious and she regularly recites prayers.

    10. She is also my best friend who always accompanies me.

    # Meri Maa Par 10 Line # 5 sentences about mother in Hindi

    Essay on Mother in Hindi

    10 Lines on My Father in Hindi

    ध्यान दें – प्रिय दर्शकों 10 lines on My Mother in Hindi (article) आपको अच्छा लगा तो जरूर शेयर करे ।

    4 thoughts on “10 lines on My Mother in Hindi | About My Mother in Hindi”

    essay on my mother tongue in hindi

    Beautiful lines on my mother. Thanks for sharing.

    essay on my mother tongue in hindi

    nice. Mother, no word to define MAAAA

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    Our team of paper writers consists only of native speakers coming from countries such as the US or Canada. But being proficient in English isn't the only requirement we have for an essay writer. All professionals working for us have a higher degree from a top institution or are current university professors. They go through a challenging hiring process which includes a diploma check, a successful mock-task completion, and two interviews. Once the writer passes all of the above, they begin their training, and only after its successful completion do they begin taking "write an essay for me" orders.

    Customer Reviews

    Once I Hire a Writer to Write My Essay, Is It Possible for Me to Monitor Their Progress?

    Absolutely! Make an order to write my essay for me, and we will get an experienced paper writer to take on your task. When you set a deadline, some people choose to simply wait until the task is complete, but others choose a more hands-on process, utilizing the encrypted chat to contact their writer and ask for a draft or a progress update. On some occasions, your writer will be in contact with you if a detail from your order needs to be clarified. Good communication and monitoring is the key to making sure your work is as you expected, so don't be afraid to use the chat when you get someone to write my essay!

    essay on my mother tongue in hindi

    Finished Papers

    Rebecca Geach

    What is a good essay writing service?

    Oddly enough, but many people still have not come across a quality service. A large number of users fall for deceivers who take their money without doing their job. And some still fulfill the agreements, but very badly.

    A good essay writing service should first of all provide guarantees:

    • confidentiality of personal information;
    • for the terms of work;
    • for the timely transfer of the text to the customer;
    • for the previously agreed amount of money.

    The company must have a polite support service that will competently advise the client, answer all questions and support until the end of the cooperation. Also, the team must get out of conflict situations correctly.

    It is necessary to have several payment methods on the site to make it easier for the client to transfer money.

    And of course, only highly qualified writers with a philological education should be present in the team, who will not make spelling and punctuation errors in the text, checking all the information and not stealing it from extraneous sites.


    Customer Reviews

    What is the best custom essay writing service?

    In the modern world, there is no problem finding a person who will write an essay for a student tired of studying. But you must understand that individuals do not guarantee you the quality of work and good writing. They can steal your money at any time and disappear from sight.

    The best service of professional essay writing companies is that the staff give you guarantees that you will receive the text at the specified time at a reasonable cost. You have the right to make the necessary adjustments and monitor the progress of the task at all levels.

    Clients are not forced to pay for work immediately; money is transferred to a bank card only after receiving a document.

    The services guarantee the uniqueness of scientific work, because the employees have special education and are well versed in the topics of work. They do not need to turn to third-party sites for help. All files are checked for plagiarism so that your professors cannot make claims. Nobody divulges personal information and cooperation between the customer and the contractor remains secret.

    Our writers always follow the customers' requirements very carefully

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Finished Papers

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    These kinds of ‘my essay writing' require a strong stance to be taken upon and establish arguments that would be in favor of the position taken. Also, these arguments must be backed up and our writers know exactly how such writing can be efficiently pulled off.

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    Finished Papers

    offers three types of essay writers: the best available writer aka. standard, a top-level writer, and a premium essay expert. Every class, or type, of an essay writer has its own pros and cons. Depending on the difficulty of your assignment and the deadline, you can choose the desired type of writer to fit in your schedule and budget. We guarantee that every writer will be a subject-matter expert with proper writing skills and background knowledge across all high school, college, and university subjects. Also, we don’t work with undergraduates or dropouts, focusing more on Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral level writers (yes, we offer writers with Ph.D. degrees!)

    Deadlines can be scary while writing assignments, but with us, you are sure to feel more confident about both the quality of the draft as well as that of meeting the deadline while we write for you.

    Customer Reviews

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    Courtney Lees

    Finished Papers

    Customer Reviews

    Standard essay helper

    Finished Papers

    Looking for something more advanced and urgent? Then opt-in for an advanced essay writer who’ll bring in more depth to your research and be able to fulfill the task within a limited period of time. In college, there are always assignments that are a bit more complicated and time-taking, even when it’s a common essay. Also, in search for an above-average essay writing quality, more means better, whereas content brought by a native English speaker is always a smarter choice. So, if your budget affords, go for one of the top 30 writers on our platform. The writing quality and finesse won’t disappoint you!

    Premium essay writers

    Essay writing help from a premium expert is something everyone has to try! It won’t be cheap but money isn’t the reason why students in the U.S. seek the services of premium writers. The main reason is that the writing quality premium writers produce is figuratively out of this world. An admission essay, for example, from a premium writer will definitely get you into any college despite the toughness of the competition. Coursework, for example, written by premium essay writers will help you secure a positive course grade and foster your GPA.

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    EssayService strives to deliver high-quality work that satisfies each and every customer, yet at times miscommunications happen and the work needs revisions. Therefore to assure full customer satisfaction we have a 30-day free revisions policy.

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    is here to help you!

    Student years are the best time of one’s life. You are in the prime of your life and hopeful about the bright future ahead. This is the period that leaves the funniest photos, the sweetest memories, and gives you the most faithful friends. However, there is one thing that spoils all the fun – assignment writing. Have you ever struggled to write an essay or prepare a speech only to find that the deadline is getting closer, and the work is not ready yet? Are you desperate for someone to have your paper done? Ordering it online is a really convenient option, but you must be sure that the final product is worth the price. is one of the leading online writing centers that deliver only premium quality essays, term papers, and research papers.

    Once you place an order and provide all the necessary instructions, as well as payment, one of our writers will start working on it. Be sure we won’t choose a person to do your paper at random. The writer assigned will hold an academic degree in the respective area of expertise, which makes it possible for him/her to find the relevant information, carry out exhaustive research, and develop a comprehensible and well-organized document. The final product will meet all your specifications regarding the content and formatting style. What is more, you will not have to proofread it for any grammatical or spelling errors, because our professionals have a really good command of the English language.

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    If you can’t write your essay, then the best solution is to hire an essay helper. Since you need a 100% original paper to hand in without a hitch, then a copy-pasted stuff from the internet won’t cut it. To get a top score and avoid trouble, it’s necessary to submit a fully authentic essay. Can you do it on your own? No, I don’t have time and intention to write my essay now! In such a case, step on a straight road of becoming a customer of our academic helping platform where every student can count on efficient, timely, and cheap assistance with your research papers, namely the essays.


  1. माँ पर कविता Beautiful Poem on Mother in Hindi Language

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  2. Maa#hindipoem # Hindi poem on mother# black and white Mom Poems

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  4. 10 Lines on Mother in Hindi

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  5. List Of Topics For Essay Writing In Hindi

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  6. Mother Tongue

    essay on my mother tongue in hindi


  1. मेरी माँ पर निबंध हिंदी में 5 लाइन

  2. Mother Tongue by Amy Tan #personal essay #detail summary in Urdu & Hindi #novel #englishliterature

  3. 20 Line Essay About"My Mother" In English And In Hindi l "मेरी मां" पर निबंध हिंदी और इंग्लिश में l

  4. Mother Tongue Hindi Version 😡 Angry Jimin

  5. 10 Lines On My Mother

  6. 10 lines on My Mother / My Mother Essay In English / my mother essay


  1. International Mother Language Day Quotes in Hindi: पढ़िए अंतर्राष्ट्रीय

    "The poetry of my mother tongue resonates in my soul in a way no other language can." -Amitabh Bachchan "Every language is a universe waiting to be explored." - Umberto Eco "Mother tongue is the milk of human understanding." - Francis Bacon ... World Health Day Essay in Hindi : जानें विश्व ...

  2. अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस पर निबंध

    Matrubhasha Divas Essay:-एक भाषा Communication के साधन से कहीं अधिक है। भाषा, विशेष रूप से हमारी Mother Tongue, हमारी Culture का एक अनिवार्य हिस्सा है। कुछ लोगों का मानना है कि हमारी भाषा में ...

  3. मातृभाषा का महत्व

    दोस्तों नमस्कार क्या आप मातृभाषा का महत्व पर निबंध - Essay on Importance of Mother Tongue in Hindi खोज रहे हैं तो यह पोस्ट आपके लिए एकदम सही है.इस पोस्ट में आपको मातृभाषा पर निबंध ...

  4. essay on my mother tongue in hindi

    Essay on Mother Tongue in Hindi : इस लेख में हमने मातृभाषा पर निबंध के बारे में जानकारी ..... मातृभाषा शिक्षण का महत्व : भारतीय बच्चे अपनी लोकभाषा जिसमें उन्हें कम से कम गिनती ...

  5. Mother Tongue Essay

    Long and Short Essays on Mother Tongue for Students and Kids in English. We are providing students with essay samples on a long essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the topic 'Mother Tongue' for reference. Long Essay on Mother Tongue 500 Words in English. Long Essay on Mother Tongue is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

  6. Mother Tongue Importance And Significance In Hindi Importance Of Mother

    Read the latest and breaking Hindi news on Get live Hindi news about India and the World from politics, sports, bollywood, business, cities, lifestyle, astrology, spirituality, jobs and much more. Register with to get all the latest Hindi news updates as they happen.

  7. Hindi, My Mother Tongue Essay in English

    Hindi, My Mother Tongue. India is celebrating the 100th birthday of Raashtra Kavi Ramadhaari Singh Dinkar. I wonder if many of people of Indian origin in the USA know that name but I felt guilty and contrite when I learned this from a child who eulogized him in our temple through his poem, Himalaya. The poem evoked in me the memories of my ...

  8. my mother tongue hindi essay in english

    Learn English at Home. Essay on Hindi Language in English (हिंदी भाषा पर निबंध) Essay on hindi . Let's start the essay on hindi… Outline of the

  9. माँ पर निबंध

    10 lines Essay on Mother in Hindi. (1) मेरी मां दुनिया की सबसे अच्छी मां है. (2) मां ने ही मुझे जन्म दिया है और मेरे लिए अनेक कष्ट सहे है फिर भी वह खुश रहती हैं. (3 ...

  10. How a Bihari lost his mother tongue to Hindi

    Of the 422 million people in this group, only 61% actually reported Hindi as their mother tongue. Bhojpuri and Magadhi are among the top 5, with shares of 7.8% and 3.3%, respectively. In Bihar, the tables are turned. Less than one-fourth recorded their mother tongue as Hindi. Bhojpuri and Magadhi had a share of 33.6% and 20%, respectively.

  11. 10 lines on My Mother in Hindi

    On being sick, she takes care of my sleep at night, so she is also my doctor. 9. My mother is very religious and she regularly recites prayers. 10. She is also my best friend who always accompanies me. # Meri Maa Par 10 Line # 5 sentences about mother in Hindi. Essay on Mother in Hindi. 10 Lines on My Father in Hindi.

  12. Essays on Hindi Is My Mother Tongue Essay Written In Hindi

    Mother Tongue in the leading Hindi magazines. During my stay here, I have written a lot and also earned a good name for myself." "But your mother tongue is not Hindi. You are... 387 Words; 2 Pages; Importance Of Mother Tongue

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